I Became a Millionaire by Obliterating an Entire Island in Hydroneer

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hey there it's Josh welcome back to Let's game it out we're playing some Hyer today because they released a DLC called journey to volcalist and hey developers thank you for a key so I can be a nuisance in your game yet again our wild Journey Begins as it always does in front of the ever amazing Ember cradle where usually the first thing I like to do is run on over here to our trusty tools and explain how the game works but we're going to save that till we get to the DLC so let's get our trusty vehicle here excuse me didn't mean to hit you excuse me excuse me what I was going to say is we need to go find the DLC but obviously first thing we need to do is pulverize a random bystander who seems more than happy for me to just roll them over again and again anyway enough of that guy let's go find the DLC and if I were DLC where would I be would I be up here in this mountain area didn't they say something about a volcano come on game where is this DLC oh you know what I think maybe I figured it out well let's go then onward to the DLC don't worry this will just flip over on its own okay surely this vehicle can just go all the way to it right oh I see now that I look around I'm pretty sure that's what that boat is for but I want to go over there with my vehicle come on I can't seem to find a place where I can break through well maybe I can just drive this thing right into what do you mean it won't fit in there okay so be it if we go through here we even see a little sign that tells us not to do that which goes against every fiber of my being but I'll allow it this time just so we can get to the DLC okay here we are a beautiful ship all for us aren't we so lucky and something tells me if we pull this lever it's going to take us exactly where we want to go yep that'll do it ah yes look we're getting underway and everything say goodbye to the island of whatever this is called and then after a quick loading screen say hello to our new island volcano Ville here we come now it's time for us to disembark wait can I just pull this lever and then make it off the boat let's find out no quickly wait no no wait don't leave or do leave I don't really care actually I'll be seeing you and then another loading screen back oh I oh I see well here we are after all under the ocean just like we wanted not sure what I did but if we head over here to the edge of the dirt am I going to be able to just keep going or am I going to fall off the Earth let's find out well I guess that was to be expected ah Fiddlesticks to put me back on the mainland you win this round volcano thingy I'll go ahead and play your game of using the boat the right way hey and while this beautiful Voyage is underway let's talk about something else that's beautiful and that's the new product by displate sponsor of this video in case you don't know displate creates posters gloriously printed to a sheet of metal they're beautiful and vibrant not to menion sturdy see what did I tell you they can really take a beating and now displate has a new product line called displate Textra which takes the metal posters we know and love and gives them 3D Contours tactile textures and matte and gloss effects here let me show you a little bit better come here light I need this look at this you can see the Glorious lines the bumps The Contours and there's hundreds of designs ready to go with this texture option and they're expanding it to even more and you can tell right now on the website which ones are Textra ready if they show this little option right here and then you can preview the whole thing in 3D I even compared the ones I got to how they're shown on the website and what you see is pretty much what you're going to get oh and by the way they're super easy to mount with a magnet they provide and they'll stay put here check out this display I have from the game rust I've had it on my wall for the last 5 months and it's been perfectly in place thanks to these two magnets and these other ones I got are a smaller size so they only need one magnet a piece look how good that looks easy to mount easy to adjust easy to love so if you like what you see use my link in the description and check out the selected designs you can get right now with the new texture finish and thanks again to display for sponsoring and here we are finally in the DLC being totally normal and having not broken anything all right let's see what's going on around here oh it's you I'm surprised you're even alive in the last episode I did I filled his entire throne with dirt and then eventually nukes and I thought that was that silly me I guess I got to try harder this time well let's greet you my le oh I'm being pulled into a cut scene a cut scene where I still have control over my character as it turns out meanwhile the guy's trying to explain to me how the DLC works but meanwhile I'm in the background just being distracting and you might be wondering why I look this way well stuff happen What happens if while this guy is talking to me I just open up the menu and I click unstuck there's no oh I'm just gone and I have no idea where I'm supposed to be and then it zooms back out to where I am as they continue to talk well that was great I see that where they were is back over here somewhere but I'm pretty sure whatever they had to say couldn't have been that important what is important is that we have a fancy new vehicle one that's absolutely going to wow us and also appears to be fueled by lava oh boy can't wait to see what Adventures await us and it looks like the sign's going to tell us everything we need to know digging is that way well you don't have to tell me twice or even once you're a sign you can't talk and oh my goodness here we are and there's the volcano and let's see this sign right here says either we can go to the right for digging or to the left for volcano well I think we know what we're doing we're going up the volcano no