We Tried KIDS CRAFTS ...but We're 30 Year Old ADULTS

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[Music] so Bobby yes you know how I'm a 30 year old lady almost 31 Oh God and you know how you're a 30 year old man find a good one you really did I made it better and you know how you're a 33 year old fella how the fella yeah and I thought that this was the perfect time for us to start doing arts and crafts mmm okay but I didn't know what 30 year olds do for arts and crafts pottery meeting no we got to start from scratch since our first meeting crafts adventures you do arts and crafts lot are you rolling up I did I didn't well that's okay because today we're gonna be trying arts and crafts that are made for capes oh I felt really weird ordering this stuff during this time period they deemed it a non necessity which true but then I was like maybe they'll just think I have children that I need to entertain in the house no we need to be entertained I had tested this out with Scott not too long ago you were there I was there and we found that the best way to try and be the most creative you can be is under time constraints absolutely because everybody knows that the goal the end goal of arts and crafts and who's to win is to win yep and get the glory yeah of course so we're not just gonna enjoy these crafts we're gonna compete compete these guys each other yeah oh yes I didn't know that oh yeah let's go you have no prior experience though I mean she made Super Saiyan armor out of cardboard I made a technic halfpipe I made a bunch of lightweight at that stuff a lot of cardboard things I'm making cardboard no cardboard sculptures nope also I don't know why we have black paper black outfits and like a background dark times these are dark times that's why we're gonna fill it with a color image reflects our mood symbolism alright so I have three there's three rounds okay okay good kids craps yep so you're gonna be judged each round and judging Scott is come on in Scott oh wow hi Scott the people watching this video are gonna vote it's gonna be an overall vote at the end for all three okay I'm gonna set up the first competitive kids arts and crafts Jimmy okay so as you can see I have set up our beautiful arts and crafts area you know we're making slime slime not so much making Simon and DIY slime cake we're compiling slime we're compiling slime I don't even know if we're supposed to like mix these together to make a color I know let's read the directions how to play your slime kit how to play how to play the game see it is a game choose your favorite kit and slime mix live and kits by hand okay but we have tools we have very random tools no such straws you know to drink the slime enjoy your di slime with your friend oh oh my friend put the slime into the containers after playing so you can play it next time already how much time do you think we should have play with slime three to five minutes for a minute for raise the middle I'll give form it I'll give the extra minute because we gotta like open some stuff and yeah belly so do you have do you wanna do you wouldn't need a second to North I have a plan I would plan hey I know where I'm going first okay ready ready three oh why am I scared be very afraid I'm gonna just don't like being competitive with you take it too far nah let's go alright three two one I think I'm going to purples I hate touching slime though this is gonna be gross oh it's not as gross whoa it's so weird it's so firm it's like jello I'm firm it I know they use tools because Oh with your section works okay chop wait there's no stars there's food Oh Lord look at this high pressure that with the thing that I'm helping you why are you helping me we're in a competition it's this line I feel like I should not wanna kind of sad you took the clear one now keep in mind you're making one slide one yeah I make multiple slides no time yeah I found out what the straws for letting air out as you squeeze it what no but a liar it's getting wet where's the moisture coming from you this is it we're not wet this coming from don't put too much it may be just a gold shards Goldschlager inspired slime Oh God oh that's cool [Music] I guess it is now yes here we go here we go quick Bob be quick be quick come on you got time you got this you got this slap it down use the cup use the cup use the cup there we go little goals okay I hate it don't like this okay get the blue open here blue look good okay so we each doing to it I'm going for two oh no oh no Mike bleeding on 45 seconds oh that didn't turn out the way I want how much 30 seconds okay Footwear blowing okay 15 seconds done what damnit I'm very proud of both look how cool my gold Silent One is a little a little bit of a mess oh we know what this might be for tell are we displaying ours to each other yeah we have to do it to the okay well I'll do my first cuz I think they're the best like glitter shirt denim here is my gold Slugger inspired one there's an alcohol with gold flakes in it so this is oh you're just Sparkle your slime with gold flakes yeah look at that it's pretty cool okay this next one is okay it's orange slime with some blue flakes it looks good it's it's