ULTRA REMOTE Trout Catch & Cook!!! ALPINE Mountain Fishing Adventure...

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hello yo how's it going [Music] that's a fish on baby [Music] [Music] well welcome to another episode guys we're gonna head to a beautiful lake now up way up in the mountains and we're gonna fish for some super alpine trout the coffee sounds so good right now no dreams about bears no dreams about any of that get me out of here oh yeah come take a look at this so that's what we're talking about right there yeah look at this that's my crib for the night and then there's just little there's berries growing all the way the place that you can eat the sun feels just magical so we're gonna start the day out with making some coffee and i kind of i'm hungry too i want some oatmeal i figured maybe we can just fish here real quick still before taking off on the uh yeah kind of hard sketchy hike to the next lake but it's it's going to be beautiful guys we're going to one of the highest elevation lakes um in the state but that has fish in it one of the highest elevation lakes with fish in it and i can't wait to get there and look at this freaking wonderland i'm in little fuel tablets [Music] [Applause] when you're in the mountains and you have a water filter the most important element of life is taken care of right there and that's having fresh clean drinking water without food you can survive a long time without water only a few days while we wait for that water to boil we're going to collect some some wild berries here they're essentially wild blueberries and they grow all over the place at high elevations let's use an old cleaned out medicine thing to transport my instant coffee in the mountains oh man look at this oh perfect yeah it feels good oh there's fish jumping guys fish jump and i'm just tying up our uh bullet lure here there she is a good old 25 acp bullet lure if you guys wonder why i come up here and put myself through cold nights and sleeping on little mattresses and wet tents it's because of this oh they're all that's a fish oh oh we lost them well that's exactly why we do this nothing replaces being up in the mountains catching your own food out of the lake and picking your your your fruits off of the bushes it's magical man hey there mr spider what the heck are you doing here this little guy let's get him out of the tent so he doesn't get squished in here there you go buddy we'll give you a tree with a bit of a view okay i'm definitely seeing the trout surface like right in front of us there oh yes right there hey mr duck how was your night mine was cold oh my goodness a giant trout oh there's a giant trout right there i can see him in the water he's swimming right towards the duck oh come on baby oh we missed him come on come on come on come on come on ooh he's a big one he's a really really big one about the size of that one that we caught yesterday if not bigger oh man he wasn't interested dang how about we try right in front of the tent we haven't even honestly we haven't fished the spot at all yet looks pretty fishy hmm this side isn't as good as i thought it would be maybe we'll just cast out a carolina rig real quick and let me make some breakfast i'm really hungry and then we're going to go to this new high altitude lake that i've never fished before i'm really excited about it a little nervous about hiking up there but i think it'll be okay and it'll be totally worth it and i'm super excited to take you with me all right so this is called the carolina rig really simple you've just got a sliding lead weight on your main line then you've got just a little bead right there then down to a swivel down to i've got four pound fluoro as my leader and the leader is probably about three feet long then i've just got a little like a panfish hook down here that we're going to use i love these guys for uh trout fishing the hookup ratio is really really good with these hooks for bait all we're going to use is some powerbait these are just the original trout nuggets but we're not going to leave it there we're going to make this pretty special we're going to juice it up got our worm jar here oh look at this willing little volunteer right here we're going to just let him play and then just slide those trout nuggets right back on to that worm and there we go that's the trout pill right there so you got your powerbait on the top then you've got the worm wiggling around on the bottom and the trout they just can't resist it where are we gonna cast this baby i think we're gonna cast it i'm thinking we go right out there that's why i saw a big one swim by earlier i was absolutely the worst cast i could have made right into the rocks there we go that's where i wanted that perfect so there's rocks essentially all the way around that so now right in the center we've got that trout pill floating and so any trout that are hunting around those rocks they're going to see that in the middle they'll smell it now we're just going to go ahead and set this pole right here we're going to want to tighten that line just a little bit there we go then we're just going to attach a little bell right there that way when it trout bites we'll hear it for breakfast we're gonna have a little quaker oats banana walnuts oatmeal smells good water's almost ready [Music] wow like a horse fly that bit me on the top of my head nice handful of huckleberries that we're just gonna oh man we're just gonna throw those right in there now it's a mountain breakfast guys so we're just gonna reheat my coffee real quick oh wait no we got a fish we got a fish there we go bell fell in the water that's okay that's all right oh there he is oh he looks like a good one oh oh he's a good one gotta tighten the drag just a little oh i thought he popped off but he ran at us oh there he is there he is look at that come on baby don't get wrapped up in all that grass oh that's a good trout oh that's a really good one man let's go oh that's a really good trout man oh my goodness uh okay let's see here i don't have the net ready oh i do i do okay i didn't think it was right there hell yeah oh man come on come here baby come here baby come here come here oh oh we