A MAJOR $12,500 Group Slot Pull at Seven Feathers Casino #ad

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[Music] i said are you ready all right guys here we go dragon length spring festival now i chose this machine on purpose because it's got a max to major there's a smaller ones on the other side so let's do it to it we are doing we have 12 500 i put 2 500 in the start we have another 10 000 in tickets if we need them if we need them hey we have our first spinner up hello what's your name are you from peggy from tacoma washington all right peggy let's do it to it two dollar denomination we're doing the max bet possible on this game all right hit that 25 you get 10 spins you ready ready all right start off with that 25 right there go again go ahead you want me to touch it oh yeah i got a spin i'm new in the state of oregon whoever does the spinning is thanks for reminding me is responsible for the taxes which i am paying for the taxes for everybody and i forgot where i was all right but these are spins in your honor all right so you're all part of the fun in the glory here we go we need either six dragon lakes or three ingots for the bonus it's only a five line game let's line it up twenty dollars [Music] very close hundred dollars hundred dollars fifty fifty and that mini is five hundred dollars miner is 2500. all right 20 and last spin for you come on now i did see that major flicker bar it's out there we'll get it look at it all right thank you so much peggy peggy come on this way okay that works hello come on over what's your name where you from all right dick's in the house everybody you ready dick here we go all right 10 spins for you off we go that's a win nicely done [Music] let's see what we got 140 dollars nice job yeah let's keep it going she is warming up that's right 20 bucks not bad at all i knew we were gonna get it and boy did we ever all right we got our first progressive and we got our first jackpot as all well we are celebrating social distance style today guys everyone's everywhere in this casino here we go thousand dollar major we have another like six or seven hundred dollars on the board let's find that miner now here we go we'd love to land that green where are you going are you filming it you're loud sorry come on all right one more spin for you jake here we go line it up yes nice nice all right another 250 dollars keep it going keep it going nice oh another 150. now if we fill this board we win the green for 13 000 that would mean we break even for the day go [Music] all right last spin out of the bonus blue for miners come on [Applause] another three more spins doing a mighty fine job there dick here we go nice three more spins two more places pop pop pop liner up buttercup all right last spin ah all right let's see what the heck we got in there let's start it all off with a little major action [Music] thousand dollar major so the majors on these games they max out at a thousand but when they're maxed out in the background the major starts at 500 and starts it keeps on growing so we'll find out what it starts at after this let's keep it going [Music] nice another 1300 for a jackpot of 2 300. [Applause] beautiful all right well i guess we'll be back in just a few moments after we get our money all right wait another hand pay to come on over for 2 300 dick still has seven no six more spins all right here we go let's line it up some more would love some free games now three ingots for free games there's one there's two oh one shy nice 500 dragon link on the board and last band oh one shot all right thank you so much well done and in case you're wondering that major reset up to 728 is still bigger than the other two so it's been sitting there for a while all right who's up next hi come on over what's your name where you from cindy from lebanon cindy all right cindy you ready to do this all right so i got five in my friend perfect all right here we go five spins for you once again it is a five line game super rude [Music] all right there's your five spins there and we'll change it up with your partner come on over and what was your name kelly all right kelly let's do it too five more spins oh nelly wow thousand dollars out there come on [Applause] all right got our money back fifty dollars [Music] and two more spins last minute all right thank you ladies conga line on to the next person come on down [Applause] hey guys you guys are together come on in wait what are your names where are you from chuck and tess all right you guys here we go 10 spins for the two of you you ready yes all right let's line it up twenty dollars [Music] two more oh just miss them in there five more line up those wilds come on now four of a kind hundred dollars and two more last one another 20 thank you guys so much all right conga line come on down you two all right hi how are you what's your name where you from i'm debbie and from roseman morgan all right debbie let's do it to it here we go you guys line it up ten spins times fifty dollars bonus on the first spin good timing good time all right here we go [Music] starting off with a hundred dollars what do we want to get in this bonus [Music] the bonus in the bonus here we go drop that big one in the middle come on oh oh this is so stressful it's been forever oh my gosh that's the wild come on hey we hit the queens [Music] that's 100 right there four more spins we want to find that dragon link in the middle preferably a minor oh my gosh wild hey that's a nice one [Music] two more spins we have 550. all right got some nines across for fifty dollars and one more spin at 600. yes 500 dragonling boy you sure know how to do some drama for us today kept it on the end all right now for