Sunday Night Q&A | 10/18/20

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youtube let me see i got my internet on here hopefully my internet on i'm going through want to pop in now i supposed to try to do this every sunday night don't always get to do it and sometimes i come in in the middle of the week but tonight got in from the game you know me and my family went to the football game made it in and wanted to hop on here for a little while i got a full battery tonight so i might be able to do a little marathon see what this what this old phone battery can do y'all give me one second let me invite the lord in the room all right i had to go and invite the lord in the room let me see dating two months started pre-marital counseling dating two months started pre-marital counseling he signed us up for wants to get married in two months too soon both divorced four kids all together now y'all got four kids all together hopefully that's two and two and not three and one in his favor the other thing y'all been dating two months and he signed y'all up for pre-marital counseling and y'all don't even know each other in two months you only know each other so y'all in primary counseling and the counselor really don't know what to say to y'all accounts like so uh so what is uh his last name and okay now do you know her last name okay do you remember her phone number you know it's only been two months and then he want to get married in two months i'm telling this right here that right there that scared me that scared me real bad because i'm a man and i know me and okay y'all talking five hours a day okay that's the most scary all right because for one if he talking five hours a day i say talk an hour a day and and people say oh that's too much time hour day how much holiday so if y'all talking five hours a day what in the world he got going on and then two why's you giving him that much of your time every day and then three you're supposed to get to know nobody that fast now me and my wife we're going on 14 years of marriage we're doing amazing our first conversation was six hours long we did have our long conversation but we was in college and so you do a class or two and then you done the rest of the day and we had long conversations but even us we didn't get married in four months and so what you got to understand right there is just the nature of a man does not move that fast a man don't move that fast now even if and if he really feel like you his wife he could take you off the market but to be honest with you when a man moving that fast some up you need to do some individual coaching yourself before you go you need to talk to a coach a relationship coach you go on and you need to have about four sessions yourself and really talk through this thing because you don't really know a lot of times is he want to make his ex-wife jealous or he he need to go half on bills immediately or his job coming to an end or something to change in his business in his life and he needs somebody that he could fall back on somebody he could have there because he see and he knows what's about to happen but you don't know he need a caretaker for his kids if he got his kids a lot of times there's something in there that's going on but men don't really honest genuine grown men they don't move that fast not that fast a year 12 months that's the fastest you ever need to think about marrying somebody the absolute fastest met on match exclusive three months i'm hidden but notice he checked out every day for the last two weeks red flag say something exclusive for three months he checked every day for the last two weeks okay that's definitely a red flag that is absolutely 100 a red flag red flag with sirens on it horns uh flashing lights on there fire on on the back of the flag so that's definitely a thing so what that says to you is that you are not the one that means that he is still looking he's still open he's still wondering where his wife is at but for the time being you are what what they call a hold me down and if he doesn't meet me anybody else if he don't meet somebody else on the site then he will settle for you because you the best thing going in this moment but when a man meet his wife he's no no longer needs to go on the dating site to keep checking the site but but see what a lot of men do is they meet a woman and they thank you great but then they see that okay um i want to see if it's something better out there ruby god bless you know let me see would like to do animal based life coaching email you about it but katie responded and were and would prefer your take on it because i explained it further would you be willing to read it uh steven that response that you got actually was from me not katie um so that that response that you got when y'all get a response it's it's even though it's not me personally it's uh approved by me you don't get a response that's not approved by me so whenever whatever my assistant say to you that's what goes you know it's not gonna be any different from me so i can't even remember it but what um what i will say to that is it's just too bro it's too specific like it's just not really a thing you know i'm a coach and i've never heard of anybody want to do animal based life coaching so i get it but i feel like you'll be wasting your money on the site now see if i was one of them people that just want money and growth at all costs i say yeah go ahead and sign up for animal based life coaching go right ahead and you know what do the annual membership while you're at it because but i'm not that type of person i don't want you to go waste your money for something that i don't think is going to be successful on my and you know my audience i'm a black man so a lot of my audience is african-american and a lot of black people don't even like animals you know it they had to tie me down for me to agree to a dog you see what i mean so just on this particular site i'm not sure it'll be the best thing i different demographic you know it's other sites out there got different demographics got people who wouldn't know what animal based life coaching is but as far as my brand and my marketing promotion i don't think it'll be a good use of your funds you'll be better off doing some one-on-one coaching yourself and getting some marketing strategy on how you can market yourself and spend funds that way then you know getting on the site and then being upset if you don't get booked or you could do a different category of coaching and then in coaching a client you may see they could benefit from the animal based life coaching thoughts on a man dating a woman with kids um you know you really every man is different on that that's one of the things that it depends on that man that's not really gonna be something that i can answer because you know i'm not um last time i did that i was 16. you know and the girl i was dating she had a child and i broke up with her because i was too young to accept that responsibility being a high schooler i was like listen i want to be able to go to the movies i'm calling you about going to the movie and you talking about you got to get a babysitter and i ain't going to be able to do this and i said i roll past your baby that heat in the street i saw him in the street in a fight so here i am stepping in here and i and i got to be sitting at your house having a in-house movie date because you got a child and your baby out there in the street fighting i saw him in a fight in front of the movie theater and this was a true story i said i ain't gonna be able to do it i said i really like everything good i ain't gonna be able to do it i was a high schooler so that's the last time i did that so you have to kind of you know talk to your brothers talk to your cousins on that one and just kind of see if they've had experience with dating a woman with children as an adult some men totally fine with it because they look here and then some men it's on they list that they will never do it so a different situation actually god bless you now men don't approach me in person i only an inbox i keep a smile on my face and i am a barber but i don't date customers is this preventing me from me approaching me um no it could just be where you at it could be a lot of factors that go into it um what you got to realize is it's okay to meet people on in the inbox on social media you know that's totally different social media is not a dating site so meeting someone on instagram in the inbox is totally different than somebody than meeting somebody on one of these dating sites because on a dating site you're going there to look for a date that means that you have process through your mind that is not enough options approaching you in person and you want to get on a online dating site to meet total strangers but on facebook and instagram that means you're going on a social networking site where you can follow your friends and family and a man just happens to see your profile and send you a message so it's totally different meeting someone on instagram and meeting someone on a dating site so i would be more open to those meetings and today that's how a lot of relationships that's why that thing that's going around how it started how it's going that the trending thing that's really what that started from people just talking about shot they shot in the dm and then not a married you said i mean so that's that's something to consider um god given tony my child's father is having a new baby and stayed and said he's moving to another state our child is only one he promised to come and see her but he never shows up well you're gonna have to um you probably don't need your coach for that one just to talk you through it and help you get through that but it's time to realize it's on you it's on you you you can't lose sleep over that ain't no you sensing sitting in word and wondering about it you got to warming up and do you you know you that is 100 your child you can't look at it like it's 50 heels it's your child is 100 percent yours so stay in the trenches keep grinding y'all forgive me hit my mic and focus on what you have to do and just treat him like he's a non-factor like he don't even exist and if you show up and do something good good if he don't your mind is made to keep going forward andy k god bless you how do you deal with the person who you both were a grown boy and grown girl do you move forward and try to fix it or let it be and let god work it out typically in that situation you move on with your life recovery amber god bless you now typically in that situation you move on with your life you go on about your business and um because when you both were not right it shows you that you're not meant to be together because when a relationship works is typically one mature person and one immature person and the mature person influences the immature person when both of you immature it's a recipe for disaster was it uptight of me to give a man a side hug on the first date because i wasn't comfortable with giving a full body hug um yeah it was uptight of you but uptight is not a bad thing when you just met somebody you know when you doing them full hug sometimes that could send the wrong message when you don't know this man you just met him so it's better to be safe than sorry and to be honest with you that is a good thing because a man can look at you when a man sees that as classy conservative if if you just met this man and you out there i just love hugs and you doing all that he's gonna be like oh all right okay all right i feel oh kind of arrow on me he he he kind of confused you said i mean so that little side hook that's like okay cool all right cool that that that helped me um want somebody to say i missed it uh dion i didn't skip her change the language on here i missed her thank you very much uh gina god bless you now i don't skip nobody but y'all got to realize i don't see everybody because of the chat and how many people in the chat um okay i see and when y'all do those little blue ones the ones that say 4.99 a lot of those they end up in the chat so i miss those they don't leave them up for me so just instead of doing that instead of sending that 4.99 and spending your money on something that i may or may not see and knowing that you're going to be calling google oh yes um i sent 4.99 to tony gaskins youtube and asked a question he did not answer my question so that was a fraudulent charge can you refund that chart thank you so instead of sending that 4.99 just put your question in the chat for free you see what i mean just put it in the chat for free just in case so you're not wasting your money in case i miss that now the ones the people who give the orange and the yellow they put that on my screen big and i see that you see what i mean so don't waste your money on here because this is free you don't have to send money to ask a question this is free and i was getting ready to answer the question but look like mama mama tish mama tissue accidentally deleted the lady paid question now the the question got deleted i was getting ready to answer it uh queen heart god bless you treat it myself so uh santos