HE IS A MACHINE 🙀 | Escape From Tarkov #57

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[Music] [Music] probably hide your game code on the lower left oh that's right i haven't played this game in a while so uh bear with me here folks dude has it just been forever since i played or does this feel really [ __ ] different it has to be since it has to just be since i haven't played this game and [ __ ] god knows how long they didn't change oh my god they didn't change anything right like any uh i don't know any any weight of guns or i know they changed customs you shoot through this our gpus still freaking impossible to find or what nope it's not i guess they're a little easier now that's funny dude [Laughter] that's funny man i haven't actually this wipe this whole wipe i don't think i found a single uh gpu from an actual computer i swear i find them all through tech spawns i haven't played the new customs like at all this is all like pretty new to me whoa did they make this deeper or is this just like but did they add did they add this i think this is new or something this looks different unless i'm [ __ ] crazy whoa whoa that's close a sniper scav who's sniper scarf shooting at are you shooting at sniper scavy shoot again guide me to victory not shooting anymore it's a little weird you think he killed the person that you're shooting at customs is huge now yeah so i've heard i haven't seen it with my own eyes oh i think that's just a scav sorry scav man we're shooting you never do it again does it just matter to starkville look much better than before uh definitely just you well it depends when was the last time you saw it because it definitely does look better but i don't know what you know i don't know your timeline here you know what i'm saying and the thing is tarkov's always looked pretty damn clean but a lot of people forget how good tarkov looks i swear a lot of people forget another gpu for the boys that's weird just running in place mr scav man god this game would be so sick if it was just huge just so open is there anything new in this building i'm gonna go in did they did they add on to this or is this still the same what is this looks different a lot of milk what is this there's so many hot rods there's so many items what's going on customs has way more items that [ __ ] crazy now this is such a good game though for real for real for real so many dudes so many items pliers and [ __ ] i can't open that can i peek this cool cool so is customs like the spot now for loot what's in here oh my god that's scary dude that is scary dude what the [ __ ] hot rods hot rods everywhere crack one open for the boys a roller spawns on the mannequin really like on the wrist oh there's more oh it spawns on the ground behind gotcha i've missed a lot kind of well i've missed the map i guess what is where does this go oh oh cool okay i see so you're saying loot spawns on the wrist of this and behind oh look at that true true does that mean if they extended that does that mean this is also extended oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what is that gun i've never heard that gun before is that the lmg the mounted gun where can i find fire steel is there a fight is there any fire steel spawns on this map look under the desk what desk this desk oh the [ __ ] how much loot is on this map now hello jesus i'm in like my first [ __ ] new building this is crazy and they're popping off over there all right well it seems like i looted all this so a couple okay so a gpu spawn and a couple like high loot spawns with the gold chain and the rolex and stuff and then you got a bunch of industrial spawns here a little med bag fuel okay okay not bad not bad okay all right what else is new is there anything else that's new on this side of the map anything back here andrew wrench andrew ifak uh old gas okay cool what about any of these is just still a bathroom oh nothing all right what is that gun what is that gun is that a new shotgun or something oh someone shuffled i'm assuming that's just a scav though yep [Music] anything in here anything new that's got some value motor okay all the same all the same is that a new jaeger stash does this all connect to the new area is this just does this not cut off on old gas does it like extend now so like i have to be kind of worried that there could be people even further damn that's [ __ ] cool bro that's cool i like that i like that it's even worth looting scavs and stuff probably not huh there's an underground area wait like this no i thought that extended go back under the railroad tracks into the warehouse you got it boss he's got a backpack dude i have to loot him he's dead holy [ __ ] make sure there isn't another one is that gonna reach nope [ __ ] it he's dead too listen listen if there's another one he's being really really quiet and imagine it's just the two right 100 round drum what the [ __ ] are you doing guy oh oh my god oh my god you've been looting i like your rig i might take it the [ __ ] is this man these guys got [ __ ] smoked are you kidding me oh man oh man oh they went on a [ __ ] massacre sorry my dude i don't know my hotkeys anymore dude it's been a while i got this guy's the the lesser the less the lesser player here he's got some attachments kind of bullets bullets was he running bt he's good there those guys