Testing VIRAL TikTok Food Hacks to See if They Actually Work

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hi i'm rachel zay the lazier rival of carthage i'm kartha gourt welcome back to my cooking show [Music] because where carthage tries to make actual recipes from scratch i'm all about the food hacks baby and what better place to find these food hacks than tick-tock roll my intro world-class cooking from the greatest cook the world has ever known this is late jose nowhere on earth will you ever see the kind of cooking skills displayed that yield the most luxurious tasting results ever sit back relax and enjoy late jose as you can tell from my intro i'm an amazing chef slash baker lifehacker and that's why we have a sponsor for today's episode and that sponsor is raycon earbuds let's go now downstairs to our correspondent lauren's east side to learn more about raycon raycon was co-founded by ray j and their goal is to provide innovative earbuds at prices that don't break the bank recon aims to empower go-getters around the world by creating the next wave in wireless audio technology with its lineup of true wireless audio products celebrities like snoop dogg cardi b j.r smith and melissa etheridge are huge fans of raycon so back in march raekon sent me their latest model the everyday e25 earbuds in this super pretty blue that matches my aesthetic and the carry case while having this really nice to touch coating and being very fun to play with can charge these earbuds four times on a single charge they provide six hours of playtime seamless bluetooth pairing more bass a more compact design and a bunch of new colors raycon earbuds start at about half the price of other premium wireless earbud brands but they sound just as amazing so i've had and been using these for a little over two months now and i'm happy to say i honestly still love them they look super stylish in they are super comfortable for long periods of time they sound fantastic especially for how great of a price they are they connect via bluetooth so quickly and easily i've been using them a lot around the house when i've been cleaning when we've been going for our walks to get some exercise or as upstairs kitchen lauren will tell you great to listen to podcasts while you're cooking and it's not one size fits all it comes with a bunch of different sizes to choose from so that they fit your ear perfectly so if you want to check them out for yourself just go to buyrecon.com lauren's side it'll be linked in the description below and you'll get 15 off your order so thank you raikon for sponsoring this video and now back upstairs to kitchen lauren thank you lauren seaside who's definitely not me downstairs and today i'm gonna be trying out three viral tick tock food hacks they are all absolutely terrible for you a lot of them are bread based but you know what it's okay because sometimes rachel zay likes to be a little naughty i don't know how long i could keep this act up for but it's fun i mean what act i'm rachel zay lazy chef and or baker with her own youtube show all right let's go to the first one so our first viral food half tick tock is pancake cereal oh you heard me rachel zay correctly i don't know if it went viral on youtube or tick tock first because i've seen it in both places but here's the tick tock i found of it [Music] oh yeah delicious so i've seen it this way which looks delicious and i've also seen it with people taking it a step too far and actually putting milk in with the pancakes to actually make pancake cereal i think i'm gonna make the first batch without milk so i can actually enjoy it and then make the second batch with milk which is probably going to be disgusting unless i can make it crispy enough you may be wondering lauren why do you have a turkey baster well i wanted to try and find squirt bottles to make the little pancakes easier to make but uh the stores didn't have any more because you know quarantined so i found a turkey baster it'll work it's it's gonna work i hope it works i just gotta try and make as many pancakes as i need to fill a bowl of cereal this should be great two cups mix okay put in the cup and a half of water all right i actually think this is good the question is can i suck the batter up through the baster or do i have to like pour it into the baster let's see oh it's kind of working oh it's working oh my god oh i think i did it i think it's full oh hey didn't see you there welcome to lachlan's cooking area i'm just heating the pan we're just gonna spray there we go all right let's see how little i can get these with the turkey baster how is this working so well what do you see this they're all perfect circles cooking hack if you need to make little circles of something use a turkey baster that's one from rachel zay herself oh look at it oh my god i'm so good of course rachel zay has a guitar spatula cause i'm cool and hip yo oh my god it's perfect come on flip you're gonna burn oh my god look how many i got at once