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[Music] [Music] plenty of doors are open no fire no dead zombies please don't land mine oh that's nice finally oh dude i'm not even wet yeah it's not like not like a really that's what we were talking about it's the fog event it's not a blizzard i have so much i just feel so much yeah let's go out the whole base and we'll cook at the last building if you want sure i'm gonna go up the tower okay the shroud have any interest in gta no pixels some small but it's there i don't like the streaming aspect part of it um that's about it really it's a little grindy which is good normally if it was your if it was like a main game that you were to play the grind is awesome you want that for sure i can't can't argue or complain about the grind i think it's a good thing i just don't like the streaming element of it i'd rather play on a server with no streamers including myself i wouldn't want anyone to stream that's what i used to do anyway are we all in here yeah well i am rick went to uh i think clear the jail building oh we're getting wet this storm is it's it's ramping up it's ramping up for sure these zombies are locked up yeah yeah we're gonna wait somebody's got a good looking plate carrier somebody called dibs i call div go for it good hit good hit actually you take it you got those brown pouches you're good damn it's still badly damaged even though i want some where's rick oh yeah when you make a fire i gotta i got a cooking pot so that's where we bunker and turn up yeah well this is cool unless you want to go inside ah this works you lighten it oh [ __ ] we found a cooking pot yeah i just found it you can boil our water in it too after we're done cooking i got some more purification tablets actually anybody desperate for some tabs i can split these up no i'm good i just went down to three quarters but i should be fine all right well here take a drop in these four tabs terry if you can hold on to those i got four more for myself yeah i'm gonna go through and clean a bunch of [ __ ] out right now oh i found you a glow stick if we get real desperate thanks dude i've been holding on to my flare as well thanks one nade and we're all dead oh this fire one out well i don't think we had anything to it except nobody got it yeah i'll get the sticks uh i just dropped a pistol holster on the fire okay if somebody needs i could go for the all-white look but it really stands out did you guys see some good backpacks here big ones i did nothing some what now uh backpack i saw a uh oh no was that the the heli but that was it it's okay super weird i thought i heard someone creeping oh i am wet as [ __ ] okay i don't want to get frostbite oh there was i think an assault backpack in the tower okay i'll get it all right i'm gonna go grab it real quick cuz it's gonna help my installation first tower second tower sorry uh the one where he came in from okay i'll be right back why not go indoors we're kind of indoors we're in cover the wind and [ __ ] isn't really getting us the snow is not going to see there like half and cover you know you got any more fat there you go oh yeah that doesn't work do our clothes dry without taking uh they'll dry really really slow you might want to take them off oh no it's getting dark too [ __ ] oh [ __ ] gotta deal with the nighttime [ __ ] you guys are gonna hate it how many rags do i have i don't need this many i guess i could use something to burn in the fire eat this oh my god bear bear me city up yeah it's really bad out oh we burnt one did we okay i don't know what we're doing i'm coming up what do we do at night here do we just do we just it's always cool to go into a2 because it's dark anyway are we ready for that yeah no i think we're ready [ __ ] yeah yep i just need something like i'm i'm not ready i just need a head torch you know but i can deal with like i gotta tell if i'm telling you i can put in my hand i can give you my head torch and i can use this sg5k and i can just walk around oh okay okay that's that works for me if you're willing i'd have to take off this helmet anyway you know so you could just let me lead uh i could always use that milk true everyone eat their bear steak yeah we could just rush to a2 from here yeah and i think uh if we got lucky and snag somebody's night vision that'd be huge maybe we could catch somebody down there take this head torch got a battery in it all right i'll just use the the sp5k i got a 30 rounder for it which is gonna be good okay and nobody's uh sitting on like a leather sewing kit or a normal sewing card like a bum again is your play carrier damage let me check nah plate's good i was thinking about my boots i'm sure i'll find some though oh yeah i need to fix my boots they're damaged uh there's duct tape no i can't believe they took that out i feel like you should be able to use duct tape on your shoes 100 it makes good sense too well i might need to find some shoes inside uh a2 bunker cooking pots on the ground over here okay we're gonna get wet again yeah um not much else we could do right right yeah i mean i guess we just accepted