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I'm at Petco and they found a kitten in the storm and put her in a little sweater a dog so cute can we pet you why is he always rolling in the grass I'm so heartbroken I just caught my wife in bed with my best friend when you earned some little kid on the bus share a moment I'm a killer whale whoa that's cool I'm a killer bear I'm a killer Fox did we just form a club I'll design a secret handshake I'll need matching scarves I grew my hair out for over a year to be Bob Ross for Halloween my wife was a happy little tree my love for you is like pie pie yeah it goes on forever no one talked to me I'm thinking about the crow couple this crow couple have been together for 12 years she broke her beak eight years ago in a collision with a car he has patiently fed her and loved her since they have babies every year and she is a good mom the entire family flock protect her living proof that compassion isn't limited to humans you are cute you are cute too if you're stressing about something crunchy you did years ago it means you are maturing me you're home yes you called me to come quick me close your eyes pulls out puppy now open them her 0.001 seconds before screaming joyfully I'll see you again we always seem to find each other in every lifetime we are never apart [Music] if it goes down it should go down like this mommy daddy stepdad stepmom seven-year-old me trying to be mad at my dad but he makes me laugh when you're not feeling well and your kid starts taking care of you like you did for them when they are sick and you realize you're doing something right Chyna sent medical masks to Italy and wrote on the box is a quote of a Roman poem we are waves from the same seed Japan had donated supplies to China and wrote on the box is a quote of a Chinese poem we have different mountains and rivers but we share the same Sun Moon and sky when I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news my mother would say to me look for the helpers you will always find people who are helping mr. Rogers okay it is scary I won't do it again get well soon what gives people feelings of power money status going over to a friend's house and his dog sits with you instead of him some insects are so strong look at this beetle his kids are going away to college but he does not cry so strong when your grandma tries to lift a heavy object all by herself no me being happy that I got a present from Santa my dad who went out in the cold to buy what I like are you sure she will be safe around the dog I'm sure [Music] this light has stayed in the house yesterday this light has stayed outside right off the bat this lighter looks better than this lighter that's how we view people we don't take into consideration that this probe that stayed outside all night in the cold in the rain and all the other crap and sometimes all you need in life is a little bit of help I have carrots I have celery I have onions I have parsley I have salt and pepper I have garlic I don't have anything you have a spoon you have a bowl there's enough for everyone YUM to anyone seeing this one in quarantine hang in there bud we all love you do you need more water he's a cactus I don't think he needs much water even if he doesn't need much we should still ask all our maintenance friends if they are ok that's very true elderly black women calling me sugar sir rotten in my brain today hasn't been great is there anything I can do we'll talking about it help food space forehead kiss no well it wouldn't help but I still want the forehead kisses high school and college students are allowed to get upset about their schools shutting down its the most important non-family thing in their lives right now why are you so opposed to the salt it poses no threat to you because it poses a threat to you mother where do you think you're going me sneaking out some cat food for the kittens that came to our backyard [Music] that skunks going to be my girlfriend I'm once again asking for you to forgive yourself for that dumb thing you did that one time shark can hear a struggling fish from up to 800 feet away honey we can't afford groceries this week but at least we could have food your father's pills [Music] friend all I managed to do today was take a shower and eat two meals me self-care is self-care when someone hurts my feelings you suck when someone hurts my friends feelings sob he broke my heart person honks at me and bumper-to-bumper traffic hits a friend from work me coming back inside from getting the mail my dog mind blown that I'm back from an eight-hour workday already the power of the unity if we unite nobody Falls when you make a joke in class and your crush laughs the loudest the best thing that can happen to a potato may I befriend your creature you may i will now request all information about them my expertise to mere existence is centered only on this creature an accurate statement six-year-old me after the waitress drew a smiley face with ketchup on my burger instinct is weird I made this for some reason these are my smooth round children oh no now it's loud help I relate to this bird when a car stops to let you cross the road and you don't want to waste their time and start running cold nose Boop when you visit your grandparents and your grandma has made your favorite food go and make me proud hold lots of coffee and tea we are back oh well I'm still proud of you son dad why is my sister's name pearl dad your mom loves pearls that's why okay thanks for telling me dad no problem my son I did a great job today I deserve the pat on the back there's no one near [Music] welcome to the gang kid we've got stealing Steve murdering