2020 - Change Your Life - LIVE!

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ladies and gentlemen Tony Gaskins here thank you so much for joining me god bless whoever already showed up and showed out in that all kind of like home yeah on the donation like somebody already sent in a blessing I really appreciate that I think y'all so much for joining I wanted to pop in because you know as you know it's the new year and trying to bring in the new year the right way I really appreciate you all for being members of the channel for those of you who have joined the blessed tribe it means more to me than you understand just having people who are willing to go that extra mile and just be a blessing in make you to really a place to be for me I have had this youtube channel since 2011 and didn't really start using it until 2019 you know owner in a real way like consistently and it's been great a place for me to kind of get through all the questions that I receive in the inbox I have an email address that the members have if you don't have you got to go back to the community section and read through and I get questions there and I try to pull pieces from those questions and turn it into a video and I have over a thousand questions still left to read and that's not including all of the questions that go to my vice email and the support email and all the questions that go to my DM and inboxes so me being able to use YouTube every day and pop in and answer a question I mean if I do a video every day of the year is 365 videos but like I said I got over a thousand questions to still read in one so I think y'all for supporting me and the work I'm trying to do mokemo thank you so much for joining as a member dance to unite if you want to join the channel as a member so that you can join in on the chats and when we do Q&A is on Sunday the link is in the description of this video it'll say to join the channel as a member now I want you to think about this and really really ask yourself are you prepared do you really want this year and I'll take your all questions in a little bit but this really is not a Q&A it's really me talking to you and I want you to get your notebooks if you sitting down and kind of jot down some notes and really ask yourself are you prepared and do you truly want your 20:20 to be better than your 2019 and a lot of times we hear this and people say it y'all give me one second let me try to do some here y'all I say alright I'm back I had to put sorry about that I had to put my phone Do Not Disturb out notification was coming in and we always say we want to do better and I'll be honest with you it's so many things out there talking about the secret to success and the secret to this and the secret to that and what I realize listen to me what I realize is that nobody truly knows what they are talking about nobody knows what they're talking about and understand what I'm saying is that people only know what they know based on what they have done people can only speak from experience so a person would can have no success and can say hey here's the secret to success amber thank you so much for joining as a member on the group amber is also a part of my my mastermind and amber is a life coach and a speaker herself so y'all make sure y'all subscribe to her youtube channel and people will say hey I got the secret to success I got the secret to this secret to that and bilkul bless you and really in today's world some of those people could have accomplished nothing but just know how to market and the difference between those people and the other people a lot of times is just the willing to do the willing to step out there the willing being willing to make it happen and so what you have to realize is you have to literally talk to yourself and make the mindset shift honestly speak to yourself say it out loud and recite it to yourself and I go through everyday with my goals and here's another thing that people don't really understand with my goals I don't write my goals down I really I don't write them down I I have not I miss some of y'all joining as a member let me see what this was a nod real your favorite rapper thank you god bless you the toy you bless you bless it when somebody joins the member y'all welcome them cuz I if I'm reading this I won't be able to talk to you so y'all welcome that new members who are joining and the people who sent in a blessing god bless you but I don't write my goals down now I tell some of my clients to write their goals down if that's how their mind works but what I want you to understand is everybody's mind works differently Viktoria bless you and you have to do what's right for you because you can end up following somebody else's blueprint and it leaves you astray so you have to figure out and the only way you're gonna figure this out is through trial-and-error you got to figure out what works you so waking up at 5:00 a.m. might not work for you right in your goals doing a vision board might not work for you I remember doing a vision board and it didn't help me at all because that's not how my mind works for me it has to be on the tables of my heart it has to be in my spirit I say it every day I say it all day whatever I'm trying to bring into my life I'm repeating it over and over and so this is what works for me now you may have the mindset to where your mind may work best when you sit down and you get a pen and pad and you write it as you're writing it that itching on the paper is kind of inscribing in your mind and in your heart and when you finish writing it now you feel like it's real you have declare and decree that this is going to happen in your life and so for you that may be what you need to do but what I'm noticing and I'll be honest with you here I'll be honest with you it's just those who do and those who don't as I'm dealing with humans what I'm realizing is that nobody is special nobody is any more special than the next person every single person has a unique set of gifts and the only thing in between is who's willing to take action and who isn't that's the only difference because if you are a human being you were created for a reason for a purpose and you have a purpose to fulfill and when you look at and you get close to people who are earning millions of dollars what you'll realize is that there's nothing really special it's just that they had the audacity to take action so you got to be able to make up in your mind make up in your mind and make a decision that you're going to take action and you got to shift your mindset and I can't fully explain how the universe works but one thing that I've realized is that when I speak something and I say I want to do something I say I'm going to do something things start to align and what happens is is when you speak it now you've opened your mind you've unlocked your mind so now when you say I want to meet this person I want to meet that person I want to do this I want to do that now whereas you could have just walked right past a person and not spoke because you were in your head and you were focused on yourself now because you've spoken what you want to do now you are in expectation of who am i going to bump into today Who am I going to meet today that could be the person that I need I got a goal right now that one of my companies I want to sell my company and so it's a company I want to sell because I'm not maximizing it but yet it earners hundreds of thousands of dollars a year but I'm not maximizing and I'm not focusing on it so I want to sell it and I will cash out in a lump sum and then let somebody who's gonna take it and maximize it and focus on it let them take and be abundantly blessed from it so what did I do I went and I I wrote somebody who I know it's in that space I wrote another person who I know is in that space because now I'm actively seeking and so I want you to think about that and you have to speak it and you have if you need to write it then write it but it has to be a mindset shift a decision that you make so that you go from just sitting and waiting idly and you go - now I'm going to be diligent now I'm going to be focused now I'm going to take action and what you'll realize is that as you start moving it's moving towards you as you take action and you momentum then the momentum starts to build and momentum creates more momentum so realize this and think about this think about your family think about your mother your father your grandmother whoever raised you think about that person of those people sometimes it takes a village to raise a child so I want you to think about that and think about cuz a lot of times it's a whole lot easier for us to evaluate somebody else for us to look at somebody else and point out their problems so what you have to do is look at somebody else your friends and your family members and look at and see can you pinpoint the generational curses that they are suffering from see can you pinpoint where they are failing and why they are failing and what part of their mindset is causing them to fail think about that and when you do that what you're gonna realize is that how you were able to pinpoint where they are failing and why they're failing there may be seeds of that in you there may be seeds of that that you're struggling with yourself because a lot of times the same things your mother or your father or your guardian whoever raised you from whoever raised you a lot of times the same things that they are suffering with you have pieces of that in you that you're suffering with because it was a mindset that was passed down and I had to check this up and I had to make sure that I'm not passing down any limiting beliefs to my children because I could say well you know what you don't really need straight A's with no a minuses I could say that because I didn't have that but my oldest son had straight A's with no a minuses and he's one of a few students in his grade doing that so I let him do that and he wants to do that and do chess club soccer baseball this and that all over the place we just got back home today from him being five days in Panama City Beach when in an all-american soccer camp and so he wants to be busy and moving instead of me speaking my limiting beliefs on him I just I let him be his best and so you got to think about who spoke something on you who planted a seed of doubt in you one thing I meet a lot of times is I meet a lot of people who I hate to pull up on people in I hate to pull up on people in some foreign and and and living abundant and and stretching outside of the box and then they look at me and and sometimes it's individuals who they have they had a wide-open opportunity in this country and they look at me and they said well how understanding how did you get ahead of me and that's not a good feeling when you look around and you see people around you who are trapped by mindset and I see a lot of individuals who I see some people who they they bragged all the time about their degrees well I got two degrees or I got three degrees or i got a masters or i got a doctorate oh I got this I got that oh I did this I did that and somebody thank you everything for letting no I ain't doing questions yet this is a talking session so get your pen and pad and I see people bragging about these certain accolades but yes still stuck in the rat race still going to a job they hate or don't even have a job to go to and miserable but they were told that that degree defines you and that that do greed is what success is and that that will be all of your success that's the the limit of your success that is what defines who you are in the world and I'm bumping into people that and they're looking and they're like well how in the world you got out the rat race at 27 years old how in the world you did this you did that you did