2019 USA Climbing: Combined Invitational | Women's Finals

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[Music] welcome to beautiful snow swept Salt Lake City Utah you're looking at Tanner Park right on the edge of the city limits today we're inside momentum indoor climbing in Salt Lake City we're after two grueling days of qualifying competition we finally whittled things down to the very best eight female Kleiner's in the entire USA we'll see which one's able to win the 2009 Teen USA climbing combined invitational alongside former US national climbing team member Meagan Martin I'm Sam Farber it is a pleasure and a privilege to have you with us here today Oh Megan we've had two grueling days of qualifiers three disciplines left to go here in today's combined final it's going to be an exciting day it's gonna be very exciting we started with 19 women and now we are down to eight and they're back to having to do each discipline so we're gonna see how they fare in the final it's gonna be very exciting now a reminder this is the same format we'll see in the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo each climber competing in all three disciplines speed sport bouldering you combine your score to get that combined total and Wow the winner won't make Team USA for the Olympics you do make your path to Tokyo a lot easier totally these women will be fighting for that number one spot which puts you on the overall US national team and that qualifies you to compete in the World Cup circuit this season internationally let's get a look at the eight women who will be in today's final the number one qualifier was Kyra Conde but Megan if you had to pick your podium who are the three ladies you expect to see doing well today it's definitely a hard pick but my three would be Kyra Brooke and Claire in some order because I definitely can't choose that Tyra Gandhi Brooke rabbit suit and Claire Burr fine Claire came in as the number one pick by a lot of the organizers here so we expect to see good things from her we'll start our day with the women's speed finals dontblake only take some eight seconds to get up that wall [Music] the 2019 us a climbing combined Invitational is brought to you by the North Face inspiring and enabling exploration since 1966 Sam Farber Meagan Martin back here with you in Salt Lake City the crowd filling in here to momentum indoor climbing ready for the first discipline and today's three prong final it is the speed finals Piper Kelly who was one one hundredth of a second off her own national record on this course is your number one qualifier [Applause] we're gonna have a great race between Cairo and Claire Bertha and they both have similar times so I'm really excited to see that and the winner is the one who makes it to the next round so we're not going for time anymore yeah the qualifiers was all about your best time now it is a head-to-head race keep in mind it's the same scoring format in terms of you know what impacts the final outcome first place here in speed means you have a one and eight is an eight and you multiply each discipline together so if you finish in the bottom half you're already digging a very big hole here's a look at the course it is a standard course for every speed race in climbing yes the course doesn't change in these national competitions and this is what you would see in a World Cup and in Tokyo so these climbers practiced so much that they know the heart or they know the route by heart you were talking about it before of course you have to hit that button on top but you know we're talking about it off air you described a lot like track and field in the hurdles where if you slip up if you hit a hurdle you're gonna have a tough time exactly you want to be as perfect as possible and from an athlete's lake Piper Kelly here that's probably what we're gonna see Piper Kelly is our number one seed in terms of speed today and she'll be going up against a Sheba Sheree she who really excelled in the sport competitions on you but struggled in speed during qualifications [Applause] [Applause] that was a good run for Piper Kelly she had a few slip-ups here but again we're just doing a knockout round so she wasn't as focused on trying to feed her record time she was just trying to focus on getting up the wall hitting the buzzer and winning the round at 9.45 a second off her best so might have scaled back just a little bit to make sure she was clean and moving on to the settings [Music] [Music] [Applause] this is quarterfinal number two and really a fun one to watch Kyra Conde who qualified at the time of nine point five and clear BER find on the right who qualified with the time of nine point six should be a great race claimers on your mark Kyra Conde approaching the wall she's on the Left Clare burr find on the right this is going to be a very close race [Applause] a little bit better rhythm and burp line Falls up the wall wouldn't have mattered anyways advance to the final four definitely like I thought it was going to be a really exciting race between these two they're both pretty fast as you can see Claire got a little slow down there and then the pressure was on because Kyra was ahead she missed her hands on that but like Sam said it doesn't matter because pyro ahead so Kyra Conde will advance clear BER find a frustrating fall as being in the bottom half and speed pits are in a big hole for the remainder in this combined competition come up next it's Brooke rabbit sue and Margo gains among start qualifiers Brooke Roberts who at the second fastest time she really excelled in all three disciplines while Margo Hayes strength came in bouldering and she was about middle of the pack and everything else exactly this is gonna be a pretty good race between the two Brooke is definitely the better speed climber of the two but the head-to-head totally adds a different pressure to the whole speed climbing discipline as we just saw with clear boyfriend getting flustered climbers quarterfinal number three about to get underway Brooke rabbit to the second best time amongst qualifiers for this final 8 on the left she imago Hayes off to a clean start Hayes doing a good job of keeping up so far Brooke r attitude gets a body she will tap in ten point five seven and she is our third qualifier for the semi-finals they both had a clean start as you can see that at the beginning Brooke was definitely more cautious because she doesn't want to have a slip because it's all about finishing the route she knew that her time was faster than Margo's so she just tried to keep it safe so far every top seed has been able to win their head-to-head race in the quarterfinals we'll see if that remains true is our final pairing approaches the wall Siena cops is going to be on the left Natalia Krause 'men on the right cop really excelled in speed and bouldering during qualifications while Natalia Grossman kind of middle of the pack throughout was always in the top eight in every event yeah and this will be another exciting race because they have similar PR times so we'll have to see if they go for it or keep it safe climber's on your mark one spot remaining in the semi-finals its Siena cop the three seed in speed here for the final on the left Natalia Grossman is on the right definitely a smooth run for both of them I felt like this one was a little bit more of a race because these two women knew that either one of them could technically win so they needed to be going as fast as they could and Siena was able to do it we're gonna step aside come back with our semi final round in speed knockout ready for our final four here in the speed discipline at the 2019 us a climbing combined invitational Piper Kelly vs. Kyra Conti and then Brooke rabbit suit versus Siena cop all four of our semi-finalists really were able to advance with these they did it pretty comfortably now we'll see if to advance they really have to turn on the Jets and push it to make sure they're in that final area first up to the wall Piper Kelly and Kyra Conde all the women remaining Piper Kelly's qualification ground time a second faster than almost everyone left we're just definitely going to seize him fast racing between the two of them a little less cautious than they did in the quarter-final [Music] climber's on your mark we're ready for semi-final number one in a great matchup here on the right Kyra Conti the number one overall while Myron on the left eye / Kelly the number one speed qualifier [Applause] security spot McConnell was a very clean run from both of them Kyra Connie knows that Piper Kelly has the faster time so she really had to go as fast as she could and she did it very well but she just wasn't able to catch Piper because she just is the faster speed climber so Piper Kelly is moving on to the final or record time in this event is eight point four six and she's creeping closer that will see if we have a new national record in the final next semi is Brooke rabbit ooh and Siena cough both relatively were able to cruise into this semi final round and see once again if they've got to put the hammer down to secure the spot the final this is gonna be another close race because their times can be very similar so it's gonna go to whoever is more on in this run Brooke rabbit two from Boulder Colorado 17 years old and Siena cop from Golden Colorado she's 16 climbers let's find out who is going to be racing alongside Piper Kelly in the final Brooke rabbit - the second-best time amongst our finalists on the Left Siena cop is on the right [Music] therefore if gravity [Music] [Applause] and Brooke rabbit too will easily advance in the end or the time of 10.43 better lucky than perfect sometimes totally it was a slip for both of them the head-to-head just gives you so much more pressure brooke has a little slip right there but she recovers very easily she also ends up having another one but then Siena slips here and it's just a little too big of a slip for her to catch up giving Brooke the win so we've got our final Piper Kelly and Brooke rabbit - they'll complete for that number one spot out of speed back here inside momentum indoor climbing in Salt Lake City we have our big final sets will be Piper Kelly versus Brooke rabbit ooh there is a consolation round if you will the small final featuring Kyra Conde and Sienna cop and that is very important because every ranking spot is going to matter in this three discipline event yes it's very important to get the highest ranking that you can especially if you are more of a speed specialist here you would want to get that the way we figure out our eventual combined overall champion is multiplying your results your ranking from each individual event so the difference between 3rd and 4th when you start to multiply all those together it can end up being a lot yes it's a very big difference in for those not in the big or small final we're going back to their time to figure out their standing so for some of my clear birth I'm who had a fall she's automatically in eighth place here's a look at the wall this is the same course we'll see an international competition and of course in the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo and it's very similar if you think of hurdles you wouldn't move the hurdles around in a Olympic race and the competitors really know how many steps they're supposed to take and yet even the best in the world will occasionally hit a hurdle that grows them up same is true here on the speed course it's the best analogy for the general public who watch Track & Field because the speed root is just like that these athletes have it memorized they're never looking down at their feet when you see a slip they don't even really look down generally to adjust every now and then they do but they know that that will cost them so many seconds so it's all about the body memorization and just the flow when they're going so it's always the same but there's always the possibility for a mistake to happen there's a required five minute whole time so we're giving the athletes their rest or they can perform at their very best and certainly if we want to see that in the final especially when you've got Piper Kelly competing she has the national record and she was 1/100 of a second off of that in qualifications up front though you see Kyrie Conde and Sienna cotton and this is an important competition for them to Kyra was the number one qualifier she can get in the third place she still keeps yourself roughly the same range she was in qualifications yeah both Siena and Chiron good spots but they're definitely gonna gun it out for that third place spot because that is the better way to be going into the bouldering round and for Piper Kelly right now we could see a very exciting run from her from her because she doesn't have to be as cautious because she wants the number one spot and with that knowing how fast she is we could possibly even see a record from her but can't count out Brook rabbit to because she's gonna give Piper around for her money no matter what just so you have their best overall time Siena comp in qualifying raced at nine point three three Kyra Conde in the core finals was at nine point two seven so this will be very close it's Kyra Conde on the left number one qualifier from Shoreview Minnesota claimers Siena cop on the right had a time of nine point three three in qualifications Kyra Conde nine point two seven in the quarters this is the small final for third place [Music] [Applause] [Music] maybe a sling [Applause] revengeance what an amazing race and these two athletes they were both very smooth I saw one little foot shuffle of entire economy but it didn't slow her down berry creams start from both of them they're almost moving in unison similar in height CiCi's a little taller Kyra definitely moved her foot a couple times but it didn't slow her down and they were both able to hit the buzzer of a second separating third from fourth and we'll see if Kyra Khan Dee's third-place finish will help her into the eventual championship spot definitely sets her up better going into the bouldering and I'm sure she feels relieved that that is the case next up it is Piper Kelly and Brooke rabbit - Piper was the number one seed she is a speed specialist to have a real chance to win she's got to win this Brooke rabbit - one of the overall favorites she qualified overall in second place Sochi with a win here would put herself in great position [Music] climber's on your mark this is the final in the speed discipline here in the combined championships Piper Kelly the number one speed qualifier on the Left Brook rabbit Oona on the top overall competitors on the right then of a surprise Brook rabbit to besting Piper Kelly who has the national record and rabbit ooh now in great position for the rest of today's finals we have a little slip on the right right here from Brooke rabbit ooh but it doesn't take her down at all and then she just keeps moving and Piper Kelly unfortunately just misses a little bit slips have to look down and it gives Brooke the edge to take the goal Brook rabbits who's 17 years old from Boulder Colorado able to win speed and with her excellence in sport and bolder in qualifications gotta believe she's in a great position in this overall competition will step aside and come back with preparations for bouldering [Music] speed discipline in climbing so fast so exciting and some big big moves potentially with our rankings after speed Brook rabbit - is your winter somewhat of a surprise over the number one seed Piper Kelly definitely a bit of a surprise because Piper Kelly is the more experienced speed climber but when it comes to speed you just never know what's gonna happen because the chance for a slip when you're trying to go as fast as you can is always possible and that's what happened in Brook rabbit - I was able to keep it together and pull it out Tyra Conde with the three seed or the three breaking I should say that's a good finish for hurt Claire Perot find really dug herself a hole she was considered one of the favorites coming into this overall competition an eighth place means she has to be near perfect in our next two disciplines which includes coming up next bouldering this is something that far better suits Claire Burr fine but she's got to be again almost perfect as we take a look at some of the problems these athletes are going to have to solve yes Claire is definitely a better Boulder well she's actually good at all of it but bouldering is something that she is strong at but we also have Brooke rabbit - Kyra Conde Margot Hayes and Ashima sharee she who also excel at bouldering and for Ashima this is actually very important because you know she went against Piper Kelly first so the chances of getting the eighth spot was you know pretty optimal and now she's in seventh which is a little bit better leading into bouldering and then sportwear what we'll see later when which she also excels at bouldering is always a little bit of a wild-card because you're always getting something different and you have three boulders so there's a lot of variables there on whether something suits you or not keep in mind in say like the decathlon after they do the sprint they don't immediately jump over the pole vault so we give these athletes a little bit of a breather we're gonna just give you the view of the wall here at momentum indoor climbing in Salt Lake City and when it's time for bouldering we'll be back for the 2019 USA climbing combined Invitational the final eight women take on the boulders after this the 2019 us a climbing combined Invitational