Trying the Worst rated Climbing Gym in Tokyo

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tl;dw: great gym for experienced climbers. Very nice gym and very clean.

👍︎︎ 314 👤︎︎ u/forgiveangel 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

I gotta wonder why it's so poorly rated then. They both had a fantastic time in this place.

👍︎︎ 82 👤︎︎ u/SXOSXO 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

I love Magnum Meatball and his normal girl

👍︎︎ 51 👤︎︎ u/Buckling 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Its at a 4.9 now. They rated it low 2 yrs ago because the owner had a ‘bad attitude’. Maybe you shouldn’t trust reviews as much.

👍︎︎ 110 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Why you gotta do me like this OP? Now I miss my climbing gym even more..

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/Conjoiner 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Very good video, thank you.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Trust_No_1_ 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Gotta admit that with the limited space available that the meticulous preparation and placements of hand/foot holds is great use of someone's passion to express their interests.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/chooseyourideals 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Maybe it's because I'm used to bouldering at larger gyms (hopefully they don't let in 20 or so at a time there), but I would feel claustrophobic if it were busy.

Also, I love watching Magnus videos. He's my man-crush.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Deutschkebap 📅︎︎ Apr 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Definitely watching for the climbing.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/arhombus 📅︎︎ Apr 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
so this one has seven four point five four  three point two stars weight is three point   one oh wait two point eight that's that's  the lowest we've seen how far away's it oh   it's about four minutes we can just grab a cab  I guess yeah let's just take a taxi mm-hmm but   this is definitely the lowest rated climbing  gym in Tokyo mm-hmm so we're gonna check it   out I guess wouldn't people go to new CNA they  normally check out the best time we're gonna do   the opposite though we're gonna go to the worst  climbing gym and hopefully I mean the point of   this video is not to bash the gym or anything  it's really just a pestle level yeah and it's   also do I think to see if we can actually get a  good workout in the gym that's not like the best this these streets are not very like touristy I think  we're at the east side of Tokyo right now it's   not like Tokyo is flashy with lights and colors  everywhere every look at the streets what I'm most   interested in this if I get a good workout or not  like if the bathroom is clean or stuff like that I   don't really care about too much to be honest but  it's gonna be interesting to see if I can actually   get a good workout hit the hole start falling off  yeah doesn't need to have like a spa section well   to be honest that win we could both rate it at the  end of this by the way and this is like kind of   outside the city it seems like it's not even kind  of odd see this is definitely or no skyscrapers   anymore yeah it's gonna be interesting I just  hope we're not being completely stupid that it's   not like dangerous and we know I thought I don't  think Tokyo that I know dangerous areas in Tokyo   a lot of people have done the worst reviewed  restaurants and hotels and all that stuff so   it's not very original this idea but thought  it'd be fun and who knows I mean it doesn't   have that many reviews it might turn out this is  pretty good yeah I mean this could definitely be   just we have no idea how this is going to be  okay you credit card okay thank you though we   have no idea if this is actually where it's at  but we're being dropped off yeah yeah no we're   we're at the right place we are look we're pretty  close I think we just need to go down that way so I think this is just a gym for like good  climbers cuz this the caves wall here is amazing   and this gym actually looks a lot better than the  other one went to it's probably not as commercial   I see their Hut but like the whole system with  the tapes mm-hmm and that's that can be pretty   confusing to some people but they have like really  good holds and I see the way they're placed it's   it's a really good jump so that was that was  really awkward because if we were like expecting a   really bad gym and we walk in and like it's really  good actually all right let's start climbing so   what did your impression so far I think it looks  really good I'm an amateur so this looks a lot   more complicated than yeah my level saw I have no  idea like how this even works in this gym you have   to make boys my own ton up we have the wall behind  you that's the tape there's a little bit harder to   figure out how is the how do you think it's pretty  clean - right so what I saw one of the reviews was   some complaining