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good push good push [Music] what's up guys check this out guys I finally took a trip down to West Virginia where Josh plays the high risk coin pusher at we got set up here it's a little hard to show everything guys we just kind of put the camera right on the coin pusher itself here you can see this thing is loaded down look at all these cash bundles here now these are fake cash you do have to take them up to the front counter so they can keep track of who's redeem of what and then you got to pay your taxes on them but we got some hundred chips in there guys we got these 50 chips and look guys from the Josh video there's the tipi coin right there let me put a couple of dollars lottery tickets in here so that's pretty cool maybe Windows maybe they'll help I don't know we'll see but there's a bunch of bitcoins as you can see as well see what you get couple those for the drawing on our side see what happens here we go guys let's have some fun all right guys so as you know from Josh's videos the $400 buying gets you $18.75 in their quarters I have my cup of them you can hear here and I actually got Josh with me guys he's hanging out right here - he's helping me learn how to play this things like I maximize my profits hopefully I got stopped this here I gotta see here when it's to stop it to come out let us see wow that's pretty good let's load this baby up oh man you came to like see them that's the problem damn it this angle man I get it why it's so hard for me to see oh that's so far oh very rear alright let's see what happens with that oh nice start oh man nothing fell yet wait second wave oh wow that one I thought got one back that 50 chips about ready to drop off there hopefully it doesn't fall the wrong time I'll be like Josh I'm just going to try to like load it up here oh wow that was a lucky fall oh nice little return there we go get some ready all yeah I'm gonna cover the right a little bit see what happens oh that 20 is about the Paul that 20 roll whatever is forty-year all the other thing told me oh there we go okay come on good push you push oh you see a whole side shift over there that was crazy I think at 20 help so if I get that TP : off of that see what happens oh that bitcoins Bobby's got to don't go on top oh there we go come on good push big push all right a little bit oh that bitcoins gonna fall the wrong time oh that's what do you do while that coin that quarter felt it rose up do you see that it flipped itself back on top of the others oh come on big push oh that front bitcoins about ready to go this 26 is oh I don't know how many is here that may get stuck against the glass that I hope it falls that's no lie yeah oh my god $400 buy I better hope I get my money that's how they make their money I see them and we're hoping for a nice return here guys of course you know it is gambling I never you know you're not always gonna make your money back josh has been getting really lucky on his videos don't always think you're gonna win guys especially gambling oh there's one a little bit over here oh look at that let's try to work a left a little bit over the dollar point or anything to see that on top shelf Oh what is it's stuck on my glass it's like on this ledge guys inside I wish I could show you oh that was uh as Josh would say unfortunate Oh dad I hate when it goes on top when I see this videos I'm like dude you stop that but now I see how how easy it is to do that's a huge come on oh my god well we get some quarter so I guess that dollar coin I don't think this is gonna get stuck unless it turns if that turns that might fault is the later paper clip is actually see you guys gonna Josh part these poker chips on there Josh a deeper still can they buy them somewhere yeah actually I'm the biggest thing is I was want to give them away time to send out a prize just put that in a card in there with it but maybe I could find just put it up on a site or something for them tomorrow I'm pushing oh I caught a point about ready to go too there we go there we go big push that went to that owner ran hate when that happens you hear that down inside clear that top is already though that most fast okay one quarter to the owner okay come on come on good luck here guys but hunter little handful in my you can hear cops empty this is it guys what's in my hand right now so when I tell you I'm putting last quarter and I'm putting last quarter in trying to work this left little bit I'm gonna get that looks like it was a hundred in with this twenty was that 120 snack maybe Josh it was this thing really yeah yeah I can tell you by like the color at a paper clip what's on it yeah cuz they this big Bush oh look at this it's going underneath that happens to meet it's going underneath the glass is that gonna fall well one thing when you consider it a landline anytime it's all they consider the way so it's not considered a window yes no right now that would be a way so maybe after I finish this handful of quarters guys for this first part it cut maybe I should go get them to clean it off and then that way it's not cleaning anything because sometimes that happens with you especially this age yeah all yes your dad anytime both sides are all they are