who sent that 4.99 just put your post your question again in the chat in the in the free chat i'm gonna look for you um but put hashtag q before your question anything without hashtag q in it the moderators delete it because we try to keep the chat clear queen heart god bless you treated myself to a luxury hotel invited a friend over then curved him for delayed responses and tardiness next day he tried to strong arm for my room number but refused to say why do you think he wanted to do something stupid to retaliate uh no i don't think so i just think when you hit him up he was tied up with his other woman and then he got free the next day and really if you're inviting a man to a hotel room that means you want some business to go down in there so he was strong on like the army hammer box you ever seen an arm and hammer box look it up all right that's how he was feeling down there because you at the luxury hotel inviting him over okay so that's not really a good idea you go to your luxury hotel go to the luxury hotel next time for yourself you don't need male energy go there and get centered with yourself read your bible pray do some laps in the pool with your mask on when you come up forever and focus on you when you ne you don't ever invite a man nowhere when you invite a man somewhere he think you inviting him to come put you on your back so the night before when you invited him he was with his other woman had her on her bike so the next day he got aggressive because he wanted to come in there and go and get what he thinking you inviting him for so understand that right there okay elaine of grace god bless you if son's father has never been in his life or met him and now says he wants to meet him but doesn't work with me to set a date and time should i stop trying i also don't want my son to be like him yeah just stop trying you know just stop trying if he ain't going all the way through and he just saying stuff to take up your time and drain your energy and just get back on your radar then go on about your business you know don't don't even mention it to your son don't have your son hopes up and then got to let him down you know and if you set a time up with him let it be a surprise to your son don't even tell him don't say okay he coming tuesday at 5 00 p.m just because you and him that talked about it because you already know he a grown boy and he bought his word so when he showed up at 5 pm then you let your son know hey um your dad is outside and got somebody for you to meet your dad is outside then you let him know if you want him in life if if he ain't worth it he ain't a good man he got too much going on at the end of the day listen to them single parents mothers and fathers because sometimes they go both ways that the other side is crazy at the end of the day it's your job to protect yours it's your job to protect yours so if that other half is not doing what they need to be doing and ain't right and they only gonna introduce pain and harm you know to yours then nope can't go to the courthouse let the court tell me let the court look me in my eye let the judge look me in my eye and tell me that you won x amount of percent of custody knowing that you smoking like a chimney drinking like a fish on probation got all these records let the judge tell me that and then the judge do that then okay nine you got to deal with being in at risk of contempt the court but if but if a person is sorry they're not even going to go through all that to get that visitation and that's you protect yours and you do what you got to do bridge of god bless you hi tony just want to say thank you i signed up for the courses you are blessing from god and helping me stay focused with your videos of course hey god bless you now make sure you put hashtag q before your question so i could see it what does it mean when a man says he feels he feels he's running from himself uh it it mean he heard that somewhere he heard that somewhere and it sound good and he know that that's just gonna have you so confused that you just sit there just stuck and you on the q a trying to figure out what he mean it don't mean it don't mean anything really don't mean nothing sometimes a poetry only means something to the author you know you got to understand that so i wouldn't even waste no time what it really mean is he if he running from himself that mean you need to be running from him i don't ever be running towards somebody that's running from myself that's that's a scary thing my child's father blocked me because i don't feel like talking to him no i don't feel like taking him to work but i felt it's not my responsibility and we're not together why would he do that well because he mad you know you're a grown boy so you don't do what he wants you to do blocked take a lesson from it and keep him blocked and going about your business call of god bless you you should wait one year to introduce your kid while dating a man how can a man truly love you if he hasn't met the motherly side of you or your kid my kid is my other part of me well what you have to understand is inside of a year that's where you need to be meeting him and vetting him and getting to know him so that you see that he's worthy of being introduced to your child and then when you introduce him on day 366 then you take another year of seeing how he jails with you and your child and seeing that side of you but if you taking you key entrance you introducing your child to a man every three months now she meeting tom dick and harry every year by the time she's 15 she like she met 80 men and she when she come of age and men trying to get her on her back at the age of 12 13 guys trying to take her behind the bleachers and under the stairwell at the schoolhouse now she know what boys try to do with girls now she looking at you like whoa my mama is loose oh my goodness you mean to tell me all these men i don't met because my mom want to introduce a man to me every three months or every six months all these men out i met over the last 10 years and had my mom in the bed and then you try to say oh i didn't sleep those men she like yeah that's what crystal said at school and she's around here doing everything with all the guys and so you you really want me to believe that okay yeah my friends when she 13 14 15 she my friends are having sex you really want me to believe you're not okay mom so that's why it sounds drastic but you can't be desperate that's the problem with our world today is that men and women have children and then be so desperate to date that y'all end up using your children as pawn on a raggedy chess board and y'all can't even play chess so nine your children meeting all these people shaking all these hands your child caught cold aid 19 i hear from shaking all the hand meeting all these different people and the reason why i say that is because with the work i do you will not believe the amount of grown women that i coach that was dead wrong by their mama boyfriend by a man they mama brought into their house talking about she he need to meet her because he need to see the motherly side of me that right there is what had your child in therapy at 21. so understand that you cannot trust a man you do not know a man it take a woman two years to five years to even know a man it's women who get married to a man and don't know that man 10 years into the marriage so you bringing a man you just barely knew three months six months around your child you don't know this man while you in the bathroom he didn't win and put a hidden camera in your child bedroom you seen them saying you don't know what's going on out here today so that's why you have to thoroughly vet these people because and if you don't believe me sit down every night and watch the news watch the news for the next seven days and you're gonna say okay yeah ain't nobody for me my child inside 12 months you hear me listen what i'm telling you not cause i'm on i'm out here in the trenches i'm on the trenches uh tammy lee i'm not sure about the bible calls afflictions what i would say do when you see afflictions when you read your bible if you go on like the bible app or if you go on like you could read that scripture in every different translation and you can see what how it's how afflictions is translated in every different translation and then also see what the hebrew word is for affliction and understanding so the more the different variations that you read the different translations you read it'll give you a deeper understanding of what the bible means by afflictions and and then but when you read you got to pray for wisdom knowledge and understanding so that the lord could reveal to you what that word means in your life and in that context lola god bless is a man really a symptom for taking on the responsibility of another man child when he marries a single mom of one i keep seeing people say a valuable man wouldn't do so playing someone else saved gang um you know you you seeing that from the grown boys that's like he'll be saying that anytime you hear the word attached anywhere it's from a grown boy you know so you know just think about just realize that a grown man or self-responsibility and what y'all have to realize what what moms have to realize it has nothing to do with it has nothing to do with your child it has everything to do with you so you can have baby kids you remember the move the cartoon baby kids y'all google that b-e-b-e i think that's how it was spelled baebae kids look cartoon little black cartoon black people and them kid was so bad look if a man like you it don't matter what your children got going on he's gonna be okay with that he gonna be fine with that because he god wired him to for you you know he's not worried about them they could have anything going on in their life a man don't leave you because of your kids when a man leave you it's because he don't feel you are the one that's all that's all and and so i want y'all to understand that and realize that you know man man in the history of the world ain't left no woman that he really loved and he wanted because of a kid understand that after jay married three months together three years found out two months into marriage he slept with another woman one year into the relationship left for three days begged me back and we went to counseling how to trust again you got to keep doing what you're doing you're gonna have to go through the motions you're gonna have to do the coaching you're gonna have to read the books together the good thing about it is what he did that was a long time ago y'all was dating again like what i just said it take you a year before you even get to know a man he you still ain't know him he still ain't know you he's still waiting ready for no relationship he just was with you as a placeholder while he was getting to know himself and trying to grow and now this is going to come out he might ain't did nothing since then and that's very very common so you have to realize now if you find out he did something in the marriage that's something totally different but he did some two years ago and you find out about it and he's a totally different person and the person he was when that happened now you got to make a decision do i want to leave because of what happened then or am i with a new person today and do i want to make it work and you got to see what he willing to do too 23 meaning what he's willing to do how many sessions he willing to do how many books he willing to read how much work he's willing to put in now if he wasn't putting no good work that'll that'll satisfy you then you need to leave because that means he's not remorseful he he does not care he don't respect you he thinks he got you he thanked you trapped he thanked you locked in and he just basically saying deal with it oh shaylana god bless you now 23 live with my ex of four months lived with my ex of four months i'm leaving after seeing he cheats in dms with more successful women even with close female friends was he exploiting me moving back with family to change my life he was exploiting you if you would help him pay the rent if you want to help him pay the rent and you and or if you were just on your back then yeah you was getting exploited but go ahead about your business go go only and just be thankful you found it you found out my daughter's dad we're work we're working on us he says we're not together i can say whatever do whatever i want i feel working on us it's not okay for him to seek attention and flirt on social media um so what it sounds like such that he trying to keep you locked down he wants you to thank y'all yeah if a man tell you that he you he ain't working on y'all if if if he says we're not together he's not working on y'all so i don't i don't know how you know i really don't know how you got that we work we're working on us now since y'all ain't working on y'all unless you mean we're working on us meaning y'all working on y'all individually but based on the rest of your message um it's not okay for him to seek attention to flirt on it is okay for him to do that because y'all not together and that's why he telling you we're not together