is brought to you by the North Face inspiring and enabling exploration since 1966 we're just moments away from the start of our bouldering competition here in Salt Lake City time now for the North Face course reveal as you as we're gonna see in a second we have three boulders for the women and when you look at the boulders they will have placards on them the placards will be 5 10 15 25 and they're trying to get to the 25 to get the total points for the boulder now the holes that they grab they're only scored if you hit if you control a hold with the placard on it so if you touch a hold that has nothing on it you're not getting scored for it at all very difficult problems ahead of our competitors earlier we spoke to Chris Danielson he's the chief course setter for bouldering about how much he enjoys challenging these world-class athletes yeah so route settings like a game of anticipation our goal is to select the best well-rounded athletes but it's a little bit of a battle between them and us it's basically like we're competing against them in some ways we're trying to test them we don't want everyone to get to the top but they want to try to figure out what we're gonna do so it's a battle our competitors are going to have a moment to really come out and focus on these boulders now they've been open for view throughout the day so pretty much once they arrived they could get a glimpse but with speed their initial focus now they're really gonna hone their sights in on that perfect plan of attack on each of these three problems so you rate the boulders have been up but they're not really allowed to look at them and we're hoping that they were just focusing on speed enough which I think they were to where they weren't looking at them but they will have a two-minute preview on each Boulder where the athletes will get to talk about the boulders kind of share information or beta to figure out what they should do when they're four minutes to climb and they are allowed to touch the start hold but no other holds so they can feel around on the start holds but that's it some of these start holds are quite frankly not that fun to touch they're very almost microscopic holes that even with our HD cameras and our outstanding crew here if they didn't have the bright orange tape on them you'd have a hard time seeing him on the wall at least I did when I walked in today that's very true looking at Boulder number one it is the boulder with the smallest holds the start holds are so tiny and these women are gonna have to pull on in a way where they can balance and hold on to these tiny sharp holds that are not gonna be that fun to climb on if I was competing I would turn around and I'm sure I would make a face like I do not want to get on this one so that's what's in front look at that microscopic again if there wasn't the tape there it's the size of basically those holes there they're nothing to grip they're there so you can drill in other pieces for normal climbers you know ones that actually are the size of your hand versus the size of a finger yeah those holes are generally footholds for normal roots or boulders at a climbing gym but we have to challenge these athletes so they're gonna be prepared for it but I'm sure they're gonna be happy if they can get to the 25 so they don't have to grab those holes again see some of the other very tiny holes that these athletes have to control to score points one thing in talking to many of them course managers in the people in charge here from USA climbing they're trying to more and more challenge these athletes to move laterally laterally a lot of the athletes in the US who go to climbing gyms they're going north south on boulders a lot because you're in a climbing gym and you want a lot of people around and you don't want people jumping and landing on each other but in the international competition you are asked to jump quite a bit side to side so these routes might be a little bit more challenging than some of them are used to seeing we see our eight finalists coming out to inspect the route next they're just gonna wait for the go-ahead from the judge which just happened so now you're gonna see them see pirate cond pirate Conde going up to this start immediately touching the hole it's kind of nice everyone pretty much friends so everyone takes their turn and there's no like fighting to get to the start hold but they're gonna walk through it together you see them moving their hands because that's how we do it as climbers we generally do the motion on the ground to what we think we're gonna do on the wall so that it kind of sinks in better mention how a lot of them are friends three of our finalists are actually all from the same hometown right now Boulder Colorado Brooke Rabbit to Margo Hayes and Natalia Grossman and the hope is in preparation for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics that all the members of Team USA will eventually migrate to Salt Lake City spent a lot of time here and continue to push each other so that they're in the best possible position to not just compete in Tokyo but win medals yes USA climbing is really hoping to be able to build a training center a training center so that these athletes can train together on a daily basis it is important in terms of improvement to be climbing with the best all the time really competing on a daily basis so that you're prepared because we obviously want to bring him some medals based off of qualifiers the three athletes really to watch our number one overall qualifier Kyra Conde the number three overall qualifier Santa cop and the number seven overall qualifier Margot Hayes those were your three podium finishers so to speak in bouldering and finished first second and third in that individual event however some have a little bit more work to do than others after speed today I would say that Siena is in a pretty good position going into bouldering she also excels here and with a fourth place finish and speed already that sets her up nicely Brooke rabbit two and Kyra Conde definitely excel at bouldering and they have the number one and number three spot going into bouldering after speed so they're in a really good position to do well here unfortunately for clarifying she has a lot to make up coming in at in eighth place after speed but she definitely could come out with a win boulders are very tricky because it just really depends on if you read it well enough to like figure out what to do within the four minutes and fast enough so you're not falling a bunch and losing points as a fall there's just so much going on with folding and that's why it kind of is a wild-card discipline terms of the overall competition we we keep mentioning how Claire Burke lines in a bad spot after falling in her speed round because by finishing an eighth you're multiplying the ranks within each disciplines of speed folder and sport sake Claire wins the next to her score is going to be eight Brooke rabbit hoon who finished first in speed she could have a second and a third so she could lose in the quote-unquote head-to-head in the next two disciplines and still win the overall because she did so well in speed and Claire finished laughs exactly so there's just a lot a lot that's gonna go into how the winner gets to where there gets to win basically um and being an eight is definitely not working for Claire's advantage currently so when it comes to bouldering for Brooke I would not expect to see her lower than fifth place here so she's in a very good position to maybe to at least be on the podium a very good position to be on the podium the good news for Claire just in relation to how Brooke moved to you know we've kind of moved past a lot of the weaker overall competitors that we saw in qualifiers in these two particular disciplines the speed specialists were pretty much eliminated with the exception of Piper Kelly everyone that's left is a really good boulder or sport climber which means it's going to be tough to go back-to-back it's going to be tough to be even top three in both of the next two disciplines exactly so it would maybe be safe to say that now is where competition begins after the speed round because you had one speed specialist in the speed round and now you have seven folder and sports flash specialist so it could be very interesting to see how it all plays out and the other thing is doing all these disciplines in a row definitely plays a part and they get 15 minutes rest between this but like we've said before this is a format that most of these competitors have never competed in so it's a little tough in terms of recovery athletes continue to inspect the boulders all very young athletes compared to professional sports like football and basketball youngest in Siena comp who's 16 the oldest Paragon D who's 22 really you know as we've seen this competition talked about it keep saying 22 is about that peak age for competitors so these athletes you know Tyra who is the number one qualifier is in a you know a great physical state to go for Tokyo but all of them are certainly not be considered contenders not just for the upcoming Olympics but the one beyond in Paris yeah for these athletes that are still teenagers at this time it's a great spot to be it's Tokyo coming up and then the following Olympics and even someone like higher economy at 22 there is a possibility that she could still be in the right spot to go to a second Olympics so late teens early to mid-20s is a really good range to be in Sam Farber Meagan Martin former member of Team USA climbing here with you in Salt Lake City we continue our preparations for boulders and the number one qualifier in this particular event was our number one qualifier overall Kyra Conde who took third in speed is for a reference point in the qualifications she was in fifth place out of all my fresh score moved up or improved I should say yes Kyra score definitely improved coming into today here is the start list and this is essentially the reverse order of how they finished in speed so Claire Burr fine will be first to go after the boulders and Brooke rabbit ooh-hoo one speed will get to go last how much of an advantage is that in this finals format in qualifications they did not get a chance to see the boulders do not get a chance to look at any of the competition or the format in the finals how does it change so having the preview in the finals round definitely changes it a bit because you can talk about what you're gonna do on the boulders with your competitor so you have an idea of what you're gonna do whereas the qualification round you never saw the boulders until you stepped out in front of the wall with your four minutes starting the other thing is you've now seen all three boulders that you're gonna do you know which angles you're gonna be on so if you're starting on that more vertical angle you know that you're not going to exert as much energy as you would on an overhang but then you know your overhangs later so you need to save some energy and going out first is kind of nice I I always love going out first because the crowd really gets behind the first person climbing to say you haven't seen anybody on these boulders so every move you make is exciting now going last can be a little difficult because one you can hear how the crowd is reacting so you might not know if somebody talked to Boulder but you might be able to tell just because of how loud the crowd is so there's more pressure going into each Boulder all eight competitors will go at Boulder one in the order we gave you then on to two then on to three we are ready to begin competition Claire burr final will be first out onto the floor needing a very good score here in Boulder Claire burr fine coming on to the competition floor our number one see basically as we started competition on Friday twenty years old from Plano Texas starts and she'll turn around maybe take a quick look at the planets and she just kind of looked at it she might get rid of the wall for minutes on the clock for Clare burr find as we begin our bouldering competition clear the number one seed coming in to this 2019 us a climbing combined Invitational by the way she hops onto that microscopic Han Horton she didn't have too many problems establishing on the start though her body tends to come out a little bit on those first two holes not really able to get past the five but she should get controlled for the five zone and on her first try that's great [Music] Claire burp I'm beginning her second attempt here on Boulder number one 20 year-old from Plano Texas years our tallest competitor in the women's field at 5 foot 10 Meagan Martin what kind of advantages she can kind of reach to things a little bit easier but sometimes the positioning is weird and as you look at her right now she doesn't look super comfortable standing on those feet they might be kind of high for her second fall here on Boulder number one how does she regroup here she keeps checking the clock just to manage her time and hopefully what she's going to do is just try to figure out how to do something a little different to find the right body position to get past the number five zone [Music] we're burn fine beginning her third attempt here on Boulder number one one of our overall favorites really needs a strong performance here after finishing last and the speed finals keep struggling on this move but able to get past it again just needs to find the right body position order to get off at the five using her reach her advantage there but I I honestly think she needs to somehow get her feet over and go left hand to the hold she keeps trying to go right hand to the clock is now counting down she has a minute 23 seconds left so it's definitely a factor and how she's trying to figure out how many tries she can do and how much time she has left hopefully Claire birth I'm making her fourth attempt here on Boulder number one it doesn't begin till she steps off right there and has one minute left to advance as far as she can on this very difficult problem getting the five in a different position this time it's what we call it Gaston hoping to that kind of sink into the five just like she's doing beautifully and that left hand I never said she needed to hopefully you should be able to figure out honey get to the pen she has 38 seconds left definitely enough time if she needs to be careful because this is a very technical Boulder and she could slip at any time so every foot placement needs to be very precise she's trying to figure out a way to get to that 10 [Applause] 22 seconds now trying to get as high as she can 25 points is the maximum she's had a number of Falls already which takeoff percentage points and now a fall the forest attitude control on the 10 so that's going to be it for clarifying that whole digging deeper for one of our top overall qualifiers so Clare burrow find unable to figure out Boulder number one and I think that was actually a time where her height worked against her that blue foot was a little bit high Shima Sheree she is up next she finished second to last in sport she also needs a very good performance here in Boulder Ashima Cherie she making her first attempt here in bouldering she was second to last in the speed finals a very skilled sport climber and did not fare as well in bouldering needs a good performance here she did not fare as well yesterday those boulders definitely did not suit her strength but I will say this Boulder is right up her alley she is a very strong Boulder and has a lot of technical abilities that was suited her well on this Boulder able to get to that five zone each zone is marked in bright orange they holds will be almost invisible if they didn't have those markers there second attempt coming for Ashima cherie she here on Boulder number one 17 years old from New York I feel like definitely a good one getting to the five on her first try is always good this is a very subtle Boulder it's all about your body positioning so she just needs to make sure she takes the time order to find the right positions that move does look a little bit ricci for her if she can maybe extend the left hand a little bit before she gets to the right hand number five zone it would put her shoulders over to the right a little bit more to have a better grip on the number five fold half way through the time a lot been here for Boulder number one still plenty of time to succeed on this Boulder third attempt for Ashima cherie she here on Boulder number one it's been a very difficult problem so far not just for our New York native but every athlete that's attempted has not been able to get past that five point zone as you can see she's able to kind of get more fingers on now that she had the two and moved her body position elation in Detroit really good climbing for Mishima I think if she could get her foot up here but she is very flexible as long as she can find the right body position without slipping off the boulder which very very good body control there and see getting the left or the right foot up on the bolt on the blue hold is a lot less difficult for her at her height she's got a toll on ten but that doesn't count reports now establishes control so he's got the ten zone first athlete to reach that checkpoint if you will I believe she got the ten it'll be up to the judge but it looked like it to me as well it kind of looked like she was gonna try to just skip it but I think now she's thinking of going back [Applause] to start moving a little faster in a better position now as you can see that is insane flexibility she gets herself into