Lawn Mowing Simulator just got EVEN MORE SATISFYING!!!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to lawn mowing simulator yes it's been a while i bet you've all been wondering how long barber and kiss my grass have got up to well let's go find out so currently my lawn mowing company kiss my grass is worth 168 000 pounds you've got three grand in the bank got one employee and two mo's in the garage right since i've played this they've updated and added dlc which i now have and look at this streamers are now a thing if you want to use the full name it's a string trimmer that's a weed whacker to you americans but we actually need to purchase one of these we can go for this one which is sort of a bog standard it runs on petrol it's got a 36 centimeter cussing width now the tore is a lot bigger but it's battery powered although up there it says this toro tough trimmer can handle the thickest grass so maybe that's actually better than the petrol one that's quite surprising and this one on the end is the most expensive at 900 quid it offers heavy duty performance with an extended cutting time so it's basically got a backpack full of batteries so we can feel like a ghostbuster so i'm going to buy that as i have the money why am i being charged a thousand pounds it clearly says there it's worth 900. why am i being ripped off oh well we have accepted right looking at lorne barber and elliot i feel like something's different i don't think that's what lorne looked like before all right there he is he's back i don't know why he's now standing in the lawn mower that no one turned the blades on so i've got four contracts waiting i might actually hire a few new employees let's get the team going so we've got the roger family and clara i think we got a few more we got molly doyle she's new she likes the smell of fresh tarmac not freshly cut grass fresh tarmac yeah she is a professional but she takes 300 quid a week quite a good income for a grass cutter so i think we're gonna hire her but then we get a warning saying we're not high enough level yet so we'll forget all of that then we're gonna send elliot ross to this place so we'll confirm that contract and ourselves we're gonna go to the paddock a new level for us we're gonna ride the skag because i've got my controller in hand again i've only used it once since buying it so i thought i'd better get back in the game just so i can get the most out of this controller oh god recommended cutting time 50 minutes really game right so this is paddock a what's an inventive name right i should probably fill it with fuel i forgot to do all the blade sharpening and stuff oops but uh we've got to go check the ground and i've got to pick up things like this that could get run over so that is a newspaper because honestly i can't even see what it is it's just black it looks like a mole let's pick up a mole we don't want to run over a mole oh man i'm really getting a feel for this place now it's huge i can see why it might take 50 minutes all right what is that some sort of stick my last object another newspaper right so now we can jump on our mower but over here we've got our trimmer so check this out i think we're going to go mow around like these things oh wow oh yes oh yes i could decide to do the entire field like this it might take a while though so i think we're just going to mow either side of those so we can do a nice easy pass i'll probably do around here as well i mean if i'm honest i probably should just move first and then come back with the strimmer that's what i'd do in real life oh man it is i sort of forgot how satisfying this was all right so we'll put that back let's get on here then so we'll start the engine round the old throttle up and the cutting height has to be seven it's currently on 12.7 so if we lower that we're down to seven all right and then we are mowing and this is the rest of the game thankfully we can actually go pretty fast i'm going full speed and we just got to keep an eye on that bar if it goes up to the red arrow it means it's overheating and your engine will start dying like that and it won't cut the grass as well but apparently the edge is sort of okay so we'll keep oh god i spoke too soon now i've got to go back thankfully with a controller you can sort of squeeze the trigger a bit gentler to go slower it's almost impossible it's almost impossible to do on a keyboard and mouse though hence i invested in a very posh xbox controller and because i like punishment i have lowered the roller we're doing stripes on this baby because if a job's worth doing it's worth doing properly i want stripes on all my lawns and yes when i say properly i realize there's a long patch of grass there just ignore that just ignore that look at the rest look at the rest right so you've got to sort of question why are we mowing a horse field why don't they just put horses in it like horses eat grass that's their main purpose in life why do i feel like the owner of this field might be an architect all right but we're making progress i think we're about a third of the way through and look how good it looks look at