Mike and him what did he do nothing we just like him my dogs in 2013 three months old and four years old and last night seven years old and almost 11 years old she might not fit like she used to but he'll always be her big brother anime protagonist I believe in you my crush just existing me why the Frick are you so cute according to my calculations you're cute it's time to take out the trash Hecky err who you calling trash not you I meant take out the trash in the literal sense today's trash day oh right I'm such an idiot hey we know there's a lot going on in your life so we are here for you you boys are angels the elderly virus everybody washing their hands so weak and vulnerable let's put it into his misery the moment my dog and husband realized I was in the car beside him I know I'm small in the universe but when you think about it aren't you monumental a unique series of chemical reactions capable of thought planets stars galaxies all more commonplace than what you are you are more of a phenomenon than you can realize are you ok I don't feel special thank you my little sister tells our puppy to play teacher with her all the time and he actually sits and listens to her talk and draw on the whiteboard I'm gonna paint something and you guess what it is it's a rainbow how did you know my parents know dessert before dinner my grandma making me dessert before dinner when the youtuber you're watching defeats a boss and says we did it kintsugi roy to repair with gold the art of repairing pottery with gold or silver lacquer and understanding that the piece is more beautiful for having been broken no one Japanese Bob the Builder you can repair your day with a positive attitude I'm going to start a website they already have websites I didn't even consider that later what do you think of websites never used one never will more later I started a website recently that's cool thank you so much who knew villains could be wholesome mister doctor mister doctor it's strange maybe Who am I to judge how to deal with bullies you're weird I sure AM you're a nerd totally your clothes don't match da I'm having a party and you're not invited thank goodness a human heart costs around $1,000,000 and ways average 10 ounces the same weight in gold is sixteen thousand and seventy eight dollars so if you ever feeling sad or worthless don't forget that your heart alone is worth sixty two times more than gold what is your wish mortal well I wish I would stop second-guessing myself really you're going to wish for that hey it's my wish so I get to be the pain when you're watching your dog's nap and you realize how much you love them and how lucky you are to have them [Music] finally after all these years my father would be so proud of me I was always proud of you we made Nick loser hate myself not good at anything it's pizza Friday my mom makes the pizza dough and I make the rest of it mom usually doesn't have pizza eat my pits are upstairs in my room tasty P&G go downstairs for more my mom calls me into her room hey Anand I ate some of your pizza hope you don't mind whatever dot ABI you make really good pizzas and on they are the best I've ever tasted mom makes my bro try some of the pizza he loves it as well my face when I'm actually okay at something love you more good night most significant being may your unconsciousness be pleasant I will be miserable in ear absence wonderful air propelled mouth Porsche in accurate blood pump shape not even close when your girlfriend takes off her makeup but she looks just as good as when she had it on meat watching cartoons my mom telling me it's enough for one day my mom watching the news me saying that's enough for one day you have a Christmas gift six-year-old me it's a big box it's Lego my mom bought us flowers my cat thought they were for him my parents watching me take my first steps hey CP you come sit with us I I'm sorry but I don't speak your language it's okay we brought a translator for you when you're trying to talk but no one listens so your friend tells everyone to listen to you you're like the coolest person I've ever met and you don't even have to try I try really hard actually when you realize that you love spending time by yourself because you are a complete and interesting person on your own oh no I missed well it's gone now I wonder where it will end up one year later the French countryside when you're struggling to merge during rush hour and someone waves you in that was very Cash Money of you don't worry about finding the right person focus on becoming the right person can you put this money in my back that's not money money is something valuable it's a photo of us when you were hoping for someone to carry you but you realized you always have the strength to lift yourself up results happen over time not overnight be rising from my slumber when mom needs help with zone const has summoned the almighty one Hey putrid maggot foul beast release the princess or suffer the consequences what does he look like old nasty very rude and fill of himself I don't know I don't think so inhales you fool I see your heart there is nothing there but lust for gold and glory let the whole kingdom know only a young pure hearted adventurer would be capable of taking the princess away from me here's hoping Betty thanks Wendy everyone has belly rolls including the superior reptilian race when I first started growing orchids I thought they needed the most expensive soil and lights that's when I realized that all they really needed was time and attention dear Secours I I think boob guy would be good in Smash Bros he can meet all of his friends and use chainsaw please think about it the end me will my crash