We Tried Snapchat Spectacles • Saf & Tyler

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Saf is Gandalf... Gandalf! Fly you fools! That's Saf in the subway. Fly you fool! AAAAAAAAAAA Hello friends and welcome to another video. Today we're going to be trying to get and use some snapchat spectacles! Snapchat came out with this product called spectacles about a month-ish ago. So, these spectacles are basically sunglasses that have a little camera on one side. It's almost like a go-pro.... you hit a button and it records, I think for like ten seconds, and then it like syncs with your snapchat and then you can just upload it to your snapchat. Since then, they've only been selling them at "snapbot" vending machines across America. The big thing is that the "snapbot" dispenses until it's out for that day, and then it goes to sleep, right? And so it has a very limited supply, you have to know where it is, you have to get there fast, it's a lot of moving dynamics, it's pretty tricky. But, there is a semi-permanent pop-up in New York City that was open from like mid-November until New Year's Eve. We're in New York City, visiting Tyler's sister for the holidays. This her spot, her place, her pad, her "crib", if you will! I thought it was gonna be like, I put them on, and then Saf would just have like a dog lense on... *Licks* Which one is this? Which lense is this, Saf? Ready? *Noise* That's the rainbow! I also really like the one that's like, it's like, it's like your face is a mitten. What about this one, ready? What's that one? Is that the flower crown? Yeah! I feel like, in general, I probably wouldn't have gone for them, except that, I want to know what they are like and I also feel like it's shrouded in mystery. You know, it's like "oh, snapchat spectacles!" It seems like a fun gadget, and it seems like it's gonna be fun to try out but we don't know. Which is why we gotta go get them! And try them. Let's do it! We're gonna get on the train we're gonna go to the pop-up shop, and we're gonna get these bad-boys. It's raining out in NYC today. Maybe not the best day to use the snapchat spectacles but we're gonna get the snapchat spectacles They are really hard to get... You're banking on it not really being "that new" and it's cold and wet outside, and we're the only ones crazy enough to stand out there! Hopefully. We're just gonna try and get one pair between the both of us, I dont think we need two. There could be a long line, we could be stuck outside in the rain. So we got to the store and it was POURING rain outside! Two towers! I think the pouring rain helped a lot with how quickly we could go get them. Okay so we're in... They had us show our credit card and ID at the door. Babe, show them your hand stamp. They gave us a hand stamp, they look like spectacles to me! So we walked in, and it's kinda like a big room with like, the ropes for the line in the middle and they have screens on the side, playing snapchat spectacles and they were all rotating to kinda demonstrate that you can, when watching a video taken with spectacles, rotate it because it's a circular video. So, we walked right up to the "snapbot". "He's so bashful" "My new friend" And the "snapbots" make like cute little noises. Yeah they were pretty adorable. He is like a little pigeon! Hi there, choose a color! He's mad at you now, Saf! Ooh, those look cool! So you walk up, you shell over $130... It was pretty pricey. It's also kinda jarring to go up to a vending machine and put your money into a vending machine And be like $130!! Even though we already knew that we were gonna spend that money I've never bought anything more expensive out of a vending machine than the $2 pop tarts. Is it gonna come out of his mouth? Wo-oa-oa-oa-oah! Okay, here, I got a receipt It's rainbow... Do you reach in? Wow!! It looks like tennis balls! Taada!! One of the store employees was really helpful and she helped us set up the whole thing right then-and-there. "And then you can rename them, you just cannot erase the sunglasses emoji," Okay, I'm naming it "Saf's Bifocals". Nailed it!! "And then it'll say 'select accessory' and in a few seconds it'll pop up" The cool thing about this is that I set it up to my snapchat in my phone but it doesn't like have an "owner". I can get paired to my phone or if Tyler wants to take it somewhere it can get paired to his phone. The little button to record is right here and then you record outta this lil' thing right there. Okay ready? I'm taking a video of you! Ooohh look at that! I can see there's a little white light inside. You can see it? Okay. Well then, it's not so secret. I can't just be like, be a creeper and be like... The cool thing about the spectacles is that you can film longer than ten seconds and so what you do is you click it once for ten seconds, twice for twenty seconds, and three times for thirty seconds, I think I'm taking