this one you only need to fill up the two sides to win the gram as well so six more and we do it to it here we go [Music] i think i saw that major go by again two more [Music] all right last spin ah that's okay hey that's an eleven hundred dollar bonus right there [Music] and that was only your first spin done all right let's keep it going that would be hot yes indeed 600 balls one more [Applause] all right doing it again [Music] this is so good all right starting off with a hundred dollars let's try and get the bonus in the bonus we can also re-trigger for an extra three spins here we go oh my gosh that was 12.50 right there hello stop stop stop three more online six one all right 100 line hit two more spins go fifty dollars and fifty so a hundred dollars there last spin [Music] all right hey we'll take it another 300 that was only your fourth spin you got six more to go all right here we go oh my gosh it was back again we'll finish off these last few spins then it's time to get paid out for our hamper [Music] 60 bucks all right another win in there for 90. and a last spin for you all right good job spinning thank you so much all right time to get paid out for that hamper thank you [Applause] okay got paid ready to keep it on going hello guys what are your names where are you from carrie and jess gary and jeff where you from all right sweet you all ready for this 10 spins for the juvia here we go [Music] oh my god that mini was right there rudy [Music] there goes that major again we're gonna see that one flickering by a lot hopefully we can line it up again one more that major was up 37 cents every spin of 50 dollars just i'm just counting it there nice one okay and the grand went up 11 cents there you go uh last spin for you here we go more ah all right thank you guys line it up out there thank you so much all right who's up next come on down how's it going what's your name where you from brian all right brian all right dude let's do it to it ten spins here we go oh nelly oh nelly oh my gosh all right very close very close we got this we got it you're so calm and collected i'm like freaking out over here all right it looks way better it does yeah those five lion games will screw you up every time 20 hit [Music] come on dragon links line it up all right 20 bucks again [Music] and last spin for you brian come on do it to it another 20 thank you brian cheers man cheers hello hello come on down how are you i'm amazing how are you i'm amazing as well more importantly who are you what's your name where you from i'm valerie i'm from roseburg oregon can i shout out to my daughters addison and ruby mate hello you too and welcome all right let's do it to it ten spaces you just say wow because we hit the miner okay i hope we do it's on the tip of my tongue i'm ready to say it let's go come on fill her up buttercup let's go let's go let's go come on come on oh double whammy all right gotta hit there fifty dollars back and last bit that was the chanel so that was rude but you got your money back in the last bin too thank you hello hello come on let's land it all right what's your name where you from tanya from seattle all right tanya let's do it too girl here we go 10 spins [Music] a couple lanterns all right money back there red envelopes hopefully they're full of money for us let's do it to it all right we're halfway there we got this come on kitties is right she's got two cats and they're named marco and brian they're adorable money back there three more [Music] twenty dollars [Applause] and last spin on spring festival rudy titty all right thank you so much next up come on down hello hello hello what's your name where you from mark from seattle mark from seattle all right all right you ready for this mark out of store took it in for two thousand dollars and somehow there was 39 cents on there so thank you whoever donated 39 cents all right mark here we go 10 spins very close very close [Music] a couple lanterns couple dollars all right i feel it we're due you ready let's do it to it [Music] oh rudy tooty time for some more progressive action there goes that major by her faces again last spin for you mark scary all right couple dollars back there 80 bucks all right thank you mark come on down hey guys what are your names where are you from ryan and melissa brian and melissa salem all right from salem all right ryan melissa ten spins for the two of you here we go let's line it up [Music] 20 bucks 30 for two drums that's the biggest paying one for only two symbols come on oh my gosh we got to get those now we're due we're due all right another 30 bucks 20 envelopes and last spin for you too let's land it up all right thank you guys thank you thank you hello hello what's your name where you from ray from washington all right ray here we go ray let's make it happen let's do it oh nelly ten thousand dollar dragon lake on the board that would be nice if we could land one of those we know we've made our money back and more do it i couldn't look i couldn't do it oh nelly [Applause] drums there goes that major i got your money back there and one more spin last man rudy judy all right thank you okay how are we doing guys what are your names where are you from rat and gayle hubbell falls rhett and gail good to see you guys we've been emailing haven't we we haven't slapped wings chip because i got to see her can i see that chip [Laughter] choking she's right here all right she's there and if she doesn't we can blame her right all right let me danielle all right here we go line it up let's go fireball all right nice that's a win eighty dollars okay double it let's go another 20. so you made back your money in the first two spins let's keep it going made