Tuesday Night Live | 5/19/20

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ladies and gentlemen Tony Gaskins here let me get this thing situated want to pop in I told y'all be tryin to do my Q&A is on Monday through Thursday when possible but I always post it on the community page so when you go to my page and then you click on community you'll see my little updates so I try to post it on there whenever I can go live let me see let's jump on into it now we broke up last night due to inconsistent communication he calls today saying I was supposed to be different and trust him even if he can't always reach out especially in the 19 he had his kids you got to go with your spirit sound like he trying to do some reverse psychology on you but you gotta go with your spirit on that you know somebody is not reaching out to you consistently there's no excuses because even if you with your kids they go to bed 10 o'clock at the latest if if he raising them you know them do what they want to do they're going to bed at 10 o'clock so he still got time to reach out to you so I'm really not buying it do you think you'll consider ghost riding again in the future I mean it just it takes a lot of time and you know I just got a lot going on in and so you know my goals right your fee is $10,000 and it takes a lot more time to ten thousand but yet you know it's not real most people can't afford more than that so they kind of don't really work out now if you go for twenty thirty I might come out of retirement even Michael Jordan came back out of retirement not well it may be whether came back out of retirement if it makes sense I might come out of retirement I told me I appreciate you from live Q&A to the courses to the books you've really helped me is it wrong is it wrong we're petty to donate my husband's things we've been separated almost a year you could get an address and mail that's one and if you can't get that then no it wouldn't be wrong to to donate them or give it to a mutual friend or one of his family members to get it all you know you'll never have to donate it or give it away should I date someone who is newly saved hmm well if they save they save you know no matter who you date if you're a Christian and they're Christian you're gonna have different levels of you know spirituality one of you are going to feel like you're more spiritually mature than the other and you could be wrong that person could be wrong but that is normal so as long as they save and they believe in now I don't go in there hidden across the head with with a Bible I see somebody say don't put no curse words it's a question that's a good thing I don't curse or you got curse words in your question I can't even read your question what does the radio show show you're doing tomorrow okay coach share you singing that ain't know if that was showing up on them so tomorrow I'm doing a live but it's different it's like a stream so it's a little different y'all have to see it when you get on there it's not my face it'll be audio so it'll be me talking and then I can see a chat and I think you would be able to call in I think you could call me I don't know if I'm gonna continue to do this because people like to get on get on the call and get long-winded and I don't want to be rude and have to cut people off but I think you could call in if a mistaken aspiring dream of God bless your night Tony what if clients don't seriously don't respect that we are a certified coach through your course and instead expect us to have degrees in mental health um I've never had that issue so you you may have to show you know what you work so that may mean right and blow so they see where your mind is that a person who some people don't understand what life coaching is so you know if that's the case just tell them hey you may need a therapist not a life coach you know life coach is more so somebody that you dream with somebody that you work with on a plan on a strategy you know it's not all about it's not about mental health life coaching it to help your mental health but it's not about depression anxiety you know all of those things that can go into mental health it helps your mental health but a life coaches for a motivated driven individual who's looking to grow in their life not somebody who is you know stuck and down and now and trying to deal with all kind of you know trauma and stuff that's what therapist and counselor that really go deep with the treatment plans and really help them so sometimes you got to help a person understand what they're looking for and it may be something different Ramana cos god bless you now now I don't know what WD is is I missed that testing Bri VA Singh University when he asked to marry you what do I say when he asked to marry you but wants to include hall passes or cheat days I wouldn't even pay him no attention I'll tell her man gonna get out my face man get out my face with that nonsense my ex is my diamond bless you now my ex and I separated I keep pulling this arm of this Chile thing didn't like it about to come off at all my ex and I separated but I left him with our house until we sell it am I wrong for not wanting him to bring another woman to our house it's not really y'all house anymore and you left him with it so if you leave him with it then you shouldn't really feel like telling him what he could do with it you know and when you still learn about that that lets him know that he still has you then lets him know that you still hooked that he still got his claws in you so if you want to leave somebody and that's your ex being let it be then just sell the house you know said I'll get you a good realtor and sell the house hold you don't have to worry about another one being up because cuz it sails so fast point-blank period a god bless you not somebody the maid they named one of them I love and spelled it how I be saying it to look that up I need to put that on a t-shirt my blank period okay Tony what are your top tips and speaking English I'm trying to become fluent um to be honest with you it really ain't no book on Manglish yet because it because it's also it mean different things so it's contextual so a man could say something and in one context it means this and in another context it means this so it's situational you know and so you have to really you got to talk to a translator like myself to how English because unless you a man you're not ever gonna fully be fluent in English just because of the way the language is but um and vice versa you know I'm pretty sure women have your own language too but typically English the the common denominator is his actions so no matter what he says what it really means is what he does and that just goes back to accent speaking louder than words starfish god bless you now how to gracefully set new boundaries with a female you let try you being too friendly with exes when they play dawn and you're Timmy you may have to have a conversation on that right there and you may have to deal with the person that you're dealing with versus that woman because you can't if you allowing a woman to be friends or to friendly with your man if that's their exit that's what you're saying I really don't understand that not unless you're a guy because it's a starfish yeah you matter how you're close a conversation I mean I'm not too sure everything come through communication that I'm not too clear on your question right there now is it looked down upon by a man if you've been single for quite a while now I'll be honest with you it is it's does starting to change a little bit once you cross 40 now if you've been seeing single a wildling you you know twenty-eight and you've been single since 20 that's different once you cross 40 to be honest with you that's not politically you know correct people get mad about it but for me to be transparent for you yes men and women if you see a man that's single over 40 and he'd been single for a while you may ask okay well what's going on you not necessarily look down upon but a person may say well what you got going on that has you so occupied that you haven't you know found love yet or what's been the situation with the people you're meeting so it does lend to more questions now you got to understand that wavy black queen god bless you now I know you hate X questions but do you think I should keep a line of communication open I finally decided to block him on Facebook and I change my number unless you got children with him then no you shouldn't keep a line of communication open unless you unless y'all got kids together y'all hold on I was a little struggling on me because I was sitting in the bed for so long I've been sitting in the bed watching TV and when you sit in the bed your body started telling you it's bad time so body started to go through its little process like you're getting ready for bed so not you know it started and make me kind of call for a little bit y'all gotta forgive me do you think guys care about a woman who has her body enhanced I want to do it for myself and if it attracts guys that's not the reason I would do it or is it a big idea a bad idea it definitely changes the perception but it just depends on the man so it changed the perception a lot of times a man is more understanding when he's already with you so when you were tracked the man with the body that you have and then if you go do something that's a personal choice and you really get in trouble with when people telling you as a man telling a woman what she can and can't do with her body and so I remember listening to my favorite on speaker back in the day Oh Ziggler he said daughters his daughter went to get her ears talked and I had never heard of that because you know where I'm from you know people trying to get they booted on get that silicone shot and they bought it in the basement but zigzoo say his daughter want to get her ears tucked so I'm guessing they was out like this here and she wanted to go get him talk back and so he says she did that and it just changed her life gave her all kind of you know inspiration and you know like okay wow that's cool so you see what I mean so if you're doing it for your own self esteem then that's different that's different but if you if you're doing it to catch a man it's gonna send that message saying pray love God bless you now I'm currently working on the toxic leadership at work feeling like it's time to be self-employed but I'm not sure what's the strategy to know which way to move um I got a book it might be on Amazon called The Dream Chaser it's called a Dream Chaser and it just talks about how I built my business is how I built my brand