Baldur's Gate 3 - The Bloodied One (Dark Urge Build)

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all right I am back with another video and today we are doing the final build in my origin build lineup the dark urge now this isn't the first time I've done a quote unquote dark urge build I mean I've done quite a few there was the Halloween special video where I did like the um I guess like the thing but it was alira you know them from the movie The Thing uh I've done like the slasher which was another Halloween build that works well for dark urge I've done a ton of builds that work really really well for the dark urge and I feel like if you're wanted to make like a good dark urge like the Redemption version you can just pick any build on my channel really and that would work because the dark urge is meant to be customizable um I mean obviously I could go into like a build where you know we're playing off the fact that the dark urge by default is a white dragon born so we could make like an ice themed build but I've done stuff like that my glacial Archer and my cryomancer both come really close to what I would kind of make for that so instead of rehashing old stuff I've decided to come up with something a bit different I want to do a build that can be interpreted as both a good and a bad dark hge depending on how you kind of want to spin the head Cannon I suppose so this does mean and I hope this isn't too disappointing that I will only be doing one video for the dark herge but like I say I've done dark herge videos in the past this is nothing new but this is where I kind of want to make a a build that kind of focus on focuses on a couple of different aspects of the dark urge but I haven't really touched on yet and I want it to be kind of a slightly simpler build that a lot of people could get into so let's get into the build now our first level is immediately going to kind of break the rules of the dark urge build uh of the uh origin build series that I've come up to to this point yes the dragon born uh the dark urge dragon born does start as a sorcerer but I'm not going to be using sorcerer levels in this build because they didn't really fit what I wanted to go for instead we're going to be going with Barbarian and now there's a few reasons for this and I'll get into them as we go but just know that going with a barbarian to start is going to enable us to get a lot of good things such as an armored defense which we all want um you know skills with simple and Marshal weapons and obviously Rage which all of these things we do want now as for our ability scores we're going for something pretty standard I would say for uh you know like a character like this we kind of do a spread like this I want a 16 in uh strength uh mainly because this is going to be our main attacking stance I want a 16 in now you can kind of sort this around actually you can go for a 16 in dexterity or a 16 in Constitution now it depends on which way you want to build this character cuz the way the Equipment Works um towards the end is going to be different kind of based on whether or not you're building a good or an evil dark urge if you're building a evil dark urge you want your dexterity to be higher in the long run if you're building a good dark urge you want your Constitution to be higher cuz if we go for evil we're going to be wearing light armor and if we go for good we're going to be using unarmored defense so we want our constitution higher so feel free to Respec change these stats around as you need I'm going to go with the 16 and the 14 for now cuz I'm primarily going to be showing off the evil build cuz I feel like that works a bit better for the build that I'm about to present but like I said you're going to be able to justify it either way I've just put wisdom and charisma at 10 because I kind of like having those stats not be in the negative and intelligence at eight I mean if you've played dark urge you might know why this is at eight oh and I suppose I should say a lot of my justifications for why I've built this build the way that it is it does kind of get into spoiler territory for the dark urge story not really until we get to like I guess maybe level five or sixish so you'll see uh but if you feel like it gets to any point where you don't really want to be spoiled just turn the video off I can't really gauge what is going to be too spoilery and what isn't so go with what you think is right uh as for your ability scores uh or your proficiencies you can pick whatever you like it really doesn't matter the dark urge comes with the haunted one background we need to get medicine and intimidation off the bat it's nice to have intimidation especially as a barbarian cuz a lot of Barbarian checks are intimidation checks and they are actually some of the funniest in the game seriously if you've not played like a party face Barbarian it is super fun give it a go but I feel like the game has picked some good ones for us perception and Athletics work quite well here all right next up at Barbarian Level Two we're going to get some really interesting stuff here I mean if you played Barbarian you know but we're mainly getting Reckless attack meaning that now we can give ourselves advantage on any Attack rules but with the cve up that enemies have advantage against us this is actually going to be surprisingly useful for this build because it's actually going to give us a bit more flexibility with how we build build things when we get to kind of the latter half of the build you'll see what I mean but re Reckless attack is just a great feature on its own anyway