Traffic got so Bad it BROKE Cities Skylines

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hello everyone i'm kibbits and welcome back to city skylines where last time to try and keep up with our oil production we built a bunch of train stations in this really hyper efficient array to try and export oil quick enough to keep up with our absolute the insane production rates that way we could get our money off the road and into our pockets so we could actually start making like 300 000 a week instead of not that oh yeah and last time we also got some water as well and in doing so we accidentally flooded our city with poop that's not super relevant when we have all this money sitting on the table but thanks to you guys comments in the last video i have an excellent plan on how to fix everything and if you're excited for that remember to leave a like but first it's me real me except still on a screen a screen that's emitting blue light which can cause you to lose focus and eye strain but luckily i'm back to tell you more about gmg performance's blue light protection glasses i just talked about them the other day and now i'm here to do it again because a lot of you guys have been telling me hey i ordered a pair and they've been great and now they've been great for me too i've been wearing these oranos model ones for over a year now and dude you can't go back like gmg performances classes literally block lasers they look great and they just came up with their new generation of glasses too but there's an even greater danger afoot one of my family members sent me a pic of their cat milo with christmas stuff on yes the holidays are upon us but luckily gmg performance is doing a 40 off sale so you can order a pair maybe two because i'm sure especially nowadays a lot of people would really appreciate some blue light protection glasses anyway click on the first link in the description to get that 40 off deal do it quick so you can get them shipped to your place before christmas and thank you gmg performance for sponsoring this video but anyway back to the video games i lied here's one more picture of milo i love him so much okay but now actually back to the games okay so what's the big grand plan to save our city well you guys in the comments were like gibbs why are you only using trains why not use other methods of transportation like cargo ports or heck even cargo planes and well i've avoided those things because let's face it they don't go true the boats go planes go whoosh neither of which go chew but due to the near apocalyptic situation we still find ourselves in i suppose i should try these other methods and luckily for us past kim's already was thinking ahead because long ago i kind of left this weird industrial park area over here and we're gonna first turn this into a cargo porch it's gonna be perfect we have a highway that leads directly from our main highway system we got roundabouts already built and this tunnel here goes underneath everything to over here which eventually leads out of our city so it is the perfect location just a few uh things in the way but you know we've gotten pretty lucky with weather in the past and perhaps we'll get lucky again maybe this stuff will all just disappear somehow in some catastrophic way any time now oh like your classic giant hailstorm that would do it oh but wait then we'd have to redo the key and that would be super super annoying never mind is what i want to throw in are these giant cargo hubs these things are sick they got like a train track on them and they can connect to the ocean so it's like the double whammy but i'd like to have two please so what we're gonna do is we're gonna get rid of that then we're gonna bring the water in so we're gonna skirt it this way we're gonna build a key around this square so that we can put those cargo hubs on either side right wrong can't connect to route oh the jello we need the jello to come in and also you who are you terry graham he's a god well praise be mr unemployed terry graham sorry about your job but please do not smite my economy anyway with the jello in we can get these placed there we go we got the two of them doesn't that look cool oh yeah really fits in there it's almost as if it was always the plan but still this whole area has to be kind of like messed with a bit so give me a second and now let's continue yeah just thinking ahead here we have these roads and we're gonna have the trucks coming from a highway so we'll have some kind of system up here then the trucks will go this way this way then somewhere over here probably what we're gonna have to do is we're gonna have to have a road that goes this way here we go and then we have this highway connection that goes underground here so we'll probably have to go underground here as well now generally speaking i don't like going underground because i'd like to see the anarchy i'm causing however in this situation it must be done and as for all these roundabouts and things how how are we gonna go about this this is a main road i would prefer not to mess around with because local traffic is kind of doing its thing this can go no point any of this and only be impossible to get a roundabout in here and you know it's not even necessary all we have to do is we have to have one of these highways go over to here essentially then connect up to that and then another go over here except you know fit in properly and not clipping a lot jazz and we'll pretty it up we'll prettied up but the main thing is over here when the vehicles go through go this way and probably connect up to this and then they have a one way into this roundabout which gets them into the highway and that's kind of it that's like the whole bread and butter just making things work and look nice that's usually the problem because i had to move some stuff around some things were happening and he is getting weird so now it looks like this i'll probably change it but you see the roads aren't really the big deal with this project it's the trains even worse it needs to be an industrial train track so what i've done is i do have train tracks going throughout the town but all the train tracks around here these are all for just inner city travel in public transit that's all they're not for like industry so how do we get the industrial trains down there let's follow the line i've been working with the industry train for a while like we have a bunch of these other train stations for like the farming areas and stuff like that that are currently drowning then this goes all the way down here and then it stops wait past kim's plan this whole conundrum this is gonna go straight this way somehow and then to there that's the connection i left it for myself oh past kim's you were very clever aside from one critical thing how are we getting a train track through this that's a bit of a tricky one that road has to go number one let's see what we can do here uh we can make a little bit of a terrace and i'm thinking we can do something where the train track goes onto the terrace then underground then out through the hillside maybe at least that's the one option i have in mind or else everything's gonna be a disaster oh gosh don't do it kim's don't do it oh no it's you know it's technically the right idea it's just looking oh dear it's not looking good a part of me a sick twisted part of me just wants to leave this for the fun but there's no way okay i spent a little bit more time than i should have trying to make that tunnel thing work yeah it didn't work so the terrace is the answer in fact it even looks better so the train track just comes on up goes on over there we go we got this illuminati triangle here to divert traffic