here let me go loot this building real quick camo billing let's see if there's some boots before i repair these it's me killing zombies sorry i gotta i'm gonna roll some ads that's a good call while we're not doing anything i want to come into anyway for a sec yeah yeah under the stairs are your boots bro there's boots up upstairs with a knife slot but they're damaged mine are still pristine i swapped him out earlier okay i got a third round mag for him when he gets back um how's you still got that ak from earlier yeah do you want to just hold on to this mag in case you put all those attachments and get the other ak i know you got like a suppressor and all that [ __ ] be careful somebody charged you might want to lock that door someone might just charge in on us right now shall we go to a2 or we want to wait the storm out uh while we think about it pack this third round check it out yeah check out those boots um i'm down for whatever i just got another bathroom real quick i'm down to go right here too since you gave me the head torch didn't i already oh yeah by the way there's there's this boots what the heck did you take it yeah yeah no i said since i got the head towards we're good to go yeah yeah i'll be right back maybe the storm will happen it'll be perfect timing yeah it sounds like it's letting down a little bit no i mean like the event storm oh a3 storm that'll work too a3 is cool i should probably take these boots honestly sounds quiet out there yeah we're good to move a little dark but that's right well by the time we get out of a2 hopefully yeah that's the beauty of going down in a2 at night so what we're trying to do now and what our goal is is basically there's a bunker called a2 um and you could go down there and it's pitch black like you need to have lights um so we're thinking while it's nighttime for an hour okay i had some thoughts while i was gone yes uh take take this little pistol flashlight either one of you just as like you know you can put on your pistol just to back up and then remember that tiny little red dot i gave you earlier in the pouches i got that back yeah you want to back this one [ __ ] yeah so i can put on my sk right there was that okay sounded like it all right once we get day two i just gotta put this red dot on i'm ready to go go storm let down twos chilling oh oh yeah go and unlock that force we got the key oh [ __ ] does anybody have an extra battery actually i have one for my head strap i have a ton let me hook you up dude let me do it right here let me do it thank you remember i have a flare and a glow stick so if we need to like throw some bait down there to illuminate the button room or something we can do that and then you might be a little bit better off with that mp5 okay can you unlock this shirt for us bro all right somebody take lead i'm bad at getting day two from here let's go through this hole real quick or that works i guess but okay hold on i don't have room for my math mp5 or whatever there we go we're good but you only have one third on meg no i have two now which is good i just i didn't have room in my backpack because i had stuff blocking it so we should after all that bear i probably have bear meat we should all be like good on food and water honestly i'm full yeah only thing we're gonna worry about a little bit is being like completely soaked but didn't i think i made a fired at the bottom of a2 once i think we can make a fire inside i think we'll be fine i don't think we're gonna get soaked because of the storm it's kind of light yeah that'd be good yeah i picked up new boots so they're chilling do you have any g's no i don't we're none of us have nvgs we're gonna go in with flashlights there's a helicrash in here isn't there is there no way it is in this forest no way i've never seen it if so if so i'd love to see it [ __ ] i can't see [ __ ] though you sure dude i'm telling you there's a helicopter in this forest but oh yeah that heli that i always forget about i never tried never i've never seen this one because i i just didn't know yeah is it in this forest or that it's about harry's got me confused i don't know huh if i had a light i can tell you anybody got anything suppressed nope oh here's the heli right up head i didn't hear the wolves either at least oh they're coming no way i've never seen this that's so cool something new to explore [Music] just keep the wolves in mind right here yeah ooh jaeger had best insulation it's the white one though i'll leave that for you guys all the ammo for both you guys there's uh oh there's a magazine for your ak-74 in a box of ammo for dude you're set oh there's the wolves here dude put this piece on your ak then you can mount a flashlight to it don't worry about the wolves i'll get them this thing's suppressed not anymore was it just one i don't know super cool i didn't know this holly crashes here yeah i'm gonna struggle to find it again oh there's a military sweater the black one i actually like it i'm just dropping this hood inside yeah that is a cool one dude is it heavy two kilos for a sweater is that anything in it no it doesn't