Everything You Need To Know About Animals And Taming In Rimworld ( How To Tips And Tricks Guide )

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Nice. "Some people try farming Boomalopes!" Like this!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TheVillageGuy 📅︎︎ Oct 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
what the hell a raid mother of god man hunting chinchilla horn [Music] what do you mean mist they have plasma swords welcome to the guide about rimworld animals today we will be covering animals and big brain tips for them animals are a great help in real world the best part about them is that they die instead of your colonists wild boars for example are almost everywhere in tempered force level four to tame and not all that dangerous but having a few of them can allow you to throw them at raiders so they can go smash into them until they or the raider dies saving your colonists pain and medicine and instead of rescuing you can finish the bore off and harvest it for meat leather win-win and next time when you see that vegetable of a colonist i can't talk and fight but is really good with animals keep him and benefit from all the perks of owning the many animals of the rim but before we start let's talk about taming mechanics to understand the basic concept of wildness there's a meter or percentage to gauge how wild an animal is for example alpacas are an easy tame they only have 25 wildness even easier than that is chicken or ducks they have zero percent wildness for your information having zero percent wildness means you have double the original chance of taming having 50 is normal chance of taming and having 100 is completely untameable so don't try you will just waste food and resources though there is no untameable animal ingame it's just the calculation the hardest animal to tame would be the thrumbo the thrombo has 98 wildness that's a pretty wild if you ask me so do try to have a very experienced tamer if you ever try to tape such a beast however a pretty known mechanic to tame animals is by beating them up and rescuing them yep welcome to the famous thrumbo taping mechanic tend tame it works like this find a thrombo mess it up real good until it's down and then get it into your base and start patching it up try to use terrible meds if you can afford it but don't give it any better meds why well disregarding wellness any animal that is tended to buy a colonist has a special chance to bond get out of here james not every time someone says bond they talk about you getting back our topic here bonding is a mechanic that can be applied in two ways 10 taming it's a 0.4 per tenth meaning after the thrumbo is down and patched up just keep beating it and healing it until it's bonded bonding means the animal becomes someone's pet and however attended the master basically instantaneous do use blood weapons though fists are the best as they do almost no damage to the mighty beast and allow for many tender tips oh yeah you can also not use medicine at all and only use it if the thrombos bleeding anywhere blood trauma does not trigger infections so it's pretty useful for capturing prisoners too the second bonding way is through tami if you successfully tame an animal it has a one percent chance to bond with its tama there is another way for bonding to occur but the animal has to be tamed muzzling can invoke a bond it's also a really nice small mood buff for whoever colonist was nuzzled do note though that wildness will not stop plaguing you here while this also means another thing how much time you need to maintain that tame behavior up because if the animal has even one percent wildness it will slowly deteriorate and if you don't check up on it an animal may just slip back into the wild a mistake some do is attempting to tend tame a thrumbo without having a pawn being able to keep it tame or let's say you get super lucky a thrombose self-tamed you'll not be able to train it or keep it tame if you don't have a colonist with a minimum of 10 handling so if the thrombosel tames at this level you might as well slaughter it unless you have a bunch of rats and small animals outside and your tamer has a large passion because if you have a colonist with nine in animals and major passion have him tame everything he can rats boom rats chickens even low risk animals in the area get it to 10 in time and you will be able to keep the thrombo at your side perfect for raids this is the most important part about animals overall so we made sure to put it first oh yeah pawns get very angry if their bonded pet is not following them so make sure to let them have their companions now let's get to the purpose of the many animals of the rip let's cover the bio weapons boomalopes and boom rats these two animals are either your bane of existence or your colony's chance of survival for you see if you were to go out and tame a horde of boom rats those are quite literally living mini grenades tame a horde of them and just throw them at your enemies and mass all you have to do is let them roam outside they are extremely helpful and easy to maintain they are also omnivores so here is what you can do make a dark room to store all your humanoid corpses in and put in a few boom rats and they will eat and breed by themselves as long as you keep them stocked with food and after a while if a big tribal raid heads your way release the horde tens upon tons of boom rats will march to your enemies with the full intent of killing or dying trying now this really works well because boom rats are hard to shoot at because they are very small eventually if you have both hordes of men and rat clashing all it takes is a single detonation and the others will soon chain up leading to the raiders getting blown up from all sides boom lobes are a more valuable asset for the reason they can be milked for chem fuel keep them