Quality vs Quantity in Hearts of Iron 4

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hello everyone i am torio and welcome to my newest house of 14 video today we're going to do something different we're going to try and answer the age-old question quality or quantity and in order to do that i'm going to play two nearly identical games as the soviet union using very different armies see i usually use infantry but should we use infantry with support using disappearing firepower doctrine or should we just use pure infantry with no support using mass assault but before we begin a message from a sponsor this video is brought to you by blinkist blinkist takes non-fiction books and condenses their content their message into a much shorter form as a result you get a 15-minute sort of a mini audiobook that covers the main ideas and conveys the overarching thought of the book with non-fiction you sometimes just want results you want the message and you want to learn quickly blinkist chooses the best those non-fiction titles have to offer after those 15 minutes you will get the 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and load the game to show you some things but we will keep to regular difficulty and historical focuses this is not a challenge more of an experiment so what are we gonna do exactly we're going to invade poland sign motivation trump and then break more of the ventrap and wait for germany to attack us and see how well our armies do against them first just pure infantry even without support artillery and we're going to use the wonderful mass assault doctrine and afterwards we're gonna try to be a firepower with actual support companies so we have around three years to do this let's prepare i'm going to ignore the purge i don't think the civil war will happen um you know quickly enough for this to be a problem may not remember when it happens usually stalin constitution as we're doing pure inventory we're only going to need guns and nothing else cancel everything else mass assault now we are in a slightly privileged position because we start with the first technology of master sword already researched but it's a small difference i don't think it will matter and we're only gonna be focusing on these technologies because they benefit infantry directly that doctrine engineering and industry construction now to keep things consistent i should build the same amount of factories of the same type shouldn't i so let's go for say 20 civilian factories and then all military that's 27 factories and now just do some military it's not important if it's the best setup it's important that we keep it consistent between the two games just do it like this all right time to pause speed the game up and we're going to try and make sure that our troops are trained up as much as possible and equipped fully how many units are we going to be using well it really depends we have a lot of manpower as a soviet union but pure inventory is much cheaper to produce than infantry with equipment so that will differ between the games now this will of course not be a definitive answer because even if the quality infantry with extra support wins you can't always use that but i wanna cover a scenario if you can use either which one should you use all right let's mobilize the armed forces if we go to war with turkey soviet i can handle them okay crisis concluded and we should do positive heroism you know what i made a mistake i should be doing the purge yeah it'll be more consistent we won't have to worry about the civil war let's cancel positive heroism we did sound constitution first let's remember to do that in the second playthrough as well and do the great purge now we will be fighting poland soon so let's also start a justifying wargle on poland with that we'll be able to do lessons of war and get rid of the penalties it's fine war economy all right trotskyist center calling in we would like to keep kaleen khrushchev we won't need him yeah let's get rid of nikita kaleen gives us extra stability so i would like to have him let's do improved worker conditions secret trial of the generals we need to get rid of tvachevsky or rokosovsky which is a pretty because they're both great i'm gonna keep tortowski and get rid of rokozovsky aggressive assaulter and charismatic rukov konyev and so on one full army group will be assaulting poland we will have the negative modify from the great purge when we do that but also fighting the war after doing the purge will let us do lessons of war shortly trial of the 21 navy and air force purge is complete rehabilitated military we want to do lessons of war as soon as we can on the other hand though positive terrorism progress called social science and extra research slot are a nice path as well let's do this just so we don't get caught with our pants down apparently generic research here whereas exercising guys oh no we're about to attack poland actually i don't have enough army experience to remove artillery from the template that's not a problem because fighting point is not the real test the real test is fighting the germans later so we'll just keep the artillery for now and train up later also let's make sure garrisons have the highest priority let's hire miguel calleen for extra stability stability is quite nice and our wargle on poland is ready as the crow wore immediately and crushed him just being unbalanced attack and once we do that we will start preparing to fight the germans even though we have those severe penalties from the purge we are getting through rehabilitated military done reorganization that's gonna give us bonuses to land doctrines which will also be of help let's spend some experience to do this faster also now we can modify the template we're going to just use pure 20 with infantry with no support companies whatsoever later on i might increase the size of the unit and because mass mobilization gives us combat with reduction i suppose i should probably be going aggressive it doesn't really matter at this point let's go aggressive time to get some inventory bonuses lessons of war we have had a war since ending the purge so yay now this is actually not the best research path i probably should have gone for the extra research slot first but this too is acceptable also and we win we're of course going to index everything and now we wait for the germans to attack let's go to free trade this is not intuitive for the soviet union of