accept my friend request time traveler you mean your wife me when yo homie saddened he says it's a long story I've got time you know I do a bit of acting they always cast me as a villain marker ride browse someday I'll get to play a hero though someday no mark our eyebrows when the server drops off the check dat you got this one seven-year-old me that I don't have money dat the teacher putting a 2013 meme into the PowerPoint me and the boys laughing at it because we genuinely appreciate the effort she puts him I'm a rose macaroon I'm a pistachio macaroon IVA honey almond macaroon with hazelnut filling I'm a macaroni macaroni party defeat your enemies while you have the chance invite them all karting me acting shocked after a little kid tells me a fact I already knew so they feel smart and thus encouraging them to continue to share information they find important with people got what is my plan in life honestly Kevin I didn't count on you making it this far um maybe go have a nice big ice-cream suite me and my cousin's at grandma's everything will be fine in the end more tea and if it isn't it's not the end yet Rick and Morty phew long day at work hope you made something good for dinner I'm sorry jack I got so busy I had to order pizza god dammit woman I freaking love pizza me trying to fix my life we are all focused on the yellow tape but the real support here is the other bricks that help us to be one again and not letting us crumble it shouldn't matter if a meme is dead or not as long as it makes you smile you should use it here's a teacher who understands what's important create a math mean when your mother calls you by awful name oh crap haha three points [Music] grandma I love it yes I came back I always come back my first date I'm so nervous I got stood up don't go I'm just nervous to me that time I cracked a joke in class and everyone laughed for like 20 seconds even the teacher admission for one please here's my single ticket for one good sir fools did you have a bad day it's okay to cry it out I got you grandma saw this on Facebook and thought it was funny enough to cross-stitch sent notes you know your friend only pretends to like you are you calling my friend a liar Wow a shooting star I wish stars had free movement and a mind damn thank you for liberating me man how it feels when your best friend's parents ask you to stay for dinner then say we always have room for you I think of you as my own me telling my brother that beautiful is another way to say mom my brother about to make my mom's day I wish I could fly maybe I could help with that we when you're tired after a 14-hour shift but the client is a very nice person the artist oh man that guy's cake is way better than mine the audience holy she's to cakes my feelings for you how much I'm able to express I'm looking my best I'm working my hardest I'm expressing myself I'm trying my best yeah tech-support I think the server is down okay I'll take care of it don't be down server we all think you're doing a great job and everyone likes you he's never seen himself in the mirror so I tell him how handsome he is at least 20 times a day so far you've survived 100% of your worst days good job my dad telling me the same story for the 1,000th time we pretending that I'm hearing for the first time because I love him me feeling down because I had a bad day wholesome means let's fix that oh my you poor thing out here all alone what courage do you have would you like to come home with me I'll call you courage we'll have a grand time street singer was ignored by everyone then four kittens came to show their support me being a foolish child my parents letting me make my own mistakes but still making sure I'm safe ha he's gonna get a face full of mud and he won't see it coming Hey wormy surprised to see us we made mud pies for your birthday oMG you guys remembered me drinks water my organs what are you looking at some internet troll made a whole video about how much he hates my work Wow this guy has spent a lot of time thinking about and hating you I know I've made it dad act normal my crush is coming my dad do something nice even if it's not your job once a little boy sent me a charming card with a little drawing on it I loved it I sent him a card and I drew a picture of the wild thing on it I wrote dear Jim I loved your card then I got a letter back from his mother and she said Jim loved your card so much he ate it that to me was one of the highest compliments I've ever received he didn't care that it was an original Maurice Sendak drawing or anything he saw it he loved it he ate it as a cube I often wish I were a sphere they are so free and mobile but stability is also nice I adore my coffee guy I always get a large coffee and at first I'd walk in and he'd be like large coffee right but now he just does finger guns at me and goes large and I'd be lying if I said that wasn't the best part of my day then now four-year-old me granddaddy watch this does nothing my granddad are you going to sleep yes I am now shut up sleep well I'm just trying to make it a little easier for her to breathe who princess diana broke the royal rules for her son William by taking part in the Mother's Day running race at her son's school she won Oh No change is coming ah okay that was fine but the next change will probably be terrible when people think they broke my heart don't forget to close all the tabs in your head - just read someone's almost jumped from apartment window to kill self story on Reddit and they didn't do it because their caps started rubbing against their legs and they snapped back to reality the next comment said I think your cat gave you one of their nine lives Philly