people start to ask you a wonder who told you that you were allowed to break the mold who told you that you could work from home who told you that you could start your own business who told you that you can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars or millions of dollars using your natural gifts who told you that people went when you make a decision people will start to inquire within and ask you who gave you permission to be different who gave you permission to live an abundant life style who gave you permission to define success to redefine success to redefine the dream in whatever country you're in and that's what I want you to think about and really start to understand and ask yourself what am i suffering from what am i struggling with what am i struggling from that comes from my environment that comes from my family that comes from my friends what dream that I want to activate that somebody spoke doubt into instead of speaking life into what happened and why did I give up all my hopes and my dreams and now this is the thing is you gotta be and when I say realistic I don't mean realistic in the sense of you can't dream big but what I mean is you got to be practical so you can't just say oh I want to do this I want to do this I want to do this and you got all of these things that just sound crazy and it sounds unattainable it sounds you know like you cannot accomplish that and use and you say that so big so that you have a reason to fail so that you have a right to fail so that you can say well my dream was so big I could never get the help or the breakthrough that I needed instead of taking that macro dream and making it a micro dream and starting in your garage in your living room in your closet starting where you are with what you have and activating the dream and doing what you feel you are called to do from that space and then creating and taking one step at a time and then going from there so you got to be realistic in the sense that you're gonna have to do something where you are stepping outside of your comfort zone and you're saying you know what I'm gonna change my life because you have you have to ask yourself and you got to realize well how can these people without college degrees without mentors without training go on to work for themselves and earn a living and create and redefine success how can they do that and I'm not doing it you will have to make your decision now the next thing what I want you to think about is think about your circle think about who you are entertaining think about who you are talking to who you're dealing with now I remember I was talking about Eagles and turkeys I heard a metaphor being used and Kim thank you for being a member and I was talking about Eagles and turkeys in it was the latest she wrote me and she said hey Tony um I'm working with my son I was reading with my son and we were he was studying eagle and one thing I learned is that eagle soar alone and so for me I don't really have a circle in the sense of my wife does not understand everything that I'm doing and trying to do she just supports me she may not have an idea to take it to the next level because it's not her area it's not her gifting so she kind of watches me work and supports me and then she helps where I need help when I could lean on her I can't I don't have anybody that I can go to and talk to about what I'm doing and what I'm building and then understand it and be able to add value to it I don't have a mentor so I don't have somebody that I can get on the phone with and say hey I'm getting ready to do this what you think and then what I realized nobody has the blueprint that God gave me he gave it to me so you have to understand that not everybody most people around you may not have your vision because they don't have your lenses so you cannot get frustrated and give up just because you don't have anybody to confide in and the people that I probably could learn something from they don't even do one-on-one sessions because once you cross a million followers online most people stop doing one-on-one sessions you know I remember it was somebody on YouTube and I was gonna book the person for assessing and he told me what his hourly rate was and it was a crazy rate but I thought okay send me the invoice and he never responded he moved on with his life because he's making so much money and got so much of a following he don't even do sessions anymore and so I don't have anybody that I can go and talk to and get useful feedback from and most of the time if I go and I talk to somebody their feedback may just come use me more than when I started and so I say that to say you're gonna hear this advice from people that says oh you need a mentor you need a mentor you need a mentor but what you're doing you may not be able to get a mentor so you got to go regardless you got to implement your blueprint because you don't you have the download and you may not understand how to do everything but you have to do what you know how to do and you have to make it make sense to you make your system make sense to you take the action that you know how to take you may say look I don't know how to internet market but I know how to go door to door showing people my product that I just made or the food I'm cooking or the pictures on painting or the sessions I'm doing I know how to hand out business cards at the mall in the grocery store at the jaw I don't know how to you know master YouTube and Facebook and Instagram but I know how to hand out this flyer so you have to create the system that makes sense to you and then you will learn as you go and then somebody may see what you're doing I remember one time I tried to have a a a mentor and the mentor I was stronger in certain areas than he was and then stuff and he got jealous of that and then when I was trying to help him although I was learning from Millis areas that I had shrimps and I was trying to help him and I remember one time I offered help and he said to me you this is a mentor-mentee relationship you are nothing to me you can do nothing for me that is what you just said to me is a business proposition don't you ever in your life make a business proposition to me I do not need you you cannot do anything for me and I'm like Wow if I had a mentee who was strong in an area that I'm weekend and they were willing to help me in that area I'm gonna let him help me in that area but I say that to say is sometimes why are you so busy looking for a mentor you may find somebody who sees a gift in you that they are jealous and envious of and see some people will take you under their wing so that you can't soar higher than them write that down and so you have to be mindful of every person in your circle you got to be mindful of who you're talking to because you your mama may pour salt in your womb your daddy your sister your spouse your boyfriend your girlfriend your best friend may rain on your parade because they cannot see what you see they are trapped in a mindset that they don't believe that what you're trying to do is possible can you imagine going to somebody who the most they have earned in their life is $50,000 in a year and you tell them that you will one day be earning $50,000 in a month what will that do to their mindset you remember Joseph Joseph was you know the baby at the time and he went to his brothers into his father and he told him he said look I had a dream Joe say look I had a dream and I was on top and y'all were bowing to me like y'all were praising me like I was above y'all and they said what what you a ball uh-oh you crazy oh you're the lost your wife oh all this we doing for you you think you gonna be all of us and Joe so brothers wanted to kill them and then other brother said no no now let's not kill them let's just throw him in this here ditch throw him in the ditch oh here comes somebody coming down the road let's sell him let's sell him into slavery says he want to rule over us your friends and your family you gotta have your eyes and your ears open because when you hear somebody because he you could love somebody you can love somebody and you can trust them but if they're trapped and they're lost and and they have these limiting beliefs that's blocking and hindering them you can share with them you can share with them your dream and they can say to you that ain't gonna work that ain't gonna work because it is this this this this this this and you like what when world I remember when I was building I was building my infrastructure a family member said to me look man you're doing too much you're doing too much you got too much going on you got too much going on I said listen ain't knowing all of this I'm just putting everything in place this is the infrastructure that everything gonna stand on and then when I get to the right place then I can activate but I want it to all be built before I get there so I'm just putting in place this the book this the workbook just the online course this the seminar this the tech project this this this this this I'm putting it in place but when I was talking to people who didn't have vision they couldn't see what I was talking about so they just rain on the parade and so you have to understand that and you need people you got to make sure the people that you dealing with anybody you talking to that even if they cannot see your vision they don't try to distort your vision they don't try to blind your vision they don't try to block your vision but they just support you and they encourage you even if they don't understand it they push you forward and they give you somewhere of encouragement and that's what you gotta be sure of that's what you got to pay attention to and what I want you to think about is start taking action start taking action you got a double down you got a double down I remember I went to an event in the end I was building my brand you know building my business I saw an event and the event was $300 I didn't have $300 I did not have 300 no but I took and I spent at $300 and it was my last 300 I went to the event and I think I had $100 in my account and a guy was on the stage and he was talking and he was talking about something that I needed of course that I needed and he was setting the course for a thousand and I say listen okay I went to him after I say listen I got a hundred dollars so imma Gita's he'll a business car because I hadn't created a business bank account created my business some put the business car information down on this form don't run this until Monday don't don't run this till Monday Monday came he processed the order this was like a Saturday he processed the order my account went into the negative nine hundred and five dollars but see a business account it'll let you do that the personal account it wouldn't let me do that old raggedy Bank of America but their business they let you go I went into the negative nine hundred and five dollars I shouted story because I hear people will write in and I'm doing a fight all the course sale and they'll say I don't have five dollars ten dollars on how ten dollars and I say new happen you don't have time to be successful you don't have the hunger to be successful if you are not willing to sacrifice for yourself ain't nobody else gonna be willing sacrifice for you if you are not willing to double down and invest in you nobody else going to invest in you so here I was going into the negative I'm going to tell Atlanta but guess what investor started coming to me I want to invest in you want to invest in you people come to me today and and I've built some success today and people coming in say look Tony I want to bless you I want to give you a donation to your business and I'm like wow it is so cuz you bless me and I'm like wow that's crazy but nobody will invest in you unless they see you