Tumblr Awards v7

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scary how fast someone can mean so much to you scary how fast you can mean nothing to someone scary how fast I switched my car insurance to Geico she is stored in balls I'm gonna learn 4000 languages and be friends with every human being on earth me when I'm drunk me has had two good days in a row my brain it's time me for what my brain it's time you better watch out you better watch out you better watch out you'd better watch out you better watch out you bet I don't understand why people don't instantly respond to what would your dream superpower be with the ability to manipulate probability think about it what's the chance someone will drop 1 mil in front of me 0% let's make that 100% what's the probability I wake up tomorrow and be X gender 100% what's the probability my bathtub is filled with mac and cheese 100% as a casino employee I can confirm this would be terrifying as [ __ ] I need to let you all know that I've changed my privacy policy I will no longer keep any of my thoughts private I will now yell every single thought I have out loud at the top of my lungs there is no way to decline my terms and conditions I'm going to be yelling at the top of my lungs there is nothing you can do to stop me I love how it's The Strange Case of dr. Jekyll and mr. Hyde as in the air they are basically two sides of the same person but only one has a Doctorate unless your bitch-ass 2nd personality helps you write that thesis it is your [ __ ] doctorate free cat I will take him every machine is a smoke machine if you operate it wrong enough I'm gonna show this to my production manager and watch her head explode I hear something well it's me talking every time someone interrupts me with some stupid shoes a cough is just a crunchy breath a yawn is just a boneless cough why the heck do these make sense please don't call your genitals weird things like dinky do oh no no carrot like I'm not even gonna give a reason please just stop doing that well isn't that just to kick in the danger clam when you drive your cherry to the levee but the levee is dry and you see the good old boys drinking whiskey and drunk guess this will be the day that I died when I was around five I asked my mom why some people the different colors and she said because God wanted lots of flavors and let me tell you that was the wrong thing to say because for the next three years I thought God ate people when they died speaking of which I hope all of my Mutual's know that you can go on down to the hardware store and just buy a big ol bag of dried blood forbidden Nesquik octopuses can fit through any gap larger than their beak what a beautiful octopus my cat grabs my hand the same way felines in the wild use to snap their preys neck me or what do you think you can kill me who you are far too weak to challenge me I love you I can cut a piece of wood in half just by looking at it it's true I saw it with my own eyes oh my god swimwear sunglasses live alligators everything you need in one spot what if you're giving birth to twins and it's the end of daylight savings day and the older twin was born first but the second twin travels back in time and is born an hour before the first twin would that be [ __ ] up or what I don't even remember typing this holy [ __ ] being born physically later but chronologically older as a [ __ ] power mover fire ever heard of one SBE stupid [ __ ] energy finally some representativity representativity every time I drink water I think of that stupid image of the mom on her computer and the baby drinking gasoline or something and he's like water ironically more accurate longer pops uh so weird you're literally swallowing your own flavored saliva what have you done I can't sleep someone tell me a story I grew up thinking Eminem was my uncle for no valid reason and when I realized he wasn't I was so shocked people who use guns are [ __ ] I just throw bullets really fast stand back kids the school's insurance policy doesn't cover blown minds this is the best line I've ever read two dudes sitting in the hot tub five feet apart cuz they're not gay they're definitely gay you can tell they want to hold hands but they're not ready yet when you answer someone with sarcasm and they get really offended if you ever find yourself unable to write interesting characters just use whose line is it anyway identities incompetent 1940s gangster who bundles a bank robbery and has to make a desperate escape my friend is reading the Harry Potter series for the first time and keeps sending me lines that are unintentionally suggestive oh my no [ __ ] oh hell oh [ __ ] hands McQueen better stay the [ __ ] away from me complaints tumblr staff I'm [ __ ] crying at this effort they taped the cockroach and made a little tie the longer I look at this the funnier it gets his name is Milton Tigger's gotta bounce if he wants to taste that honey please receive Christ Sidewinder soup and salad combo goes to Big Bird TDK slammer to Kindle and a little heart smart for creepy uncle they don't know how to handle sass from people outside their family could you please put your crying kid on vibrate I can't stop laughing because I just imagine this kid screaming and the mom pulls a remote out of em on back and presses a button and the child just starts to violently shake and a look or terror on the kid's face as they try to make noise but they just vibrate dear God in Germany you can now increase your hella levels by drinking hella water how hydrated are you hello my cap didn't know I was in the room and she jumped onto the coffee table and started meowing and warbling really loudly like she was singing and I quietly leaned forward and said why aren't you singing and she jumped and looked at me and then ran away like she was embarrassed I love cats we are boycotting Amazon Siri played s / sitter apples not any better gregorian monks start deep throating I meant to say throat singing but you know what that'll work too hallo feliz i would like to report my caps legs missing I'm from the future big frogs nothing but there's the Graduate we are very proud of you son and a perfect report card all B's are you [ __ ] kidding me I want to sit in a lab and I want to hold a hand do they have to be attached I love your need to make everything cute sounds creepy I love that well it's funny how you can make everything sound creepy / wrong but the things that you like make this creepy skittles are very good it depends where you put them what they're discussing how to do it - em just just got better chess - featuring two new game pieces porn with a gun double bishop when I presented this project to my 3d design class nobody laughed can men and women really be just