it's not as exactly how I wanted to throw it but I still think it looks cool the contrasting colors are good they're not perfect but they're good so there's a mine I was going for some it's inspired colors there this was the first one I worked on but I think I like the second one better okay this is my first one I probably should have put more in it but you know I've never made salive but then this is the second look it's pastel II it's like a pastel Kerbal yeah and my inspiration for this one was me because I'm purple and filled with food good food like I like I like yours a lot oh yeah I'm actually jealous I I went with way too many flakes yes this is very fleek happy with yours good job I I would say you won yeah I do like my Goldschlager one now it's pretty cool okay so you're in trouble because I used to do these all the time as a kid really window are a window art so there are these little plastic like flying art things that basically you just have to color in with paint and then when they dry you can hang them in the window and it shines pretty colors through it cute so we went through these and picked two of our favorites because we're just gonna start doing two of every activity which two did you pick I picked he's like a dinosaur yeah there you go little t-rex kind of guy and then I picked a little sea turtle well turtle dude so I got a dream sure sure I picked this random princess queen fairy thing and I picked Oh cute a bunny because we're still in April we're close enough to when Easter was so I thought it'd be cute to make one of these you know oh and then I could put it away with my Christmas decorations if it comes out good enough no Easter yes what did I said Christmas my brain is melting I'm stuck in the house yes I understand I mean you thought Scott was here earlier so oh all right so he decided to up the time can we do five minutes or six minutes five minutes five minutes maybe six are we doing 6 mod time but I think we need it because there's a little bit more intricate and we might need to wait for each other for you okay already we're gonna start the timer in three two one oh you went right for the sparkles again what is it with you the sparkles I need it for my blue this is doing like Photoshop before there was Photoshop candy maybe that's why I like Photoshop cuz I used to do this yeah I mean mine is coming up pretty good I love coloring in the lines I think that's like a characteristic of somebody who like follows the law not only that I do color in the lines but I enjoy coloring in the line well satisfying when you get it done correctly that's why I like those little the like adult stress-reliever coloring books oh my god we should do a video where I just do that I would be the happiest I don't know what I'm talk about but I would be happy oh no oh no oh no they give us these paints but then like one size nozzle so if I have to put it in a small space that's what she said oh shoot not talking about other day focused I don't know what color I'm making the shell can I just made the spots orange I could do gray oh my God we're ready at the halfway point no I'm so screwed I know it I need this I need to start the other one thank God we did six minutes oh you took the color I mean it was the same go to the next one gosh you all saw that the ferry girl is gonna look real rough if I only have like two minutes to work on her oh crap all right I'm moving on half come in a second but I'm trying trying not to give up on this money how am I supposed to get it in the ears okay there's no way I'm getting it in there so she said uh I mean my buddy was horrifying Vegas I'll give her purple hair because I have purple you're so focused so which I was left uh a minute 45 okay we're gonna get them in good shape I knew this dinosaur would be easy oh no I pick the most intricate ones why did I do that like this girl has a face girl I have not color in your face is this skin tone it's gonna be oh so the opposite side what we're supposed to do okay I think so I hope so okay I'm just putting this what did I do this to myself why oh you're sparkly is cute I'm using all yours up so much better than mine yay it's finest men expense money hold it in five seconds feel it I mean you can kind of see what it is so we're supposed to look at the opposite end yeah but be careful of it oh yeah that's good why don't you good I'm too scared oh [Music] okay this is my moment of truth for mine because this is a disaster on this side okay we gotta wait for those to drive yep well we made them beautiful well anybody driving by is definitely gonna think we either have kids or got these from kids but in reality we made it and we're proud of them okay so this is the most intricate of them all there are many erasers but we use clay does clay erase things I don't know even gave us this really cute pencil with like a cute face on it to put the eraser on but yeah make it you big getting a new erase apparently with clay interesting so we'll see but again we're gonna make two but we're giving ourselves ten minutes this time because it's pretty we have to like work with really little things and it came with this little pizza box so I said