was hit by a car and left on the sidewalk for five hours until three LAPD officers found him rescued him refused to let him get put down and adopted him as a member of their family my parents buys me and my friends dinner one friend hey thanks for dinner everyone else thanks thanks thanks thank you thanks yeah thank you thank you soon our sapling will grow up and make lemons or apples or mangoes or peaches or oranges actually you can grow whatever you like yeah no need to stress it matters more to us that you're happy yeah weight of the food was delicious could you compliment the cook for me please Harold you are beautiful someone dressed a Pomeranian dog up as Paddington Bear and now the world seems a slightly better place to be in than it did yesterday what sweet dreams are made of you Who am I to disagree my face when the couple asks me to hold the camera and the guy proposes grandma look who became a man show me your muscles me raw now you try Roy I'm proud of you I work with a guy from Mexico who doesn't speak a lot of English a Canadian goose made Ernest by one of the paddock gates and hissed at him while he was putting horses out he comes back to us after and says I do not like the Cobra chicken bartender the usual please penguins watching the night sky in Melbourne looking like a Pixar movie do you want something attention others may not understand your work but if you enjoy it then it is perfect look at Pegasus I told you anything is possible yes did you hear something in Iraq in the book market books remain in the streets at night because Arrakis says the reader does not steal and the thief does not read and you're pretty thin for someone who likes food I don't like food I love it you're pretty thin for someone who loves food thank you my dog was extremely tired but just had to follow me into the bathroom in the middle of the night true love isn't Romeo and Juliet who lived together it was grandpa and grandma who grew old together meat cooking from my family first time my mom cooking for family from last 25 years when someone takes you somewhere nice time travelling an animal crossing is cheating me setting my clock back a few hours because I missed a villagers birthday party what was the most rebellious thing you did as a kid as a kid i straight-up lied to my dad's face about having a school project on the solar system I even made up a deadline so we'd have plenty of time but I just wanted to make something with him not sure why I lied so for this quarter hello thank you all for meeting me here today as I'm sure you are all aware there is currently a shortage of seeds in my bowl supportive grandparents starter pack say you're pretty good at that that sounds like very important work we've all made that mistake if anyone can figure it out you can I'll show you mine if you show me yours my friend asking me to help him in studies me aiming for a c-grade how to dress for your body type step 1 put on whatever the Frick makes you happy that's it a normal conversation Co sis held hands when they sleep so they don't drift away in a lockdown city someone tied a bag of food and water to a pole for stray dogs 9 year old boy who kept getting in trouble for doodling in class gets a job decorating a restaurant with his drawings grandma what a handsome boy you must have a girlfriend me I don't grandma impossible just talk to my mom who is 84 and has advanced dementia on the phone she told me at the end of the conversation I think about you when I'm not even thinking which I thought was a pretty profound way to express how we all feel about those we love when someone asks me why I'm smiling at my phone twice a cat girlfriend I've had a terrible day me want to talk about it girlfriend not really me so you have chosen hugs seven-year-old cousin is Santeria I saw mom and dad putting my presents out me looks around and crouches beside him he is but he asked all the grown-ups to take over so he could return like grandpa 7 year old cousin they are not texting you first because they don't want to talk to you they might be thinking the same thing and they also might be overwhelmed or forgot reach out if you can my dad fixing the car seven year old me holding the flashlight being an important part of the team I needed that me too what the postman sees what I see I don't want to be a loser you're not a loser you know what a loser is a real loser is somebody that's so afraid of not winning they don't even try this is great random girl gives a boy a compliment the boy thinking about it three years later I gotta go but we are having so much fun I want to give you something to remember me by four-year-old me falls down and starts crying my dad hits the floor why you did this to my boy four year old me happiness noise when your mom makes you wear an ugly Christmas sweater but you know she loves you 2016 the woman who can command me hasn't been born yet 2020 four years later 60 hour weeks my dad my future [Music] excuse me what I love your piercings our Mekong donated bags of one kilogram flout of the people in need since it's just one kilogram only the poorest people came to take it but he had hidden 15,000 rupees inside of them so the money went to those who really needed it when I die I want to come back as a bird when I die I want to come back as a dolphin when I die I want to come back as a cat I'll take cat again I just remembered that when I got my first dog I was seven and he was 1 7 in dog years and I cried when he turned 2 because I didn't think a 14-year old dog would want to hang out with me I've never felt more useless in my life that's not true you were almost completely useless when you were a baby now you're less