Tumblr Awards v22

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[Music] Twitter confirm your Twitter account you ignorant [ __ ] you ignorant [ __ ] final step confirm your email address to complete your Twitter account I got really offended until I realized that is actually my account name what if your bellybutton screamed when you covered it with a shirt cuz it's scared of the dark how [ __ ] high was I last night complete this post I'm not racist but I love to [ __ ] eggs all I can think about is their white exterior rubbing against my dick I'm not racist but egg [ __ ] is my true passion you know what's really odd numbers not divisible by two that joke was so bad I can't even there is either a cowboy in your house or there isn't and you have to deal with that what does this mean it means you just have to deal with that the root of all stomach problems avoid these three foods it will be a cold day in hell before I give up eating banana skeletons Jonathan the tortoise in 1900 and the same tortoise again in 2015 he looks great what's his secret dermatologists hate him what a beautiful wedding I'm the snake in my boot Jesus Christ his face I'm looking for people to shoot if you're in or visiting NYC please let me know if something can be arranged I live in Staten Island please come kill me please oh [ __ ] I just read the attacks you talking about photography Mar bad okay idea message me what country you're from and your three favorite things about living there I'm from the North Pole and the best thing about living here is Santa's huge [ __ ] why do I bother reminder always have a break with a good Kit Kat bar what if I don't wanna I don't [ __ ] know break something else of yours shirts are crazy your body goes in one hole and out three excuse me fun fact the word panic is actually from the Greek word panic a switch is referring to the Greek god Pan who apparently shout at people who were alone in the woods and freak them out career goals what do you call a person who has poor hearing what I said what do you call a person who has poor hearing hey put on a coat it's like 20 degrees outside or what someone made snow angles what a cute picture Nicki Minaj is 30 how she was born 30 years ago rapper shake what your mama gave ya me shakes my debilitating low self-esteem issues and horrible social anxiety lol I changed what girl toe corrects to in my friends phone so he'll stop using it as a derogatory term so I texted him pretending I was coming out of the closet and this is fantastic I'm gay whoa what you're down to suck my dick beautiful it really messes me up that you can accidentally create a human life but you can't accidentally make a pizza I love it when people misspelled balling and say that they're balling their eyes out like bull so hard my [ __ ] eyes came out you all have seen what a shaved racoon looks like right I'm literally about to delete my blog my mom was talking to her fish and I answered also please run me over why was your mom talking to fish she doesn't have salmon else to talk to my eyes are bleeding I currently have seven empty notebooks and I have no clue what to put in them suggestions put spaghetti in it I'm currently taking suggestions from everyone except for you put spaghetti in it I'm currently taking suggestions from everyone except for the two of you put spaghetti in it I'm no longer taking suggestions people who sleep with one pillow make me sick people who sleep with more than one pillow are shown to be more lonely and depressed looks to my abundance of pillows on my bed this guy I know throws this wild crazy party at the end of every school year and he invites literally everyone in our grade and this year I'm gonna call the cops ahead of time to shut it down because I once let him borrow a pencil and he never gave it back that's a lot of anger over just one pencil it was a mechanical pencil you may proceed how do you be an adult ya got her own a briefcase and then [ __ ] it what the briefcase ya gotta [ __ ] the briefcase there's a special place in heaven for the teachers who make study guides that are exactly like the test sheep can die from heat exhaustion if they aren't shared also their skin secretes lanolin which quickly soothes and heals any Nick's they get during shearing in conclusion it is good to feel the sheep's please feel your sheeps I've gone through a lot in my life I am showing my scars for you all I'm proud of my scars I've been laughing at this for about ten years dad turns his six-year-old son's drawings into reality heartwarming man uses godlike powers to create grotesque Lyra's for his precious son [ __ ] France for calling potatoes ground apples just thinking about it makes me angry [ __ ] off France sometimes you just gotta say [ __ ] it and send that text why did I do that eats a peanut before I suck your dick so my throat closes and creates a tighter grip do you take constructive criticism on your posts there is absolutely nothing to Chrissy care you gotta be dunking my doughnuts you gotta be hot in my pizza you gotta be Mackin my Donald's man you're really in in my outs here buddy you're five in my guys yeah Witten my car saw ya dare I in my queen yeah sticking my shake butter you bail in my taco doctors why are all your bones broken me totally gnarly kickflip doctors [ __ ] Savage bro my dad when he was 16 looks like me right does it freak anybody else at that Ansel Elgort dad used to look like Joby from icarly Loch Ness monster most likely a large catfish can't believe Nessie is really a 34 year old accountant from Akron Ohio me take care of your skin also me I read an article that rat poison can cure acne and I'm