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hello guys and welcome back yeah so no beating around the bush you can see from the thumbnail we bought another abandoned property so this property here that we bought some of you guys know some of you guys may not know this property was abandoned for like three years before we bought it host was a complete mess very close to a tear down breeded the whole host changed absolutely everything except for the rails in this house a lot of work done to the property garage pad ready to go all kinds of stuff here this was left for three years so the place that we just bought has been left for like five or six years it's literally five minutes away from me i have the four time we just we just closed on the sale today like we literally just closed on the sale today just got the keys i just took the four ton to the house it's a long road it's a narrow driveway it's off grid we have a ton of work to do what do i get myself into you know i've got a million things around here yet to do and here we are we bought another property that needs a ton of work anyway let's uh let's go check this place out you guys got to see this this is this is crazy it's been on the market for like two years over two years actually and we expected it to be crap we expected to go into it and just be a mess it's not and there's some there's some hidden gems left behind i'll tell you more about it as we get there i'm super pumped okay here we go so the entrance to the driveway is very narrow and it's very steep do some work here at the start i'm gonna add a piece of culvert on and i'm going to uh add some gravel to it but the first section of the of the driveway is a right away it's it's not it's not our land so i'll let you know where our land actually starts so the road itself keep in mind that we have got nothing but rain here in nova scotia for the last three weeks when we first looked at this property this driveway was as dry as could be but the road actually is solid it's in really good shape it just needs a little bit of work but hey guess who has the equipment but yeah 25 poles to get power back here so we've got lots of tree trimming to do we got lots of work because i never buy anything that's easy on myself that's for sure i always buy things that are difficult even my camp was like seven clicks back in the woods and i had to build a road three kilometers long uh yeah that's just the way that i do things but guys like um i'm excited and i'm also nervous like there's a lot of work here to do um you're probably asking man 25 poles why don't you put why don't you just do solar well because banks will not give you a mortgage and then and good luck finding insurance for a solar system because that's what we were going to do originally we were going to hook up solar um i'll show you what else is back here it's got a huge generator back up powers the whole host but they will not mortgage solar power so poles it is so right here is where the land starts we got a bear sculpture there's a sign so a little bit of story on this as we're driving through and looking at all of the logs through here it is all spruce and hemlock i'm gonna have some fun in here i'm gonna have some serious fun in here both sides of the road it's uh like 40 acres of land in total and it is all massive hemlock and spruce the couple who owned this house were from switzerland and they're older they're up in the rage and i think that the story that i'm getting is that the uh the husband is is not well and you know this is way too much to leave for his wife to take care of they have not been over here for five or six years they haven't been over here since like 2015. um obviously then with colvin and i guess his health uh anyway so everything goes with the property and when i say everything you guys have no idea you you have no idea until i take you through all the sheds there's five or six sheds everything in the house um everything goes with the property everything i'm gonna definitely do a walk through of all the sheds with you guys i don't know if it will be today tomorrow i would say so but man look at the freaking logs through here you can go through here and just thin it out because it should have it done anyway and get truckloads and truckloads and truckloads of logs and a lot of it's gonna have to come down anyway just because of the fact of getting the poles in here and i know i know you guys are thinking man what would be down here there can't be anything down there like just wait just wait till i show you this place look how thick this is go you could go through here and cut 10 loads of logs out of here and you wouldn't even really notice that they're gone [Applause] massive all right so it is lakefront of course you can just start to see the lake through the trees there it's a really tight spot to get down here and get turned around so i'm gonna get turned around once i get in here and then i'll show you guys around for a second i'll take you inside i had i did have the generator fired up from the outside but i haven't fired it up from the inside yet there is a switch on the inside wall so i'm gonna see if that if that works i have not tried that yet so i'm gonna see if that works and to show you around for a second but much more detailed walk through later on i gotta clean the flue there's two wood stoves i got to clean the flues to make sure that they're not you know full creosote um i got to get the water the water working you know all that sort of stuff but so here we are here we are arriving so first things first there's the generator room there's four humongous sheds and there's a lot of stuff inside those sheds guys you can just barely see the cottage through here again this has been abandoned so this is the road going to the to the house where i need to try to get this trailer in look how grown in that is it's been left alone i can't wait to show you guys i cannot wait to walk around with you guys and show you what's going on here but all right