I Bought The WEIRDEST Amazon Products ...As Christmas Gifts

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do you notice anything weird about it this is not cool my name is Todd so last year Bobby and I did a Christmas gift-giving video where we ordered mystery boxes for each other on eBay that were filled with the weirdest things ever if it made a phone it's a horse bracelet that's a horse bracelet or the zebra zebra bracelet and this is like a pin of Jesus I think a pin of G of L a jingle bells here's a tikibird and we really enjoyed that but I feel like mystery box unboxings or 2018 and we're in 2019 now which is instead the year of weird Amazon products so one of my favorite youtubers to watch Danny Gonzalez did a video where if you went around and looked at some of the weirdest Amazon products out there here's a really fun product the casual daddle saddle and that's where I had my idea to buy my husband Bobby the weirdest things that I could find on Amazon that would also be delivered in a timely manner so that I could give it to him for Christmas so the first thing I bought was featured on Danny's video Archie McPhee handy squirrel looks like it's just a bunch of little finger puppets to turn your little grabbers into a squirrels and it was the thing that made me go oh yes this is one of the weirdest things I've ever seen I must give it to Bob you know for the times that you want to turn your hand into a squirrel unless you're nuts haha you'll realize that having a squirrel on the end of your arm is way more interesting though less practical then your boring old hand this set of five soft vinyl finger puppets it's perfect for climbing trees getting barked at by dogs and burying food for the oh wow Oh No Oh God okay yes Oh No sent this to my sister's house for no reason I like to mail her weird things with no context oh my god this is my people one time I put a bunch of stamps on a potato and mailed it to her anyway she had a party last night and the Handy squirrel was a huge hit people love this thing buy one and get stupid fun I will great products but did not come with an HDMI cable darn I mean nuts nuts gift number one purchased we're doing gift-giving today Christmas gift-giving okay yay yay yay did you bring me anything no remember last year when we gave each other those like mystery boxes mm-hmm a lot of fun yeah we got some weird things more mystery boxes no that's 2018 hundred two thousand nine 2018 so I this year hand picked the weirdest things that I could find on Amazon for you great it is it's gonna be great this is this another prank kind of I think you're gonna love each and every item because I read the reviews and they were they were fantastic for every item that I picked can't wait we're gonna start first with this item Merry Christmas you're welcome any guess it wait any guesses chocolate frogs sure yay oh my god you got to put it on handy squirrel we're not I'll open it for him oh just cuz I think you're gonna get your new it's like yeah weird you know what's even cooler about this shove it on I can't even practice on the tree forage products we're gonna the next oh my god look he's enjoying it already next you're lucky to squirrel it's a little squirrely we cage right right oh you doesn't like anything hello every this really fungus crime Oh give me all your match every light gives the squirrel one nice Yi natch oh I like gift number one what should I name Lindy he's just limbs yeah weird what is happening these are hands on fingers on hands on fingers oh my god there's unicorn hands cat hands panda hands horse hands oh my god I don't like this what is this oh I hate it I hate it so much so I originally wanted to get these hands ception hands but they weren't coming till after Christmas so instead I went for the classic hands on fingers still kind of hand section 416 ratings 35 answered questions what kind of questions did people have are they durable his durable as tiny heads can be with these fit on a child's head no they don't even bid on my adult hands what and here's people using the mini hands oh my god buy these no these are the single greatest purchase I've ever made entertaining fashionable a work of art to anyone on the fence about buying these versus anything else in the world literally nothing can beat the pure joy on people's faces when they see your beautiful new hands you will have to watch out though everyone is going to want them you will have to fight off many people to keep your precious hand safe they're more than finger puppets they become part of your soul this is the most intense review of ever read I need to buy them great for marrying leprechauns oh my oh my god somebody wrote an entire thing about a leprechaun war okay well I'm glad that you really like that gift because this gift is kind of similar you have to guess it sure not a chocolate frog no similar yeah well have you ever like I know have you ever wondered what it would be like if you had more hands yes I think have you ever wanted more hands you're like a small hand what is with these things surprise you all finger puppet series I don't know it was also on the page with the squirrels and I was here because it's similar oh it doesn't match your skin tone people aren't gonna know it's real you look like you know those like peanut it was like alright let's move on from the bigger puppet things to gifts that will give you nightmares like the face queen bag money eating coin Bank I searched weird on Amazon and I was not disappointed worth every penny especially the ones you feed it it's so creepy with its little beady eyes and rubber skin it's awesome and a lot of the reviews say that it doesn't work made a funny gift for a young adult do too means you know the means young adults love memes oh my god there's a video it looks so scary oh oh it's