in maximum security from raiders somewhere even zappers wouldn't dare to go wait exactly where sappers will go to they will both supply you with lovely chem fuel which is a very useful as fuel or something else if you have mods on for example check our save our ship 2 guide gem fuel is damn useful with that mod tell us in the comments below if you have ever done such a thing and how did it end for you moving on some veteran players may even admit to hoarding boomelopes for their fuel i know i did it once it didn't end well but i did it once more useful animals for example would be the predators foxes wolves foxes cougars foxes works foxes etc oh yeah foxes bring an arm guard with whoever attempts to tame any of the more dangerous animals such as the warg and cougar cause sometimes a failed tame may trigger the animal causing them to start mauling your poor tamer this is even more critical if your tamer is a pansy that can't commit violence because if that happens and the tamer has no backup whatsoever you either reload the save or lose the pawn or a limb or vice versa i have a fox yay so make sure to escort your tamers wherever they go but provided you manage to tame any they can be your defense against crop eating menaces such as emus yes rats all the critters they are very good crop defenders no longer will wild animals chow down on your rice and corn huskies and labradors are the best ones in my opinion though zero wildness meaning easy tame and no cost maintenance they can attack they can guard they can rescue they can haul overall amazing pets for you on the rim and they have a short nuzzle timer of 12 hours meaning they are likely to bond fast with someone just remember to keep stock of food for them you can make kibble in the butcher table which is good for them it's a good way to rid yourself of that disgusting insectoid meat or anything else you don't want your colorness eating oh hey guys it's sponsor noob yeah shut up he's got something to show us something cool here dim the lights show them the tv [Music] hey what the you got a package why did you throw my package at me because it was the perfect time to strike [Music] hey this is pretty cool yeah it's pretty cool where'd it go oh this oh i've always had it but it's mine it was in is it my packing i just wanted to show off flex on you a little bit it's mine yeah but you can get your own and prepare carefully.com repaircarefully.com has a wide selection of rimwell merchandise from pillows and clocks all the way to cups they have something for everyone to make things even better they have free shipping anywhere in the usa and for a limited time only you can use my link to get 10 off your order so what are you waiting for go to prepare carefully and get prepared to use this great discount now back to the show now livestock animals a large part of our agriculture cow pig droneberry alpaca chicken muffalo sheep all of them are pretty easy to train and all of them have a very nice amount of benefits chickens breed fast don't eat all that much and lay eggs you can eat bonus protein cows give milk so it's worth keeping them mostly alive but can also be butchered for a nice amount of steak drum dairy and muffins are good caravan animals and are also share shareable for wool to make clothing not to mention you can sell those clothings for profit with traders buffalo and drums are also give milk sheep and alpaca are also mostly just for their wool and meat if needed and pigs bacon moving on to increasing your taming skill effectively if your colonists land and you have no one with good animal skills but someone with a passion for it don't worry about increasing the skill level too much try to tame bulls rats or if you get lucky an alpaca then you can slaughter them if you don't want to keep them or get a horde of rats to eat the dead bodies of your enemies here are some big brain tips for you regarding animals most people don't care about because they're afraid that their colony will be besieged while they are gone well i say keep your tamer and his army of rats works whatever animal you hoard it as defense maybe with a couple turrets and a mortar your tamer should be able to hold off most attacks on your base while you're calling the other colonists are going to rescue someone a few world tiles away defend your animal tamers well the rimworld's ai is kinda whack as we all know if your bear master dies the bear will just go chomp on the col closest colonist ally or enemy instead of going for that guy who actually killed his master another would be killing off most predators near winter as we all know herbivores become scarce when vegetation becomes scarce and in winter plants have a hard time of growing so the herbivores find somewhere else yet the predators will remain and start hunting down your own animals instead or you probably you and the fox tame elephants you will be surprised at how strong these guys are they come with all the train options they will guard hull rescue and attack and trust me no one wants to have three to five elephants running after them they can do real good amounts of damage even severed limbs with their powerful trunks very strong we've come to the end of the video thank you guys for watching remember to subscribe like share comment join our discord oh and patreon if you're feeling generous sell us your soul and here watch this video and this video all of them you
Channel: Noobert
Views: 137,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noobert, rimworld animals guide, Rimworld animals, Rimworld, Animal Taming Rimworld, rimworld 1.2, rimworld tutorial 2020, rimworld tricks 1.2, Rimworld Tips And Tricks, Rimworld How To, Rimworld Guide, Rimworld Guide 2020, Rimworld Xbox, Rimworld Ps4
Id: 5O3WNPJthU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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