and is pretty good at Barbarian Level three we do get to pick our subass and this is super important now if you know anything about the dark urge there's a kind of theme that surrounds them and it ties very much into their backstory and kind of their history before you kind of take control of them with the dark urge and I guess just it this kind of makes sense anyway there is a big theme of blood blood it is constantly fills your mind murder everything killing but just making them bleed and especially in some of the latest scenes in the game blood features very heavily both literally and figuratively so I'm actually going to do something I've surprisingly not done on the channel before I'm going to make a bleeding build based around the bleeding status effect and how that can work for us and now this is actually quite simple to do because the best way to deal bleeded to your enemies is to go with a wild heart Barbarian and choose the tiger beastial heart what this is essentially going to do is it's going to give you a couple of things number one your rage now becomes rage tiger heart this is going to increase your jump Distance by 4.5 M which is really nice that will synergize with some stuff we might get later but you can also use Tiger's bloodlust which is this skill here lash out and attack up to three enemies at once so in like a cone in front of you a bit like sweeping attack or uh the um the uh slashing flourish from the um what is it called swords SP uh basically you just kind of attack in a cone in front of you attacking up to three enemies and they and and you make them bleed now if you don't know what bleeding does they take two slashing damage at the start of each turn and they have disadvantage on Cotton saves it's removed by healing now bleeding on its own isn't a very strong status effect it's a little bit of damage over time and the con safe thing is nice if you're up against spell casters but it's more or less going to synergize better with a feature that we're going to get later that is going to be the kind of centerpiece of our strategy we definitely want this for now so let's keep going also with the Tiger's blood thst attack it only does I think half your weapons usual damage so it is a little bit weaker but it's still quite strong asz you attack three enemies uh we are going to be able to grab a feat at level four and I'm just going to recommend taking an ability score Improvement and bumping up that strength again it is our main stat and is the thing we want to primarily bolster up but if you want to put points into Constitution dexterity whatever it's entirely up to you uh but I will go with strength for now at Barbarian Level five we are going to be getting extra attack basically at the normal level we normally would which is pretty good we want extra attack as soon as possible especially on a build like this but we're also going to be getting fast movement allowing us to while we're not wearing heavy armor have our movement speed increased by 3 m so with the included uh jumping distance from the um you know the tiger rage we're going to have a lot of options for maneuvering around the battlefield especially with our higher strength allowing us to jump run get into combat really easily without too much effort which is super super nice for a melee Focus build like this one and finally at Barbarian Level six we get to pick our our uh animal aspect feature which is going to allow us to basically align ourselves with an animal and gain certain abilities now there's two here you go with the first one would be tiger while an enemy is bleeding or poison you add your additional strength modifier so basically get to add your strength modifier twice to the attack roles against bleeding or poison targets you also gain Proficiency in survival now I will note that this only includes attack rolls this does not increase the damage rolles attack rolls are just your chance to hit don't get me wrong this is still decent but without that actually adding extra damage I it's not really what I'm going for it's more just to guarantee your hits but you're going to be doing that with Reckless attack anyway so it just feels a bit pointless what we're really here for is aspect of the Beast Wolverine when you attack a bleeding or poison Target you also MIM it for one turn now maimed is a really unique condition there are very few ways to get it and this is one of them but Target's movement speed is reduced to zero and they also have disadvantage on dexterity saving throws so combined with the bleeding they're going to have they're not going to be able to move they're going to be constantly taking damage and they're going to have disadvantage on two physical saving throws which is super good say you pair this with my Gail origin build the target cannot move which means they are now subject to Gail's um you know deck saving throw spells like Fireball and you don't take any damage because the evocation was a thing so that's really good this actually pairs quite nicely as a bit of a team one but it also plays nicely into the dark urge thing of like once you've picked your target they cannot Escape you will make them bleed and then hack them down until the job is done while they while they can't they can't move or save themselves save themselves from other effects it is actually quite brutal so from so let's move I I'm going to say let's move on now and as I said from here on out my kind of justifications for how I'm kind of building this character are going to come in which is going to include spoilers from the dark urge storyline so if you just