computer the win it's alright I know there's a lot down the tray so we'll see what push come on big push oh that was a DCI Luther you guys here Josh over here man I'm the best emotionally invested Josh is all these investments I think that it's tiny that lottery ticket the fall flat if it falls flat that might be if you push all out you see that we were sure there we go come on come on oh this Bitcoin is so close these these 20s over here all these 20 rolls I don't know what they are like 40 16 doesn't really any they're just 20s no they're all 40s 40s the middle yeah okay yeah I think they're all 400 let's just 20 this is ready to go over here this is getting really close all right guys I got about two bucks left in my hand see what happens here look at that top okay with just that for olivine that's hot stuff is already like clear it's fine let me do a load in here though for that last couple quarters I have in my hand oh that was unlucky oh no we can get anything from this one oh no oh they're gonna take a little pause here guys read this off the shelf right here this 20 stack that's hanging here I don't know how much is there we'll see and then hopefully we can get the rest of look at this guy's this these rolls over here really close that hundred chips working its way there's a 50 there's Joshua's chip Josh's chip and this this I hope this lottery ticket doesn't get stuck that's gonna be really again this 100 over here is there's a hundred over here in the corner see what happens all right guys so I got them to get that 20 clip off of there it's actually 40 there's two 20s in there as you can see so that's a 40 clip so that's a start and we got a okay we're trying about mm a little less than half than what we started with so hopefully hopefully we get some more coming off here Josh needs people play this thing maximize that profit dude we need a loading it up honestly that that's the best secret I have family base you know and the right side is terrible oh yeah normally I put it like a dollar or something at a time and it I'll put in a dollar all they're gonna stack look at that horrible oh no that was so bad because only those are flat oh I need this right here this stack needs to come off right here it is 20 with that hundred underneath guys this is how sometimes this coin pusher goes you know you get really lucky like Josh with those huge huge returns and then sometimes oh come on big Bush whoa that's so ready to go that breaks that I see someone that talks oh that's what I was looking at all right see oh honey I'm not pushing anything maybe second wave will do it well there's one well he's not a little gap gap er yeah no I'm much left not crap I'm gonna float a loan from Josh guys it's happens easy on this thing yeah this is all but although I might just stop and say guys well that's how it works on the high risk or butcher sometimes you only get 10% of your money back oh this is so close I need a hole like any of these chips to fall because that's gonna take a lot of quarters with do it look at that one it's gonna fall the wrong time oh I tried to save it yeah I tried you really have to be here to appreciate that skills Bob it's dude that thing gets kill stuff it's tough guys it's like you it takes forever oh one side you put the button it than doing that's not gonna be bad there we go oh oh oh you see that in the corner oh oh I better push second wave yes all right so that's at least one entry exactly exactly see what happens here I don't know how much left of my hands I probably about $3 left in my hand good do you see that that was cool they separated Riverdance about as I call it oh that's when he's turning a 20 stack this quarter Liz I think order a default oh that 20 stack to spell over there stag this whoa oh just like slid like really slow like if it fell and it's just like mmm down to the I'm gonna to shoot hopefully it's not stuck in there oh come on okay one two this is ready yo I got like a dollar 75 in my hand here guys let's see what happens it's implicating and I say what Josh means like no matter where you put it sometimes it goes a little weird yeah oh that's good come on there we go good push oh nice let's go ahead and put those last two in that last one let's see if we get a push laughs it looks like don't know there's anything it's gonna go oh that one's gonna fall the wrong time oh come on there it is oh what a save oh that one made a huge returner guys that was crazy this twenty stack here is about ready to go there's a 20 stack look at all these it's ready to go I want this one over here to the hundred-foot 220 alright guys so out of that that fell there's a stack here I think it's a 60 stack I can't tell oh wait there's a hundred in there oh there's a blue I see a blue in there oh that's a hundred was that twenty forty seven hundred eighty it maybe I think it's 180 stack guys we'll find out here but that's an awesome win if that's the case we'll put that up there we got Josh's poker chip guys with him his new icon on it and then I hit him Bray on the back and then we got check this out we got the Bitcoin nice one Bitcoin down there's two more three in there plus a copper see if we get any more it is but that gives us at least one entry into that