seem like a lot i don't know maybe two is normal for a jacket i don't know i'm gonna scrub this wolf guys cover me actually curious i kind of want to know if who's normal do i even bother though really three pieces total i actually don't even really have room let's do it stay tuned yeah so what is that right there the industrial or is that a2 let me see i can't even heal i mean that should be the industrial to the left over there yeah oh yeah okay we're gonna line us up this way for it yeah it's dark out right now it's hard to see but we're trying to get into a into a military kind of bunker that is also very dark so that way it bounces it out actually not too dark outside scared me no tetra we're sick multivitamins does anybody have like two or three sticks just in case like way later i don't know i could grab some that's all right let's get down here oh you're here pretty much careful of these trees campers oh [ __ ] we are here i am dark blue already it'll be warm inside you want to just get inside yeah let's just stabilize or maybe even like sit inside of a tree if you're really i guess i had my head strap on my bare head oh yeah we're not gonna see anyone out here so dark i bet you there's someone i bet you there's someone downstairs bunker yeah you think there's always like somebody just camping the button trying to get that early access remember once we get through the front door just let me uh put on the red dot real quick i don't want to shoot locked all right bust out the pick i'm gonna start smacking oh [ __ ] you wanna go to the other door oh he's got it he's got it all right go go go go go dead guys shut the door all right yeah there's definitely someone down here this guy's got food on him that's okay okay stop making so much noise let's just let's listen for footsteps what about the radio do it do it just put in a different different slot it'll still work in the other slots he's got a blaze this guy's got some piece of gear no plays it akm mags and [ __ ] i'm dropping this loot on the ground so it doesn't disappear yo harry you should consider that blaze i got the sk if you don't want it i'll take it but damn taking it you got it i got the beeper yeah i just dropped all this loot on the floor okay there's a battery here if you want to put in the beeper like a damaged one oh there's some food yeah i'm good you guys ready to roll there's definitely someone down here so okay let me put my red dead on two seconds i'm good whenever i have a headlamp now it's just uh i don't know what to replace my helmet's not gonna freaking fit just leave the helmet up here in a sneaky spot we'll get on the way out okay all right i'm ready all right who's leading i can do it with the sk go for it watch out for traps light light light no stick right side here let's go left let's go look cross i'm gonna run across you guys someone's in here with us i just i have to believe it that guy died recently he definitely denied a land mine we would have known i'm gonna throw this big bag in the back guys oh do you guys want to go do you guys think we should go like radios on whisper or should we just stay close and whisper whatever works i don't know i mean i think we caught i think we just like we might have caught the guy leaving the way out yeah yeah yeah yeah well we got a blaze you got to get a scope for it what else did you have yep it was just a blaze and a bunch of bullets and like eight cams shotgun ammo i have like four let's do let's it a ghost the walls are annoying you want to go all the way down or check this i say we go around can you please put the pistol in the holster that's why i didn't have space i hate all the shadow that's such it blocks my view i can't like really ads uh first rick oh god oh no not like this where's rick rick rick radio pretty good i found some cool [ __ ] check it out did you get ahead of us i got one of those night vision scopes and there's nests spd svd is kind of nice does anybody have a mag blaze i don't want that thing i feel like the blaze is better i wouldn't mind it but no mag kind of sucks you've got you've got the tundra so i can just put on my back and carry it until one of those go for it all right well maybe let's loot the in between floors okay nothing nothing at all all right [ __ ] yeah let's take this yeah there's nothing there did the full circle sorry i gotta take it all right well let's do this this is the floor that we're zooming on right going left cheers just the worst uh do we want to leave the wolves there to like protect us or do we want to kill them make a [ __ ] kind of noise and then just hopefully just go back down and if somebody comes oh well we're waiting anyways but we might get trapped by players though what do you think oh it's beeping it's beeping oh it's beeping it's beeping holy [ __ ] take care of the wolf first um now we have the biggest head start let's stay together okay dude perfect time oh my helmet actually i'm not gonna use my helmet i'm older hit it there do with the honors brother go for it harry all right let's roll i'm going to turn off my detector we're nav company probably