kind of wanted to use this as a bit of a starter build and kind of play through the rest of the game however without spoilers this is where you're going to stop watching but if you're interested in seeing my the rest of the build and you don't care about spoilers then here we go so the big turning point of the dark urges story comes around kind of act two act 3ish where you kind of start to learn that you were one of the original uh dead threes like chosen you are the chosen of ball you are a ball spawn you are basically the god of death and murder and blood and whatever I forget the exact terminology but long story short you are meant for murder but you also kind of were leading the plan of the absolute meaning that before you literally got your brains scooped scooped out of your skull by Orin you were quite an intelligent person you were a commander you led the Assassins of bull and you were kind of a menace to Boulder's Gate but in also you know leading the whole charge of the absolute so I feel like in a weird way especially where if you play as a dark hge you are also the leader of your party whether you were playing good or bad you have a natural instinct for battle and commanding others so with that I think it would actually make a lot of sense to kind of bolster a build like this up by going over to fighter fighter is going to get us a few unique things namely a fighting style now obviously you could use whatever fighting style you like as with the versatility that is offered to us by choosing fighter and Barbarian you can access to every weapon so pick whatever you like here but for the two weapons that I'm kind of going to recommend for this build they are both two-handed weapons so I'm going to be choosing great weapon fighting in order to get that bit of extra damage out of each of our attacks at fter level two we're going to get action surge which just makes a ton of sense maybe your kind of Berserker rage that comes from your dark urge so like the fact that so here's what I kind of go with here's like kind of the law justification for being a barbarian I guess is the fact that whether you're giving into your dark urge and letting your murderous blood rage come out or you are getting so angry because you're suppressing it so hard like you're trying to suppress your dark urge and it's causing you to go berserk like in kind of the opposite way action surge kind of makes sense in doubling up on that as it can kind of turn your just one turn of kind of just raged frenzied attacking and just give you a ton of attacks just to beat on your enemy over and over and over again so I feel like rage and action surge always pair quite nicely thematically anyway so it's great to have it here at fighter level three we get to pick our subass and of course I'm going with Battle Master this is going to allow us to learn a few Maneuvers now this is a bit of a pick your favorite situation but I've got a few that I want to select and I'll kind of give my justifications for each going off that kind of Battlefield Commander you know leader with the group type thing Commander strike would actually make a ton of sense allowing you to use your action and your bonus action plus a superiority die to direct an ally to strike a foe and allows the Ally to use their reaction on their next turn to make a weapon attack this is actually super cool it basically allows an ally if you're choosing as long as they are holding a weapon weapon on arm strikes don't work with this for some reason uh they can basically make three attacks in one turn if they have extra attack or even more if they have a bonus action attack it can work really really nicely with any of my other origin builds pretty much except for the pure spellcasters so it's worth picking this up if you kind of want to run this with my other origin builds now I'm going to go over some of the things I will not be choosing that may seem obvious first up is menacing attack which you know gives an additional d8 of damage and possibly frightens the Target now you can take this if you want but going to be recommending a piece of equipment later which would actually give you menacing attack anyway for free that can be used over and over again so there's might not be a reason to take this here so I'm going to skip over it for now there's also something like sweeping attack which allows you to attack multiple enemies at once well we've already got Tiger's uh bloodlust for that so no point in taking this one and the other one uh I believe is fainting attack which does seem like good on paper allows you to deal an additional 1d8 of damage and uh you know Target with Advantage but we already have Reckless attack so there's not much point in doing this one either so those are the kind of three that I would while they might seem like good picks I would kind of stay away from but we are going to be going with trip attack which allows you to use a powerful attack that possibly knocks the target prone does that extra de8 damage and you know knocking an enemy prone is super super useful it's already going to be hard to escape from you if you've got the main main status effect then also being able to get trip attack to allow all your enemies to get advantage on them is super good I also recommend repost basically allowing you to whenever you dodge an attack you can spend a reaction and your superiority die to Counterattack immediately with a powerful strike that also does an additional 1d8 damage it's really really good it's a really good way to capitalize on our reaction for for offense when we don't really have it when