the stripes i'm quite impressed along barber i hope elliot's doing just a good job we have kiss my grass pride ourselves on doing a good job alright so we're back to a stripe with no obstacles so we can sort of try and straighten this up a bit i went a bit wonky and got confused by the show jumping gates but we are back on track now look at the stripes i'm well impressed hey look at that i'm sorry but that's ridiculous it looks so good once it's cut it's all stripes and cut dimensional strokes oh god the trouble is it's so sensitive this bloody mower look how jagged it is up there you have to try and fix that with this stripe there we go not even touching the steering wheel lovely look at that right we're nearly halfway there and oh god it's nearly taken 20 minutes already this is gonna be a long date all right now you've got some obstacles not ideal for our stripes i think if we do a lap or two i can come back and fix it next time i can also come back with the strimmer as well let's not forget that all right tree and the weight we have to sort of go around that and we'll come back and stream it afterwards can you see the grass there's like yellow patches i think the yellow is where it's longest so if we go fast no maybe not maybe not it's just it's just all long it's bloody all along i'm a little bit worried how tough the i'm leaving this if i have to go back at the end i'm not going to be happy i'm literally going to click off i think the trouble is they did ask for a 99.9 cut rate which doesn't leave a lot of room for error we'll see i have faith and kiss my grass and lawn barber i feel like he knows what he's doing all right one more stripe one more strike this is what the crowd in my head is telling me to try and keep me sane right down here really long last time look at that mess of a stripe i did oh i've done it again i've done it again i think it's because it goes downhill we pick up some speed and then we don't cut the grass good enough look at that last stripe look how straight it is that is decent right so we're on some of the final stripes now you notice if we start this end there's quite a lot of stripes left to do maybe another three or four but as we get to this end there's only one stripe and i'll tell you what i did these stripes absolutely perfectly so it's not me it's the field i reckon this field isn't square or rectangular it's actually like some other quadrilateral an irregular one is that they're called i don't know i feel like i'm losing i'm losing a lot of brain cells doing this ah we're on 99.1 and we've got only a very small tuft that's not good enough all right so let's raise the roller and now i'm not really sure what happens here if i move like say i want to go up here and get all these puffs am i going to ruin my stripes no it looks like i can move wherever i want let's finish off all these little toffee bits then i'm so glad it doesn't ruin my stripes because they are looking fine look at them i remember this was quite a toughy bit yeah oops all right we're still on 99.6 not ideal game you could be a bit more generous but there are some toughs up here i think if we clear out some of these oh 99.7 we'll park that back up there and then we'll grab our streamer again and then we'll just get rid of all these little bits there's a lot there's a load back here look at that do they count i'm not even sure if they count now the percentage bar is not going up in the slightest though so pick up grass sod off to around this tree around this tree oh the strimmer is actually really satisfying get right under there look at that all right around the stables 99.8 we're getting close we are guessing close thank goodness all right around the stables done there's a tough there around this tree try and poke my eyeball out in the thing oh god look at the perspective that's really weird the streamer should not be on top of that branch there's some all right this corner please oh come on game why'd you have to be like this there's a little strip there oh yes we didn't do round here okay this should do it come on oh no we didn't do it that was loads of grass i honestly i'm not seeing any tufts now what are you on about game we've done it surely all right sorry i'm just going to run down these ends all right here we go this corner this corner come on game just give me this one it's making cutting noises whether that means it's cutting i'm not entirely sure come on game oh we missed all this there we go all right completed let's get the hell out of here never come back worst day ever right so have i missed this game i'm not entirely sure after that that was brutal and apparently that doesn't count as being on the trailer you stupid stupid game cheers that cheers still 1600 quid i would mow that many many times for that much money oh this was old elliot he did do some mowing he made a 650 quid nice one now oh look at this we've we've unlocked rank five does that mean we can hire someone else now no damn it all right well elliot absolutely trashed this look at the vehicle i think we'll repair that full repair 178 quid oh friggin oh man all right that's all