so that's where the trailer is staying i cannot get back around in here okay guys here we are it's a 2 000 square foot four bedroom two bathroom log home or you know timber framed whatever first things first yes it needs a new roof absolutely hands down and needs a new roof and there's some trim pieces that need to be replaced the back deck here is rotten we're going to rip that off and just not even worry about putting it back on the appliances are all propane four big propane tanks right here i imagine there's still propane in them i haven't checked i haven't gotten that that one's definitely empty i haven't gotten that far into all this yet to be honest this needs to be scraped down a bit to even get in here um yeah so here we go here is the outside again i'm going to do a better walk around all this but there's a big sculpture here wood sculpture there's a well over there goes out to the point here's the big wood shed look how neat stacked and stuff this is guys like this guy was unbelievable look how cool this is coming up here he has an outside kitchen and some of these old songs are just so cool old signs here everywhere this powers up there's lights out here there's an outside pizza oven and then in this shed here i'll show you but man there's so much stuff in that shed it's unbelievable and here is the lake beautiful beautiful beautiful i can just imagine what this place looked like 10 years ago when these people were here and you're gonna see more like flower pots everywhere um just i imagine this place was so meticulous this was their getaway this was their this is their paradise there's old flower pots all through here different shapes and stuff he's got walkways built everywhere he's got a kilometer long like wooden causeway built over top of the lake and the swamp that goes that way that i'll show you guys a lot of these trees are gonna come down they're so close to the cottage the limbs are hanging on the roof that tree originally they built around and then they end up cutting the top of it off but a lot of these are gonna come down so we get a nice view of the lake the lawn furniture they left behind it's all that really high quality lawn furniture i forget the brand i think there's one here that has a plaque on it i'm not sure forget the brand but it's it's the it's a really high end stuff but let's uh let's go inside here for a second and see if that generator works okay walking in to the mudroom take my boots off smell the cedar one wood stove okay let's see if this generator fires up from inside baby look at that look at that flawless flawless the generator hasn't run for like five years so here we are let's put a few lights on here boom that's the biggest watch nest i've ever seen in my life all right so this was built in two stages this was the original cottage again all um propane appliances a couple of beer cans fully fully furnished still fully furnished glasses galore it's like we're walking in a twilight zone nice thing here first bedroom very cozy across here is the first bathroom coming down further another bedroom they've got tons of books and records and stuff in here like i said i mean they left everything they left absolutely everything behind some pelts a very very cool violin next room a larger room hot water tank spices and pastas and everything you can imagine all in swiss language and look at the liquor okay liquor cabinet they left behind okay coming further down to what would be the new section and take a look at these beams guys take a look at these beams this thing was built those are all steel braced with leg bolts going through this place is built to last if there's a hurricane or a tornado or some crazy storm coming through here i know where i'm coming i'm coming right here because this place is not coming down in a hundred years more pelts um this awesome freaking eagle there's so much cool stuff in here another wood stove this is a humongous room a humongous room definitely set up some furniture in here put a tv i don't know wherever over in this corner obviously i guess coming down here is the third bedroom they had it turned into a an exercise room again this all comes with it cd cd players again look at the bracing look at that and then coming into the master bedroom two massive beds again more bracing there's an owl a walk-in closet full of stuff like all these are full of stuff master bathroom we got a stand-up shower sink toilet bidet so that is the cottage take a look at the view from the master bedroom again it will look so much better once we clear out some of these trees and then you know the view from from in here you're sitting down doing some work or something yeah pretty crazy guys pretty crazy i'm gonna check the chimneys i'm going to check the flue i just got to take that take that one off right there that clamp off and then clean her up do i might do my best to not make a mess in here the size of this window sliding door okay so that's gonna do it for now now i gotta go home and do some stuff at home and get more stuff ready here but when i come back today or tomorrow i'll take you through these sheds and i'll show you guys what's going on but man that's so cool the generator just fired right up like that from inside you can't even hear it i'm gonna bring my 450 in later on and put a couple tanks of fuel into the tank so i guess i just turn it off look at that i love it i love it all right so first night of ownership me and wendell spend the night watching some old movies that they left behind you got a fire going in here and we've got a fire going down here place is very toasty right now a little fan going ashley and tony went home me and when we'll stay the night tomorrow's gonna be a big day we had some plumbing issues here so hopefully take care of those tomorrow a little bit of work to do to get the water all geared up but we should be able to handle it so day one in the books all right so day one of actually really getting some stuff done here just ran out and got some coffee uh