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probability somehow the browser our buys in these trees oh dude I'm telling you it's just people that are just trying to get in and get lucky I really was playing Charlene I didn't do nothing but run until I groups of four people oh like five M Street I must have left like 1819 for got tracers on Jeremy [ __ ] [ __ ] the tracer give a laser on ya I didn't sorry I don't know what's gonna see my ladies are gonna see your red tracers alright that rock to big rock across the way I think I killed the guy shot that boy yeah he's running he's running we're up the road shirt had me he's just to the right of the road passed like all this [ __ ] if he's working in the forest oh yeah yeah dad dad dad that that nice you have a red guy on the rocks my go-to man number two over here yeah that would kill mm-hmm make sure no one else's the guy on once I brought all tracers [ __ ] was a little players together she got tracer rounds of [ __ ] [ __ ] red tracers flat across the bow this is crazy sky it was not a scam I think we just got to hide our hide where we go Patrick honestly that's what I'm doing now anyway are you looting him he's a VSS someone who killed who got the kill inspect the dog tag it is it was just bottom left killed by some well you it's you it's you yeah take that sugar so I knew what's going on do you have a helmet no you didn't right give it a riot oh okay thank you okay it's an entree sir that that the PC still Borg yeah that one oh yeah I'm [ __ ] I've literally got a different computer dinging that's what I mean damn it Bobby I didn't buy it I just had another one later [Music] you always got to have a backup computer bro that's why everything from now on every time I build a new computer I'm built - so if one happens to [ __ ] up I could just swap your gaming alright I'm good oh yeah by Titan vigas in tomorrow which is gonna be lit yeah I wonder how much better it is though that at 1080p I sure have you ever heard of Ultra VR porn haha David you okay Jeremy got them eyes seeing that guy at Oh for real I didn't really see me to blend it in for me we all right now I don't know we can either just sit on here for a little bit and wait till someone shoots at us or we could try to look for somebody Oh scab the scab just started shooting in the air dude I didn't even see that he shot right in the sky all right we can go scab hill we could sit here 50 min go to [ __ ] I don't know you probably just run around bolli ho ho suka soup Oh your bear as well I keep forgetting I went there all right be a little smart about this and stay in the trees that you don't know you're down here hey [ __ ] being smart okay we're yet for me is that was actually a music I'm pretty sure or bear or something what's going on I wasn't a scab and we're gonna look like one air I think [Music] how was he shooting at good yeah I don't know who what back up here yeah I don't know who are you shooting at Qi Liu this tag yep wonder what lovely was did his friends do you thing for this up our finest fitness he did that body up there probably shots for sure all right rock I see him Eric standing up on the rock please dear I think it's a big rock big rock in big rocks big dad I missed a little straight room running as I see him I see him sir he's dead oh [ __ ] Danny is right why might that one thief want to fight sure be same spot player player player not a scab I killed one of the tree so I left you by the way let a player yeah yeah yeah players have anything these guys try zipping it I'm losing as hello dud I'm for Feliz dad dad dad nice nice are you letting gave me bro yeah I mean he scared me bro it's like one part of this backpack not like letting you put [ __ ] in because it's not fully searched I don't see you were right now thanks dog hey there's a group of [ __ ] three that's that guy just kind of stumbled across us I don't know I'm pretty sure there's a group of three though is this like pub G well no not at all not at all try to cover you friend greedy right now I wish this was like pub you'll be fine it's sick it's not ready for that kind of scale yet what no my BSS how do I carry it I guess I dropped this you can fold stocks now like take them off that's always nice I'm gonna go up on the rock and pray I don't get owned a lot of share how do I get up on these [ __ ] things yeah you've only been looting one body yeah dude it's a lot of stuff last time I mean Patrick up on this rock I got [ __ ] blasted he got blasted I'm afraid I don't want to be up here actually we got [ __ ] one tabs both of us so I take a pan that's can inspect right yeah inspect and then you got to find it take it off okay I think it's on the left side instead of the right I want to take off the [ __ ] scope [ __ ] I'll keep the okay [ __ ] this helmet Mike think of something like I do I want it is it a good helmet there's a kind of show you one I don't know I think it's a good one it's like a white military looking one was it on him yeah something left of me you want that more than you want days yeah all right [ __ ] this hammer that the scar that helmet I can't buy you that okay what do you need to buy the helmet does a little hard-ass almost to get it okay I have it thanks have a stupid [ __ ] ain't nothing worth anything up here Mike yeah well Cisco nothing up on those guys or that yeah still nothing there's a couple shots that went back towards that big rock or we can just get out are you hurt by the way um I don't think so okay just wondering so I didn't get hit perfect none of us got hit so far for you guys you have a ton of [ __ ] yeah and whatever we dick whatever shore line gets a little bit of a boost I'm gonna playing that [ __ ] all day I feel like yeah it's fun to play every now and then but I can't run it back over and over just because the FPS makes me mad but I'm down I don't believe that don't lie to me Ted game I just felt like dead raised yeah no see thank you you good yeah there's a scab spawn in a stream alive I don't like this oh we could back off where are you go a little more light no no don't worry - cool let's get him I'm gonna hit by the other guy got one he open did you get the one in they opens not shotgun scab I'm pushing up [ __ ] up my leg mad my leg okay yeah shotgun scab is dead I'm right behind you Jeremy I know hey I got [ __ ] leg over and over that hurt loading yeah let's just go through a little more I'm fine I thought I was about to die like Patrick dude huh like a scab [ __ ] shotgun shotgun chuck and I was like oh no a bit extra I see we see [ __ ] sneaky that was a sneaky [ __ ] scab one that did almost like made it look like it was a player scav he was like hidden in like a rock oh nice little spot but it's dead player or not he did let's get out of here all the flares up can extract I almost blacked out my lanes so like they changed the extracts and like everyone spawns in different areas so you always go to the extracts across from you never they're never like really close so you have to go all the way to the other side and then those ones that the flares means only like one person slash team can extract from that spot and then if they don't go there like if it's not there then you have to go to the other one the other one is down the road way down there I opened my wound but that's okay yeah like if you extract here to get out right closer because cavities pop them houston Oh - Rock no it's like past the rock past the fence line okay you scarred me that was a player but you know Gally gee Thank You flux ji potato thank you guys I got three player kills wait three yeah - oh yeah that makes sense that make sense three player kills makes sense actually hi my name is Nick what's my brother's anybody wish him good luck Thanks hashtag nmp hashtag god has an awareness that was 13 minutes ago I'm sorry I was in the middle of a raid Jonathan if you're still here and they closed both you guys what's up homies I don't know if you're still here but I hope you are thank you for the donation man all right I'm going in for now where's our guy yeah I'm gonna bring another 60 rounder I don't like having to swap when I grab like a drum or something to have a drum chat I have a drum right yeah I could buy the good ammo now Patrick hey Cooper 3 right okay I'm overly and greed Thank You Roscoe thank you did I love this game I can't wait for it to be better you know the beauty of this game is what it gets updated like once a month or once every whatever two weeks it's actually an update pubsey updates are so weak right now dude there's adding crates you kidding me I'm so bad I'm so bad and I'm so mad that it's just crates that doesn't get me stoked to play the game you got two levels from that Jeremy oh there's some air yeah three levels you invited me twice probably here I'll back out here is I think it's because you invited me twice I accepted it two times weird I accepted it twice - it's kind of weird okay try that there we go Jeremy don't get sassy okay what about a three man factory is that a little much I've run into fully good groups running through my factory really that seems like a little excessive like why three man factory at that point I guess just all your homies won a place you just go factory uh-huh come one level away from it's so funny that there's probably people who play this game like tax goal like one guys watching rear all the time the other guys always holding front and the other one is like always watching their sides and we just have us just sprinting around like [ __ ] idiot so I found a way to just murder people on this map what's that I figured out and like ninety percent of the time I can catch fully good groups running from the spawns to the way I think they're gonna all right well what's it it depends where we spawn ducks the only one of them works super well it's kind of like when you spawn woods right and like you rush that one spot that's exactly what we did so it's like that yeah it's not dynamic enough yeah the master sees the map just need to renew you yeah I mean pretty much just need to make the whole outer edge of the maps a spawn zone like a spawn point and then it just puts people randomly with a certain amount of spacing oh yeah okay so no one knows exactly where everyone is I shoot I can't wait to see this game like on a huge map like almost Pub G level because you matter that's it I'll be amazing it's like that you know what I always thought would be cool like a map like earning a map in a game like this where it's all just like levels so it's just think shoreline resort but 20 floors so it's just like one hotel room or one crazy skyscraper building and that's it like you're just going through stairwells you could clearing buildings and the whole thing is just this massive that's the whole map you know the whole map is one really really big tall building I always thought that'd be so cool a first-person game easy I always thought that'd be so cool and the only game that's done that but it wasn't even that big it was like eight or nine floors there was a game called hostile intent and there was a hotel map and it had the hotel lobby and everything and at the outside and then it had like the eight or nine floors with like 15 rooms on each floor that was like an old half-life mod game it was [ __ ] sick dude wonder how hard that would be on like a server because it'd be rendering a ton of stuff yeah I don't know just to get it detailing I just always thought that'd be cool wait oh you guys what what did you tap out yeah you cannot game loads so what happens now he's not in the rain and we are yeah it's all me okay's my character like to go you're not even in damn you're on way faster with a hatch now what the [ __ ] insane speed oh [ __ ] should we go back come back to me yeah just make sure he's in first yeah yeah we're healthy right I have killed so many people like right up here at this rock for some reason just sprinting to this point weird it's if people come from that spawn and they're going to the tower up there it okay yeah it also depends on the pace of the players that you're with right they're not always gonna be here but and we're also in like let's see if Jeremy is actually coming in no is they are you loading in Jeremy mm-hmm probable that mean we will see him loading in we should like we'll see him like right now how poor no I'm almost thin I mean Jeremy we're close to you but we don't know where you are exactly looking for you come on up on the hill bridge yep hear that yeah here you guys just heard someone running near me hello all I'm gonna shoot ya I was gonna do yeah and I be okay I'm here right I left the wrong way for some reason behind you guys in a bush Oh bro I was kind of afraid that he saw someone else I had like some weird [ __ ] was about to have it you know no all right let's go alright whatever dude just copy my [ __ ] clubs you still doubt yeah it'll be down probably for another hour and a half I highly doubt it'll come up earlier or maybe they'll maybe it will come up earlier and then that'll be like a ploy saying hey we're up an hour earlier than expected and everyone's like yeah what club gee you're so good so from here I've been like going from here to there I go from here towards the town along the shore and I've got a lot of like running that way for some reason you should try different routes where's Pat yeah I mean Jeremy yeah I'm not changed yeah I ain't gonna do that cuz if someone swings on the corner on me dude