positions that almost no one else can get into she's examining the wall I'm thinking maybe 18 seconds isn't enough so she is definitely the competitor that's reached the furthest zone so far [Music] next up is Margot Hayes Margot was one of our top three boulders in qualification so this is the discipline she's expected to do well in tolda Sheba Sheree she got a 9.8 and Margot Hayes could definitely excel here this is a style of climbing that she's very good at as well also very flexible taller than Ashima but not quite as tall as Claire so she should be in a good spot Margeaux haze making her first attempt here on Boulder number one the 2019 us a climbing combined amputation she's already moving pretty comfortably into that five zone she's very good footwork very good body positioning extremely flexible hips as you can see she's keeping her hips so close to the wall making it easier to get into that Gaston just needs to figure out how to make it more controlled so she doesn't swing out really tight little barn door but she should be able to get her foot up Oh choosing to do what the Shema didn't go for the ten zone with the foot at first I can't really decide she needs to touch the ten with her hand in order to get trying to decipher the correct route here are no Hays 20 years old from Boulder Colorado and seems like she's torn between touching the ten to make sure she gets those points or passing it with her hands and how she comes off so she's only going to get credit for the five zone have to touch with your hand to get points she will only get credit for the five but at least in her first try she was able to figure out how to get over there so she should be able to get there again and hopefully figure out a way to get him based off what you saw is she thinking how do I get my hand to ten or how do I skip it and get clean to fifteenth I would say she's thinking one of the two I don't exactly know if she's thinking to skip the ten and go to straight to the fifteen or try to get to the ten but those were death those are definitely the two options she's going back and forth between she'll probably figure out what to do while she's on the wall based off her body position [Applause] she took a second to brush Margot Hays making her second attempt here on Boulder number one she got caught up between that five and ten zone hold able to get a foot to the ten but not the hand she needs to score the additional points good control the swing there that's definitely a hard tension move but she does it very well just trying to figure out if she can switch her body position up to be a better position number five just by one finger for a second Schilling has under a minute but she's in a good position to try to keep gaining points on this Boulder super quick Oh foot slip not sure if she has time to try again but she might try again she was able to get to the ten pretty quickly third attempt here on Boulder one for Margot Hayes sold from Boulder Colorado less than 30 seconds to see what she can do she has already reached the ten zone on a previous attempt so this is all about getting to 15 as quickly as possible [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to get to that 15 before the clock runs out isn't able to do it tomorrow hey sometimes that clock counting down inspires their best climbing the hands which she did here the first time she originally the hand switch was very dynamic less static and she did it beautifully still frustration she couldn't quite get to the 15 but our most entertaining climb by far here on Boulder number one next up is Natalia Grossman Natalia Grossman next up on Boulder number one 17 years old from Boulder Colorado this is a style of climbing that Natalia is definitely good at - she is very good with her feet also very flexible so I'm expecting to see her get pretty far on this Boulder as long as she could figure out the body positioning already - the five pretty comfortably so that's a good sign it just has to figure out how to hold this swing does it beautifully set up really nicely to get to the 10 looks confident each zone really large by the number on that hold the show control with your hand or at least a finger to establish that you've made that zone sometimes it is a finger of subtle holes that she was grabbing she had just her thumb on the underside of that volume really good climbing from the tire Grossman 10 on her first try and with a lot of these volume being kind of a surface that's not necessarily a hold per se but yes it's on the wall and you can attach other holds to it she was fresh in the hole it's kind of warming up her hands a bit their kind might be a little chilly in here so just trying to make sure her hands are warm enough to grab these small holds because when you're grabbing holds this small it's easy for your hands to become more no less blood flow way through her a lot of time frame air you see that microscopic hole [Music] Natalia Grossman making her second attempt on Boulder number one a really good all-around climber and our eight finalists she was one of only three to beat top eight and everything however she's the only one who didn't have a top three finish in any of the three disciplines during qualifications it would definitely serve her well to do well in the boulder ground and so far she's doing great she still has a minute 25 seconds left and she was able to get to the 10 so she should be able to get back there and hopefully get a little further on this gold having reached the 10 already would you skip it here or would you still take a similar route on your way to trying to hit 15 I think it's smarter to take a similar route to get to where you were before unless for some reason it feels like skipping would make more sense because honestly it's probably easier to go the way the numbers are going all with about 55 seconds left for Natalia Grossman unfortunate struggle there keeps brushing the hold she's definitely running out of time she needs to get back on the boulder pretty soon if she's gonna have a shot at topping this Boulder Natalia Grossman making her third attempt here on Boulder number one we have yet to see a climber reached the 15 point zone less than 30 seconds for Natalia to try and find a way to 15 or maybe 225 [Applause] chanting top 15 these feet are very slippery unfortunately a flip so a good effort from the Talia Grossman but Boulder number one still be fuddling our climbers so far back in a moment to momentum into our climbing in Salt Lake City our bouldering Finals continue with sienna cop next up on the wall boulder number one has been a difficult one for climbers have attempted no one has been able to reach even the 15-point zone let alone really make an honest effort at 25 it's always really smart to brush the boulder to brush the holes before you get on the boulder because the more people climb on on the chalky or they get and a boulder like this with some small holds I need everything you can get Sienna cop are number three overall qualifier next up on Boulder one that counted is an attempt because she had all four limbs off of the ground so this is officially now her second attempt Sante cop was the number two boulder ER yesterday in overall qualifications that was with 19 competitors so now what they got to think she's one of the favorites here she's definitely an athlete who could do well on this that body control movement there with the swing is a little difficult to hold but when it comes to technical climbing she's pretty good at it so if she can just figure out how to stay really tight on those moves with like swings and stuff and keep her feet placed well I think she'll be okay on this third attempt at Boulder number one here for Siena cop she finished fourth in the speed finals really excelled in bouldering yesterday during qualifications however amongst our eight finalists she had the worst qualification score in sport which is the final discipline so she needs a good performance here in another fall pretty early in this Boulder she definitely needs a good performance and what she just try there she try to use her reach to her advantage to bump or move off of the hold she was already on to get to the hold past the number five but it kind of set up her body position in a not-so-good spot so I think she's gonna have to go back to trying to go right hand an over left him our youngest female finalists just had missed you stepping off and then coming right back in the mat so this is her fifth attempt now on Boulder number one and she's yet to achieve the ten point zone as one of the younger competitors it might be harder for her to be as efficient because she has less adult competition experience sixth attempt now for Siena cop here on Boulder number one she has not been able to see what the other athletes have attempted but she's probably heard the limited cheers do you think she knows at this point no one's really figured this out it doesn't matter how many attempts I have so long as I get to the fifteen or twenty five point zone it definitely probably makes her feel better it's not hearing huge crap huge tears kind of inferring that someone tops but tries are always so important seventh attempt for Siena cop our youngest female finalist 16 years old from Golden Colorado she's running out of time and if she could get to the time that would be very good for her she's just having trouble with this kind of intense tension that was a better foot system try to go a little dynamic which might work but too little risky dynamic meaning more of the jumping lunging power moves and the technical is stretching and flexibility I have been blessed with neither of these things yes static moves are generally more controlled and slower when you throw in a dynamic move there's more of a coordination suggested that static that'd be great for her but the title is definitely a good start time runs out and she'll come down look like she was going to try making an overtime effort at 15 but good performance to reach the 10 zone before the buzzer Kyra Conde is up next on the wall she was the number one boulderer in qualification I wouldn't be surprised if Kyra gets on the boulder really quick she's usually very excited to start climbing really smart move by brushing especially since she's coming out later in the round she's more of a powerful Boulder though she is a good technical climber as well so our number one overall qualifier and our number one bouldering qualifier now on the wall Kyra Conde 22 years old from Shoreview Minnesota she's generally more of a powerful older but I know she's been working on trying to do more slab and vertical technical climbing so that's just prepared for what the route setters throw out here in a competition I'm just trying to make her way to the 10 she has strong fingers which must serve her well on a burger like this since the holes are so small to get to the 10-point zone but she's the first one to do it in under a minute now down she goes but a lot of time and she's figured out the first half of this problem much faster than anyone else I'm not surprised she figured out much faster she generally moves much faster than everyone else when she climbs so she's set her up her she's set herself up perfectly to have a few more tries to hopefully get to the 25 just needing to brush those holds a bit more they get very slippery from the rubber on your shoes and then from the truck so it's really important when the whole did that small or that slippery like this sloping foothold where her foot did slip because there's not very much there and you have to be very careful to not slip second attempt for Kyra Conde here on Boulder number one took her just under a minute to get to the 10-point zone on her first attempt that was the fastest of any of our competitors so far definitely hoping she can figure out how to get that foot to stay she does this the swing move with lots of control and this nice hand switch getting to the ton very easily just has to figure out how to stand up on this foot pull without slipping really nice press into the volume so she didn't have to but the nice tone of the keeper into the wall looks like this is the way to do it this could affect [Applause] to get two hands on the 25 in order the tough very fit Crossman the swing so well needs both hands she's not gonna get it so close for Kyra Conde about a hand and a half and she still has a minute and 12 left so she has plenty of time to do this Boulder just needs to make sure she rests long enough in order to be ready to perform Paracon decomposing yourself with regularity attempt number three for Kyra Conde here on Boulder number one she's been the only athlete to get even a fingernail on that top hole of the 25 point hold however she was not able to hang on with both hands long enough to secure the top and now she's down again and this is probably not enough time for her to make another attempt but our first 15-point performance for Kyra Garvey next up will be Piper Kelly the bull during discipline is one where Piper Kelly struggles the most definitely a seat specialist can handle the sport climbing so she's gonna need a pretty good performance here and it might be difficult but she definitely could possibly pull it out Piper Kelly next up on Boulder number one of the 19 women who came here to Salt Lake City for the 2019 USA climb and combined Invitational she was in the bottom five during qualifications for bouldering but after his second-place finish in the speed discipline here in the finals and she can improve she's in a really good position to contend for the podium and there's a possibility to improve I mean she already has the five which is good not a lot of people are getting many points on this Boulder so it really is gonna come down to tries for this one because a lot of people will have about the same zone point just kind of taking a look trying to figure out if there's something else she can do that's different from what she just did in order to get into the five a little better Piper Kelly making attempt number two here on Boulder number one Sam Farber Meagan Martin you in Salt Lake City the 2019 USA kleinen combined Invitational looks like she has been controlled five right now able to put it into a Gaston cross the left hand over just a little bit of a foots up there she still has plenty of time to figure it out how to get further into this Boulder and get control more of the zone holds brushing after every try which is very smart especially on a boulder that is so technical also it gives you a few more seconds to rest [Music] third attempt for Piper Kelly nineteen years old from Indianapolis Indiana our second-to-last athlete to attempt Boulder number one after a second-place finish in speed looks like she has good control of the five just needs to get this cross and hold this swing which is gonna be one of the harder moves on this Boulder unable to do so that time these holes are so small it's hard even called up a hold generally these holds are footholds but they're deciding to use them for hands in this competition not the first time the athletes have seen something like this Piper Kelly back up on Boulder number one off to a good start trying to move slow and controlled these feet might look big but they're definitely not a weird angle so it's very hard she just needs to fold this swing so she can be in a good position to try to get to the 10 [Applause] Patrick Kelly she knew that she needed to do that in order to get to the 10 and she just tried so hard with only 35 seconds to go she aims to get control at the time but her foot is kind of in the way needs to have a hand on it in order to have control of the 10 zone trying to find a bright body position as a clock Renda runs down she knows that this is kind of the last attempt to get to the 10 she got her fingers to it is that enough it'll be up to the judge it depends on if she kind of showed that it with helping her progress in the boulder possibly 10 we'll have to wait and see from the deck [Applause] Tyrel Conde came the closest to the 25 point top a folder number one no one else has made it even to 15 as we have Brooke rabbit to examining this very difficult Boulder it's always good to take a second before you get on the wall to look at it even though you've had a preview but eventually you just have to kind of figure out how things are gonna feel [Music] Brook rabbit to making her first attempt here on Boulder one she was the speed discipline winner here in the finals so a great head start for her being on the shorter side here this move to the five might be a little big for her but she should be able to move her feet around in order to ferry could save as you can see she has she was basically in an iron cross there because it's kind of the max of her span there but she was able to save it really well she has very strong fingers and is a very talented Boulder or so a great save by Brooke rabbit ooh right there hanging on microphones [Music] swings on this was gymnastics she'd get some points for the flare they're brushing those holds making sure they're not too greasy to stand on and to grab really good getting to the five on her first try she's gonna hope to not have to save herself on her way to the five will gravity making her second attempt here on Boulder number one she was our speed discipline winner is also our smallest female climber in the finals what advantages and disadvantages does that present overall in bouldering the toss have been bouldering because it can be helpful at times but it can definitely on a move like we