A crane, lifting a crane, lifting a crane, lifting a crane... Poly Bridge 2

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all right hello fellow engineers welcome back to poly bridge 2. so i've recently been made aware of this video of a crane lifting a crane lifting a crane lifting a crate and i thought it might be kind of cool to try and replicate that in poly bridge we're going to go into sandbox we're just gonna start off with a normal level i think we're gonna add add some land just so we got no c and we're gonna start off with a normal crane i've never built a crane in poly bridge this could be a bit of a learning experience but i wanna i wanna make that cranception so to start with i'm gonna guess that i wanna make my small crane first i'm gonna try and do this all in poly bridge materials not gonna use custom shapes so i wanted to have little wheels how close can i get those together oh god not very 30. that could work actually 60 degrees trying to remember my three times table cool i think that's not a bad little word actually so we'll fill that with road all right sorted so copy a couple of those so i think that's my first crate these wheels aren't going to work it's just a bit it's just a bit visual what i want to do is build some sort of frame right so generally to get these to work you need hydraulic i think and make that expand and then i'm going to sort of build an arm from this pivot point so i'm just thinking along those sort of lines all right let's see what that does first oh god pay collapse big time i should probably turn on unbreakable as well alright so let's see what that does okay not bad not bad i need the arm to move up so i'm gonna have to go in here and add a hydraulic phase now if i play this the arm goes up nice okay that's not nearly far enough so i think instead i'm gonna go to that one oh yeah that's much better much better okay so that might be fine for my first crane so i'm just gonna add a little bit of a little bit of that just lifting up a girder oh god it's a bit swingy it's a little bit swingy right and then we'll just decorate this up a bit i haven't really advertised this too much before but if you did want to support the channel and now have youtube memberships open you can get yourself loads of cool emojis you get this funky badge that changes with how long you've supported the channel for and i also provide the odd occasional bonus video but yeah back to the job at hand all right nice so there's our first ever crane i might change the colors a bit later but uh i think for now that's good now we need to find a way to lift this up with another crane i think for the next crane we're gonna sort of we're gonna want to change the style of it a bit i will copy a lot of this just for starters i think for this one we want yeah that sort of thing sort of does that and i think if i just copy that up quite a few times so on this to sit directly over the middle and then this is where it's going to get a little bit complicated so i'm going to go from the same pivot point i'm going to go over in that direction with a muscle then i'm going to build like a sort of counterweight over here and then hopefully if i do these cables one up to there and then one straight down oh god it's going to be tricky i think to winch up in the air i'm going to use hydraulics so i'm going to go straight down with two and then i'm going to do my cable from here i'm going to go to i think about there and maybe another one to about there now i've worked out i'm nowhere near in the center which basically means my crane arm has got to be a bit longer just bring my cable back in okay so let's see what happens i'm going to guess i probably need a lot bigger counterweight because there's a lot of nodes down here i think i sort of want to equal the number of nodes there so here although we could do with that point being way further forward i don't know let's see what happens oh god yep the weight is going forward oh it's tilting it's tilting yeah right okay so let's do twice the number of nodes and road pieces in our counterweight i knew there'd be mats in this god damn it all right there we go that should weigh a crap ton more metric crap ton that is yeah let's see if it's any better oh much better yes okay that's pretty bloody awesome that whoa okay this is cool so now we can move on to the next crane which is going to have to be a big mofo isn't it all right so this one i'm going to prepare by adding a lot more nodes from the off all right and i might try and make my pivot point that point so it's way closer right so we got that i think again let's do our cables from here first i think this time we sort of want to go maybe from the back of the weight like down there all right so we'll try and put that in the middle maybe there ish then if we do it was our pivot point it was from there so we're at a hydraulic and we might need to do yeah i think i'll do another one do a couple and then we're gonna build our arm following this then we accidentally copied all these cables so i'll delete those on that one and then put a point on the top add the cables down to here it's basically how these cranes work use like leverage so you've got a big weight down here so that's trying to pull this tower with this cable to the right