course but it is the best policy let's make sure to exercise our guys and the purge penalty is gone let's go for positive heroism and get our extra research our troops are now combat ready trying kaishak all right yeah we can get into a nice war in china with that but that's not we're almost trained up fully equipped and we will be able to deploy more troops and i will be deploying more troops or just stockpiling equipment to reinforce once the fighting starts occupation is going smoothly all you need to do is just stay with civilian oversight and do garrisons as the highest priority that's all mass mobilization spend extra experience human soviet treaty sure we do want to get more freebies and then betray it progress cult i'm not sure the germans will declare war on me if i have an overwhelming force on the border so i might retreat my guys a bit just to provoke them we'll see let's get boris the military theorist should i go to two full army groups perhaps we will need more manpower for that progress court is done socialist science here comes and the extra manpower let's deploy just two of them ahead of time so that we can train enough exercise the ones already in the field and let these train up normally i will need some more equipment but we're working on it energy offensive and some energy bonuses we'll need a second field marshall won't we still lost rakosovsky we'll use marcan because he is a brilliant strategist or we could use zhukov because he is a level five let's use rook off more infantry businesses extra research slot social science will give us enough manpower let's get an infantry equipment designer all right contingency plan if germany doesn't want to attack us after we betray the mode of ribbon drop plan we're going to start justifying on them right when uh the pact is broken underscores of austria and the extra research thought is complete let's get another one start researching the beta gun and the computing machine large front defensive i'm going to be doing the infantry upgrades ahead of time because now i do have the research thoughts to do that we could do more propaganda against japan but we have enough war support industrial concern do we want to invest in turkish state building no oh we have insufficient steel because we went with free trade and that is interesting going with free trade was a mistake we will remedy that with extra excavation because now we're committed to it it would cost too much political power to change we can also build infrastructure and the places with lots of steel now i'll just change the laws again later going with free trade was a mistake in this case but we're keeping it anyway i guess i can purchase some some excavation human wave offensive very nice reserve of guns don't need more manpower at the moment munich agreement happens let's hire the army regrouping expert and do socialist realism improved competing machine successful purge we're done with the trotskyist plot better guns researched let's continue down this path even though it's ahead of time we have the luxury of not really needing all that research because we only use infantry so we can focus on strengthening it a lot steel is an issue though we should have made more civilian factories but the games need to be as close to each other as possible so we're not going to build those civilian factories right two four army groups exercised to the maximum oh right um we're supposed to make 120 why did i make 124 let's disband some of them just so our math is correct sweet volunteer group for china no socialist realism is complete let's finish the five-year plan and hire an army maneuver expert no actually let's improve working conditions and um i've pulled my troops back then just to make sure that the germans are not intimidated maybe it's a mistake maybe i should intimidate them a bit we'll decide once other borders have their final shape and yes i know i could justify on both countries and have them submit to me but we don't want to do that just yet or at all in this game now i'm a maneuver expert we do have some planes i'm not going to build any but we can use the ones we have five year plan finished armament effort and more infantry bonuses japanese provocation we're going to ignore it completely germany attacks belgium that was quick where's malto ribbentrop does poland need to exist for that they do something wrong no poland does not need to exist for this all right let's let them do their thing it's gonna be problematic if they go so historical that uh yeah oh god damn it i hate when this happens i don't care about the japanese thing god damn it please victory wonderful so can we now move back please disorganizing my whole army all right also let's give him offensive doctrine and charismatic and organization first belgium capitulates how's germany doing germany didn't get your slovakia which is gonna be a problem for them and we're done with focuses let's not get any more i guess we could do a repeating one like resistance depression but not right now let's get some more water support i guess and get some more steel right germany seems to be doing well against france as usual it didn't even create a spy agency um because i didn't want to mess things up in any way like uh get inconsistent bonuses from intel let's not have any intel they're going to be consistent france computer aids what's germany gonna do next two full army groups is more than enough jose vacca attacked joseph like a joint allies now let's remember to replicate this move we're going for limited exports now i'm not sure we'll be consistent in our results on the great impact would turkey sure because germany didn't get yourself back at the normal way but they will be very powerful anyway so it should be fine yeah should have gone to free trade in the first place well that's fine let's start preparing our troops an entire army group oh yeah what have we been dropped perfect we're going to sign the treaty and deploy some troops you guys guard us against naval invasion you do the same in the north you secure the romanian border and you will be helping out in prussia now the romanian force will not be necessary but it's better to be prepared and we can always relocate them later okay let's go what have we been dropped packed wonderful let's let it auto expire because we're about to break that pact the partition of poland here we go no all of poland belongs to the motherland now this will