Bitcoin giveaway and we got about I say probably around four dollars of quarters it's pretty close guys so it's getting lower as we go but we do have a couple of these on the edge I may I may be able to save this one yeah I may not have to upload a loom firming up at this point I always take one of these and cash them in for $100 my rate is exactly that boss let's see here hey guys guys are hearing it first from Josh there he does take those wings sometimes good push come on oh that's so ready to fall as soon as that cord underneath goes it's going there's one nice not too shabby that's a head look where oh come on whoo that is an ugly corner yeah there's two of them oh nothing on that while I was a bad house a gap fillers what that was there we go not bad not bad oh good push good push oh wait wait guys like wave ha ha not bad not yet two of those 20 rolls came off it that's good well this one counts cuz it's off exactly so that fifties really pleased to see that man that was not bad that was not bad there we go big push this might just fall on its own depending how it moves okay we get a little bit more down the tray see we got my hand here we got two bucks left in our hand guys so I had probably about five bucks I did three dollars I underestimated how many quarters I had my hand there so that's good always have more come on oh did you see it move just the slightest little bit oh there's a big push come on something to the other but I got a little bit down on the side there this 120 over here is what I'm really wanting there we go come on last quarters yes oh there we go wow that was a big return man I think that was your I think it was maybe your poker chip up here maybe well but I got a big gap in that upper corner up here look at that guys upper left corner of the top tray ooh all right guys let's collect see what we got alright guys so what I did was actually left this 20 in there I didn't go get him because it looks like the way it's sitting it looks like one little portion it's just gonna turn and fall off so I think it I don't think it's gonna impede anything but check this out guys we got this 20 stack there's actually four of them here this is an 80 stack here so that is incredible and we got about Sayer probably pray about four dollars of quarters guys I don't know it's pretty close so let's get a little lower each time but there's gonna be a big push coming man this 20 is about to go that 20 oh man I maybe get close to get my money back this would be sweet hey watch it left side yeah see what happens here there's one all it takes is one Oh would you see a cab get me over there oh that one go that one fell off that 20 head actually pulled off that 20 backwards uh-huh rolled into our favor okay that's my bags I'm gonna get that corner off watch what I want celery that whole corner is gonna get here we go there we go oh my god oh no I think we got one quarter down a tree right now look still stop doing work day [Music] all that off the wrong time you horrible 2000 good push to 100k I got a little bit back stayin alive stayin alive hey I'll do you basically matters about this is getting those quarters back so you keep laying all right last quarter there all right that's it guys the over 25 that's all I had in my hand there left oh this is moving 2nd wave all those 4 so ready over there all right I know no stacks fell off but this one's still mine anyway you guys no matter what because it is off so don't give that to me but let's see what we got down the trailer all right guys bad news I thought more felt in this but we have one quarter right now so let's trash to teach' CLE place it not rolled I'll make it gapped No all right guys did $100 buy-in I got probably about I'd say about 6 bucks maybe of quarters I don't know I don't know I can't tell I knew somebody's gonna count here so here we go well you got it you actually got it $10 guys how it works is like for that kind of stuff they don't really have them measure it out they just kind of like scoop you a cup of corn there and just kind of like yeah that's close enough minute that's why I always like mice because white guy was always generous that wasn't bad call it one more over there here we go oh good push push push well I got something back there's some big gaps up there I mean I'm gonna have to fill those up boo that right-side man those gaps are gonna quit Oh a little bit more there we go come on oh I hate hearing that noise but it goes to the owner man that's like death sentence like well you know those quarters you're not you never come on back especially I feel that yeah if I saw that oh that is a horrible unfortunate incident I'm glad that one held off those over there I'm afraid of though on that right side I think they're gonna fall without me wanting them to fall you're not gonna fall at the right time let's say whew that was close yeah it was almost time that one wrong Oh push oh my god that's terrible [Music] there we go there we go good return although it always all that was going on top Oh get that Center one two one oh how they're not pushed it that's like one of those things like man how does the physics work oh wow that 50 chip really move don't go backwards don't go backwards all right there we go down on