say call out loud if you want to use the epipen we got plenty of time we have a huge head start all right we just got to worry about people beating us you know and camping but yeah oh lots of shots lots of shows wolf probably went for them let's go while they're distracting yeah open this up yeah oh [ __ ] open the other one there's a lot of shots i'm not gonna grab my helmet because i need the oh my god multiple multiple we're gonna run out yeah we gotta run left we're gonna run left there's we're kind of swarmed on all sides wait wait wait wait wait popping that be in here pop it up in here we're definitely gonna need it okay that's annoying [ __ ] zombies hold on let me kill these zombies all right yeah pop in mine now you're bleeding just a quick bandage we're definitely going to need it i'll catch up i'll catch up uh i'm gonna wrap left into the trees here come left come left go left there are so many [ __ ] shots holy [ __ ] radio's on guys hello oh we split up hello guys let's keep this going the whole time boys we're on the radio from here on out where are you guys uh we're just running straight up the snowy hill um right running straight past siraja now right side of sriracha okay i'm on the i'm on the main road wouldn't be surprised if i got sniped i was [ __ ] we're way up higher than you i was just falling here yeah let's do this i see that's fine that's fine i'm just on the main road kind of running up right well that's you yeah i hope that's doing out some baddies in the main road i see you all the way down there next to a big tree that tree now i'm next to the guardrail okay probably shouts already at the orb right now where are you guys yeah this is going to be a really busy a3 i wouldn't be surprised if we all die here well hopefully that just lasts longer than uh five seconds ten seconds oh you will you're making it the whole way hurry let's do this when you come this far for nothing basically when there's a storm that happens on this map and it's random it could ever be it could happen in two hours four hours six hours [ __ ] ten hours and when the storm happens the whole server's on high alert because the storm basically opens up a portal and pushing that button opens up another portal to a different area and that different area i got the sk and the revolver that different a different area has really really really good loot it's really cool is that you guys up ahead here in circles oh my god there's so many people running at me holy [ __ ] we're in between two pine trees standing still now uh i don't know if i take contact come back for you uh i'm not sure i don't think they're on the road i don't think they see me there yeah i'm on the road they're in the open do i shoot it's your call man it's your call i mean we gotta i'd say no i'm not shooting now i got wolves on main man we got wolves on us too it's probably i don't know it might be the same might be the same wolves yeah where am i going to see these guys down the valley they're literally down in the valley in the open next to the frozen lake there's three of them just in the open okay should we go without you or should we meet up use the wall without you but oh are they on they don't [ __ ] i'm shooting dude oh [ __ ] they're all gonna look in my direction these guys oh man those three are looking in my direction now i gotta sprint oh my god it's okay you guys keep you guys keep moving i'm in cover i'm in cover they're like deep in the valley so it's okay i'm on the main road going towards the uh storm okay i hope they look at us instead of you uh they can't see me i got into i got ahead of it i don't think they know the button was pressed it looks like they're going to a2 to press the button for whatever reason oh they're aggroed on somebody else i'm on the main road still just to your posture right here there's a [ __ ] another fresh pack on me yeah yeah i'm a little bit ahead of you guys now you keep just running straight oh it's good yeah we had two packs of wolves i'm waiting on the road here for you guys i should see you i just don't want to go up ahead and get blasted alone so i'm waiting just keep going towards the uh the portal okay we just run through the woods i see the road i don't know if it's the same that you're on i'm pretty sure it is should see me on it i see the floating rocks at a1 okay yeah i'm sure right yeah road harry yeah he's good he's good okay are we getting close uh the floating rocks over there pretty close yeah uh we won't get freezing no we'll be right it's pretty cold but we won't get like freezing cold i have a feeling this is gonna be the busiest a3 we've seen so [ __ ] good luck like i don't know what's the stretch can we jump in and just like hold down our positions for like five minutes each or do we try to meet at a specific spot like the like the beam room i mean i well don't be afraid to use i mean we have radios so we're like we're in the best seat possible to meet up we're good yeah this is going to be challenging before you before you make a move you have somebody's life just call it up we can like turn our lines off looking