investing in yourself so in 2020 stop making excuses stop telling yourself what you don't have what you can't afford what you cannot do and start speaking I have what I need I have the money I need I'm gonna invest the money I need in this book or in this seminar or wherever you need to go whatever you need or even if it's just time because time is money so I literally eat all day today I was driving six hours and I and I had a airport in and the whole six hours I had an air party and I'm listening the whole way I already created success I already created eleven companies over fifty streams of income but I'm still investing I'm still investing and so you have to do what you need to do to invest in yourself I want to open up for some questions because y'all don't mean I could talk none I'm talking for hours on yeah I told my wife its first day of the year I gotta go into the year with momentum I gotta create momentum so she said she got some work to do so I say hey I'm getting on this Hill live and I'm finna go and if my if my phone starting to die I'm gonna have to unplug my microphone and plug in my charger so you know that sound might get bad thank you so much thank you to the new members that joining me I really appreciate you joining the blessed now what we do in the Blessed Ron we do a Q&A on Sunday nights at 9 p.m. if I'm able to this Sunday I'll be out of town working with us on college basketball team and speaking with them doing a life skill session on Friday and then they got a big game on Saturday and so I don't fly back until Sunday so I don't know if I'll be in time for the Q&A but for those you who asked the question earlier before I was taking them if you post it now I may be able to see it Mauricio McCloud Tony I definitely want to attend the event Saturday 11:00 I have $500 but I haven't paid my rent yet that's doing the third and won't get paid until a knife what should I do pay your rent pay your rent do you need a roof over your head now you get paid on the ninth then if if the Lord makes a way but you can put it out there now you can put it out there so now you said look that's what I need in order to become a certified life coach to get the training I need to start my life coaching business it's $500 so on the knife you might be able to do it the event not to the level so one thing I've learned about I don't know I don't know who or what you believe in me personally me myself personally I believe in God okay I know it's a lot of y'all atheists a lot of y'all agnostics I don't know what that is but me myself personally I believe in God and one thing I learned about God I remember it was not I remember one time laying down and I said I was I was going to sleep I said Lord listen his lawyer hey Lord I got some invoices oh yeah Lord I need an invoice to be paid Lord do you touch that lady heart I said touch that later hard to pay the invoice and the invoice was probably three thousand dollars and I said that prayer by midnight when I woke up that next morning the invoice was paid and the person paid it in the middle of the night the time it came in was like 3:00 a.m. I said look here I said god I sir I remember I because I started building business so when I built this I expanded so my bills went up my investments went up everything when I don't know one time me I needed an $11,000 and I said lord I need 11,000 in two weeks and I and I put it out there I said it to my mom and everything guess what I think fifteen thousand came in i sir god I don't know who y'all serve but one thing God showed me over and over and over there's a God in heaven there's a God in heaven and what I mean by that is in the spiritual realm there's good spirit there's a good spirit and that's God and his evil spirit that's the adversary so you got the name and then claiming you got to put it out there what you need and see somebody might come to you and say you know what I heard and see when you want something you got to speak it to people you might be talking to your best friend your best friend might have a eight hundred credits goal so your best friend might have a chase car that's got a twenty five thousand dollar limit on it when you talking to your friend you might say to your friend I really want to become a life coach because I need us another stream with income doing something that I would love to do and say well how you gonna become a lot code you say well I saw this course and it's five hundred dollars but you know I'm saving up for it you know what I didn't get you nothing for Christmas I'm gonna get you that course here you go so when you want something you gotta speak it you got to put it out there you never know what your blessings gonna come from you never know where it's gonna come from so that's what I mean by speaking know what this is the hidden did I don't know if I'm pronouncing your name right pelage pelage / lynch collage is that French I'll forgive me but God bless you god bless you cuz I don't know if give this if you paid me in a trance but they say $49.99 god bless you my lord you know a thousand fold increase I'm good I still ain't got my phone left but I'm getting ready to get it now I'm wife told him I need to stop playing and go and get the iPhone letter I want the picture to be better for y'all cuz see there's nothing people say they want to do you too and they think they gotta have all this expensive equipment all this right here I got this little thing my wife bought me they got any lights on it and and my phone stuck you got a little thing that stick on to the mirror and the phone stick inside of there and I'm talking to y'all on my iPhone 10 and I bought a Twitter all laugh Mike and I plug it into the phone and it's sitting on the desk in front of me and that's my settle up and got all defenses cameras and and all his team all that no talking to you live and direct in effect so you gotta make do with what you have and and I told y'all not listen I told y'all and there's a lesson on procrastination I told y'all the courses on Tony Gaskins Academy calm for $5.00 and I love him $5 but I say on the first it's going up because this is a sale and I know people are so used to sales tactics and snake oil salesmen you probably procrastinate it if you go to tone again academy.com right now you're gonna be upset because the courses that went back to the market price for those you who took advantage of them saying coarser for $5 look at Carmel kissing god bless you now go look at our courses you too late Clarabelle miss Perkins say she used for crying but she bought 3/8 out now go look at your savings okay I see bar over six go look at your savings go go look at the sight now they had a market rate but the reason why I do that because I want people to understand about procrastination I want people to understand that it ain't everybody out here is not a snake oil sales and it's trying to scam you in all of this when I say I'm doing something I'm doing it from the heart and it's gonna be crazy ridiculous it's gonna be a crazy ridiculous gift from the heart but when you're going back you're going back mmm Clarabelle go check and see I'm gonna tell you it still ain't full of market value but it ain't found all those no more why would a man go through extreme measures to please a woman in the bedroom example would get a rope burns on knees until he is bleeding is that considered self-hate Oh Nico you're nasty we're not talking my knee burns in the bedroom and I'm it's a long - god bless you how much are your one-on-ones you know what the one-on-one supposed to go up on the first the day but I have not changed the link yet it was 220 it was posed to be 250 now it's people who have not done half of what I've done as far as brand wise and they charge twice what I charge a lot of people who built their brand to a certain point they don't even do one-on-ones anymore the reason why I do is because I still want to keep my finger on the pulse of what's going on in the world I don't ever want to be untouchable Jesus the greatest man who walked the face of the earth and you still cut sucks the hem of His garment and so Alicia thank you Lisa Lewis bless you so I that's why I still do one-on-one but I'm not accepting clients right now in this month because my whole January is booked up with client booked into February so I don't want to just keep it setting people to meet the God not on Cordish now sometimes I have to pray because when I see people go to getting out of course and I'm and I'm like Lord I'm giving eCourse away this is $200 course I'm giving away for $5.00 but I said the Lord remind me why he called me and what he told me to do Uncle Tony would you advise anyone to take a pay cut father on a dream job a job that's not lucrative in the beginning but will be in one to five year period absolutely you know take the pay cut if it's a dream job take the pay cut because not all about money the money gonna come and if you're doing what you love but bigger than that everybody's not an entrepreneur but everybody has something they can add to the world so while you take that job but think about what you can do outside of that job think about what you can do what you can create that you can't be fired from I want you to think about that I'm looking for the questions but it's just a lot of people writing so I can't see them all if you if I you posted a question earlier and I missed it posted in here again Alysha god bless you the one on ones you have to email support at Tony Gaston calm but I'm not having clients right now so they probably or tell you to write back in February Daisy bless you you really double down and I'll tell you now the course even though they went up they still are not all the way were they supposed to be other influences they laugh at my prices but I'm not out here just trying to gouge people and just char people all this money just because you can do it they don't make sense to me cuz cuz God watching you got answer to God God know your heart it's only blessing to you and your family I'm in transition of healing after leaving abuse but I'm finding it difficult not to have anger towards my baby daddy how can I not have anger the way you do not have anger is you gonna have to do the work meaning you're gonna have to do therapy or do coaching or take the courses read the books read make it work read single is not a curse read missus right and what's gonna happen is you're going to get new knowledge and when you get the knowledge you're going to get an understanding and when you have knowledge and you have an understanding it's going to build your confidence and when it starts to build your confidence now you're gonna start to understand why your baby daddy is who he is and why he is the way he is and what you also have to do in this process is you have to seek to understand so when you seek to understand you're gonna realize as you go through his story he maybe was abused physically he could have been molested he could have been raped he could have been drugged you know through the concrete by his dad he could have been left for dead he could have been through so much that when you seek to understand then be understood as stephen r.covey says you're gonna be like you know what i can't even be mad at him because we're everything he's going through and everything that he's lived through it could have been a whole lot worse like what could I expect and I think sometimes that that's what we don't do we just think about us and then instead of thinking about the other person and why they did what they did so get that understanding but then the next thing what you have to do is you got to understand yourself and you got to understand why you allowed it to happen you got to understand what you did wrong then you have to accept responsibility and you got to be