we don't have a way of doing that yet so it's pretty good uh as for the others we can kind of get them later on as you'll see in a minute uh but let's keep going for now at fighter level four we are going to be getting our next beat and I feel like it and while at this point it would be nice to quickly just bump up our strength to 20 and have that maxed out we're actually using a piece of equipment at least in the meantime that gives us a plus two to strength anyway so it's already at 20 for us I mean I'm not using the potion of everlasting Vigor or anything like that cuz I've already used that for carlac but we technically if you're using the equipment I recommend we technically already have 20 strength at the moment so I think it's okay to delay that for now let's instead grab Marshall adep this is going to allow us to gain an additional superiority D in addition to the ones we already have and allow us to pick two extra Maneuvers and again these can be whatever you like it really doesn't matter I'm personally going to be selecting disarming attack what disarming attack does if it will actually show the tool tip allows you to expend a superior to deal with that additional 1d8 damage but also possibly forces the target to drop the weapons they are holding which can be super powerful in the right situations especially in a one-on-one combat with someone who is using a powerful weapon it can render them pretty much useless allowing you to continue your assault with much less danger involved there's also things like distracting strike or goding attack if you kind of want to help out your allies even more goding attack means that the target will receive disadvantage on attacking any creature other than yourself and distracting strike gives your allies advantage on their next attack r against the target so again you can be a bit more of a team player or maybe even like being the Frontline fighter while your ball assassin aarian stealth build comes up and stabs them in the back there's a lot of kind of flavor flavor thing you can do with any of these in fact I probably am going to go with distracting strike but uh overall I quite you can pretty much pick any of these if you like except for the ones I kind of deliberately excluded earlier now at level 11 of a total level 11 we get level five of fighter which means we are getting extra attack again but unfortunately this does not stack so you're only still going to be getting the single extra attack but it's whatever and then finally at fight to level six we do get an extra bonus feat that we would not normally be able to get and as such we are going to be bumping up our strength to the max that is my preference but if you wanted to bump up one of the other stats CU maybe you're keeping this instead of this uh piece of armor here that bumps up our strength and you're not going to be changing it to some of the stuff I'm going to suggest later but you may want to bump something else up but I'm just going to keep it simple and bump strength up and that is the build overall you're basically going to be the the big Frontline Fighter for the party uh you get the ability to direct your allies use unique attacks be able to inflict status conditions that are going to seriously debilitate your enemies and you also get some things from being a dragon born such as the frost breath allowing you to spew forth a cone of ice that at max level deals 46 cold damage and can be used once per short rest it's not the best unfortunately dragon balls do definitely get the short end of the stick as far as racial features go in this game but it's better than nothing so let's get into the equipment now as it is a very important aspect of this build now whether you're playing an evil or good uh dark urge the equipment I'm going to kind of list here is kind of the early game equipment anyway before you kind of get to the final stuff so this doesn't really matter so much but when we kind of get to the kind of later game and you finally kind of start to truly choose your you know fate you're going to be wanting to maybe swap to one of these two sets I've got here but let's get into the basic equipment first first up is the haste Helm this is just going to at the start of combat give you a boost to your uh movement speed thanks to momentum which uh with with uh three turns stacked up it's just going to give you a bunch of extra movement speed which is going to allow you to close close in on your enemies quite quickly uh next up is the death stalker mantle this makes 100% sense to grab on a dark urge because you get it in act one and it's super powerful and it fits the character whether you're playing evil or good once per turn when you kill an enemy you become shrouded in darkness and become invisible for two turns basically meaning the enemies won't be able to strike back as easily and you'll be able to make your next attack with Advantage which is super nice fits very nicely for a build like this next up is the mighty cloth you can get this in Acts two and what it does is you you gain Bulls strength which means you just gain advantage on strength checks and you increase your strength score by two to a maximum of 20 this is why I was kind of like you know you can grab this and then not worry about your strength as much uh but you also get unwavering ball you cannot be pushed against your will and have advantage on saving throws against being restrained so while you can restrain your enemy movement you yourself are an Unstoppable force that cannot be restrained you also get a unique action called bull rush you charge forward