that's pulling that way and that allows it to have a big weight underneath no idea if i've done this anywhere near correctly let's press play and see oh we've got a bend we've got a bendy one okay so it seems we don't quite have the strength to lift that up so there's two ways we can go about fixing that i think the most obvious way would be just to make these a lot wider yeah go that copy that up shove a point on add our cable down to there and if that doesn't work then we're gonna have to strengthen this with other means but oh it's looking better oh it's working oh no there's too much weight oh all right it's nearly working okay i reckon actually if we put some hydraulic phases in if we add in sandbox settings the hydraulic controller and we're at it change it to pine mountains my favorite of mountains then it means down here we can say no don't you guys go don't you guys go just this one goes the next phase no to that one no to those two but this middle one we want to go and the final phase just the big crane goes so we'll try that so yep just that crane went now this middle crane is lifting up tidy and now the big crane should go oh god you can see the weight oh no it was nearly it's almost good it's sort of not good though so essentially my sort of center of mass is a bit further forward than i thought it was so i'm going to do and take that cable and move it a bit further to the left so maybe like there and we'll move that that way that looks pretty good and then we're gonna have to do what we did before and sort of just extend so i can copy some of these up to there and that's our new position cable down to there do a few hydraulics at the top and we'll see if that runs any better i can see this is flexing already that's because i've made it a lot longer so i'm gonna guess this is gonna bend yep she it's a bendy boy that looks so gross that looks really gross but what i can do you often you do actually see this sort of technique on cranes quite often so if i just do two little stubby arm things there's sort of just some mid points i can then do cables say from there to that back down to there well that will do that will add strength because it will mean as it tries to bend so when it bent this middle section went to the left to create a curve like along there so these wires on this side they'll go in tension when that tries to happen so that will stop it happening if it tries to bend the other way that's what these ones are for so hopefully this might be stronger you got these lifting up fine now the real test oh oh god it definitely didn't bend as much but we didn't have enough weight so i think we're just gonna have to add add some weight and to do that i'm just gonna grab say two two rows shove them there let's see is that any better oh you can see the extra weight straight off it completely fell backwards that might even itself out as it lifts this one up ready okay it lifts up perfectly but it is sort of set on the floor so i think i'm going to remove a layer maybe add a bit of support all right that's better it's definitely off the ground oh it's heavy it's swinging oh no i think it swung too far i think what we'll do then we'll just try and add an extra wheel of course these wheels are just visual if i do that that will move our sort of pivot point just bring the weight back a bit if i just clog up those holes all right first crane is good second crane is good now the big boy oh it's looking not too bad oh just goes too far away though no it is good it is good we let it settle we do have a bit of flex in the middle and let's speed this up until it settles right there we go it's looking good in my opinion if i were to add one more crane i'm gonna need serious reinforcement that one still could use a bit more so i think i might try and fix that literally just by doing the same thing so if i had another load of cable that should be less inclined to move now we speed this up nice all right so now i'm going to attempt to add a fourth and final crane if you want to help me out by giving the video a like give me some inspiration that would be much appreciated [Music] all right so doing it by eye i've just added a wheel to the front and back and made the weight a lot bigger i'm gonna have my sort of pivot point there so let's use cables to sort of do a guide oh god okay not to that right that could should work i think good i think good is the right word definitely not should all right that's that burn i think you're gonna make these as wide as possible so i'm thinking if i copy that the whole way up we might be good the downside of the polybridge is i know every single node is adding weight and the strength i'm gaining is probably a lot less than the weight i'm adding but it looks cool and that is half the battle with these mega machines right oh and i've built that in completely the wrong direction i was not paying attention so we're going to that point all right so i'm about a hundred percent certain that this will collapse and bend but we'll have a look first just to make sure i might be wrong but i'm probably gonna have to add those tensioners like these things i added on this one let's have a look yeah so you can see i made that go straight away you can see that is fully bending so i'm gonna add and rather than