I Tried Making Bath Bombs With GROSS MYSTERY Ingredients

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this is my least favorite thing that's ever happened to me you can even see the pickle pieces this is such an absolute train wreck oh it smells like mustard so much it smells like mustard so much mustard so the other day while I was at Target I saw this DIY bath bombs and just seeing this in target triggered my past trauma of the time we flooded our bathroom because of bat box like the dramatic music and everything the moments of that day just played in my brain oh no I gotta do stuff yes crap but then I thought maybe just maybe we should actually face our fears of bat bombs Oh so once again this YouTube video is basically me putting myself through therapy yay so we have not used that bathtub since that incident which is almost six months and I'm sick of it I want to use my bathtub I need to get over the fear and the trauma so today I'm gonna be making my own bath bombs Wow look at this professional camera setup it's like I'm an actual DIY Channel I'm not this is probably gonna go horrible and because it's too boring for me to do things the way that they're supposed to be done I'm gonna make these bath bombs a mystery by filling them with something that should not be in bath bombs like food items and then I'm going to use them on body because why not I'm not gonna use them on myself I know what they're filled with all right I got it open and I found this but now I'm super frigging confused because it says jewelry instructions what they're mine we good it's the right instructions they must have just missed printed I don't know all right as you guys can see I have laid out all of my ingredients apparently you can make ten bath bombs out of this kit we'll see about that but I'm probably gonna make one on camera it's just gonna be the same process over and over and then I'll just show you them afterwards and what I put into each of them all right so we need two tablespoons and one teaspoon of baking soda and then we need four tablespoons of bath bomb mixture have no idea what's in this that it says mix with your hands to get all the clumps out you can also add dried flowers we suggest rose petals oh do you mean the dried flowers that you provided me with that are rose petals not yet I'll save those add 1/4 teaspoon of the mica powder color of your choice oh my god if you want to make a sparkling glittery bath bomb add 1/4 teaspoon of glitter as well Bobby hates glitter so we should probably put it in every single bath bomb that I make why not all right I think for this first one I'm gonna make it gold whoo that is metallic and we got some glitter Bobby's favorite thing in the whole world just a little bit we need enough for oh god it's so glittery now we mix this all right now it's time to add some essential oils we have gardenia lavender vanilla and rose I'm just gonna do all of them cuz I want Bobby to have a scent overload blend up the oils now I'm supposed to pour the water in slowly as I move it around Oh visitor ready oh yes it's a 1/4 teaspoon of water that's it I feel like I didn't I missed something why does nothing ever work out the way that I want when bath bombs are involved this is not gold I don't see the glitter anywhere in the pictures the pink looks really pink and the gold looks really gold it's just one four teeth I just watched the video instructions and no I did it right ok time to mold I don't know how this is not gonna immediately fall apart all right here's both bath bomb halves and I think what I'm gonna do is kind of like scoop out the center if that works it's not working okay cut out the center we got a little bit of a metal crevice going because I made this one go I was gonna go for a yellow ingredient to fill the middle way even though it doesn't look gold it looks tan but our first secret ingredient I thought would be mustard so the ingredients that I tried to pick are ones that I thought would not clog our bathtub and thus creating another traumatic bath bomb related incident gross I don't even know if this is gonna stick together ooh the smells are weird it's like mustard mixed with really nice spa smells 1 2 3 okay I have to hold it for a minute I'm hoping filling the center doesn't like destabilize it I don't know so that when I open it it's just gonna become a mess and prank me instead oh no no I was just about to say it's been a minute oh no I see the mustard coming out it's been a minute and I need to try and take these out oh that's so oddly satisfying oh my god it's so perfectly the mustard has started to bubble out I think it's having some sort of reaction with the baking soda oh my god guys it's good it's live all the baking so god it's gonna own oh no no this is going great it's having some sort of reaction with the baking soda I don't know what to do why do bath bombs hate me it's still going all right new plan we're just gonna mix it all together why is going terribly I'm putting the gross mystery ingredient right into the mix oh it smells like mustard so much it smells like mustard so much why bad bubs are so evil that was the weirdest thing though why there must have been an ingredient in the mustard that was counteracting with the baking soda in the bath bomb and it started like growing it smells so gross okay we're gonna try this again because you know perseverance is key guys never giving up just keep in mind I have to do this a bunch more times well he'll a hundred percent be able to guess what ingredients this is because even with the essential oils the mustard smell just cuts right through all of it okay and at least it'll probably stay in better I guess I I don't know silver lining I've run out of ingredients somehow we're gonna make this work we're going rogue going rogue for this not even measuring ingredients anymore this is such an absolute train wreck never doing anything bad on related ever again I just need a little bit to get them to stick together like glue mustards like glue it literally did nothing okay so apparently Eddie an outside ingredient like mustard keeps it from oh Jesus oh it feels like I'm trying to make a sand snowball and it's not gonna work oh my god it's a ball guys I did it it's not a very stable ball but that's fine guys I did it I made a bath Bob it smells so much holding that's more than I thought it would it took 40 minutes to make one great I can't tell you how many bad memories are coming back from setting up this camera in this bathroom again but welcome back remember oh my god the box is like full okay okay so I made six and they actually progressively became better looking but still disgusting and they all smell terrible like trust me when I tell you they all smell horrible okay here are the first three that I think obviously there's a situation going on okay this imploded one was relish you can even see the pickle pieces and I think the relish slash pickles have way too much moisture obviously and liquid and this is