Cozy Abandoned Home of a Loving French Couple, WHERE DID THEY GO?

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good morning everyone welcome back to another episode on the rose of dk today joined again with jeroen who is cleaning out the car we've made a total mess of it but cleaning it out a little bit just slept over here in the no hotel and now we've got to drive two hours because we're gonna visit a very very special farm home in the countryside of france it's also part of exploring cleaning out the car the car always gets so messy when you're on a road trip you have to clean it out multiple times during the road trip put all your stuff back into the car this is also part of the job of the exploring job so it's also a part of what i want to show you when you are watching these episodes you wouldn't you drank too much red bull yeah for me as well i'm guilty of this as well okay i think it's clean and it's ready to hit the road again okay nice night of sleep yeah last night unfortunately with the corona pandemic i always love to swim at hotels but when the corona pandemic started all the hotels in europe closed their swimming pools and now i'm really sad because normally when i go exploring every single night i jump in the swimming pool that's not possible anymore bye bye hotel bye bye swimming pool that's not open and hello road let's go [Music] the rain is really bad today yeah such bad weather still have 100 and three kilometers to go are we holding up yes i'm spending this time usefully editing or reviewing this video and getting it ready for you all [Music] the weather is totally terrible so let's lock the car we arrived just arrived sorry for the wind noise oh my god this is just friends sometimes it's beautiful weather 30 degrees sun shining and the other day it just rains all day long oh my god big bottle of water here i'm gonna jump over okay let's walk on this side this place is totally amazing we just saw it from the road and we are really excited to go in there little french towns they are always very burglar lots of houses and this here to the left is the building that we're coming for look at this place totally overgrown over the years that it has been abandoned maybe this one it seems like an entrance right okay and maybe that door is closed okay let's try something else look at this [Music] mr dross was a magician mrs dross was a model and together throughout their lives they had a very interesting career but at a certain point they decided to quiet down a little bit and settle for a cozy french farmhole they were so madly in love that at a certain point the drew's family consisted of mr dross mrs dross and nine children all throughout the house memories of them are scattered the walls are covered with photos of the children and the happy times they had together but around 2010 the dros family suddenly disappeared nobody knows what happened to them today we will venture throughout our house and explore their forgotten lives because you are watching a documentary by the pros of dk [Music] so to say the least we got inside and i'm really happy for that because this is a very very unique place of the dros family i'm going to let you come into the kitchen because that's the first part of the house that we are gonna film today it's a very small kitchen for such huge family let's start off here and let's see what these people left behind first off we have the spice rack up here and you can see a lot of toppings and those are presumably for pancakes that the mother used to make for the children a bit of rice to the side and beneath here all the spices that you would use for cooking and immediately we can see the spiderwebs taking over this place after 10 years of abandonment that's such a long time a full decade of nobody being in this place maybe we are even the first ones entering it after that time period this is the window that we just came in through the ivy is growing inside taking it over and it's not able to close anymore that's why we could get in there over here some copper pots are hanging where the moment would make beautiful dishes for the family with from corks for very big wine bottles and then to the side here we have the very very small sink kitchen area where i used to cook wash vegetables cut things the last dishes are left here on the drying rack oh wow this is a photo album no way oh my god i immediately recognized places throughout the house in this photo album i'm gonna take it with me on this adventure and show you some places that are in this photo album okay i will place it back after i finish the video [Applause] up here we've got the glasses for eight to nine children that probably lived in this place the cups the balls for the cereal in the morning the knives the ketchup had the vegetables wow look on this side here's the stove the tea kettles to make tea in the morning and that leads us into one of the craziest rooms that i've ever seen while exploring abandoned places this is so cluttered i shouldn't say glitter just yeah they made it so cozy with so many memories of all the people that once lived here now let's start on this side of the room with this wall of photos and let's see who lived in this place [Music] i think over here we can see one of the girls one of the daughters that once used to live in this place beneath it there are some vintage pictures of children maybe these were the mother and the father or the grandmother and a grandfather in the early days and below it with one of the boys that once used to live in here oh my god look at the water when she give just gave birth to one of the children just crazy them on a vacation and i must point out the motor is a very beautiful woman wow can see her over here she seems she look at her smile and the way she poses she even looks like a model to my opinion look at her poses wow that might be her profession there the children with the grandfather and i love love this rocking chair that they put in the corner of this room you rock it around the upholstery on there is just amazing what's even more crazy about this place is that the window over here is just broken you can see the rain outside dripping away it stopped raining harshly now it's just raining a little bit here in france at the moment all throughout the house on the walls you're gonna see pictures of the family another boy some boys some girls wow isn't that just fantastic them on the beach notification even more pictures down here that they put on display