CATFISHING My Family & Friends with the NEW Snapchat Filters

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oh my god those are your fingers welcome to Lauren Z saturation side evil hey what if you your kid was up at night and it just looked like this like just staring at you from outside the hallway like hey guys so today I'm feeling a bit mischievous like I want to do some trickery at the expense of my friends and family yay at the same time I've been trying to figure out a way to implement the new super creepy snapchat filters that came out into a video idea rather than just straight-up reacting to them and then I thought hmm are the creepy snapchat filters so good that they could trick somebody into thinking that the snapchat filter photos are real let me show you what I mean just in case you've been living under a rock lately and haven't seen these ridiculously creepy snapchat filters I'm like Twitter and Instagram and everywhere also yes this is my snapchat profile but I don't really use snapchat except for the filters first up have you ever wondered what would Lauren Z side look like if she was a man well you're about to find out right now yay I don't think you guys or me are ready for this I have not done it yet but I've seen other people doing it alright three two one man defy me oh my god I look like my brother I look just like my brother hold on I can make this even better uh put a hat on hide my hair the only thing that's probably gonna give me away is the eyelashes and maybe my shirt cuz my brother would never ever wear shirt like this oh wow God okay so I'm gonna take a picture and then I'm gonna send it to my mom and see if she thinks that it's my brother okay hold on I'm gonna try and open my eyes okay so you can't see the eyelashes in the makeup that much okay oh God okay I think this is as good as I'm gonna get it oh god I sent it okay so I started a new text conversation so you guys can't feel like what we were talking about beforehand even though it's nothing crazy crap her responses still went to the other chat look I sent that but then when she responded it came to this okay so she wrote lol that's him oh that's you no it's Ryan really now it's you made up to look like I'd send another one this is so creepy she goes that's your nose and eyes and neck what do you mean I thought was pretty spot I mean for a second she was like really no I said another one and she's like that's your nose and eyes and neck pretty sure I put a man neck on me but those are your fingers did he say it is him ha she's so confused his eyes are much darker Brown should be like are you sure are you sure though all right I also just set the picture to my brother found a photo of you what say looking good but that's not something I would write to my brother that's weird now I'm sending to Bobby Ryan got a YouTube hat cuz otherwise why else would I be sending a photo of Ryan I think this shirt gives it away way too much all right well while we're waiting for responses let's go on to the next fun filter all right what if I tried the woman 1 oh my god I look like vixx Ella a little bit like a tiny bit oh my god I have to send this to her take a picture I don't know why my hand was up this is how I always take selfies you just don't see the hand jazz hands jazz hands make selfies awesome okay kinda looks like fix Ella maybe not as much as I thought Oh Bobbie just got back to me um what who is that it's Ryan my brother I thought this would be better I thought people wouldn't know I just broke my mom you sure about that oh my poor mom bless her there's no way mmm are you sure though but are you sure yeah he doesn't have a chiseled chin boom thank you hmm the eyes look like yours did someone make that a weird to edit or filter or some fan made this gender-bender I guess would you still love me my mom oh my god yes I know my kids ask him oh good job mom good job probably gonna be bouncing back and forth cuz people are taking a little while to like respond but I'm gonna send I actually have Sasha's number from being in England with her so I'm gonna say Vic Scelzi side this is like if somebody took Sasha's face and mixed it with my face would you still love me bobbies not sure understandable also apologies if the colours and the lighting keeps changing in here I think it's my shirt but we've we've come too far now to change it I think this shirt is messing with the lighting and then I keep going to fix it and then it keeps on fixing itself so you know what welcome to Lauren Zee saturation side all right next filter while we wait for responses so far I have only kind of fooled my mom a little bit and Bobby thinks that this is a fan in it so I guess we're doing okay ooh the baby one yes okay ready ready for baby Lauren Oh God oh I don't like it oh this doesn't even look like me as a baby there's a rattle this was the whole pretend to hold this this is so scary googoo I don't like it this doesn't even look like me as a kid okay I'm gonna send this to my mom too hold on I'll change my shirt okay I put on a hoodie don't know if I actually wore hoodies when I was a little kid but at least it's a different shirt kind of pose what I do is a little kid trying to pretend to hold the rattle oh got my wedding ring on no my hand can't do my hand all my hair is purple that's fine yeah my teeth are all messed up okay so we're just gonna I just started looking what I would look like if I was an evil child evil hey I can't do anything serious for more than five minutes close enough that I'm gonna get let's take an evil child photo - Oh beautiful my mom is super into it did you show Bobby what did he think um I'm just gonna totally ignore and be like oh I also found a photo of me as a kid as a little kid there's no way I purple hair for one and for two this looks nothing like me as a little kid who I know and then Bobby oh you wanna see a cute photo of me as a little kid you know what I'm also gonna rope in Scott and yeah me just gonna rope all them in friends family my brother has still not replied it's probably because he's traumatized oh my god my sister yes - my sister Ron you got a youtube hat she responds yeah he's already suspicious