TENET Pitch Meeting

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so you have a movie for me yes sir i do it's called tenet okay so we're gonna follow this guy right the protagonist and what's his name i just told you oh and he's gonna be part of this operation at an opera house right and there's some weird stuff going on like he's saved by what seems to be a backwards bullet oh interesting and then he gets tortured by some bad guys and takes a little pill to kill himself oh okay i mean very short movie but still very enjoyable no that's we're still gonna keep going oh even better yeah so turns out being willing to take that pill was a test and he's being recruited into this organization called tenet that's the name of the movie it is and so he's gonna talk to this guy for a little bit sure sure and then he's gonna go talk to the scientist lady for a little bit and what's she gonna tell him well she's gonna tell him about this thing called inversion right okay and when things are inverted they move backwards through time instead of forwards because they have reverse entropy oh scientific sounding things that i don't fully grasp are tight so like the protagonist can catch an inverted bullet that's lodged into something using his gun right stuff like that oh wow yeah sounds cool just how no no yeah okay and he can also like catch an inverted bullet with his hand off a table but as the scientist explains he has to have dropped it like if you watch the tape he's always the cause of it moving whether forwards or backwards you know right right yeah okay yeah you get it yeah yeah no i'm just i'm just kind of wrapping my head around it but okay well we're gonna have that scientist lady literally say don't try to understand it just feel it so you can go that route if you want okay i mean i would like to understand though so i could kind of follow what's going on but yeah no no i'll get there anyway so she reveals that these inverted objects keep getting sent back from the future right okay and she thinks that maybe these are like remnants of a future war and that the world might end but like in the past okay and so why did you continue that sentence in a completely different place oh sometimes we're gonna do that thing where a single conversation kind of spans over different locations just to keep things dynamic on screen you know right okay i mean that does look good but that means that the characters talk and then kind of pause their conversation change locations and then keep talking it just keeps exposition scenes a little more fun to watch you know so then i what are you doing i'm calling an uber back to the office so i can finish that thought all right all right he'll be here in seven minutes wow seven minutes okay so then the protagonist has to go talk to this other guy neil oh he's gonna go talk to somebody else now okay yeah and after that he's gotta go talk to this other guy okay a lot of going from person to person and talking so far yeah but here's the thing this time it turns out it wasn't actually a guy he was supposed to go see turns out it was this lady oh okay well yeah no that is a pretty good twist i guess right okay so he's finally with the lady he needs to be talking to he is yeah and she's an arms dealer amazing okay so what does he find out from her oh you're gonna like this he finds out he's gonna have to go talk to another guy okay and this guy he tells them all about having to go talk to another guy oh my god but to get to that guy he's gonna have to talk to this lady first what is going on oh don't worry now this lady is one of the main characters so we're we're on track now okay thank god so who is this lady well her name is cat and she's married to this russian oligarch named sador and she frickin hates this guy oh how come he's actually controlling her because she sold him a counterfeit painting so now he's like well you can't see our son very rude yeah extremely okay so now i know a little bit about this cat lady tell me more about this protagonist guy what's his backstory tell me about him no well what's what's what's his character art past okay what's his like what's his emotional stake in the story well he doesn't want the world to end right understandable but like emotionally well he lives in the world so you know he doesn't want it to end okay he also seems really invested in this cat lady like he really wants to protect her seems to have some kind of bond with her oh okay well tell me more about that no ah look it's just that i really want the movie concept and the action scenes to have a ton of breathing room so we're not really gonna spend time on stuff like like characters and stuff okay i mean it's gonna be a little tough for me to care about the story if you don't give me anything in that department though but it's gonna look very cool oh it's gonna be very cool okay i didn't realize okay never mind character then okay so now for cat to bring the protagonist to her evil husband he's got to destroy this painting okay okay and so what's the plan well this thing's in this super protected vault right so the plan is hold on let me set the mood here [Music] [Music] can you lower that can you lower that please oh yeah sorry sorry about that that was that was very loud