because what he telling you is i don't want you and i don't want to be with you and that's why i'm keep telling you we're not together but i'm saying we working on us so you could keep working on you and keep trying to get me so that you stuck standing still sniffing my booty while i'm out here sniffing the buddha of other women and when i find the woman that i want i'ma drop you like a bad habit and then reiterate to you we're not together so that's the manglish of that and that hurt to hear not because it hurt to say but i want you to hear that and understand that you playing yourself you playing yourself going about your business and see this the thing what y'all ladies have to understand this thing what y'all later have to understand is y'all be hearing a man say something and you don't listen to what he telling you he said we're not together when a man say that that means everything is fair game that means anything he want to do and then he followed up and said i can say and do whatever i want to he telling you kiss my behind and raise your child you y'all have to start listening when a man tell you i don't want you i don't want a relationship i'm not ready for a relationship i'm not ready to settle down i'm not sure about us i don't know if i want to be with you i don't know if we can make it work when a man say that stop letting it go in one ear and out the other ear and then you saying oh but we're working on us and i think we're going to get back together no he told you so understand that now kyle lee god bless your child father didn't come to see or showed up for his child birthday because we have a disagreement but he said he loved his child sis i don't know what to tell you now y'all go go on and then when you click find a coach and it and then you'll see it bring up the coaches at the top it'll say click for filters when you click on the filter and you select the subject or the topic you could select co-parenting and whenever you're going through stuff like that for all of y'all that's co-parenting go on hire one of the co-parents and coaches because that's somebody who'd either seen all the mistakes happen made all the mistakes or they didn't figure out their co-parenting situation and they got some insight for you i have personally never co-parented so what i say you gotta take it with a grain of assault because i don't have a baby mama or a other child from another woman or you know it's just me and my wife so i don't want to mislead you by speaking on stuff too much that i've never done so you know go on and you know find you one of the co-parents and coaches and they pr their feet probably so affordable you could do a session without with different ones to see which one you vibe in jail with the most uh destiny god bless you what do you think about a 26 year old man that is online publicly talking about wanting to have with multiple females single and in a relationship i really don't think about that kind of man and you shouldn't be thinking about that kind of man either because that's not a man that's a grown boy so you know i would not let that man have you wasting your five dollar sister cuz i wouldn't need i i if a man like out there like that if i was you i'd be trying to get so far from him he wouldn't be able to call me text me he can't send me no telegram he can't fly no plane crossed my house he only know where i live you mean so when when you see somebody out there reckless like that gone ahead for you be laid up in the hospital with health and when i say heals that's hiv you hear me don't don't you you when a man show you who he is believe in what maya told y'all when somebody show you who they are believe them and that's what you got to you know get to it and listen now ladies now you notice this a thing you notice it's a theme tonight is y'all have to stop needing somebody to tell you what you already know y'all have to get you got to get yourself to that point the way you stop asking why is water wet you have to get to that point tony what does it mean when a man says i hate you and i don't want to be with you and you need to leave me alone i'm like oh uh what does it mean uh you see what i'm saying so i want y'all to get to that point y'all see the theme now so if you see a 26 year old man out there saying that stuff online do you see me saying anything like that do you do you see any respectable man saying anything like that okay so now you know that's a fool that man slap crazy that man how you chopped up in somebody's freezer if he that crazy uh me park god bless your past relationships left me feeling like not enough and like something was stolen from me why do i have dreams of protecting drastically protecting myself whether um from my ex or any man trying to get close it's because of what you're telling yourself it's because of how you feeling so what you're saying how you feel your dream is just a replay of your subconscious mind what's on your mind what you've been thinking what you've been talking about what you saw so that's all that is so what you're gonna have to do is you're gonna have to change your input you're gonna have to get coaching or counseling or both and you're gonna have to read books and you have to watch the youtube videos because you need new input you need to be encouraged you need life to be spoken into you you know coach ambron here um who who uh she did a donation earlier amber um i don't know if she got a youtube channel i hope amber got a youtube channel i don't know if you could click on her name who made that donation earlier but amber she a great coach on here i saw her on here tonight so she'll get her a little shout out and i interviewed her uh coach amber johnson you'll see the interview hire her she'll whip you right in the shape she will be in the shape she'll speak life into you and she'll get you you need to change your thinking because you feeling like you lost stuff and like stuff was stolen from you in your past because you don't know your worth right now uh sarah god bless you any advice for mothers with sons i'm scared to make him too dependent on me and how to balance being loving verse suffocating um always understand this you can't be too loving and you can't be too hard as long as it's coming from the right place of love you just need to make sure you're operating from love and you got to evaluate what you're doing and what you're saying and you got to make sure it's not coming from a place of fear you got to make sure it's not coming from a place of uh scarcity of lack of self-hate of doubt of worry but is it coming from a place of love that you love him and you want the best for him or is it coming from a place of you scared for him and you scared to fail and you scared the world gonna eat him alive because when you're operating from fear that's when you become overbearing suffocating and you're doing the wrong things when you're operating from love that's when you are empowering and uplifting and once you get a certain age i got a course on tony gatson's academy if he's 13 or older um called raising young men crystal b god bless you how to meet new people in 2020 and um all right um today on social media right now on social media that's that's really how you're gonna meet new people because the d right now you being on shut somebody's hand and next thing you know you're going to meet the lord because with this thing that's going around it is not it ain't playing with with y'all so you right here run meet somebody tonight they beat them coughed coughed on your accident and nothing you know you laid up in somebody cast you going to meet the lord your spirit with the lord you see what i mean so right now meet yourself okay meet yourself you know meet yourself that's what we got to focus on right now and if somebody happened to show up in your dms then you evaluate check them out see if they got a real page and this ain't no bot and this ain't somebody in another country that's going to be asking you to money union western ground them some money you said i mean i feel like i just mixed them names up money union western ground uh but y'all know what i'm talking about uh gina god bless you i married a muslim three years ago i'm a christian i realize he is a new baby boy in february should i leave even though i'm married all right so okay 499 for that question that's the whole coaching session right there says you don't need a coaching session right there okay see marriage like marriage stuff and all in mary and new addition to the world in february that's too deep for the q a so that's too deep for the for the q a so so please god bless your sister but make sure you get on my you need a whole hour you need a whole hour for that and see for me i don't want to do injustice because see what you got to realize when i say stuff you know you could take that sears and you could do something in your life based on what i say and if i only gave you half a little something be in on a really deep situation then that's my fault so on here i try to only answer questions that's kind of surface level you know stuff that i know i need to ask you 10 20 questions you you need to have a session sister eileen you know and if you can't have a session is courses is it's books and it's a whole lot of videos if you watch enough of these videos that's free you'll get your answer you'll get your answer because you already know the answer you already know the answer you just want somebody else to tell you or to confirm or deny what you're feeling i lean god bless you now god bless you eileen coach porsche god bless you now cole portion i don't know if you could click on people name when they you know say something but but coach porsche says she a coach nah all right i'm trying to thank you for everything that you do and giving the blueprint for success with integrity i can't wait for 22 hey god bless you now i'm waiting on somebody with some money that um make a whole investment in the tony tube and then i got to find some good developers some good app developers i need to handle that youtube youtube need to just start letting people build their own to where they developers us getting them a little piece but let us talk about what we want to talk about uh kaylee g uh kaylee g i see you stop that's your question i you should just post your question again just bailey because you see with this chat i can't really get to the question because there's so many people in the chat sabrina and and again i'm gonna say this again y'all listen them 499 questions they disappear so do not spend your money to ask a question if you ain't got that money to give that's just you got to see that like that's a donation if you don't pay to get your question asked that payment feature is for people who they just saying hey god bless you this is not a paid q a the q a is free so only send a donation if you saying hey god bless you like and here go a question but if that question don't get asked you ain't on the phone with google you see what i mean so and then i scrolling through the chat out of seeing you post i missed the question twice instead of just posting your question again so just if if you post a question and i miss it just keep posting your question because whenever i stop talking i go right back to the chat and i look for the next question why do grown boys even come back knowing you don't want them back they don't know you don't want them back and if they can reach you on the phone or the text that mean you do that mean you might do want them back so if you don't want them back let them know you don't want to bite by not being accessible tony what advice can you give to women aged 26 to 29 who have never been in a relationship and are asked about relationship history on a date um just tell the man you've never been in a relationship that's that's a good that's a good thing that you've never been in relationship oh i've never been in relationships i actually don't have a relationship history oh you ain't never been in relationship you lying you've never been in relationship no i've never been in a relationship can you not tell no i couldn't tell i thought you may have been in a relationship me you look like a wife i thought maybe you'd been married and divorced well no thank you for the comment but no i've never been in a relationship so you know i'm learning as i go and i know what i'm looking for oh so what you looking for i know it when i see them oh am i him you'll know one day you said i mean you have to be aloof you got to be round about with a man you can't give them your whole blueprint and it just got to be real and raw and just got to be yourself see the thing about it is what y'all what y'all misunderstand about what i'm doing here this is to educate you what i'm doing here is to educate you from a male perspective and the reason why i'm speaking from a male perspective is because a lot of our daddies don't talk to us in a very blunt and real way maria god bless you now and a lot of our fathers don't speak to us in a articulate way about love and relationship a lot of brothers uncles cousins so what i'm doing here is not to teach you games to