This boulder took me days to complete!

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there's been a lot of weird videos on this  channel lately but for a change here is a   video about just hard climbing in fact i can't  even remember last time i had to try this hard   there's one 8a plus 170 plus i  haven't even been close to doing   so i'm going to try those today  master you're going to try a 60   right yeah i feel like the reason why i can try  it is because it's a boulder that really fits me   but besides that i'm not a sexy climber yet  so it has small holes and short moves yeah   so that really suits you but you're gonna skip the  6b plus grade if you do it if i do it if i do it   before we start today's video i want to  quickly announce today's sponsor once again   raycon these are the everyday e25 earbuds they  are the best ones yet with six hours of play time   seamless bluetooth pairing more bass they have  a compact nice design a noise isolating fit and   they come in a lot of difficult  colors this is my favorite color blue   but sometimes they're almost white because  of all the chalk so the compact carrying   case can charge the earbuds up to four times  on a single charge they're just as good as   all the other premium brands that you guys know  just they're way cheaper so all you have to do   is go to the link in the description or you  go to buy recon dot com forward slash magnet   and you get 15 off i think i'm going to start with  the slab of the week here mix it up a little bit   we always do it at the end i mean i've never  done the slab over the week but you obviously yeah that sounds good and we're just going  to climb as much as we can today yeah only   climbing today nice we're seeing in the  comments that people miss just climbing   yeah and maybe when corona is over we should  definitely go for like a proper climbing trip   outside at some point you first need to  learn how to delay yeah that's true but   you still don't have your belay in norway  we have this thing called uh steep card but after that um that's gonna be so nice because   then we can actually go on  climbing trips and stuff just not to laugh but i don't even  warm up for this no warming up   i think that one is like a one left so looks like you were doing some  quick step dance on top of that   this is not a good start i think that's  why we always do it at the end the thing   is like you feel so stiff in the beginning  of the session but the ones upstairs though   i think should suit me pretty well but  i have been chanceless at both of them it's so slippery you got this nice so yeah there we go yay i think that means good luck though  when you mess up the first bowler like   that you think that means good luck yes i was  gonna say the opposite but or i'm just i'm   not but since you at least it was good that you  finished it i think you're gonna try as well i   mean i can just try just to see how difficult  it is obviously i'm not gonna make it but uh   not without attitude you're really good at  making me try the harder ones just to feel   the difficulty because if you spend a little  bit of time trying like a 7a and then when you   go back to 6p that seems like nothing  like me also sometimes i try to think   that um a boulder has a has an easier grade  that it actually has sometimes that helps   come on yes now just trust your left  foot and lean over yeah this is not too   bad i can try one more time and then i mean  just establishing is not that easy come on   nice i just fall off oh well a bit too hard baby  60 is more your level now let's see about that   i actually after trying to do this boulder  i had a dream about it it's always a good   sign when you have a dream of a boulder  because yeah that means that you care yeah nice come on come on come on yeah yeah easy come on  nice come on come on get the foot up cruised it oh i never got this far so and last  time i tried i tried to do it in rental shoes yeah   that makes you different yeah huge difference now  when i put these on oh i got so much adrenaline   right now now you just need to make sure you  rest enough and then you try it again don't   rush it yeah yeah okay so not to make any excuses  before starting but i've been training for the   first time in my life not first time in my life  but i've started training a little bit of legs   i've even done a couple of sessions of like squats  and stuff and that's because i'm doing a norwegian   tv show called uh mastone's master like the  champion of the champion champion of the champion   it's with the retired athletes from a lot of  different sports competing against each other and   it's a very big tv show in norway i think it's  one of the biggest if not the biggest tv show   i think most of the disciplines will be with legs  and i know i have some really hard competitors   there's like a very good downhill skier auxilium  svendal i guess a lot of you have heard of him   so i don't know i just try to be as diverse  as i can be for that i've gained a little   bit of muscle in my legs they're not chicken  legs anymore they're more like turkey legs   this bowler the blue one i'm about to try is also  a really hard 70 plus it should be my style and i   still have no chance of doing it i've tried it two  sessions now without yeah when you tried last time   magnus was like