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so oh good all the shooting is going away from me right now i am back i got my food welcome back what'd you get um my main reason for getting it is because it's so fast no starving that's fair enough it's still good oh my god oh they must be fighting over a heli drop you'd think that but sometimes people are just fighting you know you know fair enough when was the last time you had a good sirloin steak oh my god i don't even know too long dude brandon kind of sucks brenda has some pretty bad loot not gonna lie i don't do pretty much screwed playing on like a trader server but like these servers with that are like more hardcore just way more fun hmm so this i know we had a box of 762 on him hell yeah i know now not to loot brenna because the loot is dog i'm necessarily trying to loot cycle these two buildings but like there's nothing in them other than one thing i picked up so now i just keep checking them i don't think i'm gonna make it this life or whatever and how do you throw it you tap g and then you hold left click for rain okay actually pretty good yeah smokes actually behave like decently well i'd say no wait don't do it dude other than it despawn the smoke five feet from me what hey hey he wanted me to do it yeah he wanted me to do it uh-huh that's what an imposter would say okay you look like an imposter to me wait shroud is that you let's throw down wait please hey let's throw let's throw come here he'll wake up hmm i'm so screwed so oh surprises i don't have that much you so i wish they had bikers bicycles in this game too i agree you said you were in uh brenna mm-hmm i'm also in the neck okay i'm in moreck right now will that guy really come back with a limp absolutely yeah he will i said you're at borax huh should we meet that's that but is that called lisco yeah i'm gonna start running there after i check one more time these two buildings the problem here is i have no food no water no guns so i'm running and hoping that i don't die i guess i don't know i'm still at white everything so that's good i've got plenty of food for us ain't got no water though we have a container no quite the problem is there any like water spouts around that area uh no there's ponds and stuff what do you need to cure yourself of uh dirty water um chlorine tablets in the container or um tetra it's like tetracyllin or something i don't know what's pronounced i think i have antibiotics no i should have multiplied it weird enough to drink into your keyboard uh one time i think that reminds me i really want a diet coke but i'm better than that so i won't so i dropped an entire cup of coffee into mine the other dude i'm sorry for the your keyboard loss but i want a cup of coffee also i just like beverages i could have a beer i don't know why that's acceptable and diet coke isn't i i don't know where my brain really goes with these ideas oh it's pronounced tetracycline for shane mike how didn't you know that anything with ass part to me is horrible for you i heard ask part of me isn't actually as bad as everyone said like you know go back 10 years when it was more of an uncommon hell yeah i could load one round out it was bad but now if you google it i'm pretty sure as part of me is chill i don't think ass part of me is any good i mean any bad one i got a pp19 with a pss that's the hope ain't got no mag though so we're one bullet at a time i'm near where i died imagine the loot was still here uh aspertime is that how it's pronounced i thought it was asked part of me okay aspartame oh my god someone's holding mouse one over there hey i hear that too holy [ __ ] jesus this is where i mean this is where i die this is where it's hot so ass part of me ass part of me i got rounds for the ak i have anyway so i can at least give you a gun if we meet up aspartame you have to hand load it though isn't that one of like the most like researched [ __ ] i don't know is that a chemical i don't know what it is anyway i i don't think there's anything bad about it like actually at all i think that was just like one of those myths you know people come up with some funky [ __ ] okay i'm in zappad that zapatalisko zapatlisco okay okay what are you close i'm running my way there now are we gonna live cause i might die why would you die cuz i don't have food uh i'll get you to give me food ass part of me i know what's gonna happen why because we're gonna meet up the second meetup we're both gonna get shot and killed so it's gonna happen usually that's part of me he has part of me do i have like sunshine or something no that's just the sun my god is that horrid it's bright i know the sun shafts man you hear that yeah it's between us whoa that's at the millie above me it's a pretty big milly actually they are popping off oh my god oh my god if just north of zapata de badisco that's where uh the shots are coming from okay there's shots behind me now too yeah you'll you'll start to notice that there's shots everywhere on this map you'll realize kind of cool it's kind of how this map goes yeah it's a way better feeling than running north finally hear shots yep yeah just a way better product