friends straight people are so weird it is a fact that bisexuals can't make friends there is only prey makes raft or noises can you believe there are plants that are illegal plants can you believe there is love that is illegal love can you believe it's not butter butter the fact that tumblr can fit weed bestiality and dairy products into one post doesn't even faze me anymore I really don't think they meant best eality customer service but you use your dirty talk voice you're a nasty little [ __ ] aren't you trying to return these shoes after 30 days air conditioning is just domesticated wind I [ __ ] hate this because it's right if zombies ever attack just go to Costco they have concrete walls years of food and supplies and best of all the zombies can't get in without a Costco membership card artist Peter Cook grew this living garden chair using tree shaping methods primarily training a living tree through constricting the direction of branch growth the chair took about eight years to grow he's wearing Crocs he grew a tree into a chair he can wear whatever the [ __ ] he wants good responses to getting stabbed with a sword bloomed that's firm not again are you gonna want this back or can I keep it sunray shine on the warm breath of a polar bear alternate caption fire-breathing polar bear shows off his skills they don't like one another Biddle want to sleep on the bed this is the agreement they came to iceberg iceberg I'm so done let us have moment of silence in remembrance of the Titanic someone just [ __ ] drew Gandalf in a suede chair MBD or someone has the weirdest ass ever try a tasty cookie warm to know it who is Owen can I trust him yes my sim has a very unique painting technique which involves him dislocating his arm planting his face into the canvas and painting on the back of his head as an artist I can 100% confirm the effectiveness of this technique have a nice trip Airport staircase in Tokyo Japan it's funny because if you fell down these stairs then picker Chi would look like such an [ __ ] stupid geese large waterfowl that crap all over the lawn and pull up all that god damn grass these pains in the ass can grow to have a wingspan of up to 60 inches and can also go to hell blasphemy you know when you tap a YouTube video to see how much longer it's got left I wish you could give us to people when they're talking to you just settled a divorce over visitation of a parrot neither may teach it negative phrases about the other I went to law school for this I needed this today what the hell is that Fox doing probably making a withdrawal seeing as he's in line of the ATM my favorite part about this picture is that people saw the Fox there and just started queuing behind it one year cutting in line is rude oh my gosh that is a turtle and he has crawled in towards me and he has big shiny arms sad fast advanced [ __ ] have I mentioned I love this turtle I think this turtle can cause world peace I believe turtle can save the world your team comes home and you smell marriage elana now wat this calls for air guitar my cousin ashamed after building a chair from Ikea oh god I feel terrible for cackling at this help every time I stop laughing I just look at that fucked-up chair again my mum hates the office but my turtle loves it so it stays on guess what we had a baby how does she look jesus [ __ ] christ give me them titties manga da B drugs are but look at his eyes this hotdog is higher the [ __ ] times he smoked all the drugs to save us is masturbating while smoking weed called master blazing no it's called hijacking guys no it's weed whacking no it's called disappointing your mother for those that wonder about cars Anatomy here's Thomas the Tank engines true form I'm so uncomfortable oh she my talents include staying up till 3:00 a.m. and forgetting not to swear in front of children your bellybutton is just too rolled mouth I was having a good day we were all having a good day just bought this tape weren't from Etsy where are you gonna keep it I don't like this post very much my daughter went to my husband and said dad have you ever heard of pokemons and I have never seen him so happy lol he busted out all his old cards and is in full Education mode I'm not sucking your dick at McDonald's a text I did not think I would ever have to send what about KFC maybe why did I try we do em geumja die I feel like a DVD player this is genuinely the funniest thing I've ever seen I'm losing it apparently the do to the started Netflix did so cuz he got a $40 late fee from Blockbuster and was best pet earnest is the greatest motivation in the world they look finished this one's looking at you and this one's looking at you fur fur this one's looking at both of us at the same time I didn't know this origin story but it makes me happy on so many levels robot escapes facility runs out of battery 160 feet later what a dumbass I love my dog if ever I cry he collects up dirty socks and brings them to me they're his favorite thing in the world and they make him happy so they'll make me happy too he's a good boy need a dispenser here need a dispenser here need a dispenser here Nita dispenser here I didn't sleep last night because people kept coming into my room and clapping to turn my clap activated lamp on and off it's true I was there clapping so one day a long time ago my friend's parents put a napkin on their sliding glass door because they had a party and they didn't want people running into the sliding glass door so of course my friend walked up to it and was like hey cooler floating napkin and ran into the door these caps live in our office this is where they sleep have you ever considered only one cap sleeps there and the rest are coffee cats inside the airheads candy factory I thought those were Kermit the frog's legs to avoid per putative gender stereotypes I gave my daughter a mix of dolls and toys to play with this is what happened tiny cars are dreaming the fact that there's only about 5,000 people who's reblog this scares me that means that less than 5,000 people know where these come from I feel old very old literally every person on earth has read The Very Hungry Caterpillar [Music]
Channel: Cowbelly Studios
Views: 1,044,895
Rating: 4.9391503 out of 5
Keywords: comment, awards, memes, kek, edgy memes, fortnite memes, cowbelly comment awards, new memes, comment awards, graham the christian, dank meme compilation, best memes, meme, meme compilation, fresh, memes 2017, cowbelly, dank meme, funny meme, dank compilation, memes compilation, instagram memes, dankest, funny, edgy, dankest memes, fresh memes, new dank memes, dank memes 2017, best, lol, laugh, friendly
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
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