Uncle Roger Found THE WORST BIRYANI (Epicurious)

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Yo this is comedy gold lmao!

The way he roasted Rinku & especially the voice comment 🤣

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ace-96 📅︎︎ May 16 2022 🗫︎ replies

Oh yeah these were all abominations one after another.

I didn't expect the Indian lady to trash it up as well :(

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/velvetthunder6991 📅︎︎ May 18 2022 🗫︎ replies
so perfect i'm just going to strain this oh my freak is part cooked so now we oh you want to eat that epic curious is how uncle roger found my queen of flavor anti esther it one of uncle roger's favorite youtube channel because i use it like tinder [Music] i'm steven and i'm a level one chef i'm rinku and i'm a level two chef i'm danielle alex creator of diversity kitchen and i've been a professional chef for 15 years sheet the pro this recipe was developed over the weekend over a weekend most indian recipes developed over thousands of years but this guy just used saturday and sunday i tried it on my girlfriend actually so i'm wishing her a speedy recovery i'm joking she survived why he bragging about making food soak the rice to loosen some of the starch this makes the rice more fluffy let it soak for at least 30 minutes freaking grain it kind of has like wait what you kind of got like a smoky flavor [Music] what's she using what's she using freaking grain thick a green hue freak green for priyani just use basmati high biyani is dish we make to celebrate special occasion who want to celebrate by eating grain using fico grain for basmati did you learn this from jamie olive oil mister you sopa for ramen but she the professional chef and one minute in uncle roger put my leg down from chat already i so upset how can you be so wrong what is this diversity kitchen when it comes to rice don't need diversity white rice matter white rice matter freaking grain it kind of has like a green hue and it's a great source of fiber fiber you want fiber you go eat leaf you go be giraffes giraffes eat fiber everything encourages don't want that life the water is boiling i had salt to the water that not enough salt we left it on for 15 minutes during the rice drain the rice i know i know i know what needs and if you're thinking but this training rice method is actually okay for biryani i know it paint uncle roger to say that also in biryani you cook the rice until eighty percent done and then you finish cooking the rice in pot but only for briyani you don't drain rice for egg fire rice okay drain the rice before it gets all mushy seeing people drain rice it's very painful but encore to accept this because different culture makes rise differently just some culture is wrong next time we're going to use a rice cooker let's make everybody his rice still look too wet i think not done enough we're going to start with the lamb prep i'm going to cut it okay left two inch common ingredient for brianna is start making the marinade for the shrimp oh shrimp biryani less common but okay so fennel seeds fennel good coriander seed cooked ease first but smelling nice already it's like she's making her own garam masala cayenne pepper mace makes good and then my yogurt yogurt good marinate the meat plain unsweetened yogurt it starts to tenderize the meat already a little bit of salt ideally i would leave this overnight and just really let this kind of marinate letting it rest for about an hour the meat and the marinade not bad uncle roger like wrinkle the indian knee sofa she looks like she know what she's doing but her voice so high-pitched and a little bit creepy i will start making the marinade for the shrimp her name rinku but her voice sounds like it from the movie ringo if you don't eat my biryani you're gonna die in seventh day ha ha now we're going to go ahead and start prepping our vegetables we take watch the flow attempting to cut one inch cubes could we do it i don't know like it first doesn't work out do you like the skins on i do not like the skins on who is this guy this guy no common sense and he cooked for his girlfriend i tried it on my girlfriend actually i feel bad for his girlfriend now she's just getting diarrhea all day i like to use these smaller baby potatoes because i can leave them whole for biryani uncle roger only use potato if you're making vegetarian biryani if you've got meat in your biryani then you don't need potato otherwise it's too much in there too much clutter we need to marine condo your biryani throw out all the stuff that don't bring you joy like potato just let the rice shine now the tomato is there any skin i should peel on this before i move any further i'm going to make this into cubes i'll do the onions onion good can i already feel these onions are strong so as you can see i want to do them nice and thin we're going to peel the carrots carrot no again carrot okay if you're making vegetarian biryani stop putting vegetable in everything western people you put carrot and seed there you're putting pea also just stop just stop no need vegetable vegetable tastes like set the reason i'm cutting it like cutting so awkward i think it's pretty you forgot to peel skin again american man all circumcised so this guy can peel his thick skin but he can't peel his carrot skin high what the logic what the logic can we just fire this level one guy newborn baby cook better than him i'm gonna place some ghee geeker my pot add garam masala garam masala good chili powder chili powder good clove good star anise indian bay leaf good good cumin seeds you want cumin powder