able to say you know what that's my baby daddy because I was having sex outside of marriage and that's my baby daddy because I didn't get the knowledge about healthy relationships in law so I did not see the red flags and so once you see this and now you realize you know what it's a lot of work that I have to do to grow as a person and get better now you stop pointing the blame as far as what he did to me and you start saying what could I have done differently and this is the number one thing that I had to do in my life and this is about becoming a man becoming an adult becoming a woman is accepting responsibility for your life and even if it did not even if you could not control what happened to you accept responsibility for how you respond to it so some things happen to us and we don't have a choice but accept responsibility for how you are dealing with it and how you are responding to it and once you do that everything in your life starts to change I grew up in a place that was against me you know Ku Klux Klan came to my middle school and I'm 35 years old what am i doing seeing a Ku Klux Klan I thought it was just gonna be on a movie and so I I grew up with this hate and this disdain this dislike for the opposite race and blame my life and my circumstances and everything on the opposite race because that's what everybody around me was doing and I had to come to a place to say you know what I'm responsible for me and can't nobody block my blessings can't nobody stop what God has for me because God does not see skin color God does not see gender God does not see does not hear or accent when I talk what God has for me is for me and can't nobody block that so now I pull up on them and living blessed and abundant and they look and they see how did you get that how did you get where you are and you was a slave how did you get where you are and we didn't get you education in your school system how did you get where you are and mentors were not afforded to you it's because iris accept the responsibility for my life and I stopped blaming my mom or my daddy the the white man the government and your my exes and so when you get to that place that's my things gonna change hey if y'all pose a question while I'm talking it might be a loss in the self I may miss it when is it appropriate to reveal that I was previously engaged due to me only being 25 would that be a red flag to a man make him think twice about dating me I've not been engaged for four months engagement really don't matter because you were not married so engaged you still was single you still was on a hope and a dream you still was on a wish and a prayer I was engaged four times before I got married to my wife and that's because I would ask a woman to marry me month in the nona because that was a part of my game I'll be telling a woman I love in the first two weeks so engage really don't matter and it don't matter to a man it's actually not even necessary if you was married that's different but engaged men get engaged to women just to buy time so you didn't get married because he knew you weren't his wife like I said I was engaged four times but I knew now one of them one's gonna be my wife but I got engaged because it it buy you some time that's why I mean get engaged a lot of time today it just buy some time just make it look real so to the next man that's neither here nor there he don't care about that cuz he even been engaged but he ain't telling nobody because he know why me and do that it don't mean a thing not you get married that's different I just purchased the entrepreneurship course and paid 297 really I really want to create something for myself God knows my needs and desires now listen nirisha god bless you god bless you you pay ninety seven dollars and i'ma tell you as it that course right there you still got that at 50% off now if I was like once somebody's internet marketers out here that course would be 499 dollars but I just don't move like that in my blood I'm growing over time but with that entrepreneurship course that you just bought listen to me with the knowledge that I put in that course has earned me millions of dollars so you just paid ninety seven dollars for something that has produced millions in my life and that's that's real that ain't no count you just pay ninety seven dollars so what I'm saying by this is don't just be listening to it why are you driving sit down and take it serious like you in a college class sit down and take notes and go through with three times three different ways until you truly truly understand and comprehend write down each thing that you write tony has a wide in his name Thank You caramel now somebody put an eye on there with a little for a woman named not but sit down and go through that and take notes and break it down and understand it and apply it because entrepreneurship with purpose what that's talking about is using your natural gifts to build a business because see I could be selling y'all tea I could be selling coffee but I don't know what that's gonna do to you to your liver to your kidneys I don't know how that's gonna affect you I could be selling you a map to put on your wall but that's not gonna change your life so what I'm trying to do is use my natural gifts to impact the life of others and so that's what entrepreneurship with purpose is about is using your natural gifts and giving it purpose even if you selling something that ain't necessarily gonna change somebody life the money that you make you take and you change somebody life with that if that means starting a nonprofit organization to work with the youth perfect timing on this hill question hi just popping in right here when I'm done talking what do you do when you find yourself isolated in every way parents both recently deceased friends scarce and the only men approached you talking about D baby what do I do in the meantime first you gonna have to get you a picture cuz you're in the blessed tribe so you're gonna need to add your picture to your profile to you're gonna have to get your real name cuz I do not know how to pronounce trace JK one so you got to get your real name the reason why cuz I want to ask a question from real people because this right here I don't know what kind of question they said I don't know this old bike question it was old play-play question you know so first I need you to show up in the world and come and be seen my daddy had a Sam be seen in 2019 and his Sam for 2020 is plenty in 2020 so get you a picture put your real name on here and then let's go from there and after that what I want you to realize is remember this thing that later told me this when I mentioned Eagles Eagles soar alone understand what I'm telling you I got a friend in Jesus like I could talk to my wife but she gonna get tired of hearing about what I gotta talk about so I literally have to talk to myself I gotta talk to myself I have to talk to my spirit I have to talk to God so what you gotta understand is that when you feeling lonely when you feeling by yourself that's not always a bad thing because that means you hear in a solo message you hear in a soul little message and you hearing something that it is for you to implement and you'll have to argue and go back and forth with it with nobody and then you don't have anybody speaking some in your life that does not apply to you how much is it to get you the Ghost Rider book I reached out to your Instagram but maybe you didn't answer because my page is private due to my situation you got your name on Hill and you look picture on Hill Missy Adams ghostwriting I'm not accepting ghost Ryan clients at this time in 2020 I just accepted my last ghost ryan client on december 30 to or 31st and so I still I gotta finish up a book for a client and then the next client but I will say I have other writers in my company that I work with so if you need something then you can you know get it ghost written like that but myself personally I'm not accepting ghost writing clients and I've one nice guy you put that shut up the first time you're back got blocked so I'm bad you corrected that with a lol cuz I block you hey now don't be slipping up like that but some of these questions should be private miss perfectly you say in question that I'm not even saying and then you spell my name with a I spelt with a wise god bless you no but we do have ghost writers goes riding on the on the low end for a new ghost riders like 2500 and then my feet is 10,000 and up the other industry individuals they charge like 50,000 I don't recommend ghost writing because I feel like if you could write a sentence you could write a book so what may be best for you is author consulting and so I can help you as an author consultant and give you the outline and walk through it so it makes it very easy for you so just email support at Tony Gaskins comm you a lot of people could write a book and everybody should write a book but a lot of people can write and don't realize that they can they can write a book absolutely terrified speaking of being seen I am absolutely terrified of becoming an online entrepreneur having to reveal my identity by doing videos on even simply having my voice online terrified of haters living life hey it'd take a long time to get haters I tell you that I have three million supporters online and I still barely have haters it'd take a lot to get a hater it'd take a lot to get a hater take a long time to get a hater so trust me you could do a whole lot you could do a whole lot like at 50,000 followers a hundred thousand you still really won't have haters so don't don't get caught up in that don't get caught up in that and then typically the haters are bots and by that time by the time you get real haters you soul you'd be so blessed and abundant dad you don't even get mad with them you feel bad for you you just pray for them like it don't bother you it don't bother you because you by that time you're gonna you will have learned so much happy new year I have a question for you how can I improve myself keep doing what you're doing keep showing up keep learning keep growing oh my gosh type your question again type your question again what would be your advice for working on yourself make sure that you feeding your mind that you getting knowledge stop listening to so much music as much and listen to things that's gonna move your life forward things that's gonna push you forward oh my gosh you can't copy and paste type it again over the one that long Kelly thank you for joining how to see through me and pretended to be celibate and saved in a short amount of time being celibate six years there's so many fakers Jazmin um every man is pretending to be abstinent to be abstaining from from sex my fire you're waving at me that's that's every man and so and what I mean by that is America actually be committed to standing until marriage and until he see you dropping it like it's hot when you get rid of it and you drop that thing like it's hot he didn't--he that abstinence out the window the absence out the window so the only way to be able to identify a fake is to keep your legs closed because a person plan a role will eventually forget their act person playing a role will forget their act so it will not be long it will not be long I recently stopped doing makeup because of my ID followers I know it's my passion keep doing keep doing your makeup keep doing your makeup and here's the thing in entrepreneurship with purpose course I saw an entrepreneur guy he got my course for ten dollars that's why I had to raise the prices on my own my courses too because there's other people who do what I do and it was going and getting my course for pennies on the dollar and then they were still in all of the content and then charging two thousand dollars to share my content with their following