got him look at that fish all right so we're just going to bonk this fish real quick just to get him out of his misery first thing oh come on here buddy come here right he's out um that way he's not suffering anymore i know that seems brutal or something but since we're going to eat that fish anyways i want to make sure that that his suffering's done that's a really beautiful rainbow this one here is a lot more dots on it than the one that we caught last night has the adipose fin back there and has a full um fin up top so this is probably a wild reproducing fish this is not a stock trout check out who joined us here it's mr frog hey mr frog what's going on bud how are you doing this morning he's just chilling he's been here like for a couple days up there he goes keep in mind that in most alpine lakes uh those are actually the native animals to these places it's not the fish fish were actually brought here by mankind in the late 1800s and early 1900s on the west coast but um but like what's native here is is frogs and crawdads little lizards the insects so adding the trout is kind of controversial actually uh but there's still frogs in these places it's just there's not as many as there would be without the fish so we're helping with the problem so to clean a trout just start right down there slice your way all the way up to the head oh and he has a full belly let's take a quick look at what's in his belly i don't know if you guys saw the last episode but we were fishing with uh live dragonfly larva but that's the the remains of a dragonfly larva right there so they definitely do feed on those and then we just got a bunch of little ants look at that what the heck is that some intestinal worm they're usually in the stomachs there's no harm in these things just make sure you cook your meat so they're just gorging on bugs up here they're just gonna cut out his kidneys one slice and then just use your finger to push it out that's a nice clean trout it's still quite a hike to that next lake it's gonna be tough man i don't know what time we'll get there it might be late hope that we still have time to fish it but luckily we have one fish in the bag already no absolute way does anyone know if that is a cauliflower mushroom i'm like 98 percent sure ah it's so shriveled up and dry i can't tell oh my goodness oh god it smells so good i think it is it smells so earthy and nutty cauliflower mushrooms are like literally one of the best mushrooms in the world man we're up in the mountains we can't even we can't risk to get sick up here and an upset stomach we're just gonna let this guy be here this is one of the toughest decisions i've had to make but it is what's right oh that kills me that kills me more than like losing a fish or something if you guys think it's a cauliflower mushroom it's gonna kill me but that's okay damn this is what i'm talking about guys the higher you go the more beautiful it gets oh man so i've been out for a couple days now my little satellite messenger and sos beacon uh still has like half power i've been kind of testing that thing just remember if you guys are out in the back country like this always make sure to have some kind of um you know like an emergency plan out this year is just a last resort i've got a lot of other plans to get out of here that of course have your 10 essentials all your other gear that you guys need you know your food and water let people at home know where you're gonna be but man for me this is just like there's nothing in the world that makes me happier than being out here just just being completely one with nature oh and way off in the distance there you can see a giant rock up in the sky that's where we're heading oh jeez look at that oh my oh my goodness look at that rock there's a lake at the base of that rock with glass clear water clearer than you've ever seen before and with some nice trout in it so we've still as you can see got quite a ways to go so let's get there it's going to be hard and the toughest part is still ahead of us man look at this leg that's beautiful i don't think this one was fishing it there's a duck all right we're on the pacific crest trail now this trail reaches all the way from mexico up to canada how long does it take people is it like six months to do the pacific crest trail it's one of my one of my dreams is to do the pct one day oh look at this i got goose i've got goose bumps guys guys i can't believe i'm doing this like this is my job all right guys you need to meet moon dog and casper these guys remember i was just telling you about the pct how it goes all the way from mexico up to canada well guess what they're doing right now you just started in portland you said uh-huh cascade logs cascade lock so they are doing the washington portion of the pct so last year did everything except for this section of southern washington so i got like 20 miles left and we all wrapped up and then he's literally hiked the entire pct from mexico to canada so we've got goals we've got goals it was like a nice little break too i'm like yes it's a person go ahead and follow these guys uh on insta and give them some love and follow like more crazy adventures you can see how this adventure ends for them if it ends thank all of you guys for just the love the support and um just just all your good energy honestly like i mean it when i say that i have the best subscribers in the world just all of you are just amazing people um every single one of you i just i love reading all your guys's kind comments and um right here man just means the world to me so thanks this is the hard part there we go so this part here is a little sketchy you'll see in a second why um a couple of risks that we have here at this spot one is if i slip and fall it's like a couple thousand feet down a rock could come falling down and that could whack you in the head so we just want to make sure that we're safe we want to make sure now our satellite sos beacon is working all right let's do this [Music] uh [Music] oh man beautiful oh [Applause] so almost there it's the last last push man last push oh yeah i'm speechless i don't know if it's sweater tears in my eyes but man it burns oh we finally