auto expire soonish let's let a few more days go by okay all of poland belongs to the motherland now the germans have a wargle on me will they act upon it alright i was supposed to start justifying on them let's do that we cannot because we have a non-aggression pact okay then we'll revoke the pact as soon as we can if they don't attack us they seem to be preparing to attack us best guns ah right they attacked denmark instead and norway should i just pull my troops back from the borders maybe that will make them more inclined to attack let's get this army group further away something like this so they don't see me and you move away for a while as well it doesn't seem to help let's hide a bit more alright let's give them some time until they defeat denmark maybe then they'll change their mind if not i'll just have to wait they shouldn't see any of my troops on their border well gary jones the access we might need to deal with them and we're done with our doctrine super awesome competing machine and some industrial research it's like the germans don't want to attack me okay then i guess i will have to be at the attacker i'm giving them some more time by just circling our units here with orders prepared maybe some more propaganda and some iron mines seems like we will need to be the aggressor oh no i just i guess i can just attack hungary right so in order to make this consistent we're going to justify a wargle on hungary right at the end of 1939 because the germans should guarantee them they are fascist after all i was expecting them to attack me but it's fine okay new year let's justify i'm hungry they should get a guarantee well i guess i can make sure i've generated enough world tension by quickly justifying on the united states as well to make sure germany sees what's going on i'm not sure if this actually affects the german ai or only the allies but i'm doing it just to be safe and of course we're not going to attack you say no guarantee that's curious did you have a focus to join the axis so if i attack them yeah that will that will resolve our issues i think let's get the concealment expert he can help a bit a nice stockpile of guns a nice amount of manpower when can i get rid of the non-aggression pact july i was expecting them to guarantee hungary it's fine hungry joins axis can i still justify on them or will this cancel due to the non-christmas it doesn't cancel i can continue justifying wonderful so we'll just attack hungary and i don't need to keep justifying the united states let's cancel that see i can't justify on any of the axis members because of the non-aggression pact but they have started justifying the hungary before they joined the axis so it's fine apparently i am weaker than they are the enemy is stronger well they do have tanks and stuff but i have a lot of guns and a lot of people we'll see who's successful and pretty much endlessly reinforce our guys then again beating the germans is never that easy um so if this fails it's still fine we'll see if the other method succeeds and we'll have our answer anti-tank stuff researched this might go poorly i'm curious myself right we're ready to attack so just to be sure we're doing everything correctly we're only producing infantry weapons we have a lot of them our doctrine is a mass assault fully researched here and our template is this it's actually 16 width because our combat width got reduced with the doctrines i could theoretically increase it in 19.2 um but i don't think i will this should suffice we'll see okay let's attack hungary and see oh okay my mistake apparently it's also blocked because of the faction leader bringing in an aggression back with us that's disappointing but we will be able to cancel that pact soon well i'm not sure if our work on hungary would expire before that uh when does it expire 5th of july and we cannot revoke the pact until the 15th of july okay so we're going to lose some stability over this unfortunate i also need to make sure i replicate this in the second game and just to keep everything consistent it's really difficult to set up a game in a way that i will be sure to replicate you know like all the moves which is why i guess i'm making those weird decisions yup weak foreign percent oh we can do anti-democratic race now oh sure we'll do that i'll give some stability that we just lost oh and it's july i don't have enough divisions on our common border only the number of divisions that matters let's create a new division create empty and just cavalry one bit let's call it tiny save produce a few hundred of these just a couple hundred this should suffice 300 is enough and deploy them on the german board as soon as we can then we can finally break the non-aggression pack i really expecting them to attack me and they might as soon as i break the pact deploy everyone go to the border think it needs to recalculate and now i can cancel the non-aggression fact the aggression pact is consoled will you attack me now yes so the non-aggression pact was the problem all along i'm gonna disband all the cavalry and look how well archers perform against germany i guess i should have anticipated that i think it was changed because at some point i'm pretty sure the germans could attack me even though i had another aggression back to them atomic research for extra reset speed okay let's see how we do jeremy breaks mode over the bench of course with the defender here looking fairly balanced we can't push into the mountains i think i'm unbalanced let me check no i'm on aggressive get damn it supposed to be unbalanced okay let's halt redo that unbalanced we don't want to be attacking into the mountains if it's not favorable conditions aggressive can be very useful but it also drains your manpower and equips them very quickly i don't know when exactly the war started can we see that here oh germany 8th of august this time right we need to get as close to that as we can romaine is still not a member of the access i think they will be as you can see we have massive stocks of guns and people we have large warehouses full of people so we will be able to maintain the amount and equipment of troops that we have it's just a matter of whether the germans can't withstand that no we wait don't want to do any creative moves any encirclement or anything we'll let the ai do its job well i guess you guys can execute the strugglers here hungary has been called in doesn't really matter we don't have a