to where it needs to be too and i think this should work dare i say it's time for a test i knew it i knew it i knew it it would be time for a test if i actually remembered the water and the power for once but guess what i did it's better rip so good news bad news good news is i think this should work pretty well bad news is these are the only two cargo ports in our whole world thus all the trucks and stuff are gonna be like huh a cargo port new way to get rid of stuff and this place is going to become omega hyper popular over here and that's why i built two so maybe this will work nope blatantly lied everything got even worse oh boy so they're even using both of the ports but still the traffic the traffic never ends it's gotten exceptionally bad really really really really really really bad it's a popular port it's a very popular port the only solution to this is going to be to build more of them we can't just have the two here we're gonna have to have i don't know maybe two there definitely another two over here possibly even more and yeah we're just gonna have to add them everywhere it's kind of like the train stations if there's only one train station yeah it just gets completely overloaded also why is there so much traffic here we have so many options how does this keep happening no i just tried to help and it just keeps getting worse they're combined together into the great oil centipede i have never seen it get this bad oh no they're starting to fly there's just trucks fazing through each other i've never seen this before i've played this game for like a thousand hours and i've never seen traffic get this this bad and i still can't believe even with the cargo hubs our train stations are still maxed out well then you know what we're going for the hail mary we must go whoosh we must set up the cargo airport hubs we have to fly the oil out of the city and you know what we know we know we're gonna have to build two they cost 250 thousand dollars four thousand a week oh these better make me a lot of money so one thing is we're gonna have one of these cargo airports specifically for oil stuff because like look at how crazy this is okay look how crazy it is i've shown you how crazy it is the vehicles are phasing together what do you want me to do they have to get their own airport uh i'll probably have to make some kind of like through lane or something to make this more efficient but yeah we'll have one airport and then all the rest of the city is gonna want to go to an airport too so this other one will be part of kind of its own different system we have a highway here so we'll have a highway entrance that goes in this way then all the vehicles will leave this way and then back to the highway do we have like a junction that would work here trumpet the sounds of victory yes yeah it's looking like a plan oh but hey check this out the cargo airports have a train station so before any road work was done we got the trains going along so it's kind of complicated a little bit complicated but i just tried to make a train interchange where the trains wouldn't have to cross paths as they usually try to so all the trains can get into here kind of go to where they want to go and then they can scoot out on the same line and head out of dodge uh it's complicated but it works and i got everything built on top of this other interchange just to make things look even busier and i think i accomplished my goal but of course still needed roads and it's looking you know what i was gonna say crazier but it looks incredibly organized i just did it kind of cleanly with some curves here and there and it's good i like this it should work out the oil trucks will come in here they can go to this airport then they can scoot onto the highway perfect these vehicles from the rest the city will scoot through this way enter to here cargo airport and leave and then you just have some road infrastructure and even a tunnel so that some stuff from over here just go this way into there and of course a couple services too and now i have no idea if this will work three out of ten a 30 chance of working yeah i've never actually used these before so i'm i'm curious to see what happens oh it would seem it has caused more anarchy with the trucks oh my god they're literally doing backflips they're so excited oh my god oh my gosh it's a complete disaster okay uh yeah just it'll fix itself smile any vehicles from the highway wanting to go to the airport now no oh but we got a train huh go turn into an aeroplane no more true it is time to what it went in and left why didn't you just drop off your cargo there's another train what are they doing supposed to go whoosh now no oh finally oh my gosh we got one our first cargo plane going to jalalaf sounds like a fun place there we go our first shipment of money from the airport goodbye make me profits in the other cities say goodbye to the rest of everything wait what where do you come from that doesn't look exactly safe is this like one of those plane refueling type scenarios no no okay oh well i don't think that one's exactly in the flight manual maybe don't do that maneuver again okay hmm or actually scratch that you're not exactly producing an roi here please uh do better more flying more whoosh oh but hey i added a new road here so the vehicles could skip this train stations and go directly to the airport and would you look at that they're finally using it and it looks like i built this in the right orientation too good fantastic even actually that's like the best it doesn't get better than that so the trains are all decided to go to this one because i suppose it's the closest and then all the vehicles are going to this one now and we're getting traffic away from the train stations which have backed up to a degree this is great look at all those trains look at all the oil good good so money money i would like more please well good news bad news i've let this run for a while here and it's working perfectly like there's a decent amount of traffic here you got enough planes going this is working really well too because all the trains like to stop here and even our port traffic has died down a bit because there's now more options but even after all of this and fixing the traffic a little bit we're still hardly even profitable anymore and even worse the traffic just moved it's all going over here it's all stuck so all of this i'd you know what that's enough this just has to be nuked yeah you know what this whole oil area from the very beginning this was the problem this is it every other part of the city is working perfectly there's just ah there's just so much oil and the system i designed here has been flawed since beginning so that's what we have to do next time i'll redesign this whole area so it works properly so we can finally complete this massive oil area however though that is going to be all here so remember to check out the first link in the description to get 40 off some blue light protection glasses and for now have a fantastic rest of your day and bye bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 398,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines mods, city building games, cities skylines industries, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines let's play, cities skylines game, kibitz, imkibitz, cities skylines how to fix traffic, cities skylines public transport, cities skylines public transit, money, cities skylines money, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines traffic tips, cities skylines broken, cities skylines glitch
Id: eS84KfBOx74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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