I Mixed EVERY Cake Flavor Together for MY BIRTHDAY

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mixing every single cake flavor together into one Frankenstein cake this yellow cake says moist supreme doesn't that just make you wanna eat it this looks interesting just know this cake was made with love it can't be that bad there's no way all right ready was a big bite guess what guys today the day that you are watching this video is my actual birthday which means that you have to do everything that I say those are the rules of birthdays so so much power what do I do with this like this video do it right now it's my birthday you have to also leave me a comment wishing me a happy birthday you have to it's the rules and if you're new subscribe to this channel you have no choice today oh thank you guys you're so sweet to me on my birthday oh so I asked you guys on Twitter what I should make for a birthday video this year cuz every year pretty much made a different birthday video and I'll link them in the description below if you missed them and I got a ton of great ideas but I actually don't think anybody suggested this there were a ton of tweets requesting that I do some sort of cake video and I was like how could I take this up a notch like it just make a normal cake and then I realized there was a trend about a year ago that I missed out on Oh mixing every single cake flavor together into one Frankenstein cake and I mean every icing as well cuz why not so this is as close as I get to be the Sophia Nygaard ever because as you can see I have gotten every cake flavor that I can find we'll go through them so you can see how disgusting this cake is gonna be hopefully not cuz I'm really hungry and I've made one cake this is gonna be my birthday cake and Bobby's not home right now so I'm thinking I'm gonna bake myself a birthday cake which he's gonna be like why that's the saddest thing I've ever heard that you baked yourself a birthday cake but then I'm gonna tell like it's my own secret recipe and I hope that he loves it which he probably won't but he's gonna have to pretend like he does because it's my birthday and it's basically as close to being a queen and having people do my bidding as I'll ever be but anyway I'm gonna go through each of these flavors and show you guys what I got and what's gonna be going into this thing I was actually very excited to make this video just so I could have an excuse to eat cake even if it's gonna be a disgusting one thank God I don't have a Cooking Channel because this would be me on day one and then after like a month of doing this I would come on and be like I ate so much cake that I now have diabetes because I seriously can't control myself around icing or cake so this is gonna be terrible this is gonna be my lunch starting with the not fruity cakes on this side we have red velvet which I'm feeling is gonna take over a lot of the tasting color hopefully not but probably we have white cake which is actually one of my favorites we have devil's food cake which may also take over all of the taste and color we have yellow cake pretty much white cake but with egg yolks that's why I don't know why I like white cake more my absolute favorite cake out of all of these funfetti which I'm really sad I'm not just making a cake of this but for you to write we have Bobby's favorite cake carrot cake and then we get into the fruity cakes which I'm guessing is gonna be the reason why this cake does not taste good because mixing fruity cakes with non fruity cakes I don't know I don't know but anyway we have strawberry cake which looks adorable we have super moist lemon cake we have orange cake which I didn't even know existed I've never had this before but sure and then we have pineapple cake which makes this an even 10 10 different cakes going into one cake now yes there was a couple cakes at the store that I didn't pick and here's why there was also a chocolate cake and a double fudge chocolate cake and a devil's food cake to me pretty much all the same thing and I didn't want the cake to be so chocolate base so we went with just devil's food which I feeling is the ultimate chocolate anyway there was also angels food cake but to bake angels food cake requires different ingredients so I didn't want to like screw up the whole cake by trying to bake one that didn't require eggs and oil like all the rest and then there was like a sugar-free cake and a gluten-free cake but again don't think it's baked the same and I didn't want to ruin the whole thing I need to do a little bit of math to figure out how much of each powder I need in order to make one cake and I think so these don't all go to waste I might just make regular cupcake versions of them later for a video that you may have seen yesterday okay so by using maiya aka the calculator that's on my phone I need to use a little bit less than 1/3 cup of each powdered cake mix to make one full cake and let us begin it smells so good all right there's some red velvet that doesn't look right at all it smells so good it's the funfetti one which i think is literally just white cake mix with sprinkles in it not as magical as I have thought but oh my god I literally just want to stick my face in a bulb this normally it would seem sketchy if your face was filled with some sort of white powder but when it's me it's literally cake mix welcome to my life this yellow cake says moist supreme doesn't that just make you want to eat it next we have some devil's food cake which kind of just smells like brownies now we got the white cake and now the last of the non fruity cakes the carrot cake which is technically I guess a vegetable cake look just saying that sounds gross but curious what this would taste like I think it wouldn't be that bad but now we're