border yet oh no we do so it does matter it's october 1940 and not much is changing on the front lines let's check the balance of casualties we have lost a million and they have lost half of that from our attacks well the situation is far from perfect but if we can overcome their production capabilities which are vast but they're producing guns and tanks and artillery and everything if we can overcome this and make sure their troops aren't getting fully reinforced we will be able to push through the ranks i could of course attempt going aggressive and i might even do that later these two armies will be in reserve for now they seem to be pushing back here all right let's send one of the reserve armies there you push south and you push over here the best guns let's start producing them they can make a difference oops romania joins the axis i do have an army there ready and romania has joined i guess i can relocate this guy over to romania our stocks of weapons are not really depleting and we do have a lot of manpower so as long as we can keep up the pressure it should be okay it was started on the 8th of august is evaluated after a full year would you mean the casualties rate more or less consistent we're losing twice as many as the germans more or less once again our troops are low quality but there is a lot of them of course we could get a large advantage by just training spies and sending them over to the enemy that would give us a bonus a very strong bonus but it's not really about this looks like the germans have less than a million available manpower so maybe if i keep up the pressure that'll be enough but they are pushing me back so i've decided to switch to aggressive it's not even been a year of course once again with operatives in germany we would be more successful but let's see how we do if i go aggressive we still have a lot of equipment we lost some but we still have a lot this might work out i'm back after a break and of course i forgot i wasn't in iron man so i just exited the game without saving which is why we're continuing from an auto save so what was i doing i was trying aggressive let's do that again let's see if we can make gains on aggressive probably not but i do have a large reserve of guns and money it doesn't seem like we're making gains at all it's like maybe balanced was the way to go let's see the casualty balance uh it has become much worse for us we're almost up to three to one uh so let's go back to balanced might even try cautious although that would probably be ill advised let's do balanced again but this time trying something different i'm going to modify my template so that it is closer to 20 width that's out 2 infantry battalions and actually put you guys on cautious for a little while so that you can recover and then we'll continue wonder if i've used up all my guns or not well not all of them also we are producing guns all the time of course and i have way too much political power let's improve work conditions do war bonds and anti-fascist raids and maybe get a repeating focus we should do resistance depression or construction repair or construction engineering and build up infrastructure that would be a good idea but we want to keep the games consistent so i should have started that earlier we're not going to do that now because i'll go to resistance depression this shouldn't change much no actually the focus we should be using is construction repair and i should continue building factories as i was supposed to it would be good to have some most of them factories but i did say we're only gonna do military didn't i so you guys hot stop advancing aggressive is not working and i know it might seem like pure infantry is just a pure bad choice but remember we didn't use any agents and if we did we would have an advantage because of intel and also infantry is very cheap and some countries that cannot afford anything else can afford the infantry right so you guys are all cautious we're waiting for reinforcements 10 manpower well that is unfortunate it will take a while for it to be delivered non-aggression pact with japan sure we don't care about japan and if you hear some music in the background that's not hearts of iron music that's my son playing with his little car downstairs cautious seems to be working a bit better than aggressive but still nothing too great i want to wait for all of them to receive the reinforcements and then we can go back to balanced why are you not receiving your reinforcements though ireland joins allies and italy is moving down south yugoslavia capitulates reinforcements situation not very good we're not getting that manpower into the field quickly enough as you can see it is not going very well not pushing through enough but we're occupying all the german forces and we are trading rather equally well we have lost four million troops they've lost one and a half million but we have much more many more in reserve on the other hand we almost ran out of our gun stockpile you know that is a bit of an issue let's have a look at the german situation they have service by requirement and not that much manpower but i think they can keep this up more or less forever the important part is to make sure that we can keep this up more or less forever as well and then the allies can tip the scales now that we are uncautious and we are receiving reinforcements things are starting to look up but let's stay uncautious also i have changed the template remember that 19.2 combat with let's do night vision the united states are going into the war in a moment do i need any more war propaganda no i do not we could do scorched earth but we don't need to we're slowly running out of steel but we still have enough but soon we might not i might go to closed economy then okay or are there no troops here this seriously needs reorganizing to cancel your order actually let's cancel all the orders and redo them it's gonna be better that way first you will spread around the entirety of our combined frontline if you cancel an order to reorganize troops this is a vulnerable moment but we should be fine also i need to train more troops for this guy let's give a similar order to you guys just all over the place only three armies will be assigned to that oh that's enough everyone hold and reorganize we're going to lose some ground while reorganizing probably if we don't we might lose all the ground oh you have been assigned to that as well no you're