ass part of me ass part of me searching all these ruined houses in this town hoping to get lucky oh no that probably did so much damage i did a lot of damage to myself with a big fall and i am sad about it i'm showing pop cliffs come on let's just damn ruined buildings i was climbing up in the attic one thing led to another the floor broke you fell through exactly you know give me some blue the cry of all daisy players something anything tickle my fancy should i check this heli crash see what's in there before i run to you this one um you gotta be able to see it i i probably wouldn't because every you know maybe you'll get lost or something that's not worth the risk you know all right i don't understand you then especially because i will die without you you might die with me no i might but i will die with without you so you know okay well i'll make my way there give me three five seven by any chance no all right five five six five forty five by thirty nine seven six two three oh eight and a i gotta get so many bullets i've been finding lots of bullets oh damn i just need a gun to match or i need a gun to match anything i i have a gun to match the 545 by 39 or whatever it is really so i can give it to you uh mini ak oh a little clash nicole looking thingy okay i'm in that's extra yeah i have a pp19 that i can handle than that gun that you can hand load okay oh you're one in the chamber again one in the chamber one shot one kill okay i'm on the far east side of the town now uh how do you know that you are now here oh yeah yes up here this uh wait oh no um big sad my rice is gone because i actually dropped it some cheese 545 by 39 yeah there you go oh here's this i don't know if that can go on it all right i was listening hi guys what's up what's up hello i live daisy bro you gave me from this box of frosted flakes you probably gave me two flakes okay what about the cheese is it good oh hi let me eat it hey stab vest yeah i'm not worried about that but let's start you from getting stabbed it blocks the basic bullets too but what do you want what do you want to do do you want to go north and check those shots out maybe we get some scraps or do you want to just try to focus more on ourselves so if you're feeling lucky with the one in the mag for both of us no not really it's really hard to do actually and this little baby ak is hard to control i already looted these so i don't really know what to do i didn't loot down here though i didn't go south a little bit i'm gonna go south your yellow coverings of head okay yep yellow poncho that's me when you get a chance look at your twitter what happened oh is it bad no it's it's good okay funny you'll have it you'll get a good laugh out of it um i'm gonna go play golf with some real life friends you guys have a good rest of your evening you too do you look at your twitter what was it it's him just being dumb it's he's wearing my my merch my old merch i guess and has all my gear and he's wearing my mouse pad like a skirt like a mini spirit yep oh that's him that's justin it's a patrol jacket here if you need one good actually did the same thing he wore the my mouse pad like a skirt because it couldn't fully wrap around any normal human-sized body can't wrap around mine but anyone else they're fine you're not normal sizes you're massive now yeah all right this are we going toward we're going north or south right here south south um we could try to cut and use this as a landmark the tower right there it's kind of where i died one in the chamber right okay and you gotta you have a one in the chamber pp yep are you burnt out uh i played a lot of talk off this wipe so a little bit do you know how to pronounce the ass part of me or that's it's i mean you just said it no no no no uh that's not how you pronounce it it's the thingy that's a diet there's this artificial sweetener what's that called oh i don't know someone would have to type it out to see if i could try to pronounce it new chat at first i was thinking as best asbestos or something but that's i think that's like uh insulation yeah i think that stuff that's the scary stuff aspartame that's the one thank you so what happened was uh there was a guy in the top of this tower and he was [ __ ] with me i think i think he knew that i was getting that i was shooting from a thousand meters away so he was just messing with me just purposely baiting shots and then i i shot about maybe six times and i was like alright [ __ ] this i might have hit him in the leg one time i don't know but then i started running backwards while reloading and there was a guy literally like on my ass and he just owned me i couldn't believe it i couldn't believe he was that close to me but i guess i did shoot a lot so and i think i was over there it was in those it was in that tree line not sure though hopefully some loot respawns maybe nothing first i think second nothing nothing forth okay nothing on the railings outside oh hit the ground hard you need a field test no i'm good ah yeah corrupt [ __ ] all right from here what's the play south i guess we haven't heard any choppers or seen any flying around that every time i play there's