and possibly knock your foes back back 3 m it deals 1 D4 plus 5 bludgeoning damage and you basically just get to go into a frenzy and charge at your enemies which is super fun uh it's not the greatest ability in the world you won't be using it all the time but you never know when it might come up maybe you just charge into someone and Tackle them off a cliff that could be super fun and finally our weapon now this is a unique weapon I've actually been asked to do a build around a couple of times this is called the Unseen Menace it can be obtained fairly early on surprisingly and it has a unique thing about it this weapon is invisible while equipped but if you miss uh an attack roll it loses this property for two rounds and it so it gains a unique thing called invisible weapon uh the affected entity cannot be disarmed it has advantage on attack roles which is nice and the fact that it's invisible kind of plays into the whole thing uh with the dark hge as well and you also score a critical hit while rolling a 19 so for an ear game weapon this is actually pretty solid and it feels like it fits the theme quite nicely but the main reason I want it is because it's a piercing weapon and we'll get into why that's important later also having the extra reach property is quite nice and you can also the only caveat obviously being that this is a plus one weapon so in the late game even with these extra bonuses it probably might feel not quite as strong as you would like so you can actually buff it with the Drake throat glaive which would allow you to cast draconic Elemental weapon on it giving it a plus one to bonus to attack and damage rolls uh or basically making it a plus two weapon and it also deals an additional 1 D4 damage of an element of your choice for this for a white dragon ball and I would obviously recommend cold but if you're not feeling the Unseen Menace and the Drake fruit glaive itself is actually a really decent weapon you can cast The Buff on itself and give it extra cold damage it's a plus two weapon meaning that it would actually become a plus three with the extra damage which is super nice and enemies would also have disadvantage on saving throws against your dragon born breath weapon so this feels Tailor Made for This character I quite like casting the uh un like the uh draconic Elemental weapon on the Unseen Menace In fact I will actually show that off now because I remembered to take a long rest so that I could do it again here we have we have the cold buff buff and then and then as you can see it is now invisible but also coated in ice which I actually think is kind of a nice look uh you'll see here it takes a little while for the invisible weapon that come back up but it will there you go so now it is a plus two weapon with a bit of extra cold damage and it and it is a plus two weapon so it's pretty good I think this Buffs up the weapon quite nicely and will make it good for the rest of the game but if you feel like it's lacking a bit of power obviously just using the Drake fro glaive on its own will be pretty damn good as well as for our accessories we obviously have the Amulet of ball it is straight up your the dark urges like kind of like story item and it also fits perfectly for this build cuz on a hit you inflict bleeding upon targets that have maximum hit points fits 100% perfectly for this build and I could not ignore it uh now these two next two rings are just ones I kind of put here because there wasn't really many other options I'm still operating under the restrictions of the origin character Series where I can't really repeat items but maybe I accidentally have and I've forgotten I don't know but we have after death do as part when the wearer is downed they rise once more with half their hit points restored but are gripped by Shadow possession so I like to think that maybe when the dark urge is knocked out uh they fully give into the urge unconsciously and they almost kind of rise in like a subconscious state where they just start killing indiscriminately which I think is awesome unfortunately this is an act three item so you're not going to be able to get this till the late game but I still think it's worth picking up as it can still be quite useful just as a general buff anyway later on and finally we just have the cotic band which is going to give us an extra two acid damage on all of our weapon attacks I mean this is a whatever slot throw whatever you like in here it really doesn't matter again I'm working under restrictions here so this is just kind of a filler spot but the Coti band it's extra damage it still works out quite nicely so depending on whether or not you want to go with the evil rout in act three where you side with ball and become the ball spawn assassin or you want to rejectable and kind of just be a good guy and you know do the Redemption Arc there's a couple of options for what you can do for your outfit here if you're going with the evil route then it makes 100% sense to just go with the ballest set I'll even show off the hood although it looks a bit dumb in my opinion on a Dragon Ball uh this is going to give you basically the full law set I guess although I have thrown in something extra for the boots here so let's go over it we have the Assassin B cow you can see in the dark up to 3 MERS in addition you gain a plus two bonus to initiative roles and you can also cast c invisibility at will it's not great it's more just here for the law kind of implications of it and the fact that hoods do look quite badass in this game and there's actually surprisingly few to choose from but I would maybe