garrisoning odessa no you have been assigned to that right um i guess i did this wrong because of the order you keep your specific orders and you will get them manually all right reorganize how are the logistics not so great actually not so great at all i mean it's not that bad our production efficiency is increasing and we're making a thousand guns a day if we stay on cautious we will get enough guns eventually however it's already september 1941 i think it's time we saved the game exited it and tried to do this the other way because we were supposed to compare them weren't we and this one well suffice it to say it's not going that well let's remember the war started on the 8th of august we'll try to replicate that let's start again this time with the same setup but a vastly different tactic for the army the rest will be the same so we start with styling constitution like last time we build 20 civilian factories which is too few we should build more but that's what they did last time so we have to repeat it that's 20 and then military factories a lot of them production we will not need tanks or fighters or we will need support equipment artillery motorized and anti-air as well i might also do rocket artillery we'll think about that now how many let's do 15 for support 10 for anti-air and artillery for now and five for motorized and all the rest into inventory equipment don't worry about it too much actually i'm gonna make sure that artillery is being produced right now we're gonna get a lot more military factories soon research land doctrine superior firepower this time research some research and some construction and let's go get all the troops switch them to the infantry template and set up an army for the invasion of poland tortesque is gonna be our field marshal turkey seizes control of the bosphorus obliged the armed forces of course and we've done the stunning constitution it is now time to start the purge and to justify wargle in poland choose the remaining political power to hire kaleen for extra stability we are not going to purge him and also improve worker conditions soon all right i was supposed to do work on me wasn't i it doesn't really matter that much what we do first right in the trial let's do kruschev i want to keep clean let's improve work conditions we'll do more economy next machine tools superior fiber complete delay this time we need to get rid of twitchevsky or rokosovsky and let's get rid of rokosovsky spanish civil war not our concern let's make this risk in the aggressive assaulter and charismatic trial of the 21 uh navy and air force please probably should have gone to war economy sooner i don't remember the exact uh order i did this last time because i was recording that party yesterday i probably should have done that earlier we'll do it soon and the purge is concluded rehabilitated military and concentrated industry instruction ii now we go to work on me what's going to do wonders for construction this occasional opponent is complete unless the cloud war immediately and let our guys do their thing we have the purge penalty which is why we're going so slowly but we will win anyway military reorganization once again this was not a good um course of action i should have done the research thoughts first before the lessons of war but that's what we did last time so we're gonna do that again all right and we're through i think i switched to aggressive around that time last time so let's do that going as expected fall of war so not much time left i almost forgot make sure garrisons are the highest priority what has capitulated we take all states garrisons and operations on highest priority well operations i'm not gonna be using those but it's a force of habit you guys go to the german border and now i can start reorganizing my template let's go to 20 with infantry with support engineers anti-air still not sure about the recon companies at the moment we might be using something else instead but let's do lessons of war for now this is it i need to decide if i'm going to be doing recon or rocket artillery right i think i want to free trade next now we wait i can see that we need way more equipment although seems like i'm not spending enough production on anti-air and too much on artillery spain relocates gold reserves lessons of war complete now we can do the really good ones with research oh i didn't change the template for the occupant divisions i should do that because i'm adding uh support and there's no need for that here let's do nkvd or cavalry calvary might be even better oh let's use cavalry for that other construction all right do i spend the experience now or do i wait until i don't have the bonuses i think i'll wait until i don't have the bonuses right now we get the military theorist boris germans are pretty sure we did that last time so let's do that again progress cult let's exercise you guys right getting rocket artillery happens way too late into the game let's just use recon in our template but make sure to also add initiative i will need at least 20 support equipment progress called complete socialist science for all the manpower we may need i'm still undecided on rocket artillery because it won't start in august 1940 so if i did this a little bit ahead of time i could do rocket artillery but we'll see i could also do anti-tank it doesn't do much its soft attack is very low and soft attack is the important attack i mean heart attack also matters but we will get that from anti-air industrial concern i almost forgot i need to research the signal company so let's switch the research around and do radio rather than that infantry buff i was doing republican spain defeated ashes of austria and we got an extra research slot let's get another one some excavation will be necessary um into a dragoon designer although artillery would probably be a better pick but we did take this one last time and signal companies diversify the program oh i wonder does it give me bonuses to rocket artillery or just two rockets we'll know once we finish regimental combat teams and they're all trained up we need to keep our research quite balanced close to city network now let's see if we got a bonus for rocket artillery we did not but it researches pretty quickly so i think we'll need to rush this and add rocket artillery and not recon this will be my next research option chosen then this than this that will give us way more soft attack and recon well we