good to go i feel like that's a lot of my money gone and the stag has been done up as well right i feel like splashing some cash so if we apply for a loan can we get a 10 grand loan yes oh wow okay so we've got three 10 grand loans that's quite exciting i'm gonna go buy a new hq we're to completely skip whitehall house we're going to get windsor garages so check out our new headquarters we're in a business park right so windsor garages has four bays we can actually upgrade it to get six so are we allowed to hire someone yet no i think we need to do one more bit of lawnage and then we can hire someone but we're also gonna have to buy another mower so we've got four bays available so we can't really afford any of the big boys i think we might get another black beauty we're just gonna have a team of black beauties and my orange beast that i drive so we'll buy that ready for our new applicant which we can't hire yet uh paddock a needs mowing already uh i'm not good doing that one i'm gonna send elliot there do you go on the black beauty and then i'm going to go to hilltop house because it's the one that takes the less amount of time uh just uh just a mere 25 minutes oh i could be playing super auto pets right now right so we'll start this one and we've been told our mower might be too wide to do the job efficiently however we do now have the streamer so i think that will save the day oh no it's the posh car again how am i going to avoid it i can't i literally can't help myself all right so ground check time what do we have newspaper very fake branch another newspaper another newspaper that one's not a newspaper that's definitely a porno meg now that one is a newspaper thankfully you don't have to censor that and the final object another newspaper so i don't know what's been going on in this garden for there to be so many nudie mags and newspapers about all right let's start the old engine up increase the throttle cut in height carbon what needed was it like seven it's usually about seven oh no look it's actually six okay so we'll do five point seven because i can't quite get six then we'll just drive down oops and then we'll go into here start the blades and we're gonna give it a mo and this grass looks really short if we can go at like full speed without being mullered by bushes and stuff i'm gonna be a very very happy boy oh i think we might actually be able to do this full speed so we're just gonna do the perimeter so we've got a bit of a turning circle and then because i'm an idiot i've just lowered the stripes we're doing stripes again yeah can't help myself i'm so pleased i can do full throttle it was so painful that last level i was like barely touching the trigger oh man it's so satisfying like already i'm like i've only done two stripes and i'm already loving life i should probably do slightly bigger stripes than this late however i think that was a tactic i did last time doing less doing not as wide stripes so that i can go faster because yes although you got to do more stripes it means you can do them all faster i think it sort of adds up over time as being the most time efficient way of doing this oh man we are creaming this though three minutes in and look how many stripes you've done already i'm just turning around like no one's business oh man i'm actually well enjoying myself now this is all i need a game just to do lawns fast i don't like doing them slow or having to do them twice my last strike was a little bit all over the place i think because as we're going up and down over the teletubby bit it's getting a bit hard to stay straight oh god we left we left a few tufts behind that's all right we're coming back with the streamer most likely we have five minutes in and we're already over halfway i'm so grateful i am so grateful oh yes come on spin around straight back go a bit wider so we can get one more stripe in and then when we deal with these it should look a lot better we'll do a little stripe here little stripe here one there and then we've just got to work out how i cocked it because they don't line up all right so back to trying to get super straight stripes although it's quite hard on these teddy tubby hills it's trying to it's trying to knock us off but don't look too bad looking up there all right i'm a bit nervous to turn around and look at this one ready oh it doesn't look too bad i don't think yeah i thought that was going to look way worse that's actually pretty straight matt all right now we really need to start trying to straighten up our stripes the last one was a bit messy because we went around the trees but that one when we turn around now looks pretty straight again good work oh and i think this lord might actually be square can you see the stripes they're like parallel with the wall oh can we do it in under 10 minutes come on where's the boost button speed run come on 20 seconds 15 seconds final strip all right and we are done screw turn the blades off we're going straight into the trailer all right now we'll grab this all right now we're just going to do some speed streaming look cutting completes leave location 10 