question and it's nice to see as I'm driving up here that there's so much new stuff to look at like look at this I uhoh uh we're fine like look at this we've got lava and more lava not to mention over here we also have lava and then as we get up even higher it looks like we have a big giant lift that takes us up somewhere what happens if we get under the lift before it gets here here okay and then it just pops you on the platform I'll take it and here we are at the top and how about that there's even more lava up here as well as a thing up ahead not really sure what I'm looking at and if we go around the side here it looks like there's also a lever that if we pull it does nothing ah whatever I'm sure in time we'll figure out what this all means something tells me it's going to be Anvil adjacent all right well that was exciting let's get out of here let's see if we can take a more fun way down ah yes like this lava fall which ooh looks like it could take us all the way to this snow globe over here so off we go oh let's do some tricks while we're here like a sweet cork screw before submerging ourselves completely into the lava which you would think would kill us but don't you worry somehow we're just fine besides I'm pretty sure his beautiful skin is immune to everything okay and we'll take the nice easy route I can see the dome in the distance I think we're getting closer oh I see there's a bridge I could have been taking that's going to take us to new Glade Shelter From The Elements not sure why I would personally want that I don't know it seems kind of nice out here what do they have in there that we don't have out here oh I guess it is kind of nice and we can still hit people so I guess everything's fine actually I have a more pressing question can we take these people and launch them out into the elements oh boy can we where's your shelter now how does it feel you seem shockingly not concerned about any of this I'm starting to think you guys just like the dome but you certainly don't seem like you need it here you go fly into the water now have a nice little cool off the same goes for us by the way we don't seem to have a problem with lava like when we jump on it sure we bounce around a little bit but overall if we stay in it we kind of get used to it anyway let's do a quick tour of this town first and foremost it looks like there's a new interesting thing which is this Museum which if we take a gander looks like we can go inside and collect dinosaur bones no not that old guy like it looks like it might be some kind of a go fetch some [Music] hydrocurl blah Museum return blah blah blah BL one fossil which will get me 100 Scout Guild tokens which I don't really know what those are but sure we can keep an eye out for that and let's see what else is happening around here what does this store sell well it looks like we have construction crates used to construct stores in New Glade wait a minute I have to make the town Jeweler construction crate ticket office construction crate if you make the ticket office you can take the ship to MZ Island to buy more Vehicles oh my goodness a shiping all that stuff you must be so excited about your job anyway past this loser we have some more cool stuff like this lava drill now we're talking and this lava Harvester and the most exciting thing here the task Board Store task notes for easy display all by 50 thank you anyway that's pretty much what this game is about digging and Mining and stuff as you can see by this other shop over here this furthers what we're going to be doing we've got all kinds of supplies like anvils and other stuff like a gem cutter and this magnet thingy and this bucket and pan as well as building stuff a bed for crying in stuff for people smarter than me and for some of my personal favorites pipes pipes and more pipes and as you can see when we Mouse over them they move lava around this is different than the base game where you usually work with water but it looks like here oops all lava oh and I guess this thing in the center is that thing that keeps the Dome up and unfortunately try as I might the game doesn't let you actually jump into the middle and boy howdy do I want to oh and in case you're curious no you can't launch the villagers into it they just bounce right off here let me help you get back into the museum see there you go and now that we've seen civilization let's head back out into the hot cold and see about some place where we can do some mining gosh I should have been paying attention I don't actually know where I'm going wait never mind here's a sign H let's see dig town or dig well I've had enough town for now so let's go check out this one and after a nice uneventful drive we arrive at our destination scoria chamber look at this it has all the information we need to know you use the shovel and you spontanously combust but then I noticed this they want me to pay for this no thank you I'll be taking my goods elsewhere and then instead of taking the road we're going to take a shortcut so that we can never truly get a sense of where we are but I don't know this looks promising it's the town of burville oh I get it because it's cold here you're all so clever but it's good to know this place exists because here you can buy conveyor belts and goodness knows I'm going to want those oh now here's a citizen I like doesn't talk to me looks disappointed in me why can't everybody be more like you anyway that's great and all but I'm tired of driving around I just want to do some sweet sweet digging I know there's a free plot of land around here somewhere there always is I guess I should have listened to the guy at the very beginning who was giving me clear concise instructions but wait what have I come across here what the heck is this ooh looks like someone was murdered out here let's see what is this a good a hydroa or leg excellent I'll be sure to turn this into the local authorities later I'm just excited to have a piece of a dead body in my truck oh wait I found it here I am at the base