but in there I go through a proprietary process that I created where you list your gifts and you list your passions and your gifts and your passions may not be the same thing so I can have a passion for singing but that does not mean my gift is singing so what you have to realize is you may be passionate about something that you're not actually gifted at and then you may be gifted at something that you're not actually passion about because sometimes we're passionate about something that is challenging us that is a challenge to us and it may not be your gift but if you know that it is your gift as well as your passion then you got to keep going if you know that it's just a passion but it may not be your gift then you have to identify your gifts and become passionate about your gifts and then your gift will make room for you and then when your gift makes room for you it'll start to produce some income for you and then you can sew into your passions and turn your passions into skills or talents so understand that and make sure you understand the difference let me see knowing the Stiletto say don't forget to hit that like button everyone thank you anointest a little oh my gosh I'm looking for you question nicosia so you've been trying to get an answer since Sunday I'm gonna look for you put it put it back in here see a lot of time hey there's a lesson in life now y'all hold on if you get ready to post something if y'all just posting random stuff then y'all sending the questions further and further and further up so if you're not posting a question just hold on a second I know you got them happy thumbs but just hold on a second this is a life lesson right here I want y'all to get this life lesson is a lot of times when I'm doing a Q&A I will see a person post they'll post something like what the coaches just post hanging I've been trying to get an answer since Sunday I saw that but right then had you post your question I would have saw your question but because you post your complaint I saw your complaint that's a life lesson don't spend your time worrying and complaining and living in doubt or frustration and I'm saying this is not as serious about a Q&A but in life a lot of times we will go into life and because something didn't happen for us we got our head down and we moping and we complaining because something went wrong but if we would have had our head up and been into enthusiastic and still looking and in expectation of our blessing the moment you put your head down would have been the moment that you got your blessing so the point of this and the lesson it is is don't waste your time in life complaining about what you did not get and what didn't work out for you but instead every single day be in expectation of your blessing I don't spend time moping or complaining or being down I just every single day blessings coming opportunities coming I know it's coming it's on the way I know it's getting ready to happen it's on the way I know money coming doors been to be open opportunity who I need by the show up in my life the very person I needed getting ready to show up in my life Lord I need a software developer I'm too indian guess what a software developer was started following me on Twitter of me and him talking in the DM right now but because I'm looking for a software developer I notice him either out of over three hundred and thirty seven thousand followers on Twitter how did I notice a random person who is of another race and another state another demographic started following me and I read his bio and it says software developer and now we having a conversation in the deal why it's because I was in expectation that when I said this is what I need I knew that eventually it's gonna come so I'm looking so I want y'all to get that lesson and I see that all the time and I saw a question in here I'm looking for y'all question not Nicosia I don't know if it's Nicosia and the cool show no but forgive him jazz in the ivory that's a whole word I posted my question 26 times and you answered I love what I praise God hey I'm gonna get to it and I'm gonna see it eventually I'm 24 single mom I had two semesters left to get my bachelor's but taking the classes drains my spear so much I am getting pressed from family to go back should I just go back or pursue my dream baby P I'm in the same situation you know I think I needed 120 credits or something to graduate I think I got a hundred I got 20 left and I went to college full I went to college for I went to college for eight years so technically I got a doctorate but I just don't have the paper for the wall but you will go to college eight years you got a doctorate and so I gave myself a doctorate I did not get their paper I did not get a bachelor's I didn't even because I was at a four-year university I ain't even get associates but I know I got a doctorate cuz I went into people school for eight years okay and I'm 20 left but ain't you know I thought about going back well then I asked myself what would be the point of it to prove to man that I can do it it's not gonna change my life and not gonna make my life any better it's not gonna I'm not gonna be able to charge you more for coaching just because I got a bachelor's degree because coaches not based on education alia god bless you somebody had put a thing here and it was a it was a super chat and I missed it there you go Nagala law Noguchi law dot here knock there please forgive me if I'm pronouncing your name wrong I'm a look I'm from Florida but I'm trying to but I see what yet dot e'er is your last name what do you do when you have been engaged for a while it won't let me pour your question now and live together and you and your fiance are arguing about how much time he spends online working how to cope you've been engaged for a while and you live together and he is focused on being online working what do you do what you gonna have to do is you're gonna have to put your foot down it comes a point in time where you gotta give an ultimatum where you got to get to the place where you say look I've been in this rat race for too long it's not going anywhere we're running in circles I feel like I'm in a maze you playing me like a fool you're using and abusing me you're taking me for granted I'm getting ready to move on with my life and you're gonna have to do that and when you get to that place that's when you see that's when you realize where your fiancee the person you with where they are in their life but understand is you have to realize that just because you engage just because you live together don't mean you're going somewhere and a lot of times we do this and you put in the cart before the horse so what happened is is when you get engaged just like what is purchased said there should have been a date following the engagement you gotta be dating with a purpose so it needs to be okay we engaged all right the next conversation is win wedding date the wedding date should be no more than a year out and really it need to be six months out to be honest with you you can go to the courthouse the next week and then you could do the reception or the actual wedding when you get the money for it but you can go to the courthouse and lock it in if it's love and I mean my wife want to have a wedding because she had expensive friends her friends have money and so they was gonna have big weddings and she knew it but she didn't have no money her friends and family had money her family didn't have the money for the type of wedding she was envisioning my family didn't have the type of money for the wedding she was envision it so when I showed her what my budget can do she turned the nose up at it she was I'm not having a wedding in there and I was like listen this the wedding hall that we got well I'm from it twenty five hundred dollars you want you to have your wedding did we have gonna have to be at and my grandma got Russell soul she was still living my grandma said baby if that if that girl loved you she would go down to that courthouse and I went to my wife and I said listen my grandma said if you love me you'll go to the courthouse and my wife looked at me crazy she was like she wasn't feeling it but guess what we went on to that courthouse and now we getting ready to celebrate 13 years of marriage and so what I mean by that if a man love you he gonna take you he'll take you right onto that courthouse he ain't gotta wait for no fancy wedding you shouldn't be waiting on no fancy wedding if y'all in love because see when you just plant a house that's how you get stuck playing house cuz it's never the right time to get married it's never the right time you just got to do it because you all are gonna be arguing you're all gonna be fussing so if y'all married y'all still to be fussing about him being online too much but when you just engage that just prolonging the win now let me see if I is an ultimatum worth it if you're breaking up no it's not if you're breaking up and you know it's a done deal you know you have two minute deal-breakers going about your business just going about your business France telling you such a serious face even when you pronounce wrong yeah all the names be tricked milk y'all won't be telling no jokes on you now I'm gonna be telling on Joe ain't no comedian y'all if you get your laugh that's because you got a good heart you got a good spirit I told this guy loved him and he said he'd always love me as a friend he's romantic and called to talk two plus hours daily but still calls me his friend what do I do especially when he calls well this your question oh my Tosh I don't know if that was the question but I found I found this one I don't know if this was the one you were trying to get in but the by listening to this term clearly just to listen friend I got to go ain't got the time it was good talk to you friend but I'm a little tied up okay all right you take care we'll talk just like that yeah I got to go I got to go if a man talking to you two plus hours a day and he calling you just his friend he might got a boyfriend he yeah he got a boyfriend that's the only that's the only way a man because is a heterosexual man not going to talk to a woman two hours a day and get nothing from it either gonna be with you like y'all is together or he trying to sleep with you but he giving you two plus hours a day and calling you his friend that's cuz he got a boy friend that's what that is because he can't have a girlfriend because if he got a girlfriend he's talking to you two-plus hours a day that mean he loved you but he loved you ret not like girl please let's the girl girl please but he might not say it like that he might not talk like that but he got a boyfriend and that's the only thing I sum it up to to be honest with you the be honest with you because he I'm a man and I played all the games I played all the game the only way a heterosexual man talk to a woman two plus hours a day is that's his wife that's his wife or he tried to get her in a position the way she gonna feel comfortable enough to drop her guard to get on her bike that's that's it that's it Point Blank period you mean trust me when I tell you trust when I tell you but see them two hours you giving to him you could shut that down close your eyes to that and open up for your husband that's two hours you could be giving your husband but a man on your phone for two hours even if he calling you for two hours one day out the week that's two months to be talking about we friends know he wasting all the time somebody else need that time and so what's happening is you talking communication is what makes you fall in love and so you look be falling in love with a man who is not available to you are you gonna do the podcast anymore really enjoy I'm trying to find the time for that podcast I'm trying to find the