what happens I'm just going to scoop it and put it this is the original mustard one you saw me make that was a terrible fail as well and this is ketchup I didn't even need to add color to that that that's all ketchup but the last three came out really nice they actually look like scoops of ice cream but way more disgusting this white one with glitter I don't know if you can see in the camera that is mayonnaise mayonnaise bath bomb this one is hot sauce and I crushed up the rose petals to give it like a chili flake look and this weird purple one is Parmesan cheese with purple coloring they're all disgusting so I'm gonna fill up the back have Bobby come in and see if he can guess these as I put each of them in I feel really bad about this but it's the only way to get over the trauma that happened in here okay sir your spa experience is ready for you aren't you so excited to use the bath again it's fine no it's fine it doesn't I'm only doing one at a time and it doesn't do anything doesn't do anything when it's one of the time we tested he didn't say about that so it was a good idea to come back here this is the situation micrometer ourselves think of this as therapy okay we're not doing multiple bath bombs that one one at a time and I have made that made them made them oh yeah I baby how did you make them I made them with a kid that I've got from Target can you sponsor me but I decided to add my own mystery ingredient to every single bath bomb mustard maybe this is a true Frank no this is my this is problem me this is my own doing so basically the game the game the therapy game the therapy game okay I yeah I like therapy games each one of these has a different mystery ingredient you have to guess what the mystery ingredient is mustard me I'm gonna do the first one that I made first which is this one don't mind the bush that's on it I will explain later to first you may hold hold it like this yeah oh no oh it's gonna start going wait smell it sniff it you have to guess then you can put it in and then you wait smell it more oh it's mustard I don't know we'll find out when you put it in I don't like these memories at the end of this what's the color on this translucent it's gold that was a rose or glitter oh yeah there's some glitter no white with gold glitter the white one has the most glitter oh yeah I see so much glitter see look it's not traumatic are you relaxing yes do you feel relaxed no I'm nervous what do you smell it yet getting with whips of your water starting to turn like yellow brown with some mustard hints of mustard is your guest mustard mustard it was mustard mustard bombs uh-oh I smell it a lot now it's gonna smell so bad in here ooh you like this thing like in real life look how perfect this one came out this is my favorite one I like this Oh No go I know you can't you can't well let me smell it whoo no come back hot sauce hot sauce no that's okay that's rose petals I tried to Amish petals and hot sauce yeah they're supposed to be like spices Oh for some reason every time I makes an ingredient with these things it would make the ingredient smell like 10 times worse I don't know it was the baking soda or what oh this is lovely so relax can't you see how relaxed I am you look really 10 my shoulders are tense at all so that was hot sauce yes so let's do this one don't worry I'll wait I'll do the bush won't last much one there's one that disintegrated it didn't work out so well this one kind of disintegrated too as much as the bush one okay this one I mixed with all other essential oils so it smells weird wait oh well it's really it's really powerful what is it these oils no they're all mystery things they're all food items is the only hint of vinegar it's an ingredient of the thing that's in there I don't like this it was ketchup she's the worst only one well it smells really yeah it's ketchup yeah vinegar ketchup get it yeah it's very vinegary oh so relaxed just then the condiment bath on a scale of 1 to 10 how relaxed are you before are you scared about money money more always scared well I see this is the therapy I'm giving you something else to be scared of flooding yeah like a virgin never mean replacement therapy it definitely just made that word of a virgin no aversion therapy it's not when they show picture something they slap you okay these three are probably the worst three of them all that's worse yeah I'm gonna go in order from least worse to worse yeah okay here's the pretty purple one I did color this the ingredient is not actually but you can see something in oh man smell yeah I also having lavender so it's lavender it's something else you can fight the lavender hmm so little pieces rosemary bit of basil no okay it's probably tell you what the things are it's part of John cheese oh geez that's what the strings are I'm not gonna say what this looks like but it looks like a baffle throw-up yeah it pretty much is oh this is so gross I don't like this it's making a red oh my god the hot sauce is made a red ring around the tub we're gonna brewing this bathtub again this is my least favorite thing that's ever happened to me and I'm all the thing all the things all things just gross the last two were really bad great and this one I have lots of glitter and good whiff okay I left this the color than it is al I think this is probably pretty good mayonnaise it's it's basically egg and fat I mean compared to what I've got so far it's not that bad I don't know what it smells like it here well it's all glittery oh this is gross this is disgusting what is superglue yeah don't like this okay so the last one was a failed one but we're gonna use it because it's great want to take a guess at what this is it's cereal cereal no it's green broccoli no I smell it really Oh God and what is wrong with you stop stirring it up you're scared to touch it yeah I'm in it are you less scared about flooding Oliver no no it's just another layer you the version does not work at all do you hate the bathtub you're never gonna take baths again whatever sucks this is disgusting I'm really worried the tubs gonna have a red ring back yeah yeah people are thinking murder people to stuff end video see you later well I kind of see the glitter it's right there it's like shimmer you okay I don't like this at all I have this uncomfortable in forever okay I'll get you out of there yeah be relieved yes this is so gross just turn around [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,908,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, laurenzside of gaming, funny girl gamer, bath bomb challenge, bath bomb, bath bombs, bath challenge, gone wrong, kid friendly, surprise bath bombs, 100 bath bombs, 1000 bath bombs, flood, flooding, water damage, gone horribly wrong, bath bombs gone wrong, funny, fail, bath bomb experiment, bath bombs challenge, DIY, mystery, food bath bomb, food, laurenzside prank, bobby
Id: sYr2LkEx3vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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