made it we made it oh damn what do you think is this a campsite or or is this a campsite not a single soul out here we are literally so remote right now that the only thing out here is just animals i can hear uh i can hear marmot's way up there in the hills if it weren't so late i'd go up there and climb up there to try and find a marmot man this is beautiful i've seen some fish jump already it's just the most beautiful water ever wow all right let's go ahead and set up camp all right so camp is officially set up we got the tent all set to go ready to sleep it's gonna be a cold night uh got our solar going right there i've got just a little bit of sunlight left so hopefully we can charge some batteries before it gets dark yeah we got us a little got a little little hangout right here look at this there's see there's room for one more right here i'll let you sit right there with me so the marmots are uh howling around over there those chirps that you keep hearing like ear ear there was oh man so maybe tomorrow uh we'll go and see if we can find more of those marmots they're super just like the coziest little critters ever you don't want to touch them obviously because they could probably bite but they're like not very afraid of humans just because like this is so far out in the mountains that they rarely come in contact with humans so they don't really know what a human is yeah it's all right buddy don't worry i think he's telling us to start fishing is what that guy's saying he's like bro like the sun's gonna go down like you gotta start fishing now so this is my little backpacking uh rod case i've got two rods actually with me i've got the spinning rod right here the spinning reel and then i've got a whole fly set up in there as well it's a little windy right now so i'm not going to try with the fly and as always i'll just have all the gear links of everything i'm using the backpacking gear fishing gear uh in the video description below that way if you guys are looking for anything you can pick some of that up i use like stuff that just works for me and that's inexpensive i just don't like spending a whole lot of money on gear um [Music] all right setup's complete the main line is 20 pound braid and i've got a little snap swivel then down to four pound fluoro as the leader mr bullet lure now we just gotta catch a fish come on with me oh all right i think what we'll just do is uh start fishing right here there's a nice little cove in front of us so one thing you just want to make sure on the shorelines here is don't step on like the fragile moss and plants if possible always at alpine lakes like this step on the rock that way you're not hurting anything um there's just a very fragile ecosystem up here oh there's a fish right there there we go first cast with the bullet lure man let's go oh we had to follow we had to follow a trout came right after it came right up to i mean literally right up to the uh the edge here oh there he is again little tiny guy tell you what we're just going to work our way around this way a little bit oh he's right there literally oh i got the goosebumps damn it literally came over and had its mouth right there behind the lure oh man oh oh that got me excited beautiful blue color to that trout too that was on a quicker retrieve too that i was retrieving really fast there just as an experiment so let's try that again let's go super quick here these fish up here they do like chasing something this here this looks like a good good area all right so what i just did is i switched the rod over to a carolina rig just because like the trout i'm getting so many follows but they're not committing it's like i don't know if it's just that the water is so crystal clear that they can see exactly what's going on with the spinner uh maybe they're just a little little bite shy today i'll have plenty of time to try that out tomorrow but tonight i just wanted to secure one more fish for dinner man that smell of power bait is just it's so chemically good i don't know why but that's it right there that's the trout pill guys the trap pill i'm feeling really confident that this will work out so i'm just going to cast that baby out as far as i can that's not like crazy far but you know what far enough about 50 feet out that way and then we're just going to set our pole right here and then we're just tightening the line until we remove most of the slack it's pretty windy so we're not going to get it super tight otherwise we're just gonna drag that weight all the way to us and then when a fish bites we'll get that bell ringing and we'll be jumping on it that's really bizarre i had reception here all of a sudden got some text messages ooh brian invited me to go grouse hunting do you guys want to see hunting videos at all i don't know like i mean i i've hunted a couple times in my life i'm not like a big hunter or anything i'm mainly a fisherman but if you guys want to see hunting maybe we'll like mix it in a little bit [Music] oh we've got a fish on there for sure well i just saw that pole bender right over oh there we go that's a fish a fish on baby i think he's wrapped around something oh no oh crap what is he wrapped around we'll see maybe he can swim out of it we'll give him a little bit of line that doesn't feel good man oh crap here we go again damn it oh my goodness oh i don't have any goggles with me so it's gonna be hard to see what the heck is going on down here oh [Music] first looks like a giant tree down there i don't know if i can get him out of that i might have to just pull and hope for the best i can feel him down there ah dang we busted loose damn ah that's freaking cold man that's a shame i had no idea there was a big tree right in front of us that we cast into i was really deep i was hoping to dive down but i just i oh that was deep so we'll be able to just tie up a new leader throw it on there and we should be good to go man i'm feeling like a stinging sensation all over my skin but it's gonna get really cold so i gotta dry off now i can't put on my clothes yet until i dry off and uh once i'm dry then i have to layer up and immediately warm up eat some food here soon too just to just so i don't get