Rimworld Ultimate Base Defense Guide ( Tips And Tricks )

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imagine you're in the middle of enjoying your day with your colonists your pawns doing their job your farms your bots and everything was normal and you were just having the best room world day minding your own colonists and then infestations ah no huh what's that a raid after having all the fire aliens bugs and ugly colonies that plagued your base locked up and came together have you ever wondered what you could do to keep it at all at bay forever how should you design the ultimate fortress what types of raids can we stop well fear no more for in this video we are going to cover a great many subjects on this defense thingy and i'll be sure to get you up to snuff before i send you off there's a variety of ways one can manage and plan base defenses this ranges from overpowered kill boxes using spike traps mazes with lots of turrets and explosives all the way to human oven infested with man-eating rats some ways are more expensive than others even then some are fairly cost efficient like the free pet food method all that being said your kill box won't do much if the enemy comes crashing into your base from the sky drop pods are scary even more so if you don't have any walls they will probably walk right in and kidnap your husky which brings us to the first tip on today's video oh yeah the name we usually say the video name as well welcome to the ultimate room world based defense guide tips and tricks with doodads and fox's video yay okay back to business the first tip is walls build layers and layers of walls duh this is probably the most basic of all defense strategies since the beginning of time immortal or just any base building game in the world walls make rimworld great again provide about 75 with a side effect restricting your colonists effective attack area you must build layers of stone walls as soon as possible and build layers and layers and layers and then turrets and mines and mortise and lots of mortise but in all seriousness you can start with wooden walls and work your way up from there just be wary that wood stuffs can burn if your wood stuffs burn after burning for a while other stuffs will probably burn too including your adorable colonists crispy later on you can build granite walls which maybe three layers of five layers no ten layers if you have all the time and resources in the world if that pleases you hey the more layers it has the safer it would be if you know what i'm saying though it may not be the case if you're up against a certain kind of attack but it's best to build your structure for larger groups of raid attacks [ __ ] sappus there are a few ways one can use walls to their advantage you can build a maze with lots of curvy corners that have turrets behind them hiding man traps every inch of the way or you can build the maze with lots of exits so as to break the enemy into smaller groups as the travel deeper into your labyrinth if you decide to use turrets near your walls be sure to keep them at least four tiles away these thingies can blow up if they've been taking up damage you're better off just losing the turret than giving your oncoming foe a free pass on your base as well another option is you can build a bottleneck entrance with multiple flanking access points in early game line out or bottleneck with best deadfall traps you can build early mid then make an effective double layered outer wall mid gaming create layers of stone walls with gaps filled with plastil dft and turrets progressively towards the late game also if you have a door on your wall don't forget to put another door not far from it so you can help inflating oncoming raiders putting a sandbag in front of a door would also make for a good cover as well yeah do the sandbag thingy enough about walls moving on to pillars allow me to explain the good value pillars can bring to your future or current base place pillars around your base with a roof that extends out about seven spaces around it and you can thank me for this one later this setting would create darkness which makes your colonies harder to get shot at this will also kill plants that could stop fire spread potentially pretty convenient yeah you may also want to place these sweet land mines on the side that an enemy most likely take cover on when they set off the mine it will hurt them and the raiders around them then the pillar will break in the river collapse this will cause much more damage and much depth also is very cheap and gets rid of weeds win win win so now you have a maze filled with traps and bombs and traps and secret passageways with collapsing roofs and traps why not make it more dangerous with more traps which is our next bit here spike traps spike traps could be effective against any type of raider it's a single use trap that deals heavy damage upon being triggered ouch the damage can be fatal to humans or larger animals if it's made from good materials unless it's a centipede they'll just walk through all your spike traps like their butter steel spike traps have a much higher damage and are insanely easy to build still spike traps have 100 damage with 54 work to build and stone brick traps have 50 to 65 damage which sometimes 300 work stone brick traps have almost seven times the work needed to build them wood traps but only offer five to ten more damage than wood this is somewhat unbalanced place these traps anywhere an enemy would be likely to take cover early on also place them in your kill box put lots of these in your kill box like literally as many as you can then put sandbags to slow them down between spike traps you need one empty space between each spike trap so in a nine square space you could have what four or five spike traps four or five four five one of those two numbers there's a lot of spike traps ahem i'm sharing too many good ideas here so let's move on making a fire line with cover [Music] at some point you're going to need to start shooting back so it's best you plan out the place you want to shoot truck building plenty of cover near choke points around the edges of your base at the innermost end of your kill box will be essential to long-term survival it's best to use sandbags here early on but there are better options later on that i'm more than happy to let you figure out on your own it's also important to note that enemies like cover as well the best thing you can do in this situation is take that cover away cut any trees and haul away any stones with say 50 tiles of your firing line to ensure any attacking enemy will always be in the line of fire and now with the firing team through there are few opinions about