no i keep putting them on top of one another i know you like to be naughty like rachel zay but no there's a time and a place this one is like the most perfect oh no look how perfect it's perfect you know i definitely didn't pick these recipes because i wanted to eat them no no no oh my god i have to do this like i don't even know how many more times better put my earbuds in all right thank you for joining me cameraman steve for the reveal steve that's not my name joe no date dave no john john no stopword whatever just get a shot of this okay okay this took rachel's a an hour and a half i had to do like 10 different sessions of it so look at it look at it nice it's good in theory but not in execution it just takes a lot of work it's a lot of work yeah and it's probably gonna taste the exact same as regular pancakes yeah i wasn't gonna tell you but i snuck one what i tried to try make sure they're good that's part of my i'm a quality control i'm not i'm not a cameraman oh my god well we gotta get somebody else in here cause you're fired give me the k give me the camera goodbye i need another one all right what you need here all right rachel all right what are you not gonna do cameraman matt i'm not gonna eat the food rachel that's right that's right rachel or rachel rachel thank you yeah of course i don't know you're rachel all right ma'am you're you're i'm good here okay so we're gonna be trying pancake cereal from tick tock so get over here i know it's your first day all right so all of the shots of this always have like a perfect perfect square of butter on top so that's what we're doing pretty good that's pretty good very good looks good rachel pretty good wow look at that it looks fake almost there's two ways to echo about eating the normal way which is like putting syrup on it and eating just mini tiny mini pancakes pretending it's cereal but then also there's a way you can add milk to it which i think is going to ruin it so we're going to try that toward the end probably going to make it soggy it's going to be disgusting it's going to be my worst nightmare i hate soggy bread i like it i'll eat anything all right we need another one hi i'm your husband bobby you mean lauren zisa's husband yes okay i'm not gonna try anything i even though rachel jose likes to be naughty sometimes okay oh yeah oh yeah that's what we call nodding all right we're gonna eat some uh pancake cereal it's kind of cooled off from all the filming so the butter's not even melting i feel like this is just gonna be like eating straight up for it a bold bread is it like eating mini pancakes this was definitely not worth all the time and effort and energy i think i think the milk is going to really separate it make it different the picture was worth it yeah like the actual it's just pancakes especially because you have to make it over the course of like a half hour to an hour a lot of them got cold so pancakes tastes like pancakes i think it's milk time i will eat that whole thing with milk i don't know it worked out today i need carbs all right try it what's it taste like is it life changing tastes like cold pancakes wow lightly syruped cold pancakes i thought these would be life-changing but they're really not like the means of eating it's a lot easier to eat you know like cut them or like it's like satisfying because you're eating with a fork yeah just like look at this it looks really happy i mean it's definitely comfort food for sure i have all these to eat are they good lachel i mean they're bread so yeah you can't really mess it up too bad it's gonna ruin it no it's not i think it'd be really good i'm excited for this gross i'll eat it first because it'll be less soggy the earlier you eat it goodbye pancakes i don't know if i can do it do it i hate soggy just eat it i'm glad it's not going to waste uh yeah the milk no no no no oh stop it i need a new camera man bring me back the first oh my god no what have i done jose welcome back so my adversary kartha gourt did that whipped coffee trend but now viral tick tocks have moved on to whipped strawberry milk observe [Music] so after watching that you may be like lauren i don't see any strawberry nesquik i went to two different stores to look for it and there was none so i improvised i'm gonna try one batch with the hershey strawberry syrup i'm assuming it'll do the same thing because i still have heavy whipping cream but in the event that i need a powder form i did find some strawberry jello which uh might not work at all but it is powder it is pink and it is strawberry so here on the rachel's a show we just strive for good enough we just strive for edible one tablespoon of preferably nesquik powder but you know we don't have any because apparently it's an essential thing right now and then you need four tablespoons of heavy whipping cream which i've actually never used before to make whipped cream oh it smells good already and then you whisk it you whisk it until it becomes cream helps this hair instructions