play and tricks to run on men that ain't what i'm doing here what i'm doing here is expressing the male psyche from a male perspective to bridge the gap to level the playing field but what you do in a relationship is just be authentic when you meet somebody you be authentic you be you but you're being authentically you as an enlightened person who understands what a grown boy thinks and how a grown man thinks but you're being authentic so don't take relationship advice as like a blueprint for you to play a role no you evolve and you develop and you grow into the person you need to be and then you operate authentically from that place not trying to remember okay what do i say here okay what do i say there okay what do i say and once you get the knowledge in your spirit then it become natural on how you carry yourself and what you're looking for when you're dealing with somebody so understand that you know don't don't look for tips and tools in the sense of this is what i got to remember no this is what i need to know and this who i need to become in my growth um eileen god bless you now uh shauna god bless you i just wanted to say thank you i have learned a lot from your independent woman series i have issues lol so i keep re-watching them hey god bless you it's good to know yourself now it's good to know yourself nah the sister that kept posting i miss a question now i'm looking for your question in here i ain't seen any questions what do grown boys think of women who reject traditional femininity arms full of tattoos or muscular women who work out a lot do they see her as a target uh yes they do but wrong boys see everything as a target grown boys see you know women all shapes sizes colors every woman is a target for a grown boy so you know what tattoo says to a man is that a woman can endure pain that a woman is is willing to be a little rebellious that a woman is willing to think outside the box step outside the box live outside the box and she adventurous that's what a tattoo says is that a woman just got a little bit of you know fun or adventure in her you know women who work out um a lot and and not different if you work out a lot to where you know my wife used to do the little bodybuilding stuff as in the division to where you still was feminine but you're working out a lot you're not bodybuilding but they call it bodybuilder and she's she was telling me that some of the women some of the bodybuilder women have them a little thing down there like be growing a little angle lane i don't know like a little extra piece of hanging out down there um and so now that right there is different than just a woman who love to work out so but what you got to realize is a grown boy they see every woman as a target shauna i got your message god bless you now alexandria god bless you god bless you thank you and the queen for a woman influence and all your consistent content bless your sister pour out another life this is the winner boy and beyond on this thing shanice bless you hello tony what is your take on military men and relationships i've been talking to a man in the army every single day and he is very consistent calls and texts i've been getting negative feedback from women thoughts now you getting that negative feedback from women for a reason and to be honest with you that's all i get back to when dealing with men in the military a man in the military is like a man being in prison it's a different type of prison he got a little bit of freedom but he's still in the the prison of working for this hill country and and especially if if the country ain't worked for him so if he of color and he in america and he in the military not on 10 times he enough for another reason it ain't for the defend no country it's for to get a college paid for or because he just didn't really know what else he wanted to do and so that's typically the reason why we go that's why i went that's why i went and did all the tests and all that and i was getting ready to go on my dad talked me out of that but i was going because i was lost and confused so a lot of times that's why you have so many issues in that military because especially with people of color because the country ain't never fought for us country never did nothing for us so when we go there we typically looking for a consistent paycheck or we looking for you know school to be paid for or we need something to do at that time and as men now women may have other reasons why they go in there but as men a lot of the men in lost in the sauce so they juggling women mistreating women and really seeing women like pain pills because they just wonder man why am i even in here what i'm even doing in here so let me have me some fun that's what the case is eighty percent of the time so you got to be very careful let them call and text now but don't do nothing crazy don't be sin no no okay no don't be sending no money okay don't don't do him no favors all you giving him a conversation don't send him nothing uh dean of god bless you currently engaged sometimes things come up where i feel the need to reference an x to explain a point or reason for my position significant other never wants to hear about x's how to get around this you're gonna have to start talking about x's that's how you get around that says you can't ever do that man you can't ever bring up an x what the world gina come on i nigena talk to you like martin in here gina come on gina what it did it's like you never when you talking to somebody you never mention somebody else who doing what they do or doing what they did that's like when y'all come in here and be in the comments oh go look at coach such and such what what you on my page for promoting dr seuss and his business it's like so you talking to your fiance you can't bring up your ex because see men is visual creatures so when you bring up your ex when you bring up your air this all your fiance c for one he don't hear nothing from the moment you say x that's all he hear from the moment you say x he'll hear nothing you say and all he said this here and all he sees you and that's all he see he can't hear you and then at night that's what he dream about you just on your back because when you said x so it's like listening you can't bring up an old relationship you just have to take the lesson from the relationship you got to take the stance that you learn and you got to make that hypothetical you have to be hypothetical like you know the reason why i feel this way is because of my heart doesn't sit well with this you don't have to say it's because of a certain person or it comes from this or that uh coach santos i see i see your question now because i saw you your paid question had got deleted i see your question maybe third time is a charm up see that you post your question again i seen it i read single isn't a curse and feel and feel that but i'm 51 and single and feel pressure from others today my focus is my career right now i don't see how i can give my 100 to it well you answered your own question what what is your focus what do you want to do you know you can't ever let somebody else pressure you into something that they don't have to live with the results of they don't have to live with the backlash so don't worry about what other people want you to do you got to do what you want to do um now i'm looking for these here question now make sure you put hashtag q in front of your question any advice for a woman dating someone who is super famous and well known pretty much all over the world i'm still celibate and he is respectful so far but he has a really bad rep with other women milani valentine music okay you do music um sounds like you taught my future man listen this one thing i'm just joking now i don't know you talking about now you do music now i'm thinking about the music artist okay but listen to me anytime you dealing with a man he got a bad rep and his rep is public then that is what it is it's just like a resume it's like when you go to a job they want to check your resume when you try to go to a new college they want to see your transcripts when you go apply for a job they pull up your arrest record when you go get a car they want to see your credit when you go get a house they want to see your credit when see if you don't know about a person situation and they rep then you take their face value but when somebody already got a bad reputation that's when they have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that's when normally you would drop your guard at this point you got to stretch that you got to double that time you know so you got to do something different and so understand that right there you got to take your time because i see so many women see men who they know as a dog and got a reputation of being a dog and then for some reason feel like they different and that they going to be the bone that the man want to fall in love with and then next thing you know they become the second third fourth fifth sixth baby mother of this man who then showed you this is who he is so understand that right now grace god bless you tony your videos of course have blessed me greatly two years ago i left an extremely toxic situation and the guy has been trying to get a hold of me to tell me he met a wonderful woman thoughts well i tell you this he'll crazy that mean he has a soul tie it means he regrets losing you it means that you know you was his supply you was his punching bag you with his test dummy you was his hold me down you was his rebound you was all of those things and so when somebody when a man you when you when a man see you like a fan he see you like paparazzi okay lee lee too let me get you a question i don't see your name in here a few times and then y'all is done he still want to come back to hurt you so just act like you've never seen him keep him blocked act like you don't know he exists and keep doing you don't give him the satisfaction of him knowing that you know he didn't met a quote unquote wonderful woman if the woman was so wonderful he wouldn't be trying to reach out to you to let you know about her that woman ain't wonderful he's looking at her like the lint between his toes and he trying to just hurt your feelings because he's he mad that you got away that you got the strength to walk away from him legally my boyfriend broke up with me our baby shower coming up this week i'm still depressed and he seems to be unbothered he said i'm overbearing and he wants to hang out with friends how do i move on you're gonna need a life coach you're gonna need to get on my because what it sounds like is you beating yourself up and you don't have positive self-talk and you don't have positive self-talk because you don't have a reservoir of affirmations and positive things you haven't read enough books you haven't watched enough videos you haven't listened to enough healthy podcasts you don't have somewhere to pull from and so therefore you just feeding yourself the negative and all this negative self-talk and so you got to change your input so you don't have to change who you talking to you're going to have to change what you're talking about you're going to have to change what you watching on tv or when you got time to watch something or listen to something you got to change what you watching and listening to when you're in the car instead of listening to r b and rap music you need to be listening to gospel or you need to be listening to podcasts or something that's going to be teaching you something so you got something to pull from and so what you have to realize is the mind just feed off of what it has to eat on when you put positivity and instruction and lessons and wisdom in your mind it changed the way you feel and the way you see life because of what you're able to feed yourself so when you change your input it's going to change your output so that's what you have to realize when you're in a situation like that you could get over him but you can't get over him listen those sappy love songs and looking at relationship goals post you know and looking into all that stuff you can't get over him you get over him by changing who you listening to what you listening to and how often you listening to it um keller wu boyfriend 54 i'm 40 9 months in things are good my son's 21 and 19 they tell me he's not right for me he's second guy to meet my son since my husband their dad passed over 15 years ago any advice as a son listen to your sons 21-19 they got a read on me and they understand man also this man 14 years older than you so they know he too old for you what they really want to see you with is a man between the ages of probably 40 and 45 and so a man 54 you know you a pretty young thing to him he coming back to use you as a supply to get his groove back you should i mean you you will come up for a 54 year old man and y'all nine months in so listen when people who love you who have no in this this everybody out there that's listening to this now when people who love you who have no reason to lie to you give you advice about something you doing in your life that does not have to do with them listen to them listen to them if especially