music yeah it's very good music though right okay but i couldn't hear what you were saying it's not going to be like that in the movie is it it is yeah because it's very good music you know it's going to build up the tension i can't hear the talking but it's good music though so then the protagonist is gonna have this fight scene where he's like fighting this guy who's moving in reverse it's gonna be nuts oh yeah no that does sound cool and then we're gonna finally meet this russian oligarch and kind of figure out what his evil plan is okay and so what is his plan well so in the future the scientists developed this algorithm that could kind of invert the world right because they're all mad in the future about global warming like we destroyed the planet okay and she split up this algorithm into nine pieces and hid them in the past because they would pretty much end the past and so maybe the future too and so the bad guy is putting this algorithm together exactly and he's actually dying so he's kind of like well might as well take out the whole world with me as i go out so he has kind of the same motivation as a kid flipping a monopoly board because he's losing pretty much yeah so we're going to have this amazing car chase scene where some of the cars are moving backwards in time it's going to be nuts wow and then that cat lady's going to get inverse shot by her husband and so the protagonist he's going to risk the whole world to save her a little risky but okay so they're going to invert themselves and start moving backwards through time and so and so how does that work oh there's some very cool stuff going on for example like oxygen flow goes the other way in this direction so they need their own oxygen basically everything's backwards like explosions make things cold so does that mean that like light receptors and people's eyes start emitting light do people have flashlight eyes no i mean please don't think about this too much how do inverted people poop does it go up okay so anyway they're gonna travel back in time and we're gonna find out that the protagonist was actually fighting himself but in reverse oh very mind-bending yeah so they need to stop the bad guy from ending the whole world so they team up with these time-traveling army guys that just kind of come out of nowhere oh and they go on this freaking mission where one team is moving forwards through time shooting at people and then another team waits a while and then moves backwards through time through the same fight and so like who are they shooting at exactly ah oh no so we're not really gonna see who they're shooting at really they're just kind of shooting off [Music] i'm not sure what's going on and there's like a dead body when they get there but then the thing suddenly pops up and takes a bullet to save the protagonist it's gonna be crazy please turn that down okay let me turn that off so anyway it turns out that neil actually sacrifices himself to save the protagonist okay so now i think that was entertaining but also what just happened well neil's going to explain that tenet is actually founded by the protagonist and that he has a future in the past okay so neil waited with one of the teams until after the battle and then moved through it like in an inverted way backwards in time but then he saw that the protagonist was in trouble so he re-inverted himself and then saved him with a humvee right but then after that he has a little talk with the protagonist and then he has to go reinvert himself to go take that bullet to save the protagonist's life right okay yeah yeah okay and so the protagonist is going to keep moving forward through time but then because inversion is the thing he's actually the one who founded tenet at a certain point in time we're not sure when and he's the one who recruited neal sure yeah okay okay you understand do you get it i it's a little complicated i feel like maybe it'll be hard for the general audience to kind of grasp what's going on actually it's gonna be barely an inconvenience super easy oh really yeah cause see it's gonna be so confusing and hard to hear that people are gonna wanna go watch it a couple times is that gonna work it might it seems a little risky i mean you got to take a risk sometimes right it's not like the future of cinema depends on how this one movie performs i guess not [Music] hey guys ryan here thanks for watching that pitch meeting i hope you liked it if you did you know press the like button and the subscribe button and leave a comment and all the youtube standard things also let me know if you have ideas for other movies i should do pitches for as always check back soon for a new video bye-bye
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 2,818,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tenet, pitch meeting, christopher nolan, nolan, john david washington, neil, max, protagonist, robert pattinson, elizabeth debicki, kat, sator, michael caine, inversion, time travel, tenet explained, reverse fight, neil is max, tenet ending, tenet sound mixing, kenneth branagh, plot holes, super easy barely an inconvenience, ryan george, screen rant, screenrant
Id: t23ZEKqGHzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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