Rimworld Race Mods You Didn't Know You Needed

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huh this feels familiar definitely familiar oh crap oh we're live yeah racist the last video reached to the goal of 500 likes thanks everyone i mean it get back to work on the north smoke leaf for you like we said before feel free to post any races we have ever missed and should talk about it perhaps if we reach a thousand likes on this video we can do it part three remember to like and subscribe and hit that bell icon because youtube is stupid like that and of course i need to remind you that every 10 likes we get will drop a raider into an exact hive 100 we might give that raider a gun maybe it depends we got a budget around here okay how about we share today's sponsor while we get this cleaned up boy clean up bots get over here [Music] all right first things first gotta get this out of the way okay we good am i out of the book of grudges now first things first we got the rim hammer the end time set of mods by a sick boy weak which gives you items from warhammer fantasy not 40k tabletop games and the races of the dwarves and beespec i've mentioned before in the medieval playthrough guide why dwarves are a good fit they pull their weight by being bearded badasses complete with war axes and war machines the beastmen also get their own tech and events like the dwarves here so definitely a well thought out race alright now play the video of them fighting always nice to see bloodshed on the rim keeps the plants healthy but do you know what aren't plants fungus seriously yeah mushrooms are weird what are they they're on plants or animals so what happens when you get a fungus person i mean i suppose what i'm trying to lead to is one of the most curious mods of all people who are terrified of mushroom people look away now well i'm now terrified what madman would create such a horrible monstrosities well what would be druid fousey and you with the research to create terrifying weapons yeah this is a race of fungus creatures of many shapes and sizes and many flavors of nightmare fuel because this species hates humanity they don't care if they kill other humans health they love human flesh and use it and the organs of humans for their weaponry clearly dangerous war crime committing people so yeah they fit on the rim just perfectly word of advice if you play them they hate the code even more than humans i think but that one we tried to interview that didn't work out so well all right let's move on to something less terrifying all right hey remember the last time when i said you don't want angry fairies at your door well meet this gross thing rabby the moon rabbit grace yep this is in fact what it's called says right here in the notes these rabbits may look cute and adorable but don't let that fool you they have gun skills the likes of which a normal human can't comprehend they are great at research good at construction awesome shots and good medics only problem is that they are a bit slow in the hauling and mining department but hey we got bots for that i should also mention they aren't very good at handling psychic droning and can snap at any moment remember the angry furries yeah keep these bunny girls happy they might not be good at melee combat but that doesn't mean you want a lap and beating you up especially when they run out of their special mooncraft the rabbis are users of this drug that is the equivalent of luciferium so if you do decide to play with them know what you are getting yourselves into you can learn how to refine more and even into a tasty tea that is more fun than raw planetarium along with new arms and armor for your lap and army also know this mod is still in development and is korean but there is an english patch so you can still play with it unless you can speak korean in which case hey good for you they're thinking about angry furries at your door yeah why not more furry races bring on more angry furries at the door hmm need a t-shirt for that the leaning fox race plain and simple a race of vulpine based pawns though this mod does include some furniture so you get more than furry bait same with some weapons but don't expect the high material grade weaponry of the rabies so these foxes are medieval and now i'm regretting not mentioning them in our medieval mode i should mention this mod does have support with the volpin race mod so hey now you can have even more foxes in fact you know what let's throw in another fox faryan race along with the pirate faction add-on and the fairy end story add-on now you get agile fox people who are good with many more brainy stuffs but not so good with physical wise stuffed stuffs but when you have a board of pet foxes you can deal with any threats and with pirate factions you can have angry fairies at your doors or try to make friends with them it's all up to you know what the best part is this isn't even the only fox race you can put in rim braxion who based on a popular fox pokemon a simple enough race mod with a cool fire staff and incinerated smg because they fire pokemon let's face it rimroll doesn't have enough flaming raiders with all these foxes now you can indeed worship the fox who would have thought there would be four different race mods with foxes pretty cool wonder what other beast races there are oh come on and there is even a fox man in there yeah the eastman tribes is a great mod if you want to really add diversity to your colony because with all the different tribes you recruit for your species your colonies aren't going to look the same after this i should also mention each one of these animal folk have their own quirks in terms of what they excel at or common traits they tend to spawn with like the elephant men have annoying voices for being too loud pig and raccoon men can be greedy elk folk are good fighters and likes to start brawls there are a lot of nuances with this race set great for low tech playthroughs or if you want a tribal faction to slaughter and turn into can be but say you want a mod that does all that but doesn't add a bunch of crazy tribals the pawn mofo is for you this is a mod for the mad scientist a fairy within us this is a mon that body peers should stay away from because there is no way you can play through this without getting something turning your pawns in the horrible island doctor maru animal human hybrids be it from mad scientist guns or strange meteor with a lovely glow your pawns will begin to shift and change