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if you are interested in world building and i'm assuming you are because you're watching this video and stuff like that if you're a role player if you're a writer if you're a game developer if you're any number of things but even if you just enjoy world building okay and you like to dabble in creating something the sponsor of this video is going to be really phenomenal for you it is campfire blaze okay campfire blaze is essentially kind of like a writing assist program because not only can does it have a word processor so you can write your story stuff like that but it's also got these brilliant world building tools as well you can make maps and actually link you know elements and information on the map the town the history what your character profiles histories backstories everything like that it's got all these tools you can there are even you know tools to figure out fantasy languages and fantasy races and stuff like that and the great thing about this it creates in such an easily 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you can still access all the features of campfire blaze so you've got the option highly recommended campfire blaze thank you for sponsoring this video and there is a link of course in the description below [Music] greetings i'm shad and in fantasy rearmed we have looked at some interesting uh character classes or character archetypes and tried to assess the best weapons that would suit them we've done wizards we've done rogues but what's interesting is that we haven't done the main archetype that would most commonly use the widest range of weapons the warrior part of me thought well it's kind of self-evident they can pick whatever weapon they want but really no this deserves a proper deep dive and consider all the different aspects what would be the best weapons generally speaking for a fantasy adventurer that's what we're going to dive into now one of the first things that we kind of need to understand about this one of the purposes of fantasy rearmed is to look at fantasy from a more realistic lens and usually to the best of my ability informed from historical information when they actually use the type of weapons that we see in fantasy and so when looking at it through a more realistic lens that means we should try and be free of certain tropes and baggage that comes with us through tradition and just that's what happens in the fantasy genre and so in looking at the warrior this is important thing that we need to now do is to break ourselves free of the tropes of what you consider to be a warrior okay because when it comes to fantasy we usually get stuck into the idea of character classes because in many fantasy role-playing games you pick a character class which can sometimes railroad you into a certain play style and the type of weapons you think are most appropriate also because classes railroad is into certain uh archetypes not always because look a fighter for instance if we look at the dragons has a lot of versatility to pick any weapon outside you could train a really good archer who is a fighter and you don't have to be a ranger and a barbarian you could be just as good as an axe as a regular barbarian but if you look and say barbarians and rangers these are warriors as well they generally have certain stereotypical weapons that are associated with them and so instead of looking at the best weapon for a class we want to disregard that we just want to say okay if you're an adventurer and you're going out and you have certain foes that are more likely to run into and certain situations that you might end up in what are the best weapons that would be most effective for this irregardless of character class and things like that so what i have with me here is basically a collection of some of the most iconic classic weapons in the fantasy arsenal now i was almost gonna say medieval arsenal but there are some weapons here that well there's only one actually well there's one that's on that represents the late medieval period which is the vector corbin which is going to represent the area for hull birds pole axes and stuff uh but then we have a rapier here as well which is not a medieval weapon but is included in fantasy so anyway these actually represent some of the more iconic you know sets and it's going to be a bit of a process of elimination to figure out what one would be better than the other but before we even get to these weapons there is a consideration that we need to understand beforehand which legitimately informs and has an effect on the weapons you pick and that is the armor you're wearing and therefore if you wear it using a shield because of course if you are using a shield that discounts all two-handed weapons then we need to ask do you need a shield because shields are hugely important so let me quickly grab one of my favorites the uh the kite shield should a warrior always opt for a shield if he's not wearing an armor i would i'll probably say yes absolutely if he's not wearing enough armor a shield is almost essential for how effective it is this doesn't usually play out in role-playing games as effectively because you can get away playing a role-playing game and character without a shield and you don't run into certain limitations when in reality a shield is so vital like if you go back in time a bit and look at our point of reference the medieval period to when armor wasn't wholly developed if you're going into a battle situation a shield is almost essential with a few exceptions and there were exceptions but for the most part a shield is your best friend so again adventuring is not like self-defense and it's not like a battlefield but it's closer to a battlefield than it is to self-defense because you are actively looking for trouble essentially or adventure and part of that adventure is combat and so then that brings into what i'll basically say in the beginning uh shield okay shield is going to be a massive consideration but then we need to ask another question what about dragons [Music] and in the finishing situation that is a really good question actually you should always but things dragons are actually a bit more rare um you would come across other monsters because what monsters you're more likely to run into is