I BUILT A CASTLE. . . sort of, but this is only the beginning!

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[Music] ratings I'm Chad and I have one of the coolest things to share with you guys it's a pretty awesome okay and sorry after I show you all right and tell you all about it I also want to share with you some of my plans going into the future because this is just the first alright come check it out have a look at this awesome is it sorry if you've been noticing they are not too subtle hints that have been dropping on the channel I've built a castle kind of okay it is as you see a castle backdrop that I'll be using in my future outdoor videos and I mean wanting to do this for a while because there was of course been wanting to hope you want to build castles my whole life okay and this one here is the first of many the other ones are a bit grander but to start us off you'll start me off think it's a a perfect kind of first attempt now as you can see it's basically modeled after a medieval style gatehouse or the front of a keep with two flanking towers central doorway and you know what these are don't you you know what these are like and are they real are they real well let me show you see I told you absolutely real now what this actually is it's a wooden frame okay this is all the timber frame with a fake stone it's not really a vini it's a type of our plastic cladding there are a lot of different options you can actually find to do this with pros and cons to each in reality I'm in Australia and so basically all we have to do wherever you live here in the US UK Canada Germany I have I view as all over the world you just look up fake stone cladding you'll find something in your local area that does a similar type of job one of the key differences about this type of arm cladding is that on some you actual have to like blue boarded and then you put some type more onion sticking real flat pieces of stone on and that's way too labor-intensive so this is actually they come in panels and then you just screw them onto the frame so these ones really useful and they were easy to cut so they worked really well but they're particularly sourced from Australia so like I said you'd be able to find similar products wherever you live all we need a Google is a fake stone cladding or something go out and look through your options and it is turned out so good now I didn't build it okay you might know I went into surgery and then I was recovering and stuff but I'm having some other things built I'm building a filming studio and so I pulled the Builder aside and I said you know I've got this other project that I wondering if you could do it this is this is what it is and it's like yeah we could do that yeah this is what we have so Jeff thank you very much for all your work and of course Matt was one of the guys that worked mostly on this I thank you Matt as well and let me take you through the stages of when we're building this sorry I took photos of all because this is basically what it was without a castle okay and it was a veranda coming off the shed where we hung up our laundry and it was a strong enough frame that I was like I could do something with this and so we then put the frame up bit by bit starting with the side towers so itäôs her a bit too tall to begin with so we shortened them and then just step by step we were adding on to it we did the frame once we did the frame we were working on the overhang here and so you'll notice how the corbels supporting the overhang just like in a real castle actually but they're not stone or of course they would but we've painted them to look like stone my wife did that and yeah they blend perfectly look sorry dad good I got how good does this look so I was gonna be so awesome to use this in videos going forward and then one other thing we did so with this particular type of cladding they come with corner pieces see this is this is a corner piece and I ordered a different color of the corner pieces that we don't not really meant to do about wery appropriated to do a feature stone on the arrow loops the archway for the door and for the top of the crenellations there as well and that just has turned out beautiful and if you're wondering if there is a ramp are behind these battlements that I can walk on well yes there is but what you might notice is I'm a little too tall sorry if this is sorry I kind of built this on a half-scale to get the impression that it's much bigger than what it is because in reality this is a real castle the rampart would be here okay and these crenellations will be twice as big the moulin which is of course the truth okay this is the Marilyn this is the Crennel these Merlin's would be about half the height of a person and the remaining distance down here down here would be another about another half height of a person and this whole kind of you know embattlement right here right here would be the height of a person and the rampart would be about there but to get the effect the look that these are big you know battlements and you could stick your head through you know the Crennel and go your mother hamster and your hot ass smelt of elderberries you know you do that right put the rim part lower than the line of the battlements now of course I can still use the matriculation right but these matriculation z' should technically be the real at my feet okay and because of the at the door the actual you know rampart had to come up to the this line right here which you wouldn't be able to tell you can't tell looking at it normally