Trying Terrible Troom Troom COUPLE PRANKS 2

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I have to eat it onion calm calm string ball thing Oh see oh well that really hurts my feelings because I love the taste of onions it's a shallot you guys have been asking for this like constantly so it is finally back true true I'm doing trim trim pranks to my husband Bobby once again it has been so long that I don't think he will be expecting it and that's the perfect time to prank now I haven't been on true truths YouTube in a long time but I did see that they uploaded in July 14 fun do-it-yourself prank / prank wars right up my alley and oh gee golly gosh it got six million views in like a month six million views these better be some freaking amazing pranks also before I start this video one yes I know my shirt is probably gonna get green screen down a little bit but I want to wear it okay so I don't care and also I can do what I want anyway because number two it has been five weeks since my birthday and I still have my birthday superpowers you want to see how like this video do it now do it you can sense my birthday powers coming off of me there they go Oh like this video also after you watch this video leave a comment letting me know which of these pranks was your favorite and with that we gonna get into some pricks can I have some water hold on I'll pour it into a cup hold on I don't want your mouth anywhere near my water bottle I will pour it into this cup that I brought for you you're disgusting bestfriend put a rubber band onto one Oh this is a meringue draw the line cut the cups into the bottom of the other once drink my friend ha ha ha here in deep water was the worst prank I've ever seen to cure what are you doing six six million views so not only with this prank do you get to insult your friend by not letting her drink out of your water bottle but you also get to soak your friend for no real reason this is a prank this is you just be a terrible person alright I'm not doing that what a great day for a prank oh oh make a cone out of cardboard wait wait wait needs unpackage this oops so your friend comes over and accidentally tosses his ice cream into your crotch make a cone out of cardboard but my question is why can't you just buy an ice cream cone for this it would still serve me the same her to make a way for pattern oh my god who has time to watch class time face oh and you're doing detailing painting work nobody has time for this I think I'm gonna do this prank but I'm definitely skipping that whole beginning part because I mean life hacks true true I thought you knew those two life hack I'm just gonna buy an ice cream cone make a ball so I need some foil paint it white okay thread small colorful pom-poms on a string but why why is this important to the prank put the string and the ball into the cone why can't you just put the ball in the cone whitey why is the string necessary Wow I gotta say that looks exactly like ice cream it's uncanny this would fool anybody tell somebody hey I already busted you oops well the prank worked this time so the prank idea is to keep doing it until they get so annoyed that they go to grab your stupid pom-pom foil ball out of the cone but then that time it's actually ice cream and they get messy true true feel like you're kind of stretching your pranks there but I still love you so I'm gonna try this and see if it actually works oh hello there welcome to Lauren's DIY kitchen where we just fail at everything we do but with a smile now these are all the ingredients for our first prank and you may be wondering Lauren some of these ingredients were not on the list of things you needed for this prank you're right let me explain so first off we have some lovely ice cream cones you know the thing that's gonna save me from hours of frustration with this thing trying to create this out of cardboard and hot glue why we're smarter here at Lauren's DIY kitchen so we're using the real thing then of course we have our tin foil for the ball and then um I thought that I had white paint I thought that from my last Duty yourself trim trim prank video I had a whole color scheme of pace I can't find them anywhere I'm guessing maybe I threw them away so I found these really all the nail polishes that I don't use and they're starting to separate because you know I haven't used them for so long and nail polish actually goes back google it I didn't really have white I have this sparkly white and I have these like very very light pink so I figure between the three of them we could cover the ball and I'll say it's strawberry ice cream improvising is the key to life I didn't have string which I thought wasn't necessary because the pom-pom tail is ridiculous anyway but just to say I try it I do have some twine I don't know why but I do and I got so glitter Tom's so I think I'm just gonna use the hot glue gun to stick this on the twine stick that onto my tinfoil nail polish ball and it'll make just as much sense as it did on true-true I feel like this is gonna be such a waste of tinfoil my apologies for the sounds Oh wasn't as loud as I thought oh maybe I don't need as much as I feel like how it hurts how the heck did they get that so smooth I need to see how big these are Oh No oh there's so little Oh No okay I can't make it any bigger but it works let's see if this is a good idea oh it's chunky yeah that's a really old one this is gonna take forever life hack no no just the oils coming out I mean it's making it white we're gonna do it oh I'm getting it I'm getting it I'm getting it I'm getting it all right so I just got done doing two coats of this white nail