a consideration we need to consider and dragons are a part of that and i'll come back to i'll get a circle back okay but the other question is two-handed weapons in a lot of the combat situation and monsters you're fighting just thinking about it even casually two-handed weapons can do more damage they have more reach to have a lot of advantages and so if you could use a two-handed weapon and get adequate enough protection that is going to be a better choice than using a shield so how do you get the protection and not need a shield okay better armor is the answer and we see that in a general sense in history as armour developed and got better shields become less prominent they were still around they were still around and very popular but they weren't as prominent as but in the past because he had the option armor can protect me adequately enough and yes if i worry she would even on top of the armor it would give me extra extra protection but i don't necessarily need it and now i got two hands baby bring on the two-handed weapons and i really think that just process of elimination going through is a much better situation two-handed weapons if you can always get enough protection and use them is going to be the more optimal choice in adventuring scenario scenario except for a couple of circumstances and this is where we come back to what situations would you want a shield on top of armor okay as well as armor and this is where we need that most important question and the question comes back what about dragons yes that's one of those things like if you're fighting something you can breathe fire it doesn't matter how much armor you're wearing okay that fire will get in the gaps like wearing a helmet if you've got eye slits the fire is gonna be very painful okay so if you are in reality all right because this is one of the differences between fantasy role playing games and reality if you had napalm essentially being like napalm isn't exactly fire but even both napalm or just like fire that was basically gas being set on fire in the projectile and stuff like that it doesn't matter if you've got full plate or chainmail okay that fire is gonna mess you up all right so that's when shield forget this shield this is the shield that you're gonna want i mean if i'm a dragon breathing fire against me i'm doing this i'm like no see even even if i did that if i poke my head above my shield fire phase like seriously fire in the face through the islands of your home and stuff like that you're going to be riding on the ground in aggie it's over okay i mean if we're looking at fantasy in a more realistic sense there's a lot of injuries that you would take that would wholly debilitate you and you're not getting back up on and firing the face through the isolates of a helmet is one of them all right and so in those situations i think everyone is going to be using a shield and maybe have some type of anti-fire thing on there like just something that is fire resistant they'd i'm not fire proof like because i didn't have advanced material science but hey magic okay because i'm just saying how wooden shield against a dragon there is a problem there can you see what it is all right so i've answered that very important question one of the greatest most important questions of all time okay but there are a couple of other situations which are shield might be beneficial on top of armor but it's interesting if you have really good armor and you're fighting against monsters with conventional weapons that's going to protect you against a lot like think about it goblins all right orcs and things trolls and stuff fairies are an interesting one check out my video on fairies they can still be a problem i'm not sure a shield will help you either uh but okay for most conventional types of attacks good solid protective armor and i'm not talking about full plate either okay i would actually probably want a bit more than just a curious like i'm wearing a brigandine curious it's not started like that don't even dude but yeah i think it's curious not enough you want arm protection at least as well so you've seen me where i've got my full get up it's too hot for today okay and i'm too exhausted but pauldrons and arm braces and a good solid gambeson to protect a lot of the like leg strikes that it would be adequate enough all right and then full plate is just even more so and when you're armored to that level then you have the option of the advantage of two handed weapons over one-handed and so generally speaking for a fantasy warrior these are some of the best options and so there are very few circumstances in which not wearing armor is preferable over wearing armor there are some interesting things check out my video on can their fantasy barbarian be realistic i go into details on how you might get away with it and that's like i said it's worth its own video but i've already got it this time i've done it i don't need to make one i've done it so check out that video because there's a situation in which you could use a tactic that might be beneficial in certain types of combat where you would wear little armor to no armor but outside of you know that example i give in that video the idea that a barbarian is going to choose to wear little armor for a barbarian rage and stuff like no and seriously i mean ultimately it's not a spoiler i explain why go you still it's worth watching the video because i explain why but the ultimate answer is you could get away with wearing less armor if you carried a shield it relates to the point i'm making now because if a barbarian wants to wear less armor and not carry your shield that's in reality that's like insanity okay it's suicide especially if you're facing arrows see this is what i mean about breaking free of certain stereotypes and archetypes that have been established in the fantasy genre because the barbarian stereotypically must wear a loincloth not all time like they can wear certain measures armor but there are ways you can justify it like in my video but outside of those justifications even a barbarian if he was looking at the best equipment and set up to be a fantasy warrior in my opinion armor and then we'll be looking at two-handed weapons now all right and so like i said this is an interesting topic and there's a lot to actually