I want to kill him I'm just waiting for the day you bump into someone with your hat [ __ ] now you got your gun out yeah I see ya the shots at resort are you upstairs password yep just a hatchling yeah hey Jeremiah hello chosen one what level was attached thing he was level 30 what why is there a lovely Ashley why is there a level 30 hatchling broke I doesn't make any sense the worst time that's our you think kind of a searching key I'm pretty sure probably from the boom let's move resort yeah that's maps FPS ain't pretty I mean once they figure out this map like they figured out their other maps they'll be sued and I hope I hope it's not some [ __ ] based off of size on the map because if it gets bigger and bigger and they can't figure it out then they just can't make it bigger matter look yeah I think that's that the oh okay don't know where that is you can true making sure where we are yeah I haven't seen Chad forever we just keep me and Chad his game for like five hours today he's chillin bro he's chillin yeah I guess you're right I was in the gas station No slightly foggy to resort something geared where oh I see him did you kill I'm missing he's on the on the beach Jeremy like literally you won't really see him yeah there's no real way over huh are you that towards the coast I wait whoa I don't know just run towards the coast like keep coming following that wall down I'm on this with the road now oh I see you're okay yeah where do you cross yeah you're not letting this guy live alright okay get over what okay why was that so difficult you do what the [ __ ] did you boost it off me Mike I was weird you see he's gonna be somewhere on to you like he could be in that wall day off a little wall section he's a ghost be a bush with you well I do okay missing he just ran down the coast he just literally ran yeah I guess just ran yeah all the way down here maybe you just hit him a whole bunch and he ran he just went all the way to that extract but that extract wouldn't be for him right now yeah I mean there was a dead scab there I don't know I'll say where is this man I don't think we're gonna find him honestly we should just hit the resort see what's happened here before we had two four people and they didn't kill you I just hear out of all the spots sprayed two of them down instantly I broke one of the legs when I moved I threw a grenade killed another and then I just ran up on the other guy okay yeah I guess if you have that early jump dude you could take out one or two easy and damage or thirds yeah I guess that makes sense but if like you were stumbling upon a group of four that's what I thought happened you're walking around and [ __ ] four people oh you know say unfathomed think of the five months jw7 twitch think of the sub holy [ __ ] it's a lot of cheaters in this game in DM when the trial period is it ending tonight right trial there's gotta be some good goods Oh need sound [ __ ] vicious in this game I love it this is Crabtree chat yeah I try but it's hard in this game right play this game I'm so [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah you're just not United's trained as us you know true carrying all that [ __ ] you're not used to it what do you see that's right one sec thought you saw something are we going into brie going outside wasn't it's in this area over here yeah I don't want to run to the right on the left but okay let's cover Patrick's going right [ __ ] oh I won't laugh I thought we were gonna split when I see him top house yeah I saw that - I saw that - I thought that was glass but yeah he's in that house he's crouched almost had him I like looking head shot it I see him waving we're doing he's moving dude I know what should we do about this waiting for him to come back they're definitely getting naded by another team though they're in that house yeah the beige one I want to get in there dude we're going yeah I want to yeah I'm tempted to try to throw nades through can I go through on the right here too let's go on more that area I think we might have a good one more yeah go one more over I'm tempted to keep them in by throwing an 8 over we're gonna hear us yeah that's five beers now yeah I have an 8 - [ __ ] I'm gonna scare my looking for all the doors I'm about to breach this [ __ ] door baby I'm about to Nate top window right now [ __ ] it wrong boys throw it so we're guys all right are you in Patrick no no all right it didn't work hit it worse [ __ ] [ __ ] breach failed breach failed I'm just an open the door actually suit happens hello wait I was a children that's a show coming in let's chill you scared me oh this what we're hanging out a key yeah all right can I preach this one hinges I don't know I can't tell [ __ ] it rooms clear on the left on the shoot here we go I don't see him idle so he's dead up here nearly killed him oh yeah I'm gonna clear all these rooms for in native [ __ ] let me see it was actually you it was ha ha get that tag claim your kill what is this key that I got I can't believe that's the what door they didn't check West Wing 220 dude I really need that key bag thing wait are we ok yeah ok I was about to say are we all inside there we go we know where a key spot is that's why they were here hey job team way to be good they Jeremy thanks man he didn't need to replace my need one day's used by the way m67 I thought about it an average by the way I thought about I thought about going in every room of being and yelling clear what was what was happening though what's all those needs I'm on this wood out here ok can I jump over like this let's see oh this is kind of nice this pot I'm gonna now that that house has a [ __ ] key I want to check if there's a key in this house the door is open this is the same space place that I found it but I'd see I'm in here these lasers clearing this [ __ ] school any key thing you over here not seeing one the old tab would say yeah I'm going upstairs now I don't know if the key spawns on this one doesn't look like it anyway it's all open someone's been through here is probably those guys safe is probably searched most likely that is this is why people like these to these lockers yeah there's I feel like they that's added you know there's a gun lock on this one to at the computer yeah let's go it's actually pretty good lose why I really killed people out I've never ran in here it's not bad if I was playing a legit rod like not press I probably do it alright I'll go to Versa can't really see out the windows wait again right here Jeremy where are you [ __ ] up top where's Patrick okay yeah right bad you I swear it either I heard you I heard somebody other side wall up rails probably you honestly I doubt heard anyone oh really did you kill him or did you die no I was running like just m4 it's like no helmet and just a packet and I think it's playing with Anthony both had like full four helmets and I wasn't looking at my screen when they opened the door I was camping - wait they open the door blasted you and then I looked away because I was talking to someone and they open the door right is like I looked away and so I barely saw it started spraying and tried to run away they just rushed me and killed me oh so you're saying you got out hey that's okay they're pretty good it's bad now watch rooms from time to time he's picked up his game real quick oh these shots were coming from resort that's crazy how far we can hear that from oh hell out of Stan yes soon Thanatos he was the five bucks watch you all six god thing for the sub gas pedal gas pedal I swear I saw one more I'm seeing things man welcome to the low FPS Jeremy welcome soom in you get 20 it's nice Oh baby it's a good time it's actually kind of painful I don't know how people do it I bet you if you had high up yes you kill them in the front there's so many high levels was [ __ ] around well I want to check what key I just got I got 220 west wing wait that's here that's back to 28 god [ __ ] suck bro yeah one of our last one we're right in the middle it's not bad I guess get chained and horse and [ __ ] over there [ __ ] looting great I guess roof searching one more ok we're going the roof wish I knew how to get up please I'll blast me Dweezil blast me Oh screw nuts nice no one's up here friends wait other that holy [ __ ] the FPS is terrible Jesus that's crazy to me dude I feel like I'm playing console anyway a killer player no not at all a poor guy I felt like he was getting like 5fps the way he was moving somewhere the poor man yes sorry somewhere could be a scab under us yeah they do that here I'm looting right here really open though oh hell yeah oh god oh my god you could just sit there let's go check him out dice BR would be legit I think it would be two dice make some quality games like battlefields BR will be lit I always wondered why like games like that don't make something super high scaled be our survival something like that they can make something so sick like think like I love this game at all but think of like a huge company like dice made something similar they could [ __ ] your skis they can make this earlier they can make this game in like five minutes I feel like maybe not five minutes but still like dice it would be similar right it wouldn't be as realistic because they have so a lot of realism in this game but it would be battlefield but this game could be pretty interesting right hands just camera Hey all you want I'm going to third to the key that I have all the way at the end you know you know you know why is the FBI spawn room that's this map the FPS is terrible on this map the worst I got a whole lot of nothing I got some morphine we got a circuit board SEC record czar cold what do they give again - for back yeah no - I got like anime I got like four of those now the drums the mag sir did you say I wrote the computers the one on the Left had nothing no like someone was in here but they couldn't have been I don't know oh that was cool I won't know I went from just the building the building the glass how just like watching a break oh yeah I forgot about this key the one that has a chance to get another key oh my god they're really quick you have it as well - yeah we're you telling it's on the second floor nokey feel that you got monies and tape yeah that's all this [ __ ] room is good for I guess all right what's the plan should I go should we go across to see what that guy had I don't know what he had he had something I say we go somewhere with good yeah we could do that too okay someone else is living no we stop for a sec - listen we're facing above us our basement that's those are the only two because you're peeking that whole first floor I'm gonna go basement kay see ya there's nothing I can shoot or on Milo there's nothing here here's not here I don't know where the [ __ ] this guy was we're going back he's a ghost and we'll floor you one find you couldn't be on the roof I guess I'd be kind of crazy shree check that's scary that's so weird yeah what the [ __ ] was don't blast me up a little deeper on the first floor oh [ __ ] later might have been a player that might only who we heard I'm here Oh heels I don't know if this what we heard where he's right here players have a crouching Oh fire escape bottom bottom bottom bottom bottom I saw it I thought it was really close and he was two players guys I'm pretty sure it was 100% long yeah do you guys on the back so let me look if the oh yeah I'm just still down here did that firefight we got in from the fire escape urn not fire escape from the windows with clean was pretty cool we got [ __ ] owned but it's still cool is it there's shots down this way I'm assuming it's just all the scab on scout [ __ ] that's happening right now because those two were definitely probably scabs the one that was crouched walking on the side trying to sneak on us he was getting close man he could have surprised us you gonna uh stomp through the [ __ ] window I wish I wish it would tell you at the end it was a player scammer not you never really know just a scav here yeah let's get off this map we got some frags but no geared frags we never seem to run into geared players man it's crazy we're always running into just random people's like we get major thank you thank you sexy monster thank you don't shoot man if if honestly if that guy had enough for it I think I would have killed me you had a lot of shots on me oh really it's just weird cuz I still shot first but like still he just [ __ ] didn't go down you know I shot like 15 20 bullets and he just didn't die but he yeah he let me hit my chest twice I'm pretty sure so I might have killed me maybe I don't know all right um should I I need to get a [ __ ] key bar see if someone's selling it at fence I doubt it I could just get one for free from [ __ ] give me a sec here you got one player girls thing really need you got a need kill oh yeah that was like yeah that was a cool fight even though we just [ __ ] stop it even though he stopped on up it was still cool eh where's the 60 round drum from peacekeeper r44 it is 60 do I have two of these I'll have one okay I'll bring out the RSS room yeah the first sorry I was the muted hey sure how that's bothering me because I'm pretty sure you have a key to redeem on the EFT website and should give you a key bar for free it does I'm just too [ __ ] lazy it does it does give me a key bar I'm just too lazy to redeem it apparently it takes [ __ ] ten seconds minimize login press a button in your inventory but I'm that lazy did you meet on