but goes all the way through and I can see you in say yeah it is a pretty cool and if you're wondering whether or not the doors open yes they do ah there's nothing really worth seeing behind it it's just kind of a construction zone at the moment and it's also open to the elements as well and there's nothing yet to hinge it shut once I open them so I all things that I could have fix up bad sigh yeah ollie the doors open which is also cool only I could open it once the latches shut on the inside cuz I get out now but I can walk around so those are the stages that's what I was looking like but I did mention that this was the first of many that I want to build because I planned all right and this is actually a bit of a proof of concept to see how well a fake kind of stone cladding could turn out and it looks pretty good I'm not sure up close so it looks great you know how to distance when you go up close not sure it has the Fidelity's in the right word the detail that I'd want because you can really snow to know it's fake when you're standing right next to it at a distance it looks great and so for one of my future projects where I well I'll tell you you know in detail because I've designed him so I want to build of course a I guess it's a mansion you know my future dream home everyone has a dream home don't you how so I've designed my own dream home and you can guess what it looks like it's a castle of course right and so I'll show you I'll get to show you in detail but that's just one of the castles because separate two that I want to build something that has true historical authenticity to it not because a home is a home and you want all the convenience of home I want to build something that actually is well has all the appearance of a real castle okay and then I want to basically build as a type of living museum or open museum where you can walk in walk around experience because in Australia we've got nothing like that all you guys in the UK and Europe and everything your castles everywhere stairs got nothing the closest you know one day I have attempted they don't come nearly to the level they should I want to build something of true authenticity and and I have levels I got like ones that I can build on a cheaper budget going up figuring out how to build them out of cheap materials timber frame and so this is what this is kind of a proof of concept if you could do it with a timber frame with a fake stone cladding would it look good enough to to get the field to get to make it like oh this is real castle and so you know the door it looks a little bit fake it's not bad maybe because it just looks too polished the one of the big kind of proof of concepts is the matriculation right here and the core bleeding to see how well they would come up and they have come up beautifully like looks so good alright and that they look like real matriculation yeah look underneath you can see right through real don't wanna neighbors I'm outside if I follow it you know what you lose yawns is that I have to do I have to do it like a low-volume out here because I don't want upset the neighbors too much but they real okay and and they turned out so good one of the wings that I've you know fine as you do see a gap between the cladding and and the timber work behind it when you're up close so you know that's something to try and work out there are other options to explore in terms of the type of cladding that I want because when I build this open museum thing I wanted to look like I wanted to be a real castle about out of cheaper materials stone is like a stone in Australia it's not many people who can work with stone in Australian terms to that level and so there are other options making it out of a type of brick if it's affordable to get the look that I want the thing is the walls we're not because these walls as you you know see in the frame they're only the width of a frame when I build a castle that's meant to reflect a real historical castles the walls are going to be a metre thick okay that that's the thing and so I can have proper alcoves at the windows and everything so when you walk through it it'll just be brilliant and then I have different sizes of design starting off with something smaller than building up and so one of the first things I need for this far off dream I have and when you say far off it's a matter of time people I'll do it I'll do it okay I do need get the property and I need a big property because ultimately I'd like to build my house I live on in that property but then I want it decently removed from the commercial castle because I will be using it for commercial things I'd like to hold medieval fairs there I'd like to hold tournaments okay I clubs like medieval feasts and stuff I would like to have it just as an open educational museum just throughout the year where it is these the open times you come and you check it out there's a kind of a tourist destination but also educational things where schools can come to and stuff but then there's also huge opportunities for it having being a in a really fancy very specific kind of genre venue event and weddings would like to be held there and stuff like I hadn't say there's all those things and honestly it's a lot of work to get I don't know how much money you would be able to make I think I'd be able to support itself or at the very least but I wouldn't be really be doing it as a financial kind of thing to Garrett I basically need to be rich before I be able to do it and then I just be having it and running it as an awesome thing for