but when you're in a situation like that what you got to understand is you got to balance the dream with the job until the job becomes the don't ever just walk off your job just because you stressed out at work you got to change your perception and young lady told me today I mentioned the EEOC the Equal Employment Opportunity Council or committee whatever and I and I went to them about my job and and we got a settlement a young lady wrote me and said she went to the EEOC and filed a complaint sexual harassment on her boss and she got a check worth tens of thousands on the way in the mail so when you're dealing with that leadership don't just deal with that leadership Google - EEOC it's never equal opportunity no Equal Employment Opportunity Council or committee and they write down your city they write downtown you go right down there you tell them about what's going on harassment whatever it is they send your job a letter your job better coming in talked with you about that so if you didn't already win and try to deal with it go above the head to your resources but why are you there start building your side business take the Entrepreneurship with purpose course social media mastery course take them courses get that knowledge to birth your book course and start building your side gig and then it can pick up steam and be able to take you off your job pretty tarus god bless you not it's came back I found out on IG he took a secret trip out the country while we were on a break I asked him about it he refused to say who he went with a while I cut it off was I wrong no you weren't wrong if he came back and didn't want to come back the right way you weren't wrong at all hold on some men helped you went wrong at all he came back he don't want to be transparent but at the same time - y'all was on a break so really if y'all was gonna break it really none of your business so you also got evaluate that but you never wrong for leaving if that's what you want to do but don't leave just cuz you butt hurt don't leave because you're trying to manipulate you trying to you know get a position leave because you feel like this is the wrong person for you and you need to move on life don't leave as a as a chess move when y'all already trying to work something out and but also understand you can't get upset by something somebody do when they when they're not with you god bless you now I can't pronounce your name VK god bless you I appreciate that Tony guys I'm just saying god bless you for being a big brother and I thank the Queen for supporting you to help us sisters out I'm watching listening reading your books a blessed night bless you let me see now you hear me you hear me somebody else didn't put one of my quotes in there - not me hey god bless you for that Tony if respect is love to a man why do some men not respect their woman and still expect to receive love side no please make a shirt of point-blank period and you hear me okay now y'all so Mel tonight y'all would have me in the t-shirt business now what you have to realize respect is love to a man but a lot of men were not raised with standards so a lot of men have double standards when you look around in the world you see double status with men and women all around and some men never coming to the knowledge that that double standard is wrong some men will forever and always believe that that's right so you just have to understand that so you can't get caught up with trying to change that man or convince him you got to realize that's not the man for you and move on bout your life hey now I'm gonna tell y'all what I ate not too long ago I'm over here I'm about to get me some of the flat tummy T oh yeah leave me some of this T they be setting on yester ground well I might be feeling might be feeling bloated oh no me F god bless it nah I turn a new member and a new coach I have not yet been booked for a session and I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong I'm a 40 on your site I'm also a social worker things well the keyword what you said is new so you got to understand that you're gonna have to look around see the other coaches see ask yourself do I have a professional headshot do I have a bio that's 15 sentences or more have I written three blog posts you know have I taken my link of my profile and posted it on my facebook and posted it on my Twitter on my Instagram on my link men sometimes it's people writing you're only following that been watching your quotes or watching your posts and would love to talk to you and have a session so you may have to just take your profile get the link and then post it on social media janessa god bless you're not planning on life no questions just super grateful for all your help and teachings because I'm super officially over my ex who I was once convinced I'd be hung over on for at least another year or two after five years of 18 double hockey sticks praise God a blessing not now y'all let me see here nah y'all try to keep the chat clear only put questions in there only put questions in the chat I know got new people may be getting on here y'all gonna see a lot of deletion but that's just the moderators trying to keep it clear singing pray love god bless it not let me y'all let me scroll through here real quick Mimi Jones I see your brand their humble I see you bless you off and I'm blessing not starfish I really start fish I really I'm not good with questions about women you know I'm a man so I asked a question about men so you know I really I'm not a woman I really don't understand women I understand me I try to stay in my lane so y'all go to taught me how to do this with a woman you know how to check a woman and I'm a man y'all gotta ask me a question about a man hey Tony why is it that only a few are chosen are chosen from God many are called but few are chosen and the reason being is because not everybody has what it takes to do the work that it calls when God called you to tha's what when God called you to the work it's a high calling and it takes a lot of discipline it takes a lot of humility it takes a lot of selflessness and a lot of people are selfish and they get beside they self like right now I'm on here and my stomach hurt in my throat hurt I'm tired but when you call by God you got to show up and you got to be able to do the work now I'm gonna get some rest by the day of my rest day after this I get the rest I might just do an hour tonight it's the hour and a half but you got to be humble and you got to be obedient because tomorrow ain't promised so every day you got to do the work that God called you to because that's also a part of your legacy for the kingdom so everybody ain't built like that and so God can't use everybody just like it's a few great and it's a whole lot of average nikidik god bless you not getting discouraged with dating because first red flag I see I'm gone but when they try coming back months later because I feel it would be different I give another chance and it's still up going wrong advice well you got to keep that same energy so if you see the first red flag and you leave then why you're gonna bring them back if they if they already got red flag super early and why you just gonna let them walk back in your life so when they come back you gotta have stipulations in place to where they just came walk back in your life they come back okay you need to read this book we need to go to this seminar you need to watch these videos let's do this let's let's get this coaching four sessions of coaching you've got to have stipulations you can't expect that because you kick the person to the curb now they came back and they are they automatically back where they need to be and they don't win and did it work and even got everything done no they coming back the same person that you walked away from and so you got to be able to evaluate them and look over that 30 days or so and see if they have changed and see what they've done to be different and if you don't see that then you got to go on about your business got to go on about your business Oh SHINee's Pinkston god bless you now hope you feel better god bless hey I so appreciate y'all be alright I just first I had swallowed something wrong and it got me too cold man then I was sitting down I'm a beard too long dating for six months and we had the faith talk he is more on the philosophical side I'm a believer we read first Corinthians chapter seven and he has all the fruits of the spirit folks now I'm gonna tell you this right here ain't gonna be able to philosophical size your way into heaven so Jesus is the way the truth and the life so if you believe Jesus is the way the truth and the life all that philosophy were that he think he got now all that don't count it's like brother do you know Jesus do you know Jesus Jes us a friend indeed if you don't know Jesus only hidden about that philosophy you hit me so when you were believer you got to understand that you need to have a believer and then he don't believe he take that philosophy else well cuz you'd be up the creek without a paddle here how you drinking a special juice the hell you going to sleep and not waking up tomorrow talk about this a philosophy juice and if you don't know Jesus hey you got a problem indeed if you know Jesus you got a friend indeed so the temples God bless you now mr. Gannon's you get me a song when I lived suffering as an open wound your life coach platform and generosity is pulling me from the merits built on quicksand and despair bless you may all your endeavors continue to soar to Heights unimaginable a god that you never see that doesn't know I received that so you think it'll be harder to date after 19 no no it might be easier because people have been sitting down for so long if you might be ready to get back out down Laurita god bless you not just started watching question what if I've been in a relationship for a few months and I've already rolled my bike and now want to wait how can I explain to him or should I start over okay so I see I see are you one of the people that thought when I said on your bike that I'm saying bicycle I'm saying back when I say stay off your back but I say it stay off your bike but I'm saying back that's just my accent and somebody else wrote that the day kept talking about the bias of the bicycle boxes I said oh they think I'm saying pain but I'm saying back but um you just gotta tell them because and it's and see it's when you slip up like that it's actually it actually can work in your favor when you slip up like that because now he already know what it's like now he know what the ride is like let's say it's a bottle okay now he