purpose yeah is that j98 here okay no no Gina Jane is gonna play this Jane's been holding off on playing this I was gonna I was gonna teach him this game what he moves in he's moving in in two days you know I'm gonna put my hand over his hand it's mouse hand my hand over his keyboard hand and you know I'm gonna be behind him and yeah I'm gonna teach him yeah Furillo he's gonna play when he comes here because I have an extra streaming computer and he's gonna use that streaming computer so that he doesn't lose FPS because playing this game and streaming not the Bettis not the best not best what are you gonna hang your posters I don't know all right we're jumping into another game right now we should have a little bit more FPS that last map it's the last map we played is definitely the most fun in terms of action and in terms of like how the whole map feels and plays but it's FPS is so bad it hurts so now we're jumping into a map where the FPS is like a real game I just don't think you should ever touch I don't think you should ever get below 30 FPS in a game these days no [ __ ] away I like this side personally which one's switch shoes Patrick who's Jeremy who's on my left to diving catch my breath behind you know the shelter over there you yeah you [ __ ] you're flying with their ads without dude let me go oh my god out I know hey I don't think there's any spawn yeah on the left yeah that's an extract so like what I mean could be I guess you never know yeah what is that I look so weird I see a scab like scab yeah might pop him for fun do it oh he dead oh he hella dead I got ya I only heard one shot I'm finally you guys didn't hear me I'm Way behind you look you see me laying down oh yeah did you shoot your shots or left yep we're gonna hurt it snapped you money yeah how's the weird pose Patrick so we can see them yeah yeah we will but we have to clear through these gaps here right yeah careful hugging shotgun ease around the corners I'm afraid please no shotgun ewwww can't we just look across a literally right from here yeah we can yeah yeah I was just pika there's no scabs yeah I always spawn like right away I don't see anything I'm really tempted to sprint over there whoa what not I'm afraid I haven't seen anyone it's weird feel like I should see somebody by now I see hatchling ok damn it I think I'm gonna sprint across the bottom of this beach here - okay I don't know I want to go get involved a little bit here oh snap at us yeah oh [ __ ] yeah I saw that a sling with a friend or maybe not a friend I don't know I gonna tell maybe I don't know I just saw those two getting funky running up to you blowen Sam dude oh I saw I just gotten randomly hit he's at the the third trailer here I hit one headshot woodpile I'm here Mike yeah he's really close but I don't know where there's a sniper oh so there's someone I'm pretty sure that knows how to like bug out the you know that desync thing I'll talk about where you just randomly die no one shoots at you Mike hmm the same guy has done it to me every single time that's happened really so I think it's a guy that knows how to like force it ins doing it yeah [ __ ] put that name on that list see what he says cuz that is weird that should not happen I wonder if that's a cheat I'm gonna get off this [ __ ] rock I'm gonna go yeah this way whoever this is Patrick I think I mean me yeah I'm on this way where with all right this is where we heard all the shots wait so your leg got hit randomly from that far away I mean I guess there's a chance like I didn't even hear the shot either so I was like huh weird so I looked over at the sniper because of that we didn't hear it either I thought there was smoke pops that looked so weird the lighting against the ground where are these guys where the pinkeye maybe it was over here at the little tree in front of us coming up towards the trailer players yeah can't tell he's gonna be a player wait you got shotgun didn't he no that was I'm behind the thing I don't know actually I'm scared now yeah there's a shotgun in there haha there's a player what the [ __ ] hey little war over this spot what just happened Haitian ID ever play battlefield 4 it's an old game but the mechanics are great mobile sniping on hard core is especially fun ever consider playing I think if I was to play any battlefield on stream it would be bad company to you and that's a fact that's the best battlefield game that's so kind of new come on you know the investigating Patrick I'll go to the left here Claire feature an aide Oh Jeremy I don't know where that's going afraid oh my I saw shot seat rock somewhere I'm going far left he has a kid he is like something went down towards coast no water suppose for sure no white helmet he's got a killer so not like super good careful around here yeah I'm up here yeah but this is where we saw Patrick like anywhere in here in the bush [ __ ] we're just spamming the saucer guy damn maybe he's just making a run for it cuz I saw like maybe he just said [ __ ] it and he's out this [ __ ] and he's running the Hat cuz I did hit I did [ __ ] him up a little bit miss bamming again it's hard to see him he's like you know that's yeah [ __ ] where'd he go I hate what this happens I see him it's not him it's like a hatchling or some [ __ ] I doubt that's him but that was a player and some once nice dad use that I think we both did them at the same time us I'm totally wrong but that might be him I think you might have I got it I doubt that to him because why would he go up I don't I just don't see why he would go that way after we just engaged I don't know trying to get fancy how do I make walls stairs someone in front of me I can't tell if it's a play or not it's like walking down the open neither tries oh that's him right the killer yeah skipper's here his kippers hitting everything because I know I first shot headshot oh I'm sore that's it that's the guy why would he go that way after [ __ ] getting out who got the kill you Jeremy oh [ __ ] I said I would see you wait what do you want you had an m4 with no Ted I don't always read I don't want it I just want a dog tag I like getting them some reason Roger that I'm wait wait can I put it back I can't put it back house okay can I drop it yeah hey you grab it from here you could okay yeah sure I have an obsession with collecting rare no I don't see it try to drop it again dropping and rapping others drop their area yeah the doc take Spartacus speaking of dog tags I want to see if this was a player or scav when I killed him at the start [ __ ] was kind of lit so I don't know what happened that guy was sneaking up on us duty prone down the hill and everything was getting ready to pop us not today Spartacus not today I'm pretty behind oh my god bro I didn't know you were right next to me man my heart I heard one step I got off it real quick holy Sh in here I hear that these are two kills that I got oh all right your ex can hit your legs dude my heart when I saw you I don't know why that scared me so much all right you want to just go yeah we've gotten how many kills we got one two three four so they hella just spawned right I fixed that dude they sure they [ __ ] must have just spawned oh my god we're getting out of here so holy [ __ ] how many kills that I said did we get we got one two three four five almost blacked out we've I mean if anything there's only like two people left I like counted like nine bodies now maybe maybe no maybe like there's two hatchlings no I'm counting the ones that I saw like dead that crack was so loud I got it's loud dude suppressor should say you don't over there Jeremy where's buddy old pal all right let's GTFO i why don't do customs I've done customs and forever okay okay it takes so long to queue and is that still happening oh no you said it how'd you do that why I'm hurt that's [ __ ] you sec [ __ ] kill you right now how do you do that I don't know how to do that but I teach that wave mr. okay guy I was watching I was watching smoke I think it was and it was so cool he was like blank factory but he was grouping with the hatchlings that he rammed into and he was talking to them with only voice commands so he was just caught late little [ __ ] little little dope little Jimmy falling around and [ __ ] so yeah so basically he was playing factory and all he was doing is he was looking for [ __ ] hatchlings and he was just making them following with commands dropping gun saying but the commands that there's a gun there blah blah blah and he wanted to see who would be the best hatchling and none of them lived that I remember they always got [ __ ] smokes it's funny they'll try to betray him no no no they were being friendly I mean he had a gun they had a hatchet Oh careful this scab was running around here right is there a spot in here you think Matt alright no good sponson I might as well check let's see what's in here wow I didn't know there's an interest there I'm sorry I stopped immediately I did not know there was a hole so I thought this was the only way in and the only way out I apologize somebody in my car I now I now know I'm sorry let's extract I'm so sorry dude I didn't know there was two entrances to that cabin holy wow my brain stopped when I saw that helmet no no I registered that it wasn't a player but just I didn't know there was another entrance in there it's like VR all over again just TK and my [ __ ] teammates Jesus it's okay I got some hits on ma'am for that was good that's right I gotta go to mastery like I do even though we have no idea what it means the second weapon mastery is 3000 hits Jesus I'm right up to 320 on the RSS though nice ass [ __ ] ass I'm gonna sell all my boom-boom boom-boom-boom decent decent honor 20k not like it matters for me but I love this game I love it I think I might restart or not restart but I think next patch or I don't know if next patch or next wiper I don't know what I'm gonna do it but I think soon okay I'm going to try to delete everything and only start with the basics that a normal kid would have and see what it's what it feels like to only have like one for a couple rifles like two hundred thousand dollars and then just go from there hope you laughs servers are up that's cool I'm probably not gonna play if anything I'm gonna jump oh no I'm not gonna play I was gonna say if anything I'm gonna jump on and check my skin's but I'd rather my pub G community see that so like tomorrow I'm gonna jump online when Jess goes to the airport I'm gonna jump online after that and then then I'm gonna do it I think where the [ __ ] I am hey shroud you hop it on neopets tonight or not no I'm gonna about tomorrow night man well if action are you and doesn't really matter which one you pick no it doesn't matter not really anyway like there are some differences I'm bear just for fun you SEC is like the American one so you hear all like the English voice acting and [ __ ] with bear you just see it Russian say I think eventually it's gonna matter but I don't think it really does anything right now or maybe it does but it's so so so like minuscule that no [ __ ] idea you know are we in can I take a piss okay [ __ ] crazy dude you can actually play a game now you're not sitting in ten minute cues that's what's up you gonna hop up like Club Penguin tonight of course every night baby platy TV I should play video [ __ ] I should take a day and actually play video I feel so bad because like man up is being so generous and and they're giving me money to provide for my video future but I am NOT playing the game so rip it are you Tony I want to play but I want to stream and it sucks because I love streaming I love gaming I love playing all these games but I can't play all these games just not possible whoa I forgot dynamic spawns we spawned here that's [ __ ] wild dude that's crazy what the [ __ ] so what our extracts smugglers boat I don't know what that is and this one this servers need to be a little laggy that's just me misshapen there it's the beginning not even like frames though like what's your frames 7d nice yeah - 58 6864 and you got 10 more frame looming what are you doing over there huh damn customs on the demon run well come in your PC this seems like these textures that they use right here whatever this [ __ ] is all the building textures and fences like I feel like something's not optimized correctly with all that cuz woods doesn't have much of that and it feels great or maybe it's a size so this map bigger than was right woods yeah true the same sizes have all these buildings and I wish battle state would just like up their crew buy them [ __ ] ten times a little crazy ham dude on the other side of that yeah I don't know I'm no Sam it's that scared me bro okay I want to check out what's going on over there but I think that's the sketch let's do what Oh God I'm watching your stream for your now instead of play FPS game I have a hard time aiming even at study targets it's like trying to draw and paint my aim is just shakiest [ __ ] is anything I need to do to get rid of this lower your sensitivity if your aim is really really shaky and you've been gaming for a while like there's a chance your sensitivity is just way too [ __ ] high and that's the reason why you're taking did he hate you no now they're hating yeah we're going oh I think I see the muzzle on the stairs of the site suppressed I'm moving far right don't [ __ ] blast me okay I'm still needing the tankers and buying Patrick I just saw one on the other side of the stairs not in them