of the volcano where I went this way and it turns out our starting thing is right over here yep here we are at Beautiful Dawn rest what a piece of crap but whatever free is free and now I can do my favorite part that I do every single episode and explain how these things work so here we start with our shovel bucket and pan and also a torch apparently and also a map but that would require reading so here's how it works we take our shovel and the bucket and the pan and then we walk all this stuff all the way closer to the lava we take the old shovel scoop up whatever this is dump it into the bucket and do this a couple more times then drop that shovel right on the ground pick up your bucket drop that pile into the pan and then I'm going to assume we pick up some lava well let's find out well I think that did it we can pick this up with our hands right yep looks like we can and then we take that lava drop the thing in the thing and TAA amazing minerals okay wait I got some questions now if I get some more lava what happens if I just dump it on the ice ooh look at that there's a noticeable indentation that as the Sun starts to set you can definitely see it a little bit better well that's all sorts of exciting I love the idea I can affect everything without even using the shovel does the same work the opposite like if I take this stuff and then I take it over to the lava does it melt when I put it near the lava looks like that's a yes or at least I think I can still Place some ice here but no further it looks like although as we get closer to this side right here we can get awfully close to the lava so even though there's some boundaries they're definitely not like hard boundaries in fact I'm pretty sure that was more of a border of our digging space and less about the lava seeing as how I can just drop this stuff right in and it doesn't seem to have any problem with this WOW Nature's crazy anyway once we have minerals like this thing which in this case is a big old thing of gold ore we can float this thing out in front of us stroll past our vehicle walk all the way back to town and here we meet our best friend the Jeweler staring vacantly off into space and we walk up to them and we're like M lad must be swimming in tokens some all those tickets he sells sir don't talk to me like we're friends and then we throw it down on the table which gives us a beautiful 5C and then get away from them or else they're going to keep talking push the big red button and take our amazing earnings back into my greedy little hands then turn around and give this person one last look at disain and then it's time to walk all the way back five whole coins richer and then I'm going to place that right on the edge of the lava right here just to keep it warm yeah there's no way I'm going to lose that I mean clearly this is all fine we don't seem to have a problem picking up things that are probably really really hot and we'll just go over here and do this a whole bunch more times and then we do this process over and over again until this turns into this it's mineral Extravaganza I don't know what most of this is and to top it off we're going to give it a little garnish yeah there we go now it just looks like one big Clump and then back to this guy don't do it don't say anything okay good anyway look at that one day I will buy shut up anyway we dug up enough minerals to land us a cool 6,024 coins what a deal hey what's your problem you didn't want the lava that's okay consider this a tip from me to you whatever I'm sure he's fine anyway there should be plenty of starting cash for us to buy some fun things hey everybody it's me again I'm here to buy some stuff specifically these things because nothing gets my heart pounding like a ticket office so give me one of these and go put it over here on this buying platform and then actually we're just going to grab all of these so this tier one store as well as Jeweler thingy on you go and this tier 2 thingy and also tier three who cares we have the money and then you take your cash bring it on back over here and feed the payment bucket and then push the big red button and this all becomes ours oh boy so many things that I'm not quite sure what they do okay let's see how this works what do we do with this crate oh I think I figured it out something tells me it goes in the Big Green Space okay I see well it sure doesn't look very done what do we have to oh no oh no objectives now we've done it we have to get he stone blocks and iron bars I knowbody I'm upset too that we have to mine in a mining game well I guess let's get started well now I'm curious what these tear crates do and here's an empty spot to put one right now oh it's the it's the tier 2 store how silly of me and just like the last thing there's requirements for this thing too this one takes the same things as before just more of them with the addition of cladium bars what do you think about this sir yep I get it just Blair witching into a wall and now to start our wild Empire let's get some supplies ey wager the first thing we're going to need are some pipes pipes of all kinds really and we'll pick up a bunch of this other stuff too okay let's go do some fun stuff with all this crap we bought okay so here's my plan I don't actually have a plan I'm just going to pick all this stuff up and put it down for now okay that should about do it I think we're about ready to start doing some stuff I mean I'm not exactly sure where everything is but I know it's in there somewhere so I'm sure we'll figure it out for starters we're going to need one of them pipes that pulls the things from the thing yeah this the lava intake pipe pumps lava into pipe system which means all we have to do is take this pipe and slap it right into the lava ah yes what a lovely noise then we can take one of these other pipes perhaps this one and then just slap it onto the front and we can extend its reach luckily somewhere in here we have one of these twisty dealies excuse me a valve hook which stops the passing of water