Magnus Midtbø Destroys New Grip Strength Test (WORLD RECORD?!)

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gosh [Music] one of the very very hardest feats of grip I've ever done almost you done with your waffle yeah all right last time you're here we worked out with a 110-pound rock climber where is he he's 109 pounds now yeah but we we got this specialized grip implement called the Beast grips 420 blaze it it's pretty cool yeah and you can put any rock climbing hold on it because has this bolt and that's our carabiner because it doesn't come with one which is pretty dumb but you're gonna attach the loading pin so we're gonna experiment with a hold and make all these climbers try it right because this is what you hold yeah if I can do this you can't - yeah I mean it's a defense on I mean you weigh more than me I don't know eat a little bit more than me at this yeah yeah we're currently using the 30-degree angle okay who's got flat round so it's simulating a rock climbing holds but right we got a bucket look at guys we can use all of these on here there's a pocket these are crimps all this stuff and we're gonna try them all out yeah yeah World Records eight World Records today right how much weight is on this I don't know I didn't count I have no idea easy okay this is on YouTube Nick you've been given vascularity still all sick ok wait did you just do it you did yeah wait do it again it's body weight of B script 420 blaze it nice for now until we go up and wait shoes ok everybody's taking this pumping down right well let's increase it wait one more time yeah sure good bo get in on it Bo's the control he is an on rock climber well you're pretty large oh nice 125 I don't want to beat rock climbers don't want to beat these kids yeah that was a good lip damn it good lord alright alright guys hey what kind of chalk you're trying out there well oh that's Petzl odd never heard of them before would you recommend peso sure I would there's better chalk actually white dogs is even better this is 100 we're gonna feel a little better about myself now this is 125 yeah yeah all right I beat someone yeah this is great I'm winning and somehow that's hard okay I didn't think snowboard is that grip strength so it makes sense boy I ain't gonna help Isaac I know this is 16 pounds more than you weigh Isaac when do you weigh yourself yeah morning or night oh I don't weigh myself regularly but like afternoon afternoon after a meal he's 109 pounds do you weigh like 107 will put that tight [Laughter] oh damn wait here come on this side side wait is that Nicky Coleman yeah I know everything is asking you about your chalk and I just eat it there you go Matt this is heavy all right well we gotta see the strongest of us are we gonna blow out your fingers that's exactly how they do it that's what the lips okay come on Wow I got heavy possible yeah okay we drive it right hand he did 135 pounds for Magnus meatball meatball bangs meatball we don't call him that okay Oh Oh God now that we have a grip implement that's a rock climbing home yeah maybe disgusting yeah this is like rock climbing Magnusson actually I didn't tell you that we got this before you can write no you didn't are you I do like it I love it no but it's cool yeah it's really nice I think that's not the best hole to place on right because it's a little bit tight here between the carabiner and your finger you know yeah but a smaller hole would be better if this was like here instead such like well be scripts 420blaze that had given us a carabiner that was smaller or a carabiner at all yeah maybe it would work better from your hole that's specifically designed for that thing but yeah or just little-boy or something yeah this product was designed for guys that can't actually rock climb like me and he still beats me in it I don't weigh you by a hundred pounds no those designed for rock climbers oh look at him look at him Co did you know this thing existed absolutely not it's not be able to do this so that Magnus is the winner oh you're close you know Nick is gonna be Mahan dudes a Boomer but we've already seen him arm-wrestle because this is the not first video I think we call Magnus on that and then go to go to other holds or unless you want to go up and wait um I mean we can go we can try a different it's Magnus he wants to go home I do want to go up and wait but I don't want to drag out your baby we're good go up and wait okay 150 pounds Magnus you weigh a hundred fifty pounds join his body weight Oh excellent reaction do do I was good it would be that easy for you yeah this is I want revenge you're moving it let's add another 10 pounds just do the whole stack of weights we brought 9s Jesus 160 pounds per man yeah all right this is all we got guys so if he gets this and he's well I don't know we'll give you this thing Magnus okay oh this thing - yeah you cannot like I got a thing last time I know you get things everything you get everything from us waffles rock climbing grips subscribers haha [Music] okay we're not going in and getting more weight now no that's fine so Jews you got 135 max got 160 we'll take note of that let's go to the next hold you what do you want to pick - cuz you want let's uh let's try this this is a very different hold because it's an open hand right this thing we crimped