oh my arm's getting tired smells delicious though it's starting to become foam baby [Music] i think it's working we're just gonna try it we're gonna try it it's kind of like a foam i think it worked maybe not as great well also the jello if the jello mix works better then it's a powder problem hashtag powder problems am i right fellow chef cook baked people okay so you're gonna fill it with whatever milk you want and then you just take a spoon and you i mean it smells amazing and i cut up fresh strawberries that's just my little touch you know rachel zay forgot my name there for a second but you feel free to use that if you want ah cut away i'm disgusted with myself oh yeah that is delicious syrup works it just maybe doesn't become as fluffy we go and put some strawberries in here oh my god it's so cute and there you have it it's so pink and cute i just gotta mix it all in alright so we're gonna mix this up oh my god this is gonna be amazing i don't taste the strawberry hold on i feel like it would be better if i just poured some of this strawberry syrup into this it's way better if you drink from the top all right trial number one trial number two once again one two three four i mean i saw people on tik tok coating grapes with this so it can't be that bad to eat right by itself want to just start oh smells exactly like nesquik life hack if you can't find strawberry nes quick all right let's see if this gets fluffier okay so already i can tell that using syrup wasn't the problem last time i just really need to whip it a lot to get it to be whipped okay that was a lot more whipped cause i whipped it josh cameraman james john matt phil this one's more like whipped cream and oh look at this lauren with the good ideas oh yeah this looks more like what it's supposed to look like everybody's doing the whipped coffee nah probably put too much milk in okay let's mix this together they taste exactly the same i mean to me at least i think the milk ruins in it i think you could just eat the straight up whipped cream and be totally happy you do have to drink from the top down though still i waited here cameraman person yes you have to taste test taste test yeah okay see if they taste exactly the same or not well they don't look the same they're not the same strawberry milk they can do some more flavoring i like how this one looks this tastes like strawberries you like that one better it needs more flavor i do like how it tastes though i can't get it to taste like strawberries dip the strawberry oh yeah this is good this is this stuff we whipped here ooh romance between me and the cameraman jose ralph we're just so much in love we don't need to know each other's names um do you like the whipped cream oh see when you mix it this is good this is a good texture this tastes more like a milkshake oh yeah i like the whipped creams by itself it's very good everything's not as sugary tasting yeah especially this there's 11 grams of sugar and a tablespoon it's really good it's still like nylon flavoring good wait hold on this is the only way to test which side of my mouth am i gonna enjoy more okay if you can combine them because this or just put a little bit of the this has a little more strawberry flavor obviously because it has syrup in it but the texture of this one is mmm remember you told me jello wouldn't work yeah totally just strawberry powder interesting which one's the jello that one that's what this is the the whipped cream that's still in here is the yellow one honestly this tastes a lot better than i thought there you go you can't find nesquik at the store because i couldn't find it at two hershey syrup works and so does a jello strawberry mix i approve but i think the best thing to do honestly is to combine the two so you take them put them here mix them up real good ah why didn't i keep the other cameramen late jose all right so we've made our dessert breakfast we've made our dessert drink i think it's time for something a little savory she says while having jelly as part of this so i've seen this on tick tock for a while now [Music] so it's basically a grilled cheese pocket of sorts i've seen people use nutella i've seen people use peanut butter jelly so we're just gonna make a couple different kinds so i have some white bread which i was very excited to buy because i usually only keep super healthy bread in the house to keep me from eating it all and then i have peanut butter jelly and some cheddar cheese slices and i am so freaking excited for this especially because there's gonna be a lot of remaining bread that i am not letting go to waste so these have been done so many different ways the original one i saw was somebody taking these and deep fried like breading them and deep frying them they already have bread on them so what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna make little like i don't know toasty pockets wanna cheese like toasty pocket oh my god it's british talk like a grilled cheese pocket and a peanut butter and