our stack here comes the second wave okay nothing there but this 20 is about to go over here's 20 stack guys and that hundred might go too we get really lucky you guys see I'm kind of change it up every now and already know what else fell to 50 20 stack over your nice that might be enough for the buying they're coming that biindiy I think so then we can work on the original principal back you guys see Leo come on big push me push Oh what's this is this your poker chip underneath oh yeah take yours 100 I can't tell ya guy well Josh doesn't tell you guys it's really a warning yes I say I'm you sweat too like I said got my sleeves rolled up man I'm trying to like not die here be cool not to become dehydrated while playing the IRS point right well though I made a great title right big push to the owner look at that right side man look at this I got about two bucks in my hand here oh there's a red mark on that quarter there we go there we go oh my god oh well hey turn that song oh well hit there we go that's what I was looking at damn man come on this 20 is about to go it just is a little more infant it's gonna go what's their last three I have a man see what happens guys okay there's one two one oh nice little trickle off there we go whoo hey you know what I think we got a good return let's see what happens guys we're gonna collect and this is getting even closer over here and that hundreds about to go to okay so that actually was a pretty decent fall that time there was a lot that fell over we got a 20 just a regular 20 by itself there so that's my bad I don't know how many's in this one less a 1 2 is a 4 again I count one I see - I see three and I see four is that for one no yeah Wow I think the blue ones are okay so that's in our 80 stack hey guys we got a 50 chip that doesn't have TP on it so that's actually 50 bucks not too shabby there so that's a good little return plus we got about I'd say about five bucks on the the quarters maybe maybe give or take around there a little bit so not too bad not too bad so we got washed up right answer plus guys remember this the stores right here because it just came off I just haven't got them yet because it's moving it's one good push it's gonna fall so all right look at those quarters in the center there let's just do three see what happens in the center like I said oh it's gonna go it's gonna go another second way if here we go to the owner I think that got everything pushed up though hopefully yeah as you say like so dad Josh is like a clean butcher expert like he actually used another one when he owned his arcade he doesn't own one now but he'll tell you how they get like heavy at the front push okay a little bit over here that hundred ships about to go oh that was a huge push guys Wow - well top it still that was that was freaking ginormous man West Virginia man the biggest pushes in town probably wearing it much here I got stacked yeah every time I stack it we lose a quarter that sucks oh it's turning oh it's about ready to go this whole stack is by ready to go that's about to go there's a whole bunch of quarters about ready to go guys we may save this one although I think I might have 400 up there already I don't know but I need five on it cuz I did that buying see what happens Oh second wave that sounded huge definitely a chip of some kind was underneath that water ticket oh okay that walked out almost out unlucky oh that's all wonky I unlocked the lock level all the second way to go this will be good come on just look I told you all those ones we're about to fall I called it my allergies today man uh this tree pollen today guys is oh you're gonna country too okay but we need West Virginia gasps oh no well second wave okay and I forgot about this standing up okay one that's all it takes Wow so I fell it was hitting underneath whatever is there this 20 guys as soon as that right behind it falls going just the way it's standing it's not impeding anything it's still pushing pretty good so this is it I think I got a dollar 25 let's bend put it all in here there we go come on all right second wave on that okay a little bit from the corner last quarter okay yeah I'm actually kind of happy wait I think fell so let's go get that collection guys we got nothing else falling off right now nothing else in the mid cup okay so we had some big pushes that time we actually got the poker chip that was prayed the biggest thing this is Josh's poker chip again so that's another one of those up here and about say about four bucks back maybe right around there for her to return so what a bad pool on that one really that was actually pretty decent all right here we go hmm this thing doesn't like a slide too well does it oh that wasn't bad there we go all that hunters starting to go backwards everywhere we push well that lottery tickets off plus we got a ton of quarters that was crazy man ooh I think it's hundred is fifty or next oh wait weird I color chip go [Music] what live on the floor no it's in there oh it must have just went that yeah maybe that just went okay Josh guys plotted down the trace and I must've just win I didn't even see it well that was a good little nap ever oh that was racers digging out the fish just one it's all it takes all those were