Uncle Roger LOVE this Crazy Chinese Cooking Video

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Right?! How you get a rooster laying eggs? That is exactly what I said first time I saw her cooking video. Uncle Rodger is awesome

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Juicestain22 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
Hello, niece and nephew ! Is Uncle Roger. Today, Uncle Roger gonna react to Chinese cooking video sent to me by a fan. I think this video, they are making scrambled egg with tomato. Uncle Roger, I never seen this video before. Don't know what to expect =) Are Chinese people better at cooking than BBC food 😏 Let's see Let's see 😏 "Scrambled eggs with tomato seems easy, but you all have wrongly guessed the first step." What, what, what ??? Too many thing happening TOO MANY THING HAPPENING This is not... I thought this supposed to be cooking video teach you how to make scrambled egg and tomato, but... Why all this kungfu, Dragon Ball bullshit 😡 What is this ?? β€œRootless water” So many... So many thing going on, Uncle Roger need to take a break and start from the beginning. I think this is just like, not actual cooking recipe tutorial. This is just, social media funny video. So let's start from beginning. Change my mindset πŸ€“ Ok ok, good ! At least she don't use induction stove, she use ACTUAL fire. Sorry, Uncle Roger sweating because now is Summer in UK. And people in UK hate air conditioning . Uncle Roger suffering 😫 If you want to sponsor Uncle Roger one air-con let me know. You will be my favourite niece or nephew =) This is how CHEAP Asian people are We don't like to pay electric bill... we don't want to pay water bill... so we take electric and water from sky. Growing up, Uncle Roger never paid for electric bill. Just deal electric and water from neighbor 😏 Asian people, we very CHEAP Sometime, Uncle Roger don't even want to paid for wifi Uncle Roger just go to coffee shop buy one coffee, 3 dollars stay for 5 hours. The CHEAPEST office anywhere =) And what is she wearing on her shirt ? It says, "They will ignore you until they can't." She use kungfu to make omelette nobody ignoring you. People scared of you 😱 Nobody ignoring you... Many Asian people, we like wearing shirt with English word I see that many time in Asia. It's like white people, They like getting tattoo of Chinese word We all think we very culture =) There's the water... water on tomato. Don't spin knife around. That very dangerous 😱 You spin knife around You SLIP The knife CUT your toe Now you only have 9 toe 😱 How you gonna do about your life only with 9 toe That is very sad 9 toe people are the worst people (?) Where she GET the CHICKEN from ??!! From ceiling ??! How you store chicken in ceiling ????? That is not very nice to chicken ! Don't store chicken in ceiling Is not free ranged chicken. If you store any pet in ceiling, that is animal abuse 😠 Wait x8 How can that chicken lay egg ??? That is ROOSTER 😱 That is MALE chicken !!! How you make MALE chicken lay egg ??? Is your kungfu that good ?? You can give chicken a sex change πŸ˜‚ She made the chicken lay egg... and then when it's done she just throw chicken out HAIYAAA That is how Uncle Roger ex-wife, Auntie Helen... that is how Auntie Helen treat me. She USED Uncle Roger and then when finish using, she throw me out just like that chicken QAQ... How you... ? Wait x5 What ? Uncle Roger gonna watch this again. You cracked egg... but the 4th egg is piece of SHIT ?? How you cracked egg open, and a shit come out ...? How ? Then she throw the shit to cat ?! Is that what you feed ?! You feeding shit to your cat ??! This women she abused the chicken, then she abused the cat ? HAIYAAA Don't give this woman any pet. They will need therapy :) β€œa bit of white vinegar and cooking wine” "2 grams of white pepper" That's vinegar and white pepper Wait x6 Replay What, what, what she is doing with the egg ? How you have all this kungfu skill, but you need washing machine to scramble egg ...? Of all the thing that she can do, she can't whisk her own egg :) So sad :)) Did Uncle Roger see what I just SEE ????? She cook with MSG ??? O M G This is Uncle Roger first time seeing cooking video, when the chef used MSG. This is BEST cooking instructional video ! Uncle Roger love MSG ❀️️ Since my last egg fried rice video many people asking me what is MSG ? and Uncle Roger want to say MSG is KING OF FLAVOUR is a better version of salt. MSG is SALT ON CRACK If you have salt at home, THROW IT OUT Don't need salt :( Salt is so 2005 Now all the cultured people used MSG MSG make EVERYTHING better =) Uncle Roger should have put MSG on my marriage :( Then maybe Auntie Helen won't throw me out like chicken T_T... Know this how in this whole video, full of kungfu, full of shit from egg, full of everything but no COLANDER :) Uncle Roger like this video =) very authentic Asian cooking, is like Bruce Lee meet Masterchef. Next week video, is Uncle Roger going on Zoom date with Auntie Jennie. So subscribe now, and turn on notification if you want to know what happen during that date. Also, go follow Uncle Roger on Instagram. Bye bye ~~
Channel: mrnigelng
Views: 8,045,151
Rating: 4.9381008 out of 5
Keywords: uncle roger, nigel ng, mrnigelng, mr nigel ng, nigel ng uncle roger, uncle roger reacts, uncle roger reaction, chinese cooking video, uncle roger stir fried egg with tomato, uncle roger chinese cooking video, nigel ng reacts, douyin cooking video, 吃货小小豆, xxd200, kung fu cooking, uncle roger love msg
Id: F63Sldex_8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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