polish on this ice cream and I thought that the glitter would kind of give it away but it's actually adding this like liquidy element to it that makes it look a little bit more like some ice cream except you can definitely tell that it's not ice cream so we're just gonna put this to the side to dry while we make this completely necessary pom-pom straighten thing all right this is probably good because I don't have a needle I'm now gonna hot glue gun these to the string and then hot glue this to that godly glue is just coming out like lava all that I'm not going quick enough glue the glue is literally everywhere haha I think I have completed it the very important to the prank pom-pom string ball thing now this is probably not dry but we're gonna not glue it to the bottom cool yay I just realized I don't think this is all gonna fit in this no no [Music] mMmmm did not think about that and now it's too late to make an ice cream cone all right you got me true true you got me I understand why you told me to make an ice cream cone now so that I could stick all of this in or could it let's do like half all this time in energy and work for nothing do-it-yourself smaht oh okay we're just gonna stuff this in here there we go oh okay we got half of it in oh crap no kind of want to glue this down but I know the whole point of the prank is to have it come off all right I got cut off one more of you guys sorry pom-poms all right we only got three now oh my god I did it Oh guys I did it Oh oh my god it totally looks like an ice cream cone uh and then you just go oh yay prank all right so I guess nothing wants to do but do whatever this is to body oopsie I dropped my ice cream it's not nice it's a comet asteroid my ice cream bag Esther I need to eat it this yeah it's like a little hat look at you thank you don't ask questions it makes sense okay it just makes sense just makes sense throw your asteroid at me oopsie Oh Oh like oh I'm just so clumsy what are you doing I don't like any of this it's my ice cream do you want some no it's smells really gross and like like spray paint or something oh no it's real it was always real the whole you've been pranked ha ha ha best prank ever how's your ice cream bong well Dexter likes this prank to worked will you give me some M&M Oh No why do they taste so awful cut an onion what why 200 wait a minute open a bag of M&Ms well we got to ruin M&Ms for this No I drew up the candies with the onion juice what put them back ok for the edge with parchment paper and seal it with a heated Flatiron oh-ho shape the edges with scissors yeah that doesn't look tampered with it oh wait you gotta cut all the little zigzags he's such a pain I forgot to tell you these are onion flavored M&Ms okay and then I have to pull out the onion at the end and take a bite out of it so that they know I'm a legitimate crazy person and you probably should not be friends with me Thank You Tube through I've always wanted to know how to get people to know this about me like what are these is my kind of Medicine I could totally work for truth drum see I got the faces down a lot of fun tampering with chocolate for the Christmas prank episode so I'm gonna tamper with chocolate again although for this prank I have to eat an onion to fulfill the prank fully this sounds horrible and not fun at all for me but thanks truth trim you did this to me alright here's one of the ingredients for the next one cinders M&Ms I think this might be a shallot it's pretty much an onion right there are difference between a shallot in an onion I don't know I tried to find the smallest onion possible so I didn't waste a bunch of it but maybe a shallot smells the same as an onion wax paper and my hair straightener you know I'm just gonna be opening one of these and you know just I've been on a healthy eating diet I think working in ways to eat candy in my videos presents for work I don't know how this bag is not gonna look tampered with he's gonna immediately be like you open this bag there's something wrong with it well Bobby you're right there's literally 16 M&Ms in one of these ripoff 8 16 M&Ms per second we're gonna cut this oh it smells like an onion maybe shallots just another type of onion so it's nice and juicy oh god that's gonna be terrible oh I have to eat this I could take a bite of this I forgot oh oh the juice it oh it's their juices oh alright so we just gotta rub this on the M&Ms oh my god I can see the literal juice coming off of this onion onion juice guys it's turning the onion multicolored you know I'm not even gonna taste one of these cuz I just don't want to know rub it in get it okay their colors are definitely running all over the place because of the juices yeah look yeah now we're gonna funnel these back into the bag they smell like onions there's no way he's not gonna know this was tampered with all right they're all in there so I don't even know I don't even know what that smells like not good all right cuz the package is so little oh whoa I burnt the bag oh god it smells like cooked onions now reseal so nobody knows I tapered with this please don't tamper with anybody's food it's my husband so it's okay all right now I gotta make the little zig zag ease guys if you ever get candy that looks like this it has clearly been tampered with do not eat it please there's no way that he's gonna fall for this there's no friggin way hey Bobby yeah I got candy yeah cuz we've been eating healthy I figured you know what now no it's nothing look at candy it's nothing we're just reporting in here in the news I just want to report people think that I mistreat you so I want to record me giving you treats sure