lava were logic well I don't need a device to stop the logic but at least we can attach this to the lava pipe then give it a little twist a thank goodness it's stopped and that lets us do a bunch of building without fear of that thing making noise or dribbling lava on everything which I wouldn't have cared about If This Were water but when it comes to Lava something more dire can happen here allow me to show you oh dear there it goes when is it going to stop excellent question I don't know but I sure I'm excited to find out so if we just peer in here it doesn't look like it's going very far but then I real realiz something it might be up against this icy ramp like we've got all this ice we can dig but there is like a foundation we can't dig through see look right there's the wall which leads me to believe if we keep digging right here we're going to see that this lava made hole probably only extends that far yep it's stopping on the ramp what I mean to say is we still don't know how far this will drip down will it go through all the ice to do an accurate test we're going to have to build out a little further a lot further yeah that's probably better if we Zoom all the way out we can see that it's essentially in the dead center of our little frozen pond thing which hopefully means this is the deepest spot okay let's find out well it's definitely doing its thing dropping that lava further and further and we can definitely see it's doing something like with every drop we can see some kind of cosmetic change happening it looks like it's not going down any further so either that's as far down as it'll dig or that's the bottom of the map well let's find out we'll just go down the oldfashioned way and see as I stare at the blinding blinding white and dig a hole at least it's later in the day and I can see again we're getting kind of closer but not really actually as I was digging all this stuff out I realized that if I crouch and then shove myself way in here I can actually see through the ground now I know this might look weird at first but this long column you're seeing here is actually this we're just seeing it from a different angle like we're not supposed to and because of that we don't see all the surrounding dirt or anything we just see straight through to whatever tunnels have been made well that's all I needed to see now that I know how far down this is going to melt this opens up to a grand plan which is I want to use all these supplies over here to do the digging for me so just give me a second this won't take very long okay this should be better plenty of pipes to drop lava all over the place and if all goes according to plan it should create nice little divots for us so let's go ahead and fire it up and see what happens oh wow look at it go look at that lava just cascading down and it's definitely making holes everywhere it lands what a beautiful thing to watch quickly let's head into our underground little thing and clip through to see what it looks like oh my goodness well I think we can see it's definitely digging down for us we can see all these points where when the lava hits it makes their little Caverns bigger well I'm sure pleased that this is working on to the next stage of our plan so the next thing we need to do here is take one of our machines I think it's this one the lava drill the deeper you dig the better the resources yeah that sounds great how about instead we do right on the surface see here's how it works this thing goes and then this thing goes but in order for that to happen we got to plug it into some lava you know out of the back of its head no problem we'll just set up another one of these things oh okay okay let's see if it works well shiver me timbers it does what a convenient nature-made funnel well if one is good more has to be better right of course it does after all what's the point of all these holes if we're not going to use them as ice repositories and the way I've set these up is they all connect to the same little Pipeline and all I have to do is turn the valve to open up the flow of lava so what are we waiting for let's do it ah there they go talk about efficiency grinding up and spitting out ice to fill into holes made of ice although is as this is I'm noticing a flaw in my plan what I wasn't accounting for is that these little pieces of ice can combine with other pieces of ice to make bigger Pieces Of Ice And if that happens nothing's going to fit down the hole anymore see I want you to be more like this and less like this don't worry though I have an idea of how to fix this because while these little ice cubes might change size you know what'll never betray me the size of the ore that comes out of them I'm going to assume that stuff like this gold ore will also fit down here yep safe and sound that's fine we'll just adjust this process a little bit we were going to have to set up these things anyway the lava Harvesters breaks ice and frost Rock chunks into resources now one way I could fix this is I could take these machines and place them up a little higher which means also the ice comes out higher and then we can put the Harvester right in front of it so in theory the ice will pop out of there fall into this and be ground up and then minerals will pop out of this shoot which will then fly down into these holes but I've already done Contraptions kind of like this so let's do something a little bit different instead we're going to leave everything on the same level that it is now and move it back just one tile we're going to fill this new space in with something else which is one of my favorite things to use in basically any situation which we're going to pick up back over here in burville watch out coming through ah there they are my beautiful beautiful conveyor belts we got old favorite here the one that goes straight ahead and then the one that goes up the two that help change direction and then the ones I forgot what they do there's also an additional thing we're going to have to worry about which is these