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all right welcome back to our arco collectivist colony here on our tundra island our ponds are sleeping soundly oh my god that's a great start to the episode great start to the play through today advanced starvation um we have food and why do i have no recollection of engi being out here what the hell happened was i not paying attention last time we were playing this come on sam search and rescue out here we'll have to come back for the stuff say i swear to god you better not go on a break i feel like i'm not understanding the problem how are you having advanced starvation so weird is she not she can eat nutrient paste is anybody else nobody else is starving but engi it's very suspicious i feel like engi's actually just being dramatic we'll never know we'll never know what happened with enki this guy has bandages on both his eyes chimpanzees seen better days oh god all right we're gonna have joanna at least haul this muffalo corpse in yeah sorry mavis i wasn't in the cards for you do we have predators on this map no okay how unfortunate would that be joanna got downed by a shark right now all right we got rough times ahead with food for the colony i can already tell throw a door on this room in preparation sam's being a good doctor attending to chimpanzee and our prisoner andre who is still has he been converted yes okay how long has he just been sitting there time to recruit i'm gonna need sam to butcher we're gonna get like three meat out of this muffalo with sam butchering it because he's so bad at cooking it's okay we got some it could have been worse we'll just do a nice tiny barracks for now this is just to give them somewhere a bit cozier [Music] all right chimpanzees up and about now really i'm liking these kind of high quality tens we got going on i'm used to like 10 quality 14 chimpanzee you're looking good in that new hat i don't know how you can see out from behind those bandages but oh my god snowing it's seven it's negative 17 degrees it's negative 20. my people are all gonna die oh my god they're gonna die of hypothermia that's 28f in here okay that's unfortunate all right so working on running power down here i feel like the temperature will be better regulated in the mountain we got our heavy overhead roof sam i would like to know why you think you can rest so many hours out of the day okay you're a night owl fine you know what somebody in the comments said the prime night owl sleep schedule was from was like this we'll see how that works for him joanna we're so close to being done with this primitive this hovel if you will about a girl joanna all right andre has hypothermia not for long bud we're gonna give you a campfire last thing we need is for our prisoner to die we need him we want this interest in mining there we go what do we think it's going to be 80 85 in here now he's gonna be complaining about sleeping in the heat that's so satisfying joanna you're so close to being done joanna please you'll be so much cozier in here i feel like well it's 50 oh no we're getting into the 60s all right much more comfortable temperature chimpanzees probably is he just wearing a t-shirt oh chimpanzees in trouble it's probably what my pawns are always pissed off are you annoyed about hammering while you're trying to sleep joe all right well sam's up and about our night owl enjoying his solitude at night in the negative 35 degrees fahrenheit which is nearly the same in celsius oh my god we got frostbite going please can somebody just finish this bed okay you're already on it all right we're much cozier in here is it you chimpanzee what's your what's what's what's your damage intense pain hideous environment greedy for impressive bedroom but you're gonna have to let that go that's not in the cards for you chimpanzee needs a parka that's actually like the first order of business right now so up here in our one of our two heated rooms is where we will throw down a nice little electric taylor bench make a parka we definitely have enough muffalo sorry bloofer i almost said muffle a wool i wish do we want a parka do we want a robe here's the issue our colony apparel is a robe but i feel like a parka is better right let's look actually i need to know how they hmm yeah that's what we need all right who's my best crafter i'm sorry that you have to do so much in this colony but you're just our best one all right we only have enough blue fur to make oh you know we can make a plain leather it's not ideal oh sea otter i'm not gonna hunt this sea otter but look how cute we missed our chance to get those two buffalo whoa look at this parka it's aggressively spiky around the collar all right chimpanzee i need you to put this on oh much better negative 45 that's what we need for everyone is he gonna be unhappy that it's the wrong outfit no he doesn't care okay so i definitely feel like the biggest um like our biggest struggle right now is food i think we've staved off the cold a little bit now that everybody