a twenty second video now. "Are you dodging bullets right now? On your snap video? Well, I don't know. It might not be a very good video. Oops! Don't worry it's not recording! I'm just looking at your boobs, it's not recording. You've gone through a lot of lengths to do this, Tyler. You could have probably just asked me. It was raining pretty hard, and I was nervous about taking these guys out in the rain. We recorded a little bit in the subway... "Oh, hello there new friend!" Does this make you feel uncomfortable? My hand on your leg... No, no, no, that makes me feel uncomfortable. And then we went back Tyler's sister's apartment with Tyler's sister's really cute dog, which was a great use case because he ran right up to us, and it was so easy just to hit it and record him as he was just jumping at our face. "Dog, dog, dog!" "Oh hi puppy!" So the next day when it wasn't raining, we went out, we got some good footage. We're out today, doing our filming with the snapchat spectacles Is it kinda weird that I feel like Casey Neistat right now? No, Casey always has new and different cameras. And he's wearing sunglasses all the time. "Ding, dong, ding, dong. That is their song," "With joyful ring, all caroling!" Was that good? This kinda insighted like strange walking patterns in myself, where like I wanted to record a street-food vender and so I put these on and I clicked for 20 seconds and I kinda just started pacing back-and-forth "He was like, hiiii....." "You want a falafel?" "You can see me?" Something that I noticed after I downloaded some of the footage was that my hair would often times come in front of the lens slightly The was definitely like times in which it's not that convenient slash, you look kinda weird doing it. "Babe, the hood is covering your whole lens" They're sunglasses, so when you want to record something either inside or at night you're wearing sunglasses at night. I tried to get around this by holding my glasses. I think for a couple of them, my finger got in the way because i was holding them like a camera and I was like... Be careful of obscuring the little camera because... that's where the magic happens. I wasn't used to filming with my head so when I was using it, I was sort of like, you have to control head movements very particularly and it's just, it's just like something I'm not used to but maybe I'll get used to it over time. The other thing about that though is that I find a lot of the time, my arm gets tired from holding a camera or a phone like this and there's none of that with these bad-boys. I also think that the fashion of them isn't too bad. I think that, because they're unisex they are a little bit more wide-set so it doesn't look super buggy. It was very pokemon go-ish. It got us out of the apartment, we were walking around, it was a blast to use. I think a good way to figure out how important it is is comparing it kinda like to a drone. A drone is super cool; you don't really need one, you can watch other people use it, if someone is using it, they can like hand you the controller and you can fly it around a little bit, try not to crash it... I think if you have a close friend or family member who's really into tech products gadgets, or Snapchat, they might really love this. I'm not gonna say you need these things but, we did have a really good time. I think there are definitely situations where this would actually be more useful than snap chatting on your phone. It's for hiking, or when you're like riding a bike so like when it really is hard for you to take out your phone. Like being a parent. When your kids are running around and you're trying to like "corral" them and stuff and like "I wanna get this moment!" It would be easier to just have the sunglasses on. Or like daytime, summertime activities With the fam, with the dog, with you know, that kind of stuff. Okay guys, thank you so much for watching this video! If you like this video, give it a big thumbs up!! And if you wanna see more videos like this, click that subscribe button! Smash it! Smash that like button! Smash that subscribe button! Here are my social media handles... Check out my nextbeat... I blog live every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday! You'll be there, I'll be there, and we'll both be there! Crusty will be there too Sometimes, most of the time, every single time, Crusty will be there.
Channel: Safiya Nygaard
Views: 2,610,666
Rating: 4.9676814 out of 5
Keywords: snapchat spectacles, snapchat, spectacles, tech, snap, snap story, snap stories, story, stories, app, casey neistat, safiya and tyler, saf and ty, safiya buzzfeed, tyler buzzfeed, safiya ladylike, safiya and tyler buzzfeed, couple, buzzfeed, ladylike, snapbot, social media, lenses, snapchat lenses, dog lens
Id: cWdUKODt6jA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2017
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