just saw her do be kind of harder for her able to build the swing let's see she was trying extremely hard she knows she needs to get as far as she can on this Boulder see you're looking at the 10 because it's almost in her reach but she knows that just because she can reach it doesn't mean she can use it so she need to get in the right position but she was just able to do this move for a shorter memory I think there's a little bit easier being able to get your foot up each marked hold is a zone a scoring zone by showing control with a hand or a finger they're able to recruit points pretty bad damn the best trying to figure out where she can put her feet in order to get to that next hold another big reach for her that she's able to figure it out trying to hold the tension really subtle movements because slipping is very easy as you can hear she was kind of moving but she's able to hold it by staying so tight and pressing hard on her foot so she doesn't slip off the whole nice damn foot match therefore if gravity oh those little feet are better to stand on them a big sloper hold looks like she's gonna be able to get into the 15 that one's reached 25 so far this would be an outstanding start for Brooke rabbit - she only has 45 seconds left so this is really her chance able to come in really good move by Brooke rabbit - Oh unfortunately she goes with the left hand probably better to go with the right no control but got the 15 at least one of the two best finishes here on Boulder won and having had a first place finish in speed Brooke rabbit - in great position heading to Boulder number two [Applause] we'll step aside here in Salt Lake City Brook rabbit to your leader with two boulders left to go [Music] no one's been able to top a boulder so far we're on to Boulder 2 for our 8 female finalists including our current leader Brooke rabbit ooh hoo 1 speed and advance to the farthest zone in Boulder won Sam Farber Meagan Martin here with you in Salt Lake City Utah you take a look here at Boulder number 2 what are you seeing that will particularly challenge these 8 ladies the start of this Boulder is going to be a little difficult with the foot that they're given having no holds on it it's just a volume so it'll be a little slippery you might not even be able to see it on the screen but the right-hand start has a hold on the volume but it's black so you kind of can't even see it but it's not that great and the movement to the number 5 zone is gonna be kind of difficult just because there's another hold on top of it blocking you from just lashing it so you have to be you have to have the right aim to get in between the two holes in order to grab the number 5 zone when you say volume that's an on hold surface on the wall and none of them are particularly good to try and hang on to but the shiny base that you saw at the bottom of your screen that's particularly bad exactly and right here on this Boulder you have a very intense shoulder move from the 10 to the hole to the volume next to it and on that volume there is a little jib or little small foot hole that they'll be able to grab that'll make it easier for them to hold on but it's definitely gonna be a little more powerful of a boulder but there's a lot of technical elements Bob as well we're fine we'll be first and she finished last in speed despite being one of our top overall qualifiers and competitors she's in some trouble about the midway point of the competition Claire Burr fine scored a 5 on problem one out of a possible 25 so she really needs a good performance if she's going to have any hope of winning the 2019 us a climbing combined invitation and the first move was pretty hard she had to kind of lunge for it and kind of hit perfectly in between the holds and then she didn't really have any feet so trying to find where to put her feet was hard but she was able to get into the 10 on her first try so already a better performance here on Boulder number one for Claire Burr fine I'm sorry I made that Boulder - my apologies Claire were fine I do think this Boulder might suit her a little bit better the feet do look a little high later on in the boulder but she might be able to stand on some lower feet to make it a little more doable this first move is much more powerful so you're gonna need a little bit more time to recover and with only four minutes it's hard to figure out how much time you should take because you don't wanna run out of time second attempt for Claire burr find here on Boulder number two a problem number two I've certainly been problematic so far we have yet to see a female athlete position here that could be the way to do it she moved her feet very quickly trying to get to the furthest volume to place her foot on but she was just a little too slow on the coordination there so she might be able to figure it out next time with the body memory that goes with these coordination moves after time is gone and that first move is very powerful so she needs to make sure she can recover in order to get through the first move again and try to increase her score attempt number three for clear birth I'm here on problem number two in bouldering in for the first time she misses the five zone forth trying for Clare burrow fine cliffhanger Bowman here as she hangs on [Applause] she needs to try and control the ten get hoof it all the way out right but it's just so hard because her feet keep slipping and so close to being able to do it she knows what she needs to do just need to get the right body position okay she needed more pressure than announcement of one minute remaining you tell them don't really need the reminder as you keep looking at really trying to regroup breathe those first few moves are really hard and she kinda is on when she's on the boulder so Claire burr fine making her fourth attempt on Boulder won with just 30 seconds remaining to solve this problem not sure if it's enough time to complete the boulder but if she can just increase her score to get to the 15 it would be [Music] at least get to the 10-point zone but so far Chris Danielson our chief route setter for bouldering is our champion here today stop machinery she despite being one of the favorites coming into competition really didn't have a great day bouldering yesterday we'll see if she can improve she definitely needs to have a better day here hoping that she can figure out how to solve the puzzle of this boulder problem seventeen-year-old Ashima Sheree she tackling Boulder number two she is 17 years old from New York New York and our latest competitor at 98 pounds definitely a big first move for her she was able to get in between those two holds nicely and doing a really smart heel hook there she's really showcasing her flexibility getting to the 10 almost in a full split here which is not uncommon for Ashima able to control that tension using the next handle to place her foot in order to gain more control of the 10 and music Annie bar it's a really smart way to rest she has her knee against the hold she's able to breathe and rest and regroup a little bit before she continues after all those power moves and she knows she still has a few more to go she's able to kind of reset there for a second v bar is using your knee to kind of wit yourself in there is that correct correct and she's a very good sport climber and when you were on a spur climb you generally do have to rest more so than on a folder so she's using her sport climbing experience to her advantage now this is a big hard shoulder move for her it's very powerful but she was able to to make it work she's got the 15 zone good finish hold though you're in a weird position all the way to the right let's see if she can do it what - her top she's getting at the top first female climber to topple Boulder today as Sheila Sheree she [Applause] so our first 25 of the competition that is huge for a Sheba Sheree she will shift our attention to Margot Hayes who is third and qualifying in bouldering brushing the holds to make sure she can give herself the best chance to succeed on this Boulder this first power move might be a little difficult for her though she is pretty tall it might help but the rest of the boulder I think will suit her better than the first move she's a very technical climber very flexible definitely will be able to use some of her strengths and her skill set on this Boulder Margot Hayes one of our podium favorites coming into competition here in Salt Lake City taking on Boulder number two really good first moved to the number five getting to the ten really easily and controlling her body so well just she would this is the kind of climbing that Margo is very good small small holds already on the 15 using a kneebar in a a very interesting way kind of move her hips up feels like she was watching a Sheba Sheree even though she has no idea where the Priya's competitor was able to decipher Boulder - and yet [Applause] a to the top Boulder number two really helping her climb up the rankings a flash for number two is really good for her score 25 points for Margot Hayes next up Natalia Grossman I tell you just taking another look at the builder now these athletes can't watch each other but they did talk about the boulders before they started climbing so they might have you know picked places where they would do certain things [Applause] Natalia Grossman falling quickly on her first attempt here on Boulder number 2 second attempt for Natalia Grossman here on Boulder number two we've seen two female competitors top this problem for a score of 25 points or roughly that amount of feet Natalia using her footwork and flexibility to our advantage finding a knee bar or trying to almost have it in there nice knee bar where she can kind of rest and reset we've seen a couple athletes do a knee bar which makes me think that it was a plan when they were three were previewing the folder together they probably decided oh maybe we can do a knee bar their individual competition but they're all trying to be on Team USA exactly and she's now easily at the 15 zone just trying to figure out how to see the 25 has to get to hands on [Applause] the top folder number 2 Natalya Grossman adds a 25 to her score [Music] we'll have to wait for the scoring but she could have a 24.9 we're hearing that the judges nope it is a twenty four point nine second attempt so you lose a tenth of a point per attempt but a great performance nonetheless for Natalya Grossman coming up next Siena comm takes on Boulder number two after watch watching all eight finalists try and fail on Boulder number one Boulder two has been a much higher success rate three of our four finalists have been able to top for 25 points or just a fraction off that mark we rejoin competition you're at momentum indoor climbing in Salt Lake City Sam Farber Meagan Martin with you as we get set to watch Siena attack Boulder number two Siena CC cop able to get aboard Boulder number two we've seen three of our first four finalists figure this one out and she comes off rather early it was nice to see her latch that number five she struggles with these kind of power moves and she was having a hard time trying to figure out where to get her feet so hopefully she figures it out this next time I'm gonna brush the holes just to make sure they're as Griffey as they can be for her second attempt for Siena cop she quickly go to number three here the first move is very powerful anytime all four limbs are off the floor that's an attempt so this is number three for Siena cop and she's really struggling to get to that five point hole Siena's pumping himself up speaking positive words at number four Christiana cop here on Boulder number two and that five points on hold there's kind of a little crevice between the bottom part which is the zone and the top part that makes it tough target yes we call that a blocker hold it makes it just a little harder for the athletes to get control of the hold because you have to not only have the power to get there but you have to be aiming for it also known as a dead point in climbing fifth attempt 4c nscc calm fear on Boulder number two and she continues to struggle on the five point zone hold taking a seat and taking a look at it from a different angle it's really difficult when you struggle on the first move to not try too many dribbles in a row and really grab your energy like she's trying for the slightly different angle and still the same result on try number six it might be a good idea at this time to brush the hold a little bit more and take just a little bit longer of a rest if she has enough power to really back to that five again seventh attempt on Boulder number two for Siena cops she only has a minute left but the three women who saw this problem earlier did so pretty quickly taking a brush little hold gonna say if I was her I'd brush that star hold a little bit too [Music] eight The Temper Santa cop on Boulder number two she's got the five-point zone she just needs to figure out how to make this work with her feet unfortunately not able to she may have enough time ninth attempt for Siena cop and this just doesn't seem to be in the cards for youngest finalists the 16 year old it's unfortunate to not get past the five but at least she has the thighbone she gave it her best effort when a cop though unable to solve problem number two stop his pyro conde who was one of our top performers on Boulder number one even though she didn't get the top she's got one of the top scorers heading into Boulder number two I would be surprised if Kyra does not do this Boulder on her first try this is the type of style of climbing she's very good at nice power move and some really good crimps Kyra Conde our number one qualifier into today's final making her first attempt at Boulder number two easily does the first few moves already into the 10 moving quickly so much power and chiron be a little bit off in the body position there we have seen an athlete flash this Boulder flashing meaning you top it on the first attempt actually I've seen two of them do it so she's not gonna have the best score here on Boulder number two but if she can reach the top she'll have one of the best overall marks in the competition she should definitely be able to do this Boulder I think she just moved a little too fast when she was in the tenon that is probably the most subtle point on this Boulder problem and she's really good at going fast slowing it down can sometimes be harder for her but the moves themselves I think she's definitely strong enough to do [Music] Kyra Conde our seasoned veteran at 22 years old the oldest female finalist here in Salt Lake City making her second attempt on Boulder - just trying to find the right body position here she has very strong shoulders just just trying to get the feet to work for her just a little bit stuck there seeing maybe she can get a knee bar there she goes with the knee bar which is definitely a way to make that move easier has the 15 just has to get to the 25 all she needs is a match for a top makes it look easy in the end Kyra Conde reaching the top of Boulder number two our number one qualifier overall and our first place finisher in Boulder qualifying yesterday certainly has put herself in a good position Kyra Conde a third-place finish in speed and right now she's in first place in bouldering as we get set to watch Piper Kelly take a shot here at Boulder number two this first move for private Allium may be difficult but if she can just get if she can hit the number 5 hold in the right spot move her feet quick enough she may be able to get to the 10 Piper Kelly from Indianapolis Indiana next up on Boulder number 2 making quick work about first move just having trouble finding the right foot placement in order to put both hands on the number five zone or batch as we call it and climbing before she can progress to the number ten zone for the first three scoring zones you don't necessarily need to match you just have to have control twenty-five you do you just need to have control with one hand with his own Piper Kelly making her second attempt here at Boulder number two mm of Team USA climbing combined Invitational and again slipping up there trying to advance from the five zone to ten almost able to match the five zone that time not necessary to match to get control of the five but to progress in this sequence it's necessary to put both hands on five so you can get to the ten just because it's easier that way crying foreseen is the speed specialist compared to the bulk of the field ready to make her go to town third attempt underway for Piper Kelly here at gold rate problem - and it looks like they only did give her five on problem number one we were debating whether or not she would give the ten qualifying she was our first place finisher almost set a new record in speed but struggled special ment Boulder another attempt for Piper Kelly here on Boulder number two in qualification she was in the bottom five of our 19 competitor field and now continues to struggle just had a little unfortunate foot slip on the slope and the volume that she is brushing those volumes have no additional holes on them so it's very hard to place your feet and get them to stay when you're trying to progress in this Boulder [Music] just been told that the judges did indeed actually give pie for a fraction of ten Piper Kelly back on the wall with one minute remaining on this Boulder so a little boost to her score although again this is not the discipline she excels at compared to the other finalists exactly she honestly just needs to make sure she does well enough