into animal hybrids this can be pretty good or bad depending on the pawn or the animal traits improving speed of certain skills like mining or planting but also ruining some traits and of course some pawns take umbrage with being a mutant so moods can go down faster then and all you can eat nutrient paste buffet there is also an add-on to complement the vanilla expanded insect toys so you or your enemy pawns can turn into those insectoids and get buffs or debuffs based on their new parts or body the good news is you can craft reversing serums but save them for your pawns it's more hilarious to see prisoners turn into cows which can use for milk or meat comment down below if you think it's still cannibalism to eat these ponds if they fully turn into animals i'm going to need some second opinions on this now what doesn't need a second opinion is my opinion on robots robots are cool except when they're trying to kill you which is why the good people at saturn robotic systems will be able to provide you with cool rimsec security robots provided by shake the spear this mod is looking to be another awesome robotic race mod unlike other robot mods you can't build normally any bots just some of the equipment to maintain them like the maintenance station and cool turrets that come included in this mod you can actually make these droids but at a cost you have to buy the assembly bench from the trader ships after all trade secrets and all can let any colony have access to these darn delightfully diligent defender droids i do like the design of them and the new weaponry a very good sci-fi look great for colony going into high-tech also they do appear to be working on even more to this mod so keep an eye out for more add-ons we might go into further details in a future video but one more thing this race is compatible with save our ships so now you can have super fighting space robots in space so what's next seriously brent alright alright so the next race is the kijunman based on the yoga demons of japan or oni they are known for their two gigantic horns yeah look what did you think i was talking about they are based on the oni who have those horns and their pictions the qg a race of ancient ogre like humanoids whose kingdom kind of got wrecked by some pirates boy do i feel that so now you get to help them regain their empire complete with a game ending scenario that's right this is one of the rare mods where you can end the game without going to space kissing the butts of arroyo or summoning an elder tour instead just declare yourself the rightful ruler and hold the lion and boom you win this mod also comes with new buildings weapons and armor always nice when a race mod adds more flavor like that more race mods need to do that these pawns will definitely pull their own weight with stronger bodies and the ability to work faster than a normal human though they do get pretty hungry thanks to that oh and they have a refined palette they hate raw or terrible foods so watch out for that well that should be all the races for today's episode yep no need to do any more races for this video well i guess i gotta talk about another warhammer mod actually a lot more but hey one more for now the adaptus mechanism read by oglis along with the add-on mods first off the adapter's mechanism or the tech priest equipment mod is based on the warhammer 40k faction of well the adaptive mechanism not to get too deep into the lore basically they work with imperium demand making all their cool machines but they do their own thing worshiping technology so transhumanists will feel right at home being all churned up but that's not why i mentioned this mod oh no there is more stuff to download first you can download the race mods with this eldar the tower and crew and everyone's favorite orcs with a k that is extremely important each of these race mods will include weapons and armor from their respective lures so if you are a warhammer fan you will know what weapon you want to use and by the way orcs and fungus in this universe no joke there just wanted to share because 40k lore can be so dark and weird and funny all at once more so when you include the magno's the xenobiologist mod which will add factions and even more stuff to fight of course most of them will want to kill you none more so than the forces of chaos led by this lovely fellow known as cech i've heard it pronounces each he is one of many chaotic entities that will send horrors at your pawns kind of like another master of eldritch or go on xu this video has been enough curse stuff as it is yeah that's pretty bad these guys will ruin your day if you don't plan ahead good defenses you know what else ruins your day space machine egyptians because this mod includes the neck runs ever wanted to fight powerful machines who want to destroy our life due to law reasons too bad they're coming for you anyway oh and they reanimate if you don't deal with the bodies fast enough yeah not fun but their weapons do tend to be good for ruining living organisms days so they might be a good idea to loot from them or you know get off planet before they notice you definitely need to go more in depth later but with warhammer mods this isn't even the final ones i'm going to have to come back to this at part three and you know what else i'm going to give you something adorable to cleanse all of those cursed race mods ah look at it it's going to fight for the imperium and protect us from great emperor speed little one anyway i'd like to thank all our supporters on patreon for helping keep this channel running if you'd like to get early access to all of our future videos be sure to go and support us on patreon you'll be able to watch videos before we upload them here sometimes weeks in advance so if you want that early access content go ahead and do that moving on anyway remember to like and subscribe and let us know of any new races we should talk about for part three if we reach even more likes than last time and hey why not check out some of the previous videos i know i would if i wasn't so busy breeding chinchillas or wood shipping foxes
Channel: Noobert
Views: 177,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noobert, rimworld, rimworld races, rimworld factions mod, rimworld tips and tricks, rimworld guide, rimworld mod guide, rimworld how to, race mods, Rimworld xbox, rimworld ps4
Id: 4HmSU4sJb84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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