the fires both lasted the night nice and warm in here absolutely beautiful morning out this morning i'll take you out in a second show you one of the contents that's in those sheds ran the generator all night actually no i shut it off but it ran quite a bit last night and it didn't even uh didn't even affect the fuel the fuel gauge so the plumbing issue that i was telling you guys about so when i flicked on the the power to the water there's water dripping out of this not coming to the top i pulled this little plastic piece off the top here and i looked down inside and there's and there's some water down there so but yeah let's go see what's in the tool shed and uh see if i can get that thing fixed up so yes again i will take you guys out there later and show you out to the point there's lake all around here wendell's in the fj barking but yeah absolutely beautiful beautiful morning here today water's nice and clear not as clear as my lake but still quite clear i guess this is my lake too beautiful i got the barbecue out last night so yeah there's a there's a barbecue here barbecued some deer steak my father got his deer a couple weeks ago i pulled up the barbecue did up some deer steak awesome barbecue massive thing so i'll show you what's inside this shed before i go over to the work shed all right so we've got coolers we've got a big you know lobster or corn boiler propane tanks a weber charcoal barbecue we've got charcoal galore these are all bags of wood chips there's like 10 humongous bags of wood chips plus all these this is all for smoking more of this lawn furniture tables chairs there's like 50 bird feeders in here up there big bug zapper all kinds of hand tools gardening tools these people did not mess around these people did not mess around there's every kind of tree trimmer that you could imagine back there there's stuff i haven't seen yet guys like there's a lot of stuff that i have not gotten to yet garden hoses nozzles sprinkler systems they have water lines run everywhere through under the ground here man he did not mess around when he built this stuff he used four by four for his studs everything is is steel braced everything is steel braced 4x4 studs 6x6 supports going up for the for the for the gable ends no expense spared here at all the roofs boarded in not checkboard the walls are boarded in cedar siding just crazy like it's just it's just crazy okay well let's see what's behind door number one [Music] every tool you could possibly imagine is in here those saws are mine everything else was his hand tools a hammers uh a chisel set come alongs chop saw uh drill press lawnmower air compressors there's a couple of those shopvac scroll saw bandsaw extension cords hard hats grinders again there's stuff i haven't seen there's a sander a big drill a reciprocating saw uh we do have a chainsaw back there in the corner i know it's dark leaf blower these deep sea fishing rods are absolutely insane those are the coolest things i've seen i think a little electric chainsaw i think battery operated chainsaw uh what's this table saw i didn't see that before yeah so this is door number one his tool shed and this is powered there's power to the tool shed and then this is a deep freeze it's a it's a propane propane operated deep freeze which is in the propane tanks or right around the corner here there's the propane tanks just found this awesome tackle box and it is absolutely loaded full of absolutely everything you would ever need it is full there's like knives up here and gloves up here that was absolutely full we do have some more tools back here that i i haven't opened yet um yeah here's an old you know transit crazies guys this is nuts and there's more so stay tuned there's more in the other buildings to uh to show you guys kind of stuff that's just as crazy as this all right guys so i started this video on a friday it is now sunday we got the chipper here so we cut a huge amount and chipped through here looks so much better now huge pile of chips chips through the woods we have more cutting to do but definitely definitely much much much better still taking a lot of these spruce down spruce here hemlock here those are all coming down i might get at those today um i'll take you inside and show you these sheds here in a few minutes but i got the plumbing taken care of um you know for now it's working leaks are fixed there was a leak in the master bathroom in in the shower behind the wall so i just i was able to basically tear the whole shower apart and without actually removing it from the floor from the wall i was able to get in and shut the valves off so that the leak stopped as you can see it's completely tore apart it was leaking it was leaking behind here so i got that shut off so we're able to use the water um yep renovations there's the shower and there was another leak underneath the crawl space it's copper it's copper and then it's some of its pecks so it was copper lines and it had the it had the pex fittings the shark bites or whatever they're called i think um there's a gasket and then there's they thread on that was completely pulled apart and it was just flowing like crazy so underneath the crawl space and fix that we got a trailer full of old blankets and garbage and stuff um obviously gonna be coming through here and thinning all this out but here's what i was saying about you know this place probably was amazing 10 years ago so all these planters different shapes there the walkways are all lined with rock and believe it or not there is gravel underneath here so this was all gravel at one point little rocks lined up absolutely everywhere there's a bench out there there's a bench over here so this walkway comes out to the point again i'll be thinning all this out i'll be bringing the mulcher in to mulch all the small stuff the underbrush and then there's a ton of spruce and hemlock that are going to be getting cut out here there's a lot of spruce over here there's a trailer load of spruce and i mean not my dump trailer of just