about the about the rope very  tiny but I liked that but it's just like it's not   anything fancy they have one bathroom it's just  yeah but it's not dirty it's clean it's they're   all about the priming that's what they be focusing  about having good boulders I guess I mean I don't   know this but that's what it seems like you just a  more hardcore Bowl or old garage or something that   they turn into climbing jump yeah so this time I'm  actually really excited we were thinking how we're   gonna go to something like really bad place  but this is really good start traversing yeah the holes are cool and you see the  cue ball that's they're really nice   well you see how tight it is  how packed with Holtz mm-hmm really good ok so you see like the  grading up there like you saw it EEMA no so you don't have any black  ones yeah yeah and on this wall you   make bowlers fish on yeah I'm here  with with Toyota yeah for the Motor   Show so here's a purple one I don't know what  holds you're allowed to use for the put this for this try finding someone who's not  staring at - right now but he just sent away you struggling to find the yeah so this was an easy one but the  art is hard to find the holes but   I should do some more planning  on the ground yeah so that was   it yellow and then there's blue and  green Green is the hardest they have you want to show you something yeah I'm gonna  be honest I'm a little bit like embarrassed upon   since there aren't obviously very like good people  here are you intimidated I haven't really warmed   up and I think it's fine I'm just gonna just  start traversing a little bit on the wall yeah   I feel like it's embarrassing what I feel like  that I don't know maybe it's because they're not   so many people in there or like everyone can  see everyone I mean you didn't see this when   you're climbing was when I would work I'm like  everyone like the staring yeah yeah what you   were doing so I don't want anyone think that I'm  actually good because I'm telling you they might   think so but I'm just normal girl try to be quiet  when they find her like just like that yeah good the only allowed to use the orange square  tapes and this one has all fiddles I think   do you like to use everything for your  feet it's not 2 to 1 too easy no it's I   mean orange just second easiest great so it  should be pretty easy yeah nice good perfect yeah white does the next great difference between  long titles where take two different bowlers okay   but it's all photos this one is not old photos  only there are my boys it's good for the memory   to try not to be so nervous I think about the  whole thing cause I'm getting very quiet you know yeah that one it the next black one is on two  for the feet yeah it's still too easy for you good perfect still too easy yeah are  you enjoying yourself though I am I just nervous this one looks tricky mm-hmm and I think  the guys here are pretty good so this is   like the hardest right in here green but  it's all the hardest boiler they have   made on the wall without taping it so might  ask him later for some really hard boulders the first move is hard yeah yeah you're  gonna pull up you got more green here you have to grab this one with  your right right hand like that it looks fun I mean this is just  perfect I mean not what I expected I got audiences so much nicer  at this gym than the other one oh maybe I want to go right down a notch is it  stressful to you that people are watching are   you oh not at all you know you know thinking  about it don't think about it oh okay it's   almost nice because I think when climbers  wash is encouraging mm-hmm like it feels   like they don't want you to fail they want  you to succeed that's how them employees   here come over like help you to find the  right yeah it's very very good yeah yeah   I'm gonna try a different method now I'm gonna  try with a heel hook frosting and matching okay oh yeah nice messed it up earlier what about  with the that was the last Weaver was the last   green one yeah but I guess they have some  that they just made without taping mm-hmm   so I'm gonna ask for that now mmm you should  try a light blue mm-hmm like the baby blue   color mm-hmm how about this green one the holes  are pretty day but there are not many put all   that least is like easy to understand  what you're allowed to graduate or not how do you like the chalk bag Messiah what  Christmas you want to talk bag come on nice come on mass shooting at a hero  come on he'll arrive yes perfect yuck   yeah it's nice and sit on that he'll sit  on the hill come on yes perfect just get   up on the hill and then go again come on  it's really slippery right I like the big   giggles yeah stuff to really sit the heel  on that thing yeah noticing the Magno huh   yeah you know what this you're so tall  it's probably not the best pre-workout so I would just try to go again to the top ball  but if it's too far you can also switch your   left hand to like a mental you know yeah and  then you want it to be as far out on the hole   as possible so you can push yourself into  the wall so if this was to hold