back your money more again i don't have to thank danielle though do i if we win we will thank you 70 dollars come on wake up come yeah i can see the little shining glimmering hope shattered before our eyes all right three more spins for you let's find it come on a couple lanterns and a last band all right thank you guys next up come on down proud member of the rudy's in the house yeah we need some rudy luck right now we do yeah we used to win it i was gonna say that's about that time right it's about time there it is what's your name where you from dawn from central point oregon all right don you ready yeah i'm ready okay let's get that jackpot line it up okay are you ready for this i'm ready let's go all right you ready are you ready thank you okay you ready you ready yes it's all about timing okay okay you ready yes okay go ready okay do it that would have been amazing if it worked out [Laughter] oh man come on now wake up [Music] 20 bucks right now there you go all right money back and two more spins for you lesbian you know the pressure is less when you're not hitting the button it's very true i'm glad for you hello hello hello what is your name where are you from all right brian let's do it to it here we go 10 spins line it up okay we're due we're ready we're ready oh there it is again there it is again we're getting closer this time it's four balls last time there's only three so we're getting there we're getting there good news is that it's still out there little twenty dollars come on there goes that measure again oh you're gonna bonus though be a dance all right just in the nick of time our ticket was getting a little small all right let's find that bonus in the bonus or that read trigger or that wild i hate we'll take it all [Music] that's cause i'm five and a half five of a kind in the house too here we go sixpence [Music] so stressful at first man yes well done well done all right an extra three spins added [Music] we have seven more now you can just keep on hitting that all day long got paid 100 bucks for that one too what's up hey that's all right nice couple what is that two hundred dollars there [Music] and now we still have six more spins to go yeah drop that beautiful minor in the middle come on girl all right that's not bad five of a kind we got two five of a kind that's five hundred dollars there we go there we go [Applause] [Music] she's adding up she's adding up we still have four more spins we're at 850. drop that dragon link and now the bonus three spins here they are [Music] dragon link [Music] last spin come on big finish oh rudy judy hey it's great 850 back and you still have a few more spins you got three more spins to go all right let's do that again shall we all right here we go come on [Music] all right all right and last man all right another uh what is that 60 bucks or so yeah 60 all right good spinning nice done nice job nice job hello hello hey what is your name where you from des moines washington debbie from des moines all right debbie here we go ten spins times fifty dollars now debbie do you do a lot of fifty dollar spins normally no no is this your first time maybe yes yeah all right all right no i'm down girl i'm down all right let's do it to it let's find it here we go that's a win now we'll take it 80 bucks now they're 20. so now we're even on the first two okay [Music] wow 22.50 on the board there [Music] thirty dollars so i got five more spins let's do it to it oh nelly three more come on one more your tutti 900 is coming on and last spin for you all right thank you so much so dramatic my goodness hello hello what's your name where are you from matthew from oregon all right matt here we go 10 spins let's line her up and win don't do me like that yeah yeah [Music] there she goes all right we got 30 dollars out of her oh rudy dude oh major goes by again that major is so rude it's up to 782 now we have three more spins for you thirty dollars and a last spin for you i couldn't count anymore i had no idea we had oh my gosh all right they're all baby numbers and we'll take them they are oh nelly now i don't know if you guys are aware you see that fireball going around yeah yeah it's actually a dragon can you see it yeah see the dragon's head he's chasing his tail he is he is chasing his tail how cute he did he does all right here we go three spins let's find some words up there people 150. we'll take that one i've seen that many go around already i've seen that major go around already let's get that minor to drop three more spins again every time you land one dragon length it resets to three more spins [Music] all right 100 3 more spins line it up [Music] it's there it's there okay one more spin can we find it up to win oh let's add it up see we got there all right eight hundred dollars good job on your spins thank you so much nice last spin for you little swing of water here [Music] all right hello hello what's your name where you from all right doug from kaiser here we go dog ten spins ready set and go on nelly [Music] 50 bucks nice four of a kinds 300 line it [Applause] [Music] let's keep it going six more spins oh sorry did not mean to do that apologies it's all about timing come on if that landed i would have taken credit because i'd be like if i didn't rap and fire the last one it's there it is two more [Music] and last spin okay thank you doug conga line keep moving around come on over here hello hello what's your name where are you from april all right here we go line it up oh my god how you doing with that you're good all right my heart just started back again we're good to go holy shoot that was the closest chance we had the other times it was like way over there i gotta i'm not breathing