this some people say arm pawns are always better than turrets while others say turrets and mortars are the best and some others say kill box is the only way you can defend your base as it can be used to cook your enemies like you cook your chicken all these methods will have their uses at some point in any long run so it's best to implement as many of them into your security plan as you can but let's give you a little more detail in these first weapons have a higher range than the turret and the turret can't seek cover meanwhile on pawns can engage the enemy whenever they want and a turret can only fire a salvo of three that means a turret is basically an unskilled pawn with an assault rifle so you may want to choose wisely or else you're basically getting cooked by the raiders yeah turned on you there didn't it next important thing is for you to identify your raiders closely at the start of any raid you should take a moment to assess the enemy what kind of raid is it and gain more information like what are they trying to attack where are they coming from what path are they closing in from what kind of weapons do they have and are they worth capturing and maybe you also should be thinking of what kind of lunch you want to make after capturing them or am i well frankly speaking each colonist has a different target and ways to attack you can maximize your chances of defending against a raid by gathering as much info ahead of combat as possible sometimes you might also get a chance to spot a brace of grenades a rocket launcher or some pawn with good stats or weapons which of course should be a target for you to steal or capture those yummy prawns oh i mean yummy pawns these rage attacks might have new and strange tactics which could annoy you like sappers they will try and find a weak spot in your defenses and blast their way through because they don't give an f they are usually in a small number of teams who are relatively a well-skilled pawns with one or two grenade throwers so what should you do don't panic focus you need to target the grenade throwers as soon as they breach or as soon as you can see them they can take you from 100 to zero in one shot so be careful with these guys playing against a single grenade user is easy peasy you can move your colonists out of the way when you see where the grenade lands play at normal speed for this one and it should be no problem unless your pawns has the slow slowpoke trade in that case you're gonna lose a pawn another type of raider is siege you can't build your way out of a siege the first thing you need to do before anything else is mortise if you haven't researched this yet it could be games set match for your budding colony you must use what you have learned about placement and tactics and go out and try to kill them a long range attack is advisable use those snipers to your advantage target the pawns who build and if you can't kill them in time you just target the pawn who loads and shoots the mortise if you are in a position that you have incendiary weapons or you throw molotovs go get your least favorite colonists and have them kamikaze charge the siege camp with a bunch of these and throw them at their munitions you need to approach from the most densely wooded side that should teach them who's the boss also there's mechanoids these buggers are a pain in the arse they're outrage and outgun any single colonist unfortunately for them they will trip every single trap in mind they come close to this is the safest early game option one steel trap can one shot a scyther and it won't make it across three furthermore they are very susceptible to emp damage and they are weak against mass attacks melee is killing against centipedes and two dedicated melee pawns should be able to take out a single sitha these scythers also have a poor fire rate so you can capitalize on this by having several pawns with quickfire weapons attacked from many angles oh and here's another tip for you to handle sappers snappers target beds so you can build beds at the end of your kill box and direct them to your their demise not your demise their demise don't don't direct them to your demise that's not advisable next on this list of based events is to get yourself familiar with all your pawns and all the weapons you could use each pawn is unique and they have their own way of defending themselves on that note your pawns must also be as optimally armed as you can manage when you are making weapons are you thinking about the properties of the materials that you're making them from or what kind of weapon you should use for various attacks if you were to make a club would you want this to be able to do as much damage as possible as quickly as possible or as cheap as possible consider that all weapons have bonuses for blunt damage and a swing cooldown finally if things go south with your defenses and life's not looking good make sure to take measures for desperate situations if you have been infested or raided to death and your colonists are dead or dying there are large groups of enemies outside your doors what should you do quit and cry in the corner no heroes never quit ask yourself what would nubit do remember animal pulsar yes that's it it'll be the perfect time to get crazy in a desperate situation get one of these bad boys and then lock yourself in a base or a room because you don't have a base anymore at this point make sure your colonists are far from the doors because animals will smell your fear and attack doors if you are close enough to them let the raiders take the bait and wait for the rain to come even pawns and capable violence will happily doom large swaths of animals and men with the push of a button then you hope for the best because you are just as likely to die as you are to live if the animals aren't doing the trick have you yet cracked the wall on that ancient danger hopefully there's some horrific monsters in there that can come fight your monsters that is all for our fun crazy time remember that you can also get crazy in the comments down below and nudge that like button three times just make sure it's always an odd number do it now or i will send sappers to smash your bet tonight also click on another video or this video or this video sell us your soul [Music]
Channel: Noobert
Views: 229,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noobert, Rimworld, rimworld guide, rimworld tips, rimworld tips and tricks, rimworld base guide, rimworld defense guide, rimworld raid guide, rimworld how to defend against raids, rimworld defense layout, Rimworld xbox, rimworld ps4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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