you don't   want it in here you want it out here okay  you can really push into the wall come on nice come on yes come on yes perfect yeah  just like that now that it's toppers   really good yeah you could go to that no  that's fine you can touch it as long as   you don't use it don't really have to step  involving an MP you're really a hard one yeah this hour wow this is  a really accurate drawing   we other the kickboard is free yeah yeah I'm  bringing support this yeah it's hard yes okay like nightfall yeah I feel about good yeah it's fun I mean I  prefer those holes because they're used   a little bit so they don't have that much  friction so you have to use more strength   mm-hmm because one day I hold a warrant out  of there like this makes it better to train   on yeah brand-new volts here your skin is  gonna wear out quicker mm-hmm yeah I think   they look for something hard or not yeah  yeah but I feel bad for asking them they're   so helpful and now instead of training  himself stage appointing me oh thanks especially now that we I mean we went  here to kind of not make fun of this   gym but I can check it out and see  the worst rated gym but yeah turns   out it's great yeah they're so helpful and  so friendly I'm like it's definitely it's   so much better than the other gym we like  this is hard it's very hard okay hold on this one trust oh they're like lined up oh yeah I'm not Oh nah first send for us sneaking up on me I just like yet I feel  so bad to like they're so nice and giving   you all the best health the lights all the  climbers taking in breaks to show you how to   do like to help you with a boulder problems  but this is like such a great energy and at   this building yeah this is finding gym you  feel very welcome air I mean of course you   thought very welcome oh I'm not sure I would  have gotten the same reactions in its you know   what I think we should end the video with what  both of us putting five stars on Google yes what are you gonna do differently this time  I don't know I think I want to do the tactic   with a straight arm so I tried to really sit  on the heel yeah yeah you're gonna put your   whole soul on it and I sit on that I think I'm  gonna try one more time if not I'm just gonna   try something else I have to decide him before  him because whenever I get on top I always get   surprised that I actually managed to do it and  then I just like yeah I'm afraid of breaking   my own kid I've been psyching it backwards no no  not that way it does if you fall on it shouldn't   I mean if it hurts then you should definitely  like oh but unless it hurts you'll be fine come on yeah nice come on yeah lean up  lean put the whole soul on it   not only come on yeah I get let me go  again right then and then you get left   hand underneath go again right then yeah  yeah and they get left hand underneath come on yeah yeah 90s perfect very good you  just need to know how to do it then you do it   yeah please tell me how to do it I'm telling  you man oh my gosh I see they have a beast   maker and they have a campus board so I'll  probably train a little bit on that before   we leave we started really late today it's  10:15 oh oh yeah and we were up at 5 a.m.   or something so yeah I wanna start a campus  saying with shoes that's a rookie mistake - six-mile physique man yeah nice you don't have to do it on  the other hand as well mm-hmm to get the   symmetry I mean this is not a big place  but it's definitely like everything you   need to train mmm this looks really good  too I didn't even try that 45-degree wall well then double dose double Dinos try two  six nine yeah I can probably do that gonna   try first you should actually usually wait all  of it with canvassing yeah yeah it's a good way   to get injured if you have a month long the worst  thing I cannot think you just break your fingers   yeah feels usually easier to double our northern  to go is that one huh it looks more impressive hmm   especially for non climbers I guess but hmm it's  actually easier during that way yes and then just   dead hang one hand on the beast maker just one  on each hand and then I'm done okay hello well that's I felt pretty good actually I mean feel  lighter in your body today look good today yeah   that's things I'll bring go back to the hotel yeah  this is not what we expected this gym is too damn   good we're like in the taxi like where's this  [ __ ] we didn't think this video would happen   yeah that was a surprise yeah well that was the  end of this video hopefully you enjoyed it if you   did please make sure to give it a thumbs up and  also check out martha on instagram and subscribe   if you're not already I know that a lot of you  watching are still not subscribed now why people   why subscribe helps a lot so it would really  mean a lot to me if you did yeah I guess so   we will see you guys in the next one mm-hmm and  that was all at the end of the Tokyo vlogs yeah
Channel: Magnus Midtbø
Views: 2,423,694
Rating: 4.9471703 out of 5
Id: UMs3sHLjRwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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