at each other and [ __ ] unless you want to try to do it yourself that way we can wait again say what wait are you guys not hearing that what are we doing what what yo did you guys hear that on the radio what the [ __ ] is that oh my god it [ __ ] with your radio oh that's what i heard last time yeah that's what i heard last time dude that whole thing about using the radios to find each other i think they put that in place that we can't take yeah the storm the storm [ __ ] with it all right well we're busy here there's gonna be some people i don't know this is gonna be really hard it might be we might end up tking and [ __ ] once we jump in there or are we going to make it i just have somebody dude yeah we'll make it we got pledges plenty of time purple light okay that's people i've never seen that might be people jumping in the the purple lightning because we're close enough to it that's what i was probably see dude this is gonna do it there's gonna be so many people on a3 it's gonna be a [ __ ] brawl i wish us all you guys have good yeah good luck good stamina bro i have really low stamina oh [ __ ] i don't even know if i could dude you might have to throw something in man throw your heaviest thing in here if you have to or just wait i'm fine all right yeah yeah just don't do a running stick like a little nah just do like a little running jolt at the very end okay i just checked how much stamina i got in between get this last bit of high ground real quick i might draw my helmet because it's not going to provide me any use in there it's going to be dark as hell i'm doing it do our radios work in there i don't know i don't think they will i don't know how we're going to do this it's going to be really really hard i'm not whispering anymore by the way i'm not normal i don't see anybody i see a dead body how do do the radios work in there rick i don't think so dude but let's try to let's turn them back on once we get through just get through get to a safe spot and chill oh this is gonna be so hard i'll see you guys there here we go i'm in a good spot i'm in a good spot yo yo yo rick rick rick that's you i see you or not rick harry where what's up what's up like the like the the like the you know i'm saying like the big spinny thing here rex here m4 drop it drop it drop it okay um [ __ ] you have a mag or no no it's just the mag in there there's more loot in here i can't really hear you are you talking about the beam room or the uh the portal the the portal room the one like the lasers and [ __ ] the very very top okay okay i'm in the beam room i'm in you're in the reactor with the [ __ ] laser got it got that reactor reactor okay so how do we how do we want to do this if you remember correctly so you're on the lowest floor we're in the highest we're much safer than you i'm gonna try my radio really quick just cover me hold there yeah the radio works can you hear me yo the radio works i hope you heard me okay i'm back on the radio 91.9 yeah yeah uh maybe it's not working hi how are we doing how are we doing can you hear me yeah are you talking on the radio yeah i'm on the radio okay so the radio doesn't work we're good we're good we're just chilling up here we're holding our left and right the portal's about to go off um okay just let us know when you're up here or we can meet in the main like we could do whatever i know my way around this place so okay i'm gonna kill you for a second yeah i'm waiting just in case there's any stragglers jumping on the portal so just um harry just so you know they can either come from our left where you're looking or our right we're actually in a pretty safe spot to cover unless there's somebody already in the oh you could i got guys down here i'm not engaging i'm not engaging uh i'm falling back [ __ ] oh [ __ ] someone just came in i'm back in the [ __ ] reactor the laser okay yeah they are in between me and you on my floor got it got it got it scared the [ __ ] out of me there's a little tunnel back here but i don't think they can go through it unless they spawn in it so i think we're okay let's just hold left and right my battery's dying one sec i'm gonna look down really quick [Music] never mind not enough visibility you can actually like look down this portal room we're just waiting for the portal to end how you doing down there yeah i'm good i'm just chilling i'm waiting yeah i'm just yep same work better once this thing isn't so loud next to me yeah we're just holding we're waiting for this uh storm net i'm holding left hand we might still be a while we jumped in pretty early storm wise right so i picked up a valve by the way nice there's an m4 up here i just don't want to swap right now kind of holding jesus christ that's okay yeah we're in a fight that scared the [ __ ] out of me dude he's really low yeah he we messed him up he's really low he backed off dude i thought you were watching that harry jesus uh no he's got like a shotgun or something all right we're chilling that guy's low i'ma we could try to we could try to squish him harry this is a circle right here like if i go right you go left we'll