time but it be honest with you um Luke Harmon to be honest with you it's so much social media like I got it YouTube and you got Instagram you got Facebook you got Twitter it's just so much to keep up with and I was doing the podcast but when I was doing the podcast I wasn't doing YouTube but YouTube actually is more they bigger cuz when you doing a park has you on your own so you on your own thing so what I mean by that is you're just doing a bunch of podcast but it's a it's not monetized so you're taking all of this time that you got to be feeding your family and it's all for nothing because you could be you only reach in a certain amount of people because you own your own because they don't have a podcast outlet that markets it for you but with you - Oh more than 50% of my video views come from people who are not subscribed to my channel so Google is so big and so powerful that it just makes more sense for me to do videos and what I say is listening to it just like you listen to it a podcast just turn it on you know turn it on and just let it play you know the phone could be sitting down somewhere and just listen to because what I was doing on the podcast I'm eventually gonna start doing on the video just because for me right now it makes more sense somebody said do you have a marketing team I don't have any team evany I don't have any team and I'll be honest with you start Devo god bless you I don't have any team I got assistants that answer the emails that come in support support at Tony guys calm and my business is all that overseen by my wife and so that's her you know she my brand manager and but as far as the marketing team and all of that I really don't do all that kind of stuff marketing and all of that just because you know it's um a lot of people say they can do something that can't really do it and they just be stealing your money and marketing a bit more than a man on the moon I paid the company say they was doing some market if I'm paying them five thousand dollars a month come I look up three months in a peeping did and I flushed fifteen thousand dollars down the toilet make it a radio show instead of a park yes I think it would be better well France you got to own the radio outlet you know you can't make it a radio show if you got a radio network you got a radio outlet so then people got to choose me I can't just choose them say yeah I'll put my radio show on the air you know so either way you came Billy they got to come to me give me a radio show because they own they own the outlet otherwise this my radio show it's just coming with video so that's how y'all gotta look at this my podcast right here now video podcast on YouTube because see what YouTube does y'all notice if unless you have a premium on some of the videos you may be watching an ad even if you hit skip on the ad YouTube still will give my channel credit for that so if they put ads on the video then they'll monetize it but and although it can fluctuate it's still something it still shows you that you know it's a marketplace and that they trying to honor the creators and they say look ya'll helping us with our network we want to help y'all and so for the longest you know I just begin there same in $200 a month and for years and years and years but they working on it and they building it and so I'm focusing on me putting my energy somewhere that it's gonna make sense for my time and for my family now one of y'all hit that lotto then you could you could sow into the business and you you we could partner you could be an investor we do all the podcast and radio you want to do how do you persevere while using your gifts when you really don't have the passion or drive to do what your gift requires the lawyer maverick you don't have the passion or the drive to do what your gift requires well what you have to do is you gotta connect it to purpose so if your guilt if you have a guilt but you haven't given your guilt purpose then you won't have the passion or the drive on the first day of the year I don't necessarily want to be on here talking for two hours but I'm doing this because I connected my guilt to purpose so I realized okay Tony your gift has a purpose of helping people come out of the mess that they in helping give people the confidence the motivation and the strength they need to come out of the situation that they're in and so I gave it purpose and that's what gives me the strength to get on here on the first day of the year and talk for two three hours so you got to give your gift purpose who was it for who is it gonna benefit how is it gonna make the world a better place whose life is it gonna touch na na Lulu no Lulu is my name god bless you that's a beautiful name Lulu okay so the GA silent god bless you motherland that's a motherland name no he wants a courthouse marriage and says we can go any time and I want a beautiful wedding I guess that's my husband mm-hmm he want a courthouse marriage that's what you need to do go to the courthouse and that's right there what hinders a lot of women y'all have your blessing right in hand and you'll flush your blessing down the toilet carriage a god bless you thank you so much you'll flush your blessing down the toilet because of your preferences see a wedding is has nothing to do with a marriage a wedding has nothing to do wedding just have you upside down because you you're not getting a wedding for free so that wedding the money you spend on the wedding could be a down payment on a house the money you spent on the wind could be put on the market buying stocks or going into your IRA that's that's gonna grow that you can you put $10,000 $20,000 whatever you spend on the wind and put that in in your retirement find that that same $50,000 might be 300,000 when you sixty-five but you do a wedding you two maxed out credit cards you didn't spent all this stuff and and all you may have to show for wedding is a divorce in five years so people really need to get past all of that and start planning a marriage instead of planning a wedding and because I think God I'm going on 13 years of marriage so one day I might have a big beautiful wedding when I get the money for it right now I don't have the money to flush down the toilet and that's what a wedding kneel cuz that's just a ceremony don't mean that they got nothing to do with love and got nothing to do it love it just like the holidays that they just want you to buy all these gifts and don't have nothin to do with the reason they try to tell you it's about and so that's what a wedding is I much rather have love then have a wedding have love and have a marriage they have a wedding you need to be at that courthouse tomorrow you me Rhonda is not like you working I'll know who you talking to you must be telling somebody uh this ain't work you ain't never been on this side of the lights so you might be told somebody uh grown boys intimate with the woman several times and develop a soul time does he lose himself emotionally experience pain or does his ego dominate all feelings he develops a soul time for sure but like you say his ego does dominate his feelings he doesn't lose himself emotionally most times because when he starts to feel weak he goes and he gives himself to somebody else so a lot of times men are not doing the healing instead men are going to another woman - as a band-aid on that wound instead of giving that wound time to heal cierra god bless you for joining so understand that and see a woman when a woman lies down with a man in a lot of cases in most cases a woman lying down to sleep with a man means something she's trying to send a message to him to say I'm giving you my body because I want you to give me a commitment in return and women don't understand that that what that act means to a woman it does not necessarily mean the same to a man so a man will take that from you and want nothing more from you then your body and so that's why you gotta take your body off the table you got to stay off your back and you got to keep your eyes open and your ears open and pay attention and then get you a ring and get you a commitment and then you can get on your back because now you have what you want not the deal which is a commitment and what he won't not to do is some lovemaking and then after he get the lovemaking then he starts to fall in love but that's that right there that's - that's too deep guys that's too deep in a man mind for y'all to understand as women because it don't make any sense it does not make sense I totally understand it does not make sense but men and women do not make sense to each other what are your thoughts on a partner who wants a prenuptial agreement do you think that's a deal-breaker I don't think it should be no it's not a deal-breaker it's not a deal-breaker just a prenup but you know and it's to each their own I mean does he have something to protect if he now if he broke one the prenup then he's doing the most he tripping but if he has millions then a prenup may make sense but if he's not a millionaire then you ain't got nothing to protect and so me personally I would not do a prenup I wouldn't ask my woman for a prenup because if I don't believe that we're gonna be until death do us part and I wouldn't be married in the first place so to me a prenup is a plan to fail and I don't believe in Plan B plan a got to work plan a is the only plan if you've got a a fail-safe then you probably gonna fail when it comes to that so I don't believe it now blessed be can you please scroll up to my question let me see if I could now see right now blessed be you could have typed your question again somebody's saying just be a member I just became a member song 86 sister love god bless you thank you for joining as a member if y'all notice the members are the only ones who can write in here and I do that and y'all see how many messages coming so imagining of everybody for this chat was open for everybody to be way too much for me so I just make this to where only members can't comment and it still it's hard to keep up if our questions are not answered here is there a way to get a question answer by email miss album ask you a question again cuz I saw your name what you guys and you a song that was not willing to be public I think you said something but not because your page private because of your situation ask you a question again what if a ring is an issue what do you feel about symbol like tattoos or cheap rings or is that just an excuse for him to delay it's an excuse but it's only excuse if you allow it to be and you know I need to be able to get a ring I need to be able to get a ring and then you just like well okay I get it I understand then that's on you too but if you sit him down and say listen to me listen to me a ring means nothing if you don't have love so for me I could not care less about a ring I that's just a thing what I'm worrying about is do we have love I wear a rubber band on my finger I will wear a rubber band my wife married me her ring called $69 because I did not have any money it called $69 it called $69 and it was all full of QVC for HSN the Home Shopping Network it was a three carat fake ring three carat cubic zirconia with some fake gold that turned your finger green and she wore that thing like it was a real three carat 150,000 dollar ring and then after that I got a $2,500 ring by five year mark then after that I got a $3,500 ring then a $5,500 ring and Annie went past that and I wear this right here there's 200 all the ring $200 ring I've been wearing since we got married 13 years I've had this Raincoast hunted and ate it all of that thing so it's not about those things and those little symbols they got cheap ring both of y'all get y'all one of the $200 it's not about that it's about do you have love what are your thoughts on a partner who wants a