at least has clothing and we also have an extra parka or we will have an extra parka for andre to wear once he joins although it is plain leather so it's not going to be great plus they're packed like sardines in the bedroom which is nice what are you tending i don't know if his frostbite needs to be tended with such high quality medicine joanna i need you guys to come fish out here hungry intense pain well at least when that wears off you'll be quite a bit happier no binary guide why are one animal getting the plague all right allie we definitely have to make sure ally is getting good medicine we don't want her to die she is bonded and then sam is our doctor please come tend to ally chimpanzee we'll check out his fishing again let's see what he's about to catch hello you're carrying one salmon one art oh my god how far are you oh my god hurry engi oh my god settle down now oh my god very stressful it can be released that was almost a disaster oh god this game's really keeping me on my toes today marvel meteorite on the ocean okay well i'll keep that in mind for future um statues maybe i could just assign somebody oh god i'll assign somebody to our moral guide role who's our best social i think sam's going to be the leader because he's charismatic and he's the smartest he's going to be unhappy because he doesn't have these ltx robe and altx helmet i feel like this was too high end of clothing for me to assign to this role like i'm not gonna get this for a really long time i'm not i'm not gonna lie to you guys we might have to go into debug and change this to be just like a normal robe in a normal helmet or something because this is a bit extreme for the level that i'm playing [Music] you're a misogynist and a misandrist dislikes and distrusts men dislikes and distrusts women okay joanna only trusts themselves i don't want to make you the moral guide then because you hate everyone angie's gonna be it then minus four for that minus four for that yeah guys we might have to tweak that a bit to be regular robes until we get more advanced and then we might have to we'll see we'll see we'll see if it doesn't drive them absolutely mad these next few days if it does we might need to amend that i don't know what sort of ambitious confidence overconfidence i had when i was setting up the ideology just truly embarrassing honestly chimpanzee you going off to fish chimpanzee has gone off to fish again please catch something better than one salmon are you serious was in prison i think chimp we might have to kill chimpanzee does anybody need an organ because this is like he he just had he was just in prison for a tantrum i want him in the colony though it's just getting real old isn't it you're gonna keep being arrested oh my god boogle you might just replace our boy chimpanzee actually chimpanzee had good crafting doesn't he i feel like that's a good reason or did i make that uh oh it's angry with the crafting all right psychopath iron world chemical interest but bilgua i like the iron willed this is really appealing to me right now after having to deal with chimpanzee there's no way bilgo doesn't die of hypothermia before he gets to me it's negative 29 fahrenheit look at his outfit also he's swimming through the ocean water nothing like a refreshing swim through the antarctic ocean you guys even have your weapons anymore engi does not have anything engy's gun is still out in the ocean oh my god okay this is a reminder to myself oh my god it's 48 out of 100. my memory is failing me bill gla are you attacking right away okay take your time here's my question how did bill go make it to us across the ice sheet without dying of hypothermia already that's the real mystery here [Music] all right sam sam just a nice casual shot sam i need you to hit a shot okay okay in the leg okay he's pretty fast okay are you serious how many gunshots i swear the people oh my god his whole leg is shot off sam i swear we hit him more times than this maybe we hit him a bunch of times in the right leg before we shot it off oh my god i'm sorry our prison is full they're going to orchestrate a prison break if we do this okay we're gonna release chimpanzee should we i don't know if we can okay he's already marked to be released chimpanzee is that really the first thing you want to do right now go pull that bolt action rifle out of the deep ocean okay i'm gonna let him and if a shark gets him so be it there's none on the map we could hunt all these sardines that would be so time consuming shooting them with our rifle they're cute though aren't they japanese is going to go on another break do we think it's going to be another tantrum if we were in a live stream i'd let you guys gamble with channel points and whether or not chimpanzee would have another mental break before he makes it back to the base here okay we have a manhunting sardine moving rather fast but i'm definitely gonna beat him oh yeah he's got nowhere to go oh oh my god he's he's a liability we need to get rid of him what's his