stuff that i want to cut so it's it's a benefit it's it's a bonus i'm going to get some logs out of it and i want to cut it anyway okay so here we are at the point this was a flower pot we're going to rip this out dig this all out this is just going to be a fire pit the old benches so yeah here we are at the point and it's absolutely beautiful over here so the lake like comes in this cove and comes out and it wraps around that point and then it keeps going further that way i'll do all this underbrush so there's two more things i want to show you i want to show you those sheds and what's in them and then i want to show you this walkway that this guy built on top of the water so there's another walkway that goes over to the generator room and stuff goes down to the lake and then there's this walkway here again all lined with rock gravel underneath all these pine needles and it comes out to a walkway on top of the water and we've had so much rain this year typically the water is a lot lower than what it is right now and we're getting 200 millimeters of rain tomorrow 130 kilometer winds here's a little bench they got geared up sitting there at the lake but check this out man i'm not going to show you the whole thing because it's over it's like a kilometer long but he built this walkway on top of the water like he spent so many hours so many days on in this swamp building this it goes and goes and goes and goes and goes i'm going to show you about a quarter of the length of this thing here it comes comes around so it keeps going you can see it right through there it keeps going that way i'm not gonna take you that way i'm only gonna take you out to here like i can't believe this it's all four by four supports with cement blocks post blocks patio stones just crazy it's just crazy like i can't i can't get over this it's got like areas at the end where you can sit put a bench up look at this so we just walked all the way over here around it keeps going it keeps going all the way through the woods comes back up around and joins into the driveway i can't imagine i don't know there's nothing that would make me want to do this but he turned a bunch of unusable land into usable land so you can see there it keeps going crazy all right guys so you've seen the workshop a little more light here now those deep sea fishing rods uh frame and nailers um everything you can imagine is in here everything you can imagine is in here and if it's not in here the chances are it's in one of these buildings so behind door number one is a huge canoe a paddle boat and just some odds and ends for woodworking some stains all that stuff all these buildings are built with four by four walls four by four walls steel bracing everywhere so that's door number one door number two a wood splitter another boat more lawn furniture another boat garden hoses a water pump hoses again 4x4 walls ladder definitely going to fire this thing up uh what's back there here's a motor some exhaust system stuff electric motor for the boat door number three big farming jack ladders fuel jugs bottles galore a little gardening tool pressure washer gas powered pressure washer spreader there's all kinds of stuff inside these totes i'm not going to go into that lawn roller some electrical cable haven't gone through that stuff yet he's a food dehydrator he has a big smoker he definitely definitely did all that stuff and then the huge generator we got going on yeah massive generator you can start it from inside which you guys seen you can start it from out here breakers um you can power the workshop you can power the cottage do whatever you want big diesel generator it's quiet you guys heard it run i believe unbelievable in case that one doesn't work well you got a big you big back up 7500 a humongous fuel tank you guys already seen that we've been burning through this i had it running for uh oh geez it ran all night last night you know two days of running two days of running it barely even moved the gauge barely even moved it all right well i got all those trees down this whole corner is gone now that's all i'm gonna do i'm gonna chip this up right now believe it or not but that's all i'm gonna do for today i'm not gonna worry about that today we've got all that storm coming we got that big storm coming i got to get generators all geared up and ready because 100 i'll be called out 200 millimeters of rain and 130 kilometer winds i'll be getting called out but i'm going to bring the machine in separate the logs put the logs over there somewhere out of the way and then i'll start grabbing this brush and putting into a bit of a pile pack the chipper in blow it all in there pack up lock everything up secure everything here call today all right well that is going to do it for this weekend looks much different and much better than what it did two days ago uh still like i said lots more to come down this uh this ugly old spruce here is coming down the birch uh there's three or four more spruce through there big spruce up by the hose a few of these hardwoods will come down but yeah this looks so much better take this big pile of rocks out of here next time i come back in get rid of that and make this a much nicer transition into the driveway we got lots of work to do obviously but hey it's a good start but all right guys that is going to do it welcome to another journey with me um so do you think i'm crazy or what uh definitely some hidden gems here it's a heck of a property the logs you know all awesome but a ton of work there's a ton of work to do here but i typically don't really relax very often so i'm kind of used to that but anyway um welcome to a journey but that's gonna do it so until next time take care stay safe and we'll see you then bye
Channel: workplaytv
Views: 1,035,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uCIKMK08Mlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 45sec (2025 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 22 2021
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