meet him but it's totally up to you sounds good [ __ ] it on me dude let me load my mag oh it's happening okay let's hear the [ __ ] out of me all right might as well hold for now i'll take a peek dude [ __ ] it oh no oh wait no that was the last sound wait there's another portal can i jump in you could but don't do it unless you want to leave me oh that takes you back it took me to the ice the other day oh [ __ ] that's cool all right let's just keep holding hold right old left the window room yeah okay radio still working yup yup okay i gotta get reloaded next to me so i can go down and then up the stairs or i can just hold here and you guys can flank him but how do you wanna do this i mean it's probably time it's gonna be a [ __ ] if someone's there yeah it's probably time for us to clear just sucks i only have this sg 5k there's an m4 here we're just going to loot around a little bit see if there's an extra mag or something we could find [ __ ] that scared me man that guy peeking okay i got some footsteps oh my god i don't get to see you check this ammo box jesus okay i'm going to take this m4 for sure yeah i'm grabbing that m4 cover me for a sec what do you guys think should i start going up the stairway or should i just hold here um just hold for now i'm gonna go through i'm just loading up the simpler wait that was you that just loaded a gun i can actually hear the [ __ ] that you guys are doing yeah okay so i guess i can't tell who i'm here and then if it's the bad guys or you you might have honestly heard the guys that we're trying to fight let's go uh jing what someone's talking on our frequency [ __ ] someone's on our frequency [ __ ] yo did you lose yank [ __ ] it oh yeah did someone else just talk on our frequency who's on here are you guys opening doors no are you guys opening mad doors now no someone just opened two doors here around me are you still in window room so there's only really one way out of here and it's through these doors i bet you they're camping it you ready to peek this [ __ ] mary right here these doors we might we might die but um just to get a rough idea wait wait a rough idea of what you see here it's a long hallway there's two doors on the left two doors on the right and that's i mean that's that's literally it so stop it open whenever i i just heard them they took a step somewhere okay open her up three window remind me they're in window remind me yeah we're pushing we're pushing we gotta try to help them they're in the top window room they got nothing okay yeah we're coming up behind him slowly you got to crouch through that i just dropped i just dropped down to the bottom they think i'm up top maybe i threw a smoke to distract him are you bottom bottom reactor bottom reactor right here go straight go straight not the door okay we're gonna come down those main stairs okay is that your light hold on chill let me push him okay he's dead he's dead okay we're coming down the stairs now your bottom reactor yeah i'm making noise i'm making noise so we're coming down main stairs we're coming down main stairs we're coming into the reactor main stairs okay okay okay okay okay i'm shooting up at the window run run run run can't see are you guys okay yeah yeah we're we're at the we're at the stairs where are you at whose name is that that's theirs okay okay okay i'm at the opposite side of the reactor all through the stairs i cannot feed it i'm ready they missed their names they missed their name yeah it can't be okay okay best i can do is make distractions for you guys opt into reactor get out his little head picking the window i cannot be okay so the only other flank the only other flank is going down the ladder that's the only unfortunate part about this plus i got a reload cover okay go for it which one is in glass right now if you guys push me i hear a lot of movement right now no we're we're at the other end you can see us if you are moving i just oh [Music] i just got needed i didn't even know where it came from dude [ __ ] oh man [Laughter] oh i didn't even hear it i didn't hear the nade pin or anything i hope harry's alive oh he's never been down there i really hope he's alive oh smoke got naded next smoke's dead smoke's dead as well we both got dude those guys have so many nades i mean you can't win you can't win with that many nades i should have just tried the ladder flank i guess which was really risky but basically that that area has three floors we were at the top smoke was at the bottom they were in the middle and then they flanked smoke and then smoke went as low as he can go and then in order to flank them we had to go down this really really like straight ladder pretty much i just did we don't know how many there were but we were straight pinned well [ __ ] i hope harry's alive [Music] is [Music]
Channel: Virb
Views: 19,977
Rating: 4.7254901 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, warzone, valorant, DAYZ
Id: n2bTL3bWU_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 16sec (4096 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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