too cold get some body heat going so i dry off quicker and i'm warm again well kind of my head's still a little wet it's the nice thing about having the short hair is it dries fast i'm not bummed about losing that fish i'm just bummed about breaking off gear and like having a fish swim around with that gear in its mouth that's that's what bothers me the most ah got a new trout pill on there there you go oh do we already have one no i think that was the win no no i'm pretty sure we have one here guys oh we've totally got one already oh that's a is that a fish do we still have them that's a fish on baby we got one oh oh fighter fighter that's a fish yes oh he's beautiful oh my goodness the colors that he's got oh my goodness oh man oh look at him oh he's beautiful oh this is an absolutely gorgeous rainbow trout man dude i knew that we would still get one here i couldn't even get the bell on and already we had a trout look at this beautiful fish the colors on this one are absolutely gorgeous that's one thing i love about these alpine lakes is every lake you go to the trout will look different even though it's a rainbow trout it still looks different in every lake just because their diet is different the temperature of the lakes is different i just want to put him out of his misery there we go he's out he's no longer suffering thank you buddy then this guy right here that's his stomach so oh look at that we got our got the powerbait inside there powerbait worm what else we got oh no freaking way there's a fly in there like a fishing fly here look at this look at that unbelievable let's go and cut right behind the head and just get rip the whole head off look at that all the guts come out with the head there you go that's one clean fish there we go so i thought we could add some variety to our cooking there's some whole grain rice so it's the good stuff there we go now you know what we're gonna do the whole bag i'm hungry we're doing all of it this is gonna be tasty there's a little bit of pink inside there i'm gonna throw in some butter and then just some olive oil caramelize a little bit of onion something about the flavor of fish and onion coming together it's pretty darn good all right we're gonna go ahead and start throwing these big guys on there oh yeah man that's gonna be tough to fit uh all four fillets in there so let's worry about these big guys first a lot of people ask me all the time why i leave the skin on and and if i descale trout before cooking i love leaving the skin on it leaves so much extra flavor uh and then the the scales just add so much crunch it's like like a panko crust or something oh oh yes come on baby that is smelling so good oh yes yes yes yes oh perfect all right it's definitely time for the main ingredient in this meal the danish sea salt so we're just gonna we're gonna be nice and generous here today sweated a lot today so i'm gonna want some salt and that's cooked all the way so we're just gonna [Music] kind of break it up a little get all the onion out of the way i'm throwing just a little more olive oil a couple more players going in here that's about as fresh as it gets caught less than an hour ago this meat here has almost like a blue tint to it which is really weird trout shouldn't like turn blue it's probably just the the beautiful blue sky kind of reflecting on it or something actually there's a little bit of oh there's clouds here so it's kind of got a blue tint i guess that's weird and this trout is so fresh it wants to curl it thinks it's already inside a burrito that's how happy that trout is he's like making the burrito shape and take just a little taste of that uh that big trout here's some skin oh oh yeah oh all that trout is just golden cooked i'm getting like raindrops on my head they made a song about that a long time ago we're gonna get a little wild here we're just gonna throw some some taco blend cheese in there it has like taco seasonings in the cheese because we're with the rice we're gonna make a big old trout burrito let's see how that rice is looking oh it's looking really good check this out got an avocado here too i go watch out this knife is still so sharp that thing will go through my finger just like it went through the avocado right there oh yeah oh look at that the cheese did its magic thing oh my goodness look at that nice crust that we have going on down there now we're just gonna do the steamer tortilla on top of there we're just going to finish it off with just a little dab of uh oh geez tiny little bit of chipotle kicker sauce we're just gonna try this little guy here it won't close all the way another crazy adventure what the heck am i doing like just going out in the mountains doing this kind of stuff i don't know can you guys still see the mountain up there it's it's dark it's a delicious burrito that onion gives it that earthy flavor the cheese obviously gives it a bunch of just creamy salty goodness the avocado gives it the creaminess the rice just gives it a little bit of sustenance the fish itself so much flavor damn i got like at least two more of these i'm so hungry man i'm all starving i'm gonna go ahead and eat the rest of the burritos inside the tent because it's raining out there now if you guys are brand new to the channel feel free to subscribe drop a comment below i'd love to read them smash that like button and we'll see all you guys in a few days for the next fishing adventure till then you all know it fish on baby
Channel: NW Fishing Secrets
Views: 182,998
Rating: 4.9358897 out of 5
Keywords: trout fishing, fishing, trout, trout catch & cook, mountain fishing, extreme fishing, fishing adventure, backpacking, solo backpacking, catch clean cook trout, trout catch clean cook, nwfs, nw fishing secrets, washington fishing, remote fishing, fishing remote wilderness, mountain trout fishing, remote trout, rainbow trout catch & cook, rainbow trout fishing, rainbow trout, alpine fishing, alpine mountain fishing, alpine trout, alpine trout fishing, catch and cook
Id: bA_irVEDxUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 54sec (2274 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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