BATHROOMS IN RIMWORLD? (Dubs Bad Hygiene Mod Tutorial)

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what's up guys i'm jazz i stream a lot of rimworld on twitch and today i'm doing a quick tutorial on one of my favorite mods dove's bad hygiene which of course adds bathrooms to the game uh because it it can be a little bit overwhelming at first it adds this whole tab uh to our menu here with lots of options and a tab to the research tree i've filled out most of it already with this colony so that we'd be good to go for this tutorial so i hope you enjoy and if you find this useful please like and subscribe alright so we've got our little colony i have a giant room waiting to be our bathroom so right after you land the first thing i recommend is just clicking the hygiene tab and throwing down a latrine a wooden water tub and a primitive well with which to fill your wooden water tub where is it there it is as soon as you click the well you will actually see all this ground water appear this shows you where you can place the well to actually get water out of it i'm just going to put mine right here if you put this water tub outside it will actually fill up in the rain and if you land on a map tile that has a river it's not as urgent to get the well down because your ponds will just go wash in the river as well as get drinking water the hygiene mod does add three new needs to the need tab thirst bladder and hygiene your ponds do need potable water to drink if you land on a map tile again with like a river this is a source of fresh water they'll be fine to drink that you really only need to start worrying about not having safe drinking water once you start getting rid of sewage then it becomes a little bit of a problem all right so i have the most rudimentary bathroom set up here it looks ridiculous in this giant room if you click the latrine you'll see that it tells you how full the pit is once this reaches 100 you're gonna have to drain it your ponds will do this manually and it'll empty it into a barrel of fecal sludge but if you research biofuel refining from the main research tab you'll be able to refine that fecal sludge into chem fuel so i actually really really like having latrines because it's kind of like a free source of fuel forever and once you kind of get that cycle going and you have that unlocked you can just have a few chem fuel generators and you will never be without electricity but let's say you want to move on from this primitive bathroom you want something a little better looking so in our hygiene tab you're going to go to water well and mine looks a little bit different right now than yours might if you're first opening up the mod because i've already unlocked almost everything in the dubs bad hygiene research tab with this colony so here's water well and i'm just going to put it down let's just put it right here and we'll just deconstruct our old well once you have your well built you also need a pump to actually you know operate that well so i'm going to put down an electric pump because i already have electricity and then because i'm going to be running electricity just for rp sake i'm going to actually build a little shack around this to serve as kind of like a little a little pump house so once you have your well hooked up to a pump and the pump is hooked up to power you need water storage so i'm gonna put in a um water tower and i'll make it out of steel and we'll just do one for now although i recommend having at least two for larger colonies even a colony of five ponds you're gonna you're gonna be better off with two two water towers especially if you have bathtubs so the plumbing works similar to a power conduit you click it it will highlight it in this like aqua color basically anything that's going to be plumbed needs to all be connected with this plumbing you have different options of what you want to make it out of they have no effect on like the quality of the plumbing so i'm just going to go ahead and connect this into the bathroom and i'm going to go ahead and just plumb around the whole walls because i'm not sure where i want to put my fixtures yet now you can see that when i don't have steel plumbing selected you can't see it that's actually an option in the mod settings that you have to turn off i think the default is that you can see the uh pipes which is hideous so i highly recommend turning that off all right so if you click on your water tower if it's hooked up correctly you'll see that the stored water is going up as the pump is working so now let's get rid of these um kind of primitive facilities and replace them here so i'm going to put in a shower a proper shower [Music] might as well put in a nice bathtub and then i'm going to put in a toilet here you can see the toilet has this symbol over it um that's showing that something's wrong it's not connected to the correct plumbing so if we look at our plumbing we can see it is hooked up to our water source but when you have a plum toilet like that it needs to be hooked up to a sewage outlet so you have two ways to get rid of sewage when you're hooked up to a toilet you can actually build a sewage outlet and have it drain somewhere on your map this is another reason to pick a river with flowing water because you can just pick a spot on the river that's a little further away from your colony maybe there and then pipe that and sewage will come out and go down the river and you never need to worry about it let's go ahead and do this all right so now you can see my toilet is functioning and it is going to be draining down here so the other way to get rid of sewage would be a septic tank now if you're going to put a septic tank in or just a sewage outlet out you know just on the ground somewhere you want to make sure that it's not going to overlap with this green circle around your well because if it does your well will pull up