Tik Toks Only Girls Will Understand

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hello friends it's me and today we are watching some tick tocks that only girls are supposed to understand so me being a girl we gonna see if i understand these now that the boys are here pay attention girls let's confuse the guy sneezy sneezy at you wait what happened when she sneezed oh oh oh okay do i really gotta explain this sometimes when you sneeze i feel like a volcano has erupted in your pants you gotta get up and make sure there was nothing there or you gotta like touch it make sure it's not wet no cap in here you know actually here's a hack whenever you're about to sneeze like cross your legs i don't care if you're standing sitting crouching or cartwheeling cross your leg it helps i think what i thought being one of the boys would be like what is actually what it's actually like yeah man they're ruthless you thought we would go easy on you nah you're one of the boys now no special treatment oh don't even get me started about the roasting you're gonna be cooking like a costco rotisserie literally no one me forgetting i'm in public yeah sometimes i'll just be sitting here recording a video on my computer and just the best is when you're wearing like a hoodie and then you just like go on and under it's a warm sack of fat what's not to like only girls know how good this is i'm scared um actually when i was a kid i heard a story about somebody like getting hurt with this and i stayed the heck away from that whoever made the stick talk go to jail mom's talking to their daughters like i get home those dishes better be done and i want you to do the laundry and mop the floors and repaint the entire house do i make myself clear hi baby did you eat today my baby i'm gonna send you 200 okay go get a sandwich let me know when you're on your way home so i can run you a bath okay love you y'all baby them too much and it's funny this is exactly how my mom is mom's gotta stop doing this y'all spoil these boys rotten like some just get babied so hard honestly i don't get what all the hype is about let's confuse the boys now if i didn't hear the crying in the background i probably wouldn't have realized what this was but it's like when that time of the month comes unexpectedly you don't have anything for it just roll up a bunch of toilet paper a temporary but necessary solution walking out of the bathroom after putting a new pad on hey you got a bag of chips in your pants that new pad be hidden crispy there really is a tick tock for everything huh top 10 gross things girls do and won't admit i'm not looking forward to her exposing us wear the same bra for a week or more without wash okay let me tell you when i got my first bra i kept it on 24 7. i only take it off take a shower and then it goes on i would sleep in it i wore it for maybe several months and then my mom was like you never wash it and then i'm like i'm supposed to wash it i don't want to and i know that's nasty but i think it was nasty back then we just gonna sit here and be nasty okay leave hair strands in the shower where else are you supposed to put them like they either go down the drain and when they don't go down the drain like you get a clump of hair in your hand after washing your hair you just pop it on the shower wall no big deal only shave what's visible check their toilet paper after they wipe it isn't this everybody i think everybody checks their toilet paper after they wipe you don't want to look you don't want to see i mean it's your business i feel like everyone does this smash like if you do this no shame everybody does it right nobody that one girl when she wears leggings to school this is literally how my friends see me this is how i walk to them leave me alone this is why i don't get up to sharpen my pencil when you're itchy and forget you have mascara on oh or eyelashes or just anything on your eyes is off limits i've learned to just not touch my face not touch my eyes so my nose i always have to touch my nose because it's itchy my eyes it's a no-go also we can't be touching our face anymore but yeah it's just very unpleasant you got any kind of eye makeup on you touch your eye and it just goes ruined at the scratch of an itch boys when they get belly fat oh they work out girls when they get belly fat also we go in there i can't speak for all girls but guilty as charged i want to know who told him who snitched one of y'all ain't loyal sharing our secrets with the boys waisted ain't just cute practical only girls will understand drooling emoji what a bumpy road i mean yeah these are fun i love these especially if it's like super bumpy and like it feels like my my car is gonna like lift off and i'ma catch some air and i feel like i'm in gta for a half second but is there another reason why you're drooling um what am i missing care to comment only girls will know ah yeah change of settings to the harder settings it feels really good on your back if you have back pains it's mwah chef's keys however it does not feel very good on your face please tell me i'm not the only one that does this when i get ready straightener sure oh man i thought i was smart doing this i thought this was my hack i thought i invented this but here we are everybody doing this i never ironed a whole entire shirt like that wrinkles in my clothes don't usually bother me i don't care but if there is an especially nasty one i will bust out the hair straightener and just like smooth it down so easy oh this is a nail problem see you got to use this part but i don't use this part no i i risk it all i do it with my nail you can use your nails to do everyday things like that