break down when you really give it the consideration it deserves so now now i think that answers then look there are exceptions outside i'm speaking generally so if anyone says shad things you could all fantasy where i should always use hand weapons if you don't you know i'm not saying that okay there are situations where there are exceptions to this general standard i'm applying and establishing but speaking generally i think on balance these are the things that give greater advantages to the standard things that an adventurer would fight and i say standard and my work mind dragons are non-standard encounters okay they're the big boss they they they're the boss fights all right now what type of you know because there are a number of one-handed weapons here like check it out we got a battle axe you know and axes are devastatingly effective and stuff but again this is one handed so day next ah now we're getting there all right um one head of swords no we got warhammers interesting consideration would it would a larger two-handed warhammer something like this because two-handed uh you know warhammers did absolutely exist but they weren't necessarily called warhammers uh this is called a crow's beak or a bechter corbin and the hammer actually isn't its main thing it's the spike okay so interesting okay this is literal like seriously back to corbin's pollaxes bill hooks hull birds are some of the most devastating medieval weapons okay but this area of weapons are really you know they excel in one area of course they excel in a lot of areas like killing people they're great at killing people okay but one of the areas in which they are focusing on doing really well is combating armor all right and you can imagine like the this spike okay if it if that actually got in between you know the plates do some serious damage and depending on the level of quality the metal and you know the level quality on the metal on the spike could actually punch through certain types of armor okay and if you hit with the hammer that's a lot of concussive force so these are you know people call them the can openers of the medieval period right the can opener seems to accentuate their effectiveness too much against armor they like there's some issues that you would run into trying to use this against well-made armor front uh having the spike get stuck in metal okay that'll be a problem and stuff which is why it does have a hammerhead but male that spike would be devastating against okay but to say it could always crack open any type of armor no no it'll it'll still run into resistance and difficulty so the question is do adventurers combat heavily armored foes a lot i don't think so uh i think a lot of the monsters that they're fighting are either unintelligent so we're looking at uh yes orcs the stereotypical orcs are less intelligent uh goblins okay uh if we want to expand a bit trolls it's intelligent we have strange monsters like oozes and things like that uh we've got natural monsters like dire animals and such and one of the things that we're kind of running into is that a lot of these creatures are not wearing armor some might have particularly tough hides and especially when you get to things like dragon where they have scales as tough as steel something like this could come back in the forefront but i actually think for the most part giving a fair consideration most creatures that you come across are not wearing as effective armor that this was made to fight against will still be effective yes but there is a bit of a limitation with this kind of weapon and that is it's uh almost okay you might get away with a couple other things but it's almost like a single target single strike weapon meaning i can't hit more than one person with one swing if i'm swinging this against a an opponent and i hit it's only going to be hitting that opponent can i offend a wide area with like perhaps wide sweeping strikes like so yes but as soon as you hit the first opponent there is nearly no chance that it's going to go through that opponent hit another one granted even with weapons that can hitting the first opponent will usually stop it but there's a chance that they might travel through uh the other weakness with a weapon like this is it's striking ratio what do i mean i mean if i am aiming at someone and i miss the mark and i overshoot it the shaft is gonna hit them and do it could hurt them this is still a pretty heavy piece of wood but it's going to do nothing against the damage that you know the the actual damaging end will deal and then if i'm too short i'll miss again and so it's striking ratio is limited so there are limitations with this what about other things this is good at blunt damage and piercing damage but i can't cut the situations where cutting is more effective than piercing yes and no it depends but it's a good pick yet i'm not sure it would be the first pick because of how specialized specialized it is of course in the times when such specialization would be useful great pick but we're talking about what creatures you're more likely to run into because that's the thing that you need to consider you're an adventurer you're a warrior you're about to go on an adventure and if you don't know exactly what you're going to be fighting you have to work through statistics and look at what are the things that are more likely to run into and then the best weapons for that we haven't really talked about ranged weapons here this is important because you do need two hands for ranged weapons which discount shields but already there and so ranged weapons really useful devastatingly useful in actual fact i would say it's probably one of the most primary picks a warrior would choose but there are weaknesses with it for instance ammunition carrying and lugging around lots of arrows is a pain i know right um i can fit 20 arrows into a quiver and it's truckers it's like really really thick and it's an annoying weight that swings around uh but i might do it yet still you'd be surprised how quickly you can run through 20 arrows like really quickly okay uh and if you can't recover them that could be an issue having two quivers is uh very cumbersome and two quivers twenty so they have 40 arrows full then yet still you're struggling you might be able to squeeze more