useless Japanese fan tried to talk in Portuguese in the crowd laughed Ronald stood up for him second you should be happy because he's trying very hard it's good the apple doesn't fall far from the tree but I want to see the world I got you six-year-old me telling my grandpa about a cool bug I saw and him enjoying the story because I'm happy that is so thrilling they're all gonna laugh at you Darla comedy plays I knew you could do it Darla my crush saying she likes me as well me now having a panic attack drink up baby gasp a new leaf I'm truly goddess of nature everyone look what I did my grandpa me watching his every move so I can grow up to be just like him [Music] a father held on to his baby as he ran on stage to dance ballet with his daughter after she suffered from stage fright during a performance happy birthday what did he wish for world peace well then I hope it comes true me too this girl was paid $1,000 to shave her head she donated the money to cancer research and gave away the hair to make wigs for cancer patients temple of men wall of men's truths sitting down to D is totally acceptable Bob Ross used to receive up to 200 letters from fans per day when regular letter writers fell out of touch he would phone them just to see if they were okay so we can Valle nura ball let's put it into his misery mop sweetie do you want a bath bomb in air thirty six-year-old me from the bath mother when I grow up I wanna be a knight oh honey you don't want to be a knight this is a barbarian household I guess as long as you still destroy your enemies it's okay just because you can't fly doesn't mean you can't look fly someday you'll be beautiful like me be I'm already beautiful some people are not aware of how much strength it takes to pull your own self out of a dark place mentally if you've done that before you can do it again what's your type cute girls I guess grandparents behold my treasure photos of their grandchild Picasso drawing their grandchild make four leaf clover their grandchild found when we are far apart and I'm missing you I feel better just knowing we are both on our phones looking down at the same meme so stupid behold the one commandment if you enjoy the time you waste it then it's not wasted time mum I don't feel okay what's wrong I can't remember when you haven't seen each other in years and pick up right where you left off my dad teaching me how to fix a flat tire 14 year old me 21 year old me teaching my dad how to use his new phone my 55 year old dad papaya peach pineapple banana spring water maca powder and raw honey post-workout smoothie obtuse rubber goose green mousse guava juice giant snake birthday cake large fries chocolate shake here comes your crush act natural some I want what they have hey here's your bull back oh no don't worry I'll get it humans are so clumsy any time you visit your grandma honey there's something I gotta tell you you see there's this girl at work I'm very attracted to I think she just might be the prettiest girl I've ever seen in my life berry what on earth are you talking about you'd been working from home since forever and I'm the only girl here indeed you bloody idiot MA pause your game and come help me downstairs me exits the game instead of yelling I can't pause it doesn't work that way a small price to pay for my life has not been easy since I lost my partner and there's not a day that goes by where I don't miss him I found someone who understands what it's like and our meetups have been my favorite thank you for being my constant source of comfort a Victorian couple trying not to laugh while getting their portraits done when you're not good at expressing emotions but the right people get you shroomish looks happy he's so stupid and dirty and lazy my mom's bills the three dollars and 76 cents in my piggy bank seven-year-old me just trying to help her out September 9th 2018 versus September 9th 2019 I like how he's happy in both me and the boys after we talk to the lonely kid to give him a chance and realized he's actually chill as Frank perhaps I treated you too harshly as a be ever landed on you and instead of being scared you appreciate the possibility that he'd got confused for a flower I met my best friend on GTA and we recently met in real life rockstar featured our story on their website [Music] five-year-old me look how strong I am shows many bye says that 20 years later and I just became a nurse at the same hospital I survived cancer in your worth is not measured by your productivity five-year-old me Falls and hurts knee mock blows on the spot the pain sometimes when I'm down I remember Pam's reaction when Jim asks her out when you and your childhood bestie took different paths in life but you still have a strong bond with them whenever you reunite me I don't have equipment for projects grandma say no more Tommy I'll go take out the trash Death Note I feel great that's wonderful tummies insecurities McDonald's making thousands of burgers per day my mom making me a burger with love and passion thoughts often seem scarier at night try to ignore them pay them no mind when the Sun rises you will see they aren't as bad as you thought they would be behold the one commandment be nice to your pets you chose them but they didn't choose you World's Strongest Man contest I listened actively so strong what are you up to hey what are you up to tonight babysitting how is it so I just can't sleep maybe some fresh air will help no but it sure is peaceful yeah my own beop Sigma Soros spend one to two hours on this I'm nine years old what's a nine-year-old doing on reddit sharing his awesome dinosaur sketches we can have lunch play board games invent wash I'm being