slamming the the walls and he's  like i got pretty mad yeah and the black one is   eight plus and that's even harder it's for me  it feels impossible so these are definitely the   hardest ball problems uh that have been set in  this gym for as long as i can remember actually nice oh that's further than you got last time  we need to read it i don't even know how to do   this no idea i'm just trying to i don't know  figure out why i feel so weak whether this is   just really hard for the grade or if it's me  being out of shape i guess like in most cases it's   a combination of both right now it feels pretty  hectic with like having to record having to train   for the tv show and all that stuff and on top of  all that we're actually moving from one apartment   to another yeah magnus just sold this apartment  and bought a new one i sold my old apartments and   buying a new one a bigger one you know what we've  been doing lately actually we've done even like   stuff like the beep test do you guys know what the  beep test is it's torture i saw a comment about   uh about uh like oh you guys should try to beat  us and that's where we got the inspiration from   yeah so uh thank you yeah it's actually the  most boring thing ever to film otherwise it   would have been fun to film one of our beep tests  but it's just running back and forth and if people   are interested maybe we can do it at the end of a  session sometime yeah if you guys want to see the   beep test comment below we might include it in  a future video honestly it seemed like you were   just more surprised that you did that move because  you've been trying that move many times magnus   actually had to climb onto the wall and hold my  back as i tried that exact move where i put my   right foot out here this this holes i don't know  if you can see it but the hole is really really   bad so and there were also like big holes in front  of it so i thought it was kind of hard to like   the last session we had was like two days ago  and i remember i said to you no you keep trying   it try it one last time just that move so  that you have it dialed for the video now   you've gotten a lot stronger at that move just  because you tried it a bunch of times that's true come out nice okay now i'm just gonna stop whining and  just do it whining about my heavy legs wow oh yeah indeed i mean it felt impossible a  couple of days ago it looked really fancy though   spinning around it's like a minute root this  one yeah and i still think it's like the hardest   70 plus i've done in this gym now afterwards i'm  going to try the 8a plus and that feels completely   impossible but i don't know now i feel i mean  honestly i feel a lot stronger today than i did   last session we had like two days ago so maybe  i mean it's fun to see me fail i agree i agree   too often i'm just like trying boulders are  too easy and i mean it's not interesting to   watch so mm-hmm should i try the 60 once again  yeah is there anything you can do not to stress   as much because this time it seemed like  you wanted it almost too much yeah i agree it's yours come on yeah come on no no i can't even remember what i  did the first time i just i think i just need to   go again very quick after not yeah just take 30  seconds more and just go again yeah like i was   excited first time i tried it now today but i  wasn't that stressed because i just figured i'm   not gonna make it and now i think i'm stressing  a lot since i made it so far the first time nice come on come on yeah yeah yeah come on nice get  your phone yeah yeah yeah perfect come on yes no but seriously i think it's more of a six  b plus even if it's only six i'm not saying it is   i think it really suits your style i mean that's  what it is yeah i have small hands so it's easier   for me to use smaller holes and they're just  normal normal holes normal holds for a normal girl i was gonna say that i can't imagine how  it is like when you climbed your 9b yeah   or just any not even just that i remember  my first 7b that was probably when i was   my happiest oh okay yeah so it doesn't really  matter what grade because as you get higher like   grade wise you have also higher expectations the  longer you worked on a route or a boulder the more   satisfying it is as always this thing took you  like you had like one or two working sessions two   working sessions but very small working sessions  yeah you can imagine if you've had like 60 then   it's just like it's just like a weight that's  lifted off your shoulders it's amazing yeah i just   i would i definitely think i would cry if yeah  but if i tried to do a route or something like   that a lot of people cry yeah did you ever cry no  you didn't but especially outside i mean inside   you do it more for training i mean always it's  fun if you do a new grade and stuff but outside   you know that the bowler or the root is going to  be there forever and i always thought it was also   more satisfying doing a root than a bowler and  i think that's why i always been attracted more   to roots even though i probably have more  like the body of a boulder when i started   competition climbing bouldering competitions  wasn't really a thing yeah so the only like i   was really attracted to competition climbing in  the beginning and the only type of competition   climbing that existed