know what the ride is like it just like when you go to get your car they they want you to test drive it so you know what the ride is like so now he know what it's like whereas a lot of times it's harder when you go into a situation and you mean abstinent he tells himself he don't want to marry you because he doesn't know if y'all sexually compatible well when you slipped up and fell in the bed not he knows if y'all sexually compatible so when you say hey I slipped up and you just said in a conversation tonight say hey to talk to you you know I I made a mistake and I got a hit on myself and we moved too fast and I just want to backtrack a little bit because I'm not really ready to be intimate like that with somebody and I hope you can understand that now you're gonna see the real he even gonna step up in your life or he's gonna step out of your life one way or other Nicole a car flashing now bless you I'll tell you what peace be still bless you Tony my ex-husband and I have been divorced for almost 15 years he has tried to hurt me in every way possible suddenly he sends me flowers thanking me for taking care of my son what does he want you don't want nothing he don't want none he's just trying to be nice he probably he might be drawing up you don't want none don't think too much on it melon ate it melon god bless you now let me see if I can see any more of those stickers cuz that go in the chat that I missed nice old in temples let me thank you again bless you let me thank you again Oh janessa now let me thank you again that was a big blessing you sent yeah mighty mighty blessing me me Jones bless you new day to see God blessing I so appreciate that you'll see some of those that y'all saying it go in the chat so I miss it because I have the question at the top opened up why and I miss it when it come in that chat and it's so much in the chat I see Brandon Jones bless you Tony thanks for rejection is your protection not your reflection that really made me realize that your rejection and moving on video really blessed me yes we need a point blank period shirt hey God letting not I can't promise y'all imma get to that sir tonight but y'all got me a t-shirt business a guy I'm dating has on his Facebook bio 5:9 with a soul of a 6-4 man could that mean he's insecure about his height or am i over analyzing yeah you write you write he proud of heard me say it cuz I'd be saying that I'd be saying all the time I said when I was when I met my wife I was 510 now I'm 6 foot and I just be you know joking talking about that the love and the confidence but it does now I'm gonna tell you sold over 6 fold a lot of sticks forward dolls so I really don't know if he'd know what he's saying cuz a lot of them ok a little sick folk be out here slinging okay Latoya god bless you now what's the best way to end a relationship with a man I'm finding I'm not interested in anymore after dating off and on for three months you just got to tell just have a conversation with him ain't no best way just have a conversation say hey this is not gonna work out I don't want to waste your time don't want to waste my time feel like walking away from my husband because I didn't understand a woman's influence I've took time to do work and realize I want him back folks that's a tough one right there Asia because when you lose that husband when you let that husband go it's real dangerous to go back to him for you to want him back because a lot of times men don't forgive him men don't forget so a man how I resent me and a man who let you come back just so he could dogged you I just so he could do you wrong for you having the audacity to let him go the first time if you want to come back he might let you come back just the donkey so you have to you got to chop that up and just pray that he'll want to come back to you that he'll want to come back to you and work on it and you'll be praying on that and expecting that and then if he come back to you now you still y'all do the work together so you see he doing the work why do most of the men I have met asked me for a picture of myself within three days of knowing them and why do they keep asking after I say no that's just some a man does you know it ain't no harm in it and unless he asking for a nasty picture everything no harm in it is honestly men are visual creatures so it's like he saw you he might have saw you in person really didn't get to take you all the way here so when he said hey can you send me a picture he literally just gonna be there do it that phone just like this zooming in moving it around he might sit down for 30 minutes just looking at your pictures man just visual creatures and I know women hate that question send me a pic MLP it's actually something that you have to just let it flatter you it's like he just want to look at you that's all real it's no different than when you holding a little baby and that baby just just staring you in the face that's not my wife used to look at me when I've met my wife she was just sitting and just stare at me and I'm like girl just wanna be looking so deep into my eyes like she just be looking at me so hard like she just was trying to just take a picture and just keep it but it wouldn't be like flirting or Google eyes or just like nothing like that she just would look very deeply and so some people just visual like that god I'm seeing says he has standards about being with a woman who kids minimum age of 14 my kids are younger than that thoughts and what is the standard a standard really is a foundational belief a standard is supposed to be a foundational belief what he has he may see it as a standard or it could be borderline or preference because it's something that it matters but it doesn't matter as much as he making it matter like 14 that's still not gonna be much different than a 10 year old you know now 14 is definitely different than 14 months so basically what he's saying is he kind of want a woman to have a child that is self-sufficient 14 you allowed to stay home by yourself at 14 like you could leave and go to a grocery store and your 14 year old could be there and then got four years to get on a bottle about to be going and four years getting ready to go off to college so basically what he's saying is he don't want to come into a situation where he got to be raising a child he want somebody that's already raised getting ready to go about their business that's really what he's what he's talking about god bless you I watch your video and starting a business with your purpose today how do I psych myself up enough to actually get started you just got to get started man ain't no mojo and you know go buy your domain on GoDaddy calm you know start your blog but I don't have no psyching up tricks you know I just get out here and make it happen I got a family to feed so you got no family to feed you might not you know come by that motivation to say anyway I want to be a life coach on your site but I don't have any social media accounts to advertise will I perhaps be okay well Dee that's actually why we created my mentor nightlife for people who don't have social media for people who don't like the market so that people can still see you without you marketing and then in the course you either talk to you about social media and then I have another course called social media mastery that you can take they'll teach you about social media and help you get started on social media so you know you can build from there but you also can just market in person get your business cards and pass them out when you at the grocery store at the mall at church wear them when stuff open back up hi I'm a new member I'm working on a relationship with a childhood friend I moved away from home when I visit I plan on staying with him and he knows my rules no sleeping together what's your opinion sound like you'll be playing yourself now when you stay with them you know it's a personal choice you kind of doing the most when you visit home you probably need to stay at your mama house your daddy house the family member house but stay at a local hotel just to keep all the way that classiness when you come back in and just cuz y'all knew each other as childhood friends don't mean anything you go stand with them now you playing with fire so it's like you teasing somebody you know and how I be doing my son doe I my son a dog be loving to try to eat whatever I'm eating so I just I just dang it right down front Ian knows and when he go to happen yeah better I move it that's what you're doing to a man who is sexually active is not abstinent and you want to go stay at his house it's just unnecessary temptation for the both of y'all it didn't Extang you know you end up on your back okay you end up on your back then you like whoa what's going on y'all try to keep the check clear Noddy trying to keep it clear for me so only put questions in the chat no comments and feedback and answering people question only put questions in ten eleven year long-distance same state aren't married or living together boyfriend ghosted over pettiness said if you hung up I call him after three weeks he said he was hurt and giving me space yet loves marriage Luna you wasting no time and my time and his time and air by the time because that's 11 year long distance not married 11 year the most you could be long distance is a year and you know two years if y'all walking with the Lord when I say walking with the Lord I mean olive oil on your forehead you not by speaking in tongues you getting hands laid on you two years at the mics if y'all walking on water with the Lord other than that you got one year to be long distance cuz long distance is not real for a man and that's why your man showing out the way he's showing out that long this is not real for a man the be honest which a long distance ain't real for a lot of women either because a lot of women are gonna do that thing and start cheating in a long-distance relationship the only time you really got a chance with long distance is when y'all was together and seeing each other close and then somebody get deployed I mean y'all got real love and you could talk to people in the military they'll let you know a lot be going down on that deployment it's stealing even real long now so that long distance is you wasting all your time you need to move all the way on look god bless how do you know a man is serious about you while dating Latoya with that right there you will not have to ask a soul you won't have to ask me it'll be unquestionable when a man won't you you're gonna know it you're gonna know it and it'll be no rhyme or reason to it you're gonna know it he's gonna