weird oh it's so weird why does this exist it's gonna be in our house it's gonna haunt us Bobbie sleep it's gonna eat us while we sleep well this is gonna be terrible but you know I think Bobbie will love it what's next gotta take off your previous gift alright okay so apparently so far this has been a failure why cuz you're supposed to be weirded out with your beer without buying your gifts I think this is gonna do it there's no way there's no way you're getting Oh what is it Oh folks cute open it this this is not cool yeah it may eat Oh slow asleep but don't worry I've batteries oh we need money or maybe we can just have it eat our finger I don't like this at all no okay oh I don't like it oh my god it's nightmares it's nightmare scary oh my god oh it's gonna kill us in our sleep tonight Merry Christmas web overs want it thanks Lauren yay so it's a put it's a bank see put no no put money in it stop trying to make out with the bank you're supposed to put money in it it's all wet now when you make it out with it does it hurt no he doesn't want me but he doesn't like it you don't like this he doesn't like it he's staying far away Dexter cuz dips are sense of the evil Christmas moving on to the next nightmare fuel item it's so bad it's so what do you need this for I mean I guess somebody could use it to like rob a play a bank somewhere so that when people call it in there like 9-1-1 what's your emergency oh my god we were robbed calm down ma'am what did the robber look like he was a man wearing the skin of another man oh god well then we're just gonna let him go that sounds horrible like this image is slightly scary but then you see it in actual use oh no great head for all humans other humans think you are a human - who 5 stars - low as there are billions of stars in your galaxy enough well I'm glad there was an alien that was satisfied with their purchase great mask I love the photo image it looks so real oh no what happened okay I guess it's who changed me you're gonna bless the Sun and a different out we do ah I guess it's a different day yeah this took a little longer to get but I also didn't wrap it because it's been like two days since the last filming session so here you go wait mine it may be my favorite a license plate oh it's a pretty boy mask put it on oh my god we know Oh give normal face what I'm holding so scary it would scare intruders oh my god Dexter oh hey it's me oh my god my face on sometimes pretty boys faces aren't on the street okay hey it's me pretty boy Z sad for life you know oh my god sup guys it's me pretty boy it's Christmas we're just opening up some gifts that we got randomly for for me pretty boy I hope you like it you're liking these gifts way more than I anticipated oh yeah your nose where the eyes are I can't really see but it's fine my name's Todd you don't look normal make sure you subscribe do it now or I'll haunt you tonight like this video or else Todd will get you married before I reveal the last gift this is the runner-up gift that was also in Dana Gonzalez's videos I just had to make people aware of it if you didn't see that video that this exists and I was gonna buy it to be part of this video but it wasn't gonna be here in time for Christmas as you can see now I have companionship oh my god we have so much in common like our love for breathing and other life saver must buy old woman is amazing who are these people I love you Nana there's a random ham sandwich with a bite taken out and then there's this cute oh my god so sad that I didn't get this but you want to know what I did get instead cat butt tissue older oh yes it was the most expensive thing I bought also Bobby's not a fan of cat so this is an even better gift for him but it's exactly as it sounds it holds tissues that you pull out of its butt and it is the greatest oh my god why don't they zoom into the face oh my god there's a video Oh wet whale oh my god it even pulls other cats oh my god there's stop-motion they just pooped out tissues this is the greatest gift ever it's perfect my father hates it he said it was the most disgusting gift he has ever received this product is exactly what I expected it to be he's gonna love this all right now you got to pick up the big one if you're trying to attack my pasta press down here oh I used all the wrapping paper to wrap everything in the fridge from video yesterday you're gonna love it oh my god it's giant it's huge oh my god I mean it was like $40 oh my god it's giant why would you get me a cat what is this no one has a purpose do you notice anything weird about it hang on there's a whole box of tissues Dexter don't like it it's a cat of course it is oh my god here you go it is a cat tissue box but look yay how much fun was that next wasn't like it especially you want one no he wants this oh he wants the cat oh god oh oh that was the most expensive one too this is reading I just wanted a wife so big at work I didn't think it was gonna be that big what are we gonna do it no huh I don't like this I don't wanna give it away is this your least favorite game yes don't like this at all that's not weird while I wasn't holding it boy please don't do face my cat while I'm trying to snuggle with it stop pulling things out if it's fun I'm gonna put it back in I hate it I love it but I hate it I will cherish this I'm gonna put it out in the guest bathroom so everybody everybody who visits my season [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 922,530
Rating: 4.9761238 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, danny gonzalez, funny, react, reaction, reacting, amazon, weirdest amazon products, weird amazon products, strange amazon products, testing, buying, gifting, unboxing, bobby
Id: Exdugn7fvxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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