wow a drawing of a big castle oh i see something down there those are wooden clothes wooden clumps i'm not sure the exact name but something dutch and french and that that's what that's this kind of shoe hand carved wooden shoes that they used in the earlier days to walk the fields that's what farmers used to use look at these pictures over here that are completely covered with spider webs more pictures on the wall and i think my assumption of the motor being a model might be true look at all those pictures of her posing in different positions just love to see it the lagger from the children they might have made in class and i love the vintage radio that we see here in front of us just an amazing piece it's like a little lever oh my god it holds a record player on top of it i've not seen that before you can play records on top of the vintage radio wow isn't that just amazing to see down here distorted the nice blades as you can see wow just have a look at the room that we are standing in right now and the ambience it just gives ambience that it's totally open there's like a walkway all the way around this living room and over here to the side we've got a little couch and this couch was used by the boys and girls when they were younger and lived in this place some copper antiques left up here the pots the kettles wow love it i'll set some cats in this place have a look at all the books that are stored up here from children's books to dramas to trailers everything that the family used to read is still here i don't know any of these titles because they're all french and i don't read french books yet my french is not good enough for that i hope to be at that level fairly soon in the future somebody in this house was very artistic we've seen lots of paintings that are handmade all paintings are handmade but i mean by the family a skill with the weights still in front of it even the very tiny ones wow and this picture of the outside of the house before it got abandoned and what also peaks my interest is that that they had such a small television with such a broad yeah so many children used to live in here but they decided to not get a big television and spend those times in front of the television but they decided to spend it with the children and that's what i truly love besides television we have lots of handmade french wines and that's what you see fairly regularly in france people from the town make wine they just give it around give it to the people of the town and this what you see behind here used to be a sink area but it has been converted into a little display area later on and i put some plates here some copper plates some other things lots of magazines a big stack of magazines wow look at the baby pictures down here they're fairly interesting as well what a beautiful boy back there amazing to see all of this the spirits the light the fireplace these the children made themselves just wonderful and then in the middle of the room we have the enormous fireplace that used to light up this room and bring life to it but let me sit down on the couch for a second first because remember i took that photo album and in there let me place the camera a bit better so you can see in there we have a picture yes it's this one it's the man and a woman they are at a bit older age there you can see the warmer is still very very beautiful but when i yeah you can see that's the fireplace there in front of that's this one and those are true memories to my opinion wow look at all the pictures that are displayed on top of the fireplace them together maybe on a little vacation wow above the fireplace got some other things the man and a woman when they just got married and this over here is a drawing of the house before it got abandoned of course the last ashes are still in the fireplace wow okay you have to give me credit right now my assumption has to be right right now look at all these pictures of the mother from when she was younger all still displayed in this place and even a full-on drawing of her in the posing position that must have meant that she was a model definitely wow see this book the horse they mark the rows everywhere in this little booklet see the rose and they're talking about a play so she might have acted as well so modeling and acting might have been her profession uh you see i'm always i always say might or i assume because i never know it for sure these people we don't know where they are and they can't tell their story so that's why i make assumptions but my assumptions i try to mostly get right and talk to neighbors and see what people have to say around town a bellow down there and i want to tell a little bit more about the stories that i create about the places i try to always get them right and i always talk to people around town and i research in the home i read papers and that's how i make the stories of course they can they sometimes are not 100 accurate because these people they just don't live anymore in most of the cases or something happened to them and we will never know but uh those are yeah you you never can do good for everybody but i try to do my very best on that so that's what i want to say about my stories so let's go further let's look at this wall because somebody in this place was a true artist and as you can see there's another painting handmade on the wall over here a barometer above it look at this wow here a saw blade hangs from the ceiling isn't that just fantastic the cats that once used to roam this place are also still hanging here on the wall wow a candle that's fully burned over the years let's look at this area first here they have the coffee table in the middle with a hallway a hallway sewing machine on there that's a brand that i've not seen before in a cookie jar a tin cookie jar with french kings on the sides in the front another candle they used to love candlelight a lot as you can see wow and then this was the couch that they would sit on but it's actually very small for such a large household look at this very very cute sheep on here teddy bear sheep i just love it might have been of one of the children a lamp behind it amazing to see okay we're almost through the very big living room but now in front of us we have an enormous mirror where the people in the morning came check their hair before they went out of the house also just a beautiful piece that gives character to the home that's now completely covered by spider webs what a beautiful piece and next to it got a woman with