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After reviewing Jamie Oliver Thai green curry Which actually more like green mushroom soup Haiya Uncle Roger need to cleanse my eyeball Many nieces and nephew asking Uncle Roger to review Mark Wiens Thai green curry Let's hope Nephew Mark don't make our ancestor cry This video sponsored by Keeps Subscription service to treat male hair loss Uncle Roger getting older now And one day I realized my hair starting to fall out haiya Uncle Roger don't look good with no hair Only Asian guy who look good with no hair Is Chef Wang Gang uncle That why I use Keeps Don't wait till you completely bald Then it too late Prevention better than cure Uncle Roger took 4 months before I start seeing results So niece and nephew need to act fast With Keeps, a licensed doctor will review your information Then recommended a treatment plan for you Keeps offer the generic version FDA approved for hair loss So it's cheaper Use that money to buy a rice cooker Rice and hair are the most important thing in life Keeps only available in US If you ready to take action and prevent hair loss Go to Keeps.com/MrNigelNg Or click link in description To receive 50% off your first order fuiyoh! That's Keeps.com/MrNigelNg Hey everyone! It's Mark Wiens, I'm in Bangkok Thailand Today, my mother-in-law and I are going to be making Thai green curry with chicken The first step in making this recipe Is to pound up that curry paste so we got all the ingredients Ah, that his mother-in-law! She just sitting there, back to camera Like she can't bother to be in video Uncle Roger like This is proper Thai auntie Always grumpy Not like Nephew Mark, he smiling all the time The whole intro he smiling haiya My mother-in-law doesn't write down any recipe But somehow she just knows all of the ingredients We just use feeling The first step is just to prepare all of the ingredients to pound So the first step is to peel your garlic. Good Next up for shallots Good, use shallots Onion for poor people Next step is Galangal Galangal Fuiyoh, that correct Jamie use ginger Ginger and Galangal, two completely different things Ginger is white people version of Galangal Cannot use for Thai cooking That's about a thumb sized chunk And next up lemongrass Lemongrass, good Then next up this is a Kaffir lime Correct, correct And we're not gonna be using the juice of the lime, but only the peel All ingredient correct so far Cilantro roots Coriander roots, good Oh I can already really smell that Kaffir lime peel Don't just stand there and smell Help your mother-in-law All of the pre-preparation is done, we got all the ingredients ready It's now time to start pounding You can kind of just throw everything Fuiyoh! That's very nice pestle and mortar Putting everything and pounding it all together It actually doesn't work so well to pound on a surface that bounces like a table So it's actually best to take the mortar down to the ground and pound on the ground. Correct, Uncle Roger love pounding on ground also I got the okay to just toss in everything so next the garlic and the shallots We're going to pound all of these ingredients first and then after that we'll be adding the green chilies Usually when you pound stuff in pestle and mortar You want to start pounding from the hardest ingredients In this case it the peppercorn But this Thai auntie built like tank She just pound everything at once Don't give a shit what you put first In goes some salt. I'm gonna start pounding up everything. Uncle Roger like how this mother in law just leave I like how grumpy his mother-in-law is Uncle Roger grumpy too if my son-in-law always making YouTube video in my backyard haiya Nephew mark, get your own house. Get your own house This is gonna it's gonna take awhile but I'm gonna tell you that it is so worth it to make your own curry paste. You can already see the difference between this video and Jamie Oliver video See no food processor anywhere And that dead chicken in bucket It is so worth it to make your own curry paste. You could buy green curry paste at the store that's already pre-pounded Don't do that But when you make it yourself and you control the ingredients It's absolutely incredible Also if you don't already have a stone mortar and pestle, You should invest in one because you need it for almost every Thai recipe Pestle and mortar, very useful for asian cooking Maybe one day Uncle Roger will have pestle and mortar as merch So all the thirst niece and nephew can pound Uncle Roger It's one of the ultimate tools of Thai cooking I've just been pounding for about five minutes and already you can see Haiya nephew mark You don't need to show the whole pounding process Do some editing Skip forward a bit haiya It's already smelling incredibly fragrant. It's gonna be delicious My mouth is already watering And he still smiling What drug he on? For the final product What type of chilies are these? Good, Chili, very important ingredient in green Curry These are Thai Bird's Eye chilies But they are green in color so if you can get green in color That's what's gonna give your green curry the green color. See? see how many green chili she use Remember Jamie Oliver just use three Three chilis So in go all of the chilies See, whole chili go in They don't remove seed also Pound them up a bit Not like Jamie Oliver Haiya you want to show pounding, show better angle Don't show your toe so close to the food It disgusting It's not love Island, nephew jake not there to suck your toe I like sucking toes At this point you're gonna just keep on pounding and pounding so I have a cup of coffee. What he doing? You might wanna grab some coffee like me. No? haiya why you drinking coffee? Just pound! Pound 3 strokes and you take break Why so weak? So weak! Uncle Roger want to see you make curry not make time for yourself If you want to take break in middle of video Don't need to show on camera haiya Uncle Roger never made video and then suddenly in middle And then keep on pounding. You still pounding Half this video is pounding And Uncle Roger not even on Pornhub I'm not sorry I'm dirty, children You don't need to go, this is better than going to the gym. No no it not better than going to the gym This you just working one muscle The