got freaking out are you kidding me i don't know what these bullets are any good all right so can i go that way hold on that mag is so dumb yeah i don't know why this guy is running a 100 round [ __ ] i almost like just i almost just want to drop it like i don't care about 100 round drum but dude this is scary bro what the [ __ ] don't go past the dead body on the tracks or the sniper will kill you what the [ __ ] does that mean did i catch that on my replay let me see oh no i only caught the uh i only caught the one never mind i didn't catch the other one that sucks well actually i did but it wasn't it wasn't a timing to catch them both you know that wasn't really possible so i tried to catch them both all right well those aren't my bullets those were not my bullets that i was shooting so bug it right wait where does this go can i jump this that's neat whoa whoa what is this that's cool i don't know what to say a lot of people are dead right now because i killed two and these guys killed i think three um that's a lot of dead players thus far attachments you killed four those no those two players i killed their players cavs these two these two were player scabs wait god damn it did i i didn't save wait what oh i see hold on replay normal okay bugged out i wonder why that happened what the [ __ ] is all this what is going on here what let's play the owner bro you don't get punished enough for holding on to items i'm only 40 out of 77 i am not in the red and i am carrying an mp5 an m4 with 100 round drum a 60 or 30 or 30 a 30 or 30 or 30 an armored rig a backpack full of stuff i should at least be yellow in my opinion i don't think the weight system punishes you enough in this game watch me just get out i want to see you hold on i want to test the replay i'm going to hit save again when i hit save and i'm going to hit play i just want to see if my replays like if i bugged it out okay no it's fixed interesting i wonder why it bugged out in the last replay is it because you saved while you were watching the replay yeah i'm pretty sure i think my replay bugged out because when i hit i hit the button to save or sorry i hit the button to play the replay and then i clicked save right after and then it didn't know what to do it was like in the process of playing a replay what is down here holy [ __ ] it's dark i think oh an nc4 ooh red gunpowder [ __ ] i think the last two players you killed are players or two people no i i think there was player scavs oh god this is scary bro what is all this what is all this let x spawns this is so cool oh my god customs is [ __ ] awesome this isn't this might be their best map yet well like i mean i know it's they've already had the map but you know what i mean this is [ __ ] crazy even if they're even if there isn't like an insane amount of loot which i think there is it's really cool that there's all these like different spots that you can peek from all these windows doorways flank spots it's really cool like even this look at this look at this [ __ ] this is so cool have you seen underground reserve i have yes does this not need a key anymore or did someone already unlock it it's probably those two guys i killed that unlocked it honestly they were probably on their way to extract when i killed them ow man what the hell there's a power switch in that warehouse oh i did not know where's my extracts is there any new extracts are they all kind of the same holy [ __ ] this is scary you can go up here now right damn that's a scav can you go up here no wait no imagine imagine holy [ __ ] this is crazy though look at the hangs oh it's gonna be a hard shot [Music] i went for it dude i went for it can i fall off this or will i break my legs we good we cool we cool can i go in there oh you have a 6x in your bag i know i'm not going to swap it though that takes so long i'd rather just attempt a shot from far away with a pko six don't swap so that guy i saw running he's probably in this building unless he just kept unless he kept running the extract can i get an angle in that doorway oh yeah i can what else can i do over here i'm learning the map okay everyone slow down can't go in here oh what the [ __ ] yeah he he's probably in that building when i shot at him he just crossed this oh [ __ ] it's only seven minutes left what the [ __ ] they lower the time in this [ __ ] or have i just been here for a while and i didn't notice i've just been here for a long time there's a lot to look at man is there is there even more this way in terms of new stuff or is that kind of is that main area over there the main stuff and there's not much over here this is the same whatever all right intel spawns in those buildings no well we could just go again i'd like to go on a scav and just see what it's like are scav runs really really long still or did they finally fix those bro it used to be like 15 [ __ ] minutes that was a pretty good round honestly i was a pretty good uh raid for for my first raid back and however long it's been not bad game is still fun definitely still fun i can see why people play it all right let me try to scab in real quick i told you they were player scabs you guys like you guys don't know those were those were those were real come on yeah i [ __ ] own those first two all right let me um let me do a scavenge as stressful as chess no not quite