if you know that they're not hating and crazy see your sons ain't hating on on you and your love life because they don't need you in the way as like a mommy they 21 and 19 they grown they could do for themselves so they're gonna tell you the right thing so what you have to realize is you got to look at this hill situation and you gotta listen to them and ask them why you feel that way what you saying why you feel that way and then when you hear them now you got to be able to say listen i i you know i liking everything cool but it's just i feel like family got to be on board on this type of stuff and my son's just not really feeling it and i'm not 100 why but i know that they men and they can see things in men that i can't see and so i have to be used wisdom and if you don't wanna throw your sons under the bus then just put it on you just put it on you but in a situation like that you gotta listen now if you are your son supply meaning they're living with you you pay their car note you pay their insurance you you you're funding them financially and they know if you get a man that man going to tell you like look these are grown musty men that's smelling themselves and they need to have a job and they need to be taken care of themselves unless they in college and they got to be full-time students or athletes or what have you if they know a man gonna come in your life and cut off what they getting from you then yes they could be hating so you got to analyze it like that kaylee g god bless you he loves god and we're amazing when he's sober he started smoking weed in and is irritable and not there for me says he's not in the mood to comfort me i'm not one to be upset a lot advice upset um about advice um i'll tell you this right here anytime a man have an addiction going about your business uh christine william god bless you anytime man have an audition go on about your business go about your business because one thing you cannot compete with isn't a deal if a man got a you cannot compete with that okay because because you're not a therapist you're not no doctor you not know you know whatever it is that that he need you not rehab you're not a a you not in a that's uh alcohol is another narcotic anonymous you not any of those things so when you up against a man and his at it that's a losing battle so you're wasting your time going about your business n you need a man that's in his sober and right mind and if what if what substance he is using change the way he treats you then you got to get out right now because what you have to realize is that especially something like that right there what he's smoking on that leaf he's smoking on that's a gateway okay you know why because i used to sell it i was in the streets hustling 21 out of the 24 hours a day i always had a quarter pound of it on me you hear me and one thing i noticed about my clients i've never seen anybody stay the same people try to say it's it's uh recreational and all of that and you know and on this this legal and it's healthy and all that if it were healthy i'll be smoking you i mean it ain't healthy i used to sell i already know it'll run your life in the ground eventually it might take 10 years to get you but it's going to get you it's going to get you it's going to open you up it's going it's a gateway and so listen to me in it bro that is a drug it ain't healthy okay in it uh that's why it's called a rug because it's not healthy all right so understand i got people in that doing life sentences because of that uh because of using it and it started with just one blunt on a saturday next thing you know five ten years later nice all kind of extra stuff going on in their life and that lead them to doing something crazy and now they doing life so listen to me don't deal with a man and here's this look you could get him a card building card oh here we go there's somebody i think you need to talk to and i think they really gonna help you here you go you get on that business card and you're going by your business and then if they get sober and they come back and they got a t-shirt that say 978 days sober and they got a sponsor you can talk to and that sponsor say yeah 978 days so it's been amazing and they didn't change their life they got a bible they going to bible study they praying they preaching they ministering and they they look like jesus just them blew on them then you can entertain a situation where somebody beat the audition but were they in the midst of that right now and got to turn you over to the lord he go you go hold the bible he'll be in the car for this your therapist and god bless you gg god bless i'm like a family to the mechanic that passed away helped mom and grandma a lot one brother is grateful but the other is cocky he acts as i stink um gg uh yeah not really a hundred percent sure uh wait uh what that question was right now gg um uh yeah um it probably was something left off for the gg and so uh god bless you i would say going by to business y'all understand when your question confused me the answer is going about your business going back to business just cut just cut them off going back to business anybody got you here in this q a nine out of 10 times anybody that got to asking a question need to be cut off why would a man say i love you but i can't be married to you we are going through divorce but he still wants to be together uh ciara he's going about your business going about the business cheryl okay going back to being he do not want to be together all right he don't want to be together and what you have to understand is i love this phone case i love that phone case okay i love i love that microphone okay i love the headphone okay if he headphone get lost i'm gonna be hurting upset all right i love the hip approval see the capri i love this hill computer okay i'm still mad with the man that stole my other computer i was at office and were late on my rent the man stolen computer tom that's in the the uh rental agreement i still have to talk to the lord not to go snuff them off the face of the earth nah i'm still mad about my computer because one of the desktop max you see what i'm saying i want you to understand that love has levels to it a man can love you and not want to be with you see love ain't all inclusive when you read the definition of love one of the definitions of love is a strong liking for a strong affection for you love your past shoes in the closet see and that's what you got to realize is a lot of men love the woman in their life like they phone case the same sadness and mourning he'll do over his phone case is the same sadness and mourning he'll do over you and then some men love you like the breath in their body that's how i love my wife like the breath of my body and the way i take the breath out of somebody else's body if they do something to her you see what i'm saying is different levels to love so so you can't just look at the word love and just because the man say i love you what you then have to look at is his actions what does his actions say to you you see what i mean so his actions is what he really feel his words that just words uh mauricio god bless you now what do you think of a man paying half the rent at a house of his baby mama and still paying all the bills at his home with another woman um well it to me that's a man who is trying to accept responsibility for what he laid down to bring into this world so technically that is a good man now he really he may have a soul tie with her but he's not in love with her he doesn't love her on that level or he would be with her because if she dealing with him and she allowed him to pay half the rent that means she got a little place in her heart for him because if she would totally through and done with him she'll tell him keep your money i don't need your money i got me and mine going about your business sorry no good you said i mean but she accepted his money that mean that okay we cool we cordial she might not want to be with them but they called a cordial he trying to man up and take care of what he has brought into this world so what you have to realize with that is sometimes as a woman you got to put yourself in that woman's shoes and you got to realize that you chose to be with a man who got a whole nother family who got a woman and a child or who got a child from another woman so when you do that that's a blended family that's co-parenting that's a lot that goes with that so if you were if he get you pregnant and he leaves you and he go again in another relationship would you want him and expect him to pay half of your rent because you that rent is that roof is over the head of his child would you want him to do that and see the thing about what women do and i've noticed that is that a lot of women is nasty i have noticed this and i was just i told y'all watching that documentary um about the man who took the life of his wife and his two daughters and he tried to say she took the daughter's life and then he took her because of what she did to the dog he told that lie so when that little piece of video came out it was so many women on facebook talking about that woman deserved it that woman a narcissist that woman all this and one thing i noticed about women is that women could be so nasty not me in the same way two nine but it happened more with women because it's when it deal with me men leaving women with a child with women y'all just think about y'all oh you ain't gotta do nothing for her she don't she could pay her own rent she does not need no help i don't care if she had five of your kids she could pay her own rent but then if it was you that had a man child and then he left you you'll be like he needs to help me out i didn't lie down and get myself pranked he climbed up on top of me and he got me praying so he owes me half he needs to be helping with these with this child but then when the next woman you like oh forget her she do it on my own you see what i'm saying so you have to think about this and you got to look at like okay this is who i decided to get with so if you're going to have a problem with a man paying some of the bills of where his child lives then you need to be with a man who does not have children because when you make a decision stuff that come with that stuff that come with that is there any hope for a man and woman who slept together on the first date um yeah it's yeah it's hope yeah it's hope you know it and you know it it's sling it's a slim might hope now it ain't it ain't you know the fat is calf worth the whole you said i mean it ain't the world is your oyster worth the hope but it's a look it's a little hope in there because both of y'all could have been lost and now you could be found both of y'all could have been blind now you could see amazing grace you said i mean so if y'all grew together from that space then yes you know some some can can work but if you grew and he didn't grow then and you got to recognize and realize that then there's no hope uh life's aquarium god bless you now what about men in their 50s who spend more time with their mom than you well what you have to realize is that if a man of his 50 his mama on the way out you see you see without you see what i'm telling y'all this lady listen y'all got to stop being so selfish and combative y'all just be thinking what your mom's 80 so what does she have a button on her neck that she could press if she slips and falls and breaks her hip okay she has that button you need to be over here with me i do not care if she has one leg she raised you from zero to 18. you're 50. okay all right she slipped and fell she got back up didn't she she's walking right now didn't she didn't you just buy a new walker so what does she need you for why are you always with your mom oh my goodness is she getting ready to die today all right okay you don't know if she has two or three weeks left okay well wait 13 days and then go spend a day with her if she has two to three weeks left you see that's how y'all be and you have to really think about when you dealing with a man it's other women in his life he got a mama he's 50 years old his mama getting ready to go talk to the lord so he over there with his mama and what you could do is ask can you come over there too if you love him so much and you want to spend so much time with him say hey can i go over and visit your mom with you because i would like to help clean up you know you know she's getting she's up in age i would like to help clean up i would like to help prepare dinner and then if he like no no you can't come over here no you can't come over here with me my mama it's just me and my mama time it's just me and my mama it's just me building with her bonnie then that's a red flag that's a red flag cause that means he ain't at mama house he had lucy lew house up the street around the corner or it mean that he don't think you wife material and he don't want you disturbing his mama's spirit at this age of her life because you might send her to an early grave because he don't like your spirit you see what i'm saying so now that's a red flag latika god bless you not dating a celebrity that is limited on