The Falcon And The Winter Soldier Pitch Meeting

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[Music] so you have a new marvel show for me yes sir i do it's gonna be called the falcon and the winter soldier okay okay what characters is it gonna follow the falcon and the winter soldier that explains the title great work so far yeah and so sam is struggling with the fact that steve rogers left him the shield right so he gives it to a museum oh okay and bucky's dealing with some government-mandated therapy and hanging out with his buddy this really old guy yuri nakajima oh that's cute whose son he murdered oh my god yeah well he did it while he was brainwashed and he's kind of building up the courage to tell yuri about it as part of his recovery so he's like trying to get over having been the winter soldier exactly and so then the government names this guy john walker as the new captain america oh i hate this guy already actually doesn't seem like such a bad guy oh but he's such a bad guy okay but he's not that bad eventually kind of but not great oh i don't know how to feel about this guy but i'm captivated anyway so then we're gonna find out about this terrorist organization called the flag smashers what's their deal well they want the world to go back to the way it was before everyone was snapped back because everything's all messed up now messed up how well this organization called the global repatriation council are trying to get things back the way they were before the blip because now people are living in each other's houses there are refugees it's a mess so what's their plan oh well about 20 of them have taken super soldier serum and their plan is to get out there and you just go get you know go get go get it done what they're gonna head out there go get out and get it all taken care of i don't get what it what listen sir they have a vague plan probably i'm gonna need you to get all the way off my back about what it is exactly okay let me get off of that thing anyway so their leaders the surprisingly young lady carly morgenthau and she wears a mask and she's like mean but you kind of get where she's coming from it's just that her methods are questionable oh sounds a lot like that emphasis nest character from solo a star wars story oh yeah i guess it does well we'll make sure to make it different enough okay good who should we get to play her how about that infast nest actress from solo a star wars story oh yeah she's great good call great so what's her deal why does everybody look up to her because she keeps saying things like our movement is strong okay it's time to make ourselves heard all right is she like super charismatic or something no she just quietly says vague things and everyone's really into that apparently well okay then so what else is going on in the show oh well we're going to tackle some really important topics like racism in america oh we are yeah we're gonna have this whole storyline with this old african-american super soldier isaiah bradley that the government did tests on really heavy stuff well yeah important stuff to tackle for sure yeah also baron zemo's gonna do a little dance what well we gotta balance out some of the heavier stuff with some lighter stuff so baron zemo's gonna hit the dance floor okay what's zemo doing in the show anyway well bucky and sam realize they need his help so they break him out of jail and he's much sassier now well great yeah so they head to this city called madge report because they want to find out where the super soldier serum is being made right and while they're there they're going to meet sharon carter she's from the movies she is and there's this mysterious person in madrid called the power broker and we don't know who it is is it mephisto what no sorry i'm still a little riled up from the wanda vision pitch no this power broker person seems to be a very influential person in madrapor they're pulling a bunch of strings they have crazy access to stuff okay anyway so sharon carter seems to be a pretty influential person in madrapor she's pulling a bunch of strings she has crazy access to stuff oh so sharon is the power broker what no i feel like with the clues you've laid out though it's not nobody knows who the power broker is like it's pretty obviously her though also zemo's gonna put on his purple mask from the comics oh why does he put that on cause it's gonna look good in the trailers can't argue with that and so the flag smashers they start doing really intense stuff like they bomb this grc headquarters place kill a bunch of innocent people carly straight up calls sam's sister and threatens his nephews so she's like full-on evil actually we're going to act like she's misunderstood i don't know seems pretty intense yeah we're going to act like she's misunderstood you say so so eventually her and the flag smashers are going to fight against walker and his partner lamar and we're gonna see that walker's taking some super soldier serum oh he has yeah and one of carly's people is holding walker because their plan is to stab him to death because he's a symbol but then carly accidentally kills lamar oh no then walker runs over to lamar and the flag smashers they all run away well why don't they finish the job and kill walker like they were trying to do