always at least one making this round all right this dirt road i think takes us to a good spot i need to sprint with my right hand my left hand is in too much pain oh they need an auto run button like really bad just following the dirt road to greatness that's right where we find m4 snake is a nice big three away gun because we've got rounds for it i hope we don't have any wolves here so uh are they deadly um wolves aren't so bad they're they pack in like like groups of six uh once you take out a couple they get scared and run away bears on the other hand if we ran into a bear we would be dead 100 i have never ran into a bear personally i just know they are sponges when it comes to bullets tanky bears yeah a bear actually doesn't kill you it just makes you unconscious and very hurt really it's a [ __ ] what a nice bear oh the dope ski mask haven't seen one of these in a while oh a g36 look at you i don't know where to put it what type of ammo does it take five five six i have three rounds of five five six i got a combat helmet on now one in the chamber baby i can't even put my red dot i can't make my red dot work because i don't have a battery struggle that is a struggle i don't have one either your batteries are just like hard to find canteen okay okay this doesn't seem looted oh that's you hello did you loot this one no no i go past it holster a salt vest tactic cool 762 by 54 rounds now a whole box of them unified sniper i guess that one's for the boson so i have a scope for mosin too already as well i think it goes on the moose on the hunt i think either that yeah i think so ass part of me in dark spoopy another gun an savz 58 76239 oh where i'll use that i will put it in my hands i got plenty of ammo for that one give it back you just up the road i do not have a magnet i just dropped it on the road right here oh that's pretty close i had a mag one mag i'd say let's go [ __ ] them up but one in the chamber is kind of scary that's pretty freaking close though we could go and we could go there anyway for fun assault best have a butt pack for extra storage i know i never ever need that much though where'd you go same way you're going down the road okay look at these couple buildings oh for a mag won't get a mag i got a combat helmet i'll take that i guess 1911. anything in there no handheld transceiver i feel like we should go to lemborg the problem is i don't know which direction lemborg is in i think it's back this way yeah it's this way nevermind come let's come back away [ __ ] those shots we'll go lemborg it's really close and it's just way more loot hopefully it can be used with a ghillie too wait what what can we use with the ghillie unfortunately the pso does not go on this ak which kind of surprises me to fast load one of the chamber you can just put the hold the gun in your hands and press the ammo if it's on your hop alright oh no it's way better now you just have the gun in your hand and you hold r and it'll load either a mag or one in the chamber if you don't know a mag you don't need to do the whole hot bar [ __ ] yep way more convenient more five five by four 45 forty five by five five five by five five we got some nine by nine nine mm 77 by 77 77 yep i probably haven't heard shots this way lemborg's pretty combat sights i like these need a battery gun cleaning kit nice another ks you or whatever the thing you gave me the lemborg is right here like the military spot are you jumping yeah okay yeah it has dude that's the fourth of those i've seen since we got into this town the sock yeah i have died and i have murdered here before i'm gonna start from over here i'll start on this building over here remember if they don't wear a combat helmet blast them uh there's a dead guy right here loaded guy or looks like loaded he's geared i mean scorpion he's got like a vest on in that combat helmet i see a guy i'm sprinting right to you i think i'm backing up yeah that was definitely oh yeah i see you with the dry bag okay he's just past this mid uh this barracks right in front of me i don't know how we're going to one in the chamber this unless we don't engage i'm gonna take off my site no battery oh he's got a flashlight on over there he's gonna chase my zombies oh my god where are you uh on the left of this building i'm behind you okay and locked himself up in one of these like warehouses he's he's in the the barracks still is he yeah the zombies are all trying to get in the box oh ah i thought that was a little warehouse right what's a blazer bro bro take this take this or uh you have three wait for it this thing owns just hold uh you have to unload the three right ones like just hold r with that [ __ ] you can put your scope on it too this thing out here you can clean it actually i can clean it for you where is my other 308 mag i don't need a mag well i know i was trying to get the ammo out of it don't tell me it's in my pan okay i cleaned it for you you can put a scope on this thing will one shot somebody for sure nice oh this man is shooting the zombies he has closed the door he's still in there sit right here once you load that put that scope on it hold on hold on put the scope on it