just in the middle like that one i'm actually gonna do them at thirds and go from there up to there straight across to that one and then to there all right let's see how that does okay so that was interesting that one that actually inverted on itself so i might just make these triangles just so these points can't move oh it still very much wants to bend holy crap okay what if we copy this to the middle what if we do that this this made that shape completely unintentional i swear hey pad what's going on dog you're a good boy aren't you you're a good boy do you hate architects do you hate architects yeah he hates architects doesn't he yeah good boy good boy right so with paddy sparing me on i have a sort of a potential way to make this a bit better so i think if i add another cable a long one but i reckon if i go like that and then sort of muscle kind of like that and then triangles in the middle this is like a weird diamond muscle thing and uh that should stay still i could also add that probably it looks cool so that's a good sign right that should allow this to have loads of strength whether it works like that not entirely sure right and then we'll cable this side up to the middle three cables on either side you know what is that it looks like a sword like a sword in the stone a sword in the crane all right so will this bend or it still bends a bit not as much as it did though i can see that's really really bent so what i might do down here first off make it a bit wider i can't go too wide because then i'll clash with those nodes in there but if we try that yeah this doesn't bend at all now so that's good they're still very much does bend i don't think this big technique seems to be working i'm going to go back to my original one i think what i might do i might just have loads all the way up all right so let's see is that any better okay still very much bent what if we add like middle ones still burns not steel bends it still bends you can turn all these triangles so i did see them flapping about in the last replay and i could even extend these out further it's a bit more like a ship's mast now still wants to bend look how saggy that side is all right then down here i've sort of made a little timing thing because we know that this one takes a while to settle it gets all swingy so i've put in my hydraulic controller when that third crane lifts up we've then got this vespa as you know these are very slow vehicles but i've actually put a 30 second time delay on that should just give this crane time to like settle down stop swinging before this one tries to lift all right so let's play this i know that this bends but i honestly don't know if i can do much about it i've tried all my engineering ingenuity and it has failed me big time all right this is laggy as anything now as well i was going to try and add another crane but don't think that's going to be possible all right crane 1 is up in the air crane 2 or has a lot of weight but it is up and now we've got our 30 second timer whilst you wait for this little dude and then his friend will be waiting for afterwards all right so you can see the moped is moving down the bottom right so then these hydraulics will come on and oh god oh it moves oh it's collapsed big time whoa where's that one going oh dear no no oh it's a disaster oh this is incredibly they're literally all going off them oh crap what happened there oh no look there's a bottom it just disintegrated on the bottom oh wow i am sorry to all those involved that was horrible look the final moped's going and that means all the hydraulics will release oh dear all right i am sort of thinking maybe i don't want this to be a pivot point maybe i do literally just want to brace between all of these people probably won't like this but my computer is lagging so bad i'm sort of running out of being able to add anything if i add an anchor like there another one down there i don't think this is cheating really it's just like pinning it to the ground like these big cranes they do like anchor themselves because they don't want to slide about so i reckon it's fine oh god look at it being pulled oh it's bending that way it's working better although he's no they've gone off the edge are they going to make you come back are they going to make a comeback no he's tipping he's tipping oh no i'm surprised it bends that way now although that is an improvement we definitely helped it although i'd not want to be the guy operating that crane you're quite right if you're in the other zone you'd be sort of safe i reckon why is that one like collapsed in the middle as well right so one of the problems is all the weight of this crane is pretty much going through this node because that's where these big arms come off so i'll do a cable from there so now that's being supported so now hopefully that shouldn't rotate too much i'm also a bit concerned on this one i've got too many hydraulics so it lifts things up too quickly i could spread them out into different hydraulic phases so it does just one at a time because obviously all at once well that's like five times the speed because there's five hydraulics look at the top just bend the base like doesn't move it's all over the top i do think maybe if i slowed it down it would be a bit better although our