willing to take the chance sit quietly at your desk for a few minutes get up stay that was easy and turn in your quiz do not say anything to Jerry and Robbie and they said college would be harder than high school I'm dying to know what Jerry and Robbie did to invoke the wrath of the professor jogging brain let's talk shall we me okay Brennan are we being chased me no brain are we chasing something me no brain so WTF are we doing then heart and lungs we also have questions will you marry me twas a marriage proposal will you marry me equals a foursome proposal will you marry me equals cavewoman marry helps will recover from his amnesia will you marry me equals was time-traveling partner and people keep trying to tell me that punctuation isn't important anybody know any good substitutes for love and personal fulfillment Crunchwrap supreme from Taco Bell why are 18 year olds so stupid excuse you I'm almost 22 and I'm still a [ __ ] [ __ ] why do all women want a 6-foot tall guy with a six-pack and a six plus inch dick because Satan six-six-six your lar demons I just proved it Satan worshippers Illuminati good things to say when a guy is about to come you can do it give me that pancake batter if you don't come soon I'm calling the police pretend I'm a toaster strudel and you're the frosting packet can't wait to see that baby juice watch out he's gonna blow yes give me some milk for my cereal it's garbage day fill up this cumdumpster don't you dare come JK do here comes the protein blaze my little donut hole oh yeah fill the condom so I can keep it in my freezer what are we though BTC my landlord came to fix an issue today with the apartment he looks around the living room at the decor and the newly painted walls in a heavy Russian accent your wife have very good sense of style me actually I live here alone landlord a homosexual figured I live in the apartment under you me scalped in my own living room gets caught pickpocketing costs I keep saying joint out loud when I do it Katniss Everdeen makeup tutorial we are going to use a black eyeshadow to represent the coal mines that her father was smashed to death in we are gonna wat they're going to be mcfreak Ansari now by day I appear to be no more than just an average run-of-the-mill office worker but when nighttime strikes I'm crying alone in my bed friendly reminder use your turn signal hey I'm from Tennessee I don't understand this post show this post to the horse you ride around on he'll take it from there this is how Batman signals for Alfred you just made my day Jarvan of Garzon II a [ __ ] I'm rude let her enjoy her snack in peace after some soul-searching jerking off I have found that everything will be ok help I've fallen and I'm perfectly capable of getting up but refused why weren't you at elf practice Rebecca it's not what you think I won't hesitate [ __ ] a girl in one of my classes sent out an email saying you'll be having a furry class made this semester and my heart stopped but she was talking about her service dog brain do you have your wallet me slaps my ass so hard everyone in the Target can hear it me yeah when you're talking [ __ ] about someone then they walk past you dr. quack has retired and the clinic is now closed I got on webkinz for the first time in like a year and dr. quack is [ __ ] dead are you printed on a popsicle stick because you're a joke uses my thumbs to lift my bra straps like an old-timey political manhood with his suspenders I'm the mayor of titty City [ __ ] me tomorrow is tomorrow I can stay up late [ __ ] my brain enjoy your terrible decision man whose side are you on wait a minute this is what American politics is like in 1937 two women caused a car accident by wearing shorts in public for the first time in 1937 a careless driver caused an accident when he took his eyes off the road to ogle two women wearing shorts in public for the first time [ __ ] thank you he dropped his eyes put those eyeballs back in your head son that's it that's his whole character just because I had spider sense didn't mean I had common sense sometimes I forget that dogs are animals descended from scary-ass wild beasts that hunt and kill and [ __ ] like my putt just farted so loud she spared herself and had to be cuddled until she stopped crying like how did this happen balloons are so weird happy birthday here's a plastic sack of my breath how intimate luck be in the air tonight well I definitely guess that on sir horribly wrong you cow belly let's go baby the monetization is drunk going to stop the migration of top innovation and content creation and others at rice alone these states at hand got inspiration to drop a new cake on top of your faces of mock under faces a clock is still racing there's impatient long stories later not just escape news rod like to pay you to be brave thought she would make a toast all the creator who want to get paid for their awesome creation so take the advice of a god in the bank all I got to say how bad EDD gets more traffic than a metropolis
Channel: Cowbelly Studios
Views: 866,631
Rating: 4.9302821 out of 5
Keywords: comment, awards, memes, tumblr, tumblr awards, tumblr awards v, v12, tumblr meme, tumblr art, tumblr post, meme, dank meme, comment awards, cowbelly, post, dank meme com;ilation, graham the christian, dank meme compilation, fresh memes, instagram, memes compilation, best memes, meme compilation, dank compilation, new dank memes, new memes, funny memes, dankest, funny, laugh, friendly, cowbelly comment awards, fresh, funny meme, dank memes 2017
Id: yFPjtE_lI3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 18 2018
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