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how do you do fellow kids guys it is like Christmas today and that's because the first part of this video is gonna be me unboxing some mysterious items from something that I really wanted to unbox and then of course it's mini brands so the makers of mini brands suru somehow came across my last reacting to tic toc video where I said this it's this mini brands ball that by the way I definitely need to find and buy there are many versions of your favorite foods and drinks and condiments and bathroom products alright I just looked this up to try and buy them and they are freakin sold out everywhere thanks take top look at them it's a mini Twinkie it literally has lotion in it I don't know why this makes me so excited and happy and they reached out to me and said I know that they're sold out but we can send you a bunch Oh so of course I said yes a thousand times yes and here we are and thus they sent me all of these I have 10 mini brand balls to unbox today but before I unbox them there's two things you should know one I was wrong in my last video saying that they're like 20 something dollars they're more like 5 dollars because they've been sold out everywhere people have been buying them and then trying to resell them for profit so yeah the second thing I want you guys to know is the other biggest thing about these thanks to tick tock there's not actually any product in them like none it's a toy I was fooled too don't worry don't feel embarrassed I thought it was genius that people tried to fill these with real products so my plan is because you guys have really been missing me pranking Bobbie it's been a while he might be unsuspecting but I thought that the mini brands were a perfect way to prank him because he doesn't know that I have this a lot of them but I also want to use them to make tick-tock videos because they always do so well over there so basically my plan is I'm going to open all of these balls and do a proper unboxing for you guys and then I'm going to do what tick tock people do by opening them somehow and filling them with real food because they don't actually come with the real stuff in it like I said and then somehow I'm going to get Bobby to come across all of my mini groceries and see what he thinks but first things first we gotta unbox some mini brands whoo are you guys ready to see my makeshift unboxing set up look at this ready oh yeah that's probably better if I do it the way that you guys can see it so basically I'm gonna have this crazy two camera peel like a real unboxer and then you'll see my reaction up here and what I got down here and oh look at this I have freaking beautiful scissors okay MINI brand ball number one all right what's the best way to tackle these oh I might not even need scissors it looks like you could just pull Wow well that's convenient I just wanted an excuse to use my beautiful scissors why you gotta go making it convenient for me oh my gosh okay this is gonna be the slowest of all the unboxings because it's my first one and I can't wait for this thing to open like in orange okay you guys ready I don't know if I'm ready I don't know why I like these so much I just I need to know it's in it oh oh my god okay there's a pot okay is that what I was supposed to do I don't know okay ready oh I don't know why this is so fun I'm not even an unboxing or a toy channel I just really like food what kind of mini brands did I get from up first oh my god what is it oh it's Marty's oh I'm showing it to the wrong thing wait oh my god it's a Smarties it's so tiny I love it it's why do I love this it's literally the size of my eye and I love it so much I don't know why all right number two oh my god what is this why is this oh my god it's friggin mini grocery store shelves what is this by the way I'm not getting sponsored for this video I just got sent the balls for free to do what I wanted with I just really liked tiny brands for some reason Oh oh my god yes look at this oh my god isn't daddy ice cream yes oh my god now I know which ones are rare to left oh my god dove men care dry spray ooh oh my god it's bacon it's maybe bacon I can't I can't deal all right and that was my first mini brand opening I loved it so much I'm gonna have so many of these all right so to speed things up I'm just gonna keep on boxing them right here where my hands are and then just do a speed time-lapse because otherwise this video is gonna be like an hour long all right let's see what I get all right I am done that took way longer than I thought hopefully you guys enjoyed the little speed up version of it but I'm gonna try and show off every single thing that I got and then I'm gonna show you which ones that I plan to fill with food in order to prank body so yeah a bunch of them came with these mini shopping carts like how freaking cute is this I am just it's too much cuteness so they either came with the shopping carts or they came with these shopping baskets like what is this wizardry it's amazing and then the other thing it could have came with was shelves which I have and I think I'm gonna wait and assemble to display all my mini foods once we move to our new offices so for now we're just using the carts and the baskets I put most of the duplicates away just so I could show off definitely what I got but I did get a couple duplicates