people to enjoy that that's one of my goals in life and so I guess I have to write a couple more books you know share my book with your friends although every sale helps right share this video hey that'll help as well because I have other plans as well to be able to finance certain you know dreams of mine and you'll see them and as they come out as we move along but now now that I've kind of shared you my master plan my castle house builds everything like my kind of castle I want to show you the designs okay I want to shave my castle home that I've designed it okay my dad is an architect sorry and I worked at a construction firm for a couple of years as well and I was a client contract manager and so as my job to actually review the architectural plans of mistakes even though I wasn't an architect and you'll learn a lot about construction along the way so this is the design of my dream home and as you can see it's okay there's a little bit extravagant I granted that and you'll notice that I have two very distinct kind of styles at play here one is a very kind of cottage to de look and the other being a very kind of castle aesthetic as well see my wife loves cottages I love castles and so this design here it's kind of my you know intent to combine the two aesthetic styles in one and it works really well I can't like I just love that overall kind of aesthetic it feels more homely depending on which you look at I see this is the this angle right here it looks very castle like oh yeah that looks like it's a castle right looking really good but if you look at it from this angle you know like a castle ish but more like impressive you know cottage mansion I guess and though that I've designed it so I could build this in stages and there are different segments in glee there are four segments to this design you have the garage section here this is the main livable coat this is the main whorehouse part in cases and this is where I'd be living in this is the business section the good old keep is where a shadow versity business would be located and this right here is a granny flat essentially and so it's actually designed that I could build these sections independently and then they'd be added on because I doubt I'd have the money just build the whole thing in one hits it would be pretty you know expensively I'd be like this but how much would I need to be able to build this you know glorious dream home here four or five million you got to have your dreams don't you but I'll show you show you a bit inside because I have designed this too proper architectural kind of parameters this is in Sketchup if you're wondering what program this is and Sketchup is a type of AutoCAD program and so I can remove each layer as needed and that garage and run E flat and so anyway this is just the easy home and funny what's interesting like just this you know building by itself is a large extravagant home it doesn't it's not a mansion just this by itself okay and this part here would be a you know added to this is the connecting part to the garage and so without the garage this wouldn't be here and sorry that's actually part of the addition so maybe I should never actually put that with the garage model but anyway it's a really nice large you know cottage castle II kind of home just by itself and so it doesn't nearly as extravagant or mansion like with all the other attachments on it and so let me show you a bit on the inside of this one here so the main entrance is here this is kind of the entry part there they're not there's a guest room here's a small guest room and of course where the bathroom covered there oh I look at these bay windows don't you love these beautiful bay windows or you'd have like a seat cushion seat I'm sorry just beautiful things right I like um you know uh yeah I have a background in building you know like my dad's an architect as I mentioned and sorry I've come I just have that unnatural or I've developed an appreciation for just you know architectural ease now Ike what's this room here well this room is actually it's a library and so I'm usually I'm going to show you gotta have a library in your home as I look at this spiral staircase and right in this corner here that would be bookcases with a beautiful bay window where you can sit and read and then if I was to put the next level on sorry goes up here and then there would be books books books books cases all there as I haven't you're you know if the library ah that would be awesome that's a lovely sectional and then the main lounge room I actually like having a work desk in the mainland room in them you know so I'm not just too separated I have a work desk in the lounge interesting our current home and so that means I can actually watch a bit of TV or if my wife and the kids are watching TV I can kind of enjoy what they're watching in the background while I'm working away at my desks here and then for the desks for the kids computers and that this part would be a playroom and then of course we have the dining this is a kind of a breakfast nook here and then kitchen my wife really wants a nice large kitchen so a large kitchen and then you know fridges and then what we have here the downstairs water closet toilet and a very large pantry I'm all into food storage I mean what's happening right you know food storage is pretty good as we become important and so here would be the laundry okay laundry broom closet or like oh all that stuff and of course it connects to the garage and the reason why there's five car spots here is because I've