all right gotta breathe shake it off shake shake it off do it [Music] oh one off nice fifteen hundred dollars out there and last spin for you [Music] twenty dollars on there thank you so much thank you thank you next up come on down six six more spinners that's 60 spins we're doing pretty good i just threw another 2 000 in there we're a little bit down right now overall but we're keeping it together for the most part hey hi what are your names where you from i'm julia jason julia and jason from candy oregon candy oregon sweet yeah there goes my joke thanks yeah well they laughed anyway so i'll take it all right here we go you two ten spins for you here we go [Music] one off one off all right 40 dollars great one more one more [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow over 4 000 right there all right i'm gonna need a new seat soon all right do it five more spins thirty dollars [Music] twenty bucks and last spin okay guys thank you so much thank you hello hello great how are you good what's your name where you from john from salem oregon all right john from salem oregon let's do it to it okay 10 halt spins [Music] rude five more though we got it we got it a lot of time only takes one i think we're due for a bonus last spin for you oh wow 5 000 on the board oh my gosh thank you so much thank you john come on down what's your name where you from rick from where trump trot dale oregon all right here we go 10 spins here we go see that minor go by rudy zoody gotta get it gotta get get [Music] ouch major now up to 801 dollars oh one off all right two more spins come on line it up there goes that major again thirty dollars thank you so much rick come on down youtube hello what are your names where are you from melvin mary oh geez mary lou yeah mary lou melvin there we go tongue twister all right here we go guys five ten spins all right that's a win 70 dollars come on pop pop [Music] twenty dollars five more spins come on spring festival one more oh my gosh okay we needed that one i closed my eyes i didn't see it i only knew because you guys screamed so that was good that was hot starting off with a hundred dollars yeah we were due for a bonus we're done we're due for a hand pay now i think come on let's get it let's find those big numbers up there let's get that bonus in the bonus count it down three two one go first spin always takes a microsecond too long i feel [Music] yes good first three spins we won nothing but now we got three more so we're like starting fresh right now starting all over keep it going keep it going [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on all right got some nines in there a hundred dollars [Music] so we have three more spins you guys these are our bonus spins come on [Music] we got a hundred dollars two more we're at 3 50. come back come back last spin [Music] all right another 100 dollars there 450 bonus and three more spins for you okay here we go and the last spin for you too here we go [Applause] all right how much did you win the last bonus 450 and we're starting off with 450 here all right i love it i love it i love it [Music] let's do some blue today here we go count it down three two one all right 150. [Music] another hundred three more spins [Music] two more three more it's good luck if i don't look i love it two more [Music] all right last man here it goes come on i'll take a 50 one just give us one more give us one more here it is [Music] all right let's see how we did [Music] well you beat your last bonus [Music] 750 bonus that's a nice last spin thank you guys well done well done [Music] all right we have two more spinners of the group bowl oh my goodness hello what are your names rob and mandy wagner falls all right ron and mandy you guys ready yes okay 10 spins after them it's me so 20 spins left to the drupal here we go line it up three more five more spins [Music] gosh all right two more spins for you guys [Music] lesbian okay thank you guys it's time for the last 10 spins [Applause] [Music] all right fingers crossed to pull one out of my hat here we go all right well i got six total doesn't matter come on ready titty five more spins big old 20 dollars for the big old bc another 20. and last bit of the grupo it was a winning last spin at least another 110 time to add up all our money and see how we did all right guys that was an amazing time a lot of fun on dragon link 50 dollars a spin now just think about that for a second if you were playing that by yourself how much money would you have won or lost on a 50 a spin quite a lot i'm sure either way today we all put in 500 and we're going home with 370 dollars so we just lost at 130. that's basically losing two and a half spins worth out of all that so that's not so bad if you guys at home want to join us for hey winning group go to bcslots.com thank you guys so much for joining us thank you come on come on let's hear it there we go and we'll see you guys next time bye for now yeah oh nelly there you go 113 that dollar line hits we peaked at the right time back up to 127 okay now we'll cash out at 100. come on thirty dollars nine
Channel: undefined
Views: 308,719
Rating: 4.7612171 out of 5
Keywords: Brian Christopher slots, slot machine win, big win, huge win, gambling, how to win on slots, how to play slot machines, gambler, casino, pokies, brain Christopher, bcslots, gambles, rudies, brian christopher, slot machine, bonus, free slots, free slot games, slots of vegas, slots lv, bryan christopher, how to beat slots, Spring Festival Dragon Link
Id: 6XYTmw6jSEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 51sec (2811 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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