like this yeah this is an open hand wait you can fit four in there three okay Judy might not be able to fit yeah yeah you can't fit for two but it's very uncomfortable that way I didn't pick my yeah but it might actually be even though the pinky is a little bit weird yeah it might be the best way to hold this because you get an extra finger and also you Jam your hand in it kinda you know okay we'll see okay - yeah you've warmed up on this and uh how much do you think you're gonna get on this one yeah maybe fun Jude and ten Magnusson the correct answer is more than everyone else this is I mean this is a very different hold it's I open hand yeah I think Isaac will be good at this yeah that's small fingers that will suit the pocket right and yeah open hand you're going three yeah three Isaac you're going for I let's see you put those four fingers in that hole yeah Wow okay I think might have a distinct can you fit two in there or one uh I could fit you can fit three okay oh wait a minute just screw you guys okay no it hurts but I'm gonna do it anyway competition the winner what's the winner get the hold I don't know yeah you guys get the hold that we stole from this gym inter Peaks cool place would come again way too runny you guys work here I work here oh I used to work again so it's okay we steal a sovereign yeah I don't care I don't work here okay wait Nick you work here work here now all right if they ask us who stole it it's you you stole it oh no it's Magnus everybody loves Magnus so I'm leaving the country anyway Maggie's lost the suitcase so he stole a bunch of holds from the local rock climbing gym you like the four do you it's so tight you need to stack him like that so you're gonna do three I think so depends I don't know I don't know yet Isaac how many fingers are you gonna use or he's going to use for wow this is a different technique that's easy [Music] hey yo we gotta go up a lot man yeah you're right you're right man you have a finger pump his fingers getting pumped okay cool oh he's trying to sing I can't get my why was it easy to get my fingers in before you want to hold on with your thumb but you can yeah that's the problem well the cool thing is we even have to tell anyone not to do that oh wow this is weird yeah yeah you jamming your yeah good Wow I suck nice I'll tell you man I'm getting a finger pump yeah you put your fingers you want to out angle the finger like flexor fingers for the good I have a lot of chalk I'm like here is that come on Ming nice Oh Magnus okay I'm gonna beat you there's no why I want to beat up so bad I've got to beat him somehow ahead I think I want to be Isaac - oh yeah yeah whoo Isaac your leaves are three fingers there yeah is it easier that way I can't tell hmm well we could just keep switching like just fidget around and see if it comes up yeah well you're up this is a is a blue square and a black diamond here for you I guess if we a green circle whoa what them yeah I don't know my pinkie stronger than my that was cool that was your pinkie okay nuts do you have a lot of promises to give to the audience that thing from American Horror Story I did that a lot so I'm really strong it's crying for a bottle and you're gonna help you not give it to him oh good job that's drawing a salver I don't think I got this no 100 pounds let's see it lets see it [Music] you got it oh well this is really hard wait Isaac give your toothbrush it's my last chance your last chance this is soap yeah the last chance the last resort is a toothbrush all right wow you brush your teeth with this I think this is how it works right you just put it in there you just don't want access okay yeah yeah blow it blow it blow it yeah you got it is that we just trolling me always all the dust out yeah yeah really painful whoa I would rather do other things okay okay let's say you don't have to keep doing it thank you okay thanks will you give me something for that oh yeah I can't even react anymore man no easy yeah but the thing is that one doesn't feel that great so we shouldn't go too high and I think that's a good way to enjoy yourself okay going to high level yeah because of the you don't get the full strength of your hand doing it it's like open open hand it feels bad for the tendons good thank you all right hundred pounds you got this is almost body weight with three fingers that would be really really crazy it's like an ant yes like an ant coming over here and lift in a pocket hold come on well honestly this is a really good test of play finger strength between us and them in my opinion like this is really specific trying to make us an Austin then type video yeah we are us and they're them yeah Magnus is them Isaac you're them I want you to not say anything it's pretty pissed off at you all right but we're in a war and it's kind of my fault I got us into this war thing you know I know I'm sorry Tom but dude we take on a lot of rock climbers and this is it's got really hard really quickly okay let's go on to something a little more genuinely nice okay I'm just gonna pick the next one yeah if we want a more comfortable hole that would I would maybe go for this that's comfortable yeah this is like a half crimp probably something okay It's A Wrap as you can see as I pretty around it yeah yeah so I think for our fingers this one