designed it that my mum can live with us if we if I ever built this that's why we have a granny fact the granny flat is there for my mum and I'll explain the logic behind there and and then this section here would be your workshop workshop so that's the first floor there it's all pretty cool so we'll go up to the next floor so the next floor is of course you get to it through the main staircase and here's a white well I guess I didn't just put the texture color on it yet so so this whole section here is basically like a casual lounge room area for the kids they can watch TV do whatever they want kind of stuff there and then you have a door which leads into the library the upper section of the library here and then this is where the main bedrooms are okay so bedrooms are kind of on the next floor up and so we've got a bedroom here bedroom their bedroom their bedroom there so one two three four kids bedrooms then you get master bedroom this is a rather rather nice in fact I just show you on the outside look at those windows from the kitchen so the kitchen is plenty of lighting there and another thing I like see this um underground I'll throw this cover a section here so that'll be good for barbeque or whatever I've got some balconies and so there's a balcony that leads off from the master bedroom here and what is this room here this is a sewing room for my wife my wife loves to sew she she gets into them so this is her own sewing room that is separated from everywhere else so kids can't even get to it they have to go through the bedroom main door there and then of course you have the Wardrobe here walk-in wardrobe there and then the ensuite or me in this room here and that's all attached to the master bedroom and the master bedrooms like I like my dream home I want a nice large master bedroom and then of course the kids bathroom down here you fit the kitchen or a chemistry there or you know so but basically there'll be enough room in this bath in this bathroom for a bath kitchen and of course vanity sinks and everything toilet underneath the stick or on the bottom end of the staircase there's another stairwell leading up to an attic now what's this section here well this section is actually here ready for the additional the extension of the business side of stuff there and there's a hallway and so it's a whole way that'll lead to a door that led that there's a walkway like a balcony section that in the extension that'll lead off there and of course the business side above the garage here this would actually be a studio work area for me to you know do my work film and inside filming location stuff and also office room and everything before the large they keep the kind of shadow versity wing of this house is built and once that wing is built this can then be turned into very easily another kind of granny flat so there's a kitchen there with cabinetry nice I kind of like so you seen these windows here just nice cabinetry in windows there so that's where that kitchen is and then this one location here these are like catches counters in there and then the the format of this kind of small granny flat or guest you know room and whatever is land room here kitchen their bedroom here and bathroom in here with a toilet there on a balcony and then when you go to the next level up it's you have the attic here singing can you sing that attic in there and then the stairwell you sort of see this these stairs here or that leads into the tower bedroom so two bedrooms in the towers with those beautiful big windows the kids are gonna be fighting over who gets those bedrooms when this place is built and so all in all it's actually you know ain't got a lot of ordering so there's like if you count this you know guest bedroom here and this would be a studio so I wouldn't count it as bedrooms just yet but they'll be like one two three four five six including the master bedroom and then seven eight so this here is a be an eight bedroom home why eight well hey I got four kids probably gonna have more snow I and hey I love I love my children and I I come from a family of six kids myself well I've come from a larger family so you know I love big family or Mormons what do you expect and so that's that portion then the granny flat is pretty straightforward the thing is there everything needs to be accessible for my mom on the first floor she actually might not be using the second floor and so this is a kind of a for granny flat here for my mom which is bedroom wardrobe toilets lounge room guest room laundry water closet and then of course you have your dining room and kitchen and that's kind of everything she needs the next floor up is I guess for guests and other things you probably won't be using it too much but it's got three bedrooms kind of playroom area of sids bathroom and a nice balcony my mom does like the balcony part and then there is a tower bedroom there as well and so that's the that's the granny flat section and you know my mum she won't live forever and so that means we have an additional kind of a guest house and you know if any of my kids when they grown up and have a family of their own and they want to come and visit for a couple of months while they have to get a whole house to live in and spend time and so the purpose of this giant kind of house here is for me looking to the future and my kids are growing up and their families of their own I can we can't there's enough room to have everyone have all my kids in FA Emily's come and visit us and they have there's room for them to stay if a week months