be pursuing you daily he's gonna be there he's gonna be for nothing gifts words of affirmation quality time excellent service he's speaking all the love languages and you're gonna know without a shadow of a doubt that he's into you Shaniqua god bless you now my brother passed away from gun violence ten years later my father passed I also suffered a divorce and custody battle my daughter is 17 now how to date someone with those emotional scars well you probably need to do you buy 12 sessions of therapy and then get you a life coach from my mentor that life and do at least one session a month and you got to change the way you look at it you know don't don't you got to look at it like this stuff that you've overcome not stuff that you suffering from stuff that you've overcome and stuff that has made you stronger stuff that has made you wiser and you got to use it for your good so you what you gotta realize is you here tonight and so you're in a place of learning and growing it's another one who has went through what you've gone through and maybe even worse and she ready to end it all so where you at you doing better than her so you might need to write a book you might need to start a support group on Facebook you know you might need to take that pain that you've experienced and let it birth your purpose and then when you start giving back and you helping others who a few steps behind you on the healing journey now it starts to empower and encourage you and you start to heal your heart nominee Naomi okay Naomi forgiving that forgive me god bless you that's a mighty mighty they'll bless you tonight because that's that got the look back with ale in front of it so that that's more than what $1 worth that's one of them I don't know which one it is if it's a pound or a year old but I know it's a show enough blessing over here in the USD much love and appreciation to you and your beautifully blessed family finding you has changed the course of my life and giving me an understanding and peace that can only be from God I'm grateful praying you being London soon okay you were in London okay god bless you not a did a to seminars in London I hope to come back after this situation I like old London now I live in London my wife loved like that she loved that London we live over there and he got some good sock over there which all product called football my son said he wanted to play over there Davey god bless you now hi Tony my boyfriend called me crazy after I woke him to cook I forgave him later he apologized I told him that I will leave next time is this okay not sis i'ma tell you not yeah i'ma tell you now you say you woke him to cook nah this your boyfriend not your husband so you woke the man up to cook for you good that what you wrote night after I woke him to cook now i'ma tell you it is a mini man that would not have called you crazy so I feel like on this one you got to understand the circumstances now you waking somebody up they sleep yes that's that right yeah you gonna get call some stuff and and it's good that he only called you crazy cuz a lot of men would have called you a lot mode if you wake them up they sleep to cook so you know yeah there every Lane host use for that okay you're the man sleeping let the man sleep okay somebody could die without their sleep let a man sleep now so you got to you got to realize that and he just said great you're crazy oh damn what the world oh my god I'm trying to get some sleep yeah I can't get a little shut-eye DEP oh you say I'm saying that's totally different night if he woke up in damn that's different but just waking up everybody gonna be grumpy when they wake up my white get on me all the time see like oh you were grumpy when you wake up I know when you wake up just leave you alone cuz I have all kind of out of tools so when a man sleeping let a man sleep and then when he wake up and you say hey you remember you promised to cook for me oh yeah you're right but now he fully rested but you waiting a man up out of sleep he put too much salt in your food you got extra paprika that don't do nothing nah the whole meal ruin so sometimes y'all got to be a little more reasonable with y'all demands and what y'all stressing back but sometimes y'all ladies could be a little too picky at night hear hear a human being okay here human being not not no robot now robot robot could power the battery down and you hit the button in mmm-hmm oh I promise to make your food but you did with a human man got a headache and manna fell asleep you wake them up to my hey you promised to cook you saying I'm saying we got to be a little more reasonable now with neidell so don't don't don't trip too hard on the deal come on nine Frane Selak god blessed night I'm 34 unmarried no children I aspire to be ISO and have a passion for fashionable modesty I'm nervous to put myself out there any advice you don't have to just go you're gonna have to just do it everybody nervous I'm nervous to get on here but I'm on him I'm nervous to get on it you just got to go you just got to go it ain't none to it you know y'all you know you you're not gonna be over there I'm not gonna have a mantra for you that you okay let's go all right now one two three for us oh okay oh whoa you said I mean it ain't all that you just got done go put one foot in front of the other put one foot in front of the other Kristin Lee god bless you can you have a soul time if you know who went all the way with someone I think I might we run into each other in W Oh that mean new world or over here we run into each other oh now and then okay I always wonder well yeah he wasn't right then and now yikes yeah you could have below you have a look oh so time but a soul time subjective people describe it differently it's really like a little emotional fleeing a little emotional connection it's not a true sense of a soul time so time come when you give your body to somebody you could not give your body to somebody and still be emotionally bond it to them but that's not as as real or it's damaging or as strong as when you give your body to them that's just really your brain just working you know I'm not close to my family how and when do I explain this during the dating stages don't nobody care to be honest with you don't nobody care the the the lease family you got to deal with is actually the better off a person gonna like you because there's so much that come with you family it's so much drama is so much ignorance is so much up and down back and forth when you ain't got family but actually the person is like yes I get how you took myself ain't gotta be worried about you ignorant family cuz a lot of time that's why they got to turn monster-in-law but that could be you know a mother-in-law or father-in-law and so oh that's not really a big deal that's something it just come out naturally you know in normal conversation don't force it don't feel like you got to write a memo or dissertation about it it's not really even a big deal to be honest with you let me see she's gold and God bless you not a friend wants to introduce me to someone but says he is used to he used to donate plasma for money is this too strange no no that ain't strange there being you know at least he one male stripping if she said he used to be a gigolo for money he used to be on heels black of very for money he used to be out here you know doing something strange for a piece of change but own a plasma that's helping somebody else so not anything strange y'all will be coming over so questions y'all be coming over some questions Jenice god bless you not am i wrong for wanting to end a one and a half year relationship because he hasn't spent a whole day and night with me more than two times where's one and a half years and it ain't about spending a whole day and night that really don't matter is do you get time and attention from him does he give you an hour a day now if he give you an hour a day by phone and y'all talking that's ample time but it's one and a half years so where's this going but i wouldnt have years a man should be getting ready to be on one knee he should be on one knee saying will you marry me especially if y'all over the age of 25 do I think that nice girls are boring nice meaning girls that don't smoke drink aren't promiscuous leaving profanity as cetera no no that guy don't think that's boring that's that's wife B that's by Fidel he just described wife your man a man ok a grown boy might think that's born but a man that's exactly what a man looking for cuz you got to realize it really had a whole lot fun to a man other than his hobby whether that's cars whether that's videogame whether that's you know his his Co set it really a whole lot that's fun to a man a man by nature is boring for the most part so a woman having those qualities and personality traits that ain't born that's a blessing you see that's a blessing it'll take God blessing not thank you for all of your advice your book becoming mrs. right become mrs. right five years ago changed my life oh wow bless you not been out here supporting me Tracy I have been trying to distance myself from me and who aren't serious so my husband can find me how do I get these guys to stop reaching out to me when I'm not giving them the time of day you just got to not respond at all you got to not respond at all if you respond every third time they're gonna keep reaching out you got not respond at all and they're gonna get the picture they're gonna get the picture and and what you could do is just change the name and your phone to spam or do not answer so that way if you which a new man and they pop off did he see that spam or do not answer and he don't think none of it or you could block me phoned up now you blocked it number now they can treat you you block the number why is it hard for a young man to let go of a woman's pass young man old man in a man like I tell you a man is not God see God is not man that he should a man is not God that he should forgive most men do not forgive and do not forget the reason why is because men are territorial women are too if if you come telling a woman all your past she's still chica remember it she might get to the place to where she can look being here on day because she's more loving but no men not really like that just because of the way men are built for what men are built for you got to remember what men do when they serve in a country what they into what they got to do when they go on deployment when they trying to seize land what meaning had to do when me and got to go hunt for the food man brain is wired differently so they look at things differently so that's what you got