swap this to something else if you don't care that much obviously we're keeping the death St Comm manle but now we're on to the ballist armor enemy within 2 MERS become vulnerable to piercing damage unless they are resistant or immune to it you also gain a plus two bonus to initiative roles so what this basically is is because we're using our unseen Menace which is a piercing damage weapon enemies who are struck with it with melee range will take double damage cuz that's what vulnerability does this is a super nice piece of synergy and it's going to make up a ton of damage if you're using the Unseen Menace if you're using the Drake fro glaive unfortunately that does slashing damage so that's not going to synergize as nicely with this but you can maybe swap this out for the um elegant stuttered lever instead and color it black and red so that it has the same look anyway we also have the ballist gloves which give you an plus one TI your attack but also allow you to use Gat and what Gat does is wrap a shadow rope around a humanoid creature's throat to start gatting it and what gting does is the affected entity is being strangled by a gat it is silenced and takes 3 to 18 blooding damage per turn if the entity in the grot move more than 5 m apart the condition ends now unfortunately this does require concentration so you're not going to be able to rage at the same time you do this but you can kind of turn the rage on and off when you feel like it's necessary if you wanted to use this feature but again this is more just the lore thing you might want to mix and match this with kind of other stuff the main piece if you want kind of kind of to go the evil route is the armor the rest I'm just going over for more reasons basically but you can use these in your builds if you like and because there is no Footwear for like the ballist set I've gone with the hell dust Boots These are rules to obtain in x 3 rather easily you just have to steal them from a chest uh you cannot be forcibly moved by fo spells or actions and you ignore the effects of difficult terrain pretty nice when you fail a saving throw you may use your reaction to succeed instead it only costs a reaction there's no restriction on that that is insane just being able to succeed any saving throw once per turn that is nuts but we're not even done yet we also have hell crawler teleport to an area and deal uh 285 fire damage where you land the impact blast spreads in a 3 m Zone this is a bonus action that can be used once per sh rest it's basically Missy step with a fiery explosion do note however you will take damage yourself uh from the explosion if you use these but who cares the other effects are way too good to pass up and it I think with the black and red coloring it actually works perfectly with this Arma set it feels really good but of course you can only get the ballist stuff if you choose to side with ball in a specific scene so unfort this isn't going to be accessible to us if we're trying to be purely good uh so what I've kind of recommended here is another act three set which I think will work quite nicely this is the bone Spike set if you don't know about it already it's basically the definitive barbarian set for the end game as far as I'm concerned so let's go over it first up we have the bone Spike helmet when you rage hostile creatures within a 3 meter radius must must succeed a wisdom saving Throne or take 2 to8 psychic damage the targets receive half damage on a save it gives you a plus two to your intimidation which is nice but it also allows you to use menacing attack melee and the only restriction on this is once per turn so if you go with this uh headpiece you don't need to take menacing attack as a Battle Master leaving that kind of open this doesn't take uh superiority die it says on a miss it doesn't spend superiority die but this just straight up doesn't spend just superiority die at all cuz it's not regant you being a Battle Master again this is designed for barbarians so you just get to use it over and over and over again which is super awesome uh it's also going to you get a ton of extra damage because of armor for equipment so pretty good uh can we click off that please thank you very much we also have the bone spine Garb you gain 15 temporary hit points whenever you rage super nice for tanking you also reduce all incoming damage by two which is insane and when the wear is struck by melee attack the attacker takes two piercing damage so it has kind of a counter aspect to it super good we also have the bone gloves your attacks ignore resistance to slashing piercing and buding damage meaning that if you paired this with the ballist armor for example you suddenly overcome that uh resistance penalty which means even unless basically you get that vulnerability unless the target is immune and then finally we have the bone Spike boots you have a plus one bonus to Armor class and saing throws as long as you are not wearing armor or holding a shield so we get a bit of a buff to our see and also a bigger increase to our jump distance but we also get brutal leap which allows us to leap at a Target and possibly knock it prone uh which is pretty good I mean we kind of already have this already as far as like you know trip attack and other and other stuff is concerned uh so you know this maybe not be the best thing it's mainly hereit to complete the look and also give us the buff to our uh Armor class and saving throws but you know it's quite a nice set anyway if I had to go with kind of like a definitive kind of end game set if we're not really worried about um you know good