minutes 35 that ain't bad if i say so myself oh sorry sorry i didn't see a car there i was just trying to get this into the back of the thing oh look return valuable to owner we found the car keys oh can we take it for a spin they won't know they're not in we'll return them that might actually give us some bonus cash which would be nice so we'll put the stringer back level done let's look at our hard work oh god it looks a bit fruity there look at those stripes not too bad i'm quite impressed with myself right so we got ourselves 1200 quid doing that uh we did have a few collisions so we lost 27 but uh not too bad and how did law and barbara get on he only got 800 quid doing that lawn right and just like that we are now an established rank one lawnmower now which means we can finally hire an applicant so the professional molly doyle welcome to the team we are three-man mowing machine and we got two black beauties in the squad as well so coming up next we're gonna give the training field to our new employee come on molly you got this she's going to ride one of the black beauties the one that isn't mangled up so you can have that one elliot can do hilltop house on the other black beauty the mangled one and then i'm gonna take parkland in weaver's square all right so on this one we've got some wild flowers we need to be careful of and we can't leave any grass clippings on the path those fines will be incurred well we've got a mulcher so we sort of do leave grass behind but it's so small that no one notices that's the theory anyway right so this is the park not a bad park actually it's got some pretty big trees in it yeah we do need to go around and pick up any objects someone left a wine bottle here it's a very fake branch what is what is that is that a bow tie there's a massive bow tie another wine bottle so i assume this is a park where why knows hang out i got a tennis ball and there's one more object that i can't find so let's just head into our mode we're going to fill it with fuel first turn the engine on wang the throttle up get the blades going and then go down and we're going to do this how you always see people mowing parks which is just go full speed and don't you dare do stripes it's telling me to lower the roller but no i'm a professional i only do things as fast as possible we'll go around this tree go around this tree thankfully we seem to be able to go pretty fast without anything going wrong i'm going to go around this flower bed first being careful not to destroy any flowers i honestly did try i'm just trying to speed run as well but this is good we're two minutes in we're 10 through so this could take 20 minutes it feels wrong not doing stripes though i will tell you that we'll do that do that do that now we've got this little strip to do around this tree up and around here and then we'll head back trying not to mow anything that's already been cut so we're just wasting time we always want to be cutting the lawn all right around here so it's got a really awkward little shape left the one time you don't want a triangle is when you're mowing the lawn all right so that's done we'll head over here i should turn my blades off especially as it's gravel but there's no small kids around so loose stones shouldn't take out any eyeballs we should be fine all right perimeter of this one's pretty large actually i've been going for quite a few minutes and we haven't quite got to the start yet behind the bench mind the bin all right here we are back at the start thankfully we know each lap we're going to be getting faster and faster and not just because we're getting more confident in the track but uh because we're going to be doing a shorter distance because we're working our way into the middle right tree i'm going to go left there go around the entire thing and then back onto our stripe go around this tree nice and carefully all right now we're here i'm gonna do a lap around this flower bit oh god i destroyed some flowers sorry flowers i'm taking out loads of them all right come on then we're back on the main stretch although it hasn't been long and now we've got to do another flower bed hopefully we won't have to go around the back of this one so i might just carry on going and we'll go around this one instead it's kidney shaped oh i got a flower i was so close to not destroying anything all right around the tree around this tree i hate these trees they're all like lumpy it's like a foot a dinosaur's foot i'm trying not to cut his toes off all right so we're going around this side just do some stripe edge along here all right that's good i'm just trying to smooth out the corners now i never thought i'd say that right now we can keep doing a lot i'm gonna go get those toughs oops i got a lot of flowers with that as well all right we'll head back i decided to change direction just bit of a bit of fresh scenery see what the park looks like from this angle i didn't really like it so we've gone back the other direction all right we are making some progress we're over 50 percent we've done we're under 10 minutes this is probably gonna be like a 20 minute cut