in i actually think maybe i could fit uh now i think 20 is the upper limits of a single quiver depending on how thick the arrows are and we're talking about war arrows here so if you're saying well i can fit way more in my quiver shad are you talking about what arrows you know arrows that have a half inch diameter i think you know for a general adventurer bow is a really useful thing okay and uh it doesn't take too early you know just take some training not too much to be adequate in it do you want a war bow right it depends on how thick the hides of the creatures you're fighting um see war bows are interesting they were made to combat armor okay shields as well in the very high categories uh but a 70 pound bow is easily lethal enough against someone not wearing armor and most animals as well so you might not necessarily even need a wall bow but if you want to get chances of doing real damage warbo even better especially if you come across creatures with thick hyde and the occasional armored opponent so yes if you can manage it might be too cumbersome and adventurous to travel and so it's interesting that again stereotypes things that we get stuck into in fantasy usually when we think of a warrior we think of a warrior who's either dedicated ranged or dedicated unarmed combat now when i say dedicated of course i'm not saying they can't use you know melee weapons and there's many character types that do okay but think about legolas all right in lord of the rings how often is he fighting against an opponent basically in melee distance and still using his bow when in reality you wouldn't do that okay you would use a proper weapon he pulls out his daggers occasionally granted but there are other times where you know you stab someone with an arrow then she's like you know granted there are concessions when we allow certain fantastical combat skills but remember this is fantasy react and we're trying to look at this in a more realistic sense and in the real world of you know effectiveness of bows in combat and when you use them stuff like that if someone reaches you to be in melee range you're dropping it you're throwing them down and you're grabbing your weapon if you had a weapon on you draw the weapon right you do that okay uh and so the idea that you have a character that is specialized in range and is always going to pick ranged or like a bow or something when in reality that'd be served much better going into melee okay that is a stereotype that exists in fantasy and more often if you're looking at a more realistic sense i think nearly every warrior would at least you know think consider carrying a bow with them because of how useful that if you can wipe out any opponent without getting into melee distance that would always be the best option okay like seriously because it saves you from you know potential injury i'm not saying you can't get shot back or anything but but you have much higher chances of injury in me in close range than at long range and so interesting this is what i do like in a lot of the rings is that we see aragorn and boromir have bows and opt to use bows when it's appropriate you know when the um the troll is breaking in and they're breaking in moria but you know what they do when they get me they drop him like any smart person would do and then they whip out their swords does legolas say again the stereotype of dedicated range versus mix when in reality like in a realistic sense i think a lot of worry is actually going to be mixed a bit of a balance they're always going to allow give them an uh you have an option available for ranged weapons but as we've already covered there are many situations which the range weapons bows or even crossbows are not good when the enemy closes the distance and you need to drop them but i think we've actually found one of the primary golden weapons that every fantasy warrior would usually carry with them and that is a boat all right so now we're going back to melee weapons is there a weapon that would be most beneficial for a fantasy warrior meal happened now we've already got the bow as our first main thing and so we've considered pole arms like hull birds pole axes back to corbin and stuff and we've already said they're more specialized so in those special circumstances yes but generally no so in terms of the classic stereotypical weapons that leaves spears swords and axes all right and we're going to be focusing on the two-handed types so spear very interesting uh choice and a lot to consider about the spear the spear generally speaking is one of the most effective and devastating melee weapons above them all all right the massive advantage is reach okay the reach you can get on a spear is devastating and a lot of historical european martial arts practitioners have put spears to the test and they've tested people who are very competent in say long sword and more inexperienced with spear they've only used beer occasionally but still the group with spears who are using them just you know casually and not experts with them still win more often than the swords do not all the time it's a percentage rate and so they they win usually 70 percent 80 it varies sometimes it's closer depending on how good the swordsman is and how you know um inexperienced the spearman is but generally speaking the spears come out on top because the reach advantage is huge that is in a very specific setup though specifically one verse one does it apply to adventuring there are certain things that we can apply but certain things that we can't okay because if you are an adventuring group a spear can be great especially if you're working in a unit together okay if you're fighting one-on-one great again if you are outnumbered this is where we can run into some difficulty because the spear is what i was kind of saying about the victor corbin it's usually a one strike one target weapon you can't offend multiple people but the reach advantage is so significant that might balance it out this might actually come into personal preference but the spear is such a devastating weapon okay and can actually sometimes use the more easier one-handed with a shield and then because this could this could be used as a one-handed spear quite effectively okay and i could have a shield or it could be a two-headed spear and so