pen oh well I guess the lottery ticket it's stuck I can see it it's diving I shoot there guys so next little push of quarters will definitely not get off on this side at least look at that bad stack up in the middle that's gonna be horrible push right come on okay one more second way to the owner huh you sir as Carson always says there we go dollar 50 that's not bad oh it's stuck Oh Oh big second wave oh my god I don't think anything went down the chute oh this is getting so close all that big job up here in the left oh my god one bad thing about this on those and I got 75 cents on my hand after this this wave here all that wants me going to lop oh there good job - southern accent there that's not stop going to the owner oh no one that's all it takes okay okay okay whoo let's save us whoo I only get much down there let's see well we got that hunter chip I know that when I come I'm gonna stop this one Oh actually you know there's a decent handful woops drop learn where to go thank you mm-hmm you got it there it is yeah there was a little bit more down in that box Wow see some little a handful guys well - not too shabby oh there's a little one that's one he's a bad that's when he stacks buttery right there and I bet oh wait plus guys hundred dollar chip oh yeah so that's not too bad all right let's see what we can do here hopefully we can get this this big stack the fall over here if that falls I'm probably in the profit zone all right I'll sleep this'll be a good leg come on push this is getting ready to go and all these chips are right on the edge or oh man I'll tell you what if it comes to it how much is on the edge one time to playing another vine man is 300 bucks on get with it that might be one of the more $900 Buy in because you'll definitely make it back okay come on oh my god sometimes that's the breaks guys sometimes that's how it goes all right let's see right side man I can't get that right side to push Oh all right got some back got something back I'm worried about that big stack right there let's see what happens here that's it guys that's all I have my hand dollar 50 left oh my god how does not go there gonna go now there we go a big push all right all right not bad I don't know if that's gonna do anything everyone's just gonna go on top yeah all right guys let's uh let's go collect and see we got this this right here is about ready to go over here this is crazy it's I don't know how it's even hanging on there there's a big stack of quarters right here just hold on to that thing it's crazy alright guys so we are back we collected we got the dollar lottery tickets as a Wham went up to $1,000 that'd be pretty cool we'll scratch a little bit later here and then we this about three bucks back a so again this is already ours that's hanging off of there don't give it to us we're hoping to get this this is still not a win yet considered hopefully it falls off they're not 100 chips getting pretty close to so here we go let's see oh I can't get them they're like stuck together no dude they're like the ridge is where they stuck together that was so weird stop rollin to the right now let's try a dollar see what happens nice good good good all right you know I'm gonna care with that that's fine I don't get his emotional Josh man yeah guys well Josh just watchin me he's like good I'm applying he's like on top you there we go come on Oh all right last dollar you know what they're already that was quick well that's good flat that's gonna be good look at that space that one good oh come on push your push oh oh my god are you kidding me it's getting heavy yep yep this 20 is this 20 stack is barely hanging on oh it's not sound like it was more than that that went down I think it's like - dude it sounds like way more than that it wasn't like two quarters guys that's crazy I'll take it I am for that right side cuz you can see where those are hanging off see what happens there we go come on push no one back one back stay alive whoo all right now we're to go center right the center has a lot of gaps go right there see what happens come on push something oh no I really don't want to do another $100 buying but this is so close and there's so much on the edge I should be able to make it back so guys men do another $100 buying on this alright guys we did another hundred dollar volume get a little handful of coins here let's see I think we're gonna be able to get at least this hundred chip right here and this this ha there's a 120 here it looks like as I see blue in there I'm blue guys you know a blue behind a dollar bill for the USA that could be good oh good push come on alright down a little bit back alright second wave what was that something or was that just quarters I think it was just cause there's that hundreds so close ready to go right here guys this hundred and this fifty are like brilliant and there's actually I looked real close guys under here there's actually two 50s under you can see the back edge of the one but underneath this bill stack there's another one so let's see what happens here hopefully we can get it the stacking seems to work it seems to be the best push rule there we go come on uh-huh that hunters about to go I mean I can see already into the thing is but as soon as