oh really okay you could have two shots by the way like in at a time you hold our to load it up again unless you already loaded two oh he's coming out right in front of you oh you saw me oh no he didn't see me take a peek do you see him no i don't see him anywhere he says that at the closer barracks now he came out and he's closer to us i'm tempted to throw a grenade for fun i'm doing it he was pretty geared in this uh plate carrier and [ __ ] awesome there's a maniac just shooting zombies or something true move yeah i think so this guy seems pretty oblivious let's go this way how balls are you feeling i'm feeling like we got nothing much to lose because i'm thinking you go up in this tower i think that is ballsy i think if you go in this tower you can see past these trees and i think he's just past them you don't think he's in one of these barracks i don't think oh i guess it could be in this last one let's go oh damn do you see you no [Music] he's definitely out back because there's dead zombie out back of it going in this barracks nothing we could try to bait him with you shooting true actually true if you hide in one of the bathrooms so he can't shoot you through a window and then shoot he might come to the door and i can just shoot him in the back twice for free i am not seeing where he went he's out back behind the back somewhere which barracks you want me in the better shot for you the center one is the easiest and it's the easiest for me to cover up like completely the center one being the one here or like this one already yeah that one right there all right oh i see a flashlight it might be a zombie oh didn't the zombies have flashlights but yes it is a zombie with flashlight they've had torches there's so many zombies going for you really yeah like six let's close that door somebody's saying this guy died he's saying he was him okay and he was trying okay i'm gonna have to get out of here who okay lock these bat i want to see if this is actually true i'm gonna lock these guys in here really quick i mean i do see a body but i didn't think it's a player that was a zombie leaving your post second this guy's saying yeah yeah he's dead there's a he's saying no juice guy he's saying i have an mpx on my dead body with a 50 round mag wait he died the zombie he is not lying what the [ __ ] what oh that's the guy okay i saw that i thought it was a zombie yeah this is the guy i saw he it's is juiced was a juice but mpx was a suppressor what that's juice what's juiced if that's not juiced like oh my god he's gonna make for my g36 let's go uh do you want the mpx or how are we gonna do this no you take it i'm just gonna take these uh just give me five five six and only rock that [ __ ] it doesn't have a battery come on now he tied the what unbelievable i guess i'll take his like yeah go for i had a it for it too he said he drank some bad water and he didn't have medicine that's pretty funny i can't believe that what what are the chances yeah that this guy's just in there's a battery on this this body mike yeah the very bottom and his assault backpack hell yeah tastes nice cool all right let's let's go hold up somewhere and swap around loot between us what happened here wait this is the other buddy i saw oh he was swapping his bag or something oh uh you need five five by forty five six friends in here and the world is going on by nineteen here i'll grab the rounds for you i've seen five five six what this g36 yeah yeah did i not say 556 what did i say i think you said the other the other five very possible to be honest okay uh [Music] okay um five five six by forty five under me five five six five five what a [ __ ] weird situation i have just a ton of freaking 45 mil i think i'm going to just drop no i don't want to drop this gun so or the other burlapster oh how do i make a gilly gilly you know what i'm saying how many burlap do i need do i need a lot [ __ ] this holster are you more 55645 under me yay okay if we ever find a gun that takes 45 acp i literally just have just a billion rounds for it you need 10 burlap oh my goodness gracious be a while that's okay well i got a full mag now so that's pretty cool it's an interesting come up yes uh bizarre all around all right i'm ready there's a knife right here [Music] yeah oh i kind of want to get rid of this bright yellow backpack do it um i want to kind of go to the back of the body but i'm trying to sort what's actually worth taking here i'm gonna go out there you still have that mpx right yeah i just found a 50 round with 21 bullets in it what i'm going in this little shitty barracks that never has anything in it it's getting dark and spooky another dead guy i hear flies oh yeah oh car 98 let's go dude that's [ __ ] oh that's a that's a good [ __ ] find right there his body's not here but the car 98 because he got knocked out is here i think i have bolts for it i do oh yeah that's the stuff we like to see where is it is everybody in my hands oh here take this uh mpx meg did you did you take the extra rounds that were under my feet back in that thing i think so there's a lot like seven i mean i'm pretty sure i did okay to reload from your backpack