one of the children and some pictures of the house i love the hat that she left here behind and then over here on this drawer we got a radio beautiful radio oh i can see the dress drawer over here they start lots and lots of memories oh my god look at this these are the children that presumably had a play that's cool so many memories left in here also a lot of vintage pictures in this drawer as you can see they never threw away even one picture that they took wow isn't that just fascinating to see nowadays we snapped thousands of pictures but back then it was quite difficult to make these pictures let's put them back nicely some pictures of the children as well vacations around the world this was probably in arabia you can see maybe a musk or something like that behind it wow and i even stored the film that they used to make these pictures look at that crazy drawer is this thousands of memories the people that once used to live in this place are still left in this rock and it's also incredibly heavy wow look at this then down here that like a teapot and we have another display cabinet completely filled with glasses for when people came over wow the sound that it makes is incredible totally filled with wine glasses here are the plates stored another mirror to the side here and then here we've got a hull tree where the woman store her bald hats that she used to roam the streets of the town an umbrella when it was raining like today and even an acoustic guitar left in the hall tree [Music] let's now ponder into this part of the house and we walk straight into the bathroom with one shower for all the people that used to live in this place wow even the shampoos are still open from the last time they used it shower curtain look at this the clothes of the woman are still left here i'm so much wondering in this place what happened to these people and it's probably very tragic and i maybe don't want to know but it keeps you awake at night to really think about what happened to places like this so sad maybe one day if they moved they would probably take their toothbrushes with them that's something you don't leave behind all the toothbrushes the serene the shavers everything is still in here wow and even behind me here i got a vanity with a woman's the multiple womans could make themselves beautiful in the morning all the makeups and perfumes and even a little watch is left behind look over here got like this little drawing of women legs they have shoes on and the shoe is displayed above it amazing and here the child made a little drawing that says okay and that means occupied and this is when it's not occupied now we're looking at the toilet of course look at this crazy stuff and from the toilet the first thing we see the first bedroom actually is the children's bedroom and a lot of children used to sleep in this place look at all the drawings that are made in here all the artworks that they made over the years when they're left in this place and we saw this one before in the drawer that's the play that the children made and these might have been the two daughters that slept and even left in this place the toys are all still here it's even a smaller baby used to sleep in this room pictures of them a wider place the only water place so one two three four five we have in here we're gonna keep counting a bunk bed with all the toys of the children still on there then a little area where they could study and read but at their own little desk with all the books and even the children their stuff is completely covered with spider webs the bad linen that i would use to make the beds of the children isn't this just crazy what do we have over here i'm fascinated by this book tom is a pretty heavy book for a child [Music] okay [Music] and now it's time to ponder into the other side of the house but first off let's look at these things that are left up here nutcrackers and old tools and this was a little brush that i used wow fascinating display cabinet for all their most beautiful crystallia glasses even more weights up here la france a map of friends and that my dear viewers takes us into the dining area part of this house with a staircase to the left of us a very small dining table i wonder how it must have been to live with 10 people in this place you wouldn't have space for yourself anymore pictures of the children hanging here on a wall this is a hammock oh i'm really destroying it i'm gonna nicely hang it back up there wow everything is very very fragile in this home wow and next to that hammock we have like a little verse of a child langora langora insha so langora means is the name of the of the cat so longora is a cat the cat of the day the cat of the night on long stretch i'm trying i'm trying here plank noir chocola that's all those are the colors of the so it's white black or chocolate so i think it says that she stays at the window in the morning here we have the name of the child and it's written in 2006. to the side here we have another sewing machine a hitter not seen that one before the keys to the castle wow fascinating and here we have that same man coming again and i don't know what he has to do with the family i'm still figuring it out the same style of painting also in this corner some shoes down there and then the dining table and i'm gonna again take my photo album and search for a photo have a look at this this is the coffee table where these people used to sit together and have a meal and they look like grandparents of the household and up there we can see them from the other side here the woman would be standing that we see in this picture this photo album is just magical for me a big mirror to the side over here oh i see something i notice i recognize this all the time these are cigarette bags from back in the day vogue and they were they were branded as female cigarettes it says on here um smoking causes cancer in french crazy stuff and that takes us into the bedroom of the parents yes you're seeing this right and you're hearing this right this bedroom was in the dining room was just connected to the dining room so literally no privacy for the parents just look at how beautiful this bed is and the blue accents all around it you can see blue comes back all throughout this bedroom the stove the things on the stove even the painting on the wall here and the plushies the basket there wow just love that it's still made let's go a little bit true here and show you the bedroom oh here are some old school pictures with this