clingy and taking up too much now tell me our plans for the day I don't like this chair do you have another option not comfortable enough perfect came home to this today I only own the dog have you seen the paper today no I can't it's too depressing no I mean this paper you're doing great your speed doesn't matter forward is forward thanks for helping me move today no problem it just sniff means so much to me that you would do this sniff um are you crying I'm just so moved when the cake isn't enough for the whole family my mom's been I know I'm a good white shark but I don't feel great you're a great white shark Kevin thanks dude I just needed to hear that today in memory of George who gave His life on toy street 29th April 2007 protecting children from two savage dogs I don't think people like me why do you say that they always look at me and then away they have a crush on you silly the Sun is so hot I think you made it blush I'm a big fan first-year University students struggling to understand and asking a basic question well-known professor with more than 30 years of research experience and tons of book published interesting question how you see yourself how other people see you please do not disturb my plant she needs two hours of sunlight today and I live in a sunless apartment I'll be back to collector soon thank you and stay well mom walking me to my bus stop five-year-old me excited for school when your oldest cousin joins your team at the family reunion nerf war ah dinners with us mom asking me to open the jar of pickles that is too stiff for her me opening it and realizing it wasn't bad sniff she just wanted me to feel big and strong and good about myself today my five-year-old laughed at this painting in the middle of museum for like six minutes I love talking to you even if I have nothing to say hard to swallow pills your friends do love you your brain is just mean I'm sorry sir but you don't belong here please I've had a terrible day sigh cat heaven fine but don't tell anyone I was watching TV with my wife who was eating and typing on her firm my phone was kept for charging in the kitchen and I heard it ringing I went and picked up the call it was my wife she said can you bring the tomato sauce ladies and gentlemen I introduce you to my wife I'm sad try adding for now I'm sad for now I put my son in private school and he was very sad because he had to leave his best friend Barret it's been three months since he has been in his new school and today the teacher said they have a new student and guess who it is Barret hey just wanted to say that you mean a lot to me you masa and your Shrek seus Trek when my c-average son who has been putting an extra work with a tutor comes home with a b-minus on his report card your pet decides if you go to heaven or hell he knows you best remember when you left me home alone saying that you had to work well they don't have that here we can play all day long I missed you I'm Dean and this dog came into my stall he has a joke to tell you but he has to stop laughing first what's wrong I just can't get close with anyone because of my needles no be careful I'm a ghost I feel nothing me seven years old picking up a snail and run so let it know how it feels to move fast your parents let you have morgue they have Mohawks too whoa my Japanese cat loves to sit near my rice cooker and smell the steam of freshly cooked rice me just sat in the garden the little bad who finally trusts me enough to come close hello there I'm slowly but surely going to recover from this mahn making food for her children versus for herself friends that asked you to continue your story after someone interrupted you [Music] what should I highlight only highlight what's important wife remarries her husband as she falls in love with him again after losing her memory you did it you crazy son of a B you did it when your mom kisses you on your forehead and tells you how much you mean to her five-year-old me watch me grandma lift up 2 kg dumbbells grandma I think that true friends are like Elmer's glue not just because they stick with you but also because they s safe and non-toxic - in honor of Colonel Sanders famous secret blend of 11 herbs and spices KFC's twitter account only follows all five spice girls and six different guys named herb when a Twitter user noticed this and pointed it out KFC sent him a painting of himself holding a drumstick while riding piggyback on the kernel when someone feeds me my 84 year old grandmother apologized for having to wear her nightgown in front of us I said it was no problem and that it actually looked very comfortable so she immediately offered one to me it's not like I could have rejected this generous gift when but playing alone lose by playing with friends find someone who looks at you the same way the King looks at his wife how can i age thirteen male be a good uncle my oldest sister is pregnant and I'm really excited for her to have the baby but how does one be a good uncle I can barely take care of myself yesterday I made grilled cheese and burnt it so any tips on how to be a good uncle if this ends the cutest shoes the weatherman dog had a small dog couch little boy invites his entire kindergarten class to Witnesses adoption cringing and billeting your teachers outdated memes appreciating and admiring the effort he or she has to get to in order to make learning fun and immersive my depression and anxiety seeing me spending time with my family and happy when you're having a bad day and your friend texts to check on you five-year-old me pointing out a clue while watching Blue's Clues my dad acting likely didn't see it first how do I use a coffee press do I have to