versatility in regards to that so if you did have a shield on with you just in case of that dragon all right and you're fighting opponents when you don't need the shield you can two-hand it and it's a devastating two-handed weapon and then you can also one-hand it and have a shield and this gives you the reach you would want more often against a dragon or something like that and so dang the spears this beer is coming out on top for a lot of interesting reasons i was actually thinking we might be moving towards sword and i'll tell you why but on balance i think the spear might actually have more advantages but before i even get to the sword we do need to address two-handed axe okay i don't have a real danax yet i will someday you know but this lap one will suffice in the meantime and so it's got good reach it's got devastating power yet does have that limitation in usually being able to only hit one person but there is a greater chance that the axe blade could slice through someone especially as a head shot or if you only get the tip like through someone's an enemy's neck or surface strike and you could get a wider strike like that which would be very beneficial against mobs like goblins and things one of the weaknesses it has is the cutting ratio and again if you miss the target you'll hit the shaft and that's one of the weaknesses with the spear okay if you miss the strike with a spear and they get inside your ability to do damage with the spear shaft is greatly reduced but the spear has unique benefits on top of that weakness that the axe especially two-handed you know and when i say two-headed axe this can be the polax as well can't really come back on if you want to do extra extra damage yes but it lacks more versatility for instance what if you're fighting a creature with tougher hide or the occasional armor or just something in which a thrust would be more beneficial unless there's a polax granted that has a spike on the end it's it still comes up short okay and there are other limitations so then let's quickly go through some of the advantages of a sword the first question when considering swords is what type of sword okay we're already in the two-handed realm so we're looking at two-handed swords but two-ended swords are they have a bit of a range so you've got your long sword but what about the bigger versions the great swords and i really think you know when weighing up you're an adventurer okay the larger sword is usually always going to be preferable because you are coming across more often creatures that are tougher to overcome to be that have tougher heights like for instance a troll or an orc okay um you still have great thrusting capacity but if you need to do wide sweeping cuts something bigger now this is one of my new swords like i only got it like i got it today literally so that's why i haven't seen it on the channel yet and it fits the wonderful mid-range between long sword and greatsword and so i would call it a war sword it's definitely you could just call it a two-handed sword but categorization can get tricky because you could call it a very large long sword or a very short great sword which is why i call it warsaw because it fits so nicely in that category and so at the very least i think you're going to want something about this size and bigger and uh this is such a nice so i haven't got it okay i got it today let me know down over it a bit because my goodness this is a beautiful sword all right but this has a couple of big advantages it has reach like look at the reach like this is a there's a big sword okay uh standing on the ground next to me oh it's coming up to my chin all right so this is a long sword longer than your average long sword so you could very well get away with calling it a great sword so you get the reach like i mentioned uh you have very effective cutting capacity for something this is bc and you can offend a larger range of people around you and your cutting ratio is the whole length this is one of the great advantages of swords okay is the cutting ratio if you miss your attack and you strike too far down still going to do damage it's right on the blade okay and so the ability the cutting ratio is a huge advantage with swords then it's their versatility all right because not only can you thrust and get through tough hides and even armor and things okay so you get the thrusting capacity you've got the cutting capacity but if you're using something like a long sword well then you've got you know some bludgeoning damage as well half sorting absolutely you can grab you know a sword and this is sharp by the way by the blade and do some serious damage so a long sword or grey sword in particular is very versatile and versatility in an adventuring situation is massively advantageous because you don't really know what creatures you're fighting okay if you're if you're fighting a mob of little creatures and you can just do a massive swing to either keep them at bay or potentially kill more than one big advantage big advantage now there is a caveat i have not mentioned yet which is important to mention and that is a important consideration in the weapons you're picking and it's not just the monsters you're fighting it is also the companions you have and what weapons they have because sometimes you want one companion to have the shield to protect you from the fire perhaps something like that and so therefore picking a weapon that accounts for what your companions have is very important but that can really change up the consideration and open up a lot of possibilities so even though it's you would always need to consider it in this consideration this video specifically we're more considering the single adventure okay and uh and then we can narrow down the consideration a lot and in that sense the sword is giving massive advantages especially a sword like this a two-handed sword with great cutting capacity great thrusting capacity it's brilliant i personally think this gives you more advantages than even the two-handed acts of danax can it do as much damage it's debatable because though the axe can hit with crazy power it can't thrust and look at the thrusting capacity you would have on a weapon like this all right and even though it isn't as messy running someone through is not as messy as