bedroom wow fascinating blue blue throughout the bedroom i shouldn't sing because i can't sing the parents that's something very traditionally that they do in france they put parents or grandparents above the beds to give respect to the people that brought them life a wedding picture that's maybe not a magic picture just a picture of a couple above here wow that's what i so much love about houses they have teams and this this these people they just love blue and they made a blue team in here they made stories in this place that's just what i adore the wooden low and her color even the books are all blue in this room and just have a look at this wonderful stove that we are seeing here montegna a wood stove little doors okay let's try to close it again oh my god that's harsh and above the stove the team keeps on being blue look at this even the candles and the is blue wow so many artifacts these are cream boxes like face green boxes nivea it says on there some pictures some postcards by tanya there's french that's in france i love this lighter wow fascinating stuff and here we can see the toolbox of the man of the house that the woman claimed i'm not going to open this any further but you can see buttons in there so you used it for suing crazy globe even on a windowsill here of course the world is blue there's lots of water that's very that you can put in this room because it's blue i'm gonna shut it up for a moment about the blue excuse me for the language the bad linen still in here then a big wreck completely filled with cds that's something that we don't see often anymore wow amazing place oh yeah yep i'm gonna close this one i'm not gonna talk about it and even more pictures of the family wow what a place what a place tea kettles all on top of here and even a coffee machine at the end a very very fancy one record it says on the side wow okay it's now time to take a stroll up the stairway but first off i noticed something and here we have like a banner of the play that one was in and this is the rose and that's uh illustration it is okay so they are like a magician as you can see and okay so she had something to do with this man because he is the illegitimist the magician and then we have the rose illusionist okay pieces are falling together here so maybe she was a model or an actress or somebody who acted in the magician play the rose and maybe even this was her husband i say maybe because i'm not 100 sure but it seems like it so let's go upstairs right now [Applause] god i hope this upstairs floor is as fascinating as downstairs a little prevention for the children so they don't fall downstairs no offense for them wow okay interesting it's very very different than the downstairs flaws we turn up the light okay a painting handmade painting you can see immediately here above this drawer storage places and had lots and lots of candles that are half burned in this place this is bad number seven to my belief this is a bow and arrow with one of the children on it wow this was a little sitting area a little play area for the children as you can see the desk with the books that i used to study on even the microsoap still left and here we have the same man coming back performing a trick this might have been him wow and i told you downstairs there's only a little little television but the children they had some they had a bigger one they had a bigger television than in the living room crazy this was their area to sit at i love how it's constructed and that takes us further throughout this upstairs area okay this is number eight nine you see over there singer sewing machine no it's not a singer excuse me they had very special brands in this place hitchcovas i don't know this one as well if you pronte it says on there those are sewing machine brands that i've never ever heard of ivy is growing inside of this place look at that wow now we have this fascinating suitcase here that's full literally full of letters that they wrote out the family and friends and this one it says it's from 1994. noun it says in there wow those are true memories let's close that up so number nine you're passing by and from up here you can also get a glance downstairs into the living space that we were just inside and that takes us towards the last room of this place and that seems to have been look at this look at this the children do yeah they had like their gaming computers from back in the day with joysticks i can remember that i had a computer like that but that was years ago i think that was about 12 years ago oh my god look at this machine big hard drives next to it wow just fascinating a race wheel and another computer for another child what an amazing place and there all the boxes for the computers are stored and even another one there and the tent bed in this place wow and the children [Applause] even had their own balcony and it just started to rain again over here in france oh my god what a place [Music] do [Music] okay there you go man okay let's open up the window let's climb outside okay now it's always very important when you explore abandoned places to leave them like you found them and to also try to close them again i think it's going to be pretty hard if it's not possible then that's not possible i think this is the best i can do okay we're now outside in front of this amazing place wow just have a look at it such an amazing french house completely left behind and forgotten i hope they do something with it and i've heard it's it's for sale right now you've heard it as well yeah i hope somebody buys it and makes something nice of it so i want to thank those the trolls family that once lived here and all the children and the mother and father for their lives i hope nothing terrible happened to them but maybe it has so thank you all for watching this week's video if you liked it please like subscribe to the channel if you want to see more of this content there's also a link in the description for patreon they can support us and help us out with going on these adventures and thank you all i'll see you next week another episode bye bye i love you very much [Music] you
Channel: Bros Of Decay
Views: 210,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Urbex, abandoned, urbanexploration, urbandecay, decay, photography, brosofdecay, Abandoned, house, home
Id: nfUOHaUbD8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 19sec (2899 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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