do you want to thank you photo me as a little kid this some sort of trick question there you go the cutest little kid photo I ever took if I do say so myself my mom that's funny did you do that oh and we probably won't need any dinner I'm still too full from lunch it took longer to get our food than we thought well at least you know that my mom doesn't know that I'm making a video right now and this is real I'm really trying to troll people okay no worries about dinner love you Yemi said that's terrifying what's on the left a demonic baby toy that's my rattle also here's a photo of my brother cuz you know normal conversations that I have with you Amy I'm just like do you want to see a baby photo of me do you want to see a photo of my brother I'm never going to sleep again good that's the plan oh my god my sister what is happening uh what do you mean it's Ryan okay back to ya me I didn't know your brother was a youtuber what's his channel Oh subscribe his username is man Z sighs back to my sister what is happening why is his next kitty in his no slimmer I'm a loose back to ya me he's kind of hot alright this is going to a weird place now back to my sister where his eyes always stunning Wow everybody's hitting on guy version of me Scott didn't respond I'm just gonna spam him with photos he's not responding I hope he's doing it's Saturday night I hope he's doing something really important I hope he's like either on a date or with family Bobby finally responded he wants to see a picture of me as a little kid yes cutest picture of me as a little kid I don't even know what to say what a gay also here you go cuties little kid photo ever so my brother didn't respond Sascha didn't respond but everybody else did oh it's got didn't respond I honestly really hope Scott somewhere important and like his phones blowing up and when he looks at it yes and he's gonna be like why my friends with her why does she have my cell phone number I'm adorable right you had purple hair as a kid no it was a wig see purple hair was always my destiny what is this everybody so confused about the rattle it's my demon summoning stick that I add as a kid WTF yeah I mean it looks like it summons something look at it look at it it looks magical my sister hasn't respond to it yeah I never got back to yeah me let's go send Winx oh yeah yeah all right while we're waiting to see if we get any more messages what other snapchat filters do we have the man the woman which definitely makes me look like Sascha / vixx Ella baby which oh god I keep going to the evil baby piece but if you your kid was up at night and it just looked like this like just staring at you from outside the hallway like oh my god I'm a cheetah I'm a cheetah cat with the choker necklace I'm a smart teddy bear what else we got makeup looks a me dog I'm a Polaroid picture I'm a serial killers collage this looks like a collage a serial killer would make weight I'll make it creepier hold on cuz that's just what I do as you know saving that kid Dan Ewing on home flour I'm somebody you would not trust running into at a gas station this is all I do just make funny faces on snapchat this was like the original app that I had maybe like two years ago and it does the same thing it makes you look like a man or a woman or an old person or young person yeah also I have given up on the lighting and the saturation of this video giving up I'm moving in two weeks I'm getting a new camera getting a new setup I'm getting a better quality camera and a better quality background so just bear with me okay all right so basically I have to take a picture super beautiful Wow I don't look like a deer in headlights at all gender swap let's see okay oh no wait why is the picture on the left why do I have like perfect makeup done when did that happen oh it's the Hollywood look oh well you could see blonde black purple and like a pinkish red so that's another hairstyle for me this has changed a lot since the last time I did gender swap why did it also age me a ton I do have a majestic beard though hmm yesterday today what happened between yesterday and today I look a lot better today than yesterday I'm like airbrushed got my makeup done tomorrow I like aged 30 years okay that's like 30 years uh getting old me's an old person yay me young oh it says I'm still young pretty much yay he's a man oh god I'd aged even more with this one upset colors going all over lighting is all over the place Oh creepy bangs why the cubed bangs maybe I should go back to bed there's such a pain in the butt though ái beard oh god a goatee oh no a mustache oh my sister finally responded I bet she's glad that she checked her phone today you enjoy that alright well the man version of me was definitely the best and probably most convincing one I still think it looks almost exactly like my brother I pulled my mom little but I guess that was it so yeah I'll just close out with being my male counterparts this way you can either look at me if you prefer ladies or you can look at him equally as good-looking but that's gonna be good for messing around with snapchat filters and trying to see if I can pull anybody I didn't really I didn't have really high hopes but it was fun either way oh I want me with some WTF switch I got if you made it this far in the video and you like man version of Lauren and then make sure to leave a like before you go subscribe if you're new to the channel I put out new videos almost every single day and as always I will see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 4,942,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, laurenzside of gaming, funny girl gamer, prank, catfish prank, snapchat gender swap, new snapchat filters, catfishing, snapchat gender filter, snapchat filter, girl snapchat filter, catfish snapchat, pranks, challenge, funny, snapchat boy, photo tricks, picture tricks, selfie, photo ideas, camera tricks, funny pranks, trying, testing, i faked, i tricked, family friendly, cursed snapchat filters, 2019, snapchat, real or fake challenge, funny fails, photoshop, fail, fails
Id: mcFngIwHOK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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