can do without recon improved working conditions extra stability is always nice it adds very small bonuses to everything signal companies done now let's do that artillery thing i was talking about combining artillery and the rocket artillery will truly give us superior firepower not really doing much ahead of time this time around because we have a lot of things to research i think i will do improved computing machine though oh let's do the better guns we will make good use of that still have a lot of time i need to remember to needlessly justify a war goal in hungary in the united states like i did last time how did we do this first or this was i think this socialist realism although we don't really need it successful purge all right hold on until this finishes um yeah that's fine improves competing machine it gives a very large research bonus it will be useful later on even though it is ahead of time are we doing with our stockpile well enough let's have a look at our template and add signal companies to it how we doing on that equipment well enough okay we should have enough of everything i will also add what was it called rocket artillery band 100 to do it faster this setup should be fine but i will be adding some more factories to sport equipment and artillery and entire later now let's focus on just filling out uh what we have and also doing rocket artillery once we unlock that spring of which you should unlock that soon so we volunteer group um no thank you five year plan i guess i could do atomic research to speed up my other stuff but we will benefit more from industrial research all right updated equipment better artillery please are we doing on resources yup running out of steel i will have to change our economy soon like i did last time no no let's buy some from france or propaganda army regrouping expert i'm a newer expert all right and the pointless war goes i need to justify on hungary and then on the united states almond effort all right hungary first i need to finish the war goal in hungary and then let it expire and i have to justify we'll go on the united states and then cancel it just to make sure i don't get extra postcard power because those are the mistakes i did last time and germany attacks belgium just like last time good at least it's consistent belgium capitulates all the united states started and cancelled police provocation and our border i don't care about it one bit shock and awe and we've done all the fixes we wanted luxembourg is under attack and i need to change my economy in a moment for the conflict do i have to i really don't care should be an option ignore now it's taking my troops that i had reserved for something else well not really i didn't really care about these particular troops but oh the rocketry technology bonus actually does apply that's brilliant let's do that japanese victory i don't care just like i joined the eyes i will need to deploy motors but first i want to be sure that we have enough equipment for all of them i still have a year until the war starts so i guess i do have enough equipment or will okay let's train a couple let's say eight total armies there'll be 54 additional units i will only deploy them after they are complete and i upgrade but then you guys need to be exercised all right i can do the economy now limited exports please now turkey non-aggression back sure now we have enough steel joslybakka capitulates france should soon follow although ribbondrop sure we will sign the treaty just to make sure everything works the same as the atomic research for the research bonus and we will keep poland but we still have the non-aggression pact i will make sure to cancel it in august 1940 like we did last time better anti-air well this night of time i guess i could do something else in the meantime no but our entire is a good choice because we will start producing the better ones already really need more infantry equipment and i might have too much of artillery and anti-air now it's gonna be all right i'm still building military factories and they are all going towards just infantry equipment whirlwind hungary is complete i have to let it expire so that we can duplicate what happened last time they're not a member of the axis so i could just attack them but i'm not allowed to let's get the concealment expert and that's pretty much all the advisors and companies we need centralized fire control let's continue forward observers maybe i am spending too many factories on building anti-air let's admit that to just 10. okay joins the axis maybe three for motorized for now better signal companies also now we can modify the template to include support rocket artillery brilliant now i will have to deploy these ahead of time i guess because we won't have enough artillery to do that total artillery here we go how many do we need let's do 20 factories until we can build up a supply we don't have that much time advanced competing machine actually i'm going to do 30 factories on the rocket artillery we do need to build up a stockpile before we start fighting yes weak foreign policy we have a nice reserve of artillery and anti-air it's going to suffice i guess i could have a bit more support equipment i might want to go to 30 once we fill up the demand for inventory equipment or i could go to two full army groups again i guess i'll do that no we don't need that many this is fine better and i air researched no but engineers we need to keep upgrading all across the board i guess i'll do limited conscription there's no need for it but i will cookie delivers an investment portfolio no thank you we have our own problems our anti-democratic grades that can give us some more stability let's do that and create a new template one we're going to use to break the non-aggression pact just cavalry for quick movement cav save and i'll need a couple hundred of those that'll have to suffice you guys are almost trained up but i need you at your peak performance i'm just going to deploy you ahead of time we'll need a new field marshall again offensive charismatic organization all right that'll do and exercise up improved infantry equipment we're doing with that rocket artillery very well i will be able to decrease the amount of factories dedicated to that soon for all of paris well that's a bit late for the germans last time they did it faster they might be a bit weaker this time or was it maybe it was about the same time i don't remember i