prenup I saw that question I'm looking for blessed be question called blessed be she gave me a heart last time by the question I'm knew my ex-sister-in-law was paying off her wedding ring for five years and was divorced after 11 years mmm my friend spent over 10 thousand on the wedding I was in it and they not even together I want my money back for buying that dress I feel you I'm trying to tell y'all let's be I can't find your question so y'all just need to post it you know holding over I can't I can't find it when building a brand a blog business would you recommend using your real name or a brand name use your real name use your real name because you want to brand you if you building a brand so because you use a brand name you know that people hear that name they don't know a face they don't know who that is there's just a name and so you build that brand name then when you try to come out and show your face people like oh I don't know you you know I don't I've seen people do that they hid behind a brand name built to five hundred thousand Twitter followers didn't come out and people like oh I know you were white but they come out oh I ain't no use black Oh ain't no use a woman ain't no use a man and now they gotta readjust and get all the way used to you all over again so build with your name be blessed I see you mr. Gaston's I'm over 30 but appear younger so young boys approached me mostly and older ones always say they they didn't because they thought I was a young student how to appeal to me in my age that's a blessing that's a blessing and you really can't appeal to me in your age it's only so much you can do you may have to sign up for coaching you may have to talk with either date coach but do coaching with myself and get real-time feedback you only have a picture up so I can't really speak to that of what you need to do but you probably won't have to get some outside feedback it may be changing your hairstyle it may be change the way you dress but to look younger than you are that's a blessing it just means it's not your season yet okay thank you Thank You France for doing that posting her question when you said boyfriend's get in the way of husbands I stopped believing in boyfriends plan to only be friends single until marriage is that wrong yes that is wrong because you still have to be you still got to have a boyfriend before you get married because you still got to make a he has to make a commitment to let you know he's with you so it's not about the title what it's about is the timeline so have a boyfriend but don't have a boyfriend for centuries and ages and decades like what a lot of people do so have a boyfriend but it got to be on a timeline so when you come to the place where okay y'all been together 12 months and y'all talking every day y'all Dillon y'all serious y'all exclusive now it's time for him to say will you marry me and then when he says will you marry me and you say yes okay that happened in December the wedding need to be in June and at the latest the next December and and that's what that's what you got to do and so have a boyfriend because if you say you singled in that's not gonna turn into marriage either if you talkin to a guy you messin with the guy y'all getting together and then I ain't gonna show up why not see let me see what this boyfriend and engagement equals marriage thank you be blessed can you start a match can you start matchmaking again for February maybe no I don't do the matchmaking me anymore for one it just is it's real time-consuming and so you gotta charge a pretty penny you know the matchmakers today like you know me and our matchmaker they charge like $75,000 and so for the time that it takes vetting people scanning people scoping people like interviewing people talking to people it just it's so time-consuming that it makes it unaffordable it would be different if if is if it was a matchmaker that that's what they do and they you know they don't have like a brand it's just they just matchmaking so their time is less expensive less costly because that's the only thing that they doing then they could make it affordable but you know once you build your brand like Millionaire Matchmaker on TV they gotta charge ten to five thousand a hundred thousand for matchmaking just because the time it takes it becomes too time-consuming and then it's liability with it too because a person could play a role you get matched to him that thing you know they try and chop you up and put you in somebody freezer and so I just kind of chill I make a suggestion I make it lookin X in here and there but nothing serious he said he can't trust me and we need to slow down he said I'm too private and moving in silence he apologized the same day but I haven't talked to him since nicosia um he said he can't trust you and y'all need to slow down you got to keep it moving you got to keep him over when a man tells you that that he can't trust you and y'all need to slow down you got to go on about your business because a man who is for you a man who wants you he trying to slow nothing down here trying to pump no brakes he's not telling you he can't trust you and if a man says he cannot trust you it's a wrap it's over the relationship over because it's hard for a man to trust anyways it's hard for a man to trust so if a man says he cannot trust you it's around you got that you got to keep it moving and but see the thing is a man to tell you we need to slow down and he'll tell you he can't trust you and he'll tell you all this but then he won't want to let you go and that's when you know he bought the game that's when you know he's looking around he's playing the field and if he finds somebody that he likes he'll drop you like a bad habit and he'll go with that person in all your time of be wasted so when you hear those key words those red flag words those deal breaking words you've got to say okay you can't truck if there is no trust there is no relationship especially if a man say that after Atlanta should I start another YouTube channel with my real name I have a channel now not under my name though if I change that channel name will it be an issue with existing followers no it won't be an issue people know you change people know you grow it won't be an issue she's talking about Atlanta cuz just on my deals thank you for being a member she coming to the life coach certification in Atlanta on January 11th and that's close that's ten days away so and we'll talk about all that there we're gonna talk about social media and it's an A to Z course and you'll have time to ask questions there so when you got to take out that time here and it's a small group because again it's $500 for the training the same training that's not even this extensive people charged a five thousand six thousand dollars for I charge five hundred just because that is the way I do things on like making things crazy expensive to where you know you're kicking yourself and you mad because you had to tap into your 401k I wanted to be somewhat of a sacrifice but not something that's gonna have you in the poorhouse and then I wanted to be something to wear when you invest that you get five clients now you the made your money back and then you profitable from then on with so many people on social media with similar content how did you set yourself apart I wanted to do a blog but started comparing myself to others and God was like serving me or served people yikes that's all I'm doing is I'm serving God you know I'm doing what he put on my heart what he told me to do and when you're doing what God told you to do then there is no competition there is nobody that's gonna come and I gotta unplug my mic now so y'all it might get a little loud call my phone died replace you and so when you born what God told you to do he's born to favor you favor what you gone and he's born to take him sexual and sensual part and bless you and the people that you are for those people don't know you so real recognize real so the people who support me they'll recognize the difference between me and other people and everything we do and how we price our services how we price on our courses how we give of our time they may be able to say look January first thought it was on YouTube for two hours this other life coach there's on the lifeboat there's all the author just say they here to help people ain't see them nowhere to be found you know they don't do a lot for more than 30 minutes more than out you know so people see you being obedient and the people that's meant to appreciate that that appreciate that the people who they are scam artists and they doing it for the wrong reason they don't thank you or scanner Mars but that's not wrong audience anyway so you just got to do competition CJ gone all of this guy always stare at me but never approaches me it is to manipulate me we men do this to get inside their head so you're always thinking about them yes that is what man do is kind of like you know trying to intimidate you trying to turn you're trying to set a message just undress you with advice they're really just mind games just playing with you just setting you up just breaking you down and then eventually one day he's gonna get tired of staring at you ain't you gonna approach it but if a man always staring at two but not approach it I mean you take I mean you're taking it in this when he can't take it anymore he's gonna proach you but when he approach you he's gonna be the chief I'm the woman he will unless he tells you and he shows her that he is you sing and amber members I saw it but I didn't really write game feel I'll answer the question so forgive me question I'm almost 30 and I'm ready to get married how do I get a man to see me as a wife instead of just a friend miss lavendar um put your picture on we're talking could be on VLC they see they might be CJ in the booth you know a man and group who else in the group he listens in the group cold Rob in the group you know it you know they could be right here in the blessed trial but you ain't got no picture so he can see if you look like yes well if you look like no or if you look like what God showed him so that's the first thing to do is show up in the world all y'all that's England you ready show up in the world in every area that you can show up show up show up on Instagram show up on you to show up at the gym show up at the grocery store show up at the gas station show up and so you got to be when I mean by this you have to be intentional and you gotta be in expectation of your blessing and so your energy and your mindset when you say that that's what it's going to be it's going to be it's going to a man will feel you he's gonna feel that you are ready that you are serious by the way you dress because when you're telling yourself you wife ready you gonna dress different you gonna walk there and you're gonna talk different so it's gonna need you black spines you sound a static yeah it got static honestly I feel like a falling town but when I had blow up a microphone for the phone about 10% battery I'm trying to do two hours tonight and you see I'm still missing questions so if I miss your question what's the question again hello Tony did you post your cash out share god yes that's what emoji shadow on my cybersecurity and share that's a real person now that is not don't y'all think that's me alias or what you call that was somebody like you know my sister long-term social media system that shares a real person and I was devastated the day that I offend make Sharon man well she quit on me quit on the videos and quit on me right now she's been social care sole support for me and I ain't gonna block your blessing on that cash but everything all my all my social media everything is tone deafness the song reason is other Tony guys came along with the first one