to understand done not miss the extra god bless you not listen you're coaching and birth your book courses was everything how did you balance your time with so many businesses and did you only start with one I have a solo spot but I want to coach too you know what some people doing what they spas is making a little room in the back or making or getting to the the room a little office next door or partitioning off a little back space and making that big coaching office so that when they clients come in for the spa they also let them know hey we also have like coaching services and you can cross promote and I did I just started with one business and then I just plant in my days I plan my tomorrow today and I just compartmentalize and I do one thing at a time so today I might be working on this business tomorrow working on that business the next day I'm working on that business and I just give it just enough to keep it going you know I ain't trying to everything has its own area its own compartment brandy god bless you now how do you know if a man is being genuinely interested in you in the beginning or love-bombing you to get you hooked to a you later being through emotional a twice and I'm afraid to date brand I got a video on that that I did not too long ago so go on my main page click on videos and look at you know newest and scroll back and you're gonna see the video I did on that but with that situation it basically comes down to it's gonna look the same a man who's interested in you and a man who loved by me is gonna look the Zack saying the difference is the man who love bombing you it's also gonna be toxic traits in there so when you don't answer the phone because you busy the man who loved bombing you he's gonna be like where were you were you doing are you talking to your other man the man who's genuine he's gonna be like oh yeah I miss you earlier hey I know you busy I know how it is it's cool you see what I mean so you the man who loved by me and he's gonna show some toxic trace where's the genuine man he's gonna be cool and he's gonna go with the flow he's gonna be emotionally intelligent now y'all see what caramel kisses told you right here Tony guys academy.com for the aspiring life coaches make sure you use the coupon code my mentor it expires June we don't expire but a decrease in value why would a guy you just started dating slash talking to tell you on the phone one morning that he's getting ready to go on a date he mentioned we just started talking and I wanted to be honest with you thoughts um he trying to train you he trying to put you in your place and let you know that you're an option to let you know that you really don't mean a whole lot to him they let you know to make you think that he popping to make you think that he got many other options to make you think that he is you know doing his thing and you need to work for him you need to chase him Melissa Melissa that's not really a good question that's too vague you know why do guys play so many games why won't they commit that's like asking why the sky blue like ask why the Grint and why the grass green you see what I mean on the hill Q&A you got to ask the question that's specific to you what is the guy doing to you what did he do to you that you confused about but why would me in place I'm in a gang that's why the sky blue why didn't light shine in my face that's that's that's how that is okay that's every man you meet out here can a selfish and prideful man change absolutely absolutely but you know what it takes it takes a woman influence this right here you read the book this right here gonna answer that question it takes a woman influence I was a selfish and prideful man but when a man meets a woman that's gonna hold her ground that know who she is she playing no games he gonna grow up if he feel like that's his wife I love what's past relationship of six years because of my lack of trust in him I've tried to reach out as a friend once since then but I get no response Hey played yourself it was six years you let it go you should have kept going when you leave something six years you don't reach back so the reason why he else because he trying to make you pay like you're gonna leave me that all that's leaving he gonna reach out to meet know talk to dial tone no leave you on red so he just he but heard he making you pay to say oh you thought you were strong I'm gonna show you i'ma show you you ain't strong that's what he doing she's golden god bless you no support is important to me and my business I own if I'm talking to a guy he shows no support should he not be an option or should I mention how the lack of support is a turn-off and see if he does better he should not be an option it's it's common sense that if you talking to somebody to support them in a business and what they got going that that's what you're gonna do if you like somebody he's not supporting you because he is jealous of you he jealous to you and he want to live off for you so he gonna let you do good and he wants you to build your business and then he want to benefit from the building of your business and then when there's some glory in it that's when he's gonna come in so now when a man is about you he gonna come in and he gonna see ways he can help you he gonna add his skillset to it and be giving you ideas and want to help you but he's not gonna want anything from it ain't no money from it he's not gonna want any praise from it he just want to see you flourish and do better he won't support you he's gonna be active in supporting you and so that's what you got to realize and understand so y'all one eating sweat that Ruby god bless you now believe in God will make a way financially for me to take your life coach course this month thank you for all you do god bless you're in the film hey I'm hoping you able to as well is I made a very inexpensive compared to other courses these other courses out here $5,000 mine 90% less so you know hopefully maybe it's a family member that I believe in you support you and you can see some people they finish up and they get on they can start getting their clients they already earned it investment back in a month or two and so I hope you're able to do that I honor God bless you now I'm 20 years old and still have never been in a serious relationship this morning guy has been consistent but I'm not interested in him what should I do keep going about your business and start learning about relationships naca see you say I'm 20 years old and still have never been in a serious relationship you saying you 20 years over like you 40 years old 20 years old you a baby you're a baby you shouldn't even think you shouldn't even be thinking about no relationship a man ain't even ready for real love before the age of 25 so all you'd be doing right now just getting hurt that's all you're gonna be doing right now if you like that dating at 20 years old you know a number just getting hurt you getting hurt and hurting it hurt you just building up damage so that when you meet the man that you want to marry you too damaged to even love him at 25 at 28 because you didn't already been through so much so right now get your bag together okay get your major get your business get that together don't worry about no relationship do not worry about no relationship and I know that's hard be here for y'all women because y'all be too much your body clock ticking and all that but no you're too young for that too young for a man get get this Hill knowledge dick get the hill game in your spirit but stay off that date market - you got your degree you got you a good job you got things set up get your apartment you got your car your bills paid you fully independent then you can open your eyes to the man go right now 20 years ago a number grown boy they lost like a few they barely could walk and chew bubblegum at the same time let alone know how to treat a woman there's God blessing on you say let your pain birth your purpose I feel God revealed my purpose after the heartbreak one year ago but I think I waited too long to like the book and build a business due to fear is it too late never too late it is never too late and now is the perfect time now the perfect time known the moon god bless and thank you for your message god bless I've learned he didn't want to marry after 11 years thought it was just financial problems thank you oh yeah it ain't never financial problems a man does not does not not get married because of financial problems that's hogwash because you bill you want a woman to build your finances with you so whenever me and say oh I'm waiting on financial stability financial security for I get married and the woman is willing to marry them then that's hogwash that's the man saying you're not my wife and I don't want to marry you but I ain't found a better option yet so I'm just keep dragging you along to keep having you here for this Hill on demand get you on your bike on demand and then when I meet somebody else then I'm going about my business and leave you high and dry so that's what you're trying to do now hey god bless you no not not looking like who now why y'all keep making y'all names on Hill stuff I'd be saying in my video I'm trying to want it dis the same person keep changing the name to one amylose Logan hey god bless it not Tony and no early on whether they met their wife when dating but they seemed unsure after committing to the woman and become willing to cheat or leave why is this also I said in the t-shirt idea hey god bless not now I don't know people are your t-shirt but I'll look into it if anybody out the design t-shirt y'all see Mohit men are just Tim old file file other whether the PNG file or whatever that shirt nah the thing about it is is if a man know a woman is his wife and he's a real man he never really caught on to the point of being unsure after committing and then being willing to cheat unless she was never his wife and he got married for the wrong reasons see some men get married for societal pressure just like some women want to have a baby by the age of 28 out of societal pressure so a lot of women want to be married by 28 out of societal pressure something man get married for the same reason and so with a man get married and he changed something else then he flipped the script didn't he never wanted to be married he did it for other reasons Latoya what's your thoughts on for online dating okay I see you new here I see you new here Latoya but I got a video called the truth about online dating make sure you watch that but I'm totally against it I'm totally against it yes exception to the rules now for one minute her 50s