about to ruin it all right first we got strawberry which probably wouldn't make it taste that bad Apple them oh I've never made like fruity cakes before this smells nice happy birthday to me whoo if you guys have never made strawberry cake like me but just buy it and smell it make sure none of it goes up your nose cuz that's not good but oh my god yes we got some lemon cake this is the other one that I don't know what it's gonna be like orange cake oh my god it smells like a creamsicle oh and lastly the pineapple there we look here is the concoction let's see what color it turn it's turning brown or ready all right there you go this is our new cake mix what it looks like before we put in the other ingredients all right so we have our 1 cup of water oh it's turning pink uh it kind of looks like vomit no but we're just gonna like glaze over that back so all these cakes have different oil amounts but the majority of the cakes a 1/2 cup of oil so let's hope that works there we go still looks really gross and we need 3 eggs let's see my egg cracking skills oh yeah - I'm amazing and three that was close one still no show all right and now the scariest part for me mixing this I'm so scared I'm so scared oh it's getting everywhere this is low as you can see from my face I love baking oh no I think it looks good the consistency is pretty cake like I think I measured using math perfectly thanks man all right got the oven preheating I have my two cake pans which I know I'm not supposed to fill the way I feel like half is it'll rise I know my stuff kind of not really but I kind of want to give this a taste test so it's a little watery I think it's fine it'll be fine so it's definitely like a reddish pink consistency kind of looks like a banana strawberry smoothie or something but I kind of want to have the first taste test because I usually eat the batter even though I do not condone eating batter because it has raw egg in it as you just saw me pull it early putting it in but like one little you know fingers worth won't kill me I really want to get like a taste test of it oh I don't know how to feel about this it doesn't smell like anything it just smells like cake I don't know how to explain it I taste creamsicle like a lot like this does not taste good I'm scared because I eat I at least eat a whole piece of this cake cuz it's my birthday cake now I just got to pour this into my greased cake pans that are the same ones that I bought for that Sims video you just got to try to like evenly pour this I don't think I made it Oh fold take them out the hole [Music] okay so there's a good possibility that these might burn I might just cook them less than what the time says in check oh it's like a little bit less than half the pan max failed me happy birthday to me okay I'm gonna put these in the oven like 30 minutes and check them and we'll see what we got welcome back to Lauren tries not to burn down her kitchen and guess what I did it the cakes are done and I'm done using the other we're all safe now so they came out a little flatter than I think that her supposed to they don't particularly smell bad they just smell like cake I can't really define a flavor and I let them cool for a little bit so now we get to move on to the icings yes so I have lemon buttercream they had various funfetti vanillas in all different colors but I mean they all taste the same they're just a different color so of course I picked purple for me and my birthday and my channel then we've got chocolate coconut pecan which i think is only really used for German chocolate cake and I'm surprised they had it and a cream cheese frosting so I think I'm gonna go about this is I'm gonna take a little bit of each one equally and then mix it together - what kind of color that is and put that in the middle and all over and then our every flavor cake will be complete I'm actually really hungry for this so maybe that'll give it an advantage all right lemon oh that is lemony this is what's gonna throw it off this is what's gonna ruin it all right let's do three spoonfuls of that great buttercream ooh that is a pretty purple look at this they can't see it who knows probably shouldn't be putting something this bright and colorful into my body but it's fine now I can literally bleed purple yes my hope is that the chocolate brown doesn't take over everything but it might the coconut pecan looks so gross it tastes like oh I'm pleasantly surprised by that Stoller's all right lastly cream of cheese this looks interesting just this oh it's turning brown at least it'll be like a purple tinted brow I really want to taste this but I think it's better left as first being tasted on the actual cake so I can eat it all together first so and then we'll try each one separately to see if one of them is good and one of them is bad or they're just both bad or maybe I just concocted the most delicious cake ever but I highly doubt it okay yeah we got like a mauve color going on this is like a mauve a mauve color we're gonna take some of this and just put it right in between oh my god there's such big chunks of pecans this does not look appetizing okay all right we got a nice little layer frosting with chunks here we go well right now we're just gonna lather that on yes so the cakes fall apart don't worry I know this doesn't look like the prettiest cake but we have sprinkles still from that one I think no we can put all over it it has been iced oh look at it it looks not very appetizing I don't even know what color this is is it long baseball brown Purple's close enough okay let's try to redeem it a little bit with some of these sprinkles that kind of look like Halloween colors sprinkling in that magic this cake was made with love I don't know if that will actually redeem the taste but