Build Finger Strength w Magnus Midtbø Method

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Magnus your strong fingers uh yeah I hope so I mean I've got a job as well you're gonna help us on that front okay you're gonna teach me because well I can't because my arms hurt too much from arm wrestling and you way too much to develop your fingers through this method so those things off the ground and set yeah and that's good for certain people if we have a viewer that is 300 pounds probably not the best way to build this finger strength I think it's a I think there's a different it's a different type of strength though because in climbing we usually lock to grip we lock the position while in the finger strength stuff that you do it seems like you squeeze you actively like squeeze things you know yes I think that's a big difference okay yeah well I'm not gonna be doing anything Tom Tom I'm gonna try some things yeah yeah yeah yeah magnets to power build my fingers where you taking me first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna hang off a half crimp okay so half crimp is more or less than ninety degree angle my fingers are so stiff I can't really put them in a ninety degree angle got you uh but this is how it's supposed to look like kinda yeah this is open hand this is fulcrum and something in between is half crack nine is why your fingers do I don't know why I always wonder that okay well at least you're honest okay so now the hardest part is to actually find a place where you can hold for around six seconds not too much more not yeah I mean around six seconds and we're gonna rest for like four minutes in between Wow which is the long rest but if you want to keep the quality high you need to have at least that much so yeah let's I'm gonna find a position where I can hang out from one hand and when I do one hand obviously I have to do both sides to both sides six seconds and then rest four minutes I do two hands if I try to hang one hand on this Oh six seconds and then you do you can start with two hands on this six six seconds and then try pool but maybe you should just try it first not to see like trial it feels like ya know two hands okay yeah one hand that's not know this yeah this one five six wait do I'm gonna keep going how's that too easy or was it oh it's about it's it's moderate level difficulty how much longer do you think you could hang for it um probably 30 seconds what yeah so then you need to try it out why it's okay so try these okay so what's the difference between that one right here neat look at look at the inside of it yep see it's just fatter tomography surface how you usually measure the size of a hold in climbing is measured by pads so this is like one pad half the pad quarter of a pad to see this this is my gosh what is it what is how many centimeters inches uh defensin yours your finger size but you see this is like one and a half so this is like relative measuring yeah not even like the standard you know it's not very scientific no yeah okay so this one yeah you can try that one or you can just go down one that's just like one pad so that's not much okay I'm trying to horrible go through this one - whoo yeah that's good hard quick weight was for your max I was kidding like my tricep was actually starting to yeah hurt and also now you didn't rest too much in between right you try that one and you try that okay so I think okay that's that's good so a minute rest yeah yeah it's like weightlifting one really hard lift and then you just sit around talk but the thing is though you can do other stuff in between like you can do lock up so you could stretch you can I mean there's a lot of stuff you can do obviously you can talk that's more fun yeah yeah yeah or smoke cigarettes would be wow the more ponent you have on these at the house and you could like grill yeah I mean before so that's a read a book I mean I haven't read books anywhere but your house yeah I know a lot of people have these at their house the problem is if you have a few beers at night and you try to hang out with us that's when you get injured when you're showing off showing your friends our own UI so you do six on each so yeah I'm gonna do six seconds one hand on this and then the other hand and then four minute rest and the thing is like you should also correct me because it's hard for me to see how I'm hanging but I should not be hanging like this cuz that's open hand okay and not like this cuz that's full cramp the thing is open hand is easier and it's it's better for your fingers actually but you don't get that much stronger from it because you're not actively doing anything all right [Applause] about half grill six seconds of me [Music] you're shaking a little yeah fandoms are crazy if you look at his uh how many sets do you do this um I would usually do four sets four sets of uh like six seconds hold a second I'll take out 29 to 30 minutes or something you did the math right it's four minutes times four is 16 minutes but then you actually have to do it two and carry the dice yeah and then we have a 16 sided die let's see there's only three there's only three rest periods of four minutes because you only do it between okay right so it's actually 12 minutes yeah and also I would do this after warming up so warm up do this if you don't want to do this at the end of the session okay they're like a 10 minute warm-up to be honest that's usually what I do but I don't recommend that you should do a longer yeah it was like a finisher a lot of those jumps and stuff that we did Roger Roger Roger that's the key to not getting into it Kyle so X is the key to life okay so then there's another one oh wait that's gonna be the same for you though because I'm gonna add weights and I'm gonna hang with two minutes you know hanging with one hand it's a little bit different because they have to stop the rotation and okay like but now I'm gonna hang with two hands and to find I mean I don't want to hang off of a really tiny hold because then it's gonna be more about friction and stuff so instead of that I add weight I put on when I wear belts and and wait on me okay I could do that with a bar and hold weight yeah dad hang but for you like these are big enough right you don't have to add weight I would I would hang on this the smallest one yeah and I would I could probably put on like 50 kilos maybe on this a third of his body weight yeah yeah weight 50 kilos yeah oh my god that's two-thirds of your body weight Jesus Christ would that be like me doing a hundred a hundred sixty pounds ya know if that's gonna work on your fingers there he's hanging these are easing and he's hanging up there Wow cliffhanger yeah that's hard that's very hard I got chocolate oh gosh is he brain over here almost all the finger strength that we do is on half cramp yeah just because it has the highest carryover to Rockland yeah yeah and not even like you think that it's only on small holes but it's also on pinches and everything like all different kind of holes I don't know that my first inclination was to start sucking on