jelly pocket then we're gonna grill them in the pan as like the little ravioli pockets and they're gonna be delicious and melty on the inside and but i'm kind of sad because i think i'm gonna be wasting a lot of the outside of the bread to make these oh i just want to eat it all right so i think i'm just gonna do this right off the bat wow it fits perfectly i wanted to use as much of the bread as possible we're gonna use this cut out a circle i probably should have did one at a time actually i might have needed to fill it beforehand ah should have just done this sweets basically making uncrustables okay oh my god i already made like a little it's like a little uncrustables pocket don't pay for uncrustables like look i just need one all right so i got these little cheddar cheese slices we're gonna slide in here and actually you can either throw this right in your toaster i was shown or in the pan but the pan's always better and there you have it we have a little sandwich pocket i'll put that to the side all right that's the cheese one and now we're moving on to the peanut butter and jelly one i think this is a life hack for people who don't like the crust which is stupid it's just the bread it's just more of the bread i've never never understood wasting the bread oh peanut butter jelly grape jelly is best jelly don't come for me okay and there you have it a grilled cheese uncrustable and a peanut butter jelly impressive let's go to the pan all right so we have our butter melted in the pan oh look at that butter and we got i think that's the cheese one this is the peanut butter jelly one and now we wait peanut butter and jelly i think is ready to flip oh look at it yes it's kind of falling apart though crimp those edges did you i did cramp them cramp them better lauren who's lauren sorry rachel come on later i thought you're a pro you're so fired after this that's fine i hate this joke which one do you think is going to be the most delicious what's in this one peanut butter jelly and this one this is cheese she is the cheese one melted peanut butter sandwiches are very good i'm just very upset that these are breaking apart what was the point of this yeah he just made circle sandwiches circle sandwiches oh is that a thing i i want to open up a restaurant called circle sandwiches you're gonna waste so many crusts do really do people really not like crust like there is literally no difference it's just a texture it's different i get that there's a different texture cameraman can you please focus on the show falling apart a little bit cameraman hold on hold on focusing there you go you're focused now i should always be the one in focus okay i think it's good i think there could have been a little bit more butter on the one side but i see the meltiness we're good we're good all right all right ready this is the moment wait wait you're out of focus rachel i move i do a lot of movement all right this camera is just not up to my oh there's like a hard glow coming off that light there okay so this is the moment of truth because in the tick tocks when you open it like when you cut this it's supposed to be all gooey gooey gooey loud noise outside did i not put enough cheese oh there's some goo oh look at that oh that's good that's what i'm ah with burns that's hot all right there's that circle sandwiches and hot glue the peanut butter jelly looks nice oh look at ghouls can i eat it eat it cheese glue first oh oh yeah cheddar cheese was the way to go yeah holy crap it's game changing i usually use american but i think cheddar is way better don't ask me for this do your cheddar good i'm like and she's good yes sir i'm sorry rachel i'm already fired i don't care yeah you're fired it's also overexposed unoverexposed even though this was a very basic unnecessary food hack how do i under expose thanks sorry and i was never taught we're nearing the end i i use different equipment in that days here's so far like you'll say is losing her cool a little bit this is really good the cheese both of them are very good i said it's a very basic unnecessary life hack or food hack but like it's still good it's delicious yeah but once again thank you raycon for sponsoring this episode of rachel zay's lazy food hacks tick tock food hacks make sure you check them out at this link it will be in the description below and if you use that link you'll get 15 off what else oh i'm looking for a new cameraman so if you want to apply just leave me a comment here okay i should have announced it at the end i quit subscribe i quit [Music] [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 2,043,477
Rating: 4.9506192 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, tiktok, tik tok, food hacks, life hacks, pancake cereal, whipped strawberry milk, grilled cheese, raycon, tik tok food, tiktok food, tiktok hacks, tik tok hacks, laurenzside tik tok, recipe
Id: _-NMfTjuZyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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