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putting tape over my webcam thinking about how the CIA agent watched me cry everyday for a year and didn't once check up on me cut toxic people out in 2018 why do 90% of all medicine sound like cool wizard names it as I was a tech the almighty you are no match for Zanuck's the wise viagra I'm watching a sports the sports did good did the bull go [ __ ] dude it shorted marveled where's my ten minute video of Thor teaching her theta ket to the Asgardians this is a dog a bunch of hands flower you cannot ride it it is too small all hands go down we getting ready to go out someone who does Photoshop reverse this we getting home from work me black mirror society is too addicted to technology me on my phone while watching every episode wild summarize black mirror to me technology oh my god swear words are illegal now if you say one you'll be fined hey you're on thin [ __ ] ice oh my plan step 1 by 15 identical cats step 2 invite someone over step 3 when they ask how many caps you have say just one but is really fast what if mayonnaise came in cans that would suck because you can't microwave metal good morning to everyone except these two people this website has destroyed my sense of humor last night I was in bed with my bf and I had a mental image of an egg with a word suspicious written on it and honestly lost my [ __ ] when you shake laminated paper and it does the thing SWAT whoops one exactly at a dream that I was getting sorted at Hogwarts but I got into an argument with the sorting hat so he made up an entirely new house called groung the bunk just so I would be forced to sit by myself in the dining hall for the rest of my life has anyone noticed that July August September October and November zijn ischl spell the name JSON what do we do with this information venerdi for december it's obvious just Jason Derulo having a shout-out to himself in the actual calendar while chess a mindfuck of the day the alphabet has been saying hi to you all these years and I bet you didn't even say it back once you piece of [ __ ] why did you have to draw in the O and P to distract everyone from the W so this lady came in this morning and walked up to the front desk to greet us before gasping loudly am saying I forgot my dog she forgot to bring her dog with her to the vet anyone want to get in an argument with me okay cream cheese isn't that good I was kidding but you know what [ __ ] you for real what if instead of fakes snow fell all at once like six inches of snow just plummeted to the earth in one thick blanket setting off car alarms and knocking people over but that was it that was the snowstorm incoming Wow blood is thicker than water but maple syrup is thicker than blood so technically pancakes are more important than family are you Canadian me I love books I love them so much I'm such a bookworm friends cool how many did you read this year me okay so here's the thing Anakin Skywalker does not use Jedi Mind Tricks not once in the films do you think that's a coincidence not on your life buddy Anakin Skywalker does not have it in him to overrule another beings freewill he murders a bunch of children with a laser sword Texas confession I've never seen snow in real life I posted this and it snowed like two inches a week later for the first time in like 35 years what the [ __ ] Texas confession I've never had a million dollars repair to munch wrestle for crunch choose your path release the crunch or accept the munch just realized you don't need to say 6:00 a.m. or 6:00 p.m. we already know the M is there so just write like 6 a or 6 P can't believe no one figured this trick out before or you could do the easy thing and say 0 600 and 1800 yeah like adding a bunch of unnecessary zeroes is easy you piece of [ __ ] you [ __ ] coward I hate being high why I keep hearing footsteps are you walking oh [ __ ] next time a conspiracy theorist tries to tell you what really happened present a more outlandish theory and accuse him of covering up the truth conspiracy theorists the moon landing was faked me you believe in the moon some viewed hey bro you got the time me yeah it's [ __ ] pulls a cat out of inside of my jacket and looks at dead in the eyes about 6:00 p.m. context I thought this was some [ __ ] post and I just accepted it Jack Black is literally the only human that never needs any context for me I could see him going anywhere and doing thing like if I got abducted by aliens and saw him just wandering around the spaceship putting bugle chips on his fingers to make it look like he has claws I would be like that's some classic Jack Black right there and not even question it how dare you reblock my posts but not follow me if you find a gold bar in a trash bag will you take the whole trash can or just the gold bar the [ __ ] a magician asks you to pick a card any card in fact you do they ask you to put the card back in the pack anywhere in the pack in fact you do they walk away ten years later your wife gives birth to the six of clubs is this your card the Midwife asks in a familiar voice what the [ __ ] but my cycle is the acoustic version or motorcycle what the [ __ ] is everyone on this side taking pebble finally after six million long years I have finally washed up on shore no longer am I a slave to the tights no long me picking up pebble and chucking it into the ocean haha sploosh I tried taking a picture on the Winnie the Pooh ride at Disney World and this is all I got all around me are familiar faces saves rare items for the most dire situations get through the whole game without using any of them what if there's an emergency gets into an emergency what if there's a bigger emergency African penguin the African penguin also known as the jackass penguin what did these penguins do to the scientists to deserve this researcher okay so we are calling these African penguins because it lives in Africa penguin bytes researcher researcher hey [ __ ] guess what new idea a vanilla sauna latter is a type of three bean soup does maist work on birds if the Heron is attacking me will mace be an effective deterrent time sensitive question please respond someone Christmas is so beautiful me everything is brown this isn't some cynical everything sucks and Happiness doesn't exist post I'm just green colorblind I just assumed you live in Southern California 2018 is the year of the dog so I'm out here gently begging 2080 to please please be a good dog do not blow this for us the year is 1888 me the first paleontologist to dig up a triceratops scar whispering softly what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] imagine if trees gave off Wi-Fi signals we would be planting so many trees and we'd probably save the planet too too bad they only produce the oxygen we breathe seventh grade class scrambling to piece together teacher's home life from