he's volatile what's his bio it's just animals i think we just have to kill him i i'm sorry does anybody need a body part before we kill him i wish we could take his spine out we can't okay um sorry we'll strip him hopefully we don't kill him right away sorry oh he should be buried and given a funeral no we're actually going to eat his body so i they don't care about cannibalism it's taken i'll be the first to admit the colony's taken a turn it's taken a turn for the worse um that's life on the tundra that's showbiz baby okay all right angie i need you to butcher up also copy settings paste paste connect too bad i can't select all of these ew it's 18 degrees in here sam prioritize refilling campfire and then this guy needs to be converted and he's taking quite some time is anki missing an arm no okay somebody is though you know what maybe it was chimpanzee okay we only got 21 meat out of him what what shouldn't you get like 90 meat out of a person was he missing a body part well we don't know now because he's been cut up the human meat is already gone um how did someone just come eat it raw out of the hopper what is happening in this colony is it haunted all right engy has hypothermia oh you know what i'm gonna have you put on that parka that we stripped off of um what's his face right before we bludgeoned him to death oh but you know what angie wants to be wearing a robe all right we'll save that parka for our next um we should put a door on here we'll save that parka for our next recruits they don't need to know it came off a dead person if they ask what happened to chimpanzee like if andre asks um because oh god they still want his funeral we already ate him okay maybe they don't realize um yeah we're gonna need to go ahead and cut that pinky off because i can just tell you right now the state of this room this quote unquote hospital it's not gonna work out come operate don't even bother attending so we can just take off the pinky though i thought we'd have to take off the whole hand so i'm actually quite pleased are you serious oh my god in a minor way how do you fail removing somebody's pinky you stabbed his whole hand and you somehow cut his other finger oh my god come clean this room if it fails again are you why oh my god in a catastrophic way hopefully we accidentally cut his finger off in the process one time i failed in a catastrophic way like someone's foot or something was infected and it said i failed a catastrophic way and it's because he accidentally cut off the whole leg so i call that a win in terms of a surgery failing okay so we did cut off his whole hand so the same situation here i'd be so mad if i was bill gwa can you imagine are you tending to bilga sam quality 97 quality a hundred that's what i like to see all right we're going back to low medical care now okay so he's missing a leg and a hand he's a bit actually i was going to say lopsided but i feel like maybe he evens out because it's the right leg missing and the left hand perhaps we feed him as well eh who just ate our last are you gonna feed him this raw what is this a raw trout the colony's i can't believe we only got 21 meat out of what's his face we have to hunt this bird you get 210 meat yes we have to hunt him who's my best shooter angry you're a little hurt i get that enki needs to come hunt this dodo i know i said i would never hunt an animal out in these deep waters again but i think we're safe and 210 meat of course with my multiplier of the butchering it will be 12 meat but thank god meanwhile joanna's fishing for us and he's having a crisis of belief she decided to hide in her room does that mean you left the dodo where did you leave it where is the dodo that you were just carrying eggy ally's hauling it oh thank god i was like oh my god did it glitch and like disappear good dog jeez all right who's my best chef because we got oh my god it's angie it's not ideal andre do you like we need andre to join us oh my god he's so far from joining us i got major beef with this storyteller right now can we just let the record show this is only strive to survive thanks are you a good chef with no resistance at all it's a pretty good pod are you attacking right away preparing for a while okay well joanna's incapable of cooking sam zero cooking skill all right let's see how much this is reduced oh god i'm ignoring that i can hear it happening but i need to focus on this caring 79 stand right here and just shoot him when he gets out oh my god oh my dark times in the colony how's bill gla woke up imagine being sedated to have your pinky amputated and you wake up and your whole hand's gone and you're being beat up by your cellmate and this guy got shot in the lung perfect just what we needed quite frankly angie i don't care if you have hypothermia and thus the colony was lost i don't have high hopes for this sam you're not going to help build oh my god i forgot about this okay joanna where are you you're sleeping hopefully that person just takes a while to get here because