that require your fingers but like you just have to be gentle and when you're not gentle you get hurt and boy it really does hurt this is a pain a lot of people don't understand when you have like acrylics on and then you just like something hard oh top 10 pains imaginable second to the pain of existing things girls do in the shower part two okay these are really risky okay practice tick-tock dances sit on the floor and cry yeah that's the one do absolutely nothing for 30 minutes oh yeah that's a good one tic tocs no absolutely not i don't practice them the only time i ever practice tic tacs is when y'all see me humiliate myself i have zero patience and zero coordination skirt ladies let's confuse the guys oh i know what exactly what she's doing i think it's hilarious that someone's watching this right now and it's like wait what did she do what did she get out of her bag where did she go so in school when you don't want boys to see you just like sneak in whatever you're trying to hide you put it up your sleeve very sneaky you see and then off to the bathroom you go and nobody will know you know it's kind of funny i think it's wild that girls will like go out of their way to make it seem like periods don't exist girls just confuse the boys uh so you mad at him okay her legs were like this she went like screwed brian's driving a stick shift leave him alone you can't get mad at him for that she's upsetting spaghetti that he won't grab her leg while he's driving y'all trying to go skirt off the road like get you a manza driver automatic then how do you get your wife to leave the makeup aisle at target you text her saying a girl's hitting on you by the pillow oh there she is real quick oh so there isn't a girl i'm mad that they know about this now hacks that actually work yeah you trying to get your girl out of the home section at target this will work fluffy blankets jealousy let's confuse the boys by five oh it's a chair one of those chairs i know instantly yep that yeah you know there's actually a shoulder length hair or longer problem because when you sit on these chairs your hair i don't know like is getting brainwashed or something it just decides to wrap around the little nails like this and then when you get up it's like whenever we sit on these we losing some hair pain that girls go through right never burn my head i burn my hand so like when you straighten your hair and then you touch it right after and it's really hot that's how you do it that hurts oh hitting the nails against something yes that's what i was talking about cramps i feel like if you get cramped you need like at least one day off a month unnecessary pain yes i will be in bed the rest of the day it ain't even fair oh girl dries her hair oh so gentle our brother girl dries her hair hey i actually never thought about doing it that way that's pretty good i just braid it overnight and wait for it to dry but when i wake up it's still wet it was just a waiting game with me can you just check if everything's okay thanks yeah everything's fine there's not in there you're good oh the little check me you know i feel like it's always a feeling like you feel like there's a stain there is a leak there is something there but 99.9 of the time there is nothing but you and your imagination things girls do in the shower oh no oh make fake youtube videos fake arguments that you plan but never say perform for no one check to make sure there's no killer okay you know what i thought this was gonna be inappropriate but man i do enough videos last place i need to do a video is in the shower i'm scared the shampoo bottles are gonna see me embarrass myself trying to fake an argument yeah that that goes on in my head it stays in here when i'm in the house by myself i gotta check every inch of the house to make sure there is no killer what i tell you this man is so fine when i tell you this man it's scrum dilly-ish he make me wanna let me tell you i've never related so much to a tick-tock scrub delicious the way she just skirt girl you good you okay only anime guys really got me acting like that normal girls okay doing my mascara all right psycho girls oh it took me a sec i'm like wait what does she do in different is there something with the technique she did her mascara with her mouth closed i don't know how people do that and then i saw somebody have the audacity to say it doesn't make a difference whether you open your mouth or not no it does it really does like when you open your mouth it like pulls the skin so you have like less of a chance of getting the mascara on your face it's better okay it is a scientifically proven advantage to mascara application you can't tell me otherwise when you think it's red but it's actually oh no go to jail or maybe i should go to jail is that what i think it means that's illegal y'all getting way too comfortable on this app how i see myself all right and then change how my mom sees me how my friends see me um i beg to differ my mom sees me how my friends see me she was trying to feed me i mean i guess that's a good thing because i like to eat but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure that like button though and comment below which one was the most relatable and make sure you turn on notifications click click and make sure you subscribe join the wolfpack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 10,138,108
Rating: 4.9532447 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tiktok, tik tok, tik toks, tiktok meme, funniest tik toks, memes, tik toks only girls will understand
Id: fL-8cZ2HI7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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