clefting their skull in half but it can be just as deadly okay on balance thrusts are usually more deadly than cuts especially superficial cuts okay a cut that doesn't cleft the skull and bounces off that's survivable all right but if you get this much penetration into an opponent and there are many parts on their body that they have vital organs they're going to go down maybe not right away but certainly in time where a lot of superficial cuts or surface cuts people will survive and so having a good thrusting capacity is a big advantage which i think in my opinion puts this above the axe if i was to just on balance i'm not saying actually isn't effective but on balance a sword like this gives you more advantages than a two-handed axe does okay it's more versatile now we come into that consideration of this sort i i've narrowed it down in my opinion we've really narrowed it down to the best weapons we've got the longbow and now we're really just tossing up between great sword war sword and a spear that's a tough one a spear gets even additional reach and on average it can outperform one-on-one combat then a sword like this well actually usually the swords are using a smaller than this this is this is bigger than your average long sword so that would be interesting but it can't offend multiple people and uh thrusting is definitely so ah this is the thing okay i think you are more likely to run into mobs of creatures cobalt goblins and stuff like that than a single large creature on average and this is more i i guess i can only draw this conclusion from my subjective experience but on average i tend to find or see adventurers coming across multiple weaker enemies and a single really tougher of course they do okay but i think if you're fighting multiple weaker enemies it's going to be big sword single larger tough enemy i would go spear can you carry both maybe you might might be able to get away with it actually like this would be the this would be the setup bow arrow sword spear let's test that out so this is kind of making me revisit my thoughts in the video how many weapons can an adventurer carry and now that we're really you know breaking down the most effective weapons okay we i am running into one of the limitations that came before is that of the bow because the bow takes time to set up you know maybe a minute to take it off string it and get ready so it's not a quick draw weapon at all uh granted you could string it if you know you're going into an area where there will be monsters so you'd string it beforehand and then there's an awkward thing to carry it might you know need its own dedicated video of how i explore different ways to hang a strong longbow on your back longbows in particular are hard they're a smaller bow um yeah there's a better way easier ways to do it but this is awkward okay because if i could hang this on my body somehow in a quick way you know because like maybe even you know putting it through my arm will make it drag on the ground and stuff it's awkward okay the arrows honestly if i wanted to carry a spear and the best way spear over the shoulder on your back but with the spear on my shoulder like this i could actually put the quiver on my back i have a back quiver i think this back quiver has the arrows hanging too low but i wanted to test it out anyway because i grab my spear now and i sling it over my shoulder this way this uh could potentially still work i see like to grab the arrows i need us actually it's a bit better okay let me see i actually all right i can grab the arrows so i could i could theoretically this might be the limit though but i could theoretically do this have a good sword at my hip i've had to slip it through the belt because i this is actually i haven't made it to fit in my sword carriage yet i'd need a loop to hold it from sliding down any further and then that this would actually fit nicely but currently sliding all the way down and hitting the ground and it needs to sit there but if i had the sword here okay and it stayed where it needed to stay this this is workable could i fight this way though because that's that's the tricky thing no i could could i fight as effectively potentially not if i really got in a fight and depending on the opponent remember because uh i could probably fight with the sword in if it was secure better and if it was an enemy that was uh if it was an enemy that was a single larger opponent okay i could take off the spear fight with it the way i need to okay but the question is could i secure the spear right and then oh this is going to be a tricky there we go did it and fight with the sword again if it was made to fit in there it would sit more securely it's tricky that i would need to have the spear secured pretty pretty good but i actually think you could this would flap it like honestly though if i if i couldn't secure this right be happy to drop it fight do what i need to do so ultimately i think we found our answer you could get away with carrying both but it might be a matter of personal preference if you want to go sword or spear whatever preference you have i love swords but i do love spears as well what is an adventurer to do it's like choosing between two loved ones [Music] but there we go like i told you it's going to be a bit of a process of elimination but considering or going through it all i think we'll come to some pretty darn solid conclusions bow large sword or spear and depending on but the sword just can't decide but there could be bow and sword or bow and spear would be the best weapons for a fantasy adventurer in my opinion what do you think share your thoughts in the comments below i'd love to read them forward to it and of course i look forward to seeing you in the next video so until that time farewell [Music] you
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 658,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fantasy, medieval fantasy, character classes, dungeons and dragons, dnd, d&d, lord of the rings, game of thrones, the witcher, weapons, sword, swords, knight, warrior, fighter, barbarian, ranger, paladin, adventurer, quest
Id: LimmJdnJhkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 28sec (2428 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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