or evil I would probably go with the ballist armor armor piece uh probably let's see I would probably keep the bone gloves go with the hell dusk boots and the bone Spike helmet and I feel like that is going to complete the set quite nicely now the only big thing I kind the big weakness with this build is is our AC is rather low in the end game so you may want to play around with these stats a little bit maybe not take Marshall Adept but kind of mess around with this as you see fit overall I feel like you can make quite a awesome looking kind of Kit with this in fact I might just see if I can color the gloves black and red and see how that looks oh yeah no that that that that um in case you're curious what the helmet looks like yeah maybe not so yeah uh I don't think there's anything left to say so that is everything uh as I said with this build overall you're basically just going to be a really simple to play but you know interesting to use Frontline fighter with your Barbarian abilities to kind of make your enemies bleed uh maim them so that they have to remain in place uh gain advantage on your attacks in a lot of different ways I through Reckless attacker invisibility uh being able to use a ton of different Maneuvers in combat such as Commander strike trip attack uh menacing attack sweeping attack all of that good stuff uh you know you Tiger's blood lust you're going to have a ton of different options in combat you're going to be super tanky you're going to be super efficient in combat and again you kind of can be the Frontline uh for the party you can be the commander you can be the leader charisma's a little bit on the low side unfortunately so you're not really going to be a big face of the party but if you stick to those intimidation checks which you absolutely should be doing as Barbarian uh which and you just get it automatically from your background anyway you're going to be able to succeed most um Dexter uh most uh intimidation checks I'm currently playing a barbarian that has a eight in Charisma with uh in my multiplayer playthrough and he's I don't think he's ever failed an intimidation check they've just pretty much always gone off because intimidation on barbarians they usually get Advantage so it's pretty funny you won't as long as you stick to intimidation you're not going to be too hard off on being the face of the party uh so yeah I don't think there's much else to really talk about um there's a actually I will go over a couple of things uh obviously with this the origin build series is now concluded as I said I'm not going to be doing a strictly good build or bad build for the dark hge kind of done uh you know like um kind of like a you can interpret this as both type deal but like I say I have tons of dark urge based Builds on the channel already just have a look through and see if you can find something that you like a lot of people have even taken my builds that weren't meant for dark urge and kind of interpreted them in the way that makes a lot of sense for dark H so make sure you read the comments on my videos as well people have a lot of really unique and interesting Insight this community is actually really really cool and I think you guys will all find something that you quite like uh but now with the origin build series Series has concluded like I said I'm going to be going back to kind of doing you know my own kind of builds as well as build requests mix in and speaking on that uh I've kind of got a poll running at the moment on the community tab to decide whether or not our next live stream is going to be a continuation of our onom mode run or if I want to if we want to get a bunch of people in the in the chat sit in front of the Wei and basically just fairy craft a bunch of unique and interesting builds together as a team that will become future videos so if you want in on that be sure to keep an eye out for the date of the next live stream and go vote in the poll to make sure that your choice is uh chosen it seems we're leaning quite heavily in favor of going for the build uh Theory crafting stream at the moment which hell I'm fine with that works for me it's actually a lot less work on my end cuz I don't have to actually play the game and try to focus on chat so um yeah I mean that works oh but speaking of streams uh the last few stream I returned to streaming uh as of this recording yesterday and it was super super fun we had a ton of fun it's it's still a lot of fun streaming and I seriously thank you guys all for coming out for those uh I don't think there's much else left to talk about I mean yeah no I think that's basically it I mean I hope you guys enjoyed the origin build series uh we're going to kind of get back into the normal content swing of things now as the Christmas holidays are coming to an end at least for myself uh this video is being recorded on New Year's Eve and it will be New Year's Day when it is uploaded so happy New Year to everybody I hope uh your 2024 is even better than your 2023 uh but yeah uh that is going to do it for me I will see you all I guess as at the time of this recording I'll see you all next year oh how many times have you guys heard that joke
Channel: HoboZone
Views: 35,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's, Gate, Builds, Baldur's Gate 3 Builds, RPG, DND, DND 5E, HOBOZONE, DND Character, DND Build, OP Builds, Roleplay, Roleplay Builds, Lore Builds, Broken Build
Id: CnQhwgF364I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 41sec (2141 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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