these aren't lava pipes like we have back at the base oh no they're water pipes because even though everything else now takes lava these things only work by hooking on to water pipes so in addition to all that lava stuff we have to figure out how to make these water pipes work for us too okay so this is how this is going to work first and foremost right over here is the machine that we're going to use the ice melter melts ice to produce water basically it's kind of a three-part process step one lava goes in there no problem and once we've done that the lava will heat this up and the water will come out of here but that water is not just going to make itself that's why we have to fill up this thing full of ice and I could go over here and just grab some ice and then hop up here and just dump it into the machine but I don't want to do stuff by hand why do it by hand if we can automate it so I guess we're going to set up some lava drills in the sky after all but we can't place them yet this High because they need to be sitting on ice or else they don't have any ice to grab and spit out no problem it's time to make some snow piles so we'll just grab some of this and put it over here and keep doing this until we have a nice big snow column and then once we have that go ahead and just put some ice like that and then just wrapping around okay and there we go it's beautiful it's like a big fluffy Cloud threatening to strangle this whole thing and now it's time to place our drills look how good that looks the only way it could get better is if we added two more and now all we need to do is feed lava up to these things too and that should about do it there we go everything's connected with lava pipes and since I was here I went ahead and added another lava pipe that extends right on past our base past the main road up on top of this Glacier where it goes and goes and continues to go all the way back to the starting boat that got us here and where exactly does it lead oh just to a little known shopkeeper who sits completely unaware for when I turn on the flow of lava anyway no time like the present let's flip this thing on and see if it works here goes let's fire it up oh my goodness it's actually working the drills do their drilling thing the shoots are shooting and the ice is being instantly melted into this thing ofab and water's coming out the water pipe what a wonderful little system we've created for ourselves and of course we need to find out how this pipe is doing yep working as intended now all we need to do is get our pipe system together so all we need to do is connect these and a bunch here and then all the way down past the drills okay great we're really filling up the space and now that we have all the pipes laid out it's time to go back over to the truck and get our conveyor belts which all we have to do to make these function is attach them to the now functioning water pipes see there it goes and now all we need to do is connect all the way down the line yeah a little something like that so let's open up the lava again and see if it works there we go working like a dream I mean for right now it's not going anywhere it's just stacking up over here and oh no but that's okay at least we know it's working that and I feel like this is just making beautiful Modern Art so the next thing we need to do is make sure it goes along the other side too shouldn't be much of a problem just got to replace one pipe with one of these send water over this direction hook up all the pipes and conveyor belts and there we go and now that this stuff is ready to go it's time to show off where these conve a belts are going to lead to and that's going to be up in the air and we set these things to go up and up and it's happening on both sides here let's use a piece of ice to show The Majestic Journey that it takes first it makes its way down the conveyor belt before it connects to these other conveyor belts that takes it higher and higher and oh boy does it travel far so far in fact that it goes past our lava machine that makes the lava rain and then eventually on its Journey it makes its way up to here where it meets this machine that puts it in the dead center before connecting in the middle centered again and then sent up even higher and then once it reaches the top it gets centered again and at least at the moment that's the end of our conveyor belt right now it just kind of falls off and that's because right here that's where we're going to place our lava Harvester there we go ready to grind and then burst forth with minerals that'll fall down below and with any luck they'll fall through all of this and land into the holes below oh I guess I got to get this stuff out of the way first thankfully we've got this little toy a magnet on a stick attracts resources when activated so all we need to do is aim it at some of this ice and then activate bait okay there we go a nice big ball of this get on the Belt have a nice trip so far so good all of the ice is Slithering its way up the conveyor belt and as it reaches the top it all centers up like it's supposed to makes its way around the bend and starts its further Ascent looking even more like a snake than ever before oh boy here we go it's time to see if this will work oh yeah minerals Galore and is it absolutely waterfalls minerals down on us the hope is that some of it makes it way through the cracks and falls down into the holes below look one fell in right there the whole thing is working we saw it with our own eyes now all we need to do is clean up all this crap just throw it all around like a pile of laundry I love it too cuz the magnet's pulling the stuff all creepily out of the holes which let me tell you is as satisfying as it is creepy okay that should about do it most of the ice is cleaned up and making its way up the belt obviously glorious results and now it's time to turn our attention to exactly what we're doing with all these minerals if we head on over here and use our x-ray Vision we can see that it's actually