it has to be in your vest right or your shirt now i can it can go from backpack pretty sure you just hold r i like to put my mags and bullets in my pants though the least likely spot to get shot and ruined hmm that's a good point okay yeah okay let's roll interesting we just oh do you need a scope for that rifle no uh he actually had one on it okay man locks the door i'm just i'm blown away yeah that was definitely surprising that we were just gifted that the canteen right here you figured i have one i got one binoculars i have range finders if we ever find us another uh i have a battery battery oh yeah nice battery where did that battery just go in the mess of my inventory it's tiny got auto placed into a pistol flashlight is where it went i didn't know it could auto place into something oh it tells distance and everything that's nice i mean oh there's a person in the open field oh my god where are you right now i hit him in the chest there's two of them one's down hit the other one on the leg hit him in the leg again i might have just killed him i'm not sure he's so low bro you hear me shooting right yeah i see you're shooting into this field where the flashlight is yeah there's like oh he's still alive oh [ __ ] is he dead now and now he's dead i don't know if the other one's dead i have no clue uh i'm going to need you to we're going to search it together okay yeah i'm walking towards where's the second one i see the first body uh you see the body in the middle of the field right yeah the first one you see the main road and then it turns into a dirt road yeah in that tree line the dirt road tree line on the left there somewhere he sprinted in there i might have killed him i'm not sure i think he's healing in a bush somewhere i can't see very well i'm gonna push to the left of the dirt road he might be dead i want to come with you i want to sit here but i want to come with you these zombies are going to be pain in the ass but i've killed a few of them okay actually i think i just managed to sneak away come on man really okay you can't vault over that cool game yeah i [ __ ] him up and there's a good chance i killed him the very last shot i had that's awesome all right this is where it gets scary because now we're both running in this tree line and it's dark but he's low enough to the point where he's probably limping so he couldn't have gotten very far also i don't know if you're muted but no i'm not i'm on this dirt road just kind of scanning i'm in the tree line above the tree line just making sure he didn't like walk up all right i see you you just ran by me good okay i'm i'm pretty sure to see you you're still wearing your combat helmet right yeah just me right here okay where did this guy go he couldn't have gotten very far like i said he's definitely limping so ball sack running through this little tree line then did you run through the whole thing yeah i think he backed up i don't think he's still in it i walked through the tree line that connected from where we met that went up well dude i guess i don't know there is he dead holy [ __ ] that scared me what is that scope on his peepee dude look at that you can load him i'm gonna let the guy in the open field all right oh he had kind of 919 for me i did uh he had some ammo for you though you can grab it while i loot wherever the hell this guy is stupid glow stick this glow stick gave this dude away got an sk hopefully i don't get shot at oh he's got this okay oh he's got a lot of five five six if he's got 9x19 grab it for me um not nope doesn't have it give me your cereal man why is it so difficult [ __ ] he's just hiding in the very tail end next to you i think yeah a very tail end he's got a c-mag some bolts in it what they got for [ __ ] around i guess in an open field no less yep they were literally like like actually [ __ ] around what pulse do you need again nine mill yeah okay uh someone can repairs things right your clothes yeah jesus how do you actually repair them you have to put in your hands combine the stone kit yeah no that's exactly right sure it is it can you not repair backpacks with that no you need a leather sewing kit for that uh what's up once you put in your bags and combine it do you have to have anything other than some kit no you just combine confused i'm confused you can't you can't repair past uh warren if that's what you're wondering uh okay that's the problem i was like i'm confused i'm confused by your confused yeah they were [ __ ] around in the middle of the field next to this military spot and they were throwing a glow stick around that was like gonna have some fun man yeah have some fun okay i'm ready to go whatever well we kind of want to go the other way because there's more military um so let's go like this i guess use a well but do you happen to have any uh monster bullets hey yeah i do perfect now to find them in my gold looking and what gold little pieces yeah i thought i grabbed them where'd they go um maybe i didn't that's where i grabbed me there on that body still let's go swear i double-click them though am i crazy i don't see any on this guy it might have been a body back at the base then damn