but on the other side to us what was hurting and I heard him yeah you ran out right now I'm pushing up he's up the start again oh no Jeremy died so killing us on the stairs yeah I knew that was dead no no he's not that he should be at the very top where he's not up there what stairs where are you guys no are you on the construction site yeah yeah he's not up there what oh he's dead I'm at this blue container my mind is blown you killed one yeah okay he was lying on top of like a thing yeah so it was unexplained no no no he wasn't up here he was outside of the fence okay see me up this blue container here just so you know where I am yeah [ __ ] Jeremy that sucks I had killed him like immediately after I could bring some of your yeah probably yeah didn't have much he hurt my legs instantly like [ __ ] them and I went groan sad wait forced you to go pro I'm coming to you Patrick no like I just [ __ ] a splinter owner like you know cuz I couldn't really walk yeah made us afresh another guy let me show you another guy was here come here palm yeah look look where he was I want to see if it was him because I know what he looked like I don't know if you were a fan oh it's laying on top of this pick a stag almost you don't want it I don't know that guy is mean you take Jeremy stuff huh yeah I'll take a [ __ ] rip Onarga Tony pepperonis with me there's another suppress a kick out of the giver right here who the [ __ ] killed that guy I get a drink one beer back it might be me I kill the one guy before I died oh forget you could do that I know this guy's pulled by the guy I killed I just discarded this guard tag instead of looking at it and I don't know where it is whatever [ __ ] it sorry totally discarded the guys dog technical now I love the dog bags under me I got your [ __ ] no way using the stuff yeah [ __ ] I really ought to go dorms what you doing actually it's kind of good if we back out how to piss really bad oh we got to go this way yeah you stutter sex I don't lose you there you go I was I was bound to lose you when these [ __ ] maybe so which one's the boat I think it's the one across from this one one over there sounds like an actual boat over there hell out of state right now see something no I just like a fire you did a double-take dude you look and then you scope doesn't tell me to see someone no I I run so slow with all Jeremy [ __ ] yeah it's a chance we're still run into someone people who play really some good I just can't see myself doing that like going slow clearing everything I wish I could spray for longer you know I mean exactly my hatcher now and just sprint everywhere that's a little too scary I don't know I try to have a general idea where most people spawn because you know how far you can do it till you're gonna more than likely run into someone is this an X tractor yeah which ones this crossroads crossroads barons that's weird oh I messed up my extract she blocked out of it yeah I didn't know it was so small smooth news yeah you're gonna die wait what I got a quest something done for that oh yeah kill three scabs and customs hey wait no I like it one scab what did I complete huh might as we have questioned their escape for menus what quest that I just finished oh it was just part of the scab one Jeremy would be here he's not here okay I'm gonna I'm gonna bring this [ __ ] for him and repair it I don't want to take it apart but I have to yeah I don't even take a part of it it's a fair like doing that's convenient wait no I think I do have to take it apart why is it not full fifty nine out of hold up what wha an ounce for I don't know how that just happened but that's okay oh I got a piss while Jeremy's figure in his [ __ ] out I really gotta pee I was an okay run I guess I don't know no it wasn't actually we didn't get [ __ ] we just [ __ ] killed a few people and Jeremy dies how what are we doing I'm back sorry what's going on we're done I waited for dare me I have all this [ __ ] don't know where he is it has too many rubles how much money do you to 1 ml you have what mike 2.8 No what's up Mike how much room do you have in your stead not much why don't you have to put it my [ __ ] in there for one run and then give it to me next room while I can eat whoa oh that's always dank food that's fine yeah I could just throw it in - yeah I almost just accidentally about 209 grenades yeah one a run or nobody get money in here yeah Treasury throw it in my [ __ ] backpacks with backpacks with backpacks thanks you can double-click oh [ __ ] oh that's so easy oh my god Mike thank you who ever said that how do I gotta [ __ ] close it like this though I one sec I filled up my inventory I just found two circuit boards randomly because Jeremy nice oh it's gone right I almost forgot about his gun that's kind of important [ __ ] I could just make room I guess mother [ __ ] [ __ ] that's enough room let's go overlap ah okay let me switch guns okay you let me see guns well what do you have with RSS I'm not bringing that thing into there it's too it's too long [ __ ] okay I mean you say that when you're walking around a corner and your guns constantly up and you can't shoot a hatchling in the face that you're send they're beating your ass wait so depending on the size of your barrel that means it's like if you're cool that'll change how close you have to be to a wall or how far to to aim sorry say that again so like depending on the length of your barrel like it changes the distance of how far you supposed to be from a wall or else your gun will go up yeah it actually works like that no way I don't believe it yeah it does hunter sin [ __ ] so if you ever really lost like a really long [ __ ] barrel your Peaks are gonna be yeah good Peaks gonna be [ __ ] in factory essentially yeah damn that's why you see me switching weapons depending on what we're doing all the time that's crazy otherwise otherwise I just use the RSS for everything also these cute dogs are [ __ ] insane I love it look at this [ __ ] we're in a minute is all we need actually were waiting for more players but still I can't wait for these [ __ ] to update this game even more I don't say that as an insult I say that as in like please they do such a better job than [ __ ] Blue Hole and I bet you they're much smaller user left tiny I preached these guys have like 10 people on their team they okay they need more than 10 come on bruh maybe I'm wrong maybe I'm wrong I could be completely wrong those are usually the money games though oh I like this fun really I hate this fun why we could just go straight to the the keeps bond that's lagging in one joining it [ __ ] Jesus let's go to the key spawn room wait are we oh yeah I know Patrick you know where you going right left yeah to this building or is it one more over am I like I think I'm backwards my brain on where we are yeah yeah you're right yeah I don't know where the [ __ ] I take everything back I know what you mean problem is a lot of people go here I think and if we go in there first where the people are gonna be stuck inside the house of miracle donate to us that's awesome I need to catch my breath there yeah you're right we will be first well that's that's part of the fun being first you're not first you're last last open it Open Sesame oh great it does that thing here to where it doesn't open fully how's that behind us please yeah that one opened smoothly yeah you're gonna get that really book I'm gonna check the gun locker I think there was one no key there's two gun locks in this house and a computer damn you're right if people come now dude oh [ __ ] what DVL and a circuit in the computer all right let's get the [ __ ] out of here Oh oh yeah the vaults the big boy guys like Ruben here - what's in this room Oh AB set you house you closing the [ __ ] safe Jesus alright next building I was about the [ __ ] breech I messed up i misclicked alright let's go to that other building really clicks without a gun locker - I mean I know we don't need it but [ __ ] it god I can't make this jump why can't I make the job I don't jump aside and he won't sprint at it just do it normally but I would always rent it at normally oh there we go oh my god I'm [ __ ] Supes I heard that wait why you're not going through here oh that's correct yeah cuz that was the door he went through last time but the door was open sorry open damn I wonder what key this is oh I wonder where you find it Oh somebody questions much excited alright no one came oh dude dude come here - he was waiting for both of us line us up but he didn't like he didn't realize like he thought it was just used so he was creat crap and crouching on this corner he's gonna blast you then he heard me turned and I [ __ ] owned him holy [ __ ] that could have been the end of you if I was if I was a little bit behind that was the end of you alright let's get out of here you doubt yeah you probably would have but you might've thought it was me maybe cuz you bet you did turn what I shot they keep it at house spawns or outside the house and some blue barrels oh yeah okay some blue barrels huh autumn I guess in the mall you can get it on this side just jumping over the wood where are you right side gee jumping over I'm already inside here what blue barrels down the side like to the right oh that's you getting are you in there you see out in the woods soldier yeah I live with Ariel's I'm with you trying to find the blue barrels I see blue barrels you see him oh yeah right here yeah it's out of iam they spawn on top of them I see no key yeah I mean I guess we just got unlucky but I guess this is where it spawns noted all right let's go to those shots that's friendly dude how close that guy was yes you did find these guys dude him no I just looted his dog tag like that's all I like I had just take tuck tags did I care about it go that was crazy dude that was crouched like moving slow as possibly the slowest possibly can if he ran if you played like us he probably would've killed you but he was like he was going so slow that you were probably gonna turn that corner before he beats we go right let's go right right I just died god shorelines and it's [ __ ] poopy FPS [ __ ] you're lagging around and [ __ ] I'm out of breath oh I see I think it's beside could that be inside maybe sounds like Oh on the roof not not a player but that's a scab shooting at someone in the woods don't take him out yeah didn't we can use him he's our Scout so it was he was pointing a little bit to them to the right what if he killed them okay the less I can look across I thought you just walk alone I think I'm gonna take out this jab he sees me now [ __ ] no that was a player haha that was the player you think that's how he was shooting at I'm a loot of all other bag who killed the level three I killed a pen level three dude four [ __ ] guys yeah honestly the right thing to do Oh on the rocks where the scaffold 20 a scav was pointing just keep going he's running left running left right out right to left right to left you'll see him like 50 meters close areas that's what this gap alright you got a little take his tag better I'll be bad [ __ ] Sunday kiss you he was all for good maybe there were teammates man they're new guys the reason for is is the first time playing this game and I always feel so bad when I kill people like that man I feel like they should have like a they should have a somewhat somewhat of a matchmaking system where you so I'd like you can play the noob service like a week yeah something yeah there should be some separation between people like us and people like them you know I don't know that's what I think personally missed that chance like kill that good guy playing it well yeah so you just have the choice to play on the new yeah like you get a choice on do you want to restrict yourself for a week to or not a week till level let's say it's a love I think is plenty you don't want to give people more than a week on a new servers leading ok maybe two maybe a we feel like we was field on game like us I was gonna say we should long really here's eight weeks too long I was thinking like most people don't play yeah anyway I think that would be cool so that new players don't get matched for people like us yeah god the server so laggy i'm here someone probably to the FPS is so way worse than last time you're right FPS matter is based on servers cuz it was not it was terrible it wasn't this bad and the server is definitely a lot worse last time so listen if if we get this low FPS just imagine everyone else okay same playing field if not worse they might be less let's go Roy yeah yeah go away Jesus it's [ __ ] bad holy it's terrible ah it's way worse man it's way worse you home I hope Rico is close more freaked out I think you're right we should get the [ __ ] out here can I see I don't think I can rock passage yeah I think I could see over this little no I don't know I don't say I'm guessing it's open yeah Jesus it hurts hit her so bad welcome to my everyday FPS level or FPS level dude well I'm gonna guess level gonna just stops at FPS i play with Ted pub G with 10 FPS it sucks you shouldn't even play at 10 FPS man that's literally pointless literally it's pointless to play at anything under 30 this is like at least you know this isn't like the 30 40s on this Maps is bad but like anything under 30 any game under 30 I just won't play sniper scan bro I can't name with the frames I can't name with the frames I can't name with the frames it's that you got Jesus no but seriously this guy said you place [ __ ] pubs you with 10 FPS wrapped around the right side there's two right we need to get off it's not open or is it okay at least it's gonna get a little bit better as we leave this area still this is way worse than last time we played so servers yeah [ __ ] of your servers shouldn't have four yeah so what if they just get better servers is your problem fixed or no it's not all that works yeah I don't know if you're playing with a game with 10 or 15 fps and it's not like a [ __ ] easy-peasy click random things game like I don't know I would hate myself if I had to play with that low FPS I don't think I've ever had that low FPS in my life that's probably why I'm saying this you guys are probably a little more used to it so it's not nearly as bad but I just couldn't get myself to do that I was you know I was a little spoiled when I was a kid so like if my computer was [ __ ] I'd be like dad new PC now he's like alright let's [ __ ] do it yeah a frill though if your shits that [ __ ] I would just I would think about I would take like a break from gaming like a [ __ ] one-month er okay I know it's a long time take a 1 month or from gaming we're work real hard whatever way you make money doesn't matter whatever whatever form I'm making money you got yourself a new PC get some some get some new parts whatever you got to do and get her going because you cannot torture yourself any longer on 10 15 fps you just can't don't you're not really playing the game if you have 10 FPS here's not so whatever way you make money you do that get yourself a new PC get back on the grind I know a lot of people that have shitty computers or at least I mean I knew I know a lot of people that have shitty computers and they always just like complained about getting you they always complain about the computers being [ __ ] but they never did anything about it I was kind of you know I was a little lucky in the sense that my parents liked they actually liked that I liked games you know they they were fine with it they were cool with it but a lot of people parents aren't cool with gaming and [ __ ] so like my friend's parents weren't cool with gaming so they didn't really like you know they didn't help them out to get new PCs or anything because they didn't know about that whole world yeah yeah you got it bad what the [ __ ] I know but that was hella close we're uh I'm extracting I can't fighting that ship it it's too like the worst when like they throw grenades you don't see them throw grenades oh that's so painful I never want to play that map again Jesus I'm I think I might just wait I think I just might might wait until shoreline actually feels good I can't I can't put there some days it feels good I can't play that map it's FPS there some days FPS isn't way too [ __ ] low I can't play it you know what are just surfers in general just to push a little more FPS we're going although actually should I do that now I'm not gonna change it we're gonna leave it on whatever the [ __ ] it is now just say [ __ ] it where's Jeremy you coming should I bring ya can you bring me ammo and [ __ ] since even buy the good [ __ ] yeah hi come on bro [ __ ] why is this [ __ ] so long and you have my tricep fort and home right maybe yeah ok we're good how much ammo did you know a bunch I probably should get your whole bunch huh good now I'll get you a whole bunch if you don't mind yeah no I [ __ ] up god dammit I closed all of them what am i doing why did I close all of them that's fine we'll just go get some more ammo I didn't mean to close all of them I meant to close all but the last one I just was bringing a big rigs have enough for enough room pretty good okay damn it dude alright what's everybody thinking here down for whatever I'm good say we want to go right holy [ __ ] that was annoying [ __ ] inventory [ __ ] Pub she's back I know I'm not playing pub gee come on bro I'm done with the pub she played for [ __ ] like five six hours today and I was not happy about it I don't want to play that game right now game is going downhill nothing but downhill on that game I'm gonna play it tomorrow that's fine I'll play it tomorrow to start a my stream and that's gonna be it you know only [ __ ] shitloads quit oh [ __ ] I hope you brought on their mag did you yeah okay why then I was just died reloading I didn't yeah I didn't give you another mag ya brought a 30 extra then you cool Mike can you elaborate why it's going downhill I mean it's not going downhill it's just not going anywhere normally a game like that's only supposed to go up like tarkov tarkov can't go down it only goes up meanwhile pub gee it's just nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing it's not going up it's not going down so to me nothing is going down okay to most people nothing is just the same but it's not to me whenever a company isn't [ __ ] coming out like actual good updates like fortnight like tarkov like [ __ ] whatever early battalion 1944 all these different early access games you know they're not going up they're going down in my eyes if in your guy's eyes are going straight just normal [ __ ] steady chillin there whatever I don't know with just how successful Hub G has been you'd think that their push they'd be pushing to make it even better but it almost feels like they're I mean to me it almost feels like they've already [ __ ] they don't care anymore seriously it almost feels like that way that they just kind of don't give a [ __ ] they need to come up with something to [ __ ] like 1.0 with [ __ ] that ain't [ __ ] take that and take care of employment search yeah just search it right there and as your helmet has reformed hasn't here damn we spawned here that's scary tell me if you need more animal than that I would imagine it's fine but Patrick tree here okay yeah what's the plan just straight to [ __ ] oh this map runs so good [ __ ] it out waiting for Jeremy so don't get lost a [ __ ] you good Jeremy [Music] yep did you not have your four dollars no I did my backup mag with some that being said I still like pub G I still think it's a great game and I love it it's just making it just makes me really upset that it just feels like it's going down it almost feels like everything Pub G is done has been about money which is great I get it companies want to earn money like I get it this great [ __ ] business play but just the things they've done just keeps pointing you into the wrong direction of they're just they just want more money the game is not even close to be a it's not even close to being a complete game and then they spread themselves thin by coming out with an Xbox Xbox launch that's also terrible so now they have to pretty much terrible games that they both have to consistently just constantly work on instead of just having one finish that one and then finally go hey pub G's a great game look how good it is look at how [ __ ] you know we've done so great here's a [ __ ] nice version of Xbox cuz our game is so good but it was like hey our game is [ __ ] whatever early acts is kind of terrible actually but here's a console version of it anyway it's not gonna weird your gun is too loud you know that it's just the right amount of noisy okay Oh hatchling is that actually yeah figured most absolute I scare the [ __ ] out of them by just like unloading a whole round and this F [ __ ] you hardest shot to the right no no got the other one I thought our poor hatchling a friend was about to get shotgun he was our friend where we supposed to protect the hatchling I don't know I thought it would have been cool dude who's like super confused why he's not dead so you guys want to stick around here you guys want to lurk and try to find some [ __ ] oh no it lacks bike as they start shooting those were really weird [ __ ] it I'm gonna go over to that direction coming Oh [ __ ] suka he goes up the trailer or you think it's up that spot might be at that song [Music] a lot of trees I'll do it I thought that dark little fluffy tree it was a [ __ ] person no no I have a green laser just have it on and [ __ ] Oh anyone by the water oh I'm hurt careful on your letters on your left Patrick on your left by the end up near the water he was like literally in it [Music] there's another one farther down the shore okay he broke my leg that quick you broke it yeah I'm not gonna kill the other one - you gonna say and they were fighting at that salon Oh unless this is the one you're talking about I don't think so who are you talking about 23 down the shore more BOTS in the rock no not on the rock just laying in the middle to show to see you walking yeah yeah me who shot at me I'm sorry I wonder who shot Jeremy yeah I think the guy I killed or is this the guy you killed oh yes you I'm sorry okay nice this is habit you tagged and pick up whoa that spawn area yeah there's a guy alive over there yeah near me right holy [ __ ] how's my counter Neji oh my where on the big rock oh my god I'm gonna back up a little one a night if I could stumbled I don't really I never saw him where he shot me did you see him I'm hurt yep he got me his head peeking it Oh on the rocks I saw yeah wait where were you I was pushing my tell me why you wouldn't tell me that you're pushing bro last I saw you were with me I blew you up hella good I always bring like 17 did brah I blew you I blew you up nice [ __ ] sick it was a sick name that was a [ __ ] sick they dude I had my [ __ ] dude holy [ __ ] bro whoo those a banger who killed this guy oh that was someone else that's [ __ ] funny dude this is like the whole server I feel like Jesus it was because get my rig to for me somehow carry my fort my trig my gun and my helmet and the ammo for my gun yeah [ __ ] your ammo okay okay so you want me to carry your rig too yeah that was my thought else being a person which one did you have Jeremy it wasn't enough I was like ee whatever dude why do you have a tricep in here may be right but tricep only tries it because I pick up somebody's try though you want me to get your mags too Plus what else do you need how do you marry him oh it's a my rig you need the ammo okay you know what we're today we're gonna do this [ __ ] discard that and then we're gonna take my f1 we're gonna drop this so there's no real way I can get both their forts I got Patrick's although I can hide Patrick's and then just get yours Jeremy or do you want me to hide both there's no matter what you'll probably get him if I hide him in a good spot yeah wait I can actually throw it in the water it'll go sink to the bottom I think so oh [ __ ] I'm gonna try it oh come on brother it's not a no-go I can't you can't let I can't get it in the water stop having weenie arms it just stops put it she gotta tell me you're a pushing man come on I always obviously I'm gonna sit back what's do I play Mike I can't put my can throwed in the water don't work maybe this water here where'd it go oh dude you can't it doesn't work it's not where it go it's there's a Walt like it actually acts as if there's a wall there I had to figure out where Jeremy died I'll just hide your house fort and though it I'll hide him in bushes this Jeremy yep rip the noggin Tony pepperonis all right I'll bring your helmet Jeremy would you like me to bring your tricep as well mm-hmm you do whatever man don't care up q9 damn it overlay really quick I highly doubt someone's gonna see this I'm really really quick just so I can hide my hide your guys fort it seems like a good spot all right okay okay great spot like great hiding spot way to be they're never gonna find it good job all right what what did you have in your try slip I can't even search it there me uh that's you know that's weird doesn't let me search your tries Oh discard let's try that search tries it whoa your triceps hella [ __ ] it doesn't even like naw doesn't even let me [ __ ] search it that's weird I am uncomfortable I'm gonna hide your gun okay Jeremy yep you're good all right side a gun somewhere you know hide his gun over here this seems like a [ __ ] stellar fantastic place to hide it perfect nice great height what though you guys didn't see that the hell was that guy doing that's crazy dude yeah I can't get your tricep it's kind of weird that it doesn't like I don't know I'd love to take it but I can't there's so many bodies dude it was a [ __ ] firefight out here who's this [ __ ] weird a Patrick guy again he died hey which one's Patrick is this Patrick yeah there is is there the action here he does well how does that work like why can't I actually search what's in you know what I mean they're gonna have my gun my way to my rig hold up what ah ah ah yeah yes that's exactly what I laughs oh alright let's get the [ __ ] out of here how does a [ __ ] sick nade dude it was not the enemy I can't believe you'd go there wild man I love looks I'm gonna rush in I love it I always people hey I've life I've been way too funny that idk to you with that name no mean did [Music] but by f1 chest it literally landed in front of my face I watched it I love oh you thought that guys [ __ ] sick that was a crazy grenade I know how he threw it there like that I'm taking your rig you're mad what no I need the rig has all the like my ammo for the gun ah ok all right so what I'm bringing for you gentlemen ok you find fine gentlemen here we're bringing in one for it's actually Jeremy's for it okay that's fine you're for your fort is hidden I'm bringing two helmets and I could bring boots Rises I don't rise I just need my attacker got my gun my helmet I need one