my goal is to make a pizza slice of pizza okay oh there's a rainbow cake so there's a rainbow cake in here I might change my mind halfway through where's the rainbow cake oh wow we'll see so look there's also I have a two on pizza so if I glance at this from time to time that's why I'm gonna make the football which it'll be very easy and then a ghost from destiny which would be very difficult good luck I'm excited are you ready I am over there in ten minutes right we said that yes oh yeah I have the timer although I'm making my little pizza box Oh looking cute I mean who's ready ready three two one go ten minutes I need my ghost I'm gonna start with the ghost we have this tool that they gave us too oh yeah you're supposed to need it to soften it up with your hands knead the dough well make one thing and then see what happens okay about a minute to do this thing yeah was that minute for one girl learn one piece of one color there's something really oddly satisfying about like first cutting this cutting it yeah I'm just breaking I'm just crumbling mine this kneading part is annoying it's one make stuff all I remember is the apartments got when I was he was like nicely doing his doing it on the side like that's me every time okay frantic arts and crafts isn't fun it it's branding well there's a timer yet okay got my sauce sauce all good oh that's cute okay broccoli what do you mean cry you didn't really need as well as she could we're on a time limit Bobby died where flavor win I made switch to sushi because then I couldn't like make a roll and then cut it we're almost at the halfway mark though so I hope you'll be happy if I meet anything well the pizza is almost done actually it's telling me that I should need this into like a strip and then kind of spiral it on to the pizza so we're gonna see if this works I can eat this it looks so good I mean the cheese will lick but that's fine there's some pepperonis the roadies the roadies oh god we're past halfway oh no okay I think I can still make sushi I don't think you made you picked something very intricate yes you should have just made food like me nicely make some pepper lovelies trying to salvage my plan by only making like a front of it and not the full thing ah it's not how I wanted this to go but timing wise that's where we're at right now give me the tool okay I think my pizzas it's got to be completed because I gotta start on the second one okay sushi oh those two minutes 30 seconds can I take this what this white yes good I have to or else it wouldn't look like sushi I might be able to make one sushi roll cuz I don't have enough white cuz somebody used all the white it was me I use the tool almost on the tool good done oh no here I'm just gonna focus on this finishing off this one a little bit more my sushis not looking too good I mean sushi isn't art and which time we got 45 seconds cracking up try to make a football oh no my Blues coming out no I can't I messed up the sandwich okay I need the pizza I'm proud of myself in that horse bag I can end happily three seconds where's the laces it looks like a potato real time it goes that's what I was trying to make yeah that's the ghost you see like the white in the blue and the black little ball a little orange and then here's mine it's it's got the right components it's just you know not very good but I tried they try to make a little ghost boy didn't do good and here's my football there it is it's potato I made potato football nice save here's my sushi I in my defence body used all the white I want to focus it's cuz the cameras like okay whatever it's white mush but my saving thing ready guys oh look it's pizza ah oh my god it looks so good look how good it looks look Bobby my pizza with three Oh God two pepperoni one so off I don't know where it was eyes up Darian there it is boop boop okay here's the final results this is mine clearly mines so much more colorful she ended up not so great she had a little trouble there yeah she said she's kind of dark ain't kind of look at the bunny looks good yeah that's the backside oh yes it was good yours probably came in did you look it's way too difficult one I mean the turtle had some intricacies like I try to get the green you know like the like scene a kelp or whatever I guess I thought you didn't help that lion oh well no bad all right well there's gonna be a pole in the top right corner so make sure that you vote on who did the better kids crafts me or Bobby also make sure to LIKE if you want us to do more crafts maybe we'll do knitting next time or fluid art or anything else that does good on YouTube we're all for it yes art and subscribe because look at this art this is pure art subscribe for the art magnificent it's a potato it's terrible [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,557,429
Rating: 4.9673285 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, funny, how to, how to paint, art, i tried, satisfying art, homemade, diy, moriah elizabeth, we tried, fluid art, squishy makeover, kids crafts, 5 minute crafts, slime, adults try
Id: oKvGSbZpQK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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