as you might have seen in the speedup but let's start with the most rare this golden soy sauce bottle isn't it cool it's super rare I mean it's supposed to be super rare according to the list so I lucked out cuz there's only like five super rare items and I got one of them I also got a regular soy sauce mini Twinkies and mini cupcakes mini ice cream this economy-sized soy sauce in mini version these bathroom supplies even more bathroom supplies mini candy and an emoji Pez this Spencer things you put on bread chocolate syrup various forms of bacon and lastly various forms of rice alright so that was my mini brand haul and now I have narrowed it down to the ones that I think I can actually fill with some product some real food products to try it fool Bobby and or just make him go a little crazy cuz I told him I was going to get groceries and actually instead got this thank God he loves me but yeah so I've decided to try and fill the ice cream the Wet Ones a bar of men's dubser I can't believe it's not butter a jar of peanut butter instant rice and Smarties I think I'll start with the easiest ones first which are the non plastic so like these alright so this was definitely the easiest one cuz it's just in a box but I just cut a chunk of soap off and then tried to carve it into a soap shape and there we go mini dove barb Sifl where's my mini basket there we go okay next is the rice and actually this was pretty easy too if you guys are looking for tutorials I just cut open the bottom and then use double sided tape to stick it back together but if you look inside there's rice oh it's genius just close it right back up and basically I'm gonna have Bobby trying to cut it open from the top and pour it out as if it was already in there I think my main plan is just to get him thinking like tik-tok got me thinking that I actually bought these with actual product in them that's my goal to make him think that I actually bought mini versions of the product somewhere next was wet ones which I just cut the back and literally inside his a little piece of like slightly damp paper towel there big all right Smarties same thing I cut a hole in the back and then I filled it with single Smarties like four of them fit in here so there's real Smarties in this pack okay now this is the first of the harder ones let me just say I do not suggest you doing this by yourself especially if you're a kid this took a very long time and you had to cut it open so ask for your parents help if you're gonna do this don't blame me for anything that happens I warned you but this took a long time to cut off and basically I have to fill it with peanut butter which I'm gonna do right now all right let's do this this video is like part unboxing part tutorial part pranking it's great it just covers all the bases of anything you'd ever want to know about many brands right this is gonna be messy I got it oh I got it oh go go in yes oh my god that's yeah this is the sound and face of pure joy mm-hmm so basically I have to like try to pretend to screw it off and then pretend like it's in there okay this is done next up is butter if this would focus hopefully it's been focusing enough in this video if not you're all hating me in the comments right now yeah go yay all right so this is gonna pop off and we're just gonna try to fill this with butter I'm gonna have to get messy butter get in there I washed my hands I washed my hands okay we can we can eat it that's really good enough that was the smallest amount of butter I thought I was gonna have to do a little bit more maybe not now that's good enough all right and lastly of course the ice cream which I the wait till last cause it's gonna bethe I need to put in the freezer actually until I can get Bobby to come up here also it gave me an excuse to buy some cookies and cream ice cream so I did kind of go grocery shopping you know I got more ice cream as fitting in this than I thought it was gonna oh yes smooth on the ice cream is complete and I even like snap it on yeah good enough all right I'm gonna go bring this all to the kitchen and try to see how Bobby reacts to this is gonna be pretty funny because I mean I don't know about you but I don't think I would ever be expecting to walk into my kitchen and see these mini versions of groceries that I thought somebody was gonna go out and get full-sized versions of but let's see hey Amy hey Bobby want to come help me put away groceries where's all the groceries right here they're the cutest groceries ever was this there are many versions of groceries what what do you mean their groceries look there's like little Twinkies I bought I picked up Twinkies for us just real yeah it's all real it's like a new like thing it's like it's like getting to eat the fit your favorite foods but like on a budget and a diet okay or would you believe me if I said I used a shrink-ray on all of this yeah use the shrink ray that make sense what it could happen I'll give it is there like there's no food nice yeah why would you buy this there's like nothing in it no there's food in it I promise like what wait wait wait wait wait I will pick something for you to try okay but they all have food I swear sure truly do every single one of them yeah here here's some peanut butter that we needed wait I will hold it like I'm twisting it oh yay oh my god look it's peanut but I told