time or so it seems any advice on how to deal with the situation hear from him ever so often i assume it's because of his schedule nope it's because of the amount of women he got in his life listen the more money you make the more time you got because what what what money does is buy you time money buy you time see it's it's people who you know live in paycheck to paycheck that work 40 hours a week when you make money you don't have to work 40 hours a week you see what i mean so these celebrities i'm a celebrity life coach i coach grammy award-winning artist i coach star athletes i coach celebrities and they have time they got they got practice or they got a session that's two hours to four hours the other the other 20 to 22 hours of the day is free it's free when you're a celebrity now you might be saying celebrity because they got followers but they might be broke because if people with followers is broke man so just cause somebody famous don't mean they got money now if they broke and they ain't got no time and they grinding even then still they gonna have time for you if they feel like you won so i always say this barack got time for michelle if barack got time for michelle ain't no other man got no excuse because ain't nobody more busy than president of the united states barack obama okay hey tony what is your opinion of people who replace the word prayer with manifest and universe with god it's just semantics you know what i mean you can't be so holy that you get caught up in that kind of stuff you know because god is the universe and prayer you praying for something but when it comes to fruition that is the manifestation of what you pray for but so a lot of time we take a limited interpretation of a word and we become self-righteous about our interpretation of a word and then we want to attack others who interpret it differently when that person who's saying universe and manifest could be walking closer to god than we walking with god and so when i i used to take offense to that when somebody deleted my word of god when i was writing a blog for a site and they changed the universe but then when i thought about it i said god is the universe he all around and it's somebody in a different language they don't even call them god so how can i limit god to just a word to just a name when when god is indescribable to be honest with you so god is the universe and people saying manifest you know and all that um i don't get too caught up in it like okay the people telling me they manifest and i say you got to work you got to work all right faith without works is dead prayer without work is dead so you're not manifesting nothing if you're not working all right i know it sounds cute you heard it on instagram but you manifested you working and then you get the result of your work but ain't nothing to appear that you're working for you see what i'm saying so you got to understand that right there hey now y'all hit me with with too many questions now y'all hitting with too many questions i'm missing a missing question you know i'm missing some of these questions run to god bless am i being delusional i feel my future husband near when the feeling comes i just start thinking and praising god and lately i've just been in the word reading study and praying you name it am i being delusional hey god bless you now i don't belong all right now i i really don't want to speak to that i don't want to call you delusional because sometimes when you of faith and you believe in god to to to a carnal mind you might look and sound delusional people might think i'm delusional you know because i believe in god so i really don't want to say you delusional but what i'm saying is now don't let your prayer with god see god ought to give you confidence and peace not you know be flustered and angs and jittering and chills and tears and all you know you'll feel now you'll feel some of that in the spirit in a moment but you know don't don't i wouldn't get too wrapped up in that feeling for no man because all right a man is half a prize and half some pain so all right cause who god sent you he's still gonna need your work because god did not make a perfect man he's still gonna get on your nerves so while you you know you praying you catch me the holy ghost and then that man come in lord this this man get on my nerve so listen get excited about your purpose get excited about the book you gonna write the company gonna start you're gonna start the latter youth in the climb on your job get excited about the way to find the lose or the weight you find the game you know the house you want to buy get excited about you and yours and bettering you and don't get caught up wrapped up praying and crying by no husband okay because whenever you do that the devil hear you too and so what happens with that is um brittany asks god bless you not what happened with that is when you waiting on destiny the devil sent you a distraction so a man will pop up who looked like everything you were praying for and he'd absolutely be a devil wrapped in angel clothes blessing tony god bless you on the compilation there's a grown boy next door who always annoys my family and the neighborhood by blasting music overnight and in the early morning i tried calling the cops talking to him in person i don't know what else we should do um now these now you see mostly we just do love relationships now they get ready to defund the police so they got community resources for y'all now to call now i really don't deal with all that now i can't speak on that right that d like oh my goodness y'all hey i appreciate the respect man y'all think i'm the community police officer now i don't deal with all kind of coaching i deal life love and business all right but the community the network the neighborhood watch now i really can't get all that into that now dee come on now god bless or not call the defunded police line and they'll have a social worker come out there and talk to him but your coach felicia god bless you not all of your videos are deserving however the excellence video on this morning was on time god bless you hey that was the video for you you know i see ev everybody's got a different favorite video people say oh all the video good this my best always understand that the video that's for you they all equal it's just the one that's for you is the one that's for you you know tomorrow god bless so so realize that and just you know why i always say get was for you and when you find the one that is speak to you hey keep listening to it keep listening to it because see what you have to realize with videos is when you hear one sentence your mind may blink out and go to thinking about something that that sentence triggered and then you miss the next three sentences but when you listen to it three to five times now because you already thought about that one sentence you don't need to go nowhere in your mind on that one so you hear the next sentence you're like oh wow i missed that last time and i see people make those comments too um life's aquarium hey please please you uh do your session martha god bless you went on the first date yesterday after meeting online a month ago we face time one hour every day since meeting today no call just text is he really interested it sounds like it but only time will tell if a man will call you every day then it's a good chance he interested y'all hold on i feel like i missed the question or two um me me if wants a polyamory relationship with you run um to leah on your message ron if if he only know how to spell it what relationship he won't run i'm looking for one a message i miss i'm trying to see look like i caught the what about men in their 50s okay i've seen that all right are there any high-value men in their 50s that can appreciate a beautiful woman in their age bracket as opposed to much younger i'm 51. i would imagine that there are but cis i really don't meet too many of them i'll be honest which i don't meet too many of them don't hear about too many of them don't know too many of them and um it is a sad thing but you know you attract what you become so if he's out there if he's in your city if he's in your area as you elevate and become the option become the best that you can be you and when he sees you he'll know you're the one but is it a plethora of them i i heard an ain't seen i ain't gonna lie to you one time a guy told me one of my interns was was at a seminar with me he said you said 99 of men cheat i thought your business model was to give women hope in relationships i say that ain't my business model i'm not here to give nobody hope i'm here to give them the reality the truth about it so if 99 of men cheat that means she got to be a one percent woman and when she become a one percent woman she gonna attract a one percent man but one percent or seven billion is 70 million or something of that somewhere you know so that means there's plenty man that'll be faithful and so we just got to understand so i so i can't lie to you now okay i can't i don't tell y'all no lie i'll tell you the truth but listen i feel like that cream rise to the top creme de la creme cream gonna rise to the top now so when you grow and you become the best you can be you ain't got to worry about nothing else because you want you're going to attract what you deserve eventually it might not happen overnight might not happen right away but you just keep working on you debit god bless you now dating a guy six months i'm celibate he is pressurizing me pressuring me i dumped him after an argument on uh how to get him back without seeming desperate he's too petty gaslighting and unforgiving all right so i'm gonna gonna retire let me get my get my man i'm gonna get my man back we're gonna go on retire yeah come on night y'all with each question y'all come on not the everybody listen now david okay dab listen to them all right damn you celibate okay he pressuring you you had to dump him because y'all got enough argument but that now you want him bike but he is petty and he gaslighting that's one of y'all buzzword gaslighting and unforgiving and you want him back why you want him back for what the torture him for him to torture you like what did you want to bite for debbie david go home fight your business nah david move on with your life then why are you trying to settle for a man you got the force to see life the way you see it you got to force yourself on it david going about your business david come on now david it's time to go we got to go see you see what i mean later come on now y'all got to stop begging for a man uh yeah tony so this man he was saying that he liked to drink pee and he like his women to drink their own pee they urine because they help their skin and but i'm allergic to the toxins in it so so i'm just wondering should i be with him or not if i had to drink pee every day when y'all ask me questions that's what it sound like to me that's what it sounds like to me like if i say this my standard and somebody in my life say this is they stand away down here they off the screen i'm not going to be trying to beg them and and be chasing them and be wondering about them no the same way you met that man you could meet another man tomorrow you could meet another man so you got to move on with your life because as long as you trying to coerce this man to being with you you missing the man that's for you you said i mean so you got to love yourself and nothing going on here about your business latoya god bless you do you think you need to run facebook and ig ads to be successful as a coach um no because ads really don't help the beyond switch unless you selling clothes or selling material items ads really don't help a lot unless you're doing get rich quick stuff so when you see ads out here really you see people that's trying to sell a lifestyle they showing you they they cars they showing you they clothed they showing you they like and then they trying to sell you but as a life coach you know you just got to show your value like like the man quote that says people don't care how much you know until they care until they know how much you care so the way you grow as a coach is by being consistent when i was building my brand twitter was the hot thing back then and so with twitter i tweeted 17 quotes a day every hour on the hour from the time i started like 7 30 in the morning until like 10 30 p.m every hour on the hour i posted a quote when i got on facebook i post two picture quotes a day and then eventually i did four picture quotes a day and then when i got on instagram i post two to four picture quotes a day every single day seven days a week and that's how i built my brand consistency when people see that you know what you know and that you believe what you know and that you're going to be consistent by what you know when you consist in the network that you own they're gonna see that you consistent and the network is set up to pick up those people who are going to be consistent because they need you to help them stay in business so everybody who gonna be consistent the network gonna pick you up so what i see with most coaches is y'all post every