sure you do pick any one you want okay okay yeah I mean it's sealed so there's not like I can do anything to them that's why I bought these sealed packages of M&Ms that definitely have not been tampered with in any way yeah they're gonna poison me if I touch them no gross all right Jack to eat one yeah please do they taste it oh is it onions was it that bad yeah I'm not getting any more of that what what did you do to this nothing I mean how would I possibly put onions in there No so no you don't like it no it was disgusting well that really hurts my feelings because I love the taste of onions I go do that to eat that I would rather eat take a bite of this oh it's so bad this onion smell it's not an argument it's a shallot it begs what the hell is wrong with you did you try it no yeah Oh I thought a shallot and the onion was the same thing what are you doing you robbed like the juicy so you want any more should I throw them away this is this was the worst prank of all they're usually funny or like surprisingly taste okay or I don't know but this just sucks this is the worst one ever so should I like throw those away yeah or you want to eat them are those regular M&Ms yes really they get their grade shall it not even onions shallot taste out of my mouth wait so you went to the store to buy onion even now look at shelling it was an onion section one onion why looking up with a shallot yet yeah it was a shallot huh what is the difference between an onion and a shallot shallots having sweet and mild although pronounced bleep oh it's pronounced with a hint of garlic yeah and lack vinegar it says it lacks the bite there's no it's not a bite it's like a takes a dump on you what a serious phobia so this girl freakin hates bugs you can tell from her I hate bugs pin on her shirt and the I hate bugs tote bag that she clearly made herself and she sprang bug spray everywhere clearly this girl has you know some issues with bugs look look at her she looks distressed oh great here's her trunk room friends our prank will definitely make her day put a toy beetle into a pack of wet white I know that you have this horribly crippling anxiety and fear about bugs so I'm gonna use that that is not a that is not a bee cover that it's a spider maybe she just hate these here clean your hands they're just messing with her this is so mean oh they're legit evil people yeah we traumatize our friend high-five whoo oh wow making fun of her friend who has a bug phobia like did you see her oh ha ha ha what okay I'm not doing that prank because it's stupid let's see what else my new prank is fire what make the bristles out of an old brush color matches with acrylic paint and stick them into the base of the brush this is escalating where are we going with this assemble the brush I'm actually pretty much looks like a brush brush my hair wait a minute wait a minute is is the goal to try and get your friend to use this hairbrush until it sets her hair on fire true true this also seems really really tedious and dangerous so you know what I'm gonna do it here's my ingredients for this one I went to the store and I found this hairbrush that looks almost exactly like the one that they use with the squiggly things and everything it's even got this mirror on the bed as you can see it works as intended I have some matches like I said earlier I don't have paint like I thought I was gonna use the nail polish for this but then I read that the nail polish is flammable and I don't think these are but you know don't try this at home either way so basically instead of painting the matches I'm gonna like color them in with these and this is gonna take a really long time so first I have to get this part out they don't know how easy this is gonna be okay not easy oh these things are just coming out if I bite them out true drum is making me eat a literal brush right now anything for the DIY that's my motto I mean this is working really well the inside is coming out like I originally wanted okay I did it it took freakin forever here they all are now I need to go through and paint all of these matches and put them all in here why did I agree to do this so the red will definitely look the best because the top is already red and there is the first one of like a hundred oh it does fit okay [Music] this is what I made um I ran out of matches and I learned quickly that the only color that would actually work and not look weird I mean it was weird regardless was right because the tips were already red so I markered all of them red now my fingers look like I have some sort of disease or that I worked them bloody which amazingly did because this took me so freakin long oh alright what do I do with it alright now that I've made my hairbrush aka fire deathtrap let's see what we do with it my hair is tangled all the time this girl is a legitimate psychopath my prank is a fail wait turns out I was painting matches for nothing what the troops room just tell me to do a prank that they knew would not work and that I spent all this time painting tiny little matches to put them into a hairbrush that I had to ruin for this prank so I've ruined a hairbrush spent so much time painting matches taking all the stuff out putting the new matches in and now you're telling me that it doesn't even do anything but what's funny in a best-case scenario where this prank actually worked her friend would have third-degree burns to her scalp and no hair this is definitely a prank fail but I'm gonna give the hairbrush to Bobby anyway and see what he thinks of it oh and maybe we'll see if we can actually like set it on fire or not not on Bobby though not on Bobby obviously