in this discipline because she can definitely excel more in sport and so far she's doing a really good job finished second in speed had a slip-up in the head-to-head final with Brooke rabbit to piper Kelly still struggling at this point I think she's giving a little tired having to do this first move over and over again just 15 seconds left for Piper Kelly it's not going to happen so for competitors who've been able to solve the riddle that his Boulder number two at one of our eight finalists left to go it's Brooke rabba to Brooke grabba to is another athlete I would expect to top this folder most likely flashes folder and she she's taking a moment to review the boulder to make sure she knows exactly what she needs to do seventeen-year-old brook rabbit to our leader heading into Boulder number two she won speed and had the farthest finish on Boulder number one see if she can back it up easily got to the five looks like she's in good position and a full split their streams extremely stability from her gravity just has to control this tension move does it well trying to set up to get to this next hole that is not a small hole but necessary to get to the squirt 15 which she is just smoothly climbing through this Boulder a nice fly back position on that pole this has to figure out how to get to the 25 the bigger move for her being one of the smaller competitors so she had to flip her hand five foot one she's the shortest of the eight female finalists oh so close to hitting 25 on the first attempt but lots of time remaining for Brooke rabbit - definitely definitely lots of time for rabbit - on the 15 hold at the top she flipped her hand around making it a little bit more difficult to generate to get to the 25 hold but since she is a little shorter it gives her more reach she might have to flip it the other way which is what we would call a wrap on the hold in order to reach the 25 there a chance she thought there was some crevasse she could grab on to on the other side or if she she just was in a bad position I think she was just thinking about distance to the 25 but it definitely made the move a bit harder 2 minutes still remaining she's not gonna get a perfect 25 but a good spot having already gotten a hand on that top hold [Music] second attempt for brook rabbit to hear on Boulder number two she was able to get a hand on the top 25 point hold but couldn't secure it so she'll try again she climbed pretty easily through this beginning portion of the boulder and she can do it again and just have enough energy for the top I think she'll be okay and be able to top this Boulder moves a little powerful in the body position that she has there's a possible way to do that move with a knee bar that would make it a little bit easier but having her foot all the way out right puts her in a split position and kind of makes it more of an intense shoulder move these volumes how hard are they didn't grip depending on what direction your body is they can be good or they can be terrible third attempt for Brook rabbit to hear on problem to back into that split position just trying to control her momentum he could be a little easier if she brought that right slick down but unfortunately she kept it up there when she doesn't have a lot of time and I think she's going to call it quits reach 25 so we'll take a break we've seen two boulders contested one left to go at the 2019 USA climbing combined Invitational one boulder left to go here at the finals of the 2019 u.s. a climbing combined Invitational our female finals beside momentum indoor climbing in Salt Lake City Sam Farber Meagan Martin through to boulders Kyra Conde is this disciplines leader having made it the farthest on Boulder one and having reached the top of Boulder 2 now looking at Boulder 3 what additional devious plots has Chris Danielson put into this path the master of group setting this Boulder to me looks like the most exciting of the three boulders there's a lot of dynamic movement movements there's a possibility for a really cool jump past the 10 zone hole so excited to watch these athletes on this Boulder Claire Berger final will be first again she was one of our favorites coming into the overall competition to start the weekend she almost has to top here to have a chance she's been a had a bit of a frustrating day she definitely needs table first attempt for Claire Brewer find on Boulder number three of our overall favorites to pad next old a really cool double clutch move they're very dynamic and she did it really well has to swing her feet out those volume feet are pretty bad but the hook she's on is really good although it is a dual track school to only one side is actually really grippy and this is where there can be a pretty cool jump but she might be able to do it a little definitely but I think she's been it looks like she's setting up for the jump it's about what it's supposed to look like you gotta keep going though good first effort though for Claire bear fine now the moves on this Boulder definitely extremely powerful just from the start so you're gonna need to take a lot more time to rest real deep breaths in order to be prepared to do these really powerful dynamic moves again studying the route long ways away Claire fur fine making her second attempt on Boulder number three and if you like the movie cliffhanger this is your route doing that double clutch move again very nicely getting a good swing over to the volumes definitely ideal did not take too many swings you don't even hang lots of tension there on that move now she has to set up for this big one two three jump is what I believe it should be for every each hole with each hand to definitely needs to explode a little more to get a little higher up on those black volumes definitely making sure she's focused on her breathing here every try is sapping your energy and this is our third Boulder Claire will find one of our overall favorites making her third attempt on Boulder number three she did not fare well in speed has not had a good performance so far in bouldering she needs to top on this attempt Billy Smarties are fit there before she swung over that time because she's definitely getting more tired as she tries this Boulder just slipping on that door text a little the slippery side of the hill she needs to really set up for this jump just not getting the high tunnel to top any of the three boulders they combined the scores from all three and she was in a pretty tough spot heading into this third one she's going to be in a real tough spot even to make the podium looking ahead to sports next up will be Ashima cherie she who does have a top this builder may be a little more difficult for her because it is very dynamic exactly her favorite style but she may be able to make something happen here anyway she's really good at coming up with crazy creative beta so or the way in which she would do the moves on her Boulder see the 25-point pulled at the very top Ashima cherie she ready to tackle problem three see the 25 for a perfect score on Boulder number two she comes back that up here she'll be in a good spot heading into sport she's choosing a less dynamic way to do the beginning of this Boulder she's extremely talented when it comes to using her toes she made that look so easy but generally other people cannot do the hat with so much ease hate to break through but generally no one could do any of this stuff Ashima cherie she making her second attempt on Boulder number three ahead towards the 10-point hold tried to do a static move originally but realized that she was gonna have to go more dynamically and was able to mail that coordination jump at the beginning able to make this with a ten this jump is gonna be pretty difficult for her but she as long as she can get enough power up into those volumes she can hopefully continue on to the 15 she's really gonna have to jump unless she can come up with some crazy static beta which is definitely a possibility seems to be measuring it setting up to the top just a little short there I expect her to try something different on this next attempt [Music] halfway through our time here on builder number three just looking at the boulder in the section where she was struggling trying to figure out the smartest way for her to attempt it on her next ride third attempt for Ashima cherie she 17 years old from new york they are here on boulder number three such a cool dynamic movement for that first move unfortunate slip there she's five foot two one of these shorter competitors that stretch there doesn't seem to be designed for her definitely not that easy for her fourth attempt for Ashima cherie she nails the coordination move feeling pretty comfortable on it just has to swing her feet over and move her hand down at the same time does it beautifully that time shoulder he move into the ten using her toe to stay close to the wall [Music] really gonna have to set up for this job I haven't seen anyone reached 15 yet 50 seconds left on the clock really jump here it's not able to get to hands high enough on that hold and control the swing I think she's gonna have to keep moving anyway so she really needs to be higher up when she grabs that hold fourth attempted probably at the last one Ashima cherie she will make here she's got a hurry 20 seconds left has to do this swing over to coordination there 10 seconds enough time to set up for the jump hoping she can maybe get the 15 here [Applause] good effort by Ashima Sheree she shall have to settle for one top out of the three boulders see how that stacks up with the rest of the competition next up Margot hey Sara Lee the best at jumping and coordination but sometimes she figures out a way to just make it work when you least expect it so definitely interested to see what she does she also has some of the best Falls I've ever seen they're very graceful the best for her not best for you know the excitement from the audience like she just like a cat lands on her feet she lands on her feet and she comes down beautifully Margot Hays ready to make her first attempt here on problem three you see the 25 from Boulder number 2 she's not gonna get 25-year didn't quite read that first move right she thought she could just jump out to the farm right hand forgetting to flip the left hand in but she immediately realized that it's a flip Margo Hayes on her second attempt at Boulder number three nails that double clutch this time nice swing over this has to press into the number 10 here she was third in qualifying in bouldering control of the number time here needs to figure out how she can get set up for the jump although now Italy I traded to a stag this is a wild dropping very difficult to do she's very flexible so not many climbers will try this beta but Oh see her leg went up as she fell super flexible have not seen anyone reached the 15 point hold which really it seems to be on the volume there at the bottom until you show control on it 10 is the score to beat she chose to do a little different sequencing there by using different beta or information about how you should do the boulder problem by getting her foot high and dropping her knee in order to push her into that volume for the job [Music] halfway through the allotted for minute time period Margot Hayes from Boulder Colorado 20 years old Margot Hayes taking another crack at Boulder and upper three really easily getting into the ten this time it's like she's gonna try to just jump from lower this time up going back up with that really crazy dropped me so flexible she goes and a little swing after if she can just continue that swing to the right she'd be in the right position to get to the 15 do you have to jump in sequence or do you want to control that first volume and then go to the second I think you want to keep moving I think your momentum is gonna propel you to the 15 I think it'd be very hard to just stop there she might be able to stop with one hand on the first black one and one hand on the second but that might be hard too Margeaux Hayes on Boulder number three he's come as close as anyone to the 15 point zone so far about 30 seconds left to make this next attempt she definitely knows what she needs to do it's just can she get enough power and enough height to keep that momentum going struggling here to get that drop to settle for one top out of the three boulders it's not going to be a first place score but a stronger finish than she had at least in speed next up is Natalya Grossman it was able to top Boulder number two of the three boulders this Boulder definitely will suit her so hopefully she's able to figure out something she should at least be able to get to the 10 and since nobody topped this Boulder that'll be fine or so we think we still have to feel left to go including our two best boulders from qualification Siena cop and Kyra Conde ten zone being the highest point so far first attempt underway for Natalia Grossman here on Boulder number three you see the 24.9 close to perfect in Boulder - so she's got a chance to become your leader here in this bouldering discipline she read the double-clutch very well and was able to execute it very well she's gonna have to set up for this jump which is giving everybody a lot of trouble here a lot she hit that first wave really well she had a nice swing to continue to propel her if she could just get it a little higher I think she might be able to get to the 15 which would be the high point see those two volumes together what's it like trying to grasp those volumes and hang on well those volumes you want to keep moving but the first one definitely looks worse than the second one so if you could get off the first one to the second you should be able to continue your swing into the 15 hold on the grey volume that looks like the best hold up the ball kind of trying to tap dance with your hands up to the 15 yes it is basically tap dancing with your hands very coordination centric difficult movement especially in four minutes [Music] third attempt under way for Natalia Grossman on Boulder three requiring some big jumps and big moves and no one's been able to figure it out after this point right here she got pretty cold last night really because I'd seen so she can just hit this perfect thing tried a little bit of different beta different sequencing there she went to hand - the first one on the first try so didn't seem to work as well going one at a time she's definitely performing better on this Boulder than I assumed so that's really good for her it was definitely the possibility she could get the 15 which would be very good for her scoring now continues to study you see the 25 point hold it's we know it's up there but no one's come close to it yet taking a second to drink some water these moves are extremely powerful and just really zap your energy to have to try them over and over again so it's really necessary to make sure you're resting long enough but also saving enough time to complete the boulder or have the chance to reminder we'll have the sport discipline to wrap up our women's competition winter putting herself in a great spot to take a step towards Tokyo in the 2020 Olympic Games Natalia Grossman back on Boulder number three she solved problem two earlier in this discipline now maybe a time just for this final attempt she would be the first so much better looks like the two hands on the first hold is definitely the way to go she's gonna give it another shot a lot of time [Applause] fifteen seconds really finding the clock here luckily these moves don't take too long but you don't want to go too fast and mess up so she knows she needs to still be efficient as she goes fast so close great effort by this this seems to be a riddle it can't be solved four climbers left to try when we return to Salt Lake City back to the 2019 us a climbing combined Invitational Sam Farber Meagan Martin here with you as we're watching the bouldering competition it says Boulder number three third and final we've seen for female finalists make an attempt and no one's been able to even get to the fifteen point scoring zone next to try as Siena cop who amongst our eight finalists had the worst qualifying score I checked that had the second-best get ahead of myself second pass qualifying score in Boulder Seanna cop making her first attempt here on Boulder number three she did very well in qualifying in this discipline that has not fared so well here in these finals really good first coordination move this move to the ten can be a little bit shoulder intensive but is able to do it now she is one of the taller competitors so if she can generate enough on this jump I think she could be able to maybe swing into the 1517 anyone [Applause] pretty good lunch on that first volume comes to him with a smile I think she probably thinks she can figure out how to do it so we're hoping to see her do it as well she's gonna ask if you smile on the fall that means you think you're not gonna follow the next time yeah it means you think you felt something that just might work so a little more optimism going on there see that 10 that she's swinging off of nothing here is really a hold the tens let the words hold but the whole before it is definitely a little better the number 10 the number 10 hold they were on is a little Sophie this one these volumes are a little bit slow P as well and the blue hole they're going to is smaller but probably a little better second attempt on problem three for Sienna cough were in bouldering she was the number two qualifier in this discipline it really needs a good performance if she is to top any of the