think it was faster because i'll do some more propaganda as i can improved engineer companies researched next stop this only two doctrines left until the end and we have enough rocket artillery splendid hungry joins the axis we're going to upgrade our rockets because we have a bonus and soft attack is quite important it'd be time to redo our orders a bit be balanced like last time i'll also train some garrison units i guess let's edit this template duplicate it garrison remove the military police and maybe add some more inventory it's not that important it's just four ports and i'll train two armies of that full of nanjing the cavalry is deployed it is only here to break the non-aggression pact quickly we will disband all of it in a moment whereas these guys are going to be guarding our ports we wouldn't want a naval invasion to ruin our plans time for some more upgrades to our artillery and again it is ahead of time and so is this maybe we should invest in the best guns already really more guns although we will have some return to the stockpile once i disband all that cavalry improved artillery upgrade though i guess i could do industry ah same thing we'll do industry in a moment right our garrisons to defend our ports already took his kathleen on aggression and two months until we start fighting i think it was the 8th of august something like that that's when we're going to cancel a little aggression packed still exercising and you're done good entire fashion trades and improved working conditions operatives captured and turned cool oh this is looking just fine i think we're ready let's see if it's going to be any different trotsky is done for 8th of august right to cancel the non-aggression pact can we do that yes we can let's wait a few days and they should attack us immediately if they don't we will okay let's cancel they should now attack us if they don't i'm gonna justify wargle and they do they attack us perfect no what is different this time we have a different doctrine and a different template we have a 20 with infantry unit bought with five support units support artillery support anti-air support rocket artillery signal companies and engineers and we'll see how well we perform all my troops are unbalanced with our colders now the little bit of the problem here is that we don't really have all that much equipment last time we had much larger reserves let's disband all that cavalry that will help a little bit but just a little bit so while our troops should be stronger and the equipment might pose a problem also our doctrine of course is different because last time we were using mass assault and we finished it by now and now we're using superior firepower so let's observe the invasion on pressure is going very smoothly the invasion on the main german territory is not going so well cause i should go cautious let's go cautious we don't have enough equipment to be balanced i guess hungary has been called in okay greece is being involved and we finished conquering prussia let's leave it as is for now and see how well our guys perform you guys take the northern part well i should probably be going unbalanced as well because that's what i was doing last time and again it could lead to trouble let's try uncautious we'll know how well it performs the equipment production is under control we seem to have enough of everything german east indies when did that happen oh right yeah when they attack the netherlands regardless let's see the losses a million and half a million okay the balance of losses is much better this time but we don't seem to be making any progress we have to give it time so we can compare properly all right i forgot to send the planes over i did that last time yeah we don't really have an infantry equipment which is an issue let's lower the production of other stuff this should help a bit without firebase is complete shock and awe should i go balanced no we don't have enough equipment to go balanced it's a pity but at the glance it seems to be going better this time all right let's do the repeating repair focus or bonds and romania joins the x is not the war and it looks like we're doing much better this time what if i go balanced is it going to mess everything up let's see roman has been called in and we are advancing into romania i always keep forgetting to promote my guys to infantry experts improve our production a bit or the logistics still acceptable although the infantry equipment is an issue okay this is looking very promising we seem to be crushing germany in its prime we've reached yugoslavia production of infantry equipment is still an issue but we've just capitulated hungary and they gave us all that infantry equipment we needed expand the front line take advantage of what we just conquered there is a very clear difference here see i was convinced that using pure infantry was just as good because well i've seen success doing it but it seems like if i was using superior firepower with support companies it would be even easier i should probably also test the classic 7-2 approach sometime which is a template that instead of 10 infantry bits has 7 infantry bits and 2 artillery for greater soft attack let me know if you want to see that because i might make a video like this sometime full of berlin that was quick okay this is going much better than i expected let's see the casualties we've lost 1.7 million and they lost 1.3 million the balance is much better this time and why am i only using infantry i know i could get better results if i employed tanks for encirclements for example well because i can't be bothered and to elaborate on that doing tanks requires a lot of research and production management micromanagement to use them effectively and fuel and infantry well infantry can be just as effective as you can see all right let's finish romania off regressed shall be mine i actually visited bucharest very interesting architecture you my idea are going to secure bulgaria because if they are a member of the axis they might join the war at any moment whereas the rest should return to the front lines here what is my participation 56 percent bulgaria has joined just as we expected it's not like they're gonna do much we're going to kill the logistics much better we can actually keep up with the demand and manpower is never an issue for the soviet union we still haven't completed the last doctrine i wonder if there's gonna be a big change now and