working look at our little vials of minerals which means now it's time for the next stage of our plan hollowing the space out so we can get to the minerals oh and here we go uncovering all of our secrets and as you can see as we reveal all this stuff we can indeed see the holes created by the lava oh what an underground Fortress we're building for ourselves okay I think that should about do it we have a nice little cave with these weird immortalized Columns of minerals easy fix we'll just get this out of the way with our handy dandy magnet there we go everything out of the way and also I don't know when this game became such a magnificent poor unclogging simulator but here we are and let's take all these minerals and dump them in our little bucket here which is this magical infinite thing where if we keep slam dunking minerals into it long enough they'll all settle okay that'll take care of that let's see if the new minerals come through oh yeah look at it working one tiny mineral at a time but over time it's working great also you might not know it by looking at this but the more little pieces of ice that come out the worse the frame rate gets it's not so bad at first but once things start to really get going things start to get real rough real fast also what the hell is that noise oh God what is happening here you know in hindsight I think I see what's going wrong with the frame rate this thing appears to be clogged and this giant piece of ice is just getting more and more let's just go with hard packed resulting in tons of hitching frame rates and let's see what happens when we unclog this mess oh I see good okay we've cleared the obstruction now now stuff will work again and what's probably causing that to happen is even though these minerals are hitting these pipes and then falling down below a bunch of them are probably finding their way under the conveyor belt and then they get clogged up above that's okay I think I know how we can fix this and that's with these things splitter conveyor belts Place resources onree to split so basically all we need to do is take one of these things and replace one of the normal conveyor belts with this thing and now all we need to do is place on this little tray all the things we don't want to go up the conveyor belt and now it stuff makes its way through and anything that's not those things gets filtered out what a deal and now that we've got that set up on both sides let's use all of our new sorting talents to turn this underground ice Fortress into a logistical Masterpiece who's ready for a tour first things first is all these minerals come down and get captured by the conveyor belts where they continue their Journey to the end and all head into the next Cavern where they come face to face with the Sorting process and now that they're properly sorted it's time for them to go onward and upward and up and up until eventually one by one they Branch off and this applies to all eight different types of minerals eventually they all do a U-turn and head back the other direction this whole Contraption goes so high in fact that it goes right over this thing so while this thing is sending minerals down all these other conveyor belts are busy sending minerals up eventually these things do level out and go on a conveyor belt that goes straight across instead of up at which point they just keep going and going until they Teeter off the edge don't worry nothing bad is going to happen to them cuz they're falling harmless LLY into these giant funnels look at them go and down all the way back to the bottom see look here comes one now wow look how perfectly it's working this process isn't excessive at all oh frame rate you're loving this aren't you all these minerals raining down from the sky and then being so stupidly organized but oh is it worth it you know what the hell the frame rate's so bad let's turn the lava back on too there we go now that's the ultimate now there's so much crap happening at the same time who cares about about the game running well I know I don't doesn't feel like any of this town stuff matters anymore does it it's certainly making the villagers a little uneasy or maybe they just spotted my character it's hard to know for sure well we do definitely have the supplies now to meet these minimum requirements although I'm not sure what it matters now since I can barely move nice to see it's here though I guess hey how much will you give me for the rest of my bars here oh okay thanks uncrafted products fetchy prices they sure do don't they anyway as awesome as this has been we're not quite done yet there's one individual we still need to take care of and thankfully dealing with this is going to handle our frame rate problem too remember this handsome fella we previously had the lava going right over his face but now we have it a little ways off on top of this conveyor belt and there's a special delivery on the way luckily it's going to take a little bit of time before it arrives just enough time for us to get back on this boat and get out of here have a nice summer nuke Tasia ah and here we are back on the mainland presumably with a little time to spare well that'll teach him I want to thank displate again for sponsoring this video link you in the description to learn more so hope you had fun I know I did and I'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 4,039,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's game it out, lets game it out, let game it out, let'sgameitout, letsgameitout, letgameitout, game it out, gameitout, lgio, josh let's game it out, let's game it out josh, lgio josh, josh lgio, let's game it out simulator, josh simulator, funny moments, hydroneer, hydroneer game, hydroneer gameplay, hydroneer dlc, i became a millionaire, hydroneer lgio, lgio hydroneer, let's game it out hydroneer, lets game it out hydroneer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 9sec (1809 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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