some of that contamination and then if you have thirst turned on and your ponds are drinking water they are going to get sick so i'm going to put my septic tank like out here where there's not even any ground water just to be safe there we go so just like the latrine if you click on it it tells you how much it's holding you can also set the level that you want your pawns to empty it at to pull out the fecal sludge right now it's set at when it hits the 50 mark it also actually treats a certain amount so this percentage will gradually go down if you have a lot of ponds the rate of which it goes down is not going to be fast enough you're going to have to drain it but with only what three or four ponds um i actually think i may never have to drain it it may be able to treat and kind of dissipate enough each day so if you want to be able to use the fecal sludge to produce chem fuel i recommend just using a latrine and not a plums toilet so now that we have our plumbed bathroom set up although we're missing a sink which is not very hygienic of us where is it i'll just throw in a nice little base in here you can also see that my pawns are really interrupting each other you can click on any of these features in the bathroom and check occupancy check and they will stop barging in on each other and that will save you from that embarrassed debuff oh there look she checked and she turned around okay so now we have our sink one of the things that you may notice also is that these pawns get a little debuff i wonder if any of them has taken a bath recently yes ellie recently took a bath or a shower and has a negative three cold water debuff here um so you can actually build hot water tanks hot water heaters and they can take hot baths which they love so i'm gonna go ahead and put in a hot water tank in the corner and i'm gonna hook it up to an electric boiler there's a few different types of boilers i prefer electric if you click on your boiler it tells you what the heating capacity is this boiler has 250 units of like heating power if you click on your water tank it tells you how many it needs this one only needs 100 so you could hook up two water tanks to this boiler for the water temp 100 means hot that means it's fully heated up if it has access to less power it's not going to be able to get as hot so these items are basically the gist of dubsbad hygiene although there is other cool stuff that you can do with it that i don't do as often so if we look at the research tab and only a few of these are like the default research i've just gone ahead and filled out most of it with this colony you can compost fecal sludge and use it as fertilizer increase the fertility of your soil on your map you can irrigate so if you go into your hygiene tab you can put an irrigation sprinkler and if i put one you know in each of my fields i could plumb them and it will increase the fertility of the soil in that area of course i'm also using the tilled soil mod so i don't really know how much of a difference it's going to make my fertility is already 200 another thing that i really like that this mod has is fire sprinklers um that's under the fire suppression in the research tab but once you install it you do have to plumb them and you'd have to put one in each room basically but whenever there's a fire in the radius it will spray water everywhere and put the fire out so if you put these in each room in your colony you really do not need to worry about dying in a fire or even losing anything valuable in a fire that's what they look like completed they're a little ugly but if you've ever lost a colony to a horrible fire it is worth it another thing that you can put in is you can put in multi-split air conditioning which is basically you can have an outdoor air conditioner unit and then hook it up to like ac's inside so you no longer need to have it in that wall with like a hot outlet which is really nice and like a mountain base you can also hook radiators up for central heating if you hook them up to a hot water tank and enough boilers they will actually really keep your base nice and toasty and then a personal favorite that comes with the mod is a washing machine uh where can i i guess we'll just put it in the bathroom i have nowhere else this is the ugliest bathroom i've ever built by the way i usually build gorgeous bathrooms we'll put two in so i can pretend one is a dryer just a little rp but what the washing machine does is you can put tainted clothing in it and wash it and it removes the taintedness from it so i always like to have these in my colonies first of all they're so cute look how cute they are and second of all they're actually really useful especially late game when you have raiders dropping some like nice armor that you really want to be able to wear without your pawns throwing a hissy fit and then last but not least well not last there's a few more things in this mod that i'm not gonna go over but there are swimming pools and hot tubs which your ponds really love swimming pools take forever to fill up so i'm not gonna build one they're huge and they take like days to fill so we're not gonna fill that but we can we can build a little hot tub voila so that's kind of it for this dubs bad hygiene little mini tutorial i know we did not cover everything um in the dubs bad hygiene research tab or all of the features uh but we covered most of the stuff that that i use at least if there's anything else in this mod that you'd like me to kind of take a look at in a video let me know down in the comments so thank you for watching this video if you found it useful or enjoyed it at all please like and subscribe and i will catch you guys next time
Channel: Jadziax
Views: 12,350
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: dW9Ov08JnYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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