problems in today's final definitely could use a top struggling a little bit more on this section this time let's hope she can set up this jump a little better than last time a little bit closer at least she was able to reach out of the swing I think that is what the route setter is intended it's kind of tricky you need to be high enough but kind of get that pendulum swing in order to propel you to the hold on the 15th volume those holds that she's brushing right now are big holes but they're definitely not the easiest to grab very open hand for these women which is a hard place to be on a wall like that just over a minute left third attempt for Siena CC Cobb on Boulder number three 16 year old our youngest female finalist really trying to push off of that shoulder to get into the ten able to do it kind of crazy how the time on these dynamic boarders seems to go a little faster setting up for the jump needs to get a big swing into the bone try to something try something different there trying to go right hand left hand instead of two hands on that first black volume didn't seem to get as much height as she did previously top-4 one more attempt for siena cop on boulder number three no one has reached that 15 point scoring zone yet tomato quickly gets at the ten because she's running out of time so a bouldering which was such a strong discipline for her and qualifying she's going to end up with one of the weakest scores and then star competitors here as we shift our attention to Kyra Conde who is really an opportunity here to cement the best score in this discipline right here I think that this Boulder is right up Kyra Connie's alley if she can get enough power for the jump move after the ten zone I think she can definitely do this Boulder gonna be tricky though because it does seem very hard so let's hope she has it in her Kyra Conde our number one overall qualifier our number one full during qualifier the first two days of competition here in Salt Lake City making her first attempt on Boulder three she used her toes there in order to get to the volume two shouldn't have to swing here she goes to set it for this jump she knows she has to have a lot of power she knows it's doable she sets up she gets so much power she moves really quick uses her swing and just kind of can't control the swing on the 15 but now she knows what to do and hopefully she's able to do it on her next attempt if she's doing it successfully is she hanging by that right hand from that that blue hold there on the 15-point volume there's a possibility she catches the 15 the blue hold on the 15 volume with one hand but she could possibly end up with two hands on it we'll have to see second attempt for Kyra Conde here on Boulder three if she tops it she'll likely be the first place finisher in this discipline I think she knows the crowd here she goes even closer this time in what a fall still has just over two minutes left enough time to do this Boulder she just needs to get a little bit higher this time she holds this blue hold just a little bit longer and gets really good height on the jump more of her hand on the surface area of the climb takes a pretty hard fall but luckily those mats are pretty soft Kyra Conde making her third attempt on Boulder three number one qualifier she definitely knows that she could do this Boulder she just needs to get set up in the right position and have the proper swing to the 15 here she goes [Applause] a little celebration there keeping it together cuz she knows she can do this Boulder the last one is just a volume not the best she's able to get their two hands [Applause] so relieved I'm so happy Tyra Conde likely has cemented a number one ranking in bouldering two tops our number one qualifier the minute that she caught that hold she took a second to chalk up because she knew she had time to try it again but she didn't want to have to there's a hard tension move and she goes to the finish hold with some control gets two hands on the finish and gets the top awesome climbing from Kyra Conde so happy a lot of performance from Tyra Conde third and speed first likely in bouldering I have to see what our final two competitors can do Piper Kelly thanks Piper Kelly making her first attempt on Boulder problem number three this was not exactly her jam in qualifying she was one of the bottom five finishers of at the time 19 participants in qualifying definitely not her best discipline but she's been performing pretty well in this round the boulders are hard and they're not getting a lot of top so as long as she can get about halfway through the boulders it's gonna serve her well she was able to do that coordination move at the beginning first try which is going to be really helpful but he's having trouble swinging over to get the feet on to move to the 10 Piper Kelly attempt number two on Boulder number three needs to figure out how to swing over to the ten because up there she goes hopefully she can now move into the ten now then repeat her on there is no five-point hold so it's either a zero or ten almost into it kind of struggling it's a very powerful shoulder move with really bad feet she gets into the ten now she has to get her feet up a little higher in order to set up properly for this job [Music] definitely needs to move her right foot up a bit more if she's gonna get the height on the jump taking a look at these holes here Piper Kelly 19 years old from Indiana Indianapolis Indiana there's that 10 20 volume behold [Music] just kind of brushing the hold and you know taking a breather these moves are very powerful and for someone who doesn't specialize and bouldering she might need a little more time to recover before she tries again third attempt for Piper Kelly here on bouldering problem number three really nice movement over to those volumes she's now up she was putting her foot up higher on that volume which I think she needs to do in order to set up for this jump a little better having trouble pressing that out of unfortunate fall there she already has the 10-point hold so under a minute to go here for Piper Kelly in terms of her future in this sport talk throughout the weekend so many of these athletes are really good at bouldering and sport and their route they're struggling to get the speed part for having the speed is it an easier to continue your mastery of the other two it's definitely great that she is generally the best at speed to have like a pretty confirmed number one is helpful but definitely the more disciplined didn't sell us the better off you're gonna be trying to get that put over to swing there we go the shoulder boom has been a bit hard for her see if she can figure out how to get into it a little easier so she can be set up to get to the to try to jump again where she goes five seconds left needs to unfortunately one primer left to go it's Brooke rabbit ooh she was unable to top Boulder number two but she had a really solid score in Boulder number one so could be a top two finish if she can complete this Boulder we'd have to do some math but she beat a really good spot heading into the sport fireman if she can reach the top here on Boulder number three yeah top here would be very beneficial for Brooke and there is a possibility though she is a bit shorter those dynamic moves is something she really excels at just like Kyra so hopefully she's able to pull it out taking a moment to look at the climb again trying to do it do the boulder in as few tries as possible [Music] Brook rabbit to making her first attempt here on Boulder number three she was our speed champion in early fall interesting reading of the boulder there she's got the right movement but her right hand needs to go to the higher hole [Music] Brook rabbits who making your second attempt on Boulder number three she is our shortest female finalist and with the big jumps required here she's gonna have to use a lot of power to make her way down the course unfortunately she's currently reading this wrong she needs to go with her right hand to the higher of the two blue holds hopefully she figures that out with enough time to get some scores on this holder so she gets a hand secured on that ten point Boulder no points for exactly third try for Brooke rabbit - she's gotten figured out now third tries to chart at least to get to this point really easy movement into the swing to get the foot on gets to ten easily now she's really gonna have to set up for this job definitely possible for her it's going to be very difficult very good effort she definitely knows what she needs to do now so the possibility of getting to that 15 is very good for Brooke Rapp to take a moment rest up here these powerful moves definitely zap your energy so it's necessary to make sure you're vesting long enough but paying attention she could even just reach the 15 old sheep a transition Brooke rabbit to another attempt here on Boulder 3 luckily at the beginning of this Boulder doesn't seem to be too difficult for her so she's able to save enough energy before she sets up for this jump because she needs all the power she can get in order to get to this number 15 hold even closer this time looking more and more possible for brook rabbit ooh just needs to be a little bit higher as she approaches the 15-point zone one minute left [Music] [Applause] look rabbit to making her fifth attempt here at Boulder number three trying to be just the second woman to reach even the 15 points scoring zone it's going to require a big jump for our shortest competitor right here [Applause] and if she gets enough power I think she can do it oh my goodness that was even closer you don't know if she has enough time but she's gonna go for it anyway this is attempt number six [Applause] smart on Brooks part to try again because if she can get the 15 it would definitely benefit her but unfortunately it's not so she'll have to settle for a fraction of men's a fraction under ten will tabulate the scores come back with what we're looking at is our eight finalists prepare for the sport discipline to wrap up this final [Music] thousand 19 us a climbing combine Invitational is brought to you by the North Face inspiring and enabling exploration since 1966 back inside momentum indoor climbing in Salt Lake City snow swept Salt Lake City Sam farmer Meagan Martin here with you we've seen speed we've seen bouldering sports still to come and we're still waiting for the final scores from our three bouldering problems by our best guests by my count if you will Kyra Conde is your leader from the bouldering discipline if that is the case she's got a good chance to be your overall leader because the person she's chasing broke rabbits you didn't solve didn't get to that twenty five point level on any of the boulders other athletes did so there is probably a buffer between Kyra Conde and Brooke rabbit too which would mean she'd go into sport in the leader position but we don't know it officially at just our best guess at this stage yes it's definitely a good position for Kyra Conti now sport can go either way for her so this could be an area where Brooke rabbits who kind of comes back or I mean there is the possibility that Kyra could excel on the route too it's gonna come down to that definitely though quite honestly in qualification Brooke rabbit suit didn't win any of the three disciplines but she was top four in all of them that was enough to be in a top two position Tyra Conde she won bouldering during qualification and was top five in everything else so that was enough for her to qualify in the number one spot as we give you a sneak preview of our sport climb here we've seen some of the elements that are required for this discipline maybe a little bit in speed in terms of you know the height you have to ascend definitely in bouldering and some of the moves required what do you see is we take a sneak preview here of the sport course it definitely looks like an interesting route there's a lot of big holds but I was talking to one of the setters earlier and he was telling me that though a lot of the holes look really good they're a little worse than you think they are so I think the women are definitely gonna have to stay on their game make sure they're reading the sequences correctly getting the rest where they're possible and you know just not really making any mistakes because one mistake after all this other climbing today could you know be the end for you because you're a little more tired than you know normally are going into a sport climate final reminder of what's at stake with an eye on the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo which will be the first where climbing is contested a win here gives you a spot on the US national team for Worlds which makes it a lot easier to qualify all right Justin we have our standings here through two disciplines and Kyra Conde is in first place you multiply the ranks together so Kyra third in speed first and bouldering enough for a score of three and really in a solid position heading in to sport Kyra definitely is in a solid position the podiums people right now are looking a little different than I thought I thought Kyra Brooke and Claire and Natalia Grossman is definitely up there now it's definitely gonna come down to the sport root Brook rabbit you could get a first or second place here so that could help her and then Kyra definitely more I would think around second to third place so gonna be a close one between these two unfortunate to see Claire Burke Ryan all the way down at eighth place just not her best competition day athletes continue to study the route just like in the bullring the athletes get a preview together now the difference is they just have one root but the root has many more moves so same rules apply they can go down to the start hole touch it which all the athletes have already done and now they're working their way up reading the route together starting at the bottom usually they'll pair up so that they can talk about what they think they're gonna do in spot on the roof what's exciting now too is after every climber climbs they will now get to stay out with the rest of the crowd to watch their competition and see how they do Kyra Conde and Clair boyfriend going back to the start hole to get a feel just trying to figure out the first few moves see they're starting over and kind of reading the route together clearly pretty much in sync here this point of the competition five of our eight athletes mathematically have a chance to win here at the 2019 USA climbing combined Invitational the three that mathematically are eliminated or sienna cop Claire Burr fine and Ashima Sheree she and you know as you talked about really is surprised particularly for Claire but as human as well those were kind of the top two climbers coming into today but a big part of this competition was it's the combined format it's the Olympic format we didn't really know if who was thought to be the best climbers we're going to be able to exceed succeed in this format this format with the speed element is always currently gonna be hard for a human just because she hasn't had as much experience on it and that is definitely her weakest discipline now in bouldering she has the ability to perform a bit better she performed better today than she did in the qualification but sport climbing is where she's pretty much unbeatable normally so she could end up winning but it's not really gonna help her standings for the overall but if she kind of works on those other two disciplines she could be a hard one to be now clarifying should have definitely done better in the speed discipline unfortunately she's shocked unfortunately she suffered a fall which put her in eighth place and didn't exactly have the best bouldering around either also a very good support climber but unfortunately for this competition it's not really going to help her the winner here today in Salt Lake City does get a spot on the US national team for World Cup for international competitions it doesn't mean they're for sure going to go the Olympics and losing here today doesn't mean you can't make it to the Olympics but the path gets harder we do have two more competitions which you're going to be featured on ESPN so there are more routes to accrue national points and make your way onto the national team but that easiest path of least resistance will be gone yes this is the first place that you have the opportunity and you know a great place to start if you can win because the winner the winner is on the overall national US team and then they compete they can compete in the overall at all the World Cups and continue to get points your leaders heading into sport Kyra Conde and Brooke rabbit - those two and the other six ready to tackle sport when we turn to Salt Lake City two disciplines down one left to go with the 2019 us a climbing combined Invitational are eight female finalists looking ahead to this sport course five of them still have hopes of taking the title of moving one step closer to the 2020 Olympics and Tokyo here are your standings will go in reverse order so Claire / fine will be first up on the sport course tire economy will go last interesting Kyra Conde and Brook rabbit to our top two qualifiers for this final they are the top two positions heading in to the final disappointment interestingly enough with the scoring Claire bear fine going first she could still do extremely well on this route so it'll be interesting to see how hard it is based off of hushed us and for some of the competitors a little deeper in the pack but with a chance to win like say a