that's okay the guy in the field had a big scope yeah yeah yeah i get it my bad okay i didn't realize i had so little bullets i have uh three car 98 shots is this like 76 762 by 54 by mmr no that's the motion it's seven [ __ ] seven nine two or some [ __ ] yeah i don't got any okay uh were you i just kept going the direction we were headed okay it's summit me and somebody died to a cheater over here it's real sick real fun that's fun a cheat where you can strip people of their gear yes that's still a thing that's isn't that crazy somehow though what i don't understand is that sheet was really common but now it's kind of rare so i don't know if like i don't know i don't know how it went from it kind of disappeared and then it just kind of came back a little bit weird i'm not sure oh why is that to be dark man [ __ ] yeah darkness is rough oh you have so much more stamina than me still yeah because you're wearing play carrier uh yeah that's why i don't like to rock it i like getting around faster it does it it does and will save your life though you can take a full like bullet real quick easy worth we're just throwing glow sticks around patrick teach them for having fun in this game no fun allowed you get shot by some dude with a sniper one m14 again man dmr's are the [ __ ] wave in this game is the scar in this server dude that gun's the best i changed my mind i haven't seen it so i'm gonna guess no but maybe it's 308 assault rifle dude just oh i don't collapse people i don't think so i haven't seen it it kind of makes sense thing was super busted there's a valve the lar or whatever oh you're here yeah i haven't used it i haven't seen it i know it's here they have like some 50 round belts lmg that i haven't used they have a vss um that'd be fun this is hard to use oh my god i meant the the belt thing oh yeah i i know i i haven't used it because every time i find the belt i never i'm not going to hold on to it and hopes i find this thing because it's only helicrashes uh what else helices have arms uh m14s a fully automatic shotgun the 50 round belts the lar like a cz 750 or some [ __ ] um i think that's it should have a try with dark knight servers no man i could never do darker than this this is this is already too dark imo uh i mean i've been down to hitting some other crashes now yeah we could try it's gonna i mean i am not as supplied for food and water as possible i need to hit up a pump or if we have chlorine tablets hit up a little lake uh charcoal tablets doesn't work though charcoals charcoal is like what you eat what you take before you're about to eat like raw food and [ __ ] so you don't get food poisoning or whatever the hell i thought i picked up water towels but i guess i didn't a lot of thoughts here nice nevermind i thought i saw a guy running in this field i'm decent on food i mean i've got rice oh come on come here i found my bullets right now look at my goddamn pan man oh wait wrong ones i hear those yes i have a full box of 308 too dude and man i keep forgetting stuff can go in your pan i wonder if it's worth it to scope this out from up here a lot of ground military yeah a lot of ground to cover it hey [ __ ] it there we go i'll get them with my mpx dude i thought you had that blaze no i dropped the blaze what uh it takes 308 dawg that would have been your sniper yeah i kind of kind of made a mistake even with the saabz yeah i don't see [ __ ] [ __ ] it i thought you had a sniper too i thought we're gonna scope it out together but well even if i did i couldn't have a sight for that thing that i could put on the blaze since the vs didn't go on it hmm what's that red glowing light head torch just a red one all right zombies no way anyone's stupid enough to be walking around with that [ __ ] thing but maybe huh dude that's their secret plan dude they would think no one would think that would do it and then they do it big brain i mean it's possible yeah true [ __ ] wrist hurts man [ __ ] i need to start wearing my [ __ ] i have this like brace for my wrist because i sleep really really weird like i sleep with like my wrist twisted like this under my like head oh this is i'm pretty sure it's military base pretty sure i slept like that yeah it stretches for a while so i haven't been wearing my brace the past few days because i'm just lazy that's probably why my wrist hurts right now sleep all [ __ ] weird jesus what is this how did we just act what hello that's crazy they only want i got more color sometimes i wonder if this game bugs out and it registers as like i shot my gun or some [ __ ] i don't [ __ ] know so one thing to know i don't know if you know this but like stuff is kind of zoned for military so if you're oh hello all right let's kill this lobby [ __ ] go there okay is like zoned for military and [ __ ] so like if you're in a military zone even all the industrial and warehouse stuff they'll be military same with like if you're near a police station everything around the police station is known police i didn't know that actually yeah are we looting are we just gonna walk straight to the shots there's a scope in here but i think it's pso or something uh we should walk