this pushes behind this it's gonna go that's that twenty stack I mean even though it's ours already it's still gonna go she could it gets us well I say we should get at least the first and second weight push but I got one push there we go come on okay something fell from over here dude I think that's that dollar coin right here underneath this Bitcoin but here's I think the dollar coins here guys that was all the way up on the on the top shelf here it was crazy that's amazing how fast that moves into their eyes yeah then they get us off this stuff underneath moves really fast it's stuff on top just plug it's like water man stop rolling over to the right and then thing went way over there uh-huh - I thought push yes oh this is is this considered offer as a yeah any time very sad sir okay well that's two fifties under there I can see there's holding up soon as those go so I'm gonna go off the work is I gotta get that right side look at that there's a gap up here we're gonna fill first once we fill that those two hanging off the edge you're gonna fall no I hate when that happens that's what I was aiming for and I just wasted three quarters over there uh you guys see I'm changing up between just doing like the load Watts running oh oh this is about to fall off that's that's actually off now guys that's completely off the only thing that's holding up is this quarter that's under 200 right there so let's see come on internet push there we go here we go oh there's hardly yes I told you get it now watch quarter spell to doesn't was a bunch of stacked up behind it so I think it was worth it for that extra hundred again guys we'll be in a second oh that Center come on oh it is this one's hanging off that Center to the owner holder do this is pushing so like guys this is being held up by the little bit of a Ledge here that's there's like a wood behind the glass I'll close it up good good good there we go that went down so the 120 at least went down this 50 is about to go that hundreds about to give up - all right I got one more dollar on my hand guys let's just let's go ahead and load it up here all right there we go oh one all that for one city owner there we go there we go Oh Josh's chip came off that's another one of his guys that he had in here and that brought a lot of quarters with it to you unfortunately have shifted that hundred over a little bit but that copper coins are holding that so that's I may work in our favor we'll say so all right guys let's go collect see what we got all right guys so we pulled from the bottom there guys took us now we got a 60 stack here we got a hundred and twenty stack here and we got Josh's poker chip so that's 180 right there guys and I did that hundred are buying so that at least makes up for that one and also possibly the second one that we get our twenty bucks and Rick Dees on a turn on quarters yeah check this out nice nice handful almost as much as we got for that buy-in so this 50 is definitely going and the dollar coins me oh I gotta remember to watch it not to put it in put it back in and you're like whoops I need Josh his blue quarter in here man oh that was unfortunate all right with bad timing on my part I had knocked that one sideways wait but wait there's more oh yes come on oh that hundreds about to go there we go this mate drop that fifty oh yes all right so that puts us while I was 180 250 it's 2:30 so I got my binds back already guys for those $200 buy so it was worth it took that took the risk made it worth it we'll see we have total here remember guys we're $600 bought in right now so we need to make at least 600 back before we can make profit mmm look at that one hanging it's not even on the ledge like those two quarters and the one underneath it are literally holding it on it's like physics my friend physics Oh hundreds going I wish you'd just stack up here cuz I'm just doing a bunch of free play there by please play has I mean doing it while it's running you know just not not stopping and stacking it so close oh here comes that might do it that might do it I hate hearing that noise man I've just wondered and this wondered look at that dollar coin that's ready to go let's make it all in the ledge I think I think that bitcoins holding that salt dollar going up let's see what happens here second the way well not really second way that's just the first one's falling flat there we go do one more stack up I think look and it's gonna get really good here anywhere you're lucky yeah just like that I'm working a good second wave okay there goes that dollar coin so gotta grab that oh here we go now the coin pusher guys so much is falling it oh there's $100 chip here 100 is 50 I'm gonna see that oh yeah it's amazing how they get stacked up no isn't just seeing it firsthand now I understand what your frustration and everything Josh I get it there we go to push on and stop it guys you noticed look push the button it's almost like you don't even push it anyway this thing takes so long that's not look it's still moving that one's wrong there we go last dollar in there guys this is from that last poll here we go all right not bad Oh 20-something yes second way no yes maybe those ones over there ready to fall oh my god they're so close all right guys