depends how precious it is like at the end if i'm gonna have to get the streamer out and go around everything we could be here a while but at the moment going all right we're going full speed which i'm so grateful for at first level i nearly i nearly gave up on this game not gonna but now i'm back into it it's satisfying again although though i do miss the stripes i will say that i am missing the striped for sure all right let's do some loops then we're going to go round here trying not to destroy any flowers easier said than done and now we'll do our second lap now our third we'll turn back around to do the fourth oh look how smooth that is lovely all right so now we've got the third and final launch dude so we'll just nip over here and we'll start doing the edges first now i hit a bin i might do some first person for this one freshen it up a bit all right so lap two oh god there's a tree there's a tree what oh no i actually i didn't actually try to go around that all right so lap three is looking good i think next time we're gonna have to go around that planter for safe plants so i think a plant is like it's got to be like raised and wood i think what would you call that just a bed i think a bed a flower bed so yeah we'll go to this edge trying not to mill any plants oh god it's really hard in first person ah sorry oh god yeah i don't think we did the best job there perhaps we should cut the majority of the grass and then come back with the strimmer maybe that's what the strim is for so you don't mull of plants constantly all right round the tree what are we on 93 just a few little snippets remaining let's go up and around here around this little tree trying not to hit it i just hit it instantly little strip here and then we just got this little bit which i think is going to turn into a triangle annoyingly and i think that's all the grass yeah not bad right we'll head back and then we'll go get the strimmer i'll get any tufts that are quite major ones i think we're good up we go grab the streamer and if we do our preview thing oh there's not too many toughs it's just like round the edges and stuff okay so i think we'll just do like around all the trees and stuff i don't know what percentage we need to aim for does it tell us no it doesn't tell us it says it should take 30 minutes though and we're on 17 and we're like nearly there right around this flower bed there's loads i'm trying not to miller any flowers i haven't yet i've been oh there's one i was about to say i've been pretty steady handed with the old strimmer around there to around this one pretty sure all these flower beds they're gonna need streaming aren't they we'll definitely round these trees the elephant foot tree actually it's not an elephant foot at all because elephants don't really have toes but the whole foot is a toe elephants are weird man all right 99.8 and we're still not finished so this could be a 99.9 sort of level so i think let's just go over to like all the objects around the lighting columns around the trees around the dinosaur toes the back of this bench oh it is it's satisfying i don't know what it is i feel like the streamer is now the most satisfying thing in this game it's no longer about the mowing you should change the name to lawn streaming simulator oh yeah there's a load under there there is a load under there on the back of these bins no i think that was the bin that i ran into earlier all right here we go around here yes there's a load there and we're done we're done let's get the hell out of it 21 minutes 21 seconds nice let's go the parkland is done it doesn't look too bad i feel like i could have striped it and it would have looked amazing but uh honestly screw that right so we got 900 quid for doing that meanwhile molly made us 904 secret good work molly and elliot 395 quid well we can't expect the world from him he is just an apprentice after all okay so we've got 3 900 pounds i think we might be able to hire someone else samuel george he has 11 toes does that help you mow lawns it might do let's hire him and find out uh he's gonna need a mower so let's buy another black beauty sorted oh but i've just realized i couldn't actually hire samuel because i need to level up my reputation level wasn't high enough so for now we're just a three-man team and that is where we'll leave the story of lawn barber and kiss my grass peace love and lawnmowing puns bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 901,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lawn mowing simulator, lawn mower, lawn care, oddly satisfying, mowing tall grass, overgrown lawn, lawn mowing simulator game, lawn mowing game, start lawn care, lawn care service, mowing super tall grass, mowing grass, how to cut grass, overgrown grass, simulation game, simulator game, lawn care game, yard maintenance, mowing game, rce, real civil engineer, lawn mower simulator, grass cutting simulator, grass mowing simulator
Id: A60gMeU2c-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 58sec (1558 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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