that stressful chess is a whole different ballgame dude i got the same spawn twice what are the chances okay where was the good loot this way correct this is the good loot in this building right you go over here and then you go here eh and then you go come here give me that milk okay so you go here then you go in here and then you check roller no ruler gold chain no gold chain and then you go um is there anything in here spawn wise i don't think so you go up here motor tubes filter oh we don't have insane gpu luck today or this raid i guess unless what is that noise someone's spitting really really loud juice random stuff someone said there's like a fires like a fire steel spawn somewhere here i don't know i saw there was some loot back here anything good ah people fighting in dorms jesus goddamn war i'm honestly just searching computers to try to make you guys mad that's really my only reason the chance of getting a gpu is so low but if i get one you guys get mad so it's kind of fun holy [ __ ] holy i don't even how heavy is that it's actually not that bad oh my god hello i'm actually gonna drop the battery i don't care i guess i'll just store these i i don't know hey am i crazy i heard one over there f console 37k now oh that's right that's right i remember that you are absolutely correct i forgot they did that all right okay well i don't need to um what's up sure i don't care i don't give a damn what the [ __ ] is all this why's it all laid out weird oh my god i don't know how chat knows so much they know everything this man just put condensed milk in his butt hey you never know okay my butt's getting milky i like that all right so there's no reason to lose there's no reason to loot that on the right might as well just keep going straight nothing cool there the door is closed i don't know if that's normal wow come on now what's better here go left or go right left bro this this building is scary it's so dark i don't want to go in there again i couldn't see a damn thing people had a trap ready for me friendly really well i kind of know the layout a little bit better is there anything in the bathroom though that milk all right so intelligent spawns nothing nothing and nothing let's play such oh you guys said this place was cool with fancy loot and stuff how do you say it actually this place definitely hasn't been hit there's no way i think i just got unlucky and nothing spawned here there's no way people would skip out on milk you know what i'm saying that's a good item anything in here btbt like that oh jesus oh my god what is going on over there relax jesus can you still get a red key card from scabs bro what is going on where's that fighting oh uh no all right what the hell happened here what's the chance there's one more in there dude is there another one of you no i didn't have any loot really that was scary dude i thought i was gonna die to that guy [Applause] i don't even know what gun he was using he was just sitting there healing poor guy he just got done with like a huge fight he's just healing away send it i believe i really thought that vog was going to do it not even about to get owned like no chance to react you know what i mean oh isn't there a new scav boss on shoreline damn i gotta fight him oh oh oh oh oh oh one's in there whoa was there more stuff at the back i hate i hate this fight bro i dislike fights and dorms they're very very scary i thought there was a guy in here though could have already left you could jump in through windows now on the first floor really well whoever's here is long gone i got stripped i wanted to see if someone used that and they were waiting what's my extract wait my extract is that way wait where did i spawn oh i had the same spawn i gotta go this way i kind of forgot where i spawned running running oh a dead man dude is this car new hmm hmm it's always scary going through something like this when they know where you are [Music] hmm what no way did i need him i'm sorry oh he's level two oh man he's got a hat in his pockets oh i'm so sorry sir i think i hit him in the shoulder but oh my goodness oh who hurt you died to a hunter scav is that his buddy that had to have been his buddy level two yeah he died to the scabber i heard oh i feel bad for that one you monster listen how am i supposed to know someone's level two you know how is that my fault maybe a level two shouldn't be walking around customs okay maybe they should go to like labs or something who's this guy all right i never grabbed his dog tag i'm stupid oh my god i killed a level two and the worst part about it was i killed a level two after he after his level two buddy died to ai [Music] is
Channel: Virb
Views: 109,062
Rating: 4.6498675 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud, cod, call of duty modern warfare, APEX LEGENDS, APEX, LEGENDS, fortnite, wingman, pathfinder, lifeline, wraith, gibraltar, skadoodle, Call Of Duty Black Ops 4, Call Of Duty Blackout, Blackout, Gameplay, Twitch, battle royale, win, stream, insane, own, epic, new update, legendary, sanhok, miramar, new map, Jujst9n, Chad, anythinG, raygun, chocotako, mrbeast, SEASON 2, overwatch, warzone, valorant
Id: ak37UWz-wtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 5sec (3785 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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