when i started was lead  climbing and i think that's why i got so obsessed   with it and i've never really thought of switching  to bouldering even though maybe it would have   suited me better i don't know ready to try hard  this is probably gonna be the hardest i've tried   in a while this black one is it has a really hard  second move so you have to hit that first crimp   precisely and then make a weird heel hook and then  that second move i have no idea how to do even sorry it's my language oh but that was really  good for everyone watching that's probably   gonna be like that but also this is the first  time you did more than one move is that yes   oh okay are you trying to diss me now no now  that you did a six seat i'll try the last part   so you can you guys can see how hard that is  and then i try to link the whole thing yeah but   just i mean i haven't done the last moves either  i've done like four of the moves on this bowler oh and like doing that after doing the beginning  yeah it's going to be so hard really hard   i was a little burped do you hear  it that was the salad we ate earlier   in the salmon the norwegian salmon this middle  part here i haven't done either but i think   i'm just gonna start trying it from the beginning  yeah and then how many tries are you gonna give it   until i don't know i never really decide that  beforehand just go with the flow see how i feel   oh that was good that was so good and again i really  tried to shut up while you're climbing because   but i don't really want to like scream while  you're well that's not fair though because i   always like i'm like oh come on come on you can do  that you come on yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i always   say that when you're climbing the first time i  looked at this bowler i just looked at all these   like big holes and ah it doesn't look so bad but  like these are only for your feet oh okay only   jamming for your feet so you don't use those  for your hands at all there's nothing oh geez uh ah it's so awkward to move your foot around that  is so much fun though it's it's been a while since   i found a bowler that was like so uh like close  to the limit yeah so the next video is actually   going to be not from this gym but from the new gym  in christian some remember i made a video there   before the uh before we actually started building  the gym it's a perfect building for a climbing gym   and they're really hard to come by  in our way right now they're like   blue and green and red lights we're gonna  change that i've seen pictures of the new wall   and everything and it looks amazing probably don't  have that many attempts in me so it's now or never so oh so much closer it's that left field every  time you can even see it on my it looks like   you climbed the first part very fast this  time yeah i know exactly what to do so i just   speed through it tell me a nice  story or sing me a nice song so again i don't know i felt so much weaker   at the first two moves now you are getting tired  though probably maybe i should sing a song again it's just been like hard climbing this vlog to  be like just completely honest with you guys   it's just it's hard to find a good thumbnail  and title for a video like this like with the   wim hof method and stuff like that it's it's  easy to to make a like good title and thumbnail   that people will actually click on but this is  just like oh it's another video of me climbing   or us climbing so it's that's but these are i  mean honestly i enjoy doing this so much more than   most of all the other videos that we make actually  maybe it's not so hard maybe i'm just in bad shape   i go back and forth like one second i think  oh this is really hard i must be pretty strong   and then the other second i'm like you know what  it's probably just that i'm out of climbing shape it's like when you take a longer break like  this you just feel a little bit like sore again i think i have to give up honestly  i'm just getting worse and worse so   one more time oh it's over i mean that was  the most fun session i've had in a while yeah   even though it's disappointing not to send uh the  bowler this is what makes you stronger that's true   pain is temporary fitness is forever is that the   phrase oh that's the phrase that's so not true  that fitness is forever but uh i hope you still   enjoyed it if you did please give it a thumbs up  even though i didn't do this bowler but mafta did   her heart is boiler so you should definitely  give it a thumbs up for that that was really   that was really impressive honestly doing  60 now you're at a pretty high level already i still have a goal of reaching a million  subscribers by the end of the year   i know it's probably not going to happen  but it would really mean a lot to me if   you consider subscribing if you're not already  also please turn on post notifications that way   you are sure not to miss another one of my videos   check out matt on instagram she's now  sexy climber we'll see you next time you
Channel: Magnus Midtbø
Views: 1,027,642
Rating: 4.9790716 out of 5
Keywords: Magnus, Midtbø, Climbing, Viral, Insane, Bouldering, Boulder, Crazy, Hard, Indoor Climbing, magmidt, Girlfriend
Id: sMkRijm5qGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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