sometimes I'll be okay with it just because she know the game she know the landscape she haven't seen a whole box even been here and you know the the landscape is different for her it's not a whole lot of men and they fit he's walking up shooting a shot so a woman how 50 sometimes with supervision with with a strategy I I'll say okay yeah that's what you want to do go under 50 you just need to walk outside walk go to the grocery store go to the gas station go to the mall go to Starbucks it's too many men walking around here to be on line trying to date somebody if you underfitting how to know when a man is being sincere or pretending you don't know that's the question you ain't gonna pass if most men think about sleeping with you when they first meet a woman when they talk sexually is that a red flag yes it is a red flag because it's disrespect because if you don't know a person like that you shouldn't be talking about they private areas if it's if it's a private area and that's a private conversation so when somebody come up and make your private area public conversation before they even know you that disrespect so that is a red flag Tony said I could be concerned about how much financial debt a man has before I get serious with him and you absolutely should you absolutely should if you don't have the same kind of debt or about the same amount of debt then you should especially if you're doing good or you got a job because a man might want to get with you to get on your trade lines to boost his credit to school to be a comma authorized use on your credit card start running up your credit and ruining your credit and then having you being the breadwinner helping him pay off pay down his debt then once you're gonna pay down his debt did he go on sabotage the relationship cheating on me to make you leave but now he get lead debt-free and go get him another one see I'm saying that happen every day so yes you should finances is a part of your foundation faith family goals finances friends those things are part of your foundation when you evaluating somebody my ex-boyfriend from high school is trouble and also married but still keeps looking me up I blocked but then he will wait a few years and try to find me again on different social media how do I get rid of him for good you can't really get rid of them for good just let them do what they do then do what we do but the only problem is if you respond so oh you know start responding and then why is he getting unblocked you know if you block and leaving block so it sounded like you kind of making yourself available and you entertaining it so if you entertaining he's there waiting on the time he kept you weak he kept you vulnerable and then you become his side woman cuz y'all got history can't do a video on rules of engagement now I probably I might have had one at old but that's also a wartime so YouTube Mike you know flag and I don't know but we'll see bout that now now let me see now y'all put the hashtag Q in front of your question some of y'all I posted your question earlier and I missed it so post it in there let me see if I see it we've been dealing for four years had a disagreement he left upset with the situation going on 19 he suggested that I use uber or lyft am I wrong to feel disrespected no you're not wrong but you also what you need to feel offended by is that y'all that you're dealing with him for four years uber and lyft is the least of your worries now most of your words that you've been dealing with him for four years and you still dealing with him looking like who shot done and forgot to kill me so that's really where your problem lies is you got to ask yourself you got to get in front of yo mirror on a knight and say why am I still dealing with a man and it's been four years and he didn't head me off the market looking broke busted and disgusted and it's been four years so you got to understand that night okay J yaki they keep running from just ignore that's all you could do that's all you could do no longer he got a caveat in nuance but at the end of the day y'all know the answer to the question if you entertain them and then he could do he talking to he talked to a dial tone he talked to her to the inbox if you need entertainer what does it mean when a guy says if only you knew how much I was holding on to it don't mean nothing he just you know manipulation by guilt I'm an over-the-road truck driver okay home 34 to 46 hours once a month is there any hope for me to be in a relationship now if you find another truck driver a truck stop you know you need to are sitting in the lounge at loves you know you had loves and you at whatever the other one call speed way by way BP you sit in the lounge then a you meet your old truck driver I got some clients that truck drivers and they single they single to meet your truck time y'all might start your own trucking company you be the broker he be the driver and on y'all tag-team on some of the drives you see what I mean you got to keep your mind open for it though your mind got to be saying hey I'm gonna beat my husband at one of these trucks I'm gonna meet my husband eat my husband meet my husband so what's gonna happen instead of walking like this with your head our speed walking you're gonna be head up head on Twitter smiling making eye contact give me a little not striking up conversations man gonna be feeling he's gonna feel okay to strike up a conversation with you because you look approachable and you look approachable because you've been telling yourself I might meet my husband looking toward from the floor not somebody keep changing a name on him and put my look quotes on the other night Tony we love you please talk a little bit about Queen qualities and how she can attract her King and I was touching on this last night and just the the the put is simple what you got to realize a queen is just a decent human being so when a man looking at a woman basically ask yourself this can this woman me as a woman and would I be a good role model for a daughter just go through it like that that make it real simple if you could describe or define a role model for a young girl what would that woman how was she dressed how was she talk how was she carry herself what were her personality be like her aura light go through that so then think about it so when you see these women that's online with a booty out all the time you asked yourself what I want my daughter to look up to her you're gonna say no because she using her body as bait she first trapped if you see a woman that's smoking getting high you're gonna ask yourself what I want my daughter to look up at hurt no because she's gonna be coughing she's gonna have second-degree smoke secondhand smoke and lost you're gonna get long counsel from her Suffolk is gonna be corroded if woman getting drunk you're gonna ask yourself what I want my daughter to look up to her if she cursed like a sailor no nope nope nope but if the woman is kind she humbles she meek she good spirit she's selfless she love him but she's strong see a lot of time we think all the mother traits mean weak meaning a pushover no she's strong the way my wife did this thing the way the way my queen did it is her energy was so pure that it felt like I could do anything I wanted to do with her it felt like I could make me a move but then if I made a move and it was a move she want me to make or if it was a move and it was too soon she could she stopped me right then she'll go from T kekekekeke to 8 don't do that just like that so I was like whoa this real strength wears a lot of women they might be yappy yappy yappy yapping and sounding all loud you know satting are loud and trying to like they big event and then you have money everybody just like that and a lot of minutes see a loud woman who acting all big and bad he say to himself I'm gonna put something in her mouth and shut up and show enough he try she's right down there sang it on the microphone yeah don't lie reset feel ID'd oh you hit me but she was doing all that talking sound and being a bad but then you got this one no he'll come humble gentle and then you try and she she stopped you quit like hey don't try me Denise John thank you God bless you no Dino blessed now I have three children my youngest is two I'm 40 years old going through a heartbreak if I wait too long I feel I probably never find a love suggestion hey you had to think about that beforehand just a long time to think about that nine okay you had them three you were having you a good time when you made them not just focus on raising them don't worry about no love cuz you got love in them thirty you know you already know what everything worked like you know what he what he gonna do all he doing and shoot and leave he putting another one in your stomach and then he buddies bidding so you'd have been through that you're not admit to that so not focus on loving them focus on loving them and when that to you overcome fire and could talk clearly didn't you could worry about loving but see right now you've had a two-year-old you go out you looking for love that's why you got three I'm not code you've been looking for love but you got to see the law right in front of you see that - yo you go out looking for love right now you'd be talking to a man get what he's doing you're - yo your mom look and then your two yolks and they're coming up to you and then you like what's going on baby what's wrong and then you go over to your boyfriend he say I guess she hit her head I guess he hit her head you saying I'm saying so when you got kid it's about your kid it ain't bout your love life no more nice about your children mean by - it's by them and that's what you got to realize and understand meals god bless you god bless you all eyes on me bless you now been friends for the past seven years recently through conversation he told me he loves me is he genuine he knows I've been celibate the past eight years and waiting for marriage now he wants today is he being sincere nope nope he's so lame he's so lame and the reason why cuz a man is not gonna be around you for no seven years and just be a friend if he wants you if a man I want you you're gonna know immediately if a man and I want you you gonna know within the first three months this man been running you seven your he'll want you now he just want the friend he been looking at thinking by been you know not now you're starting to look good or not he's starting to get a little lonely now he want a little lovemaking that's all he want that would be the worst decision you make I see it happening everyday backne I'm accomplishing now hello mr. Gaston