don't try this at home should I try it on myself could you imagine just lit my hair on fire I mean it kind of works it's brushing my knots out yay as you can see it's not really a fully bristled cuz I ran out but you know what it works ah Wow okay thank you I guess oh do you like it yeah it's good does it feel like a hairbrush I hope so what is it it's a hairbrush is it though yeah what if I told you these were matches you were in danger just now I could have set you on fire matches their matches works want to help me set it on fire no I like it it works really good no give me my hair Nick give me I want to set this on fire we're going outside okay fun Lauren is gonna try and light this on the rocks I think yeah all right have fun it's not gonna work I don't think you know I do not try this at home Jr Bobby they're not strike-anywhere matches ah they're waterproof ones I think yeah they are one so I can light it on fire put it in that I like that this is the first thing we're gonna burn in our fire pit yeah thanks Jim Jim keep going come on yeah drilling it's exciting you're enjoying this this could have been my hair this could have been you good thing we did it in a safe fire pit be safe controlled environment take a birthday cake happy birthday - wait a minute this is the bug girl from earlier now the trauma of this bug Frank has sent her into a spiral which I am strong I am independent and I will work out so I can destroy my so-called friends good for you girl plank for five minutes oh she planking I'll track your time attach a printed picture block face to a watch what true true what's happening with your pranks I stopped doing your pride videos for like for a decent amount of months and this is what you do now also this girl has the worst friends feels like forever he's also not very smart if she's staring at her watch and she's like ooh good time it just won't move what's happening Barbara it's a piece of paper hey hang on the watch really is broken Oh could you do this to me how could you do this to me foam rubber ice cream put it onto a stick okay dip it into melted chocolate this sounds interesting oh there we go cool down my evil little prank my evil little prank ice cream looks so good is it for me wait are they not even gonna let it dry oh this is gonna go terribly why are they not letting the chocolate dry you can have it you what is this they shoes just waited a little bit longer for it to dry I got you that seems like what I can do and one that's not too mean but I will be waiting for the chocolate to dry because come on I'm not an animal I can wait this last prank we have some leftover chocolate chips to melt down some sponges I decided to use one of these nail file sticks that I already had and some hot glue of course these are kind of thin so I think I'm gonna glue two of them together with the stick in the middle hot glue is the worst and I'm getting third-degree burns yay love true truth pranks feel like this is not gonna stay together but as good as I can do also these sponges are like kind of wet right out the bag so kind of worried they were like treated with something it said they are just regular sponges I don't know but I'm gonna keep going anyway hope we don't poison Bobbie literally coming out ah think as long as it holds together the melted chocolate will hold this in place look I was melting down the chocolate and everything was going great and I think I burnt the chocolate after a little bit cuz now it's really hard and I definitely cannot dip this into it so we're just gonna smooth on the chocolate before it your eyes real quick oh yeah definitely burnt this you know it's not the prettiest thing but I'm gonna let it harden and then we'll see what it looks like close no hey Bobby can you come to the kitchen I made you something it smells good at this time though it's onions or shallots earth no no I wouldn't do that place I wouldn't do it to you look it's a I learned enemy know like cake pops this this is like a big size of the cake I can't trust this at all like cake God's not gonna eat this it looks really good right it's like my I'm sorry gift for putting you through everything see it feels like a cake hey can you see okay I don't know you can even see like what's wrong with my cake like it looks like a cake what is it it's a cake try budding from another angle to the sponge I mean it's two sponges and some crazy glue in the middle that you did not get to so you're not poisoned was the chocolate good no hold on what was gonna be then a chocolate colored sponge that's a me and printing all right guys well you might be a great body cigar stop it we by breaking me dude do it that's all I'm saying Frank Bobby stop it I don't want doing what they want this is what they hear you guys want you sponge eat a sponge I'll put some shallots on it - oh man loves me I'm done videos almost every single day and as always I will see you guys food what would you say [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 3,091,787
Rating: 4.9541597 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, couples pranks, troom troom, troom troom pranks, troom troom couples pranks, couple pranks, pranks, prank, reaction, reacting, troom trooms awful pranks, edible pranks, funny pranks, how to, diy, prank ideas, prank wars, how to prank, best pranks, pranks video, pranks on people, school pranks diy, how to prank people, how to prank your friends, pranks troom troom, pranks for school, pranks with girlfriend, pranks with boyfriend, danny gonzalez, crafts, life hacks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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