Tumblr Awards v65

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so I was trying to take a selfie in class and my friend wanted to be in it so he leaned back his chair but then he started falling out priest turn to page four twenty in the Holy Bible me lull 420 praise it girl has sex on school bus elbows boy and testicles for making fun of her queefs a female high school student who was having sex in the back of that was wild from start to finish imagine if butterflies breathed fire but only a little bit of fire I pet butterfly would you light this candle for me path path thanks little buddy yo butterfly light my joint thanks little [ __ ] new redditors incoming open the gate from tumblr close the gates the porn side of tumblr opened the gate a little TFW year at the royal banquet but you know that you'd poisoned the kings drink to inherit the throne no is too serious no best too casual now is just right did you kill this man map browser denounced that orgasm day will be celebrated on May 9 they hope you come relevant my birthday what do you call a sick eagle illegal I'll talk to you later baby xoxo I love you I love you too always always infinity I'm either the best girlfriend or the worst my dad just burst into my room with this [ __ ] huge ass icicle saying it's time to duel your dad is the most dad looking dad ever my whole life is just waiting for my turn to talk people don't listen they just wait for their turn to talk chuckle a near done with Finland sorry meant finals the [ __ ] Finland - this is my favorite I guess he was finished Jackson galaxy cat behavior consultant dream job dream Locke dream name 3 man a woman and her grandmother both at age 20 if she's her grandmother her are they both 20 nice try [ __ ] just imagine the possibilities security privacy for science softly intensifies when you send a snapchat to the wrong person may at the beach me when people don't reply to my messages do you know who the [ __ ] I think I am why do you only show half your face and snapchats 2007 was so important my favorite mythical creatures are the happy girls and tampon commercials imagine dragons just imagine dragons in magenta Hank he'll bringing the propane after dinner you can stab your date what the [ __ ] hell yeah what's better Nickelback 39% Congress 32% look at this photo grass every time I do it makes me laugh just in case if corals get stressed they die so if I was coral I would be dead what do coral even get stressed about current events get out this disturbs me where did they come from and where did they go where did they come from cotton-eye Joe brother no friends who like and play the same games as you but on a different platform me after I take a good selfie the guy who played all the oompa-loompas in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is named deploy deploy deeper why the chocolate boy Cosmo sex tip number 393 as he's about to come whisper sincerely in his knee or how many all your [Music] Kermit is dead he snitched he should have minded his own business Anil sneezes acutest shoot sorry I found the word I was looking for words animal sneezes better luck next time are you Anil sneeze boy this is not what I want to be remembered for I'm actually quite attractive if you stand far away now beautiful I found the angriest looking fish in the world how am I supposed to eat this pizza without my drink when I die my tombstone won't say ryp it will say VIP that's because they reserved a special place in hell for you here the throne I will be posting ankle pics on December 18th and it will be erotic have you ever wondered how many fictional characters you've absorbed into your personality Who am I it's the perb there's a drunk guy outside singing what makes you beautiful to a tree so I opened my window and played the actual song and he just got so happy he looked at the sky and yelled you're beautiful too Jesus I don't approve of this edit bar thought I thought that was a [ __ ] iPhone oMG where was I going with this I had a point writing an essay and getting to the second paragraph has anyone tried calling 1800 are you slapping I'm gonna try it so guess who has a chance to win a cruise how do you report identity first when your mom on the phone gossiping and you wanna know what happened the team budge for 12 hours there's no food regulations everything is legal I was on the subway to the end when the train got delayed this little kid was like [ __ ] and a little chorus of grown ups went home a lot of people think it's not possible for poetry to be bad these people are wrong what are your thoughts on this whole Posse out dirt in my mouth singer lil ditty when I stroll down South bone removal without approval I found your name and address on the Google actually every poem except this one is bad when you're feeling down but the food arrives when you realize you're about to die out and join the other means this mean is too self-aware I support farming in fact you could call me why do caps / bees bees the queen matches the brim of her umbrella with her outfit it's so inspirational we had an intense game of fetch today he was huffing and puffing and I had to take a photo me and my friend laughing together this is why you need the tiny plastic lawn table the box wasn't empty the best way to a girl's heart is punching through the rib cage apparently this is illegal but don't let it stop you attention do not put bananas in the microwave they are flammable why did you anyway silence I stepped on a [ __ ] leaf and at the same time some kid screamed I thought it was the [ __ ] leaf oMG sometimes I feel like a seal is just a neutral si liar neutral as in without an arm everyone needs to see this post I'm not sorry are you DTF DTF down to forgive no stop clear asking at the speed of first the speed of fast sir can we have an exact measurement so many my sister and I also decided to take one of those years later photos begins breakdancing gently what's wrong son what the [ __ ] what does this even mean who thinks of this shirt why is it so funny I hate this site he looks like some kind of straight white born mermaid why do moms over share things about your life to people who don't matter fruit give us the child we do beware as you pass by as you are now so once was I as I'm now so you will be therefore prepare to follow me while this is areas fun I actually love this so I connected to the free Wi-Fi and Starbucks and airdrop this picture and I swear like ten people screamed I'm going to make this way harder than it needs to be nothing explains me more than this we really are [ __ ] I mean ww3 could break out any day and we'd all be like this is so sad Alex a play desper sitter if any of you are vegetarian sent me some recipes or something lettuce the game is over game stopped me is bought 4.5 seconds me I want to learn how to work word I need to build a boat and I'll never be royal royal Lord Farquaad so is that a fast Lord on my way to steal your girl you can [ __ ] have a holy [ __ ] world peace is achieved but every position of power in the world is replaced with a woman hell yeah sounds good I'm not plugging my charger into a woman the last comment actually just killed me hey I'm Arnold bless whoever looked at a picture of two mountains and thought of this the garbage man is right promote him to garbage boss when your least favorite character says some hardcore truth rides into battle on a gym class but scooter runs over fingers ffs you [ __ ] [ __ ] abort mission abort [ __ ] mission goddamnit three-person chess this can only end in tears and physical fighting one of my housemates has one of these the above person was correct jumps over hole in sidewalk yeah you could say I'm pretty [ __ ] athletic we are destroying our kids for nothing too much homework too many tests too much needless pressure you know this article is bombed without even reading it also about 18 years too late my dad clipped every single rudolph and started conducting them this is my great-grandma's antique gravy bowl and I just got yelled at for disrespecting it with pizza rolls [Music] you [Music] cow belly let's go the monetization is dropping going to to stop the migration of trouble innovation and content creation and other supplies alone in states that have got inspiration to drop a new cake on top of your faces of mock under faces a clock is still racing there's impatient long stories later not just escape news rod like to paint you to be praying thought she would make a toast all the Creator who want to get paid for the wholesome creation so take the advice of a God in the bank oh my god - says how bad TV gets more traffic than a metropolis
Channel: Cowbelly Studios
Views: 510,671
Rating: 4.9564137 out of 5
Keywords: tumblr awards, memes, textposts, tumblr posts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 29 2018
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