you you're gonna make a mess there's peanut butter I told you it's tiny oh you said you want me to be one make one PB&J you also said you want me to pick you up some soap so here your man sir what am I gonna wash with there's some man soap it's a real stove in here yeah it's finger so you can wash your fingertips with it I'm gonna do with this you can go like this like little less you last a quarter of your shower oh yeah that works I mean it'll be better when it why did you waste money on these little things no it's not Oh buddy this is how people frugally lineThe okay trying to we're trying to save money what is going on look butter try the butt oh no oh no no ears okay I can't believe it's not butter did you believe you know I look like this is my little storm like welcome to Lauren's little things yeah butter it's butter right see I told you I wonder you're very confident in putting your finger in random small containers and things that you don't think it's actually butter well it's not but it sponsor me what else can I eat well are your hands messy do you want I got peanut butter a wet one no yeah look open it for you serious oh look it oh look it's a little wet one would you like it there you go see it works yay should I use it with my finger soap yes that's great oh yeah look nice and clean what I don't understand any of this oh I know what you could do next so I got us a little rice so we're gonna share for dinner maybe share yeah ready to share this although I just need scissors Laurens little kitchen is open for business Laurens little kitchen Lauren little kitchen of little thing you even read what's on the packet it says there's a recipe for Korean barbecue something on the back it's Asian barbecue flavor ready rice oh wait I didn't cut it big enough couple came out there's something there in there oh okay yay yay okay yay righty-o you're making a mess Oh on the floor well it's not a lot so when I was my wet-nap what else we got I mean everything is filled with products but I only I only want to open certain ones no what do you got left for me here Oh dessert oh I have a two course dessert from two course dessert we have Smarties Oh first great you can open this why there we go yay oh my god do you want to party really yeah it is they're just like sample things no these are real things it's not even like a sample size this is food of the future oh we just need a little bit you see it a little bit it's like super packed with protein in neutral I'm full right now good oh wait don't be fool cuz you have you have dessert oh I have to get it from the freezer though oh great why is something here's gold oh I won I don't know that the the grocery starts having like some sort of you winners think gold prize I win soy sauce for life Oh what's but only mini versions of soy sauce drinks okay here's your dessert it's a really nice cream in there it's Breyers ice cream what why do you think it was in the freezer oh my god ice cream Hey oh is it melted it was in the freezer that's still frozen mmm do you believe me now I'm so full it's great yeah another happy customer i Lauren's little kitchen that's all I have for you to open but trust me everything else is full of stuff even this mini bacon ooh filled with bacon don't want to eat the bacon bacon we got it no we have to run here a convinced no no I eat them because what woven it later and guess what Bobby's one you've been pranked I filled all these things yeah I get you I don't understand what do you mean you filled them I took hours of my life and performed surgery on little plastic bottles and packages and filled them with product so it's not real I mean in a way it's real just like I don't get this there's actually no people on the internet like this okay this is ice cream it's a kickboxing that means its trendy so there's no deodorant in in this axe this is real no everything is small and faith I prank you good ah I didn't actually go grocery shopping we actually have nothing to eat huh alright guys well that's gonna be a hit for whatever the heck this video was an excuse for me to open mystery brands like ten of them it was fantastic I think I'm gonna make some tic TOCs on the side because these do really good on tick tock so if you want to go check those out I will link my tick tock in the description below like always if you enjoyed this type of video and you want to see more mini brand type videos because I always need an excuse to buy more mini brands and many things then make sure to leave a like before you go subscribe put our new videos almost every single day and as always I will Z Z Z you guys sued [Music] [Music] you
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 4,795,886
Rating: 4.9215503 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, couples pranks, couple pranks, pranks, prank, reaction, reacting, edible pranks, funny pranks, mini brands, mini brands opening, how to, diy, prank ideas, real food, real vs tiny, best pranks, how to prank your friends, pranks with girlfriend, pranks with boyfriend, minibrands, mini brands unboxing, mini brands tutorial, mini brands prank, mini food, mini groceries, tik tok prank, tik tok meme, toy opening, zuru 5 surprise mini brands, tik tok, recreating tik toks
Id: HmB8ZleaMPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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