or whatever and we can hold family reunions and just you know enjoy life basically and so the next you know portion is of course the the large keep section which is going to be the main business area hopefully their future house you know for sure diversity the first floor is like a function Center really so you could set up tables and everything or displays or whatever there'll be a commercial kitchen here this is an entry hole here and then in this ring this will just be kind of like an additional part and so it's just room to give options and also I could set it up to be like a games room to have functions like so a pool table or whatever as well like it gives you options basically because even though there's a lot of business views here as well I'd also use it for partly you know the family means nothing's like that main stills here and in this you dial square here is actually going to be an elevator this is going to have an elevator in this building and so the next floor up is kind of cool yeah it's a cinema yeah personal cinema and sorry in this room here would be like the snack room there would be treats and everything and then male and female toilets here on the thing in their course elevator there and this is a void on the next floor up and sorry this entry hole is actually going to be double height maybe to hang banners and whatnot and so that's pretty cool and the next one up will be my filming studio and offices and so this central here is a filming backdrop and then room for officers officers it'll have its own kitchenette here and there'll be a toilet there and so that's what that floor is and this next floors are my favorite floor see here it's going to be like a ballroom this is like a ballroom but also a training you know hall for yeah I could practice Hema in here and other things like that and so I could even use it uses like a function cinder because look at these windows and so on so my favorite things look at the windows on the back here isn't like these are Lancet windows just beautiful they look great so look at the size of that hole there that is just awesome and then it of course it's capped off where that the roof and that is my dream future castle home fully designed every single floor it is just beautiful will I ever get to build it you know I think I will I'm working towards it and just another nice feature here see the central courtyard nice beautiful central courtyard oh and you put some like bushes and trees and seats and everything like that maybe the fountain or something ought to be lovely this will just be a beautiful home and look I'll even have like a castle filming backdrop kind of like the one you currently have what I've currently built it'll be a higher here see that and sorry well actually with this I could kind of use any angle to fill this a castle backdrop because it is a castle like look at this for a backdrop there and you know there's a couple of different options as well if we're going to go further like adding a wall around or something like that but it is pretty awesome but this is just one of the castle an ability in actual fact I'll probably be had to build my open Museum Castle before finishing off something like this because in all honesty we might be able to build the granny flat first it'll be far more affordable if we did that so that's just this portion here and so because I'll be out of that at a much lower cost like something like this maybe for 500,000 for this one here could be 200 so but still that's far more doable and reasonable and then that means we could my family could move into this house here and live in on the way end I have to after we bought the land and then live in it while we develop a build on all the other passes also we have options but then of course I'd want to buy land to give me the options to build my open museum parcel so let me show you what that one looks like so I actually have three different designs one starting small larger and then a much larger one that ultimately I'd like to reach towards and depending on how much money I have to be are to fund this kind of venture would depend on which design I could start with and even after building this bigger one here I actually would like to build even bigger and so I'd like to kind of build a kind of castle world almost of really authentic medieval castles and you could explore it each one each one might have a sorry if I was to build different ones I'd actually give them a different aesthetic style I change up the crenellations and battlements and stuff to make them look kind of different and also perhaps even be more representative of the different architectural styles of historical castles and that's what I'd kind of follow so you get to experience different types of castles in this kind of castle world I'd like to build and just to show you these castles they're basically hollow frames if you have a look here see here so depending on what I build these out of it's not as complex as you might think you just need to really build the walls and then you know the the floors would be timber Bruce and so depending what you're building out of like these they're not hugely complex and I'll show you some of the possibilities of what we can build this out of and so these are just a lot of different reference things that I put together my castles like all here these are like internal castle furniture that I use for my castle design sometimes and stuff but over here is is when wood exploring I saw from my dad on what we could frame if they scarcely out of