desktop background before PowerPoint opened here it is the most relatively onion article English is a difficult language it can be understood through tough arathor though you need to start do you think whoever was designing the default Netflix avatar made a mistake somewhere but just sat there laughing at the result for so long that the whole design team decided to keep it I really cannot get over this caps [ __ ] face its surround and conveying an emotion that I simply am not equipped to understand Julius Caesar's assassination was the last time everyone in a group project did their part apart from the fact that 60 people agreed to stab him and he only have 23 stab wounds sounds about right you eats 100 ears of corn and two hours I'm the corn King I cannot be out corned me eats 101 ears of corn and ten minutes just another day in the cornfields what I don't know I woke up at 6 a.m. wrote this and went back to sleep the chair you've been hearing about from who ass tattoos at sensitives tightest gotta statistica's the sacred texts with soul krusty-krab I can hear this picture fog with soul pay people who know astrology shirts I've been having a lot of feelings lately any planets I can blame that on you think I'm fruit bargain go this makes me feel weird we should all be thankful that aunty thunderstorms with flashes of extreme darkness during the day followed by loud high-pitched screeches don't exist what the actual [ __ ] actually no I want to see that shares get off of there cat you cannot ride a skateboard you are not a skater Punk who likes to make his own rules you are a cat stop he is doing just fine leave him alone this is the most amazing picture ever taken the four houses of dog water School of Witchcraft and Wizardry - dog Hufflepuff Ravenclaw one sly fearing for a 44 year old DJ with a bud that won't quit happy birthday you ruined my life so many questions michael cera is actually a Spanish woman from the 1940s the painting doesn't lie well I'll be darned in case you've ever wanted to see a fish yawn here's my clownfish this is definitely an 11 out of 10 slightly distressed man and huge turtle Annette calling what does he want help rescue pig can't stop running until she feels her new blanket now this is my kind of content beautiful and talented your [ __ ] don't know about my night shoes ice skates blocked it's funnier when you find out that's his dad me holding my newborn child what are its steps class infant race humor strength zero can barely support own head inshallah t0 needs to learn to walk intelligence to understand that crying brings food replacement of soiled garments with fresh ones wisdom one no object permanence charisma twenty because people not their [ __ ] around babies - one for each month until terrible twos and all charisma drops to one HP - spells per day cloud kill telepathic suman's sea casts on self infant fingernails does +1 cutting slashing damage I didn't realize this was a reflection of the sky in a pond for a second I was thinking well that's [ __ ] terrifying what if you fell down the hill into it by dogs will make other animals out they dean trustworthy and friendly I'm gonna hit him with my best chat up line do you like chicken depose me when I'm emotionally damaged but trying to brush it off tis but a scratch a scratch your arms off alright kid this next one's called hot potato now I want to see you [ __ ] kill someone I'm blonde I'm skinny I'm rich and I'm a little bit of a [ __ ] TBH I see you around school sometimes but we never talk rate eight point nine today my army friend was telling us about basic training in drill sergeants and there was this kid in her battalion who asked so many stupid questions that the drill sergeant made him carry around a potted plant all day to replace the oxygen he wasted the shame and panic you feel on my message when you're trying to find the perfect energy and you're taking too long and they can see you typing for four minutes for a one-sentence text guy orders custom size 14 and a half slipper company cents size 1450 instead that's the opposite of a problem a new bed guide the factory are you sure this isn't a mistake other worker why would it be a mistake sand baby Margaret I don't think they're open on Sundays why you looking up almond joys in the background I had beef wit someone the only thing artificial or fake about me is this I hope this wins an Emmy apparently this means powerful embrace but I got this authoritative hard human fingers can detect nano sized objects this means you not only have the ability to feel a tiny bunk the size of a larger molecule but if your finger was the size of Earth you could determine the difference between a house and a car and yet it's still almost impossible to find the end of the tape cowards I can already tell the difference between a house under I like to keep my metabolism on her toes like what's it gonna be today complete starvation or 3000 calories I know as much as you [ __ ] literally me I'm crying Will Smith invented the stomach thanks well saw a starving stray dog on the beach of the restaurant made me so sad so we ordered him a fillet magnum he loved he loved no matter which one of my boats I'm talking about I refer to it as my second boat that way everyone knows I've got to use our duper on having two boats mode you are really pretty what's your skincare routine and makeup routine I just hope for the best a haiku for the bus driver who deliberately drove past me I swear to God brah let me catch you in the streets brah I swear to god this is the longest I've ever been awake I'm just so nauseous and tired how long have you been awake for eight minutes [Music] you you cow belly let's go the monetization is dropping going to stop the migration of troubling innovation and content creation and others at rezoning states at hand got inspiration to drop a new cake on top of your faces of mock under faces a clock is still racing there's impatient long stories later not just escape new brought like a cave you to be praying thought she would make a toast all the Creator who want to get paid for the wholesome creation so take the advice of a God in the bank oh my god - says calvetti TV gets more traffic than a metropolis
Channel: Cowbelly Studios
Views: 1,259,447
Rating: 4.933085 out of 5
Keywords: comment, awards, memes, kek, edgy memes, fortnite memes, cowbelly comment awards, new memes, comment awards, graham the christian, dank meme compilation, best memes, meme, meme compilation, fresh, memes 2017, cowbelly, dank meme, funny meme, dank compilation, memes compilation, instagram memes, dankest, funny, edgy, dankest memes, fresh memes, new dank memes, dank memes 2017, best, lol, laugh, friendly, tumblr, tumblr awards
Id: -GlKm_AtJKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 12 2018
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