through the shots i have three grenades on me by the way jesus i'm done share the wealth man even though they're damn near impossible to [ __ ] pull off hey where are you i lost you when i was i'm sprinting to the shots i'm in the open field right now okay those shots i think that's in the house right here yeah that's the that is the most common house in this whole area because it can overlook everything perfectly everyone plays there and i think it's just so bad because everyone knows that everyone plays there so you should find a new spot maybe they got a mind they set up on the stairs dude like you're talking about it's possible summit set one up there actually it wasn't on the server though i don't think i see nothing [ __ ] a it's dark did you keep moving up this tree line a little bit yeah not that much further up looking for anything i see nothing i almost want to go wider this is some drop glute i almost want to go wider up here instead of just walking into that place because i don't know where they are but i got a better angle oh there he is right in the open running in between the bushes at one of the ruined houses i'm not taking the shot maybe i shouldn't eh he's running kind of towards us a little bit oh nope he's going deeper yeah he's he's looting hello what he's just running in between the houses looking for loot there might be more than just that guy i don't know he doesn't seem very geared hmm okay i see him now he's not very good that's for sure yeah i feel like he just wait a sec maybe he'll bump into somebody assuming you're still in that house i have a grenade yeah i think if you just dropped it like that it blows up okay i don't know where this guy is there's no way he's still in there right i think he around there ran around the outside right side of it just kept going down i guess i think he ran left i think i would have saw him if he ran right oh sorry yeah i meant like just like straight down the hill well go check it out i'm gonna go clear the house where are you behind me i'm right behind you i just heard him swap weapons i think he's up here i'm pretty sure he's on the top floor do you have me covered i kind of want a nade up there just see this little balcony right here hold on i i'm gonna nate it just in case oh yep i don't know if i killed him i didn't how do you change a fire rate x i think i think he's down i'm gonna go double check okay i think i headshot him i didn't know i wasn't on full auto he's dead heard him swapping weapons up there hey he's got a blaze with a scope hey box 556 some food i got a bunch of food okay that's pretty much all he's got he's got the blaze that's really it he's got a battery nope nice blaze or 308 that might have been him as an mp5 sg5k or whatever spring i don't know what he was shooting at and where he got this kill do you check if a gun's loaded the bottom left it'll say like zero or one a little okay yeah there you go holy the scope on this thing is huge i'd have been so sad if you died because my gun wasn't off a lotta he was he didn't even see me i don't think he'd only saw you or something i don't know he didn't sh he wasn't shooting at me really i mean if he was he his aim was weird i think he just waited he looked like you sh now what we have decent mood i mean our only real okay this is uh helicopters right pretty much it's like the good upgrades yeah it's just so hard to search for those on foot so annoying uh you could run around look for the car parts we need yeah we won't really find any here unfortunately tower good little landmark how did you eat all of a sudden i'll open up the interactive to find where i am and take damage he didn't even shoot me donation alert isn't working is that a fallout shirt yes it is so that tower it looks like it could overlook three maybe four uh helicopter spawns we might be able to find one from there maybe just maybe yeah i don't know what he shot at i i literally think he shot at nothing i almost wonder if he shot the floor like he wasn't he didn't have lined up correctly you know oh yeah maybe do you know where the nf at acr 7 by 35 by 56 scope zero's at that's very specific yes i mean those are heavy crashes and sometimes military you'll find them about a night for scope yeah you'll hide you'll look at that you'll find them at the ellie crashes very often do you know if it's center cross is zeroed at 100 or 200 no i mean it'll say you're zeroing well yeah i mean like one's dead i'm dead oh he one geek me oh my god he went deep i'm dead he's bleeding he's at the tower oh my god holy [ __ ] i didn't think he would stop i thought he would keep going i'm like okay let me take my time and then he just [ __ ] pop one dig holy [ __ ] he's dead stood lit i think if that was a deagle or revolver i don't know what it was but he straight one-tapped me with it i think it was a deagle you
Channel: Virb
Views: 18,333
Rating: 4.6923075 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, warzone, valorant, dayz
Id: EgkZIxJaCQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 39sec (5559 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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