other day or y'all post every three or four days or y'all post once a day that's what you do once you arrive once you've made it once you got built-in clientele you got a built-in audience and even then when you don't post like right now my instagram i don't post i post maybe once every few days i got to get back to posting every day but honestly i ain't got nothing to say because i use that post whatever now i'm in a space where i kind of post what i'm feeling i used to just post whatever but my instagram count going down because i don't post so the algorithm favor you when you post and the more you post the more you grow so understand that right though um i broke off an engagement and we are back together after a year of being apart i have owned up to my mistakes i love him dearly he says he has forgiven me and loves me is there hope for us well sis you in the situation now so it's kind of a little too late to ask if it's hope cause y'all back together nine so you know it's it's anything is possible understand that now i'm not unless you tell me this man going upside your head you finding numbers you finding draws you know he got lipstick on the collar he's smelling like perf room unless you tell me something like that says it's hope it's always hope but just cause it's hope don't mean that's what you need so that's what you got to really get to the bottom of in a coaching session is is this what i need is this the person for me why did i have to call off that engagement and why did we go why were we separated for a whole year that's where the red flags is so that's what you really got to get to the bottom of coach amelia god bless you now how can a woman show interest without chasing and hunting when there are more women than men also i'm asian most asian guys aren't as aggressive as the typical american guy what's this i you know i really don't know about asian men i don't really don't know too many asian men myself personally um but i will tell you this if he could see you that's all that's all if he could see you and so if it's online then that mean you like a picture that mean he you add him to your store he posts a quote in his story you added to your story that mean he got a service that he offered ask him about his service offerings as long as he see you once he see you that's the your work is done the mistake that women make is telling the man hey i would like to get to know you or hey i think you are handsome and i want to know if you're single or hey are you single that's the mistake women make you never have to do that you never have to do that all he need to do is see you so if you if he in person that's not online just walk in front of him just walk past him you need to get something that's over there by where he at just walk past him and once a man see you that's all need to be done that's all need to be done because if he wants you and he's available he gonna come to you and listen ain't no such thing as a shy man when it comes to women or the woman that he won't that's one thing that'll give a man the courage all the courage in the world he need is approaching a woman any and every man can do that men who mute men who deaf men who blind you know men who special needs is one thing across the board but all men is men know how to approach the woman that they want you got to understand that because i don't work with me and special needs and they got a girlfriend i don't work it's me who blind got a girlfriend it's me who deaf got a girlfriend his man who missing limbs got a girlfriend it's me who got it different you know hereditary thing they were born with they got a girlfriend so understand that right there don't matter if he asian blazing cajun caucasian hot wings sauce whatever he is black of the bear sweet of the juice whatever he is if he like you he gonna see roxy god bless you um marissa you already asked the question you talking about your question being skipped because your name so you need i already answered your question i'll receive your name so now y'all see all the people on here and you ask a question don't ask the second question when you see ain't asked i ain't answer other people first question all right that's another thing it's most it's all women on here now y'all see how y'all be doing this way y'all got to be better at sisterhood so you ought to be like you know what he already answered one of my questions so let me let him answer stephanie question because she probably going through right now but y'all women i don't care i don't care who can i'm asking i'm going to ask any question i'm going to get 10 questions i ain't going to wait for no coach say something to admit that question you know another one and it's like listen let me ask them let me answer somebody else question y'all got to have women got to come together as a sisterhood love and respect one another and want to see the best for one another y'all got to be cheering for each other y'all be competing with each other tearing each other down that's what make it so easy for men to get over on women let me just preach to y'all for a minute i ain't answering no more questions let me cut the question off questions off let me ask you a question listen y'all got to help each other love each other because this way your heart got to be at and when your heart get in the right place that's when you get what you receive that's the same way black people get taken advantage of in america because we hate on each other we tag each other down we tear each other down instead of sticking together so the adversary could just come in and just play on us and take us over same way men do with women men could go and play on this woman and he know he could play on her because he knows she's desperate because it's another woman that is desperate too so he could play on this woman he could cheat on you and he knows that you're not going nowhere because he know that if you try to act tough it's another woman that's waiting in the wings ready to drink his dirty bath water and because you don't want to see another woman with him you forgive him for cheating and you're going to put up with him and then the other woman over here so ready to have this cheating no good sorry dog that the dog this other woman i and she like i don't care what he did i heard long he don't do it than me i'm a better woman than her anyway so he's going to treat me better come on be with me and then get with the man and he do the same thing to you because he's still the same man he never grew he never changed but if if women start to see a sorry no good man and say oh if you trying to cheat on her don't even look my weight play but like don't come hollering about you separated wear your divorce paper at don't come holland by she not the one but you got to stay with her because of her financial situation man get out my face with that nonsense when i look like i was born yesterday okay yeah maybe i will but i stayed up all night get out my face that's what women got to do but y'all women y'all be well [Music] well tony he told me that they're not together but he needs to stay with her because of her financial situation and she needs help with the bills so you know he's just a great man he calls me all the time he texts me all the time it's like they really can't be together because he talks to me so much so i'm just being understanding of him living with her and just being there and i know he's going to change his life i know he's going to eventually be with me and like listen get out of here with that that man don't want you that man eating up weighing that woman out that's why they still live together she got her ankle behind her earlobes and then after he get her from her ankle behind her earlobes then he come have your ankles behind your elbow could you believe they separated and they done and he threw her and he gonna be with you so now you'd have been dating a man who'd have been separated for five years and still ain't got no divorce talking about the courts keep pushing his date back what the court don't even know his name judging he never heard him judging you know he exists paperwork ain't never been sniffed they ain't seen no attorney they he can't even spell attorney and he but he got you over here waiting no you just we separated we gonna be together just hang in there i love you i love you i can't stand her but it's like she just got my back against the wall and i just can't do nothing listen when women start waking up and y'all start sticking together y'all start competing against each other and y'all say look i want her to win i want her to be blessed i want her to have what's for her and let me get what's for mine then that right there men ain't gonna be able to play the game as much because now y'all banding together but see this right here this this message right here you ain't gonna see this viral on instagram or youtube you ain't gonna see this on a commercial you're gonna see they go nowhere because that's what the system wants to keep everybody divided to keep the races fighting against each other keep the genders fighting against each other because as long as you divide it you weak and you can be preyed on and see that's what you got to realize and understand so all right now i got that to get now i had to get that out of the way because y'all be kidding me i'd be like wow y'all women don't like each other y'all have a best friend and be talking about your best friend well if you know how she take care of herself and you know what i mean by take care of herself when i say smelly fish oh that's my friend and i love butter whoa when i say that fish sour i just don't know what to tell her and you talking to her boyfriend my boyfriend like wow okay so that's how you feel about your best friend and that's why it's so many men that sleep with best friends uh moderators y'all could take off tonight y'all don't have to work to chat no more i'll be selectively picking questions i got 15 more minutes on here i told my wife i was doing two hours a night because i missed i miss uh q and a on last sunday and i think the sun before that probably too and so it's so many men out here not sleeping with best friends it's me and i here sleeping with siblings it's men out here sleeping with mother and daughter because of the hate and vitriol that y'all women have for each other and so each one teach one so what that mean is you got to make sure as a woman that you move the needle by not hating on the next woman by not being jealous of the next woman that you got to make sure that you not the one that's a hater and a backbiter jealous and all of that right there and when you become that woman guess what now you gonna change your lineage your daughter's gonna be different your friends gonna start to see how you never talk about another woman behind her back your friends gonna see that you don't gossip and you don't back bite and they're gonna be like hmm i admire that quality let me do that then she gonna do that and the next one we're gonna do and that's why i'm gonna do that and then you strengthen and see this high as men when i was a grown boy that's how we could come in and play when i was out there i was able to sleep with best friends because they keep keying each other face but really deep down jealous of each other and that right there is that right there sad y'all got to do better got to do better listen got to do better and when you do that things start to change finesse god bless you now hey i'm going to grab a few more of these here question let me see i see some blue and now white coat teresa santos god bless you now um will you make a follow-up video in regards to the other woman now stephanie wasn't that video a hour long you get what you need in that hour let me see what to say what if he marries her and still proclaims he wants to sleep with you claims he made a mistake and is stuck so what you know the saying they say you made your bed not lay in it you made your bed not laying it listen go on run run run and see that's the thing stephanie right now stephanie listen i'm praying over you right now blood blood stephanie right you you asking that question cause you considering it you like hmm should i speak with him because he made a mistake that is so sweet he made him he realized he made a mistake you know he did make a mistake so i'm i'm wondering about to give him another chance because one of the greatest things is when a man realized his mistakes because that is rare that a man realized his mistake stephanie you thinking about it stephanie stop thinking about it going about your business going about he do y'all got kids together okay we got kids together he got to write a letter he needed to talk to your sister your best friend he need to talk to somebody else that could tell you what he want and stop talking to him if a man cheated on you with another woman he should never be able to reach you again he should never be able to reach you again unless y'all got kid in the only thing that he should be able to reach you by is a bottom kid no anytime that conversation get outside of them got to go gotta go gotta go just like that right