grind the beans or just put them directly into the coffee press how would I use the coffee press if I want my coffee to use milk instead of water sorry if these questions are really basic I'm a 13 year old trying to make my mom feel special on her birthday so they brought an ice cream truck to school and the ice cream man saw my hair and was like oh I have something for you and he gave me this a hand-drawn picture your little sister did for you whoa this is the best picture I've ever seen when I was eight years old I found a four-leaf clover and gave it to my pot for good luck when he died I found out he always kept it in his wallet for 20 years hey could we get one of those super colorful sunsets oh that's not me it's the air being overly dramatic I heard that Wow so I'm overly dramatic am i you're just gonna say that and go well this is not over we will pick this back up in the morning buddy she said I haven't been carried like this since my wedding day I promised to be with you every day for better or for worse in sickness and in health till death do us apart or maybe not me shakes hands with grandpa grandpa acts like I broke his hand me shoutout to my Arabic teacher that looked at us yesterday mad lesson and said I'm worried you will look exhausted and depressed of we were all like oh yeah we are dead inside you haven't noticed and he snapped shut the textbook threw up his hands and said that's not healthy no more vocab time for dancing and he taught us a dance from Iraq and we danced instead of doing vocab we didn't stop dancing until he saw all of us laughing and was satisfied that we were all feeling better it was perhaps the coolest most kind-hearted thing I've ever seen a college instructor do you're not coming to the party I have a cold I don't want to get anyone sick second graders when they get their homework back and there's a smelly sticker on it cause they did good today my next-door pregnant neighbor knocked on my door around 7 p.m. today I heard some knocking on my door I opened it and it was my next door pregnant neighbor she was I think in her seventh or eighth month she was holding a small plate in her hand in a very shy voice she asked me if I can give her some of whatever I was cooking because she liked the smell I think pregnant women sometimes have strong cravings and they cannot resist it anyway she was shy and apologized a lot for her request since we don't know each other I laughed and told her it is ok I was cooking a traditional meal from my country and the recipe has olive oil garlic gelatinous poppers and some spices I think the smell was nice I gave her some of my dinner then she left I watched her walking home like a cute little penguin who's happy with her successful little hunting I felt really happy too for some reason I ate my dinner with a big smile on my face I wish I was clever like you you're definitely clever ah how so clever people surround themselves with cleverer people did you just compliment us both at the same time healy clever right please do not disturb my plant she needs two hours of sunlight a day and I live in a sunless apartment I'll be back to collector soon thank you and stay well teachers trying to do means for his slides presentation students who do high effort means but still appreciate teachers effort to empathize with us my mom this is adult table go sit with other kids grandma get this man a chair this is Nelly she's an astronaut please don't interrupt her spacewalk that's one small book for the prom one giant book for PUD kind he's handsome who the boy reading this I put my son in private school and he was very sad because he had to leave his best friend Barret it's been three months since he has been in his new school and today the teacher said they have a new student and guess who it is Barret leaving a relationship because they abused your trust and cheated on you only to later find someone who genuinely loves and cares for you I'm still worthy the home is succeeding in life me foolish mortal who dares to summon me tell who what forbidden knowledge do you seek how do you make friends first you need to build trust men deserve as much body positivity and positivity in general as women a historic friendship in December 2004 a baby hippo and got separated from his family by a tsunami having no other hippos around the frightened baby went to a one hundred and thirty year old tortoise named Z who accepted him as his own and an inseparable bond was forged some friends are family when someone complements your English and it's your second language to do scare child note nightlight broker very scared of the dark friends that ask you to continue your story after someone interrupted you Sunday I found a kitten at the zoo and brought it home I was afraid that my parents would get mad at me but today I caught my father showing the family photos to the kitten me grandpa Luke jumps from bed to floor my grandpa XYZ cue the English language mathematicians you're nothing you're powerless cause this isn't working let's try something new you're nothing you're powerless my son has parked his bike by this lamppost just about every day for the last year this morning this stickler had appeared absolutely made our day people can be so brilliant thank you whoever did it you look thin are you sick Maur I'm Superman and I'm Your Mother I really like you but I don't know how to communicate so i'ma just send you means depression exists wholesome means boo a nose Dias frig boys a moment of tension in Vatican if the bishop moves forward the Queen can take him find someone who looks at you the same way the King looks at his wife when you handle a situation terribly but it was