yes I'm getting my [ __ ] back my forward my helmet my triceps I'm bringing my own gun so though how do I bring you a rig but bring myself a rig Patrick unless you want to swap around break up no cuz I have his rig but I had to drop my rig to get his rig but I can't plan Jaime bring his own fort for this run are you out of fort's I have one for left now you can just take well I'm just saying because instead of bring him there the fort will bring my ring and then no why don't you miss fort back why don't you just buy a shitty shitty rigged for me because no yeah and you give me and you give me the Blackrock I give you alpha yeah there we go good thinking like thanks that's like a whole lot out of me I'll make sure to get more needs for you oh yeah thanks thanks buddy so I have a try zip I tried the ends that are like another tricep but they're like gonna be fine I got you a gun buddy old pal you gonna bring me one of your sick looking weenie guns okay not bringing this mannequin any more [ __ ] weenie good or assess the big nest no I'm not bringing you one of my assistants I don't have enough Ambo I don't one time I can bring you a it's good it's good see it bring me something really cool you're in force hit and you'll get a picture yeah what'd ya bring Gamelin max - oh wait wait okay that's fine what am I supposed to bring you a moment no no no I just meant more so that I could give him a M'Lynn mags cuz I'm giving him a tries it on top of like I'm giving it like a whole [ __ ] package rise up with us for it with his helmet with you know if you want yeah just few guys spring on a mag okay a moochin keep spring of it yeah I'm bringing a gun and annalen egg all right moving this back like I said alright let's fight that's fine I'm ready they're ready to go okay we're gonna yeah yeah we have a lot of loot that we're messing around with why we should okay I'm ready with everything we're going yeah bro we have so much [ __ ] okay bring your helmet remember that Patrick yeah is so good fusing confusing row there was so many bodies there there's one two three four five six seven eight eight eight people died in that spot that we were at yeah like it was like two team saw each other then we came up and killed like another team that was lurking on it that guy made a pretty cool play the other guy he killed Jeremy from the rock he had peaks that's why I needed that rocks I saw him the night me I know why you needed it so I needed the rock and then it blew up and I thought I killed no but that was actually you but then what his actual play was after he killed Jeremy had peaking that he ran to the forest and he prone in like really really high grass and he was holding the rock so he was getting ready for you to peak it I didn't see the [ __ ] guy at first what gave him away is if he didn't have that scab backpack the red one he I mean he would have probably probably killed you honestly no I kept laying down so every time he would peek I would slay those who wouldn't have an angle and then if he walked over the rock I would have just massacred him yeah is there any pcs in this game or do you only meet people in PvP holy [ __ ] that was quick what the [ __ ] I didn't get to think about anything alright get ready boys shits going crazy I made your mags all good Jeremy okay so okay alright okay here's this for you Mike wait oh yeah yeah okay here take your Oh I [ __ ] up anyway take that patchwork that's your backpack take your gun and then I got a swap this rig I do it I do it I do it I [ __ ] do a throw I had a feeling we're gonna get rushed while doing all this more of a war I'm getting what I'm getting hit how am I getting hit what I need armor and [ __ ] I had a feeling bro we buy for your fortune your backpack you got to search it right yeah there's a help there's two helmets in there where's where's my dude okay hold up hold up hold up here's your don't take this I you know why it's the most confusing way because I [ __ ] messed up and I had one too many where I had one too little [ __ ] we go right there three is repeating so I had one two little [ __ ] backpack like a dummy I thought I had two backpacks only had one backpack so I [ __ ] up in fact we're shooting out right now he's [ __ ] is that you bro I have five things blacked out my stomach a header row we got streams nights so hard we got serious life so [ __ ] hard cuz they do we were yeah they knew we were gonna get so confused with our [ __ ] I okay I was planning on it but you can take this guy's tricep there's nothing gonna take us rise up to the other Bank like yeah I was planning on moving over here that was the [ __ ] problem that I had I thought I had two triceps I only had one I'm so stupid who should know [ __ ] I think there's still one more gig I run again yeah probably is I mean we could have not been a stream cycle honestly Mike cuz how fast we got into server but cuz like this guy this guy could have just heard us shooting at the beginning others wait that someone kept shooting our rock for some reason I don't know I I'm hurt I think I think we did personally house all 24 just because of how fast the game starts I started it started like that was the fastest I've ever seen the game start that means it got everyone ready you [ __ ] in five seconds I feel like alright let's go hey run run along right and then down so those rocks over there so the next spot I think someone might be at because we were getting shot it from such a distinct these rocks these rocks right there head glitching okay I don't know I call it a pain okay I just was thinking of it what what kind of glitch is this who's that guy over here oh god no I don't think so cuz there's a dead guy on the right here and someone [ __ ] put him down I'm gonna check him real quick don't mind me dog tag mine you're mad you're mad that's all I go for nonfiction that's like okay another that might be a scam I can't sell before Jeremy got [ __ ] it oh I don't think he had a fort Ottawa it was all happening no I didn't know I'm surprised you're alive Oh [ __ ] funny man of course we had to spot their out of all places you know what I mean craziest one yeah we're all the spawns are so close together on this rocket yeah you can't I don't like going on that run oh that was fun I might need to get Jeremy out here yeah where you have five things black yeah you guys I'm running along the water here hair catch whoa silence shots at me boys Oh oh [ __ ] I'm lighter I'm blacked out I don't know from behind us somewhere I'm gonna die here too we made a mistake we made a mistake we made a mistake yes Brett with a lot of T's bread I'm dead nevermind I wasn't safe he's up on the rock where was he well right in front of us around got hella stream sniped where was this dude her behind Patrick the rock we just came from the huge rock Wow he was there for me more he's just laying on the coast even farther left oh yeah yeah we're never on the beach ever again for that exact reason well you don't like my path to know your path was awful I thought it was great I almost made it didn't if I didn't stop I would have made it actually but I stopped uh you couldn't get up to the right go left oh really yeah oh I don't know that I'm gonna snipe this game my what I lost my only alpha it's just an alpha dude they look so cool that's crazy I'm dead you got me too [ __ ] I shoulda known who's down there Bret well that's a different guy there was two guys that's how I died I think I would have killed the red if I didn't get shot by the other guy oh [ __ ] it Bret dude I gotta do me like that me me that's okay I needed to free up some space bringing the shitty [ __ ] nades shop bring another gun you guys want to go factory oh yeah [ __ ] okay I got to change my [ __ ] but yeah where's the factory [ __ ] we're doing factory just cuz I want a little more speed we're gonna go pack up I'm gonna go pack at Kibler just cuz I want a little more speed I'm gonna go pack a kipper refer to a factory just for some more speed violence in say we're gonna go with I'm just gonna go with an m4 or something going in p5 we're gonna go with 30 round them for when I get a pack of really quick he sells he says pack all right what maybe not enough space in my stash oh wait hey yeah you're right you're correct you're correct on that one game here we go here's pack a room there we go there we go oh what's that mean what I'm good what the [ __ ] I don't know what just happened that's something that I have never seen before I'm here in Lobby I was very confused but we moved past it moved on we forgot it even happened actually I think sorry my [ __ ] meds and everything my it's just my inventories all over the place that's the problem here Jesus that was all out [ __ ] war yeah right at the start coming on the lobby and you accepting the invite me to me okay me also say you go buck yourself up I didn't mean that you [ __ ] yourself like I'm covered I mean I'm going I'm doing wrong mo my amaz all will remember that day when I could get ready in less than 14 minutes I'm confused I my whole inventory I don't know where [ __ ] went dude it's because maybe you should organize my [ __ ] my [ __ ] is all over the place I'm coming so I have my stuff neat neatly organized dude just it's beautiful yeah there's nothing neat about this no no just like me and there's nothing neat about my inventory oh my god I was like what the [ __ ] where is this it was good that I lost all that [ __ ] I needed to free up some space unless of course I get it all back dude those guys owned us I mean to be fair we weren't shooting at us from like we didn't get to shoot back so are you sure they were on the rock that we were on only spot I was just yes they were that's crazy so we were just there way was stalking us damn well the reason why I didn't want to go around like the long ass like go all the way to the rock and then go all the way around or even cut through the reason I took that specific spot it's just because I wanted Jeremy to get out and not get hit at least once so I thought this might be safe avoid everyone on the inside [ __ ] you know was the worst possible spot trying because if you get shot they're like what can you do your yeah sucked yeah UK might as well just stop and start waving okay barrels all right I honestly couldn't tell you just above blinking just above thinking actually words I'm going to worth barrels barrel right now yeah I'm near you Mike I think I hey give a light on above or below yeah yeah I didn't drink I didn't report so I want to see it to show myself to get holy [ __ ] we're loud louder yeah Oh Patrick's a wild man watching behind us superior shots are you sitting on the bridge I'm staying up here yeah stay are you looting something right now hear me mm-hmm there unless that's a bug now might be a bug it has to be could be behind us it sounds like there's a guy looting directly under us but I think that's a bug like in the blue container I got blue container guy this guy okay let's use huh I still hear it I'm gonna check this out really quick I'm watching blue is that you coming from all right here one below me blue I think wait where are you Patrick where are you betcha you can't see me or you you say you're not near us no no okay Jeremy where are you above blue my secret little corner you know I'm dying about Oh a school is right now below me there's a guy under me you're not moving right he's are is that you Patrick running at us look I run extract extract I just killed this guy over here yet that's why I heard its factory yeah me moment yeah you have the same say yeah yeah yeah oh god up my stairs I've done here this is why you guys no no no no down below me here are you on third floor low rusty stairs I'm bridge okay I'm coming up a space deck I'm right back I might come in third floor now who's breaker bridge okay yeah good come here he was below me right here and then you guys hear it no no gonna pick that kill him um bacon everyone a man's dead well I looks so weird I think I'm here no but I don't really know it was right down here oh that's is that what you call your little secret spot yeah Here I am I guess somebody I am i right like bridge and becoming a below here on this rafter on here right I don't know could have been you I heard [ __ ] no I wasn't always there one right here I don't know man I feel like I'm hearing go steps every second sane and trippin Ted factories scary with three people man yeah oh my god this one you yes he's ran through me we dangle well I swear this one behind where you came up here are you Mike the same [ __ ] thing so what's the four point of a factory on quick kill slash extra fee well now you get this this this safe right here's money a safe is [ __ ] sick gold chains monies and you get out a lot of people come in here like your hatchlings try to get like you shall offense they don't like showing off a bridge down yeah out of bridge I'm on the fridge now say you coming at me in stairs Oh gaveling here I gotta go this way we jump down yeah okay I know yeah I figured you knew okay can't forget about to get blasted I was baby the wall does this go through you think yeah can I try it hold on save there Patrick how it does oh [ __ ] that's not where I was aiming but that's weird the bullet hit my screen damn see good but that's cool I think I was charging us I think that's a scab though cuz I heard it's galaxy shot yeah so the the pole point yeah if you fact just run around just marry one factory the group is scary as [ __ ] yeah there's lots of Luton factory but it's the hard part is getting out honestly unless you're super geared we could try to get those that was too scary no I already got a pack on and I'll put away my m4 sure okay just had to meet to say that I'm gonna bring an 8k out change it up a little bit yeah my FK for a little bit Oh get Rick but what should I bring an account what what's the goody can do you what's what's the good a camo Patrick cuz I was using a cane but I don't know idea I don't use a kiss damn right maybe the purist I'm just gonna use Harris I'm just gonna use pee honestly I don't know what rounds I'm just gonna use PS rounds where and call it a [ __ ] day you know are we not going in like fully for didn't go for it no oh yeah I'm gonna use a different gun to you whatever hold on I just want to change it up you know that's all man I just want something different what's the 5-4 what's the BT much BT rounds tracer oh you know yes dude all right let's do it do your [ __ ] VSS that's what's up that's my [ __ ] and sure all its my [ __ ] are you talking about 30k insurance all I don't know 30k I think I invited you on the old press kit that was an extra that I mean that was actually a decent bit but these new press kits are [ __ ] dumb dude you just get 1 mil 300k 200k like what yeah before it was like press kick gave you like 300k I think I don't know wasn't that much I don't remember honestly I think it was a mill oh what's that maybe it was a mill but it was the only USD yeah yeah the 300,000 USD is pretty [ __ ] insane I just pinched myself all boob in this but you won't I've made like 104 is out of it practically and still have most of elective oh we're batching where do these games are loading up real [ __ ] quick Jesus where's he's insane I'm sorry for getting us killed friends but luckily there's so much loot there that they can't possibly take it all they have to leave something behind yeah but my guns gone my ELF is gone that's unacceptable they might not take it no we'll take the Alpha everyone takes an alpha really oh yeah it's the first thing I grabbed if I ever see an alpha it's the first thing I take oh we look for it any day and um alpha doesn't make you take you just put all your ammo into it and then take it and then pick up a 4-2 I might get off soon circus thing for the summit $10 saying nice stream from rainbow bub thank you good morning from Sweden morning friend I like well I like rocket an 8k with like a red dot or a holo I don't know why but and a sniper rifle yeah that's that's buy it yeah yeah silence night round yeah that's also there okay if I want to hit these nutty shots in my low FPS [ __ ] gameplay [ __ ] if I can hit a shot with this low FPS I [ __ ] I'll do oh when you end your stream don't immediately leave okay I need to afford an email to you that has what the sign will look like fully rendered are you saying that just cuz you want to show me before you do it before I do it you know if you have any input on how you would like it so how this looks like a full 3d design is what you're gonna show me I don't know if you'll be able to look at in full 3d but I mean I can and then let me give you pictures if you want a full 3d are you peeping these rocks yeah I've respected we could just lay right hitting wait let's shoot you're looking at a whole lot but I feel like it's good I don't know if he died but he got hit three times in the back you saw someone yeah right is he's gone around they're going in I just took shots anyway and I think three times in the back he might be sure we should peek over on this side he had no idea we got shot no this gun is really quiet it is I can't I could barely hear and I was like right actually you know you where he was see it's a I see so was it gear right there like I like he has a no that's a no no no I'm not taking that not even I mean the dog tag though yeah that's all I care about my PS isn't so bad right now yes that's what I'm saying like night it's the server start to run better and better as the load goes down god I just want to see somebody with the sniper [ __ ] like at a decent distance like a long the white wallet then they're you know that'd be [ __ ] sick seeing you I get a banger like that well grateful it for for this is hella zoom Patrick up shooting in his thing they don't see me I have no idea they might see me though I'm kind of afraid I see one backing off at a tree they see me now I'm dead okay there's one more I just see him I see him in the head I think he's dead they're all dead yeah two dead for me she died from you for sure yep there's guns the VSS nuts actually it has like no so quiet yeah we just wiped four guys so fast oh yeah oh oh this is the first guy that's got my song that first guy just Oh on the rocks all right careful rain at man I feel it for my elbow oh man I'm spreading it's bending nice I don't know I don't know I only see only saw one I don't know I couldn't tell you should we push just to make sure it's clear no he was all you know he was on the rocks he was a hundred percent on the rock it's on the rocks I'm kneading it like crazy [ __ ] it's definitely on the rock no I think I just killed them he had a kefir on uh I think that was a cover up what like my game just hello near me yeah [ __ ] I can't move your game froze yeah what in the back what what the [ __ ] was what it didn't freeze like I just saw my cursor extra weird that was that was some sketchy [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't know what that was okay by the way I have no idea I see it yeah I think you might be right we killed yeah here's the dead guy on the rocks I'm so I hit him in the face dude the VSS scope is super like yeah kipper it's really light like the color the black it's so thin it's hard to see too is this the whole server or what I think we ran into a group the six on the seat because that's too weird that they all looked cut they're all wearing similarly similar gear and those two were just like pushed farther past yeah and they like we're so ready right there okay let me make sure we killed for a year one two three four yeah we killed Wyatts did you see where I died yeah yeah can you grab my stuff with an extract because that should be everyone I don't hey I'm getting all the dog tags dude I'm just saying I've confirmed the kills out here yeah nice guys these four guys were like they had like nothing really they have like shitty a case and pakka's this guy they cam some scat so I'm guessing that four was their own group and the two we just I'm the one I died - yeah we're group damn I would have been they were set up for us to be like pushing that yeah that was crazy right I think nevermind no I think it's your six I lied I still think it's crew six we'll never know wait who the [ __ ] this guy oh is the first guy you killed that's not you you died somewhere over to the right here anywhere I don't know where the guy is that you killed he was the second rock on the right he was laying down below it next to a tree you know it's just want you to bring your transit I don't really know it's a yeah all right let's get out of here mate Mitchie Oh grab my glasses no no oh here's the guy you killed I'm gonna check him out really quick you're like a snake here son like that MPX there you go oh he's got a better rig than me I'm gonna take that [ __ ] real quick wait is it the better egg to for it it's not really that's not better at all so same thing only like smaller right all right where's our extract where did we spawn even oh okay should I check Rob faster do you think it's open do you probably open I'll check kill most of the savoury that was probably the craziest fight Oh yummy - I didn't know you pick up I don't know you cared about look at VSS what yeah better than Lake mo - well it's a billion times better than the a K Mike yeah I know I'll grab your VSS and the animal please cuz I don't have a lot of that animal I can but [Music] all right is the VSS good I liked it like no recoil but the scope on its really hard to eat is amazing yeah this scope looks insane what the [ __ ] it's really light how did you even get a kill with this [ __ ] thing cuz I'm nuts it's not too bad it's pretty good I guess like next time you get into a huge fight like that instead of going straight for the loot after what's over we should maybe just chill for a few minutes or not I don't know that's too much for me cuz like that happens a lot where you kill a team and then you think you're good and you're not even kills you like think if I didn't see that guy right like what would have happened to us we probably would've gotten obliterated maybe no because I didn't see him he's actually I mean he just whiffed someone to remove the eye cup from the scope it gets way better oh really oh yeah you have to do that for other guns and it's probably yes it's probably the scope yeah it does look better without it I remember I used to do that for these guns back when I don't have very good cuts it was all I could use that was that's fun well craziest fight I've ever been in by far none of those guys at four they're all like pack up giver pack got shitty helmet whatever that shittier one is the right helmet or whatever oh no I see no green smoke yeah no green smoke this game's gonna get a whole lot longer that's annoying normally you can extract here but someone's already done it so oh my god that's scared they'll [ __ ] poop out of me Jesus those shotguns are so loud every time gun sounds [ __ ] sweet I'm glad that [ __ ] AI has no reaction time I did not expect to run into another [ __ ] AI around the corner like that one oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] yes gun is not that bad actually I take it back it's actually it's alright I could use it I could [ __ ] with it Oh oh god that was crazy click the wrong button [ __ ] froze try to k ultra I gained 15 to 20 FPS over 1080 low and on 4k low try to K ultra what does that even mean I can't even make my I can't even make my resolution 2k [ __ ] scabs still have blueberries apparently I don't know did you run just go I'm finding a lot of scabs on this [ __ ] journey home because we found half the server instead of the server like killing all the scavs we killed the whole server and someone made it out so the whole server yes what's the joke oh boy run in run in and run in right in please play literally anything else what this game is literally so good how do you not like it I feel like you're joining at the wrong time got my animal and stuff right I mean yeah I'm using it a lot okay cuz like I've killed I think I've killed like I don't know 7/8 calves so far I've used a decent bit just kind of want to check if there's a key in check when I get to safety in a second here it just says SP PI I think okay yeah you know what I should have done I should have let you go down there by yourself since I had the DPL the snipers breath sniper I should have stayed up on the rock mm then I would have saw that guy and I would have had a freebie when he because you know he's looking at you and he knows that you don't see him so automatically he assumes like are this is a freebie he doesn't see me I'll stand still and tried to take a shot and when he does that he's out of the game that's what we should have done I ain't thinking about that probably would have been the last moon yeah like I would have put that guy down before he was got a shot off especially in like it was it was perfect especially because of the position we were in like normally were not in a situation where once so like we're so on high grounds you know I'm crazy but we're just not uh it's not wise enough it seems did you insure all this yeah okay sure why laundry you know how you know how this tunnel goes that's why that's check all these they're all in these bushes and [ __ ] on outside of the tunnel just ran place um oh no bully blasted mow no [ __ ] Poli but it's actually called moto pulley plus God now we're gonna just actually start saying it like this or say in front of people all right I got out Jesus noise those guys I [ __ ] snipe with my DVL the first four were so low level there are three and four like that was a bit of fresh group of four that we just like a fresh group of friends like we've got this guy's and we're getting shot by guns we can hear you made me drop my 8k man not cool bro not cool okay bring yourself a rig I'll bring you 50 shots plus the 20 and your gun plus the 2020 and the mags I honestly don't know how or I might have to put my sniper down cuz how am I gonna bring it how Oh bring me something maybe I bring do you have like what do you give like a shitty a K or some of them a K expressed I don't know that's what I was gonna bring out like you know I don't I don't keep a k suppressors are suppressed well [ __ ] anything is there anything you can spare yeah I can bring you in for yeah you don't want use them for them all he's never you're bringing a sixty or thirty with it daddy [ __ ] it I'll just use two thirty rounders hey need to anything you Emma nope very good and you're being yourself a second mag yeah I'll bring myself a sixty but your family and I'm just bringing your helmet chest or my armor yeah I repair that and then my gun and Emma yeah they assess and your ammo that's it okay your bag so obviously I'm in Lodi I'm coming [ __ ] which ammos which I don't know what's the difference between these two mod 0 there's a MIMO are they not whatever okay I'm doing oh hold on a sec I just