not cumin seeds turn this down a touch all correct so far ginger garlic paste my lamb nista now pre-cooking the meat first okay good i add my rose water good and scrubing water i'm gonna go ahead and let this simmer for about an hour until the lamb is nice and tender now i'm gonna make my saffron milk i'm gonna add my rose water first pros water again and then your whole dish can you making biryani not perfume no need so much rose water with a nice little stir what you said don't stir with your finger uncle roger don't want your cold wet i think she just started a new variant we can move on to our freaking no heart of this wonderful freak very flavorful to par cook our freak to par cook our freakah don't cook your freaker how about try par choke it up how about that pinch of salt and my frica we're only par cooking this right the freak has now come to a boil so perfect i'm just gonna strain this oh my freak is part cooked so now we oh you want to eat that these are nothing you tell me you want to eat that brianna it's so beautiful rice with meat everything so beautiful and then you have this grain where got appetizing this looks like you feed chicken it look like hospital food people in prison gonna ask to send this back uncle roger's so disappointed in nice daniel i hope the indian needs to better cinnamon okay bay leaves are in please don't let me down please don't let me wait watch the rice for about 10 minutes i think now you like you you stir frying the rice is it time to make fire rice now hi uh so i have half the rice at the bottom creating the base layer here's another fun ingredient right plums what plum in biryani here's another fun ingredient dried plums plump put ingredient in there because it correct don't put ingredients because it's fun you know what else is fun cocaine but uncle rachel don't put that in my fried rice unless i'm cooking for nigella lawson everybody messing up the downside to using frika the downside is that it wrong unlike basmati is since basmati is white you can really see the strands of the saffron because i'm using frica it's not going to have that dynamic bright color that kind of comes through so you think the problem with frica is the color add in some more curry before we put half a teaspoon so now we put another half a teaspoon we're going to mix it up ah nephew steven that looked like really nice risotto too bad this video about priyani so i'm making a fairly stiff dough this looks promising water half the jar she's gonna make a seal for her pot to get your hands dirty this is an old ancient trick if you want to cook long enough that what all the anti say and it's definitely long enough hello aunties so now i am creating the seal seal good which traditional method simulating indian thumb traps the steam and all the flavors seal shut now i give this about 45 minutes 45 minutes too long your rice already pre-cooked and then you stir fry the rice some more and then another 45-minute eye your rice gonna be porridge see here the problem with making biryani like this the rice have to cook at same time as the prawn is very tricky very hard to get right unless you super experience so biryani is done now i'm letting it rest for about 10 minutes while this is happening this biryani gets a lot of garnishes and what i like to do is just fluff it mix it right oh somebody called the lifeguard papriyani drowning onions on the bottom we have carrots and we have the lamb that looks actually pretty good it pretty could stop lying to people see the amber heard of cooking cut it now for the moment of truth i have to pry this open that's how tightly it sealed my fork look at that i think it looks it look it look decent last thing that i add to this is rose water rose water subtle that's too much just a few drops enough don't you pour the whole thing is cooking what and then pistachios rice look a bit overcooked look a bit mushy let me show you see see the rice all clumping together see it's sticking to a spoon told you it's gonna overcook add in pistachios please no no not pistachio almonds no almond this is not dessert maybe cashews we finish it with some of our caramelized onions fresh cilantro this is how you could turn the cilantro okay and to serve the biryani i have rice right good yogurts correct you cannot have biryani without writer correct only level two niece rinku make briyani the professional chef nice danielle freaker like i can't believe it freak did you graduate from jaime olive oil cooking school you make all the indian ancestors cry now oh the rimaki remember niece and nephew this just comedy we joke don't go attack anyone just laugh uncle roger currently in san francisco in this room i on 12 with my nephew nigel doing stand up sorry for not many wijo uncle roger just so busy traveling everywhere but the good thing is i get to meet so many needs and nephew in real life we uh that's the best part about touring my next stop i gonna go to australia go to asia then i coming back to america again later this year or the ticket link in description me and nephew nigel we going around making collab with other youtubers nephew niger do a lot of podcasts with them recently we have nephew jimmy o yang on he very very good actor and we also have nephew kevin kreider hit the blink empire guy with the abs uncle roger like america maybe one day i want to move here hmm [Music]
Channel: mrnigelng
Views: 3,061,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nigel ng, uncle roger, nigel ng comedy
Id: Shg-tkQ9u40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2022
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