piper Kelly or a Margaux haze you're really rooting for Claire to do well because you need a buffer between yourself and Kyra Conte and Brook rabbit - if you're going to catch up the scores are multiply your ranks are multiplied for discipline to discipline so hang in first place and having the person you're chasing and second doesn't help you that much yeah it's interesting you kind of want people to fall into the rank of that benefits you the most right so you want them to do well to get a certain ring to maybe keep the person that's closer to you from getting that ring so just so you understand the math coming in here - if rook rabbits who were to win sport and Kyra Conti even came in second rook would have enough points a few enough points I should say to win but looking here at sport what is some of the intricacies about the discipline how do you score points within this discipline along the way so every hold that you grab you get a point for unlike in bouldering so you're getting points for every hold that you control with one hand and then your goal is to get to the very top of the climb where there is a hole that is box and then there is a quick draw that you must clip in order to have topped the route so it's not just grabbing the last hole to actually need to clip that final clip draw in order to get a top now a question for you look at it this cluster here and there's a couple along the way yeah can you just rack up ten quick points by grabbing them one at a time or five or six quick points here so interestingly enough about those holes that are screwed on to those volumes is that some of them are hand hold so they have points so only the holds that are hand holds are scored holds the other holds you use for your feet do not have a point value now if you grab a hold with your hand and use it with your foot later it's still considered a handhold you are just tracking into it with your feet but if you grab a foothold and use it as a handhold you don't get any points for that but they have no way of knowing so the athletes don't know if some are potential handle do you just grab everything I mean everything you can tell which ones you need to go with your hands but in that cluster you just don't know all right let's get after it Claire burr fines going to be first she entered competition it's really one of the favorites and so far has been eliminated from the championship but still looking to perform well in sports and she definitely could perform very well here our first competitor is on the wall for this sport final it's Claire Burr find eighth overall you only get one crack at this sport climb she in qualifications was the number three finisher in sport so this is an event she should excel in definitely a discipline that she does really well at normally she was the sport national champion in 2018 I expect her to climb well on this route now the little difference is that these athletes have only had 15 minutes of rest in between the bouldering round which generally there's more rest and in just a sport final you've had hours so that'll play a little bit of a part but still expecting her to do pretty well on this route as she is so far in a really good rhythm on the wall [Music] Claire burr fine from Plano Texas five-foot-ten she is the tallest the eighth female finalists here's maybe the answer to my question she goes immediately to the top most of those ten or so clustered hold so on that cluster it is pretty obvious that that is the hand hold as an experienced climber you can tell what you should probably be grabbing in what you shouldn't almost halfway up this route still looking really good now all these big holds that she's grabbing her actually dual textured holds the one side has a nice grip and friction to it whereas the other side is very shiny and slippery nice little shake out on the pocket she gets points for every clip she makes as well [Music] really focusing on our breathing and shaking when you do so many moves in a row you get a pump in your forearm so you have to make sure you are breathing and actually shaking out your arms in order to be able to keep moving on the wall and I'm such a difficult climb pretty big move for her and she's a cold athlete so it'll be interesting to see some of the other climbers on that Claire burr find a couple stories off the ground right now in the middle of her sport climb the third and final disappoint here at the 2019 us a climbing combined invitational getting really far on this without too much trouble struggling using that extra wall just not going to be enough disappointing I expected her to get a little higher but kind of ran out of power up there about 3/4 of the way up the roof really a disappointing day overall for Claire burr find and she will have to find another path towards the qualification for the national team she uses her heel to try to pull up to this world and only later does she realize she can kind of use that hole to pull up a little more if she would have realized a little bit sooner I think she would have had more energy in order to get to that undercling a little bit better next up is siena cop youngest finalist and 16 years old for it is not the best of her disciplines she is a technical climber and you know knowing how to use your body and use your feet properly is helpful in sport climbing but there is a level of endurance that if you don't have it it's gonna be hard for you to keep doing move after move after move and I think that's kind of Siena's major weakness when it comes to sport climbing [Music] seeing a cop currently 7th overall as we head into this final discipline in qualifications among our 8 finalists she had the worst finish for sports that said see what kind of mark she can set here and she attacks this course the goal for Siena on this route would be to move efficiently and as quickly as she can because when you lack a bit of endurance the faster you can get through the climb the better you'll see some other competitors who are better sport climbers maybe take more rest and shake longer when you're lacking endurance it doesn't really help you to shake because you just can't get it back in the same way trying to get up into this undercling able to do so with a little struggle nice little shake and chalk there Sienna cop had qualified for this final she was strong in both speed and Boulder but bouldering was really her best event she finished second in that qualifying unfortunately today did not fare nearly as well was eight of the eight competitors and that's a hole she's just not going to be able to dig her way out of to win but we'll see what she can do here and sport to prove her standings and for each standing they will get points to go into the rest of the USA climbing season to help them you know be eligible to try and qualify for the 2020 game so every placement is so important she's looking a little tired here still moving but each movement looks a little harder for her trying to set up I think that holds not as good as she was hoping it would be trying to figure out if maybe she needs to clip first seeing a cop working on the sport client here at the 2009 teen years at climbing combined invitational in Salt Lake City Sam father Meagan Martin here with you Megan is a former member of the national team what do you think these athletes are going through right now having already done speed and bouldering heading into this event unfortunate fall there she really spent a little too much time trying to figure out what to do because she was tired when she probably should have just kept moving to try and get a few more point points on the room she had one of the crowd favorites we've been hearing cheers for CC all weekend long she kind of just takes too long sitting here trying to figure out what to do and she finally commits to the move but she kind of spends just a lot of time moving her feet around trying to find that right position but she never is able to find it does the move almost sticks it and then kind of just slips right out of it that's it for Siena cop she'll take a seat on the couch and watch the Shema Cherie she up next this is where Ashima really excels I expect her to get close to the end of this roof if she doesn't top it but I'd be surprised if she didn't top it job generally that's what she does at all of these competitions mentally going through the route right now finishing hold roughly four stories off the ground though she had a little bit of time to preview it before it's good to have it fresh in your mind because you don't have time to think about where you're gonna go you should already kind of know as much as you can if you find a rest you can look up and kind of reassess Ashima cherie she currently 6th overall making her attempt her one and only on this sport climbing course in qualifying there were two sport climbs and she topped both of them was the only athlete male or female to do that she usually is able to get into a really nice rhythm when she's climbing has wonderful footwork a lot of endurance she can hang on for a very long time and as long as she doesn't have too many dynamic moves she's usually very confident she gets a little nervous before the dynamic moves and she's normally able to do them it's just the hesitation there is not always helpful Ashima one of the athletes who the Olympic format kind of hurts she is not fared very well in speed finished in the bottom five during qualifiers finished in the bottom two in the final but everything else she's amongst the best the world out definitely amongst the best in the world it's nice to just have one discipline that you need to kind of improve upon so hopefully in the coming years or really in this next year she's able to do so in order to make the combined format work for her a little better it's kind of a big move for her really nice kick there back with her feet on the wall when you're sport climbing you generally do not want your feet to leave the wall so if they do get them back on as quickly as possible creating a rest there with that you'll hook with her right leg [Applause] Ashima sireesha the number one sport climber in the USA based tough performances here at the 2019 us a climbing combine invitational working on this sport climb at about the midway point this move coming up I am thinking will be a little big for her hopefully with this heel hook she's able to stretch and her heel stays if it picks the swing will be a little difficult to hold but hopefully she's really good tension from Ashima Sheree she getting into this nice pocket only able to put two fingers in there tried to get three in there but continuing with her nice rhythm a good little rest here as a successful sport climber she can actually get energy back when she's resting in a spot like this whereas if you don't have that kind of endurance it's actually not gonna help you to rest [Applause] she knows that atop for her it's necessary to improve her ranking goal so far here in Salt Lake City every time there's been a green box at the top of the wall the Sheba Sheree she has found her way to it exactly the holes on this cluster a little bit smaller than we saw earlier on the route still not giving Asuma a problem at all trying to figure out the proper foot placement for this next move she's going to a hole that is blocked by another world so well that used to be much is made worse by the black school having us we have a rose move which is a move that is not only just pretty to look at but it's also a hard loop to get out of she's going to cross under and reach to the other pocket where she will be then facing the crowd and then she has to turn out of it which is the most difficult part seeing having to get the first time this weekend Ashima suri she has been unable to solve a sport course nonetheless she sets the new mark two beats here in this final she kind of got stuck trying to get under the rope and then give the momentum to reach to the second pocket to get into the Rose move as a shorter competitor getting in might be a little more difficult she almost gets it she has two dead point and just misses the pocket slightly pulling her off the wall we'll take a breather this is proven to be a very difficult sport course here in Salt Lake City three athletes have completed their day at the 2019 us a climbing combined Invitational these are the women's finals the eight best American climbers taking on speed Boulder and sports and in case you didn't realize it already climbing is a particularly dangerous competition there's a lot of great climbing gyms out there we appreciate all the folks here at momentum indoor climbing in Salt Lake City and Lehigh for being so welcoming to us and our crew all weekend long and they are professionals they know how to keep you safe so make sure you're attempting this safely when you try Margeaux haze starting in the fifth overall position as she begins this sport course six minutes to climb the roughly fifty feet to the top of the wall another successful sport climber I expect to see some great climbing from Margaux there's a good chance that she could get to the high point and possibly top the roof it all depends on whether she's fatigued from earlier there were a lot of difficult powerful boulders today so it definitely is gonna play a part in how well these athletes keep do on the roof she does have a good rhythm taking a quick little breather there but otherwise she's been she's moving pretty quick interesting choice didn't clip from that lower hold it doesn't seem to be a bad choice but sometimes there's a hold that's easier to clip from than others and you don't want to find yourself in a bind where you go to a hold that is too hard to clip from and then all the sudden you can't clip it down Margeaux haze mathematically can win this overall competition she would need some help not only would she have to finish first in school need some of the athletes she's chasing in particular our number one leader heading into this discipline Kyra Conde to finish at best sixth well I'm Myron would definitely win this discipline she is a phenomenal sport climber outdoors she was the first woman to climb a 515 which is one of the hardest routes our route breeds and should be the first woman to do so and she's climbed to so definitely says something about her ability when it comes to sport climbing getting ready to get into that section we're kind of a big crossover move to a small hold on the volume you really need your heel to stay in that hole if it pops out it can make it much more difficult beautifully Margeaux haze about three stories off the ground right now in the middle of verse sport climb partly in fifth place overall all these finals getting into the more comfortable pocket now just trying to figure out what to do with her feet I think she's gonna want to try to rest a little here [Music] [Applause] risky there but seem to work out for her trying to figure out what to do with snacks move trying to go this year huh [Applause] definitely a good spot for Margo she is still under the highpoint but she is in the second highest position now on this route taking her one step closer to possibly getting the number one spot in the sport climbing portion of this competition taking a moment to clip [Music] minders she can mathematically win the overall competition despite entering this final discipline in fifth place and I'm sure she knows that a top could put her in a good position at least for the podium if not to win so she's going to be trying to do everything she can to be efficient on this climb and climb the route to her potential [Applause] getting to the first topics here have the rows move coming up she she needs to pick first the Rose move is a very pretty would you look at Oh isn't even able to begin to reach into it definitely a powerful move good timing from puts her in second right now in the sport portion of this competition a good position right now but not sure it'll help her enough if no one's able to get past this point perhaps margot hayes might have done enough to win the 2019 us a climbing combine invitational will have to see what the following athletes are able to do reviewing her school right now with the judges and they've got those pictures out there telling her about the holes [Applause] the quick draw that is hanging by the pocket otherwise they got to the same moves she sets herself up she's already a little tired getting into that first pocket tries to set up for the Rose doesn't even try to clip isn't really in the right body position and then just Falls as she begins to reach so Margo hates her overall top contenders came into the final in the number seven position in terms of qualifying did pretty well it's at third and bouldering Rankin's up being a daisy next up is Piper Kelly who really made the final based off her outstanding speed climb was a hundredth of a second off her own national record in the other two disciplines she struggled compared to the rest of the other finalists that said the good performance here she is certainly capable of still winning this competition definitely a possibility she's better at sport the bouldering Piper Kelly begins to climb here in this third and final discipline was sport climb starting this final in fourth place for Piper I think it's gonna come down to it she has enough energy after that pulled around it was a very difficult bowled around and though she is a better sport climber at van holder she must be feeling a bit of a fatigue from the previous two rounds also the athletes that did better in speed ended up having