to get the dot-com to get the Instagram to get the Facebook and get you tool so my cash now is that money sign and Tony Gaskins and it's it was two people here one letter sent me fight all the 25 cent and I think that was a scripture and an old lady sent me I think $20 25 all the last week and it just bless me if bless me the house supports you know the how people that is being a blessing and when I just say a prayer I just said friend just pray abundance and blessings old folks and father who showed up and bless me tonight Silesia Lord thank you thank you so much for your pencil thank you to the new numbers Terry Sims Evan Ariza oh okay sure I see oh yes oh okay I see thank you God bless you God bless you yes they should all of them didn't have for the blessing I have for you oh yes you right coz cash out there I'm taking a blessing yeah they're gonna get ya all of this guy compliment me on IG every now and then you have never asked if I'm single or take me out I'm gonna tell y'all something get going here in 10 minutes I'm due to our real time you get on the 10 o'clock let me tell y'all something just like that write that question right there a lot of stuff that men do will not make any sense to a woman just like a lot of stuff that ever do does not make any sense to me so you cannot try to understand everything some things a person just does it because of where they are and they life and it means absolutely nothing but let me help you understand this right here when a guy complements you but you what you have to realize and I want everybody to understand this is that the largest sexual organ is the brain it's not what's in your pants so lovemaking is actually in the mind it's mental you notice how you can lie down with somebody and be done have a release in 60 seconds you can lie down with somebody and go 45 minutes and don't have a release it's because it's mental lawmaking is in the mind so what happened is is with a man yes what happened is is with a man a man a lot of times will talk to you my phone cut off I had to take my charge out cuz y'all say y'all can't hit me can you hit me now put yes I can hear you if you could hit me I'm falling too far away can you hit me but I can't put an earpiece in I couldn't put earpiece in if I had my my love air pods I had to plug my mic back in I had to plot my my phone in the charger cuz they had 10% but what you have to understand about a man and I'm gonna talk to y'all I did I'm gonna get on off a hill cuz is a man will talk to you because he gets a release he gets a release I've been alive a hundred and twelve minutes Jessie J a man gets your release when he talks to you so when you take and he could bump into you he can say hey to you he can tell you in the DM you look good and to be honest with you mentally that feel just like a release or sexual release for him and so because that happens in the mind and that's why me and flirt that's why a man staring you down in the eyes could feel like a sexual release a man giving you a compliment can feel like a sexual release see a lot of people don't talk about this and people won't people won't explain this and people won't be honest about this but that's why I don't really deal with energy I don't really deal with and I tell my wife I tell my wife about me and I help her understand the mindset of man because she could be at a soccer game and she could be at a soccer game and she can be talking to a man and just be talking talking talking talking talking talking talking talking they talking about soccer for her as a woman it could be completely innocent for him as a man it could be his first time sleeping with a black woman in his mind he could be sleeping with a black one while he having that conversation and and he could go home later that night and pleasure himself all for the picture he has in his head of my wife because that's how men experience sex because it is a it's mental it's a feeling you don't have to be the actual act it could be just brushing up against your shoulder it could be just having a conversation with you that's why I tell people all the time that lovemaking is not the physical act lovemaking is the conversation lovemaking is the communication so that's why that man writing you in the DM because he getting off on that he'd get a little feeling on for that he'd get a little feel good on for that but he don't want to go no further because as far as asking you out on a date because he has a woman he got a situation ship or he could have a whole woman could have a whole relationship hey Tony is it possible to have a soul tie with someone that you've never had sexual relationship with what you have to realize about a soul tie is that in in in one sense of the word a soul ties like a physical connection it's like you've lied down with this person you like down with this person and you you gave your body to them so you are spiritually tied you spiritually tied together for life because you gave them your body when you don't give them your body then you're not spiritually tied for life like you can break that because you didn't give them your body and so what that means is you could have a emotional connection to them your brain could have a emotional response to the chemistry that y'all built but that's not necessarily the same as a soul time but a soul tie is technically just an emotional bond that's cemented by physical intercourse and so outside of that if you remove that from it then it's an emotional time not the same as a soul time so it's a it's it can be strong but not as damaging because you didn't give them your body so you may think about them you may feel them you may you know remember them you may have all the same feelings that the fruit could be similar but the root is different and so when you were not intimate it's not as damaging it's not as strong long-term unless you make it that way by continuously thinking about them and fantasizing about them whereas with a real with a physical soul time you can stop thinking about a person and stop you know fantasizing about it but the ties still there because you actually gave them your body let me see if I got there hey Tony how can a woman be a boss literally in a male-dominated field but still remain approachable a woman is always approachable if her spirit is pure so if you're not operating from ego if you're not operating from arrogance if you're not operating from bitterness or frustration then you're approachable when you start to operate from another place that's not self rooted in self love that's when you're not approachable so if you are a boss let's say you the VP you the president you the CEO you two top now you two big earner but you are arrogant because of your title then you can be unapproachable if you rule if you're condescending if you're being nasty then you're unapproachable but if you still pure at heart you're still humble you're still kind then you're approachable and so that's what you got to understand so the true Caucasian men at my job so true to call K to me at my job okay big time like with a black woman hey Tony yeah I saw that one I'm looking for a question I'm getting ready to go on get on off of here not come a form of being a diamond y'all what you think about dating a young guy he got to have a old soul he got to be very very mature if he young and he and he act young then keep it moving cuz you're already more mature than he is even if you younger than him you may be more mature than him so if he's young and he act young keep it moving did I get the terror Toni miss G question in the process of healing from several failed relationships what are the best ways to build confidence and self-esteem new knowledge new knowledge so when you start to when you read the books when you take the courses when you own the lives when you own this you're getting new knowledge and when you get that new knowledge what time is it's 11 o'clock oh I was on Central times on my wife saying ten telling me lies so when you get the new knowledge it's gonna build your confidence because now you know what you did not know now you understand what you did not understand and so that's what you have to do get as much knowledge as you can and the good thing about like with YouTube you can come and you can watch a video and when you watch the video you take it in and you're able to watch a video and you're able to make a playlist and you can watch 10 11 12 videos in a day and get all the knowledge that you need and that's what's gonna happen because as you learn more you're gonna put stuff where it goes hey thank you all so much let me on let me wrap up here I wanna hide the chat real quick from me it may show all y'all side in my heart a chats like a focus for a minute hey thank you all so much everybody that's a member thank you so much for being a member of the channel if you want to join the channel as a member the link is in the description please don't take this as cliche don't take this as something that's just said to be saying make sure that you make 2020 a new year and a better year by changing your mindset change the way that you view yourself start really speaking your dreams into existence and taking action on them start naming and claiming and believing what you want and when you say that you want it when you say that you want it to happen for you you want it to come in your life whether it's love whether it's a business whether it's a new career you got to speak it and you have to believe it and by believing it means that you have to be in expectation of it every single day you got to think about it every day all day you got to have pure energy you got to have a smile on your face your hair has to be up your eyes have to be open your hair need to be on a swivel because you are in expectation of what you say you want and then make sure you are doing the work so don't just let it come out your mouth and say oh I won't love or or I want to start my own business or or I want to be my own boss you got to make sure that you do the work so when what I mean by doing the work is sit down literally and write out your plan write out your plan so that you can put the steps in order and then every day take a step towards your ultimate goal literally take a step no matter how small it is if it's just going and buying your domain for your website just yourname.com that cost 1199 $11.99 if it's getting a coaching session if it's reading a book the book may be ten dollars maybe twenty-five dollars but take that one step and every day keep taking steps and what you're gonna realize that you're gonna start to create the life that you want so don't just talk body a body keep pressing keep going and thank y'all so much for being on here I'm gonna keep my videos going this year so my family still up we we on break I see my son just give that showered and they run around being loud I tried to get to the questions but I did not get all of them I'm trying to see everything yes you can replay the livestream when I'm done it'll process but they never show up and you can replay it you can fast-forward through it get the way you need to get and i'ma try if I get home in time Sunday we'll do a Q&A I did some tonight but I really appreciate y'all god bless you and we'll talk soon I went five minutes over tonight but we'll talk and I post Sunday if I'm not gonna be able to make it and I made make up for it next week but I told you all for being a member of the channel gonna try to do a Q&A every week so I'm trying to on them a word god bless you we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 48,994
Rating: 4.9245281 out of 5
Id: QtbZUHg2jU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 13sec (7513 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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