of the deep water look at our heater's broken i feel like sam's about to have a mental break in the middle of this raid okay like meets back on the menu well meets been on the menu so oh god look we got a bit more human meat that time i guess that person was a bit bigger perfect all right angie's on the mend honestly very good tent quality what's the fertility up here i'm wondering if any of our geothermal it's pebbles okay i want to find geothermal that has like soil it's all in pebbles this might work i'm going to temporarily build a structure around this geothermal to plant in it's probably not going to stay warm enough this might be a little bit too big let's see how much it heats up overnight well no one goes in oh my god i wasn't even paying attention to this i almost just built right into that yeah i'm sure there is a major break risk i probably starvation oh god oh god you're way too close to it you're too it's following us okay oh my god sam what are you about to break smash things in his room perfect thank god um here's a question joanna do you have to stand in the door of the prison meanwhile all right is who's my cooking skill of three someone has it i'm like yeah okay it's gonna have to be angie let's have a prediction we're supposed to get 344 meat out of this i bet we get 112. no i was off dang but i'm happy because it was a good amount can you please release sam these campfire's been running out real fast okay sam have yourself a nice meal then feed these two should we just stop tending should we just eat him i want him to join the colony but i feel like he it's unending joanna's feeling a little better here how many um how much heavy fur did we get what how are we only going to get 37 fur from a mega sloth no patience for these ponds we need to hunt another thing we're getting low on food oh thank god it's so close out front of her base too look at 60 in here hell yeah crack shot thank you come butcher this butcher table needs to go somewhere inside all right we're gonna put the butcher table in here for now oh that guy's about to join us and we are really not gonna have anything oh my god first of all let's shrink hello we're putting a geothermal we have to hunt one more mega dodo this is a lot this is we're actually responsible for hunting the dodo to extinction that's on us fine sam okay we're gonna have to hunt we're gonna hunt the polar bear now i'm sorry you're a noble creature how much meat can we expect to get 301 which means yeah about 100 100 for us once again we'll be shooting bilgua oh my god angie's about to go hunt this polar bear by herself with a revolver okay you know what we're just gonna save are you gonna save the colony if she brings this is she son of a okay joanna has an infection in her finger joanna's got to lose a hand might even be the whole arm if we botch it thank god for ally bringing home the bacon how much meat 114 okay thank god that's a few meals for us please feed the prisoners feed the prisoners angie you're gonna pass out of hypothermia all right uh as long as we keep joanna how many medicines do we have white sharks sitting are you gonna send us a bunch of food what if we eat the shark oh a nudist i'm sorry we can't have a nudist here this is a really good pond though look at the cooking look at the plants we could take a nudist and just put a bunch of clothes on her what's the quest take care of a white shark for 16 days okay we're gonna accept it and if the shark dies oh well all right cassidy let's check you out um there we go more that's better i was like is she gonna not do too well on the beach there okay there's a sardine for her to eat we're not feeding her so in fact we might have to resort to even eating her sam i need you to finish this research so bad everybody's future's in your hands what the is happening to cassidy cassidy gets hypothermia i mean i don't know what sorry we're eating you i guess okay well we ate cassidy but i really don't feel like that was our fault because we couldn't i mean we got so much meat out of her yes maybe that was my plan all along okay so now's a good stopping point um we still have not converted these two prisoners but joanna has recovered from her hand infection we have enough food to tide us over for a little while hopefully till we get our little crappy greenhouse up and running uh may expand it we did not achieve as much as i'd hoped for this second episode uh in fact the colony is still kind of in shambles but i feel that i had a lot of bad luck so i'm going to blame cass for that but if you watched all the way to the end of this episode let me know down in the comments and thank you so much i will catch you next time you
Channel: Jadziax
Views: 6,636
Rating: 4.9898992 out of 5
Keywords: streamer, lets play, rimworld let's play 2021, rimworld playthrough, colony sim
Id: yZNST0NxwpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 6sec (1866 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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