more speed runs which also would tire them out a bit more than the ones that didn't do as well so that's another thing to think about in terms of how much energy they have left absolutely and looking at how those athletes performed in Boulder two of the top three Boulder finishers only had one speed run so maybe that played into it it definitely could have played a part she's got a good rhythm going right now definitely going to need to move a little bit faster and some of the other competitors Piper Kelly 19 years old from Indianapolis Indiana so far she looks like she's making a lot of good sequencing decisions this is where we saw some of the climbers struggle probably very good decision to go back from clip you never want to clip from too difficult of a position because that shouldn't be the hardest part but if you read it wrong sometimes you end up in the wrong spots a clip making it so much more difficult for you [Music] Piper Kelly considered a speed specialist working her way up the spine she found a pretty good breast right before I moved to the pocket she used a heel hook with her right foot in order to take a little bit of the pressure off her arms so she could it looks like she should get usable surface of that next cold giving her a little higher point value than just the points for controlling the hold scoring system in sport a point per hold and a fraction of a point effort towards the next one and a larger fraction for as you said usable surface she takes a moment before she goes kind of like misses the first try and tries to pull it apart definitely hit a reusable surface I would be shocked if they didn't give it to her really good effort for Piper Kelly and she huh she's not in last right now so that's definitely good for her now just getting crowded here at the tail end of our 2019 USA karmic combined Invitational t8 very best American female climbers on the final discipline the sport course we got three left to go and two of them in particular see the entire economy in Brooke rabbit two in a great position to win this event make Team USA for the upcoming World Cup season Natalia Grossman who we have right here it's normally pretty good at sport I was a little surprised by her performance in the qualification but maybe it was a bit of nerves maybe she warmed up a little differently than normal hoping to see her do pretty well on this we're taking a second to look over the route before she gets on it she had the preview with the rest of the athletes earlier but you definitely want to freshen your mind [Music] Natalia Grossman currently in third overall beginning her sport climb in qualification she was the eighth and final qualifier something that hurt her score she was not a top three finisher in any of the disciplines however she was one of only four of the eight qualifiers to be topping it and everything so it could all around climber compared to the rest of the field but didn't really have a specialty at least so far this weekend yeah during the qualification she definitely didn't seem to have a specialty as much but I will say during this final round she's performed much better it which she's already improved her rank compared to what she did in the qualification so she's definitely in a better spot looking a lot more smooth on this route already than she did in the qualifiers she can set the mark to beat her I'll just say she tops it she would need Kyra Conde to finish no better than fourth and Brooke rabbit ooh to finish no better than second which of course would be the best she could do to be even in a position to tie for the number one spot definitely unlikely but definitely still a possibility if she were to end up first in this ranking so that that's pretty good for her I think that she's come long way especially from the qualification definitely a successful older so a move like that on a route isn't too difficult for her this needs to find her rest nice little shake probably clip more or less difficult as a climber to make those big moves when you're harnessed in versus when you're bouldering and you're kind of free climb it's just kind of different really when you're on a route having all the other moves underneath you it makes it more difficult to make the bigger moves when you get more and more tired but I think it's basically the same in terms of just the labels now this move is one of like the first more difficult moves in my opinion because you really have to bro you need it to stay because otherwise that would be a really big swing and you're grabbing on to basically nothing and then another powerful move into the pocket but she did very well means to definitely try to keep conserving her energy you see her staying elongated as she's climbing because that's the best way to not make yourself as to fire you can conserve energy that way Italia Grossman's got that green circled final hold in sight she makes her way up the score [Applause] a risky move but she was able to pull it out kind of facing the crowd she's definitely getting tired but she's trying to go just one more hold one more move she moved upward as she fell which will give her that other fraction of the point to hopefully improve her standing and her score when she goes to this pocket she kind of she's already tired and she gives it all she's got and she's able to hold it just grimacing because it's so difficult and she's so tired but luckily she's able to do a couple more moves which will improve her score and definitely keep her in a better place Natalia Grossman a strong performance two climbers left to go here in Salt Lake City [Music] two climbers remain here in the sport discipline of the 2019 USA Climate combined invitational brook rabbit to the number two qualifier for today's final is in second place and the map is pretty simple here if she wins this event she will be your champion in Salt Lake City if she doesn't she might need some help in at least Kyra Conde not to win it and she definitely has the potential to win this discipline the route is proving to be pretty difficult which is a definite good job by the route setter is because in the past at national competitions we've had multiple women top the finals routes so hopefully she is able to get far enough on this route to secure a first-place victory [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] two climbers remain here in this sport discipline this is Brook rabbit - currently in second place overall if she wins this discipline she will be your champion at the 2019 us a climbing combined Invitational I have to really smooth start first few moves of this climber not that difficult is just getting them into a rhythm on the route a lot of the holds on this route have a dual text finish therefore one part of the hold is usable the other parts shiny and very slippery should definitely just get a clip here you get points for the clip with the all the other thing to note about the clip is if your foot passes that heating quick-draw before you clicked it you must come down and it will be cute who are not allowed to pass a clip or skip a clip when here will ensure she takes this event and makes her way onto the national team for the upcoming World Cup season it won't win you a spot on the Olympic team in 2020 when climbing makes its debut however it's a lot easier to do it from that team than if you aren't able to make it on the World Cup squad exactly if you don't make the US team in some capacity in order to do the World Cup circuit it'll be virtually impossible for you to even think about trying to qualify for Tokyo in 2020 so that's definitely what all these women are trying to do here today big moves here [Applause] very interesting they're really good recovery their former gravity of might have taken a little bit of extra energy to kind of fix her reading mistake they're getting back to a nice rhythm [Music] one of the other big news is coming up here soon and asked the shortest competitor in this final hopefully she's able to get through it [Music] [Applause] [Music] switching to the ceiling [Music] let her fit cut a little worrisome brook rabbit - on her final climb of the weekend she came into the sport discipline second place overall and if she is able to take the win she will be your champion here in Salt Lake City she's definitely looking good here still going with the heel to toe definitely a really good position a couple of the moves that I thought would give her trouble or she's able to get through them a little better than I thought her size so that's definitely voting off for her get the high point or finish this route really taking her time to rest that energy she knows it's important for her to do well on this route I know these are the best in the country but how easy is it to rest when you're four stories off the ground I have to tell you it is not that easy I'm still wondering how most of them do it I need big holds to be resting another difficult moves she's a little smaller I'm very good to look that she used to keep herself in to the wall be a smart place to clip she's gonna changed her mind and decided not to clip [Applause] she thinks she's in a good position right now the Rose move is across through she's going to come face out to the crowd it's a really move to watch but it's also really hard to kind of reach through and get that other hood and on top of it it's really difficult to get out of it she's going to reach to it not the usable surface [Applause] that's gonna put her probably in second place right now really good result the one would have been better but second and sport which would be very unofficial right now but from what I'm calculating seems where she would be landing right now she looked a nicely set up for the rose unfortunately if the Rose has taken down another competitor got a lady because no one's using the chairs we're all friends here in Salt Lake City Brook rabbit to strong performance that Rose move is as far as anyone has really gotten so we'll have to wait first score to come in suffice to say though if Kyra Conde reaches the top of this course she is going to win us a connotation keep it simple for the moment this is Brad Johnston he is the chief sport route setter and that Rose move was his idea I wonder what he's thinking right now Kyra Conde our overall leader coming into the final climb of the competition if she is able to reach the top of this sport course she is your champion here in Salt Lake City definitely a possibility for Kyra to do well on this route though she is a better boulderer she is a very good sport climber as well sometimes she gets a little hung up on sequences so as long as she reads this properly she could do very well and there are a lot of power moves which will suit her style well as Brook in qualifying finished ahead of Pyrrha conde and that really coming into this final discipline was the math between the two we were looking at now other athletes finishing ahead of them could influence those scores but if Kyra sets the mark to beat in this discipline she's going to win exactly and from my calculation it looks as though if Kyra gets fourth or lower Brooke would be the winner but if she gets third she'll be another Brooke she's looking really smooth moving through these sequences with ease taking the rest where she needs to she's five four but she has think like a plus four in her wingspan making it like five eight plus four plus five she's got a very big wingspan that definitely plays to her advantage she is to work her way up this roughly five-story wall she's shaking a lot in between moves meaning she's getting a little bit tired but do to get to those little rest she moves so quickly that section because she knew she needed to cos she was feeling a little [Applause] [Music] her sport wine the third and final discipline she is the final climber today and she needs [Applause] in order to win this course based off of the previous competitors scores as if she needs to get to the Rose move that no one has deciphered yet the Rose move is a few holds above her it's off one pocket you can see it on that left vault great volume there's a pocket and then there's another pocket that you're gonna have to reach through - at which point you will face the crowd no one has yet to do that move and we'll see if tire condi could be the first barely sick in that pocket [Applause] if she can get through two holes from here she's going to be your winner Kyra Conde pirate cottony it's so excited she knows she like that she is the combined winner by him getting the high point on this route she calendar summer pasta draw but it doesn't matter cuz that is our to play winner unofficially what a performance Kyra Pondy unofficial for the moment but she is going to be your champion buying some kind of scoring change that would be unforeseen you're 2019 USA Climate combined Invitational champion we believe is Kyra Conde [Applause] [Music] I think her fellow competitors know it too unbelievably well she is a such a powerful climber and this was a great decision by her she chose not to clip that draw and was able to do the Rose move which is all she needed to do because the draw is not it's not worth as many points as those holds are so that puts her in first place she looks back at the draw realizes she's gonna take a big fall but goes for the move anyway takes a huge swing which we can just call a victory swing so excited for Kyra Conde she was the elder statesman of the eighth final is at twenty two she's in her prime and she's one step closer to Tokyo the 2019 USA climb and combined Invitational is brought to you by the North Face inspiring and enabling exploration since 1966 what a final we have had here at momentum indoor climbing in Salt Lake City it all came down to the sport discipline final one particular move the rose move was the key to victory we saw several athletes attempt it only one completed it and that's going to be your champion Kyra Conde the 22 year old from Shoreview Minnesota the only competitor able to complete that move and she is your champion and one step closer to the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo she's standing by with our Meagan Martin Kyra what a performance today from the speed to the bouldering to the sport climbing so excited for you Howard how do you feel well right now I'm really really tired but I'm so excited you know this event was like what I've been training for for the last multiple months you know and so and you know life I guess but but also especially that gets been my main focus and so this is like a dream come true for sure and after the speed did you feel a little more confident with that thirst third-place ranked knowing that you were going into Boulder where you like shine basically yeah I was actually I was pretty happy with my third place in speed I was really hoping that I would maybe get into that the big final the last one the race for one two but I was really happy with my third place and then after seeing the boulders I was actually pretty nervous they didn't really look like my style except for the third one so I was always kind of nervous about that but it ended up working out yeah you definitely were able to climb really well on the two boulders that I would agree are not necessarily your style but then going in with the number one into sport you kind of knew that it was yours for the taking right yeah I felt like I was a really good sport shape you know I'm not really known for my sport climbing ability but I've been training it a lot trying to work on that weakness and you know I'm just so happy that I was able to you know climb to my fullest potential well I'm so excited for you and now this is your second combined event that you've won in terms the pan-american Championships that were not held in the US so this is the first US combined event you've won in the inaugural one and now you are on the national overall team so are you excited for those World Cups coming up I'm so excited you know like neither is that you win this event or you have to do all the next Nationals to figure out if you're on the team and so this is like a huge weight off my shoulders because you know the first step for qualifying for the Olympics is making the US team for the World Cups and so now that I have that done I can like really relax and focus on my other goals well congratulations Kyra I'm so excited for you and I can't to see can't wait to see what you do back to you Sam Thank You Megan let's make it official Kyra Conti basically did all the describing for us but she is one step closer to Tokyo and the 2020 Olympics because she is your 2019 US a climbing combined Invitational champ she wins bouldering she wins sport third of eight in speed and that's enough to have the winning formula this weekend here in Salt Lake City an amazing performance all-around and eight incredible female competitors really put on a show for us for Meagan Martin and our entire ESPN crew I'm Sam Farber saying it's been a pleasure and a privilege having you with us here at momentum indoor climbing in Salt Lake City at the 2019 us a climbing combine Invitational Kyra Conde is your champion all competitions airing on ESPN networks are streaming live archived on the ESPN app this has been a presentation of ESPN
Channel: USA Climbing
Views: 2,416,900
Rating: 4.816885 out of 5
Keywords: USA Climbing, Sport Climbing, Bouldering, Speed Climbing
Id: kStGdeDRCao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 27sec (11247 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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