will be better guys this is all the way we brought over here let's do it this is a half crimp I I will hold it a half crimp okay this is most like the one that comes with the black one yeah it's 150 whoa someone needs to tighten up he'll bite you whoa whoa whoa where's the forearm measurement and where's the Titan bolt fingers were on the ledge and the ledge was it tightened by you and I fell off the ledge because of you I could have seriously injured my fingers where does the ledge it's right there trust him no I don't you tighten up pretty good brother yeah all right there you go 150 pounds yeah fairly hard okay wait one more try give me some chalk okay take your time what colors my face it's red okay it starts going white about 10 seconds later every time you do this be worried no no no I've seen it many times yeah I just do a real quick okay I did it it's okay it's okay man can we just finish the video I mean I got this rock climbing hold because he's gonna be good at it okay it wasn't for you all right let's get the the other boys on this you guys want to try the 150 real quick okay Isaac how hard was that compared to the other list I felt like it was easier just cuz the whole it's a little deeper right I was able to get like at least one pad of each on the hold but it was harder because it weighs 44 pounds and you were right yeah [Music] oh man to be honest sometimes I think when Isaac is lifting John that it's less his finger strength that's failing and more his back and the rest of my body failed I would definitely agree with that yeah that is something you never thought about have you ever dead lifted 150 pounds you know that's an oddity someone not dead lifting and then just doing it one arm 100 pounds bad I've like dead lifted maybe once in my life Oh Nick you are so close Oh dye your hair blond maybe you'll get it not again okay I gotta say that was actually one of the very very hardest feats of grip I've ever done really that was yeah it took every I'm like tired right now you look dead I mean that one plane like sumo games dead we're done we're gonna do the orange one and it will be done you don't worry don't worry okay you don't have to rock climb you get tall lift up heavy weights with rock climbing holds how much better is that okay is a lot better you're right okay right side okay the glass isn't half empty it's half tendonitis you got there I got an orange slice that's nice just nice looking it smells like a chalk I'm Agnes we're gonna name this after you okay the Agnes orange-peel feat of strength all right I'm just gonna stop maybe stop sometime in you know sometimes it is so arrogant I know camera two I'm sorry I wish you would just be humble like yeah off camera yes I'll try come on if you were this you can move to Florida okay I need I give up you being my enemy in this video now I need your help come on are you lifting I like this or like this Shawna you got to lift this on your own this okay I need agrees okay John I've got the least for a 2-bedroom duplex in Orlando if you get this come on man it's a duplex there's one bath where your finger spreader together together dude is it steps away from Disney World like 25 minutes Wow that's it did you rip it no okay that's good I feel like it's a men in black though when I lose my finger prints oh your memory doesn't get erase just a fingerprint both I don't forget fill these John you wanna you didn't lift any of these weights want to start the video again all right let's give Isaac a try here oh wow your your budging that the stack goes up to his knee position yeah gady give him the good carabiner come on Magnus car con you Magnus Isaac oh yeah your parents only put one a in your name get the other way by getting this left oh wow you're bubs now that's big [Music] oh and all right Magnus what did we learn from this video have we learned anything I think we have I think you excelled at grip implements when they weren't even geared towards rock climbing so then when there was a rock climbing geared implement yeah you did really well with it yeah this is more applicable than a pinch block to a rock coming home but it's nice it's a nice tool I mean it's very measurable this is yeah okay would you actually use it to Train uh yeah would yes sure I mean that's a good way to do some just measure progression I think okay we'll make one for you oh thank you that's a little different than theirs nice [Music] it's okay guys there's a Scholastic Book Fair at the entrance go get some books don't worry guys John you'll get better grip when it's not here to rock climbing doing [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Juji & Tom
Views: 2,867,904
Rating: 4.9019375 out of 5
Keywords: jujimufu, juji, grip strength, grip strength test, magnus midtbø, magnus midtbo, magnus midtbø pull ups, magnus midtbo ninja warrior, ninja warrior, magnus midtbo calisthenics, calisthenics, rock climbing, climbing, climber, boulder, bouldering, rock climber grip strength, rock climbing grip, strong grip, grip, grip gauntlet, jujimufu grip, american ninja warrior, pro climber, grip workout, grip training, 110lb rock climber, grip strength training, grip strength challenge
Id: F1S-30foslI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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