though shame god bless you dead end god bless you now so hit me on that right now y'all don't don't y'all y'all come on y'all got to listen to your common sense stop talking yourself out of your common sense don't talk yourself out your common sense cause cause you already know you already know why you want a man back that gave you his butt to kiss and went and got with another woman and then told him he won't sleep with you that's a fool he's a grown boy he wanna have his cake and eat it too now he just want both of y'all he made no mistake he liked being with her that's why he with her because just like he left you he could leave her but he's still dealing with her because he think you dumb enough to deal with him and you really on the fence bought to bite the apple you said i'm saying because you got a soul tie with them so you got to get get your coaching get on my find you a coach you could look through all 500 coaches pick the one that you like work with your coach and get that sense in get your plan of action and stick to it your thoughts on work wife slash husband emotional term physical cheating um i don't know what you mean by my thoughts on it but the the point of that what i say is you shouldn't have a work wife or a work husband because that's going what happened that's gonna happen every time that emotion won't turn physical should a woman get custody before moving out of state even if fob is not an active parent not f.o.b maybe that's father baby do not want to estrange child from him completely i simply need to move on and god is leading me to move sis you know you don't have to talk to god on that one now that's a big that's a bad decision so i can't really speak on that you know that's a personal decision right there anything that got to do with marriage children that's a personal decision so for that one right there you got that you got to sign up for coaching you pick your coaching and talk all the way through that that's a lot of layers and now you can't throw no random advice out to a situation like that on youtube boyfriend is an entrepreneur flies a lot let another woman post them together with a heart to make her ex jealous said it was a setup and showed proof of messages between them no daily calls let him go no daily calls if he's not calling you daily um if that's what you talking about then yeah let him go but that that ain't your man anyway because a boyfriend ain't your man because if that's your man then a woman know that he taken and a woman not gonna ask a taken man to do something like that because she's a woman and she know what the next woman gonna feel like but then again a lot of women be selfish and don't care about the next woman so they will ask a question like that but if she asks that question it is because she feel like she can ask that question ain't no woman finna ask me can she post a picture with me to make her ex jealous to act like we together so ain't no one can do that because she already know she gonna get cussed out without cuss words and so she asked that question because yo quote-unquote boyfriend gave her a room and a comfortability to ask that question so your man is sorry and that's not your boyfriend so yes and he don't call you daily if a man don't call you daily that's not your boyfriend and you need to move on absolutely says 100 move on what does it mean when a guy says i'm enjoying my space i'm not fully ignoring you uh it means the latter it means he fully ignoring you and that means he's enjoying his space without you in it and that means that you need to move on with your life and stop worrying about him stop waiting on him don't chase him move on with your like give him his space for the rest of his life all right too much of space hey you go out of space you could go to outer space then move on with your life catalina god bless you now hey tony more and more men are choosing not to marry they are getting everything they want without having to marry how do us women stay optimistic uh in this walk culture well see the thing about it is you ain't got to worry about what more and more men doing and you got to worry about other what other men doing and what all men doing all you have to worry about is what the man with you doing and the man with you ain't getting everything without marriage then he gonna have to marry you now if you become like the other women that you mention in the walk society then he gonna do the same thing that you see other men doing but if you say no my standard is no i don't i'm not ready to sleep with you i'm not sleeping with you oh why not we not together okay now we together now we sleep together no we don't have a real commitment oh what's real commitment we're not engaged okay now we engage we sleep well no because gabe don't really mean nothing we're not married you said i mean when a man realizes where your standard is he gonna have to marry you or he gonna have to move on with his life but if you give in out of fear that another woman is gonna give him what he wants then that means that's not your man anyways should i reach out to a guy i felt like was my husband i tg him because he kept communicating with his ex he's smart i think he will do the right thing no you should not reach out you'll never reach out to no man never reach out to a man if a man wants you it it don't matter if you feel like he's your husband if he don't feel like you're his wife and if a man feel like he's your that you're his wife a man won't let you get away if he feels you're his wife so that's what you got to realize and understand on that right though he won't let you get away how could he abandon nine month old daughter he's 41 and i'm 27 and left and left out but comes here four times a week we're living in his apartment i'm moving and we'll have support now never help me i'm not sure sis and you know that's a grown boy you know 41 years old so 41 years old dealing with a 27 year old that's nasty all right you didn't see that as nasty because you saw him as a father figure that you could sleep with so what you have to understand is that that's why i talk about dating inside of your age range you need to be within five ten years max 46 41 27 he old enough to be your daddy so you let him raise you you let him train you you let him talk to you any kind of way you let him do you any kind of way and when that right there happens he don't respect you he see you like a child he see you like a baby because he know how old and stank and musty he is and he know he'd have been here now about twice as long as you'd have been here so he knows he can get over on you so understand that and be in a position where now you realize okay hey this was a lesson this was an expensive lesson this was expensive lesson so i need to just take the lesson be thankful and i'm moving on with my life be thankful for for the blessing that i got in the form of my child and realize that i don't know what this child will and can become but i'ma do my job and work hard and do everything for my child and move on moderators y'all could take off now y'all ain't got to you only got to keep working y'all gonna work um i'm about to be off here in a few minutes is 23 months is 23.20 23 204. oh 23 male okay too old for a 19 year old female to talk to no y'all in the age range so far only part dates about three he is really nice and has not made any advances yet thank you that's a good thing he made no advances and no he's not too old he right about that limit okay you really want to be within five years older within five years older as a woman you really don't want to deal with me and younger unless he just a stellar amazing man but if he an average man you don't deal with a man that's younger he got to be amazing he got to be above average you got to be exceptional but and then older you kind of really want to be within five years and then sometimes it's not always realistic so six to 10 at the max but the older he is the worse it get but right there y'all probably right at the same maturity level because when because women mature faster than men am i wrong for not giving my daughters my daughter father's last name now x lied about legally married he separated from dv what the bible say where to read um yeah the bible really don't talk to you about a last name if you were living in sin now if y'all were fornicating if i really don't have no advice about what to do with a man you were fornicating with and no you're not wrong for not giving your daughter your fault his her father's last name because he's your ex and he's a liar so that name has power it's power in names so if you got a dead beat baby daddy and they got the daddy last name you need to be to the courthouse to change the name and if i got a four just six four they signage on them change that name nothing had no dead beat last night it power in the name you hit me so no you ain't wrong for that and and and now you can read the bible's gonna tell you not to fornicate so that's gonna help you for your future going forward now and um and you're gonna get a lot of other wisdom but they ain't gonna say nobody by the last name with with a man euphoria came with now last question now hey this last question i got to go got to go married a military man for 10 years he left me and our young kid for the second time he surprised me for my birthday i was unmoved what is he thinking he thinking you're a fool because he didn't left you for the second time the second time he then left you so he thinking you're a fool so now you need to surprise him and show him that you're not a fool and that you strong that you got a backbone and that you can move on with your life hey y'all this the longest q a i think we didn't did two hours long hey god bless you um made it on here uh about two hours and we uh now here's gg i i said no more questions jesus i'm gonna get this i'm gonna run this question right i'm gonna run this question off now tony maybe we got a lag on here could you elaborate on heavenly minded heavenly minded when you know the saying that says don't be so heavenly minded that you know earthly good that's what that mean when it be like christians looking down on people and that's when the young lady asked earlier about tony what do you feel when people say manifest instead of prayer or people say universe instead of god that's why i say that's the territory of where you start to be too heavenly minded the way when you start to argue semantics instead of the works instead of the heart position of a person and so when you get so heavily minded and you want to argue about scripture you want to argue about somebody to walk with god and all of that as if you know you're better than and you don't sin and and you don't make any mistakes that's what heavily minded mean he'll go talia she paying to tell me i think you miss my question talia why you put i think you missed my question you could have wrote your question right there now see now y'all have to understand now y'all see it's hard for a man to be with one woman and to put up with the one woman god gave him it'd be hard for a lot of men now do y'all understand what i'll be having to deal with when i'm dealing with 1500 women at one time natalya wrote me to tell me i miss her question where she could have write a question come on i tell you so tell you just type your question in the chat you know type the question in the chat right though and then tell you say you miss my question ty you don't see the three thousand questions in the chat you don't see the 2999 people that i missed questioned in the chat but i say listen tony you missed my question i ain't worried about the rest of these women you miss my question okay so if you're gonna be on here doing this live you better answer my question and then v coming here well you missed ty questions because she asked her question again so i'm finna get my question off so we come and drop a question in now and then here here go mika hey god bless y'all but y'all just a handful but you said you know what though i've been just really loving my wife and just you know we had us a good weekend i hear in there out there in the kitchen so she waiting up on it on me because i tried built him an hour and i mean 120 minutes 123 minutes so i got to go hey god bless y'all if i miss you hey i'm just one person take it take it to the lord in prayer jesus is the everlasting arm he omnipotent omni present the beginning and the end alpha and omega okay so where i fall short jesus pick up so please take it to the lord in prayer open your holy bible and the lord got you god bless you and we'll talk soon let me see now this here now for those y'all who came later you missed this hill process i'm gonna see how how long i'm gonna take the process but this will process and then it'll upload as a video so you can watch it back when you get when you're on your two hour walk
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 35,428
Rating: 4.9262295 out of 5
Id: O9Vk1WKZHt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 19sec (7459 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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