also your very first time in that situation guess I'll just grow and do much better next time Harry Potter was saved by a mother love [Music] more than once hallo neighbors my name is Troy I'm in fourth grade and I'm just wondering if maybe after this virus you need a dog sitter and if so I can take your dog on walks and nor seven-year-old me after the mean kid called me a pooping my older brother coming to help me out collect pollen work work work I need a break from routine a hand-drawn picture your little sister did for you whoa this is the best picture I've ever seen why has no one ever shown me the second part of this mean look mom both hands Jeremy that was don't my dad who is proud of me for knowing a lot about fish me who just plays a lot of animal crossing me and the boys learning from our local librarian that Rachelle ving is not the best method of returning a book and should instead be either left out or at a designated return area a humble request to the pianist liebestraum number three in a-flat one of my neighbors slipped this under my door while I was practicing I thought they were going to make a noise complaint but they just had a request I played it with my windows open and I heard really loud clapping come from a balcony a few stories up which was super lovely I'm in such a lovely mood now it's so nice to be appreciated Paige can I give you something yes I'd love that wait that's a bookmark yeah so I never lose my page Team Rocket destroying gender roles since 1997 humility isn't thinking you are bad at everything humility is recognizing your talents but not viewing yourself as better than others because of them when you finally meet your idol and are unable to contain your happiness why the sudden interest in building muscle ah what this guy on the internet likes that game I don't I have to tell him what's what I hope you enjoy that game even when I couldn't thanks man antidepressant you're amazing the highest compliment an introvert can go I like being with you as much as I like being alone when a black cat crosses your path so you have chosen affection and petting nostalgia are ya winning son yes dad I'm also making unforgettable memories that I will cherish as an adult random person who smiled at me me my parents working hard to make sure I'm healthy happy and cared for me as a child when you have a dead arm and a face full of hair but your significant other looks too cute to wake up Doodlebug an orphaned baby kangaroo was found abandoned on the side of the road when he walked up to a human held out his arms and asked to be picked up his rescue later gave him a teddy bear and he wouldn't stop hugging it me my video game achievements no body is born cool except of course cashiers who let you pay even though you're short on change we close Monday to Tuesday my three sisters came from Korea I missed them 10 years thang I have no idea what you're saying but I know just what you need when you're already laughing non-stop with your best friend and you keep adding things which makes it even more funnier and you can barely breathe I needed that me too when you lost everything but you don't give up me I have a lot of mental illnesses dating me might get difficult partner it's okay I love you just how you are me show symptoms partner still loves me me the entirety of this terrible planet people who put trash in their pocket until they find a trash can objects in mirror are closer than they appear better days sure I find it touching honestly but awards are not as important to me as when I meet a ten year old kid who says I love Captain Jack Sparrow that's real magic for me Johnny Depp those who have weird neighbors what does your neighbor do that is weird or creepy so I had a neighbor 80 years old or more widowed guy every time I get the newspaper delivered to my mailbox when I open it I find the crosswords done I don't do the more give a damn a day I decided to try catch who's doing my crosswords day one 8:00 a.m. they were already done day two 7:30 a.m. already done day three 7:00 a.m. I decided to give up one day 4:00 a.m. I was getting back home from a night out while I was passing by the mailbox nothing yet delivered so I placed my GoPro inside and went sleeping the next day finally got it it was my neighbor he has done the crosswords right up on my mailbox for like ten minutes I will try to find the video but it was absolutely cute staring at my door time-to-time and scratching his head next day I took him a 1000 crosswords book drop it right at his door rang the bell and stayed on my car discreetly he took some time to open the door then found it I swear it was the happiest person like a kid that got a puppy he stayed in his porch and passed like two hours doing crosswords then fell asleep low the next day I was getting back home from work he came to apologize like a kid that has to confessed something and brought some cookies we stayed talking about his World War two service and how the world changed I frequently bought him crosswords books until he passed away one year ago may he rest in peace like the video and subscribe right now and watch my previous dankmemes videos thanks [Music]
Channel: Clumsy
Views: 2,328,510
Rating: 4.9333014 out of 5
Keywords: memes, dank doodle memes, best memes, dank memes, memes compilation, dank memes compilation, best memes compilation, clean memes, ddm, tik tok memes, memes clean, reddit memes, pewdiepie memes, family friendly memes, ultimate wholesome memes, wholesome memes
Id: k_TF_akaTwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 24sec (3624 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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