three-point harnesses seem to be doing a lot better that looks like the saddest crane you've ever seen oh all right so that was better but to be honest i'm not really happy with it so i might delete all of this i know i know all right so i'm essentially i'm just using this crane's arm i guess you can call it an arm and i'm putting two side by side so as you know the way poly bridge works is each node adds weight so we're doing this we've effectively i hope doubled the strength but we've only added 50 more nodes not double and hence we've only added 50 more weight all right and i think just to save on the momentum i'm gonna add a few more hydraulic phases just to do those last hydraulics a bit slower oh god the lag is real the lag is real right so e i think we only want like one of them to go to start f will have just the next one go g will have the next two then h will have the final one and hopefully that will go a bit slower and it should stop everything flinging about everywhere all right come on then we got the power of paddy this time crane two is lifted crane one nice crane three is lifting and now we have our 30 second wait for the moped while it all settles all right the moped is off slow it down 50 speed oh god it's bending it is bending but not that much so we've done that first hydraulic this might be working oh it's bending a bit more though it is raising up oh it's moving forward though i think it might be working oh god don't invert don't invert we might have to add some timers oh yeah it's gone it's gone upside down oh so that viral video this is sort of showing like what sort of engineering like went into that it's pretty easy to get wrong in my opinion all right so i think it went wrong at the second phase so if i move him in there he's another timer and then if i duplicate you know what you boys doing down there get back up get back up i literally can't move the leg all right we'll try again is this crane gonna lift up yes it has lifted up very slightly i'm worried it's moving that way though it's swinging so much would it be wrong to like have a cable no it's gone it's gone it's gone what i'm thinking it's a bit sneaky but let's just do a little support cable like that that should stop it moving too far i hope right come on then what have we got what have we got all right ready so the first hydraulic down here is moving and the third crane is just about off the ground see it just sliding across there so i think third hydraulic is lifting it up it's trying to move hopefully this cable should help now because it means it can't move too far in that direction oh good all right so the first two have gone i think we're currently on the 30 second wait but that looks pretty good that actually looks like i might have done it already all right so when that second wave head moves there gate so this one we've got two hydraulics going so it's going to go very high very quickly oh it looks okay oh that's going to be a lot of momentum when that stop say it's swinging big time oh and it's coming down now it's coming down it is coming down oh it's such a mess i really want to turn unbreakable off but then they'll just collapse instantly i think shall we see what happens all right so let's see what happens if we run this with unbreakable off have i engineered this to work i think we all know the answer oh instant carnage the counterweights are going flying oh man we got like 10 fps or something what a mess right unbreakable back on please all right so now we're testing this out with that hydraulic removed i am starting to think maybe i should have like done some maths and stuff to get the perfect like locations and weights could see in real life that's how they would have done it well i'm sure you could have worked out they wouldn't just do this attempt one night we destroyed 10 million pounds worth of cranes right attempt two nope we destroyed 10 million pounds worth of creeks oh dear no that's gone that's gone that was way worse i'll tell you what i'm getting rid of the top hydraulic people laughed at me when i got a 30 90 and i mainly played polybridge look at this frame look at this frame rate i reckon that's pretty damn good and i hate to quote spiffing brit again but uh polly bridge at least now looking at this is a perfectly balanced game can i rip spiff off again but yeah there we have it guys a crane lifting a crane lifting a crane lifting a crane i know you forgot the last one there yeah i hope you enjoyed that let me know if you have any other like cool builds you want me to try any other viral videos i quite like the viral videos like this was fun this was hard but it was fun but yeah peace love and cranes i'll catch you next time guys take it easy bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 234,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poly bridge 2 engineer, real civil engineer, engineer poly bridge, poly bridge 2 hack, polybridge 2 real engineer, polybridge real engineer, architect plays poly bridge 2, engineer plays poly bridge 2, over engineered poly bridge, poly bridge 2 challenge mode, poly bridge 2 tension, tension bridge poly bridge 2, poly bridge 2, polybridge 2, pb2
Id: tutzScya-xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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