let's go collect see we got alright guys so we got 250 chips they do not have the TP on them so they are $50 we got that dollar coin and we also got this it's a 60 stack so not too bad that's actually 110 right there I'm sorry hundred 60 right there us think of 150 listen to me I'm doing your math Josh yeah alright I got a hundred sixty right here guys so we have more than made up or $100 by us now the question is have we made enough during it to get our 400 back though and you've seen some big numbers come out here so that I mean it's possible it's gonna be close and then that's the pool from the tree guys let's see we got tight about four or five bucks there we can't get the other 100 over there big things banking your money back once you make your money back everything's like alright you know to be cool to win but you get 24 oh there we go second way to the owner [Music] there we go come on one one quarterback one mahtim Porter a couple more here we go the bitcoins moving over here to now here's what you would have tech coins what I think trying yeah it's weird know that it's always the first place I win Josh likes the shiny stuff yeah exactly oh there's a big stack under this hundred ready to go oh hey like a dollar seventy-five of my hand guys let's say Frank a little bit to the right here because if those hanging off over there oh this is a over here man that right side you're right dude this right side is not great for this thing this thing level have you checked let me check a saddle think it is oh man all right last quarter dropping now let's make it yep don't know look baby something okay a little bit always helps guys let's see I know there's not much down in here dollar and a quarter guys no actually yeah a dollar a quarter here we go I'm gonna try to hit that right side look at those ones just sit yeah no that's they're great there we go oh are you kidding me didn't do anything alright last quarter guys oh my god okay okay okay come on okay we got a little bit over here we're still alive look at this ready to go right here let's leave it on the ledge ledge is behind those quarters whoo very guys couple fell kept us alive kept us alive let's see we got 75 cents hoping this falls right here guys there's a whole bunch right here on the edge I'm really hoping that that falls there's no gaps in that upper lunch ledge so we may actually get lucky here see what happens oh my god how that not fall last corner okay we got a little bit push oh whoa I'm gonna sweat man sweatin bullets oh my goodness guys we're having to collect after every time we put in now is this because we got nothing nothing in reserves right now oh my god is that it all right so that's a little bit probably bout two bucks maybe two twenty-five see what happens here let me get worked out a little bit another one back there are some gaps warming up there oh hey when that happens man no don't go behind it Oh screwed that one up oh this could be the end that's not gonna push well oh we got one come on okay couple more kept us alive whoo hmm they get 75 cents down here if I'm not mistaken [Music] oh man 75 cents guys whoo this is it here putting it all in let's see what happens it's gonna fall the wrong type all the wrong time to hold wrong huh thank you now they're gonna fall yes I think I'm gonna Scout see we got we're in for 600 let's see what we got here we're gonna we're gonna count it out and say we got we'll be right back right yeah it's a grand total of everything we got and josh is helping me look at this guys look how much where was well that's his poker chips in the Bitcoin at dollar coin and a dollar I have all the real money here well no money money you turn in this totals nine hundred and ninety dollars guys plus the Bitcoin entry and the scratch off ticket that we could hope is more up to $1,000 but guys we seriously got lucky here we made out we did those two extra buy ins for $100 each so we were 600 in we coming out 390 ahead and oh my god that was incredible you really don't believe how hard it is that to witness back until you play it guys so Josh isn't lying that like you really go hook when it's your money in there so but guys thank you so much for watching this be if you enjoyed it please give it a thumbs up while you're at it and you join us you want see other stuff like just hit that subscribe button and then hit that little bell so you don't miss any time I upload a new video go live or post a community post thank you so much guys but as I always say guys thank you for watching and I'll catch you guys next time incredible wins [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: JJGeneral1 Arcade
Views: 29,133
Rating: 4.6728015 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher game, coinpusher, JJGeneral1 Arcade, JJGeneral1, JJ General 1, JJ General1, JJ General, JJGeneral Arcade, Matt3756, DJ Bwellz, Arcade Matt, Joshua Bartley, High Risk, High Risk Coin Pusher, Joshua Bartley Coin Pusher, casino, casino coin pusher, coin pusher real money, real money coin pusher, coin pusher hack, quarter pusher, arcade hack
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 6sec (2766 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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