we're just gonna hope it does here it is it's Co hope it's purpley Brown glory look at that craftsmanship I mean the sprinkles kind of save it just a little bit all right guys this is it the moment you've all been waiting for and I've been really nervous about gonna cut me a slice of this beautiful birthday cake made with every single flavor of cake and icing that I could find oh it looks moist uh that's good I'm so torn because I'm really hungry and really really really in great pain but I'm very scared about this okay so I think what I need to do is I need to take a first bite with everything like the top layer of icing the middle layer of icing and then the cake in the middle I've never been so nervous to eat cake in my life like I'm really scared there's no way it could be that disgusting right like I'm really scared I'm gonna gag and or want to throw up it can't be that bad there's no way all right ready oh that's a big bite okay well I'm not throwing up well first of all thought process there is too many flavors to like 8.1 it's a very weird experience if you can I advise you to do this yourself so that other people did this and I was like what would that actually taste like so now I know I think what comes through the most though is the fruits like I thought it smells weird by itself alright let's eat just the cake all right the cakes not too bad actually you know what I taste is pineapple but the most now let's just try the frosting by itself it's delicious color looking frosting and the frosting all it takes is one this is like a pineapple lemon cake and our food not that bad I'll just eat this whole piece of time see in that piece tasted like normal cake what is this it's a Frankenstein cake every bite is a new adventure hmmm the sprinkles are throwing me off kilter oh whatever peace whatever peace that was was horrible oh I know what it is because the cake was a little thin some pieces of it burnt oh oh the burnt piece is terrible I've never been this unhappy eating cake in my life okay we're just gonna skip over that oh god the whole back is like that oh no oh there it is okay I know I said I was been trying to the whole piece I would do the beginning of it and I think this is a my bad I just didn't make it up see the moist part is good this Bert layer right here is not at all alright my stomach kind of hurts now does am I gonna die I think I'm gonna let Bobby try this thing he usually likes everything you eat so I would not be shocked if he actually likes this all in all my thoughts it's not my favorite cake if this was an actual cake what I order ever no never never but it's not the worst thing in the world unless you eat like a crispy burnt part of it no no don't do that oh yeah so weird now what did you do to me I'm gonna have Bobby come try it which is probably to be nervous because I'm gonna be like I'm gonna hide I gotta hide all this stuff first and then just present him with the cake see what he thinks Bobby yeah I made myself a birthday cake cuz it's almost my birthday happy birthday but watch you make yourself a cake cuz I'm sad I mean thanks for you you made me a cake yeah well I wanted to make one for them this is for them looks good yeah they say it's a warren cake what color would you say that is Oh put that boot back you have to eat it like as of like all together alright let me get a piece are you sure you're very accepting of me wanting you to try it what if I did something to it it's on camera whatever you did cuz that for legal reasons you're like well I will a hundred percent say that this is all cake and all icing all cake nothing that's not supposed to be in a cake is it you got to get its weight away a week you better get scoops with like everything I would not go from the back witless licorice we really have like you would likely to all people licorice it gets better as you first the first bite was really really really what's it taste like talk me through your taste process Oh licorice that sounds terrible I said like pineapple creamsicle pineapple red velvet oatmeal Oh listing ingredients that are in it you seem to like frosting is more like fruity pebbles like I keep going back and forth between thinking it's okay and not liking it whenever it's the middle is weird the frostings okay the cake itself is okay yeah the middle is weird out of 10 what would you what would you break this cake I would read it before it's like what I guess I got used to it my mouth's like okay it's cake yeah six and a half Wow yep Rebecca Rosen weed happy birthday to me birthday my birthday cake everybody this is oddly adorable what does it taste like the cake tastes like it's up oh my liking that's funny I mean it can't be the worst if you're still eating it no carrots me orange peels or something orange cranberry or something like that so it's every single cake flavor that they sell at the store mixed into one cake and the icing is every single icing flavor mixed in on one icing so there was carrot cake in it and there was orange cake in us but there was also pineapple lemon chocolate vanilla yes red velvet is in the orange they're not bad [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 2,659,984
Rating: 4.9633341 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, cake mix, trying cake mix, mixing cake mix, do it yourself, cake, cake decorating, every flavor, baking, challenges, tutorials, funny, comedy, comedian, kid friendly, family friendly, mix, i mix, mixing, mix cake, i mixed all, all my, together, mixing cake batter, mixing cake, birthday, cake mixes, taste test, food challenge, laurenzside birthday, mixing every cake flavor, mixing every cake mix together
Id: uKoao_EAuB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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