Rock didn't get buff by just making green curry haiya I just got the approval the curry paste is Finally The final step is to add the shrimp paste Good I love that sound at the end of making your curry paste If that sound doesn't spark any memory Then I feel bad for your wife Our next step To wash and clean the chicken Fuiyoh look at her chopping She chopping chicken like chicken did something to her What did this chicken do to you? Did he wake you up too early or something Maybe in her house, chicken is alarm clock And only way to hit snooze button on chicken is to chop them up She first chopped off the feet and the head of the chicken. And now she chopped it in Don't say that with a smile I think he's smiling because he terrified and gonna clean it up Fuiyoh look at the chopping The strength It like this mother-in-law warning Nephew Mark If you cheat on my daughter This what I gonna to do to your.. Thai style chopping Very different from Chinese style chopping When you go Chinese restaurant eat Peking duck The chopping so precision But Thai chopping, you just whack The chicken is clean and I have just set up the street food cart We're gonna assemble all of the entire green curry with the coconut milk and the curry paste. I like how she have same haircut as Uncle Roger So first she's gonna boil that water And then she said she's gonna put in the curry paste, The chicken and boiled out for a while Oh my god He seemed a bit nervous when he talking to his mother in law She said it smells really good, the curry paste She'll use use most of what we pounded into the water And dissolve that in the water first Usually first step of Thai green curry is cooking coconut milk But her method ok also It more home cook version She start with cooking the paste Flavor from Thai green curry usually come from the fat So as long as she use fat from chicken later It okay Add the chicken then stir, then boil That green curry paste is boiling away You know your green paste good if it look CBD oil Incredible And now she's adding in all the the chicken pieces Good, good To slice up some Kaffir lime leaves That's gonna add more fragrance to your green By boiling chicken, she getting the fat out from chicken So that good That where Jamie Oliver fucked up His green curry no fat at all He use light coconut milk And he didn't boil chicken to get the fat out Where the flavor, Where the flavor? It's been simmering for about 10 minutes or so, And we're gonna assemble everything. Wait what Take a whiff Take smell of that green curry Hello Micah Why are you showing your baby now? This not relevant haiya He just woke up from a nap See? That the face my ex-wife Auntie Helen make When she learned that Uncle Roger a successful YouTuber now That bitch missing out Micah I'm not gonna touch you cuz my hands are Probably have some curry paste Haiya even the wife look like she hate him Are they ok? Should we check on them? They look kidnapped and hostage Fuck #FreeBritney We should have #FREEMARKWEINSWIFEANDKID And some chilies. But I love you little boy I love you little boy I love you too Dad And you can see What What I love you too Dad That line look like dubbed in himself Nobody mouth move I think they really kidnapped by Mark Imagine if your kidnapper kidnapped you And start making Thai green curry A lot of the liquid has evaporated Now in go the eggplant first Thai eggplant, classic Thai green curry ingredients Next up for the coconut cream Good And yeah that's the coconut cream, the thick, buttery, rich Notice how she untie it That is how we tie shit up to transport food in southeast Asia In Thailand, in Malaysia also We tie it like this Uncle Roger never see anyone tie thing like this anywhere else in world Then so many white people tourist come to Malaysia They don't know how to untie it They make mess all over them It's like the past White people can't undo it Oh and you can just see how creamy that is Oh that's full of delicious fat and she's adding a spoonful of salt Mom, you don't add fish sauce? No, don't add. Only salt. Okay Uncle Roger don't agree with that Uncle Roger like fish sauce And then the final step you add in the sweet basil Good then she added in the sliced red spur chilies Nice Jamie Oliver, notice No mushroom and mangetout So you just boil for another minute or so And we are just about ready to eat Time to feed hostage OK Okay the green curry recipe is done and Ying is gonna dish out a bowl now You should start a pot of rice, about well, when you start to make the curry, Haiya don't tell us now Your curry already made You got whole 15 minutes in this video to tell us to make rice And you tell us now? haiya It too late! This Mark guy got time for coffee For baby But didn't tell us to make rice Now he's forced all the hostage to eat the green curry just by itself You gotta come, come just take a really close up look at this green curry Just look at how thick that is. In Thai you call that kam kom wap. Meeting it's very thick and rich Thick and Rich, that how Uncle Roger like my women This green curry look really delicious Just the vibe of this video, a bit weird Yes, so I've also got a plate of rice. This is brown rice. Brown? Brown rice? Who eat brown rice in Thailand haiya After reviewing Jamie Oliver Uncle Roger need to cleanse my eyeball The curry paste until we got all the ingredients Look at her shoulder, look at her shoulder You can tell she used to carrying nephew Mark channel Smile so much for what Look weird, be normal And he didn't boil chicken to get the fat out So where the flavor, where the flavor? His green curry is anorexia support group No fat content Can't say this Put it in the bloopers, put it in the bloopers That the face my ex-wife Auntie Helen make When she learned that uncle roger a successful YouTuber now That bitch missing out Jamie Oliver. so many nickname now He Mr chili jam Mr three chili, why you scared chili Jamie haiya Yeah spicy food you scare? Scare for what? How you raise family if you scared 3 chilis haiya
Channel: mrnigelng
Views: 5,658,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nigel ng, uncle roger, nigel ng comedy
Id: bs7dfCJaN1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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