realized your helmets not repaired that's good catch that support and the armor yeah your armor prepared your helmet I thought your help was violet the text is so small on the [ __ ] helmet yeah I must OH one-shot my head then come in wait yeah oh my chats madly to play this game I don't know they just want me to play [ __ ] because you update I think I'm just really update yeah I'm just reading the chat because they're all just explaining white are Cubs a bad stream game which it is I agree it's not the most fun to watch but it's a lot of fun to play it seems that people I I personally think it's fantastic to watch but you got to realize we're a little different when it comes to spectating streams because we don't just sit there and actively chat and actively watch what we do is we have it open we're doing something else we hear some crazy [ __ ] happening we're like what the [ __ ] going on we check it out okay it's over and now we're back to whatever we were doing that's what these people when they're watching they're just literally sitting there on their chair they're watching they're typing blah blah blah and like wow this is boring as [ __ ] and they type in a chat which is fine like sure but you think you would like that that it has that crazy moments and the boring words because then you can talk to the person I mean not if you're always trying to keep a [ __ ] eye out like if the streamer like me live always staring at my screen cuz I don't want to miss somebody right so I don't look at my I don't look at my chat too often when I'm in the [ __ ] game oh yeah to watch this you literally you have to do it that way like right now we're on a loading screen kind of boring whatever we're gonna get in it's still gonna be boring we're trading loot we're running around running around nothing's happening for the first five minutes and then once we're in like resort then you might want to tune in yeah that action was stupid that was a crew I was crazy I've never seen that happen before six kills that fast that's five minutes six kills from the both of us you got three I got three house lit that was crazy it's like what if I see a guy hey I see guy what does that link to the play yeah first time I've ever just been up on a rock and then senior before without them spotting me yeah every time I'm up on a rock like that I always feel like I'm exposed all right alright here's their BSS around your round your for helmet and your mo I'm gonna bring needs no how can I forget that how you do that alright let's go loot the key remember that is you've guided me last time I don't remember that's a weird spawn yeah I don't it's oh it's the same spot as last time but we're on the outside over here alright so it's this way no all right so here was last time because last time we spawned like anymore so we have make sure your full auto hey [ __ ] gets crazy forgot needs I'm pissed like I know the name master I know you're not checking for the key oh there's a key it's here I'll get it and I need to let you check for keys I'll go check the safe really quick you got like the god Terry look it's like the more people who like watch your stream like the more streamer like you have it has to be it yeah yeah gotta be like hard-coded into something well what gun wasn't that I forgot even look another circuit oh yeah sorry no you're [ __ ] less about the bookies away are you need to look at those blue barrels haha don't let you look at her know where they at though wait oh they're all yet the other house another house it's not there I saw them no no Pete come on Patrick you can't be staring at these my bad dude is look take on this mistake I wonder how sure we are that they actually spawned on the blue barrows that just sort of raped one random person said like what if they spawn in like what they spawn in like you hidden people Oh ten people said it that's a little different than mine yeah I want to snap somebody again with my dvl that's fun I'm gonna clear this this time - we're good there's lots of people up in these trees nothing a lot I see yeah that make sense just wondering if you check your twitch messages I did leave one recently so he could if it's not if not it's cool right thank you for your streams though really appreciate them thank you risky I honestly don't check my twitch beams because there's a whole [ __ ] mess of things in there it is a mess in my twitch chat box like I can't find anything so I feel like I got try to look for yours we'll see how recent it is [ __ ] gets crazy in there man damn bro this supposed to this thing doesn't feel too bad again what's the chance there's some players in here I don't do you guys think she's so fast yeah I do when you have a full auto it's crazy jeez I like takest you know it's hard to one tap it I always - but what without the I think oh you didn't know I did what the [ __ ] where was that from you tell and I couldn't let me take that I think yes even or you are I think in the trees somewhere I think it'll scab are you gonna know that's you I'm anxious Yammer I'm right behind you just scab blasting at us right now we're bus stop I think was me yeah it's hard good one I'm going into the building better okay I'm in that building I'm gonna check the key spot in this room you are in that building I'm unlocking this you're coming in right yep no key I feel like clean wide I didn't have a key for this one to 20 right oh you got one now - yeah you have the you got the deeper the oh my god you got the key for this are you here some movement all around me dude I'm at 220 I'm hearin aid holy [ __ ] bro they're right under us I think I'm pretty sure they through from under the hole up I care fault Wow really hoping that wasn't in this room all right oh my I'll repeat him no stick your gun out just stick your gun out and then come straight back in all right you push out the fryer for shell look left hey four stars left where did that name come from no probably hiding behind there somewhere then or they were upstairs yeah maybe that that was crazy it's like it was right next to us the name the second floor above us we'll find out real soon okay someone's been here Oh someone shuffled like when they lick it like will they move their mouse shuffle I think we're getting close careful I had a good feeling oh oh sure you can't go that way huh just stop and look over Plus 5% I turn off my laser dude [ __ ] that he's open something psycho one lower maybe someone stop David once I I guess use those him with all the [ __ ] news old wall mm-hmm check if he had some dates on him all night [ __ ] troll you want his dog tag sure I was crazy man how loud that [ __ ] was done oh yeah that's incredibly loud did we finish through nameless no I don't have a Titan be yet but yeah and video sent me it saying to me oh you close the door I see all right shall we get moving yeah let's do it Roach at lost their minds when that happened the grenades enough yeah it's kind of cuz it was loud for me but I think it was probably like three times was loud for my stream maybe I don't know I turned my head sit down dad what are you firing black down my leg no one on these stairs he's like no no he's dead yeah yeah we're cool fifteen oh yes he brought me a mask good man good man I killed Dracula level six Jackie four guys swung with an mp5 dude you tickle for it he's walk on V with an mp5 that's all he had my [ __ ] head shot up dude immediately wait we were a third or second we were second or second made it I don't know man they must the guy must have made it from right here Patrick yeah he could have made it over we couldn't seen him ever been earlier answer my here but this makes no sense why would you throw grenades you're not gonna get it into that room I don't know I mean you got close honestly let's go loot the three something there we go one see finding Opie SKS [ __ ] I want a second oh so many circuits I feel like my circuit find is great oh I got headshot dude I guess I mean it's lost half itself so I'd imagine I someone hit me in the head oh that was probably what the first hit was when the first guy swung on that corner I got hit immediately I wasn't bleeding but my screen just started shaking anyhow let's catch you then hold on hold on he'll move and they shoot you know that's Geoffrey someone's running around on our left outside too I hear oh yeah you might have he might have died it's gun so hard to shoot distance not laying down what the [ __ ] he died yeah I thought so I saw a little block across there was wonder my right as well he was sprinting like around I don't know he's running near me careful I swear I hear someone moving around your lasers on your gun in the back we couldn't figure out why for the longest time we just kept seemed like a laser on the ground dude this guy laser those who got that kill on that guy by the way or what so scab you think of the SAG I hate you that's my favorite thing to do with this [ __ ] game man it's so it's so exciting I feel so like I feel so rewarding when I go to the vendor after and I'm like here you go six tags sir or maker Bailey brutally murdered feels great man he's just paying for I swear this gaem is gonna break my [ __ ] eardrums with those nades and the glass breaking as I sprinted down that hallway Jesus breaking all around you hold on stop moving we're after move cuz I'm not gonna stop realize okay someone's slow walking really slow under me unless it's just a bug I think they're slow yeah they just stopped oh yeah I'm walking or they went to you I don't know but it was like hella slow if you want to try to rush down there try to find him Mike do you have talents they asked me that question let's go buddy now this is how this is how much I want to rush from like how much what if they say bro that's gonna suck these ladies are not cool at all but feel like it's gonna get us killed one day in order to be holding an angle they're gonna know I'm pretty sure it was bottom it's my guess let's see she Sprint's around until we find his house let's do it probably gonna be a yeah probably I'm gonna keep going ahead I had a fight with like a group and then literally right after that it was like four or five a I walked up the stairs and tried to fight me it's like whoa where are you Patrick I'm second floor at the end of it rich you jumping right yeah he's jumped and walked on metal dude I feel like I'm hearing two facets of global upsets of footsteps there oh yeah yeah dude outside dude I heard two sets of steps on the top of each other and I was like what the [ __ ] is this how can a I do this was the guy that was shooting me across the yeah across the bridge collected tags of our enemies sell them to the blood vendor she's evil oh you see they're adding a new trader I don't know really I don't know what they're what it's gonna be but they gave like a little bio of oh [ __ ] you get it I'm not shooting their bushes it's gonna shoot so fast yeah is it open did we check one okay one booked it behind that wall or hey no Fran got headshot I'm leaving they always run to the same spot ha ha every time when they run up like that they always go right to the wall and if you go right on that extract you can see him you could see his head you can see like the side of his head every time I do that they're always there that's their go-to spot oh you're trying a 29 huh yeah Alec 25k expanse left to do Jess just flies out tomorrow four packs so she went already in bed but I want to catch her before she goes to sleep because then she leaves and then yeah gonna miss her yeah that's it I would be a little distracted because Justin's moving in Friday so the day after yeah and then I'm gonna be coming to visit like the next week uh-huh just true I might end up having to leave early then I have planned oh did you already book or no our new book yeah it'll be like 125 bucks to change it but I might have to why Reese okay yeah reasons that I will not share with public Oh put your email in teamspeak then I can send it to you okay all right I'm jumping off chat it was fun I'll be back on tomorrow after my very there was a Bitcoin on the card box don't [ __ ] say that don't don't you dare say that I guess you there's no Bitcoin you're liar you [ __ ] trolled me oh wait oh I hope that's not what a Bitcoin looks like oh I really hope that's not what a Bitcoin looks like hey Patrick can you look at this yeah [ __ ] look on Steam on Steam okay look like two seconds in when I look right and on that cardboard box is that what a Bitcoin looks like I think I just passed a Bitcoin both of us I think we both just passed a Bitcoin it's really hard to tell but everyone's saying that was a Bitcoin that would have been my first big boy it's okay no like not like we need it but that would have been my first Bitcoin yeah yeah give me your email which one to send it to yeah anyway chat I'm jumping off thank you guys for
Channel: Insane Highlights
Views: 316,167
Rating: 3.6987343 out of 5
Keywords: Shroud Plays ESCAPE FROM TARKOV - FULL STREAM GAMEPLAY, Shroud Plays ESCAPE FROM TARKOV, FULL STREAM GAMEPLAY, shroudy plays tarkov, shroud plays shooter game, shroud reacts, shroud plays, escape from tarkov guide, escape from tarkov gameplay, how to play, realistic game, shroud new stream, streaming, twitch tv, twitch chat, full stream
Id: Pqdth8t-2bI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 207min 7sec (12427 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2018
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