and so so okay we came together that we could actually build the this kind of frame here see this frame he'll stuff and so you can take we build out of timber and then multiply them layer them up to get there to represent the thickness of the castle walls and so if I go over here we could actually build these castles in this method you see here and so you get the thickness of the castle walls and this could all be timber and then you do a fake but authentic looking stone cladding and so that means you could actually build these out of timber and it's just an option I can still explore building mount of brick and then like I could do two lines of brick one inside one outside and then fill up the center with concrete to get the thickness of the castle walls to and because with the thickness done properly then I can have the proper window kind of alcoves doofer window alcoves as you kind of see here and you could frame them up and work to get the window alcoves like sorry and so there are options that I can explore in building this and then it's just the kind of style or size a service or something like this much smaller much more conservative but it would have the look okay and castles you know they was there a lot that were actually very small and conservative very simple and so this is absolutely representative of historical castles still and so something like this is much much smaller and then we could you know or I'll go for a have an option like this something much larger and of course once these are built out divided like you know the floors by which function the room would be fulfilling if you're wondering you know what type of rooms are inside medieval castles well you can check out my video what rooms are inside medieval castles where I give you all the detail here and this one is a kind of you know the one I would like to build like a look at it has a beautiful silhouette it looks impressive imposing and so it'll look look great and of course I you know I can afford having nice you know windows and like this was just a concept I haven't put in all the windows that would be on you know a castle like this but it just looks beautiful and imagine having this as like a medieval in a Medieval Fair location and you could walk in and explore it and just get the experience of what a real castle was like and so and of course these would be like the floor breakdowns inside here and so yeah this is kind of the one I'd like to aim for but even after I will build this one I'd want to build even bigger ones as well I can't help myself but it's a good design and I have plans that you know make it possible to even be able to build out timber if I need to exploring what I could do for the external cladding and still make it look very authentically you know medieval realistic even upon close inspection and so and you know on the back end in there as well and yes so these are the designs I have for the castles I want to build in the future simple but they were afflict you know what the medieval castles really like and I can also play around to change it to reflect different architectural styles you see even something as simple as this right would work beautifully and essentially again a great representation of one of the more smaller conservative kind of castles that did exist the medieval period and sorry even something as simple as this which is basically like a square box keep really would work brilliantly and could be build in a much more affordable range then you might assume so you know it's not outside of the realms of possibility and yeah so I'm not like saying these are the designs that I'll never get a very from him I have options and I'm you know I can explore different kind of ideas design concepts as I go as I approach these you know goals and dreams I get closer to them in the future and there we go this is my New Castle and the castles I intend to build in the future so let's say let's hope that this is the beginning of a long and joyful castle building you know endeavour in my life we'll see I'll have to see what happens in the future those are certainly my goals I hope you've enjoyed and of course thank you for you guys all your support really as this YouTube channel and your support your viewership that has enabled me to achieve my dreams okay it wasn't like yes I wrote my book but if I wasn't able to you guys weren't you know interested in it and one read it and enjoyed it the book have been a success and it was the success of the book that really helped me do this right here and hopefully also of course the channel is it's all intertwine and I thank you it's really exciting this is now gonna be a permanent part of the shut of it wall permanent you know if I ever get to be all the bigger castles we'll be moving on from it but it's gonna be part of the channel for a good long time going into the future and it's going to be awesome having it you know with us so I hope you enjoyed thank you for watching of course and of course I hope to see you again so until then [Music]
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 342,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: castle, castles, medieval, history, middle ages, fortress, set, backdrop, fake, vlog, gatehouse, machicolations, corbel, corbels, battlements, ramparts, crenelations, crenulations, merlon, stone, custom, frame, keep, donjon, don jon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 10sec (2050 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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