that we got the bonuses it gives because it gives very large bonuses and seems like yes there is a bit of a change so what should we research next a bit of a rocket bonus i guess norway capitulates to the germans and italians good thing we left those guards here italy might be landing naval invasions and we've researched the best guns we're going to start producing them now it's not always the best choice to do so because we've just lowered our production efficiency quite a lot and we don't have a big stock problem so maybe not the best choice but we can handle it also i have a lot of political power i should invest in steel i could just build infrastructure but i didn't do it last time so i won't be doing that here either can i do closed economy yes i can let's do closed economy non-aggression back to japan sure we got slightly delayed in joe slovakia well because of all those forts but other than that we're reaching hamburg in may 1941 let's go into denmark and the vienna is about to be ours as well here it goes the germans are halfway towards capitulation and even further actually bulgaria is on its last legs greece is attacking from this house and bulgaria capitulates there's still some access troops there so let's eliminate those and done let's relocate you guys to the mainframe i'm thinking southwards from here let's get to stuttgart you know what i'm gonna go aggressive let's see how these troops behave because at this point it's pretty clear which way is superior but let's push it a little more and see what happens the aggressive approach is not working in the south where they have mountains and fortifications but we're making very quick gains up north so look at germany how much manpower do you have not a lot this is going splendidly negotiator hasn't even joined the war wait who's your ruler peter the second must have got broken that could be a bit of an issue we're going to be much weaker for a short time at this point does it really matter i don't think so i'm going to need to ask are the british for military access no not foreign 66 it's not what this video is about just so our borders don't get very weird we will have to redo orders anyway relocating troops so germany how much longer not much longer can you guys just rush stuttgart if you do we might just win nope there's defense there pity well not much longer anyway how about munich mention if you prefer can you rush that you know stuttgart this is the last stretch so let's push oh i might get this one and they should be stranger now will they yes yes they will let's wait until they do germany has capitulated to me beautiful now we could also deal with italy finish the axis off should we do that well there is no need but i guess we could run south we are an aggressive so it's all good and demands french indochina also not really a problem in the current situation you guys go to italy as well i will get military access from france it's not gonna take long it's just italy against the might of the entire soviet union and france just sent them manually to rome oh i could give him expert delegator or organization first let's do organization rest and we're almost halfway through well no not halfway through but we are very far in full room rome falls to the soviets all right now you guys go to palermo do you know is ours will be ours as well in a moment maybe we can get palermo and palermo is often difficult because they can sometimes garrison messina heavily and it is difficult to get across the strait but with the momentum we have here we should be fine and there it goes we've won the war okay let's um what should we do we should probably puppet the germans yes and maybe italy as well but we puppet everyone in bulgaria and well not iceland done there are making german east indies a supervised state okay i guess that's works let's pass a few times and feed our subjects their own territory well technically this is not their territory ah i would be annexing them anyway right germany takes this subject italy takes all the italian stuff i'll just use this it's faster perfect hungary already has hungarian stuff romania and bulgaria and there's still german east indies apparently can i take stuff there yes yes i can well some stuff and that's it let's end the peace conference that was quick and easy wasn't it so the mighty soviet union rules a supreme having a puppet socialist republic of germany the puppet italian union hungarian people republic socialist republic of bulgaria and romanian people's republic if we go to the factions map mode we've conquered all of this okay so i think we have our answer if you just want to do infantry as you know the main battalions it is much better to go with support companies and to choose superior firepower if you can afford it of course because sometimes you just have very few factories and pure infantry is the only viable option for you but if you have both manpower and factories this is the perfect choice but perhaps not perfect maybe we could modify it a bit but it is much better than just doing pure infantry next time i might try something like this it's also 20 with has much more soft attack and again it is not that much more it has significantly less hit points so i really think that this is the optimal build i'm not sure about which companies to use and which not to use but i'm pretty happy with this setup let me know what you think and yes i know tanks are powerful but i can't be bothered and motorized is fast and powerful but it takes oil and i can't be bothered infantry is just wonderful so thank you for watching of course let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions and i will see you again soon goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 344,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 quality, hoi4 defeat germany, hoi4, hoi4 ironman gameplay, iron, hoi4 meme, hoi4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 fail, taureor, hoi4 soviet world conquest, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 ironman USSR, world conquest, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 continent, hoi4 good army, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 Russian world, hoi4 annex germany, hoi4 intelligence, hoi4 quality or quantity
Id: _MVneFL3rYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 1sec (2641 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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