guy popped up to my job today I took your advice and block it's been nine days he asked why having he heard from me the entire time of his phone going off he's still blocked you did the right thing god bless you no you did the right thing not miss somebody question here Andreea down and god fashion uh let me see SHINee's Pinkston I see you know I'm gonna get to you know I got to get to eat one that disappeared on the real quick and I hold on somebody so Sina bless you not cute face Jay okay this one disappeared on the Y domain have issue if you treat them how they treat you and think it's okay for them to do it I think it's okay to teach their kids to act like them that's a grown boy says that's that's already that's a grown boy you can't you you cannot understand the irrational behavior of a grown boy what a grown boy does is not going to ever make sense so that's not a man that's a grown boy you gotta you know understand that in jest wash your hands we're to keep on going sanaya god bless you not Tony I am in a long-distance relationship and with that I believe and with what I believe to be a good man he is consistent and has good character my only concern is that he isn't there yet his walk with Christ thoughts that's a good concern to have and now you got to just keep the timer on that long-distance relationship and because when a man along this you really don't know that man he could play a role you could be talking to his representative so when a man is long-distance he could show you his representative a lot easier and if you still have concerns about his walk with the Lord then that's even more of a red flag so what do have to do is start praying for discernment and you have to stop learning by love and start looking at this you know it looked differently you're gonna have to remove all the googoo gah-gah all the google eyes and all of that and you're gonna have to look at this in a different way like you a brand getting ready to merge your company with another company and you got to see if he's bringing more assets than liabilities you got to see what he really bringing to the table and you can't think about your body clock getting married starting no family you can't be thinking about all of that because that I have you you know miss the point meals God blessing on you you sent me a blessing this give him a compliment oh nice Pinkston do you think Queen will give out her workout routine lol I need her as my trainer said nice not listen give it I'll tell you tonight you don't want me you do not want it okay I'm trying to work out with my wife I can't get to half for her workout you hit me now she got a workout so hard because she used to be a fitness competitor and it messed up her hormones her adrenals and all of that so her body don't respond to weight that it used to so she worked out extremely extremely extremely hard like well her workout has she not been through that fitness regimen and she went through years ago with her workout she literally be looking you know better than about any better than how you be seeing Sierra showing her littles in jail Oh it'll be like that put together with my wife workouts if you ain't gotten their hormone issues that they got cut on her friends they they messed up their adrenals and stuff doing that fitness competition stuff were you working out eight hours a day and you eatin grilled chicken and bringing beans every day it messed him up bad so they buddy don't respond but you shoot a damn Senor workout now it's gonna look like another language and you've been tried and you got I only recommend it I said she'll do his own training session which Crush contacted me out of the blue after two years setting off to talk and love my mind combo was going good I've flirted left him with blue balls killed the vibe haven't talked since let it go yup let it go he waste all your time he wasting all your time the other god bless you god bless you that's a mighty blessing you sent down I bless you and let me see how much time I got eight minutes left y'all my boyfriend has asked me to marry him we have different beliefs he is a Jehovah Witness and I'm a Baptist the only problem we have is a woman teaching do you think this could work I have serious doubts unequally yoked yeah I had the same doubts not your whole witness don't celebrate holidays dual there's a whole witness I knew my cousin was the whole witness then celebrate birthdays and all of that so when I'm back this to my knowledge celebrate holidays so now that might be another issue y'all have if I'm correct but now yeah when you when you when your denominations is is very different then you're gonna have foundational belief differences and that's gonna affect how you raise your children because what if you have a daughter and then the daughter want to be a minister if y'all believe differently about that you know that's gonna be that's gonna be an issue q phase J god bless you gnight you told me last time and get my kids and leave my ex because he broke off our engagement and never moved out I'm now closing on my first house tomorrow I'm leaving Thank You a god bless you o god bless you I wish I could close on me a house you blessed and highly favored man I'm tell you that night Breanna pleasure now what should I do during the divorce process when dealing with a lying vindictive ex I'll of him while pregnant with our daughter and he's mad I didn't fail I'm due next month you got to keep him at a distance you got to treat it like a business deal you only talked to him about stuff you need to talk to him about and if you can't talk to him and he's too toxic then you put somebody else in touch to talk to him you have a mediator so that's your mama your brother your sister your cousin and something you let somebody else deal with him so so sinner God bless you not my ex of 1 year apologized to me after calling me a beat this is not the first time he has yelled at me he is consistent with his actions but can be disrespectful verbally should I let him back you're gonna have to let him sweat you will have to let him sweat a little bit and this your F tonight a 1-year you'll have to let him sweat and you have to let him failure and let them know that that was the last be he gonna ever call that's the last time he's gonna ever say to be worried and you got to say that to him and you gotta let him know like the move real slow so ain't gonna be no acrobatics you hit me ain't gonna be no tongue-kissing special with the 99 we're gonna be we finna read a woman's influence you mean we finna we finna read make it work you me and we're gonna take our time with this thing because you lost your mind you were at your rabbit mind calling me out my name now you say that in your language not cuz I don't know how you say that but now you see the way I said he'll get it together happy within and god bless your heart Tony you are blessed wisdom I'm in my forty's and online dating what are your thoughts on how single women should approach online dating during the quarantine especially with states easing restrictions well for one you shouldn't be online dating now - if you're gonna be on there I got a video on how to online date but you got to take your time you got to go real slow at that online dating so you need to go from the online dating site it's a FaceTime you go to FaceTime and you need to do you 5 to 10 dates on FaceTime really feel the spirit really feel the spirit then if y'all could meet up you could go and meet up somewhere in a public place like a downtown public place where they got all the restaurants and you meet up out there you don't pick you up you don't pick him up and you need to have your man's gone cuz he get out there and go - koffing on you and you ask matic you're gonna meet the Lord early so you need to have your mask on and you're going out there I'm sitting y'all talk for two hours then you get on and you get on home and when you going home you make sure ain't nobody following you you go the long way home take a couple other back roads make sure nobody follow you then you talk to him another 5-10 FaceTime see there online you could be talking to Ted Bundy nephew and because men who get online they don't look something different moderators I really appreciate y'all tonight I really appreciate y'all y'all y'all could y'all could relax y'all would take the rest of the night over we coming on we coming on to the clothes not coming on to the clothes so moderator y'all could let the chat yo y'all could let the chat Bri I appreciate what y'all been doing the night and blocking the keeping the chat clear thank you to my moderators y'all don't have to work no more tonight and god bless you now he's godly soul thirst trap pics he's godly so thirst trap pics aren't bad you said don't like them so I didn't only like positive pics so he only does the same until I like the regular photo of him by his self and today he did the same what does this mean it don't mean much this okay he just he know you he see you he see you there you know he got eyes oh he you trying to send him a message he trying to send you a message but don't read too much into it now he had you and your bite get had you on your back now don't get too into it Latino god bless you not broke up two weeks ago after dating a year he reached out for our first time yesterday for the first time he said he apologized for lying to me after I called his ex wants to explain I am following your 14-day rule I haven't responded yet well if it's two weeks ago then that's already 14 days now y'all broke up after a year so you really didn't have the time to where he know what he wants if y'all still haven't you know too many problems at the Year mark then you might need to really think hard about if you want to go back and entertain this so be careful with that because this is the time I make it a break in Cheyenne god bless you now Whitney Hodge when you are mayor are you supposed to help pay off your spouse's financial debt they had prior to being with you I'm not married oh yes you are so that's why you got to be mindful about the person you married and before you get married before you get engaged start talk about financial situations financial future but when you marry yes the two become one so my wife I would rather she ain't get no master's degree but she got a master's degree and it caused by 80 to a hundred grand because there's a master's degree in medical sciences and so it was kind of this special program and it's what people do before they get ready to go to med school it kind of simulates the freshman year of med school the first year of med school to see if