it oh that you want to hang with your arms a little bit fence a little bit of tiny little bit yeah yeah Scootaloo like this is only 25 pounds so it's like too easy too easy Maggie's my beau just to illustrate yeah we believe you can do yeah so that's what I mean that's what I normally do either one hand or two hands and then I add weight oh the thing though when I do with two hands and added weight is that I usually get these like cramps in my forearms I don't know why because I'd never get those when I hang with only one hand oh so maybe some of you guys out there know the answer to why cramp but one not one yeah because the force applied should be the same like if you hang one hand or if you add weight so I don't really understand why something's different something's different and like it's really uncomfortable when the one the fingers like cramp up you look like a crazy person yeah my finger will just I can watch TV or something and then my finger will just go like this well mine's doing it too is contagious I know I never had that with my fingers not all gyms have this but this is a system board yeah see see it's like a mirror a mirror oh it is I never even realized it it and look at it long enough that hangs like half crimp we could also we could focus on more pinches like using your thumb more oh yeah and you see there are a lot of these holes where you have to hold on to that and dangle that's a hard hold man I can't do that no way can you do it get $1,000 if you do really I mean what classical rock climbers can do that how many percent yeah if you had to like take all the rock climbers and throw them in a big stadium and say hey this Mira do right know like 0.1 maybe so why not have a thousand or so why do they have in here to pinch holds well yeah now I mean for this we can just do campus well drink yeah so we do it without our feet we're just doing with our with our hands we can make your campus boiler on one side and then we make the exact same Boulder on the other side as a bodybuilder that's probably good too right symmetry symmetry yeah wait so you could do these two you wanted you can do these two pitches the beer thing that well then I consisted with one weight so you're using two oh my god I could hold yes I want to try you're gonna be able to do it it's just gonna hurt you nice that's give it I don't think I could do that for six seconds okay so you're gonna find holes that are good Wow we're gonna do it okay here it's a campus Boulder so you're not allowed to use your feet right you go from this to this to this to that thing to the purple and to the jug and then we do the exact same thing on the other side the other side would be this this this this purple and purple alright give me a show up this dance dance there it is wait for it all right [Music] well okay that was one inside right do you rest in between yeah now dressed all right so let me try this use this heat use your feet all right [Laughter] [Music] [Music] you're 0.1% of Alzheimer's will be able to do this to do this too can I start here yeah oh my god all right where does this exist no no can start somewhere they're doing Ventus I did not invent this no thanks you did you invent the wheel oh well I said use your feet just use your feet it's what I mean even with your fears that's gonna be really hard so come on [Music] guess like yeah those those those holds that I chose for this bullet problem they're very different than like I mean they maybe they look good but it's not like the jugs you know these things they're in cuts so this is like I don't know like an income this is a positive hole because it goes down like that and this is a sloper like a negative hold because it's closed yeah I mean these for someone who hasn't found that gonna be really hard yeah pretty hard okay so you're gonna make him a path you're gonna get you're gonna invent a path that he can do I'm gonna try to make a bullet from that he can do really it's also hard guys because we did the calisthenics video before this no you know it's autumn order no it's out of order guys but I had 200 plus bullets before that just tried to get from the bottom to the top using all hook yeah we did without without feet Tom he did 200 plus ports to yeah yeah it's freaking Magnus MIT Bob give me good are you my dad oh yeah keep going don't give up oh okay so finger strength guys [Music] what I could just skip I was just yet I'm an asshole you don't want to just keep going with the video until you've shown everyone you can do both sides exactly okay well show off that's what I do all right [Music] Oh oh did you just 180 [Laughter] stupid my hand hurts [Applause] no it's like it always depends on the training room that you have what you can do but four fingers that's usually what I do those are the most important exercises and then there's like slopers that's another type of hold it's like this it's like sloping and you can't really use your thumb anywhere those are evil yeah so then you have to that's a lot about body tension you know you have to it's like not really that much about finger strength but even on slopers you you kind of use the half crimp like you will crimp down on them like that I mean those were the most important exercises that I can think of at least okay well if you guys want to learn grip strength and finger strength it's this guy well there's also yeah the one with the weight that you just you've rolled away but either the league's not interesting for one this is like a brawling that I don't know there's probably you have a name for it so you hold the dumbbell your own about yeah are you serious you do that exercise too I don't do it but I know I'm body was an arm wrestlers do that I was like bridging the gap between all these worlds that don't belong it's one exercise under Magnus indivisible with grip strength and justice for all you don't make any sense Magnus he's actually incredible guys if you can actually see this person it's pretty great at free that please just as a wonderful video Magnus subscribed to me as a channel Magnus meant though and his videos I always say Magnus puts more effort into his videos then I put into like five videos he's good so go to his channel thank you guys for watching Magnus you're gonna demonstrate more finger strength throughout our lives hope that heals what are you doesn't look so good [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Juji & Tom
Views: 927,996
Rating: 4.9467793 out of 5
Keywords: jujimufu, juji, tom boyden, how to finger strength, how to grip strength, grip strength, magnus midtbo, magnus midtbø, magnus midtbø workout, bouldering, climbing, boulder, grip training, rock climbing grip, increase grip strength, american ninja warrior, arm wrestling, ninja warrior, indoor climbing, finger strength exercises, hangboard, how to increase finger strength, improve finger strength climbing, magnus midtbo one finger, Magnus Midtbø finger strength, strong fingers
Id: 0sU4O8b_6Vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2019
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