because this part of the scene is over so they scatter okay and then walker gets all mad and he kills that guy that was holding him so carly could stab his heart okay seems pretty reasonable it's not actually because the bad guy was down and a bunch of people were watching right yeah no killing is bad but bucky and sam have killed bad guys too right oh no they do for sure but this guy was down and he was like please don't kill me so it's different maybe some of the people bucky and sam killed would have said that too if they hadn't died so quickly i guess we'll never know because they died because they died yeah so then walker gets fired as captain america and he starts to make his own shield oh i bet that's gonna come into play later yeah no not really though it gets smashed immediately when he starts fighting with it right that wasn't vibranium i guess that makes sense it's just kind of a metal circle really but we're gonna hype it up in a post-credits scene sure why not so sam is gonna start training with the real shield you know how to lodge it into things how to make it bounce and come back how does the shield work exactly well it works however i need it to in whatever action bit i'm writing okay great that makes sense so anyway by the finale the flag smashers are going to have a pretty clear objective oh they are yeah they're going to kidnap a bunch of grc senators so they can't pass a resettlement vote and so carly sets a truck of hostages on fire okay so we're done trying to paint her in a sympathetic light right no we're still trying she's oh she's okay and get this we're gonna find out that sharon is the power broker right yeah i figured that out no you didn't who else would it this is a big twist that i wrote okay so then sam is gonna show up and he has this new captain america flight suit that the wakandans made for him oh he does yeah this thing's great he's fully protected except the top of his head where his brain is oh protecting everything except your brain cage is tight and so sam's gonna have to save a helicopter full of hostages oh man it's gonna be tough for him to take out the pilot and make sure the chopper doesn't crash actually it's to be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah it turns out one of the kidnapped senators on board that very helicopter knows how to fly the helicopter so she takes over oh hey yeah that worked out great it sure did and so eventually carly's going to be trying really hard to kill sam because she's a sympathetic character and then sharon's gonna shoot her dead so it's very sad is it and then sam's gonna carry her body because it's definitely a sad moment and then he's gonna talk to some senators oh he is yeah he's gonna be like stop calling the flag smashers terrorists well i mean they literally used violence and intimidation against civilians in pursuit of political aims which is you know the definition of terrorism sam's gonna tell them to not say that and then he's gonna keep lecturing them for four to five minutes okay and one of the senators gonna be like okay but logistically what are we supposed to do here and sam's gonna be like do better senator oh you know that does sound like it's gonna help a lot it is wow wow and so then sam's gonna make sure that isaiah's story gets told nice and then bucky's gonna go talk to yuri and tell him what he did to his son oh it's gonna be nice to see how that plays out then we cut away oh yeah we get out of there fast kind of wish you let that moment breathe nope i'm already gone before we even get to see the moment i've been building up to all season okay and then during the end credits we're gonna have the title card say captain america and the winter soldier so that's gonna be a nice moment for sam you know hasn't bucky's whole arc been about not being the winter soldier anymore uh yeah i guess i could have changed his title too huh whoops whoopsie so what do you think well it sounds great i'm just not sure about that baron zemo dancing thing that seems like a weird thing to include well i keep seeing this gif of thanos twerking online so i feel like the internet's really gonna like it okay i mean we can include a second of it and if people want more we could release that online [Music] hey everybody ryan here hope you enjoyed that video and if you liked it feel free to click the like button and the subscribe button and all you know buttons of that nature there are also like hundreds of other episodes on the channel that you can check out if you want also leave a comment down below letting me know what other movies you want to see pitches for and check back soon for a new one because there's gonna be new ones you know okay bye
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 2,663,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The falcon and the winter soldier, anthony mackie, baron zemo, bucky barnes, captain america, daniel bruhl, disney, disney plus, film, flag smashers, john walker, karli morgenthau, marvel, mcu, phase 4, plot holes, power broker, ryan george, sam wilson, screen rant, sebastian stan, sharon carter, super easy barely an inconvenience, wandavision, wyatt russell, zemo, screenrant
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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