you could do it and people do that you know if they need a little bit more practice need to get a couple more grades or what have you get ready so they're called by 80 to 100 grand so guess what we married so that's my dad - even though I ain't got the Masters it's my debt - because the tool is one and vice versa so a god bless y'all nine let me see how I miss a couple of y'all in here this hill chat down here let me see let me see trying to do men prefer a woman with ambition absolutely all day every day and twice on Sunday let me see y'all misses something y'all know okay I pretty much guy I think I got everybody especially those of you who sent a little blessing in all right come oh listen all right now we done y'all don't send no more blessings in I don't send more blessings in now jamika ever god bless you non-starter red flag started to pull back suggest that he work on his issues now now he's with someone else I feel betrayed what should I do well you pull back and told him the his issues so oh that mean that he don't want to work on his issues for you he won't stay the same and going to somebody who gonna put up with his issues so you can't feel betrayed you got to be thankful that you dodged the bullet that you got rid of a grown boy you mean lose none you gained him so now your God blessed not can you touch on men and long different relationships with someone more I'd like more wisdom well what you have to realize with that sanaya is that a man is a physical and a visible creature so with a man he'd needs to be able to see his woman look you in the face touch you hug you sit next to you a man is physical a man needs a woman in his presence that's why God created Eve for Adam cuz he said man is man I hear kissing donkeys in the mouth if man I feel hugging on that Bell oh come on come in come in come in kibale not out of my and took that real and may Eve cuz he said this man losing his mind I here by himself with the animals he I hear on the ground like the Jungle Book so God made Eve the bill help me that is that has always stayed with me so you rarely see a man that's 100% single I meet women every day all day that's 100% single you rarely meet a man that's 100% single because men were not created to be alone see a a man needed the woman even me Adam she will create it for Adam deficiency for his inadequacy so that's what you got to understand about long distance relationships and why it's so hard for a man because men and are visual and physical they need to see you feel you touch you smell you and that's what he's going through and so it just his mind is is different Azul dirty car blushing now why is it that my energy keep attracting people is it's not it's not Jo energy it's just the way to mop flops in a cookie crumble tossing people approach everybody so it's not you talk to people approach everybody walking now if you settle down with a toxic person and you see they toss and you keep talking to them that's when you need to address your energy that's when you need to address your mindset that's when you got to change your minds because so as you think so you are so that's what you got to realize and understand not hey god bless y'all now let me cut off that that does check now what I won't try to understand is as you look at the night and the question that we got you really have to start realizing that you every single man you meet that's what I want you to understand every man you meet is a grown boy you don't just meet grown man every man you meet is gonna be a grown boy in some way or another so a man could love God he could be abstinent he could be read his Bible he could have a good job he could be making good money but he may not believe in how to treat the woman he may think his my way out of highway he may not believe in giving a woman say so let her use her her righteous mind let her be equal to him in the mindset and being true teen makes he may feel like more it's a dictatorship but you may look at him and say oh that's a good man that's a good man because he read it bobbling talking right acting right so what you got to realize is that when you meet these men out here they're gonna be a grown boy and so you have to have your standard set in place you better have your belief set in place and the number one thing that y'all ladies got to understand cuz today I got all questions from women is you gotta listen to your intuition that feeling that you have that look inkling that you have that's your mind trying to protect you trying to protect your life it's raising a red flag and what y'all do is y'all see the red flag and then you put it back down you ignore it and then not you passing by all these signs that say slow down speedling roadwork ahead cliff ahead dead in the head make u-turn you passing all the signs because you're not giving yourself credit for your intuition you got to listen to your intuition because it's letting you know and what we call it the first mind I should have listened to my first mind I learned my lesson listen to your first monotone it if it don't feel right in your sphere if you don't feel right in your gut don't go with it speak up speak out say somebody don't go with it listen to your mind that's what y'all going wrong just like the system we had in here been with a man 11 years we had others been enough seven years we had others been in there for years that's too long that's too long to not be married listen to me yeah this dance time in your life not from this point going forward somebody could call for you and you lose your life somebody from this point going forward if somebody come around you you'll lose your life and no one is trying to be asthmatic so what I'm saying is you got to take life a whole lot more serious now you can't play around with it so anybody you dealing with they get one year and they get one year in your life but they get into one year in three-month increments when you're dealing with somebody in life love or business they get one year in your life and three-month increments so what I mean by that is every three months you evaluating the progress of the situation you looking at a three month mark how do I feel what red flags do I see what's out there what am I seeing what am I feeling six-month mark how do I feel what red flags do I see nine-month mark what red flag twelve months twelve months is make-or-break at the 12 month either we finna get engaged or we fend to get gone Point Blank period you can't play around with it because life is too short and too precious for you to be playing around with your life allowing somebody to drag you from summer into winter with your summer clothes on see a lot of y'all getting caught in winter with your summer clothes on because you hang it on to somebody and so when you hang it on to somebody that's trying to let you go guess what they're gonna do they're gonna drag you right through the mud picture yourself hanging on somebody's shirttail and they doing what they want to do they cheat in they lie they talk see and they do what they wanna do and you know here hanging on their shirttail what they're gonna do they're gonna drag you right through the mud you can cut up you're getting bruised up and then you want to look up and say what's going on what do I need to do you need to get up you got two legs you need to stand up and you need to let the shirttail go and you need to go on the other way go back to your business so listen to me valuate your life evaluate the people in your life and it's time to start saying no to situation ships stop dealing with situations shield thought letting somebody come and play around with you and get over on you while you wasting your life away and listen I told y'all this last night it is not rocket science and you're gonna hear me say that over and over it is not rocket science Tanya Dora god bless you now I had turn chatter oh no how that one that popped up but I guess that's a special kind you you did let me on all right now we've done with them Q&A tonight I need to turn that tap back on for our clothes a tie but hey I so appreciate y'all to everybody that sent a blessing I appreciate you everybody who sent a question I'm sorry if I didn't get to your question in that chat it get a little busy in there till my moderators hey I really appreciate y'all for helping me I try to keep the chat as clear as possible but I really appreciate you and I'm gonna try to go tomorrow tomorrow night at 8:30 I'm gonna try but I just don't know how my body's gonna be feeling and if I'm gonna want to do a drive in I might I might want to do me a drive-in movie with my wife tomorrow or Thursday but i'ma see by how I'm feeling Wednesday and Thursday cuz I'm gonna try to do my lies Monday Tuesday and Wednesday so I could take my weekend prior to Sarah's Sunday Oh so other than my videos and if you took a life coach certification we're gonna be live for the life coaches that took the life coach certification on Tony Gaskins Academy calm we're gonna be on Hill live on the private Q&A this Saturday at 10:00 a.m. Eastern so I sent out the email today so make sure you check your email and copy that link and put it in your notes so that you have that link for the Q&A for the life coaches this Saturday at 10:00 a.m. but god bless your night and we'll talk soon I move the button oh yeah I'm feeling here tomorrow night you know what I forgot to tell you I'm bill here tomorrow night but tomorrow night I'm doing the different one I'm doing the one where I'm not only camera it's just my voice and you could call in and you could write questions and stuff like that and I think it's gonna have a number for you to call it my first time trying this this type of live tomorrow so it's gonna be a little different but reason why I'm trying because sometimes you know if I beaten got into a fight at the gas station man to try it man he caught me one time I probably can't be on video that day well if I didn't have my little breakout in McLaren cellar but not see money working fast enough I might be on live that day I might just need to be on there with my voice so tomorrow's gonna be a voice live like a radio show okay we're gonna try that out and see how that go cuz there's also gonna be good for my eyes when the lights in my eyes for a whole hour so we're gonna try something different god bless y'all we'll talk tomorrow night
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 25,178
Rating: 4.9413614 out of 5
Id: gwY5oJoKQqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 53sec (6113 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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